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    牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good课后练习题

    这是一份牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good课后练习题,共10页。


    A 必备知识基础练

    Ⅰ. 单句填空

    1. More and more p bags are used in everyday life, which is very harmful to the environment.

    2. Along the c ring road in our school stand many gingko trees.

    3. I couldn't concentrate on the experiment because the g next to me tried to talk to me all the time.

    4. It was said that Dr. Barnard had developed a new heart s technique.

    5. Further treat will prevent his illness from developing.

    6.  addition, they couldn't get enough funds to set up their own business.

    7. Our parents will be pleased  our performance as long as we try our best.

    8. Tom was late for work this morning. That was because he was caught  traffic.

    9. John has a unique way make his opinions understood by using as few words as possible.

    10. I regret leave the work unfinished. I should have planned everything ahead carefully.

    Ⅱ. 听力


    1. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Friends.

    B. Mother and son.

    C. Saleswoman and customer.

    2. How many people will go to New York for free?

    A. Two. B. Three. C. Five.

    3. How does Susan sound?

    A. Tired. B. Relaxed. C. Annoyed.

    4. Who wrote to Jane?

    A. Her mother. B. Her teacher. C. Her friend.

    5. What is the man likely to do?

    A. Find a player. B. Join the team. C. Refuse the offer.


    6. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Interviewer and interviewee.

    B. Boss and secretary.

    C. Teacher and student.

    7. Where has the man been to according to the conversation?

    A. Mexico. B. The US. C. Europe.

    8. What did the man do at university?

    A. He sold golf balls.

    B. He got a part-time job.

    C. He took a course in marketing.

    Ⅲ. 写作


    1. 简述你对整形手术的看法;

    2. 说明你的理由。

    注意:1. 词数80左右;

    2. 文中不可出现真实的人名与校名。



    B 能力素养提升练

    Ⅳ. 阅读理解



    On October 27, 2021, my friend and I boarded the first flight of our journey from Vancouver Island, to Peru, South America.

    Twenty-four hours and four airports later we landed in Cusco, Peru, a city of one million people. Coming from Vancouver Island with only 100 feet above sea level, we knew that we were now at a much higher altitude(海拔)over 11, 000 feetand needed time to get used to the scarcer oxygen(缺氧) levels! We followed the advice of other travelers and the locals: drink lots of coca leaf tea and rest for a couple of hours before any activity.

    We were soon hiking through the ruins and surrounding ancient castles of Cusco. Leaving Cusco the next day, we stopped at the Moray Ruins, which were used for farming by the Incas. Their size and unique design should be considered a lesson in historical engineering skills. This Inca site is one of the least known tourist destinations, but it's one of the most interesting places to visit.

    Arriving in the beautiful Sacred Valley, we stayed at Willka T'ika for the next week. This place is wonderful. We enjoyed delicious vegetarian meals, all made with local produce by loving Quechua people.

    You can't go to Peru without visiting historic Machu Picchu. The road up to the ruins is made up of an endless series of switchbacks(急转弯), resulting in cold sweats. It was worth the ride, though.

    It was too soon before we were leaving Peru. We learned the unique history of Inca, Quechua culture, and the farming methods still widely practiced. The best thing we took away returning home to Vancouver Island was how simple and caring the people are and how deeply they love the earth and everyone they meet.

    1. Why did the author drink lots of coca leaf tea?

    A. To have a good rest. B. To follow the local culture.

    C. To feel better at a greater height. D. To avoid getting thirsty on the way.

    2. What does the author think of the Moray Ruins?

    A. They're no longer used for farming.

    B. They're known to most travel lovers.

    C. They're not as interesting as expected.

    D. They're an example of creative engineering.

    3. Which can best describe the author's trip to Machu Picchu?

    A. Dangerous and tiring. B. Risky but worthwhile.

    C. Enjoyable and interesting. D. Comfortable and wonderful.

    4. How does the author's trip to Peru influence him?

    A. It encourages him to be more caring.

    B. It helps him understand his own culture.

    C. It teaches him to accept all the differences.

    D. It allows him to experience modern farming.


    Going to work on a couple of eggs might be the way forward if you want to lose weight. According to research from the Rochester Centre for Obesity in America, eating eggs for breakfast can help to limit your calorie intake throughout the rest of the day, by more than 400 calories.

    In the study, 30 overweight women were asked to eat an egg-based breakfast 2 eggs and 30 overweight women were asked to eat a bread-based breakfast. Two kinds of breakfast contain the same amount of calories and almost the same levels of protein(蛋白质). The researchers recorded the women's eating habits and found that just before lunch, the women who had eaten eggs for breakfast felt less hungry and ate a smaller lunch as a result.

    Researchers pointed out that certain foods contribute to a greater sense of being full. An egg is an example of such food that has a 50% greater satiety index(指数) compared to white bread or ready-to-eat breakfast porridge. This study suggests that eating eggs for breakfast makes you feel fuller for longer so that you eat less at your next few meals. Therefore, if you're trying to lose weight as it means, you may find it easier to cut calories without feeling hungry.

    Eggs are packed with all kinds of nutrients(营养) but contain just 85 calories each. Old advice to limit eggs to just a few each week has also been given up. According to the Food Standards Agency, there's now no limit to the number of eggs you can eat in a week as part of a healthy balanced diet. If you feel like starting the day with eggs, we suggest you avoid frying them and eat them with wholemeal toast and a small glass of vitamin C-rich unsweetened orange juice, which will help the body make the best use of the iron in the eggs.

    5. What breakfast can lead to eating less for lunch?

    A. Bread. B. Eggs. C. Juice. D. Porridge.

    6. What does the underlined word satiety probably mean in Paragraph 3?

    A. A taste of food. B. A feeling of pride.

    C. A state of hunger. D. A sense of being full.

    7. What does the Food Standards Agency suggest we do?

    A. Avoid eating fried eggs.

    B. Take in as much protein as possible.

    C. Drink sweetened orange juice each day.

    D. Eat nothing between breakfast and lunch.

    8. What is the best title for the text?

    A. Mind Your Calorie Intake B. Have a Big Breakfast

    C. Eat Eggs for Weight Loss D. Keep a Balanced Diet

    Ⅴ. 语法填空

    A long-time great in the world of tennis, Swiss star Roger Federer recently announced that the Laver Cup in London would be his last ATP tennis event before 1.  step away from Grand Slam tournaments(大满贯赛事) entirely.

    After facing several sports injuries and surgeries in the past few years, such as two knee surgeries in 2020 and another in 2021, 41-year-old Federer has felt the time is right 2.  draw his career to a close, knowing his body's limits. As Federer 3.  say, I know my body's limits, and its message to me 4.  late has been clear.

    Of all his achievements, Federer is best-known as a 20-time grand slam 5.  win.

    In spite of the hot competition at the top, Federer was 6.  continues to be loved by friends, 7.  fan and rivals(对手) alike.

    Upon hearing news of Federer's retirement(退役), his rival Nadal said on Twitter, It's been a pleasure but also 8.  honour to share all these years with you, living so many 9. amaze moments on and off the court.

    After such a perfect sports journey, Federer's influence 10.  tennis will continue to be felt in the years and decades to come.





    A 必备知识基础练

    Ⅰ. 单句填空

    1. plastic

    2. campus

    3. guy

    4. surgery

    5. treatment

    6. In

    7. with

    8. in

    9. to make

    10. leaving/having left

    Ⅱ. 听力

    1. B

    [解析]W:What would you like for Christmas this year, dear?

    M:I feel so lucky that you and Dad prepare a gift for me every Christmas.  I'd rather you gave a gift to a poor child instead.

    W:That's a lovely, kind thought. Maybe you could give this year's gift to a charity.

    2. C

    [解析]W:I'm so excited.

    M:Any good news?

    W:Jimmy and I got the chance to visit New York with another three people for free.

    3. C

    [解析]M:You should have prepared your speech for the meeting, Susan.

    W:Yes, I know. But how could I prepare with the meeting date fixed so soon?

    4. A

    [解析]M:What's the matter with Jane? She has been sitting there for hours.

    W:A letter from her mother made her feel homesick.

    5. B

    [解析]W:Have you played baseball before? My husband says their team needs one more player.

    M:Not really. But I like ball games, so I believe it will be fun to learn baseball.

    6. A

    7. A

    8. B

    [解析]W:Thanks for coming today, Jason. I'd like to talk to you a bit about our company and your experience.  You seem to like traveling a lot.

    M:It's been a hobby of mine since my dad took us to Mexico one Christmas.

    W:You'd love this job, then. You need to travel to Europe and America every month. Now what do you know about sales and marketing?

    M:Not much, I'm afraid. I did take a basic marketing course in high school. And when I was a student in university, I worked part time in a supermarket.  I dealt with a lot of sales work then.

    W:Any other sales experience?

    M:Well, I sold golf balls when I was ten.

    W:Well, Jason, golf balls are so different from medical instruments, but selling anything takes imagination and hard work. I hope you will do a great job.

    Ⅲ. 写作


    Plastic surgery is growing in popularity because it can help people improve their physical appearance. However, I think people should be cautious about plastic surgery, for its negative consequences can outweigh its benefits.

    First, plastic surgery is expensive for ordinary people to afford. Additionally, plastic surgery can be dangerous. Some people suffer terrible pain and have serious health problems after surgery. Finally, people do not always get satisfactory results from plastic surgery. No one can make sure that the result of plastic surgery will turn out as expected.

    For these reasons, people should turn to safer methods to improve their body image rather than have plastic surgery.

    B 能力素养提升练

    Ⅳ. 阅读理解

    1. C


    2. D


    3. B

    [解析]推理判断题。根据第五段可知,去秘鲁一定要参观历史名胜Machu Picchu。通往废墟的是由无尽的急转弯组成的,会导致出一身冷汗。不过,这趟旅程是值得的。由此可推断,作者认为Machu Picchu之行是冒险但值得的。

    4. A



    5. B


    6. D

    [解析]词义猜测题。根据第三段前两句可知,研究人员指出,某些食物会让人产生更强的饱腹感,鸡蛋就是这样一种食物,它的饱腹指数比白面包或即食早餐粥高出50%。由此可推断,satietysense of being full互为同义表达,表示饱足感

    7. A

    [解析]细节理解题。根据题干中的the Food Standards Agency可定位至最后一段。由最后一句可知,如果想用鸡蛋开始新的一天,食品标准局建议鸡蛋不要煎,而是搭配全麦吐司和一小杯富含维生素C的无糖橙汁来吃。

    8. C



    Ⅴ. 语法填空

    1. stepping

    2. to draw

    3. said

    4. lately

    5. winner

    6. and

    7. fans

    8. an

    9. amazing

    10. on/upon



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