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    Unit2 Colours第1课时 A(教学设计)人教PEP版英语三年级上册
    Unit2 Colours第1课时 A(教学设计)人教PEP版英语三年级上册01
    Unit2 Colours第1课时 A(教学设计)人教PEP版英语三年级上册02
    Unit2 Colours第1课时 A(教学设计)人教PEP版英语三年级上册03
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    Unit2 Colours第1课时 A(教学设计)人教PEP版英语三年级上册

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    Unit 2 Colours教案第一课时(A . Let’s learn & Let’s do)Unit 2 Colours教案第二课时(A . Let’s talk & Draw and say)Unit 2 Colours教案第三课时(A . Letters and sounds) 教学目标1.知识目标:能听、说、认读四个表示颜色的单词red, green, yellow and blue;能听懂Let's do部分的指令“Show me ...”并做出相应动作。2.能力目标:训练学生手、脑、口、眼协调统一的能力。3.情感目标:培养学生热爱英语的情感,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点掌握red, green, yellow and blue这四个表示颜色的单词。教学难点听懂指令性语言“Show me ...”并做出正确的反应。教学准备不同颜色的蜡笔、录音机、录音带、课件。教学过程批注Step 1 Warm-up通过师生间的情景对话拉近师生距离,创设愉快的学习氛围,同时复习关于打招呼的句型。用关于颜色的歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,同时引出本课主题,为后面教授四个颜色单词做铺垫。Greetings(1)师生之间打招呼(Say hello to the Ss)T: Hello, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, Mrs/ Mr…T: Hi, boy! What’s your name?S1: My name is…T: Hello, girl! What’s your name?S2: I’m…Enjoy a song 教师播放歌曲Colour song,引导学生一起欣赏。T: It’s a happy day! Let’s enjoy a nice song together!Play the recording and explain the word “rainbow” with the picture. (课件出示:教材P20 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频和一张彩虹的图片)Free talk教师呈现彩虹图片,师生进行话题讨论。T: Look! What’s this?(PPT呈现彩虹图片)Ss: Rainbow.T: Yes, what colour do you see?Ss: ...(Students can answer in Chinese)Step 2 Presentation&Practice教学贴近学生的生活实际,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生能够借助图片直观地理解和学习四个关于颜色的单词,并在教师的引导下初步感知新句型“I see…”。通过让学生快速地用英语表达看到的颜色来巩固四个关于颜色的单词。Lead in.(课前引入)(1)教师呈现课本P15 Let’s learn图片T: Look at the picture. Who are they? Ss: Hello! I’m ... T: Yes! What do they see? Ss: Rainbow! T: Great! What colour do you see?Ss: ...Presentation.1. Let’s learn(单词学习)(1)教授单词red。(Show something red on the PPT)T: Look! What colour is it?Ss: 红色。T: Yes. It’s red. Can you think of something red?Ss: ...T: What’s this? Ss: ...T: This is a red apple. Red, /e/-/ed/-/red/, red.Write down the word “red” on the blackboard and teach it in high and low voice.T: Red, red, red. I see red. Follow me, please!Ss: Red, red, red. I see red.(2)教授单词yellow。(Show something yellow on the PPT)T: Three, two, one! Now, look! The banana is yellow. Read after me, please! Yellow, /je/-/ləʊ/, /’jeləʊ/, yellow.Write down the word “yellow” on the blackboard and lead students to read it several times.T: Yellow, yellow, yellow. I see yellow.Ss: Yellow, yellow, yellow. I see yellow.(课件出示:依次显示单词red, yellow, green, blue的相关内容,教学步骤基本同上,略有变化)2. Look and sayLet students look at the picture and say the colours of the pictures quickly. T: Look at the pictures and say the colours quickly. Are you ready?Ss: Go! ...3. Let’s learn(对话学习)(1)教师播放课文动画。Lead students to watch the video.T:.Look at the picture.What colour can they see? Let's watch it.Ss:...(2)呈现句型“I see... ”After the video, Let students look at the picture and say the colours of the rainbow by using the sentence structure “I see…”quickly. Write down the sentence structure “I see…” on the blackboard and let students practice it.4. Read and act(1)Play the recording of “Let’s learn”. Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.(2)Let students read the words and the sentences by themselves.(3)Let students practice in groups, and then act out in class.Practice.(单词/句型操练)1. Look and answerShow the pictures of different colours on the PPT. Let students say the colours in groups. T: Let’s look and answer. I see... Ss: Red... Ss: Yellow... 2. Let’s do.(1)Show the picture of “Let’s do” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P15 Let’s do板块的图片) Let students listen and guess the meaning. (2)Listen and do.T: Take out your crayons. Now, please listen and do. (Demonstrate for students first.) Show me green.Students show the green crayons.T: Show me red.Students show the red crayons.T: Show me yellow.Students show the yellow crayons.T: Show me blue.Students show the blue crayons.T: Now, who can be a little teacher? Please give the instruction “Show me…” (Let the other students do as the little teacher says.)Write down the sentence structure “Show me…” on the blackboard and let students practice it.…Step 3 Consolidation&Extension巩固和拓展学生对颜色单词的学习,提升学生的综合语言运用能力。1. Let’s playShow the pictures of different colours on the PPT. Let students say the colours in pairs. (Demonstrate for students first.) T: They are different colours in things. What colour do you see? S1: I see green and yellow...2. Ask and answerLet students observe the two pictures carefully. Lead students to ask and answer.T: What colour do you see? S1: I see ...(Point to the colours)3. ExerciseStep 4 Summary&Homework(1)小结: red, yellow, green, 和blue.(2)作业。教学反思寓教学活动于游戏,培养学生的动口动手能力,使学生在说、做、听、读、玩中体会英语学习的乐趣。板书设计Unit 2 Coloursred, yellow, green and blue.I see red/yellow/green/blue.教学目标1.知识目标:能听懂、会说“Good morning.”“This is ...”并能在实际情景中运用。2.能力目标:能运用简短的交际用语同他人进行对话。3.情感目标:教育学生要养成讲礼貌的好习惯。教学重点掌握问候用语“Good morning.”及句型“This is ...”。教学难点能熟练地使用早上见面的问候语及介绍人物的句子进行交际。教学准备录音机、录音带、课件。教学过程批注Step 1 Warm-up&Revision主题相关歌曲热身互动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望。通过创设真实的情景,让学生听懂并会说句型“Good morning.”,并在师生、生生间充分地操练,让学生在情景中学会运用。Revision课件中呈现彩虹图片,运用句型I see ... T: What colour do you see?Ss: I see ...Let's sing教师播放视频歌曲Good morning,学生一起挥手问候。Greetings在打招呼中学习句子Good morning。Show three pictures of morning. Help students get the meaning of “good morning” and learn to express in different situations.On the farm(the rooster crows in the morning)/In the park(the sun rises slowly)/In the school(look at the clock)T: Look at the picture. When is it? In the morning or in the afternoon? And how do you know that?Ss: …T: Yes. We can see the rising sun. It's morning now!Teach students the pronunciation and the meaning of “morning”. Let students follow the teacher to read and practice it several times.T: Good morning, boys and girls! Good, /g/ /ʊ/ /d/, /gʊd/. Morning, /m/-/ɔ:/ /nɪŋ /, / 'mɔ:nɪŋ/. Good morning. You can answer like this: Good morning, Miss/Mr…Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mr…Write down the sentence “Good morning.” on the blackboard.T: Boys, say “Good morning.” to all the girls! Bs: Good morning, girls!T: Now! Girls, say “Good morning.” to the boys.Gs: Good morning, boys!Step 2 Presentation&Practice通过观察图片让学生猜测谁是新老师,使用开放性的问题来激发学生的好奇心及其表达的欲望,进而引出本板块的对话场景,帮助学生更好地理解对话的语境。Lead in.(Let’s greet)教师呈现师生图片。Show the picture of teachers and students. Lead students to look at pictures and greet to each other.T: Hello! I’m ... Good morning. Ss: Hello! I’m ... Good morning. T: ... Let’s meet a new teacher!Presentation.(对话学习) Let’s talk(1)教师展示Let's talk部分图片,看图提问,引导学生预测对话内容。T: Boys and girls, please look at the picture. Who is the new teacher? What are they doing?Ss: ...(Students can answer in Chinese.)(2)看视频回答问题并一起核对答案。Play the video and let students watch it carefully. (课件出示:教材P14 Let's talk板块的视频) Then ask them to answer the question.T: Let’s watch and answer. Who is the new teacher?Ss: Miss White.T: What are they talking?Ss: Good morning...T: Great!(3)教授重点句型“This is...”。Let two students wear the headdresses of Miss Green and Mr Jones.T: Look! This is Miss Green! This, /ð/-/ ɪ/-/s/, /ðɪs/. You can introduce this woman teacher like this: This is Miss Green.Write down the sentence structure “This is Miss…” on the blackboard.T: Let's say “Good morning.” to Miss Green.Ss: Good morning, Miss Green! T: (Point to the student who wears the headdress of Mr Jones.) This is…Ss: This is Mr Jones.Write down the sentence structure “This is Mr…” on the blackboard.(4)操练句型“This is ...”。Introduce the teachers and students using the sentence“ This is...”T: This is ... (5)看视频跟读对话。(6)Let students use the sentence structure “This is…” to meet the new teachers. For example:S1: Good morning. I'm ... This is ...S2: Good morning. I'm ... This is ...Practice.(单词/句型操练)Let’s play小组句型操练。Let students use the sentence structure “This is…” to introduce their classmates in groups. For example:S1: Good morning. I'm S1. This is S2.S2: Good morning. I'm S2. This is S3.S3: Good morning. I'm S3. This is S4. S4: Good morning. I'm S4. This is S1.Step 3 Consolidation&Extension通过游戏的形式,巩固操练本课时的核心句型,可以极大地提升学生的学习热情,让学生真正地做到在“学中玩,玩中学”。1.Draw and say.Draw the simple picture of a woman on the blackboard, and lead students to say, “This is Miss Green.” Then draw the simple picture of a man, and lead students to say, “This is Mr Jones.” 2. Draw and introduce.Let students work in groups of four. One of the students draws a picture of his or her favourite teacher, and then introduces the person he/she draws to the other three students. For example:S1: This is Miss/Mr…S2/S3/S4: Good morning, Miss/Mr…Step 4 Summary&Homework(1)小结: This is Miss/Mr …— Good morning.— Good morning, Miss/Mr …(2)作业。教学反思开放性问题的设置能激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,推动学生自主思考,让课堂教学更高效。板书设计Unit 2 ColoursThis is Miss/Mr …— Good morning.— Good morning, Miss/Mr …教学目标1.知识目标:能听、说、读、写字母Aa,Bb,Cc和Dd;能听懂、会说课本上以字母Aa,Bb,Cc和Dd开头的单词。2.能力目标:培养学生对英文字母的认知能力和辨别能力。3.情感目标:培养学生要良好的学习习惯和书写习惯。 教学重点掌握字母Aa,Bb,Cc和Dd的规范书写。教学难点掌握字母Aa—Dd的笔顺以及课本上以这四个字母开头的例词的发音。教学准备字母卡片,录音机、录音带、课件。教学过程批注Step 1 Warm-up用歌曲营造愉快的学习氛围,同时也为新课的学习做铺垫。通过展示观察字母表,激发学生的学习兴趣,进而导入新课。Greetings师生之间互相问候。T: Hi, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, Miss/Mr…T: Good morning!Ss: Good morning!Enjoy a song—ABC song教师播放歌曲视频,教师和学生一起跟唱字母歌。Sing ABC song with students. T: It’s a happy song. Do you like it?Ss: Yes!Show the alphabet chart and review the capital letters and small letters.T: Look! The letters are big. They are capital letters.T: Look! The letters are small. They are ...Ss: Small letters.T: Very good! They are small letters.Step 2 Presentation&Practice将字母教学和单词教学相结合并融入语音知识,引导学生自主探究字母在单词中的发音规则。通过让学生寻找生活中与字母形状相同的物品来加强学习的趣味性,强化学生对字母知识的记忆。引导学生观察图片进行听前预测,降低听力任务的难度。通过听音圈出听到的单词的首字母,巩固新知。以补充单词首字母的形式让学生进一步在单词中感知新学的字母。Lead in.(课前引入)提问导入字母学习。T: What’s the first letter of in the alphabet? A, B, C or D?(Use body language to explain “the first letter”.)Ss: A.T: You are so great! Presentation.(字母学习)1. Learn the letters(1)教授新字母Aa。Show the letter card “A”.T: Look at the card. I see “A”. Follow me, please. A, A, A!(Let students follow the teacher.)T: This is letter Aa. (Point to the letter A) This is letter Aa.Ss: This is letter Aa.(2)老师带领学生学习拼读字母Aa对应单词,并让学生跟读操练。Ask students to find out A-shaped things in their daily life.T: Can you say something that looks like “A”? (Students can answer in Chinese.) S1: 宝塔。S2: 金字塔。…T: You are so clever! Now, look at the pictures and the words. Try to find the letter “Aa”.T: A, A, A! A is for apple! A, A, A! A is for ant! Can you find the similarity of the two words? (Students can answer in Chinese.)Ss: …T: Yes! The pronunciation of the letter “a” in the two words is the same. It pronounces “/æ/”. /æ/, /æ/, /æ/, apple. / æ/, /æ/, /æ /, ant.Let students read after the teacher and practice several times.(字母Ab, Bb, Cc, Dd的教学步骤基本同上) 2. Listen, repeat and chantPlay the recording. (课件出示:教材P16 Listen, repeat and chant的音频)Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Show the chant of “Listen, repeat and chant” on the PPT. Play the recording again.(出示课件)T: Turn to page 16. Let’s listen and chant together!Practice.(字母操练)Listen and circle. (1)Show the pictures of “Listen and circle”. (课件出示:教材P16 Listen and circle的图片)Let students observe the pictures and try to predict the key words. (2) Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P16 Listen and circle的音频)Let students listen and circle the letters.(3)Check the answers with students.(Answers: d; c; b; c; d)Step 3 Consolidation&Extension通过认真观察四线三格中字母的笔顺和正确的书写格式来培养学生规范的英文书写习惯。Consolidation.1. Write and say教授单词书写。(1) Write down the letters “Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd” on the blackboard step by step. Ask students to write them down in their exercise books. Choose some students to write on the blackboard. Let students pay attention to the correct stroke order and writing form of the letters.(2) Prepare the cards of the four letters. Choose one student to come to the podium. Let the student hold up the cards one by one, and the other students read the corresponding letters quickly.2. Let’s play(Chain letters)单词拼读游戏。Show the game on the PPT. Let students try to spell the words.T: Let's try to spell the word. / b// æ/ / g/...Ss: bag...Step 4 Summary&Homework(1)小结: A-D(2)作业。教学反思注重对学生学习方法的指导,包括对学生听的指导和写的指导。在听力练习之前,为学生预留时间思考,在教授新字母的书写时,先做好示范。板书设计Unit 1 Hello!Aa - ant,appleBb- book,bagCc - cat, crayonDd - dog, duck
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