    上传资料 赚现金
    UNIT 5 单元检测卷(含答案)01
    UNIT 5 单元检测卷(含答案)02
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money精品课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money精品课件ppt,共11页。

    UNIT5 单元检测卷
    (时间:100分钟 满分:120分)
    第一部分 阅读
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5 分,满分37.5分)
      Here are three financial habits you might want to consider breaking.
      Spending more than you want to earn rewards points
      Provided they’re used responsibly,rewards credit cards can be a good thing. However,if you find yourself using a credit card just so you can get more points,you might be in for a world of trouble. One way you can break this bad habit is to only use your rewards card for regular,monthly expenses. Let’s say you decide to leave your card at home and only use it to make payments on your phone bill,which you then pay back in full every month.
      Ignoring your bills
      Coming home to a big pile of bills is a drag,and there’s no doubt about it. But tossing them onto the coffee table and ignoring them for weeks on end can have terrible consequences for your financial well-being. Whenever you find yourself faced with a bill,do with it immediately. While it might be a bit of a struggle at first,  over time you can get the rewards of having less financial stress.
      Cycling your debt without fixing the real problem
      While having a lower interest rate can help solve short-term problems for you,if you do it all the time you could be avoiding the fundamental issue. In fact,it might even be keeping you from coming to terms with the behaviors that are forcing you into a state of debt. Building a budget could help you uncover ways to cut back and save.
      For most of us,changing our behavior isn’t as simple as turning off a switch,so it may take a lot of time and effort. Starting is the hardest part but,I can assure you,it gets easier with time.
    1. Which of the following will put you into trouble when using credit cards?
    A. Using them to pay your phone bill. B. Putting your credit cards at home.
    C. Paying back in full every month. D. Earning more rewards points.
    2. What do people do to avoid being in debt?
    A. They need to plan their expenses properly. B. They need to take a lot of effort.
    C. They need to spend less each time. D. They need to leave cards in the stores.
    3. What does the author think of changing our behavior?
    A. Impossible. B. Simple. C. Difficult. D. Unbelievable.

      Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance. The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.
      The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.
      In any case,parents should make clear what,if anything,the child is expected to pay for with the money.
      At first,young children may spend all of their allowances soon after they receive them. If they do this,they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance. The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving. Older children may be responsible enough to save money for larger costs,like clothing or electronics.
      Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family life.
      Paying children to do extra work around the house,however,can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.
      Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form of gifts or give it to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want,or they can save it.
    4. What is special about children learning financial management by experience?
    A. They learn more quickly. B. They are not likely to make mistakes.
    C. Their mistakes won’t matter so much. D. They have plans made by their parents.
    5. What does the writer mean when he says some young children“will learn the hard way that...”?
    A. They will know how hard it is to learn budget.
    B. They will have a hard time learning the lesson.
    C. What they will learn is absolutely true.
    D. Their parents will teach them a hard lesson.
    6. Judging from the article,it is all right if a couple give their son an allowance     .
    A. regularly every month
    B. whenever he has run out of money
    C. telling him to ask for permission before spending
    D. without telling him what to spend on
    7. What would the writer agree to encourage the kids to do?
    A. Borrow money from others. B. Ask their parents for more money.
    C. Get paid for their household routines. D. Earn money by extra work.

      When we think of 10-year-old girls,the first things that come to mind may be tutus(芭蕾 舞裙),kitchen science experiments and crazy photo faces. There’s a special bond between young girls and their moms before life fills up with more demanding schoolwork,career choices and the stress of being a grown-up.
      For Jordan Phillips,taking on adult emotions came sooner than expected. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when Jordan was 10 years old. The thought of losing her mother at such a young age must have been troubling for Jordan. But instead of waiting out the process on the sidelines,Jordan decided to join the fight against cancer so that other kids wouldn’t have to experience the pain she was going through.
      Jordan loves to sew. She wanted to make something to sell but also advertise the need to help. While trying to piece together a solution,  she hit upon the ubiquitous coffee cup. People everywhere seem to be on the go in the morning with their cup of take-out coffee. So Jordan designed a coffee cup sleeve (杯套) and created her nonprofit Cozys for the Cure. It was a hit. Today,Jordan has raised over $120,000 to help fund breast cancer research. It all started with a desire to help. She lets us know each of us has the ability to make a difference,no matter how old or how young.
      Jordan’s mother won her fight with cancer,but unfortunately,many more women and mothers will be affected. With kids like Jordan in their corner,perhaps the next best treatment will come a little sooner,save a few more lives,and mean mothers and daughters will have a little more time to have fun together.
    8. What does the writer think of the childhood of normal girls?
    A. Carefree. B. Stressful. C. Demanding. D. Challenging.
    9. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “ubiquitous”in Paragraph 3?
    A. Ordinary and non-special. B. Visible everywhere.
    C. Beautiful and special. D. Unique and meaningful.
    10. What is the money raised by Jordan used for?
    A. Her mother’s breast cancer. B. More women and mothers.
    C. Doctors who suffer with cancer. D. The research of breast cancer.
    11. Which can be the best title of the passage?
    A. Turning Waste into Wealth B. Turning Tough News into Hope
    C. Time and Tide Wait for No Man D. Only the Good Die Young
      One of the problems with passwords is that users forget them. In an effort to remember them,people use simple things like their dog’s names and their birth dates—anything that will give them a clue to remember what their passwords are. But for a hacker,this is the same as locking your door and leaving the key under the doormat.
      To create a safe password that is easy to remember,follow these simple steps:
      You should never use personal information as a part of your password. It is very easy for someone to guess things like your last name and your pet’s name.
      With the help of today’s computing power,it doesn’t take long to try every word in the dictionary and find your password,so you’d better not use real words for your password.
      You can make a password much safer by mixing different types of characters. Use some capital letters along with small letters,numbers and even special characters such as“&”and“%”.
      In order not to create a password using different character types that is hard to remember or using a word from the dictionary,you can use a“passphrase(代码)”. Think of a sentence from a song or a poem that you like and create a password using the first letters from each word. For example,instead of just setting a password like“yr $ 1Hes”,you can take a sentence such as“I like to read the About.com Internet network security website”and make it a password like“il2rta!nsw”by using the number“2”for the word“to”and using“!”in place of“Internet”. You can use many character types and create a safe password that is hard to guess,but much easier for you to remember.
    12. What does the underlined word“clue”mean?
    A. An explanation. B. A condition.
    C. A conclusion. D. A piece of information.
    13. What is a passphrase made up of?
    A. Different capital letters.
    B. Long English words from the dictionary.
    C. Sentences from a song or a poem.
    D. The first letters from each word of a sentence.
    14. Which of the following passwords might be the best?
    A. jessica208. B. 19890703. C. il2rta!nsw. D. 3About8&5.
    15. What is the best title for this passage?
    A. How to use your passwords correctly
    B. How to keep others away from your computers
    C. How to protect your private information online
    D. How to make your passwords safer and easier to remember
      Living in a society which encourages spending,it can be difficult to remember the power of having savings. Cash,however,  creates opportunities that spending never can. An emergency cash fund is simply a savings account,and  16 . How much should you have in an emergency cash fund?
      Good: 17 . This means if you need $3,000 a month to cover your basic needs like your housing loan or rent,utilities,gas,and food,then you need $9,000 in your emergency fund.
      Better:If you have people who depend on you financially,like children or a spouse,your emergency fund should be six months’ worth of living expenses,at a minimum. In addition,  if you work in a career that has a high turnover or a high injury rate, 18 .
      Best:As you get better at saving, 19 . If you’re a high wage earner,go for the $100,000 challenge:get $100,000 of savings parked in a safe investment. However,too many high wage earners feel the need to invest everything—which leaves them no liquid assets(流动资金) left over for emergencies or opportunities.
      Where should you invest your emergency fund? In a safe,easily accessible account. Not in stocks. Not in something that has early withdrawal penalties(罚金) for cashing it in. In Making Safe Investments,we cover six rules to use on investing safely.  20 .
    A. you’d better double the amount of emergency fund
    B. Many people think they no longer need an emergency fund
    C. The key is your emergency fund should be in something low-risk
    D. work toward collecting 12 months of living expenses in a savings account
    E. having one in the appropriate amount will change your life for the better
    F. I encourage people to have an“opportunity fund”as well as an emergency fund
    G. At a minimum,you should have three months of living expenses in your emergency fund
    第二部分 语言运用
      My life as a tax-paying employed person began in middle school,when,for three whole days,I worked in a baking factory.
      My best friend Betsy’s father was a manager at Hough Bakeries,which,at Easter time,   21  little bunny(兔子)cakes for all its  22  throughout Cleveland. It happened that the plant downtown needed eight kids for  23  help during our spring break,for which I had no  24  beyond listening to my favorite records. I’d  25  minimum wage. I’d see how a factory  26 . My parents thought all of this was a grand idea and called Betsy’s dad with their  27 .
      Our  28  in the factory were simple:  Place cakes on a moving belt. Attach icing(糖霜)  ears. Apply icing eyes and nose.  29  bunny from the belt. This is  30  than it sounds.  31  a bit and the cakes pile up. As I told my parents at dinner that first night,it was all a little more high-pressure than I’d  32 .
      Dad  33 . As the son of a grocer,he’d spent the summers of his childhood  34  food in Bernardsville,New Jersey.
      This was the sort of work that made you  35  the dollars you earned and respect those who did the work,he told me.
    21. A. sold B. ordered C. made D. reserved
    22. A. stores B. families C. schools D. citizens
    23. A. generous B. financial C. technical D. temporary
    24. A. plans B. problems C. excuses D. hobbies
    25. A. offer B. earn C. set D. suggest
    26. A. worked B. closed C. developed D. survived
    27. A. ambition B. permission C. experience D. invitation
    28. A. joys B. ideas C. roles D. choices
    29. A. Save B. Keep C. Stop D. Remove
    30. A. harder B. better C. longer D. cheaper
    31. A. Calm down B. Slow down C. Stay on D. Move on
    32. A. indicated B. witnessed C. expected D. remembered
    33. A. cried B. smiled C. hesitated D. refused
    34. A. tasting B. finding C. sharing D. delivering
    35. A. withdraw B. donate C. receive D. appreciate
      Every writer dreams of seeing their words in print. So when the response from a publisher comes, the writer 36.     (eager)opens and reads it. Their hearts sink when they reach the final sentence“We regret to inform you...”,  37.      are the words that every writer fears receiving. They may have given up their free time for years to write their life’s work,yet this is often not enough. Success rarely happens overnight. A lot of highly 38.     (success)writers have previously faced rejection,one of whom is J.K. Rowling.
      Rowling had spent seven years 39.      (write)her first book,surviving on very little money. When she finally finished the book, she received comments from publishers along the lines of “too difficult for children”“too long”“children would not be interested in it”. However,she persevered. She 40.     (stick)the rejection letters on her kitchen wall,  knowing that it was quite normal for writers 41.     (reject). “I was not going to give up until every single publisher turned me 42.     ,”she later posted. After a total of twelve rejections,one publisher finally agreed to print 500 43.     (copy)of her book,and as we know,Harry Potter became a global success,with over 400 million books 44.     (sell)and translated into more than 70 different languages.
    From Rowling’s story we can see while talent,effort and luck play a part in our success,perseverance is
    45.      key.
    第三部分 写作
      1. 介绍你的基本信息;
      2. 说明你的优势;
      3. 表示你希望被录用。
      1. 词数80左右;
      2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Yours sincerely, 
    Li Hua    
      [2022-2023广东揭阳市高一月考] If you are walking across the campus,you can be embarrassed at every pair of eyes on you,especially when you’re 13 years old. I looked around me to find a friendly face,a smile,or anything. I was quite disappointed. And I,in turn,felt a little foolish,walking across the campus with a false smile on my face. I was simply hoping to follow the advice that my mother had given me years before:when you get embarrassed,smile. No matter where you are,a smile will always be understood. At that very moment,however,I felt my mother’s advice didn’t work.
      Just at that time,my mind was racing with questions and concerns of any 13-year-old student on the first day of school:Where would I sit at lunch? Who would I talk to? Not to mention, how would I make friends when I didn’t even speak the language? My heart was beating fast, and I felt nervous. Still,I did my best to be calm so as not to let others know just how scared I truly was.
      When the teacher introduced me to the class as the“American girl”,10 sets of hands immediately shot up. Some students had questions,and others wanted to practice their English with me. Because I didn’t speak much Chinese yet,I talked with the other students through body languages mixed in with broken English and Chinese. However,I wasn’t sure how much of it was positive. It was almost as if they weren’t sure what to make of me and I was being examined. Then again,who could blame them? After all,I was the first American ever to attend the school. So,we were all first-timers.
      Then came the first class—Chinese painting.

      As I burnt with great embarrassment,Li Hua,who was next to me,gave me a warm smile.

    UNIT5 单元检测卷
    1. D 细节理解题。根据第二段中“However,if you find yourself using a credit card just so you can get more points,you might be in for a world of trouble.”可知,如果在用信用卡的时候总是想着赚更多的积分,就会陷入麻烦。
    2. A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“Building a budget could help you uncover ways to cut back and save.” 可知,要想避免欠账就要做预算,也就是对自己的花费有一个计划。
    3. C 观点态度题。根据最后一段的“For most of us,changing our behavior isn’t as simple as turning off a switch,so it may take a lot of time and effort.”可知,改变我们的行为习惯不是一件容易的事情,需要时间和努力,所以选C项。
    4. C 细节理解题。由文章第一段第二句可知,通过经验让孩子学习钱的价值的特殊性在于此时在金钱上犯错误的代价不大(not matter so much)。
    5. B 句意理解题。由第四段可知,如果开始时孩子们很快花完了零花钱,而父母在下一次给零花钱之前不会提供更多的钱,那么他们的日子会很难熬(have a hard time...)。
    6. A 推理判断题。由第二段的“Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.”可知,每月定期给孩子零花钱是可以的。
    7. D 推理判断题。由倒数第二段第一句中的Paying children to do extra work around the house可知,当零花钱预算吃紧时,作者赞成孩子们通过做一些额外工作的方式来赚些钱(earn money by extra work)。
    8. A 推理判断题。根据第一段尾句“There’s a special bond between young girls and their moms before life fills up with more demanding schoolwork,career choices and the stress of being a grown-up.”可知,一般女孩在童年没有苛刻的作业、职业选择和成年压力。据此可以推断,作者认为她们的童年是无忧无虑的。
    9. B 词义猜测题。根据下文“People everywhere seem to be on the go in the morning with their cup of take-out coffee.”可知,咖啡杯子每个地方的人都用。据此可以推断咖啡杯子随处可见。
    10. D 细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第三句“Today,Jordan has raised over $120,000 to help fund breast cancer research.”可知,Jordan募集来的资金用于帮助乳腺癌的研究。【误解分析】本空易根据第四段首句误选B,B的范围有些大,应该是患乳腺癌的妇女和妈妈。
    11. B 主旨大意题。本文主人公Jordan在10岁时遭遇噩耗——妈妈患了乳腺癌。在她的努力下募集到超过12万美元的资金用于乳腺癌的研究,给众多患癌妈妈带来了希望。因此B项适合做本文标题。
    12. D 词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句“In an effort to remember them,people use simple things like their dog’s names and their birth dates...(为了记住它们,人们使用简单的事物如他们狗的名字或者他们的出生日期……)”可知,人们通过宠物狗的名字以及自己的出生日期来帮助记忆密码,说明这些信息是线索,故选D。
    13. D 细节理解题。根据第六段第二句“Think of a sentence from a song or a poem that you like and create a password using the first letters from each word.(从你喜欢的一首歌或者一首诗中想一个句子并且用每个词的第一个字母创建密码)”可知,代码是句子中每个单词的首字母组合,故选D。
    14. C 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“...you can take a sentence such as‘I like to read the About.com Internet network security website’and make it a password like‘il2rta!nsw’by using the number‘2’for the word‘to’and using‘!’in place of‘Internet’.”可知,你可以造一个句子如“I like to read the About.com Internet network security website”,并且通过使用数字2代替to,使用!代替Internet,把密码设置为“il2rta! nsw”,故选C。
    15. D 主旨大意题。根据文章可知,本文主要介绍了设置容易记忆又安全的密码的方法。首先,作者指出了一些不安全的设置密码的方法,如个人出生日期或养的宠物的名字等,然后给出了一些安全的设置密码的方式,比如不应该使用真正的单词,而是使用一些符号等,故选D。
    16. E 根据前文An emergency cash fund is simply a savings account可知,本段介绍了应急资金的含义,E选项中的代词one,代指的内容恰恰是An emergency cash fund。
    17. G 根据下文中的if you need $3,000 a month to cover... then you need $9,000 in your emergency fund可知,每月支出3000美元的话,需要准备9000美元的应急资金, 这与G选项中的three months of living expenses in your emergency fund相呼应。
    18. A 前文中给出的假设条件if you work in a career that has a high turnover or a high injury rate与A选项中的double the amount of emergency fund(将应急资金额度加倍)相吻合。
    19. D 根据前两段内容可知,good方案是三倍的月开支,better方案是六倍的月开支,由此可以推断,best方案应该更多,这与D选项中的collecting 12 months of living expenses相呼应。
    20. C 根据前文“Where should you invest your emergency fund? In a safe,easily accessible account.”可知,应急资金的存放和使用要确保安全,这与C选项中low-risk相吻合。
    21. C 根据第一段中的 I worked in a baking factory 可知,作者是在一家烘焙工厂打工,而 Hough Bakeries 就是上文提到的工厂,所以这家工厂应该是生产(make)小兔子蛋糕。sell 出售;order 订购;reserve 预订。
    22. A 根据常理判断,工厂生产的小兔子蛋糕应该是供应给其商店(store)的。family家庭;school学校;citizen 市民。
    23. D 根据第一段中的 for three whole days以及本空后的 during our spring break 可判断,春假期间,市中心的工厂需要八个孩子临时(temporary)帮忙。generous 慷慨的; financial 财政的;technical 技术的。
    24. A 根据下文的 beyond listening to my favorite records 可知,春假期间,除了听最喜欢的唱片,作者没有别的计划(plan)。problem 问题;excuse 借口;hobby 业余爱好。
    25. B 根据常理判断,作者去工厂打工,应该是挣(earn)最低工资。offer 提供;set 设置;suggest 建议。
    26. A 作者去工厂打工可以了解工厂是如何运作(work)的。 close 关闭;develop 发展;survive 幸存。
    27. B 根据上文中的 My parents thought all of this was a grand idea 可知,作者的父母认为这是一个很好的想法,所以同意(permission)作者去打工。ambition雄心;experience 经历;invitation 邀请。
    28. C 下文介绍了作者和其他孩子的工作内容,所以此处是说他们在工厂的任务很简单,role 意为“角色,职能”,符合语境。joy 愉快;idea 主意;choice 选择。
    29. D 此处介绍的是制作小兔子蛋糕的流程:把蛋糕放在传送带上——装上糖霜耳朵——涂上糖霜眼睛和鼻子——把小兔子蛋糕从传送带上拿下来。remove... from... 意为“把……从……拿开”,符合语境。save... from... 使……免于……;keep/stop... from... 阻止……免于……。
    30. A 根据下文的 the cakes pile up 和 high-pressure 可判断,这项工作要比听起来更难(harder)。better更好的; longer 更长的;cheaper 更便宜的。
    31. B 根据上文可知,作者是在传送带上制作蛋糕,结合下文的 the cakes pile up 可判断,此处表示制作蛋糕的动作慢下来(slow down)一点儿,蛋糕就会堆积。calm down(使)平静,(使)镇静;stay on 留下来继续(工作、学习等);move on 继续前行。
    32. C 根据上文可知,这项工作比作者预想(expect)的压力大。indicate 表明;witness 目击;remember记得。
    33. B 听了作者的话后,父亲笑(smile)了。cry 哭;hesitate 犹豫;refuse 拒绝。
    34. D 根据上文的As the son of a grocer 可知,作者的父亲是一个食品杂货商的儿子,所以他童年的夏天应该是在运送(deliver)食品中度过。taste 品尝;find 寻找;share 分享。
    35. D 父亲告诉作者,这种工作能让你对自己挣的钱心存感激(appreciate),并尊重那些做这种工作的人。withdraw 取(钱);donate 捐赠;receive 收到。
    36. eagerly 考查副词。空后的opens为动词,用副词作状语来修饰动词,故填eagerly。
    37. which 考查定语从句。空格处引导非限制性定语从句,说明前面引号中的句子,关系代词在从句中作主语,故填which。
    38. successful 考查形容词。空格处修饰名词writers,此处应用形容词作定语,故填successful。
    39. writing 考查动名词。spend time doing sth. 花时间做某事。故填writing。
    40. stuck 考查时态。根据前文she persevered可知,讲述的是J.K.罗琳过去发生的故事,此处时态用一般过去时。故填stuck。
    41. to be rejected 考查非谓语动词。that引导的宾语从句为“It is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth.”句型,该空用动词不定式作真正的主语,逻辑主语writers与动词reject是被动关系,故填to be rejected。
    42. down 考查副词。turn down拒绝。
    43. copies 考查名词的数。由空前的数词500可知,此处应该填copy的复数形式copies。
    44. sold 考查非谓语动词。分析可知,此处为with复合结构“with +名词/代词(宾语)+非谓语动词(宾补)”,宾语books和动词sell是逻辑上的被动关系,空格处用过去分词,故填sold。
    45. the 考查冠词。分析可知,该句中缺少冠词,此处key表示特指,意为“关键”。故填the。
    Dear Sir or Madam,
      I have learned that English volunteer guides for the Forbidden City are wanted in the summer vacation. I am writing to apply for this position.
      I’m a senior 3 student in Hongxing Middle School,and I believe I am qualified for the position. These years,I have been on several exchange programmes in America,so I am confident with my communication skills in English. What’s more,as a fan of ancient Chinese history,I am sure my knowledge will be useful when I introduce the Forbidden City to foreign guests.
      I would be very grateful if you could offer me the opportunity. Thank you for your consideration.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua    
      Then came the first class—Chinese painting. The teacher showed us how to use a brush to paint bamboo on a piece of white paper. Then all the other students were in business. But it was quite difficult for me. How could I hold the stiff brush and make it go as I wished? Hesitating for a while,I tried dipping the brush into the ink bottle. When I took it out,drops of black ink fell on the white paper. There was no bamboo,but big black dots!
      As I burnt with great embarrassment,Li Hua,who was next to me,gave me a warm smile. I smiled back awkwardly. He came over and demonstrated how to use the brush. The brush moved across the paper,and a lively bamboo appeared! With his help,I finally completed the task,although it was such an ugly one. After that,we became good friends. He taught me Chinese while I taught him English. We both made great progress in our studies. Yes,my mother was right. A smile did make a difference.

    高中英语Unit 4 Space Exploration一等奖课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语Unit 4 Space Exploration一等奖课件ppt,共12页。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures完美版ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures完美版ppt课件,共12页。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues完美版课件ppt: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues完美版课件ppt,共12页。

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