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    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 1 Active Learning课文内容ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 1 Active Learning课文内容ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,课文语篇研读,表格填写,课堂新知讲练,◇词汇拓讲,用法详解,◇句式解读,突 破 语 法,观察领悟,追踪练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ.猜词意 A.自动的;无意识的B.认为;假定,假设 C.灵活的,可变通的 D.促进,增进 1.It is reasnable t assume that the ecnmy will cntinue t imprve. (  )2.An autmatic weather statin feeds infrmatin n wind directin t the cmputer. (  )【答案】1-2 BA 
    3.It has lng been knwn that regular exercise prmtes all-rund gd health. (  )4.My schedule is flexible — I culd arrange t meet with yu any day next week. (  )【答案】3-4 DC 
    Ⅱ.猜单词拼写1.likely adj. →_________________ adj. 不大可能的 2.impress v.→_________________ n.印象;感想 【答案】1.unlikely 2.impressin 
    Ⅲ.猜短语填空reflect n, end up ding, be based n1.This nvel is written accrding t histrical facts.=This nvel ______________ histrical facts.【答案】1.is based n 
    2.He ate t much during the hliday. As a result, he gained weight.=He ate t much during the hliday and __________ weight.3.On the plane I was able t lk back n the trip.=On the plane I was able t _______________ the trip.【答案】2.ended up gaining 3.reflect n 
    【答案】1.assume 2.training 3.reflect 
    【答案】4.in 5.pen-minded 6.flexible
    【答案】7.easiest 8.understanding 
    【答案】9.truth 10.judge 
    Ⅱ.阅读理解 (  )1.What d we need t d if we want t be better learners?A.Take part in the learning prcess actively.B.Accept everything we learn.C.Argue with mst active learners.D.Stp being curius.【答案】A
    (  )2.What shuld we d if we are an active learner?A.Pay nly attentin t ur inner vice.B.Pay nly attentin t the uter vice.C.We shuld be pen-minded and fcus n what thers are saying befre making decisins.D.Make a decisin immediately.【答案】C
    (  )3.What is the easiest way t prmte active learning?A.Asking questins.B.Getting t the truth.C.Arguing with yur inner vice.D.Listening t the uter vice.【答案】A
    (  )4.What d active learners d,if smene says that dinsaurs still exist tday?A.Think abut why they believe this.B.Find where the idea cmes frm.C.Think abut whether they have enugh data t supprt it r nt.D.All f the abve.【答案】D
    (  )5.Why d many peple miss ut learning chances?A.Let their feeling get in the way.B.Refuse t learn.C.Ignre what is said because they dislike the speaker.D.All f the abve.【答案】D 
    Ⅲ.判断正误 (  )1.Mst peple think the human brain learns smething all by itself.(  )2.When we are learning,there are three kinds f vices:the inner vice,the uter vice and ur vice.【答案】1-2 TF 
    (  )3.We shuld treat ur inner vices critically.(  )4.All the peple shuld be curius abut what they will learn.(  )5.Active learners shuld judge thers based n first impressins r persnal feelings.【答案】3-5 TTF 
    Ⅳ.匹配段落大意 (  )1.Para. 1 A.Hw t take an active rle in yur active learning.(  )2.Paras. 2-6 B.The pinin f mst peple abut learning and what is active learning.【答案】1-2 BA 
    Ⅴ.课文语法填空Mst peple assume that the human brain learns all by itself. But actually,we need t train urselves t be better learners — t 1._______ (active) take part in the learning prcess and t reflect 2._______ what we have learnt. Belw are five things t take an active rle in yur learning.【答案】1.actively 2.n 
    Listen t the uter vice There are tw 3._______ (kind) f vices:the inner vice and the uter vice. Active learners shuld treat them critically.Argue with yur inner vice If yur inner vice is difficult 4._______ (cntrl),yu can argue with it 5._______ mst active learners d. If s,yu can listen t anther pint f view befre making 6._______ decisin.【答案】3.kinds 4.t cntrl 5.as 6.a 
    Ask questins Asking questins is the 7._______ (easy) way t prmte active learning. The prcess f finding answers 8._______ (help) yu achieve a higher level f understanding abut the tpic.Get t the truth 9._______ (attempt) t find the truth at the heart f each idea will increase yur chance f learning smething.【答案】7.easiest 8.helps/will help 9.Attempting 
    Fcus n the message Active learners shuld separate the message frm the messenger,s they can’t judge peple based n first 10._______ (impress) r persnal feelings.【答案】10.impressins 
    1.reflect vi. & vt. 仔细思考;表达(意见);反映 (P52)We need t train urselves t be better learners-t actively take part in the learning prcess and t reflect n what we have learnt.【翻译】我们需要训练自己成为更好的学习者——积极地参与学习过程并反思我们已经学到的知识。
    It is nt the stry itself but what is reflected in the stry that cunts.不是故事本身而是故事里反映的东西起作用。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Yu shuld set aside sme time ______ (reflect) n yur successes and failures.(2)When the sun’s rays hit the earth,a lt f heat ______ (reflect) back int space.(3)It is a gd chance t reflect ______ what they shuld be thankful fr.【答案】(1)t reflect (2)is reflected (3)n/upn 
    2.argue vi. 争论,争吵 (P53)…yu can argue with it as mst active learners d.【翻译】……你可以像大多数积极学习者那样和它争论。
    ①argue vi. 争论,争吵 vi. & vt. 辩论;主张;说服 argue with sb ver/abut sth与某人就某事争辩 argue fr/against… 赞成/反对…… argue sb int/ut f ding sth 劝说某人(不)做某事 
    ②argument n.争辩;争论 beynd argument 无可争辩 
    I wn’t argue with yu. I wn’t say any mre.我不会和你争论的。我不再多说了。
    【一言串记】The wrkers,wh argued fr their wn rights,had argued with the bss fr a few days,but failed t argue him int giving them a rise in wages.为了自身的权利争论的工人们同他们的老板辩论数日,结果没能说服老板给他们加薪。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)D yu argue fr r ______ the ecnmic refrm?(2)We tried many ways t argue him ______ fllwing ur advice,but in vain.(3)Sme argued that attentin shuld ________ (pay)t ur heavy rad traffic.【答案】(1)against (2)int (3)be paid 
    完成句子(4)The children are ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ where t spend their hliday.孩子们正在与父母争论去哪里度假的问题。(5)______ ______ ______ ______ that smking is harmful.吸烟有害是无可争辩的。【答案】(4)arguing with their parents ver/abut (5)It is beynd argument 
    ①attempt n.尝试;努力;试图 make an attempt t d/at ding sth 尝试/试图做某事 in an/ne’s attempt t d sth 试图做某事 at ne’s first attempt首次尝试 
    3.attempt n.& vt. 尝试;努力;试图 (P53)They attempt t find the truth at the heart f each idea.【翻译】他们努力从每个观点最核心的地方寻找真相。【用法详解】
    ②attempt vt. 尝试;努力;试图 attempt t d/at ding sth 尝试/试图做某事 ③attempted adj. 尝试的;企图的 an attempted murder/escape 谋杀/逃跑未遂 
    I passed my driving test at my first attempt.我考驾照时一次就通过了。They made an attempt t finish the wrk within a mnth.他们试图在一个月内完成这项工作。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Every time I’ve attempted ______ (cnvince) her, but I’ve failed cmpletely.(2)They made an attempt ______ climbing that hill.(3)A man is being questined in relatin t the ______ (attempt) murder last night.【答案】(1)t cnvince (2)at (3)attempted 
    完成句子(4)She ______ ______ ______ ______ break the wrld recrd.她试图打破世界纪录。(5)I ______ ______ ______ every day anther step twards succeeding at my dreams.我试图把每一天作为向我的梦想迈出的又一步。【答案】(4)made an attempt t (5)attempt t make 
    4.be based n…以……为根据 (P53)Even when an idea sunds entirely unlikely,there may be an aspect f it that is based n truth.【翻译】即使一个想法听起来完全不可能,其中也许有某个方面是基于事实的。
    ①base vt. 以……为根据 base…n… 根据……;以……为基础 ②base n.基部;基地;基础 basis n.基础;基本原则 n the basis f… 根据……;在……的基础上;基于…… ③basic adj. 基本的;基础的 
    British attitudes twards accent have deep rts and are based n class prejudice.英国人对方言的态度根深蒂固,且源于阶级偏见。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)This is the ______ (base) thery f language teaching.(2)Actually,teaching is an art ______ (base) n science.(3)It was based mre ______ German than the English we speak at present.【答案】(1)basic (2)based (3)n 
    完成句子(4)The film ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ written by M Yan.该影片是根据莫言的小说改编的。【答案】(4)is based n a nvel 
    5.exist vi. 存在;实际上有 (P53)S if smene says that dinsaurs still exist tday,think abut why they believe this.【翻译】所以,如果有人说恐龙今天仍然存在,思考一下他们为什么相信这个。
    ①exist in… 存在于……之中 exist n… 靠……为生 There exist(s)/existed…某地有/存在…… ②existence n.存在;生存 cme int existence产生;成立;开始存在 in existence存在 
    D yu knw when this kind f rbt came int existence?你知道这种机器人是什么时候问世的吗?
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)The Devil never ___________. Hw des yur stupid idea finally cme int ___________?(exist) (2)His thught is still ________ existence thugh he died.(3)Scientists have theries abut hw the universe first came ________ existence.【答案】(1)exists; existence (2)in (3)int 
    完成句子(4)They can’t ______ ______ ______ ______ he’s earning.他们靠他挣的那点钱无法维持生活。【答案】(4)exist n the mney 
    6.impressin n. 印象;感想 (P53)Active learners d nt judge peple based n first impressins r persnal feelings.【翻译】积极学习者不会根据第一印象或私人情感来判断他人。
    ①create/leave/make a(n)…impressin n sb 给某人留下……印象 ②impress vt. 印;压印;留下极深的印象 impress sth n/upn sb/ne’s memry 使某人铭记某事 impress sb with sth 某事给某人留下印象 be impressed with/at/by…对……有深刻印象 ③impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的;激动人心的 
    The impressin he made n me was that he was n mre than a reserved yung man.他给我的印象是他只是一个沉默寡言的年轻人。We were deeply impressed by their spirit.他们的精神给我们留下了深刻的印象。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)I want peple t have a gd ______ (impress) f slar cars.(2)She was very ______ (impress) in the interview.(3)Fr sme reasn,she ________ (impress) with my wrk and me.【答案】(1)impressin (2)impressive (3)was impressed 
    1.(P53)If nt,at least yu have “listened t” anther pint f view.【翻译】如果不的话,至少你已经“听过”了另外一种观点。【考点提炼】If nt是省略句。
    【归纳拓展】(1)含有if 的省略句: if nt意为“如果不的话”,是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示否定意义;如果表示肯定意义,则用if s。
    (2)if构成的其他省略形式: if any如果有的话 if pssible如果可能的话 if necessary如果必要的话 if ever如果曾经发生过的话 
    If s,what did yu d t grw these plants?如果这样的话,你做了些什么来种植这些植物?If nt,yu’ll have t wait till 12:30.要是没有,你只能等到12点半了。If pssible,call t find ut abut the cmpany dress cde befre the interview.如果可能的话,面试之前打电话找出该公司的衣着规范。
    【针对练习】将下列句子改为省略形式 (1)If it is pssible,yu shuld try it nce mre._______________________________________________【答案】(1)If pssible, yu shuld try it nce mre.
    (2)Wash it in water and pick ut the small particles,if there are any._______________________________________________【答案】(2)Wash it in water and pick ut the small particles, if any.
    (3)Sme f yu may have finished unit ne. If yu have dne s,yu can g n t unit tw._______________________________________________【答案】(3)Sme f yu may have finished unit ne. If s, yu can g n t unit tw.
    2.(P53)It is true that we cannt help disliking sme peple-this is human nature,after all.【翻译】确实,我们难免会讨厌某些人,毕竟这是人的本性。
    【考点提炼】此句中“It be+adj. +that从句”是固定句式,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。常见的形容词有 necessary/strange/bvius/gd/pssible/likely/clear等。It’s true that I seem t have frgtten yu.我看起来好像确实是把你忘记了。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)It is ______ (bviusly) that they are all putting up their hands vluntarily t answer questins.(2)It is ______ (like)that Native Americans were living in Califrnia 15,000 years ag.【答案】(1)bvius (2)likely 
    完成句子(3)______ ______ ______ ______ ding Tai Chi is gd fr ur health.打太极的确对我们的健康有益。【答案】(3)It is true that 
    3.(P53)It is true that we cannt help disliking sme peple-this is human nature,after all.【翻译】确实,我们难免会讨厌某些人,毕竟这是人的本性。【考点提炼】本句中的cannt help ding表示“禁不住做某事;忍不住做某事”。
    【归纳拓展】help的相关用法如下: (1)can’t help ding sth 忍不住做某事 can’t help but d 只得做;不得不做 help sb with sth/(t) d sth 帮助某人某事/做某事 help yurself (t sth) 使自己动手(夹菜吃、用等) help (…) ut帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难;协助;使(某人)脱离困境 
    (2)with the help f sb=with ne’s help 在某人的帮助下 When we listen t the crsstalk,we cannt help laughing.听相声时,我们会情不自禁地笑起来。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)I think everybdy can’t help ______ (laugh) if they see it.(2)The magician asked them t help him _______ the perfrmance.【答案】(1)laughing (2)with 
    完成句子(3)My father ______ ______ ______ when I lst my jb.当我失业的时候,我父亲帮我摆脱了困境。(4)With s many wrk t d,he can’t help but ______ _____ ______ ______ ______.由于有如此多的工作要做,他不得不向朋友求救。【答案】(3)helped me ut (4)ask his friends fr help 
    【例句观察】1.We need t train urselves t be better learners—t actively take part in the learning prcess and t reflect n what we have learnt.2.If yu keep paying t much attentin t it,yu risk missing imprtant infrmatin.
    3.I suggest ding five things t take an active rle in yur learning.4.They attempt t find the truth at the heart f each idea.5.They refuse t learn r ignre what is said because f wh the speaker/writer is.
    【我的领悟】1 有些动词后习惯跟________作宾语,如:句_________ _______。2.有些动词后习惯跟________作宾语,如:句_______ _________。Keys:1.不定式; 1,4,5 2.动词-ing形式; 2,3 
    一、动词-ing形式作宾语 英语中,介词和部分动词以及动词短语后面可以接动词-ing形式作宾语。具体分析如下: 
    1.下列动词或动词短语只能用动词-ing形式作宾语: cnsider,suggest/advise,lk frward t,excuse/pardn, admit,delay/put ff,fancy, avid,miss,keep/keep n,practice, deny,finish,enjy/appreciate, frbid,imagine,risk, can’t help(禁不住),mind,allw/permit,escape。注意:这些动词接动词-ing形式作宾语时,可加上逻辑主语,如物主代词、名词所有格或名词词组等。
    I wuld appreciate yur calling back this afternn.今天下午如果你能给我回电话,我将非常感激。Practice speaking English every day,and yu will surely imprve yur spken English.每天练习说英语,你必定会提升你的口语。He gt well prepared fr the jb interview, fr he culdn’t risk lsing the gd pprtunity.他为了面试做了充分准备,因为他不想冒失去这个好机会的风险。
    2.下列动词短语后也要用动词-ing形式作宾语: be used/accustmed t,lead t,devte t,stick t,bject t,get dwn t,pay attentin t,can’t stand(无法忍受),give up,feel like,insist n,be busy (in),have difficulty/truble (in),have a gd/wnderful/hard time (in),spend time (in),lk frward t等短语和动词词组后要用动词-ing形式作宾语。
    He has accustmed t living the small village.他已经习惯了住在这个小乡村。We are lking frward t cming t China.我们期待着来中国。D yu have any difficulty understanding their ral English?你理解他们的口语有困难吗?
    二、不定式作宾语 1.下列动词只能用不定式作宾语: decide/determine,learn,want,expect/hpe/wish, refuse,manage,care,pretend, ffer,prmise,chse,plan, agree,ask/beg,help等词后面要接不定式作宾语。
    2.此外,affrd,strive,happen,wait,threaten等也要用不定式作宾语。She pretended nt t hear this matter.她假装没有听说过这件事。We agreed t meet here but s far she hasn’t turned up yet.我们同意在这见面,但到目前为止,她还没有出现。
    三、比较异同 有些动词或动词短语后既可跟动词-ing形式也可跟动词不定式作宾语,但意义有差别: (1)g n t d接着做(另外一件事) g n ding 继续做(同一件事) (2)stp t d停下来做(另外一件事) stp ding停止做 
    (3)remember t d记得要做 remember ding/having dne记得做过 (4)frget t d忘记要做 frget ding/having dne忘记做过 (5)try t d尽力去做 try ding试着去做 
    (6)mean t d打算去做 mean ding意味着做 (7)can’t help t d 不能帮着做 can’t help ding忍不住做 
    【拓展提升】1.allw/permit/frbid/recmmend/advise sb t d sth,也可以与allw/permit/frbid/recmmend/advise ding sth互换。Her parents wuldn’t allw her t g t the party,but she still hpes t.=Her parents wuldn’t allw her ging t the party,but she still hpes t.她父母不允许她去参加聚会,但她还是想去。
    2.动词want,need,require作“需要”讲时,其后要用动词-ing形式的主动形式或不定式的被动形式作宾语。与此用法相同的动词还有deserve(值得)。There is a new prblem invlved in the ppularity f private cars that rad cnditins need t be imprved.=There is a new prblem invlved in the ppularity f private cars that rad cnditins need imprving.私家车备受青睐也牵涉到一个新的问题——路况需要改善。
    3.介词后一般要接动词-ing形式作宾语,但介词but/except后接不定式作宾语,若前有实义动词d,不定式要省略t。She had n chice but t sit in the crner f the classrm,weeping.她除了坐在教室角落里哭泣,别无选择。Standing n the tp f the hill,I wuld nt d anything but enjy the flwing f the cluds arund me.站在山顶,我除了欣赏周围漂浮的云什么也不能做。
    4.有一些使役动词后面接不定式作宾语时,t一般省略。比如:make,let,have等,但用作被动语态时,t不能省略(let除外)。My father made me clean the rm,but I refused.父亲让我打扫房间,但是我拒绝了。
    5.不定式作动词(短语)learn,decide,knw,wnder,shw,tell,understand,explain,teach,advise,find ut等的宾语时,前面常带引导词hw,what,whether,where,when,wh等。At the mment,Tm is cnsidering what t d next.此刻,汤姆正在考虑接下来要做什么。
    6.有些动词可用于“动词+it+形容词/名词+t d sth”结构中,这些动词有feel,find,make,think,believe,cnsider等。I think it pssible t g there n time by walking.我认为步行按时到那里是可能的。
    7.用动词不定式作宾语的形容词有happy,glad,pleased,sure,ready,anxius,eager,free,afraid,willing等。I am very glad t see yu again.再次见到你真高兴。
    一、用所给词的适当形式填空We have all heard f the 1._______ (say), “Reading gd bks is like 2._______ (have) a cnversatin with the finest men f the past centuries. ” By reading bks, we can knw what 3.______ (g) n at hme and abrad. In fact, 4.______ (read) has many benefits. It can 5.______ (bring) us knwledge and pleasure. 【答案】1.saying 2.having 3.is ging 4.reading 5.bring 
    Frm reading a number f bks, we can get a lt. Reading bks enable us 6._______ (braden) ur hrizns, which makes ur life 7._______ (becme) clurful and meaningful. We can nt nly understand hw 8._______ (live) a happy life but als learn new ways f 9._______ (d) things. When we face difficulties, we can slve them peacefully. As smene 10._______ (put) it, “A gd bk is exactly a gd friend. ” 【答案】6.t braden 7.becme 8.t live 9.ding 10.puts 
    二、完成句子1.The secretary was very busy ______ ______ ______. He was far t busy ______ ______ ______ calls.秘书正忙于准备他的报告,他太忙而没时间接电话。【答案】1.preparing his reprt; t answer phne 
    2.I first cnsidered ______ ______ ______, but then I decided ______ ______ ______.我开始考虑写信给他,但是后来我决定给他打电话。3.The tw bys pretended ______ ______ ______ ______ ______,thugh they did nthing.尽管他们什么也没做,但是这两个男孩假装正在努力地学习。【答案】2.writing t him; t phne him 3.t be studying very hard 
    4.My brther regretted ______ ______ ______ given by Prfessr Wang.我哥哥非常后悔错过了王教授的演讲。5.Tm is always frgetting things he has dne. Yesterday,he frgt _____ _____ _____ _____ and lked fr it everywhere.汤姆总是忘记他做过的事。昨天他忘了信已寄出,还到处找那封信。【答案】4.missing the lecture 5.having psted the letter 
    6.He was beginning ____ ____ when he had anther attack.他正在开始恢复时,病突然又发作了。7.What d yu intend ______ ______ when yu get t this place?你打算到这里干什么?8.Have yu ______ ______ ______ in anther way?你已经尝试用另外一种方法做这件事吗?【答案】6.t recver 7.t d 8.tried ding it 
    9.D nt frget ______ ______ thank yu fr peple’s praise.不要忘记对别人的赞美说感谢。10.His wife desn’t ______ ______ inside the rm and ften advises him ______ ______ ______ ______.他的妻子不允许在室内吸烟,经常劝他戒烟。【答案】9.t say 10.allw smking; t give up smking 
    一、单词拼写1.His cllectin f paintings is the mst ______ (印象深刻的),and I was deeply impressed by them.2.He wanted the glass surfaces t ______ (反射) the sky and the city.3.This is the mst magnificent bridge in ______ (存在).【答案】1.impressive 2.reflect 3.existence 
    4.What ______ (证据) was there that ld Tm was helping the whales ut?5.Gun cntrl is a subject abut Americans have ______ (争论) fr a lng time.6.All ______ (尝试) by the experts t cure him failed.7.Accrding t the ______ (数据) released by the schl,70% f the students are wearing glasses.【答案】4.evidence 5.argued 6.attempts 7.data 
    8.______ (忽视) thers n purpse is nt plite fr us students.9.______ (促进) eclgical turism is anther way t help save their habitat.10.The heating system has an ______ (自动的) temperature cntrl.【答案】8.Ignring 9.Prmting 10.autmatic 
    二、用所给词的适当形式填空With the life f high schl 1._______ (apprach) t an end, I have many memries flding in my mind. I can still remember hw unwilling I was t get up early in rder 2._______ (get) t schl n time. “If I had studied much harder befre, I wuld have gne t a better senir high schl,” I said t 3._______ (me). Hwever, I later realised hw much I 4._______ (lve) the schl.【答案】1.appraching 2.t get 3.myself 4.lved 
    The campus is beautiful. The Xinghu Lake, which lies at the side f a small hill, 5._______ (impress) me mst. Surrunded by green trees, I can admire 6._______ (variety) fishes. I ften wander arund the charming lake and see myself 7._______ (reflect) in its clean water. Walking in such an attractive scenery, I feel myself 8._______ (cmplete) relaxed and frget all the pressures. The kind teachers and easy-ging students als warm my heart and cheer me up when I am in lw 9._______ (spirit).【答案】5.impresses 6.varius 7.reflected 8.cmpletely 9.spirits 
    Every time I 10._______ (recall ) my unfrgettable mments, I smile. We’ve all grwn ver these three years.【答案】10.recall 
    三、完成句子1.______ ______ ______ ______,thse affected by the earthquake have mved t the new settlements.在政府的帮助下,那些被地震影响的人们已经搬到了新居。【答案】1.With the gvernment’s help 
    2.Prfessr Smith ______ ______ ______ ______ cmpsitins every Friday.史密斯教授每周五让学生写作文。3.______ ______ ______ ______ they are all putting up their hands vluntarily t answer questins.很明显他们正在自愿地举手回答问题。【答案】2.has his students write 3.It is bvius/evident that 

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory课文ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002329_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory课文ppt课件</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,课文语篇研读,表格填写,匹配段落大意,课堂新知讲练,◇词汇拓讲,用法详解,◇句式解读,突 破 语 法,观察领悟等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots评课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002322_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots评课课件ppt</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,课文语篇研读,表格填写,课堂新知讲练,◇词汇拓讲,用法详解,◇句式解读,突 破 语 法,观察领悟,追踪练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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