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    新外研社(19)高中英语必修一Unit4 Friends forever-Starting out教案
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修一Unit4 Friends forever-Starting out教案01
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修一Unit4 Friends forever-Starting out教案02
    新外研社(19)高中英语必修一Unit4 Friends forever-Starting out教案03
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    必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends forever教案

    这是一份必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends forever教案,共10页。


    Unit 4 Friends forever-Starting out教案

    Teaching objectives:

    1.    Enable the students to read the poem and watch the video to learn about English poetry, experience the beauty of friendship in poetry, and try to talk about friendship in English.
    2.    Lead the students to master the vocabulary related to friendship, understand what a true friend is, and try to talk about how to be a good friend in English.
    3.    Guide the students to understand the main idea of the dialogue, choose the right answers and fill in the blanks involving the important details of the dialogue.
    4.    Help the students to understand the meaning of friendship based on their real experiences, and talk about how to deal with the hard times with friends in English.

    Evaluation objectives:

    1.    Understand the audio and video related to friendship.
    2.    Use the words and expressions you have learnt to talk about friendship or friends.
    3.    Read the poems with feeling and rhythm.
    4.    Use the words and expressions you have learnt to write your understanding of friendship.

    Teaching key and difficult points:

    1.    Deepen the students understanding of friendship by listening, speaking, reading, and watching. Master some vocabulary and expressions to talk about friendship and give advice.
    2.    Lead the students to listen, speak, read, watch and think about the meaning of “friend”.Learn the vocabulary to describe friendship; grasp specific information in the process of listening to develop listening skills; talk about friendship using the vocabulary learnt in the lesson.

    Teaching methods:

    Audio-visual Teaching Method; Communicative Teaching Method; Task-based Teaching Method


    Teaching procedures

    Leading questions and tasks

    Teacher’s activity

    Students’ activity



    Are friends important in our life?Why?

    1.    Play the audio and ask the students to listen to the song You raise me up as well as look at the pictures of the sitcom Friends
    2.    Lead the students to think about the questions and share their answers with the class.


    Introducing the topic friendship by listening and speaking

    1.    Listen to the song You raise me up and look at the pictures of the sitcom Friends.
    2.    Try to think about the questions and share their answers.

    They may have various answers.

    One possible answer:Friends are important in our life,because they share happiness and help us through the difficult times of our life.

    To arouse the students’ curiosity about the topic.

    Starting out

    1.    Listen and read the poem.Answer the questions on Page 37.
    2.    Watch the video and answer the questions on Page37.
    3.    After listening, reading and watching the video, talk about your understanding of friendship and the reasons why we need friends in our life.
    1.    Ask the students to listen and read the poem, then discuss the main idea of the poem and answer the questions on Page37; then invite some students to share their answers.
    2.    Play the video and ask the students to watch it, then ask the students to think about the three questions on Page37 and answer them.
    3.    Lead the students to think about and answer the two questions.


    Promote students’ understanding of friendship by listening to the poem and reading it as well as watching the video.

    1.    Listen to the poem, read the poem and discuss the main idea of the poem and answer the questions on Page37 and then share your answers.
    2.    Watch the video, think about the three questions on Page37 and answer them.
    3.    Think about the questions and answer them.

    They may have various answers and reasons.One possible answer:

    Friendship is very important in our life.It is like the sunrise, warm and bright,which leads us out of the sadness. We need friends in our life. They are like the light in the dark.Their good qualities like loyalty, patience, and diligence make us a better person.

    1.    To direct the students to learn some basic knowledge of English poems.
    2.    To let the students have a basic understanding of friendship.
    3.    To let the students have a further understanding of friendship through the video.

    Key words of friendship

    1.    Brainstorm What qualities should a good friend have?
    2.    Let’s make a pot of friendship soup with these good qualities.
    3.    Let’s think about how to be a good friend and share your ideas in your group.
    1.    Ask the students to brainstorm what qualities a good friend should have.
    2.    Ask the students to read the recipe and finish Activities4,5. Invite some students to share the answers with the class and others make comments.
    3.    Lead the students to learn more about important words and phrases.
    4.    Ask the students to read the poem aloud again to appreciate the language, the rhythm and the meaning.
    5.    Ask the students to work in pairs and create their own recipe and encourage several pairs to show their recipes to the class and explain why they choose those ingredients.
    6.    Lead the students to think about how to be a good friend and share their ideas in their group.


    Deepen their understanding of friendship by reading the poem and learn the relevant vocabulary.

    They talk with each other enthusiastically and can apply the words and expressions to their speaking.

    1.    Brainstorm

    What qualities should a good friend have?

    1.    Read the recipe and finish activities4,5. Share the answers with the class and make comments.
    2.    Learn more about important words and phrases.
    3.    Read the poem aloud again to appreciate the language, the rhythm and the meaning.
    4.    Work in pairs and create your own recipe and show your recipes to the class and explain why you choose those ingredients.
    5.    Think about how to be a good friend and share your ideas in your group.

    There are various answers.

    One possible answer:

    To be a good friend, we should be patient with our friends and listen to them when they are in trouble;We should be encouraging, trying to help our friends out of their difficulty; We should be generous, when our friends need our help.

    1.    To further understand the definition of friendship and accumulate related words.
    2.    To enlarge and review the vocabulary about the topic of friendship.
    3.    To practise speaking by using the words and expressions they have just learnt.


    1.    Here is a good example of how to be a good friend. Let’s listen to a conversation and finish Activities 7,8 on Page 43.
    2.    Listen to the conversation again and try to write down the sentences that we can use to give advice.
    3.    Imagine a situation where we should give advice to our friends ,and act it out.
    1.    Play the audio and ask the students to number the events in the correct order.Check the answers with the class.
    2.    Play the audio again and ask the students to complete the table.Check the answers with the class.
    3.    Play the audio again and lead the students to write down how Andy and Clara give suggestions, and ask the students to pay attention to“Learning to learn”.
    1.    Listen to the audio and number the events in the correct order.Check the answers with the teacher.
    2.    Listen to the audio and complete the table.Check the answers with the teacher.
    3.    Listen to the audio and write down how Andy and Clara give suggestions.Read “Learning to learn”
    1.    To train the skills of grasping the main idea of a conversation through listening.
    2.    To learn to understand the details of the listening material.
    3.    To learn the ways of giving suggestions.


    4.Do you have unforgettable experiences with your friends? Share them with the class.

    4.Lead the students to imagine a situation where they should give advice to their friends, and act it out.

    5.Lead the students to talk about their unforgettable experiences with their friends and share them with the class.


    Train the students’ listening skills by listening to the conversation, let them act out a small scene involving giving advice as well as recalling their unforgettable experiences with friends and share them with the class.

    1.    Imagine a situation where you should give advice to your friends, and act it out.
    2.    Talk about your unforgettable experiences with your friends and share them with the class.

    Some possible situations

    1.    How to prepare for an interview;
    2.    How to become more confident;
    3.    How to make new friends.


    Exploring the topic further

    1.    Some proverbs about friends.
    2.    Have you had hard times with your friends? How do you deal with them?
    1.    Show the proverbs to the students and lead them to read and understand these proverbs.
    2.    Lead the students to think about the questions and share their ideas with the class.


    Broaden their understanding of friendship by reading the proverbs and thinking and discussing and answering the questions.

    1.    Read and understand these proverbs.
    2.    Think about the questions and share your ideas with the class.

    You need to think deeply and wisely.

    One possible answer:

    Yes.I have had hard times with my friends. It is a very painful experience.Talking to them face to face is the best way to deal with it. By talking, we solve the misunderstanding and reflect on ourselves, become more mature and deepen our friendship.

    To help the students understand friendship further and try to apply what they have learnt to their real life.



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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends forever教学设计: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends forever教学设计,共6页。

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