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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Making a difference评优课教学课件ppt

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    核心词汇 教材原句p.17 Since 1953,UNICEF has taken up an extended missin t help children in the develping wrld... 自1953 年以来,联合国儿童基金会承担了一项长期使命,帮助发展中国家的儿童…… 1 take up 开始从事;开始担当;对……产生兴趣;占用,占据Have yu ever thught f taking up acting? 你想过去当演员吗? The minister tk up ffice in December. 这位部长是在12月份上任的。 The teacher suggested that the by shuld take up the challenge bravely. 老师建议这个男孩应该勇敢地接受挑战。Rger tk painting up fr a while, but sn lst interest. 罗杰有段时间喜欢上了绘画,但很快就又没了兴趣。The pian takes up t much rm. 这架钢琴太占地方。
    【归纳拓展】 take apart 拆开,拆卸   take back 收回(前言);退回 take dwn 写下,记下   take in 吸收;欺骗;收留;理解 take n 呈现;雇用;承担   take ver 接管,接任take ff(飞机)起飞;脱下(衣服);突然开始成功;休假【一言助记】Since Jack tk up the wrk as an editr,he has taken up editing articles,which takes up mst f his spare time. Thugh his wife has always cmplained abut it,he still takes the wrk up. 自从杰克接受 了那份做编辑的工作以来,他便开始编辑文章,这占用了他的大部分业余时间。尽管他的妻子一直对此抱怨,但他仍然继续他的工作。
    写出下列句中 take up 的含义(1)Jhn tk up tennis in his childhd. ________________    (2)[词汇复现]The headteacher takes her duties up in August. ______________     (3)The big desk takes up t much space. ______________     (4)I’ll try nt t take up much f yur time. _______________    单句语法填空 (5)I dn’t want this big clur TV nw,fr it takes       t much rm. (6)Dn’t be taken       by prducts claiming t help yu t lse weight in a week. (7)There is still tw hurs befre ur plane takes      ,s take yur time. (8)Yu needn’t take        whatever yur teacher says in class. (9)China has taken        a new lk in the past few years. (10)[词汇复现]I’m srry t have made yu embarrassed. I’ll take       what I said.
    2 extend v. 持续;延伸;扩大;延长extend a rad/huse 扩建公路 /房子 extend the deadline 延长最后期限 The caves extend fr sme 18 kilmetres.那些洞穴深约 18 千米。 The highway shuld be extended 200 kilmetres t that twn. 这条公路应延长 200 千米到那座城镇。The bar has recently extended its pening hurs. 这个酒吧最近延长了营业时间。【单词积累】 extensin n. 扩大,延伸    extensive adj. 广阔的,广大的
    单句语法填空 (1)The terrible fire last week caused        ( extend)damage. (2)He first entered Britain n a six-mnth visa, and was given a further       (extend) f six mnths. (3)With the rad f ur village        ( extend),it is cnvenient fr us t travel utside.
    教材原句p.17 thse living with diseases r disabilities, and thse affected by rapid mdernisatin and envirnmental prblems. ……包括那些患有疾病或残疾的儿童,以及那些受到快速现代化和环境问题影响的儿童。3 disability n. 残疾,残障peple with disabilities = the disabled 残疾人 a physical/mental disability 生理缺陷 /心理障碍 a learning/reading disability 学习 /阅读障碍 In many ways my disability has helped me grw strnger psychlgically and becme mre independent. 在许多方面,我身体的残疾倒使我心理上变得更加坚强、更加独立。[词汇复现] 【单词积累】 able adj. 能的,有能力的→ disable v. 使残疾,使丧失能力→ disabled adj. 残疾的,无能力的→ disability n. 残疾,残障able adj. 能的,有能力的→ unable adj. 不能的,无能力的 able adj. 能的,有能力的→ enable v. 使能够
    单句语法填空 (1)Making fun f the       (disable)is smething we shuld never d. (2)Thse with       (disable)shuld be treated equally. (3)I d think he has bth physical and mental       (disable). (4)[词汇复现]Only teamwrk will   (able)us t pull ur weight. (5)Since the accident,he has cmmitted himself t raising mney fr peple with ____________ (disable).
    教材原句p.18 He’s sensitive and rather serius,which smetimes makes him appear t be a little bkish. 他敏感而且相当严肃,这有时使他显得有点儿书生气。4 sensitive adj. 敏感的,容易生气的;善解人意的;灵敏的搭配: be sensitive t 对……敏感 be sensitive abut 介意,在乎 It is bvius that she is very sensitive t what yu said. 很明显,她对你说的话很敏感。He is a sensitive and intelligent yung man. 他是一个善解人意、非常聪明的年轻人。a highly sensitive electrnic camera一台高度灵敏的电子摄像机 【词语辨析】sensitive 与 sensible I have t be very careful with what I say because she’s s sensitive. 我说话必须非常小心,因为她太敏感了。I think the sensible thing t d is t call and ask fr directins. 我觉得明智之举是打个电话问好路。
    单句语法填空 (1)Cmpared with his sister,Jerry is even mre sensitive        emtinal and relatin-ship prblems. (2)He was very sensitive        his scar and thught everyne was staring at him. (3)They have set up several highly        ( sense)electrnic cameras n the rad. 选词填空(sensible/sensitive) (4)Sme plants are         t light and they prefer shade. (5)It wuld be        t take an umbrella. (6)It is        t buy the mst up-t-date versin. (7)[词汇复现]Dn’t be s       —I wasn’t criticising yu.
    教材原句p.18 She’s usually very shy,but she’s generus and never hesitates t help. 她通常很害羞,但她很慷慨, 帮助别人从不犹豫。5 generus adj. 慷慨的,大方的;宽宏大量的,仁慈的搭配: be generus t sb. 对某人慷慨 be generus with sth. 在某方面大方;不吝啬某物 It’s generus f sb. t d sth. 某人做某事真是慷慨。 I hpe all f us can be as generus as him and elect t dnate bld. 我希望我们大家都能像他一样慷慨献血。[词汇复现] Althugh he was nt rich,he was very generus t his needy friends. 他虽然不富有,但对贫困的朋友却很慷慨。Jim is very generus with his time. 吉姆很不吝惜他的时间。 It was generus f them t ask Anna alng. 他们邀请安娜一起去,真是大方。a generus mind 宽阔的胸怀  【单词积累】 generusly adv. 慷慨地,大方地 genersity n. 慷慨,大方 mean adj. 吝啬的,小气的
    单句语法填空 (1)These vlunteers are very generus        the ld men. (2)The graduate is very generus        his time in helping thers. (3)It is generus f yu       (lend) yur prtable cmputer t me. (4)[词汇复现]Thank yu fr cntributing        (generus)t the schlarship fund. (5)[词汇复现]She accepted his aplgy with great        (generus). 完成句子 (6)[词汇复现]   ( 你真慷慨)t dnate s much mney t the Prject Hpe.
    It’s generus f yu
    6 hesitate v. 迟疑,犹豫搭配: hesitate abut/ver 对……犹豫 hesitate t d sth.(因有顾虑而)不愿意做某事dn’t hesitate t d sth. 尽管做某事 She hesitated slightly befre answering the detective’s questin. 在回答警探的问题之前,她稍稍犹豫了一下。My mther never hesitates t tell me when I lk bad. 如果我气色不好,我母亲总是毫不犹豫地告诉我。When yu cme acrss any difficulty,dn’t hesitate t turn t me fr help. 当你遇到困难时,尽管找我帮忙。【单词积累】 (1)hesitatin n. 犹豫,迟疑withut hesitatin 毫不犹豫地 have n hesitatin in ding sth. 非常愿意做某事I have n hesitatin in recmmending Ms Shapur fr the jb. 我非常乐意推荐沙普尔女士做这项工作。(2)hesitant adj. 犹豫的,踌躇的Yu seemed a bit hesitant abut recmmending that restaurant—is smething wrng with it? 你似乎不是很愿意推荐那家餐厅——它有什么问题吗?
    单句语法填空 (1)We hpe that yu will nt hesitate        ( make)us aware f any shrtcmings which yu may find in this plan. (2)When seeing the drwning girl struggling in the river,he jumped int it t save her withut        (hesitate). (3)She gave me a        (hesitate)smile. 完成句子 (4)[词汇复现]    ( 尽管求助于)Agny Aunt if yu have any difficulty. (5)I didn’t      fr a mment    (毫不犹豫)taking the jb.
    Dn’t hesitate t turn t  
    教材原句p.19 In China,vlunteers are als playing an increasingly imprtant rle in envirnmental prtectin, disability assistance and many ther fields. 在中国,志愿者在环境保护、残疾人救助及许多其他领域也正发挥着越来越重要的作用。7 assistance n. 帮助,援助搭配: cme t ne’s assistance 来帮助某人 with the assistance f 在……的帮助下;借助于…… Can I be f any assistance,madam? 这位女士,我可以帮上什么忙吗? During my secretary’s absence,she came t my assistance. 我的秘书不在时,她来帮助了我。With the assistance f my friend,I gradually adjusted t the new schl. 在朋友的帮助下,我逐渐适应了新学校。[词汇复现] 【单词积累】 assist v. 帮助,协助 assistant n. 助手assist sb. in/with sth. = assist sb. in ding sth.帮助某人做某事Yu will be expected t assist the editr with the selectin f illustratins fr the bk. 希望你能帮助编辑为本书挑选插图。
    单句语法填空 (1)With the       (assist)f the scial media,we can get the infrmatin we need mre quickly. (2)Artificial intelligence has becme a brilliant        (assist)in ur daily wrk. (3)He ften assists his mther        huse-wrk when he is at hme. (4)When he was in cllege,he ften assisted his prfessr in        (cllect)the data f the experiment. 完成句子 (5)When a yung man nticed that a girl culdn’t get her cat ff the tree,he_____________________     (来帮她). (6)[词汇复现]         (在……的帮助下)his friends,the prblem was reslved eventually.
    came t her assistance  
    With the assistance f  
    教材原句p.19 A reference frm smene wh knws yu fr cnfirmatin 一份认识你的人的推荐信以作证实8 cnfirmatin n. 证实,证明;确认函There has still been n fficial cnfirmatin f the reprt.这则报道仍未得到官方证实。There is n frmal cnfirmatin s far that he is at liberty. 目前还没有正式确认他已经获得人身自由。We will send yu written cnfirmatin f ur ffer shrtly.我们很快会给您寄去我们的书面报价确认函。【单词积累】cnfirm v. 证明,证实;确认 cnfirm that... 确认……;证实……
    单句语法填空 (1)I’m still waiting fr        (cnfirm) f the test results. (2)I am calling        (cnfirm)my flight t Hangzhu at 8 ’clck tmrrw. (3)Flights shuld        (cnfirm)48 hurs befre departure.
    be cnfirmed
    重点句式 教材原句p.17 As in the wrds which were spken by Ryan, we need t nt nly dnate mney but als get new ideas. 正如瑞安所说,我们不仅需要捐款,而且需要获得新的想法。 nt als... 不但……而且…… nt als... 是并列连词,连接两个对等的成分,如主语、谓语、宾语、表语、状语等,还可连接两个分句。Nt nly sme students but als the teacher likes this painting. 不仅是一些学生,老师也喜欢这幅画。Only then did he knw that smking was nt nly harmful t himself but als t thers. 直到那时他才知道,吸烟于人于己都有害。【学法点拨】 ( 1)nt als... 连接两个主语时,强调的是后面的主语, 谓语动词应和后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”。谓语动词遵循“就近原则”的结构还有(既不…… 也不……),(要么……要么……),(不是…… 而是……)。( 2)nt als... 连接两个分句且 nt nly 位于句首时,nt nly 后的分句要用部分倒装语序,但but als 后的分句不倒装,即“前倒后不倒”。 Nt nly did he turn up late,but he als frgt his bks. 他不但迟到了,还忘了带书。
    单句语法填空 (1)Nt nly the students but als the teacher        (cmpete)in the sprts event at the mment. (2)Either yu r ne f yur students        ( be)t attend the meeting that is due tmrrw. (3)[词汇复现]Nt nly yu and I but als Peter, the tp student in ur schl,_______        ( be)unable t reslve the prblem. (4)Nt nly my sister but als my parents       (like)this TV play. (5)Nt nly       (d)the sun give us light,but it als gives us heat. 同义句转换(6)Mary nt nly speaks French but als knws hw t type. → ,but she als knws hw t type.
    is cmpeting  
    Nt nly des Mary speak French 
    单元语法 过去分词作定语1 过去分词作定语的概念及位置 过去分词作定语,相当于形容词,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词或代词,它所修饰的名词、代词与之构成被动关系。单个的过去分词作定语时,常放在被修饰词之前;过去分词短语作定语时,常放在被修饰词之后。Her jb was t take care f the wunded sldier.她的工作就是照料这个受伤的士兵。The car stlen last week was later fund near the river.上周被盗的那辆汽车后来在河附近找到了。【学法点拨】 ( 1)个别单个的过去分词,如 shwn,adpted,left,given,invlved, wanted,gained,cncerned,prvided 等作定语时习惯后置。 After cmpleting and signing it,please return the frm t us in the envelpe prvided. 填完表格并且签名之后,请把表格放入我们提供的信封内送回。( 2)过去分词修饰 smething,everything,anything,nthing,nbdy 等不定代词或指示代词thse 时必须后置。Jim sld mst f his things. He has hardly anything left in the huse. 吉姆卖了他的大部分东西。他没剩什么在房子里了。
    单句语法填空(1)T return t the prblem f water pllutin, I’d like yu t lk at a study ____________    (cnduct)in Australia in 2012. (2)They might just have a place       ( leave)n the writing curse. (3)The prducer cmes regularly t cllect the cameras       (return)t ur shp fr quality prblems. (4)Is there anything       (plan)fr tnight? 完成句子 (5)The            (尴尬的父亲) std there saying nthing. (6)The prblem   (会议上被提及的)needs cnsidering.
    embarrassed father  
    mentined at the meeting
    2 过去分词作定语表示的意义及物动词的过去分词作定语,表示被动和完成。不及物动词的过去分词作定语没有被动意义,只表示完成。There is a nte pinned t the dr saying when the shp will pen again. 在门上钉着的那个便条的内容是这家商店何时再开张。(表示被动、完成) A ntice was put up in rder t remind the students f the changed lecture time. 张贴了一张通告,以提醒学生们讲座时间的变化。(表示完成) biled water = water that has biled开(过的)水 the fallen leaves = the leaves that have fallen落叶
    【误区警示】 ( 1)某些表示人的情绪变化的动词,如 interest,bre,wrry, frighten,surprise 等,通常用系表结构表示状态,其过去分词大多已转化为形容词,因此,作定语时表示的是状态而不是被动含义,意为“感到……的”。The frightened baby kept crying. 受到惊吓的婴儿不停地哭泣。Frm his disappinted lk,I knw he didn’t pass the examinatin. 从他的失望表情看,我知道他没有通过考试。( 2)这类动词有两种形容词形式:-ing 形式和 -ed 形式,要注意它 们的区别。a surprising result一个令人吃惊的结果  the surprised by 那个感到惊讶的男孩  the disappinting news 令人失望的消息 
    单句语法填空 (1)They’d like t rent a       (furnish) huse. (2)The washing machines       (make) in ur factry are f high quality. (3)       (imprve)railway transprt is essential fr business. (4)His mther is a       (retire)teacher and she is very patient with children. (5)The gardener began t pile up       (fall)leaves. (6)There was a       (satisfy)expressin n her face. Clearly,the emplyee left a gd impressin n her. (7)I waved at the       (excite)children and said gdbye t them. (8)[词汇复现]He aplgised t his mther fr hiding the       (break)vase under the table.
    3 过去分词(短语)作定语与定语从句的关系 过去分词(短语)作后置定语时,相当于一个含有被动语态的定语从句。Did yu accept the invitatin given(= that/which had been given)by the tur guide? 你接受那个导游的邀请了吗? I am fnd f the fd cked(= that/which is cked)by yur mther. 我喜欢你妈妈做的饭菜。The experience gained(= that/which was gained)thrugh this jurney will help me get ver difficulties in life in the future. 通过这次旅行获得的经验将帮助我在未来的生活中克服困难。【误区警示】过去分词(dne)与现在分词的被动式(being dne)的区别:过去分词表示动作已完成;现在分词的被动式强调动作正在进行中。The railway built last year cnnects the village t a large city. 去年修 建的铁路把这个村庄与一座大城市连接了起来。(已经被修建) The railway being built nw will cnnect the village t a large city. 现在正在修建的铁路将把这个村庄与一座大城市连接起来。(正在被修建)

    外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 6 Disaster and hope优秀教学ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 6 Disaster and hope优秀教学ppt课件,共36页。

    高中英语Unit 6 Disaster and hope完整版教学ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语Unit 6 Disaster and hope完整版教学ppt课件,共31页。

    外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!一等奖教学ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 What an adventure!一等奖教学ppt课件,共11页。

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          高中英语 必修第三册 外研版 UNIT 2 Section B 教学课件

