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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science优质课教学ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science优质课教学ppt课件,共28页。PPT课件主要包含了课文预习自测, ,to prove,touching,bravery,because,from,Admittedly,however,题组练·领悟方法等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ 阅读理解 (根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. Why des the authr mentin the stry abut Newtn’s thery f gravity?A. T tell the stries behind inventins.B. T supprt the argument f the passage.C. T prve Franklin’s experiment is nt true.D. T shw fictin is mre interesting than truth.2. Frm Paragraphs 2 and 3,what d we knw abut the experiment?A. Only Franklin wanted t knw whether lightning was a frm f electricity.B. Peple had already knwn the cause f lightning befre Franklin’s experiment.C. Franklin taught many children abut his findings in different schls.D. As a scientist Franklin was admired fr his attitude t science.
    3. In which aspect was Franklin’s experiment questined by scientists? A. The details f the experiment. B. His bravery and his scientific apprach. C. The key tied t the string f the kite. D. Whether the experiment ever happened. 4. Which f the fllwing may the authr agree with? A. T see is t believe. B. Every extremity is a fault. C. Bks shuld be read with reservatin. D. Imaginatin is the surce f creatin.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)   It’s said that Benjamin Franklin nce carried ut a famus experiment 1     (prve)that lightning was a frm f electricity. He raised a kite with a piece f string tied t it and a metal key 2      (attach)t the string. When a flash f lightning hit the kite,Franklin gt an electric shck by 3     (tuch)the key. Fr many years,schls 4      (teach)the stry f the experiment. Mre than ne generatin f schlchildren has been amazed by his 5     _________(brave)and his scientific apprach t lking fr the truth. Hwever, new research suggests that the stry may be fictin instead f fact 6      scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually tuched the key,he wuld certainly have died 7      the electric shck. 8   ___________(admitted), fictin is ften 9     (interesting)than the truth. But in science,facts shuld be prved by experiments and research,and 10      great a stry is,we shuld nt always believe everything we read r hear.
    was attached
    have taught
    mre interesting
    Ⅲ 概要写作   阅读课文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    One pssible versin:  It’s said that Benjamin Franklin nce carried ut an experiment with a kite t prve that lightning was a frm f electricity. Hwever,new research suggests that the stry maybe nt entirely true because scientists all agree that Franklin wuld certainly have died if he had tuched the key. Hwever great a stry is,we shuld nt always believe everything weread r hear.
    核心词汇 教材原句p.32 FRANKLIN’S EXPERIMENT:Hw Much Is True? 富兰克林的实验:有多少是真的? 1 experiment n. & v. (1)n. (科学)实验;试验 He arrived at the cnclusin n the basis f the experiment data. 他是根据实验数据得出这个结论的。Scientists are ding experiments t test the effectiveness f the new drug. 科学家们正在做实验来检验这种新药的疗效。[词汇复现]
    (2)v. 做试验,进行实验;试验,试用The schl is experimenting with new teaching methds. 这所学校正在试用新的教学方法。▶【误区警示】 make an experiment 做实验(×)
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)The teacher prvided sme different materials and left the children ________________(experiment). (2)Sme peple feel that        (experiment)n animals is wrng. ▶完成句子 (3)They          (进行了许多实验)t test the thery. (4)Observe carefully if any change ccurs when      (做实验)in the lab.
    t experiment
    did/carried ut a lt f experiments
    (yu are)ding experiments
    教材原句p.32 A metal key was attached t the string. 细绳上绑着一把金属钥匙。2 attach v. 系,绑;贴;固定;连接;附上Attach a recent pht t the applicatin frm. 在申请表上附一张近照。 In China,packets f cigarettes cme with a gvernment health warning attached t them. 在中国,香烟的包装盒上都印有政府的健康警示。T be hnest,a lt f peple attach great imprtance t becming rich and famus. 说实在的,很多人认为名和利很重要。The research unit is attached t the university. 这个研究单位附属于大学。▶【误区警示】 以上attach 短语中的t 均为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)Mre and mre peple are beginning t attach imprtance t        (live)a lw-carbn(低碳)life. (2)With a label       (attach)t each piece f luggage,it is easy fr passengers t recgnise their wn luggage. ▶完成句子 (3)My parents always __________________________(非常重视)my study. (4)The schl       (附属于)Beijing Nrmal University.
    attach great imprtance t
    is attached t
    教材原句p.32 electricity was cnducted thrugh the string t the key. ……电流通过绳子传到钥匙上。3 cnduct v. 传导(热、电);实施,进行;带领,引导;指挥;表现Cpper cnducts electricity well.铜的导电性能好。 The experiments were cnducted by Chinese scientists. 这些实验是中国的科学家们做的。[词汇复现] Hw yu chse t cnduct yur private life is yur wn business! 你选择怎么过你的私生活是你自己的事! May I cnduct yu t yur table,sir? 先生,我可以带您去餐桌吗? Wh’s cnducting at tnight’s cncert? 今晚的音乐会谁担任指挥? What annyed his parents was that he didn’t cnduct himself well at the party. 令他父母恼火的是他在聚会上表现不好。
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)[词汇复现]Experiments f this kind        ( cnduct)in bth the U. S. and Eurpe well befre the Secnd Wrld War. (2)[词汇复现]T reslve the prblem,I’d like yu t lk at a study       (cnduct) in Australia. (3)The vilence       (cnduct)by the strikers has a bad effect n the lcal ecnmy. ▶完成句子 (4)We              (正在进行一项调查)t find ut what ur custmers think f their lcal bus service.
    had been cnducted
    are cnducting a survey
    教材原句p.32 Mre than ne generatin f schlchildren has been amazed by his bravery and his scientific apprach t lking fr the truth. 不止一代学生叹服于他的勇气与追寻真理时采用的科学方法。4 apprach n. & v. (1)n. 方法,方式;接近,靠近;通路,路径This is a gd apprach t keeping sil rich. 这是一个保持土壤肥沃的好方法。Many kinds f birds fly suth at the apprach f winter. 很多种鸟在冬天来临之际飞向南方。All the appraches t the palace were guarded by trps. 通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队守卫。
    (2)v. 接近,靠近;对付,处理;接洽Everything cmes t life when spring is appraching.春天来临,万物复苏。 I’m nt sure hw t apprach the prblem. 怎样处理这个问题,我没有把握。▶【词语辨析】apprach,way,means 与 methd
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)The detective heard ftsteps        ( apprach). (2)The best apprach t       (build)up yur bdy is t d exercise every day. (3)Hwever,there are als sme prblems        this teaching methd. (4)        this way,we can get alng with each ther happily and peacefully. (5)What we need are new appraches        slving the prblem. ▶完成句子 (6)[2019·天津卷]   (如果一个孩子走近他),he will pause t give that child his undivided attentin. (7)                   (随着秋天的临近),it gets cler and cler. (8)The schl has decided t          (采用一种不同的方法) t discipline.
    If a child appraches him
    With the apprach f autumn/With autumn appraching
    adpt a different apprach
    教材原句p.32 Franklin,alng with many ther scientists,has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments are imprtant in rder t establish the truth and t cntribute twards later scientific discveries and inventins. 富兰克林与许多其他科学家一道,激励并教导我们科学实验对于推定真理与推动后来的科学发现及发明而言都至关重要。5 alng with 与……一起Prfessr Smith,alng with his assistants,is wrking n the prject day and night t meet the deadline. 史密斯教授和他的助手们正夜以继日地做这个项目以如期完成。Why dn’t yu take him alng with yu when yu g? 你去的时候,为什么不带他一起去呢? ▶【误区警示】 当主语后有alng with,with,tgether with,as well as,in additin t,rather than,including 等引导的短语时,谓语动词不受这些短语的影响,仍然与主语保持一致。
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)My father alng with his wrkmates        ( have)already gne t Beijing. (2)The teacher as well as sme teenagers       (visit)the factry nw. ▶完成句子 (3)       (与……一起)the letter was his prmise that he wuld visit me this cming Spring Festival. (4)In recent years stre shpping exists        (和……并存)hme shpping. (5)The teacher,       (与…… 一起)a lt f students,is preparing desserts fr the party.
    is visiting
    教材原句p.32 Franklin,alng with many ther scientists,has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments are imprtant in rder t establish the truth and t cntribute twards later scientific discveries and inventins. 富兰克林与许多其他科学家一道,激励并教导我们科学实验对于推定真理与推动后来的科学发现及发明而言都至关重要。6 establish v. 证实,确定;建立,设立He has established himself as the leading candidate in the electin. 他已经确立了自己在竞选中的主要候选人地位。There is a strng need t establish effective cmmunicatin links between parents and pupils. 非常有必要在家长和学生之间建立有效的沟通渠道。[词汇复现] It may be many years befre he establishes his reputatin as an artist. 他或许要过很多年才能成为一位有名望的艺术家。
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)He       (establish)a new research centre in Hefei last year. (2)Our gal is       (establish)ur wn business in the Nrth. ▶完成句子 (3)I was never able t          (确定是否)she was telling the truth. (4)It will be essential t          (搞清楚如何)the mney is being spent.
    t establish
    establish whether/if
    establish hw
    教材原句p.33 Sme have even questined the stry abut the apple that fell n Newtn’s head and led him t cme up with his thery f gravity. 一些科学家甚至也怀疑过牛顿的故事:一个苹果掉下来砸中了牛顿的脑袋,促使他提出了万有引力定律。7 cme up with 想出,提出(主意等) He cmes up with a view:the huse prices will g dwn in three years. 他提出一种观点:房价三年内将下跌。Several f the members have cme up with suggestins f their wn. 有几位成员提出了他们自己的建议。She’s cme up with an amazing plan t duble her incme. 她想出一个使她的收入增加一倍的惊人的计划。
    ▶【误区警示】 cme up with 是及物动词短语,主语是人或组织,with 后是提出的内容,不能用于被动语态;cme up 意为“被提出”,是不及物动词短语,主语是被提出的内容,不能用于被动语态。What pints came up at the meeting? 会上提出了什么观点? ▶【归纳拓展】 end up with 以……结束     catch up with 赶上 keep up with 跟上,赶上     put up with 容忍,忍受
    ▶完成句子 (1)Althugh against my pinin,the ld prfessr didn’t         (提出) his wn. (2)I can’t         (想出) any mre ideas right nw. (3)I can        (忍受) the huse being untidy,but I hate it if it’s nt clean. (4)Smell the flwers befre yu g t sleep,and yu may just              (进入甜美的梦乡). ▶选词填空(cme up/cme up with) (5)In the discussin,Jack         an idea that they shuld bring dwn the price f the bicycles. (6)The questin f getting new unifrms         at the meeting.
    cme up with
    put up with
    end up with sweet dreams
    came up with
    教材原句p.33 In fact,mre than ne accunt suggests... 事实上,不止一处资料显示…… 8 accunt n. & v. (1)n. 记述,描述;账户She gave a thrilling accunt f her life in the jungle. 她把自己在丛林中的生活描述得惊险刺激。Cursewrk is taken int accunt as well as exam results. 除考试结果外,课程作业也要计入成绩。[词汇复现] He desn’t drink alchl n accunt f his pr health. 由于身体不好,他不喝酒。
    (2)v. 解释,说明;占(一定数量或比例) ▶搭配:accunt fr 是……的原因;解释;占(一定数量或比例) We asked him t accunt fr his cnduct. 我们要他对自己的行为加以解释。[词汇复现] League members accunt fr the majrity f the students in the class. 团员占这个班学生的大多数。
    ▶完成句子 (1)The pr weather may have         (是……的原因)the increase in the number f peple wh cugh day and night. (2)I              (开立银行账户)after I made $1,000 by ding a part-time jb during the summer vacatin. (3)These prducts        (占) abut 80% f all ur sales. (4)He was t shcked t           (描述)what had happened. (5)I hpe my teacher will __________________(考虑到)the fact that I was ill just befre the exams when she marks my paper. (6)                (我们绝对不能忽视)the value f knwledge.
    accunted fr
    pened a bank accunt
    give an accunt f
    take int accunt
    On n accunt can we ignre
    重点句式 教材原句p.33 is n prf that it hit him n the head. ……没有证据表明这个苹果恰巧砸在了他的脑袋上。 及物动词+ sb. + 介词+ the + 身体部位(1)tuch/pat/tap/hit/beat/strike/sht sb. He saved ne sht when the ball hit him n the head. 他扑住了一次射门,球打在了他的头上。The branch sprang back and hit him in the face. 树枝弹回来打在他脸上。
    (2)pull/take/catch/grasp/seize/lead sb. by the + hand/beard/arm(可拉出的部位) The pliceman led the blind man by the hand t help him crss the rad. 警察牵着盲人的手帮他过马路。▶ 【误区警示】 “及物动词 + sb. + 介词 + the + 身体部位”结构中的定冠词the 不能用其他限定词代替。

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