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    7年级英语人教版下册Unit 3-4 提升练习(含答案) 学案
    7年级英语人教版下册Unit 3-4 提升练习(含答案) 学案01
    7年级英语人教版下册Unit 3-4 提升练习(含答案) 学案02
    7年级英语人教版下册Unit 3-4 提升练习(含答案) 学案03
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    7年级英语人教版下册Unit 3-4 提升练习(含答案) 学案

    这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版七年级下册本册综合导学案及答案,共8页。

    Name                    Group                Class           


    Grade 7下册 Unit 3Unit 4 提升练习


    Get ready before class


    1.    take the train/bus
    2.    ride a bike
    3.    How far is it from your home to school?
    4.    About 10 kilometers. The bus ride takes about 20 minutes.
    5.    Does your dad drive his car to work?
    6.    bus stop
    7.    sixty; seventy; eighty; ninety; hundred

    8. Cross the river to school

    9. for many students

    10. But for the students in one small village in China…

    11. There is a very big river between their school and the village.

    12. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.

    13. But he is not afraid.

    14. He’s like a father to me.

    15. Many villagers never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come true?

    16. Don’t arrive late for class.

    17. You must eat in the dining hall.

    18. Don’t listen to music in class.

    19. Don’t fight.

    20. Listen to music outside.

    21. Wear a hat

    22. This is very important.

    23. Can we bring music players to school?

    24. We also have to be quiet in the library.

    25. before dinner

    26. Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.

    27. We have more rules—don’t be noisy.

    28. I can’t relax either.

    29. I must read a book before I can watch TV.

    30. I know how you feel.

    31. Parents and schools are sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules to help us.

    32. We have to follow them.

    33. Good luck.

    34. I have to keep my hair short.

    35. I have to learn to play the piano.



    Mary: 1.       do you get to school, Jack?

    Jack: I go to school 2.       bike, because my home is 2 kilometers from school.

    Mary: How 3.      does it take you?

    Jack: About 6 minutes. How 4      you, Mary?

    Mary: I 5.       to school. My home is only one kilometer from school. But my friend Katy lives 6.       from school. She has to 7.       the subway to get to school every morning.

    Jack: Wow, thats a long way. I think it must (一定) take 8.     quite a long time to get to school.

    Mary: It does.


    Dear Dr. Know,

    Can you help me? Im not happy1.                               (因为在家有太多的规矩了). Every morning, I 2.               get up at six o’clock. At school, I have to wear a school

    3.      , and I must 4.      (留短发). After school, I cant play with my friends or watch TV because I must do my homework. I 5.      (我在周末也不能放松) because I must learn the piano. I 6.       (我从来都没有开心过) . What should I do?

    Zhao Pei    

    Enjoy the class



    Most children get picked up from school by car or public transport, but one Polish (波兰) schoolboy has a unique form of transport. Four-year-old Kacper Stepien is the talk of his kindergarten (幼儿园) thanks to his four-legged friend Fala.

    Kacper saw many parents pick up their children with dogs, even with a ferret (雪貂). He asked his mother, Agata, why he couldn’t be picked up from kindergarten with the family pet, she didn’t have an answer. Because they have moved closer and they don’t have a dog. Luckily, his mom talked with her husband, with the kindergarten and then she could pick up her child with an animal as well. It is a horse. And the four-year-old feels quite at home with Fala. He’s been on horseback since he was ten months old. Agata says: “He grabs her leg, he grabs her head, he grabs her tail, and she is totally calm, she lets him do everything... they kiss each other”. The two-kilometer journey takes about half an hour. Fala picks Kacper up at least three times a week.

    Agata says: “Some of the drivers have some stupid ideas and they start to honk (鸣喇叭). Luckily she ignores it. It will take more than a car horn to faze Fala.

    Andrzej Galka, father of Kacper, reckons traveling by horse is safer than by car.

    And Kacper could become Poland’s youngest jockey. The horse mad youngster is having riding lessons two times a week.

    Joanna Okraska, another mother, says: “Sure it’s great fun for a child... it’s funny. My child also likes me to pick him up with a horse, but unfortunately (不幸的是) its not possible.

    1. According to the passage, the four-legged Fala is a     . (     )

    A. ferret   B. dog   C. horse   D. car

    2. The underlined part in paragraph 2 means     . (     )

    A.在家   B.自在   C.熟练    D.精通

    3. It takes Fala     to pick up Kacper from kindergarten.     . (     )

    A. half hours   B. thirty minutes   C. two hours    D. three times

    4. What do you think is the best title of this passage? (      )

    A. The family petFala     B. Poland’s youngest jockey

    C. Kacpers Kindergarten   D. The most fashionable transport

    5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? (     )

    A. Kacper Stepien is four years old.

    B. Kacper Stepien’s kindergarten is two kilometers away from his home.

    C. According to Kacpers father, traveling by horse is as safe as traveling by car.

    D. Kacper is having riding lessons twice a week.


    Every family has its own rules. Some of the family rules seem so strict to the family members, however, the rules of my family are sufferable to me.

    As s student in school and a child at home, I think I should abide by some of the family rules because they could help me to grow well. For example, my mom does not allow me to go out or return home late. And I cant be late for school. She thinks it will make my study bad.

    In addition (另外), I should get up at six oclock every morning. Half an hour later, I have breakfast. And at seven o clock, I go to school by bike. I have to do my homework first after school. I cant watch TV, surf the Internet and play computer games during the night on school days. On weekends, I have to clean my room by myself.

    My family rules make me become busier than others. Although I am very busy, I still feel happy.

    1. The underlined wordsufferable means _____.

    A. 残酷的    B. 能容忍的   C. 严格的

    2. From the second paragraph, we know _____.

    A. the writer doesnt want to fit to the family rules

    B. the writer can go out by himself.    

    C. the writer should go to school on time. 

    3. The writer cant do anything except ______ on school nights.

    A. studying       B watching TV   C. playing computer games       

    4. What time does the writer have breakfast?       

    A. At six oclock.       B. At half past six.   C. At seven oclock.        

    5. Which following is TRUE according to the passage?     

    A. The writer thinks his family rules are strict.    

    B. The writer goes to school by car.  

    C. The writer cleans his room by himself.


    A. 段落编写

    段落编写(一)get  far  kilometer  every  dream

    My home is far away from school, so I go to school by bus every day. I get up at 6:30 in the morning, and then I have a quick breakfast. Usually I have milk and bread, and sometimes I have an egg and some porridge. I go to the bus station at 6:50 and wait for the earliest bus. The 8-kilometer journey takes about 40 minutes. It is my dream that one day I can drive to school!

    段落编写(二)Rule   must  late  relax  fun

    I have a pen pal from Shanghai. She says she has many rules in her family. She must get up early every morning. She cant be late for school. She cant play with her friends after school because she has to do her homework. She cant watch TV or play computer games on school nights. She cant relax on weekends, either. She says she never has fun.

    B. 短文写作

    在学校每名学生都要遵守很多的规则,请以“My school rules”为题目写一篇短文,内容包括以下几个方面。

    1 在学校你都有哪些规则要遵守,请举例说明。

    2 你赞同这些规则吗?如果不赞同,请说出你的合理性原因。





    (Start & Language)


        Welcome to my school. There are a lot of rules in my school.

        Do you know the rules in_______

        Let me tell you the rule in_________

    (main body)

        Some of the rules are really important for our study.

    We cant_________

    We must_______

    We have to__________

        However, I disagree with some others. For example__________

    Because ___________________


    Although sometimes I think the rules are too strict for us, I do know that the teachers make rules to help us. They can help us do well and be a better person. So lets follow these rules and not to break them.

























    1. How

    2. by

    3. long

    4. .about

    5. walk

    6. far

    7. take

    8. really


    1. because there are too many rules at home

    2. must

    3. uniform

    4. keep my hair short

    5. cant relax on weekends, either.

    6. never have any fun

    Enjoy the class








    Welcome to my school. Do you want to know the rules in my school? Let me tell you some of them.

    There are a lot of school rules in my school just like other schools. I think some of them are very useful. For example, we cant be late for class and everyone has to be on time. We cant run in the hallways, because it is very dangerous. We cant listen to music or play games in class, either. We must be quiet in the library. We must not fight.

    However, I disagree with some other rules. For example, we have to wear school uniforms. Why couldn’t we wear the clothes we like? The school uniforms are not comfortable and they look so ugly. But the teacher says we should focus more on our study not the clothes.

    Although sometimes I think the rules are too strict for us, I do know that the teachers make rules to help us. They can help us do well and be a better person. So lets follow these rules and not to break them.






    7年级英语人教版 下册Unit 3-4 复习(含答案) 学案: 这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版七年级下册本册综合导学案及答案,共7页。

    8年级英语人教版下册 Unit 3-4 复习(含答案) 学案: 这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册本册综合导学案及答案,共7页。

    8年级英语人教版上册 Unit 3-4 提升练习(含答案) 学案: 这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级上册本册综合学案设计,共7页。

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