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    外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 5 Into the wild学案
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    外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 5 Into the wild学案01
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    外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Into the wild学案及答案

    这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Into the wild学案及答案,文件包含Part2docx、Part1docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共87页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection


    An Encounter with Nature

    答案:1.braving 2.at a speed of 3.stepped 4.concentrating on 5.which were reflected 6.falling off 7.shaking 8.reminder

    1.As a nature photographer,I have to brave the elements.(教材第56页)
     ♦brave vt.(通常为达到某目标)勇敢面对
    Joe Bolen braved the dangerous high winds to fly there.乔·博伦顶着大风冒险飞往那里。
    They braved the storm to reach the sinking ship.

    ①Thousands have      (brave) icy rain to demonstrate their support. 
    ②He deserves the highest praise for his      (brave). 
    ③He fought      (brave) in the midst of the battle. 
    答案:①braved ②bravery ③bravely
    ④It is brave of you to go through forest alone.
    2.One of the best things about this job is that you can observe animals in their natural environment.(教材第56页)
     ♦observe vt.看到,观察;注意到;遵守(法律、习俗等);庆祝,过(节日、生日等)
    She has observed the stars all her life.
    How many festivals do we observe in a year?

    ①They observed Mr Smith     (talk) to a bank clerk. 
    ②The police observed a man     (step) into the hotel and stay inside without leaving. 
    ③We         (注意到) it had turned cloudy. 
    答案:①talking ②step ③observed that

    3.While I was concentrating on photographing this amazing scene,I suddenly had a feeling that I was being watched.(教材第57页)
     (1)concentrate (sth.) on sth.把精力集中于……,全神贯注于……
    He concentrated his attention on the problem of technology.

    ①Water companies should concentrate on      (reduce) waste instead of building new reservoirs. 
    ②The programme was so exciting that the children fixed their eyes      the television screen. 
    答案:①reducing ②on
    (2)scene n.场景,景象,场面,事发地点
    You can just picture the scene,can’t you?
    Doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident to carry out the rescue.


    ①Discover the China of “past ages”,its walled cities,temples and mountain      with Prof Robert Thorp.(2020年全国Ⅲ卷,阅读理解A) 
    ②The      from our window was the beautiful green countryside. 
    ③Sunset at Mount Huangshan is a beautiful     ,one I’ll never forget. 
    答案:①scenery ②view ③scene
    4.When I recovered from the shock,I looked at my camera.(教材第57页)
     ♦recover vi.& vt.(从糟糕经历中)恢复(意识、神志或身体状态);收回(花掉、投资或借出的钱)
    Don’t drive your car until you have fully recovered.
    We recovered our invested money in the first year.

    ①Firms need a breathing space if they are     (recover). 
    ②There is still a good chance of their      (recover). 
    ③It is a month since she recovered      her illness. 
    答案:①to recover ②recovery ③from

    It is after all we who are the visitors to their world.(教材第57页)
    ◆强调句型:“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分.”。
    It was I that∕who met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.

    ④想判断一个句子是否是强调句,可把It is∕was和that∕who去掉,如果句子成分及句意仍然完整,则是强调句,否则不是。

    ①     was in New Zealand that Elizabeth first met Mr Smith. 
    ②It is in this very village      she will build her first school. 
    ③It wasn’t      nearly a month later that I received the manager’s reply. 
    答案:①It ②that ③until

    1.While I was concentrating on photographing this amazing scene,I suddenly had a feeling that I was being watched.(教材第57页)
    2.Time stood still as the bear and I both waited to see who would move first.(教材第57页)
    该句子为主从复合句。句中as the bear and I both waited to see who would move first为时间状语从句,从句中who would move first是宾语从句,作动词see的宾语。

    1.An eagle flew over the snow-capped mountains,which were reflected in the still lake below.(教材第57页)
    ♦snow-capped adj.白雪覆顶的
    From Panzhihua,the Jinsha River leaves the snow-capped mountains behind and enters the area that is dry and hot.

    ①There are very few          (自学成才的钢琴家). 
    ②One of the greatest challenges will be making enough trained teachers and facilities available in          (国办学校),especially in rural areas. 
    答案:①self-educated pianists ②state-run schools
    2.Time stood still as the bear and I both waited to see who would move first.(教材第57页)
    stand为系动词,意为“处于 (某种状态或状况)”,可接名词、形容词、过去分词或介词短语作表语。
    The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary.该联盟已准备好采取必要行动。
    The three men remained silent.这三个人保持沉默。

    ①They stood      (firmly) in their demand for friendship with China. 
    ②Please remain      (seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop. 
    答案:①firm ②seated
    3.From time to time I look at the photo as a reminder to show respect to all animals.(教材第57页)
    ◆respect n.尊敬,尊重;重视;方面;(pl.)敬意,问候
    I have the greatest respect for Jane’s work ability.我非常钦佩简的工作能力。


    ①You should have respect      your elders and teachers. 
    ②She respected him      his honesty. 
    ③This explanation is far from satisfaction in many     (respect). 
    答案:①for ②for ③respects

    Writing an animal fact file


    The giant...is an animal that/which lives in...
    It feeds/lives on...
    Many trees are being cut down and more and more forests are lost,making animals lose their homes to live in.
    As forests are being cut down,its habitat is becoming smaller and smaller.
    To protect...,measures should be taken to set up some nature reserves.
    Finally,we should let people know the importance of protecting endangered animals.
    In a word,we must take some measures to protect rare animals from extinction.

    华南虎(South China Tiger)
    主要捕食野猪(wild boar)、水鹿(sambar)等

    1.     adj.濒危的 
    2.     n.图像,影像 
    3.     v.量,测量 
    4.     v.破坏,毁掉 
    5.     v.寻找,寻求 
    6.     n.解决,解决办法 
    7.     n.保护区,保护圈 
    8.     v.创立,创建 
    9.    处于困境 
    10.    以……为食 
    答案:1.endangered 2.image 3.measure
    4.destroy 5.seek 6.solution 7.reserve
    8.found 9.in trouble 10.feed on
    South China Tiger is an      animal. 
             South China Tiger is round head,short ears,big and powerful limbs,long tail,orange yellow fur and      black stripes. 
    They      wild boars and sambars. 
    Their habitats are      and they are illegally hunted.The tigers are  . 
    We should      to prevent them      extinction. 
    More reserves should be     . 
    答案:1.endangered 2.The image of;covered with 3.feed mainly on 4.destroyed;in great trouble 5.seek solutions;from 6.founded



    答案:1.South China Tiger is an endangered animal,whose image is round head,short ears,big and powerful limbs,long tail,orange yellow fur and covered with black stripes.
    2.Their habitats are destroyed and they are illegally hunted,making them in great trouble.

    South China Tiger
    South China Tiger is an endangered animal,whose image is round head,short ears,big and powerful limbs,long tail,orange yellow fur and covered with black stripes,living in Southern China,Central China and Eastern China.
    South China Tigers are expert in swimming,but like other kinds of tigers,they are not good at climbing trees.They feed mainly on wild boars and sambars.
    Now,there are over 100 South China Tigers in the reserve and few live in the wild.Their habitats are destroyed and they are illegally hunted,making them in great trouble.
    In a word,we should seek solutions to prevent them from extinction.For example,more reserves should be founded,stricter laws should be established.Meanwhile,ensure that they have a spacious living space and enough food.Only in this way can their number increase.



      One possible version:
    The panda
    It is known to all that the panda is our national treasure,mostly living in Sichuan Province and Shaanxi Province in China.Its lovely image is favoured by people from all over the world.Its black and white fur,big eyes and round fat body shape look so cute.Most pandas are good at climbing trees and swimming.The pandas are very lazy.They just eat bamboo and sleep all day.People always play the joke that you will look like a panda if you don’t have enough sleep.

    课时作业(十) Unit 5 Part 2 

    1.She took the job for     (variety) reasons. 
    2.The doctor expected the boy to make a quick     (recover). 
    3.The boy is a little naughty and often      (reaction) against his parents. 
    4.It was this man      helped me out when I was in trouble. 
    5.I can’t concentrate      my work with several children shouting loudly outside. 
    6.It’s      (freeze) cold outside so you must put on more clothes. 
    7.They get their money from various     (source). 
    8.We decided to brave      elements and finish our task as planned. 
    9.This is the biggest problem that I      (encounter) in my work so far. 
    10.I was      (shock) at this sudden change in their attitude. 
    答案:1.various 2.recovery 3.reacts 4.that/who 5.on 6.freezing 7.sources 8.the
    9.have encountered 10.shocked
    1.Environmental sanitation workers             (冒着风雨) to do cleaning on time. 
    2.It takes these students quite a long time             (从……中恢复) the failure of examinations. 
    3.The children were excited and they talked down their teacher           (时不时). 
    4.He wrote to say that they couldn’t give me a job         (终究). 
    5.The car runs         (以……的速度) 80 miles per hour. 
    答案:1.brave the elements 2.to recover from 3.from time to time 4.after all 5.at a speed of

    Elephant reserve
    This is a working vacation at a wildlife centre.Anyone can become a volunteer if he/she agrees to help the elephant keepers with tasks.
    Daily tasks
    Gather the elephants at 6:30 am.Take them to look for food in the forest.Clean the enclosure(围场).Swim with the elephants in the lake in the afternoon.If volunteers want to relax after work,they can watch satellite television.
    How this vacation helps
    If these elephants hadn’t been rescued they would still be living on the streets of Bangkok.The rural environment is much better for them than the urban environment where there is lots of pollution.
    Your comment
    “I love working with these huge gentle animals.”
    Gorilla safari(观赏野兽的旅行)
    Countries:Kenya,Rwanda and Uganda
    Departures(出发):2-3 departures per month from Aug.to Dec.
    Extras:permit £220
    If you’re lucky,you’ll see lions,elephants and rhinos during this safari.The highlight(最好的部分) of the trip is the opportunity to see gorillas in the mountain forests.However,you must be in good health—if a gorilla caught a cold,it would be extremely harmful to its whole family.
      How this vacation helps
    There are only about 600 gorillas left in the world as human activity has reduced the area where they can live.When you buy a permit,this will pay for the protection of the national park.
    Your comment
    “I’ll surely go back as soon as I have enough money!”
    Polar bear watching
    Area & Country:Arctic,Canada
    Departures:sixty trips between 1 Oct.19 Nov.
    Every October and November groups of polar bears gather in Hudson Bay.As they are normally lonely creatures,this is unusual.The bears wait for the ocean to freeze so that they can hunt for seals,so this is the perfect opportunity to see them.Extra activities include dog sledding(狗拉雪橇) and a night trip to see the Northern Lights.
    How this vacation helps
    If the Arctic ice cap melts due to global warming,polar bears will be in danger.We give a share of our profits(利益) to the charity that protects polar bears.
    Your comment
    “These terrible bears get all the liquid they need from their food.”
    1.What will elephant volunteers do?
    A.Sweep the enclosure of elephants.
    B.Take food for elephants at 6:30 am.
    C.Watch satellite television on elephants.
    D.Wash elephants in the lake in the afternoon.
    2.What do we know about the Gorilla safari?
    A.You can find gorillas in Kenya and Canada.
    B.You will get a cold in the mountain forests.
    C.Visitors need to pay $220 to see gorillas.
    D.There are about 10 trips to visit gorillas.
    3.What’s the aim of these activities?
    A.To help build more national parks.
    B.To help protect the wild animals.
    C.To help deal with the pollution in cities.
    D.To help solve the problem of global warming.
    1.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据Elephant reserve中Daily tasks部分的“Clean the enclosure”可知,大象志愿者将要打扫大象的围场,故选A项。
    2.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据Gorilla safari中的“Departures(出发):2-3 departures per month from Aug.to Dec.”可知,8月至12月每月有两到三次观赏野兽的旅行,由此可知,大概共有10~15(2×5或3×5)次观赏野兽的旅行,故选D项。
    3.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据各部分中How this vacation helps中的内容可知,活动的目的是保护野生动物,故选B项。

    Here in Alaska,the wolf almost disappeared a few years ago,because hunters were killing hundreds of them for sports. 1 ,laws were passed to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who catch the animals for their  2 .So the wolf population has greatly  3 .Now there are so many wolves that they are  4  their own food supply.A wolf naturally lives on animals in the  5  family.People there also hunt deer for food.Many of the animals have been  6  by the very cold winters recently and changes in the plant life there.When the deer can’t find  7  food,they die. 
    If the wolves  8  to kill large numbers of deer,the deer will  9  some day.And the wolves,too.So we must  10  the cycle (循环) of life there.If we killed more wolves,we would  11  them from starving.We also save deer and some  12  animals. 
    In another northern state,wolves attack (袭击)  13  and chickens for food.Farmers want the United States government to send a team of  14  to study the problem.They believe it is  15  to kill wolves in some areas and to protect them in places where there is a small population. 
    1.A.But B.Although
    C.However D.So
    2.A.skin B.covering
    C.meat D.fur
    3.A.increased B.reduced
    C.improved D.changed
    4.A.killing B.using
    C.eating D.destroying
    5.A.hunter B.deer
    C.farmer D.wolf
    6.A.killed B.harmed
    C.hunted D.protected
    7.A.much B.good
    C.enough D.fresh
    8.A.stop B.continue
    C.remain D.go
    9.A.disappear B.die
    C.reduce D.starve
    10.A.find B.use
    C.change D.insist
    11.A.save B.keep
    C.defend D.make
    12.A.water B.land
    C.forest D.farm
    13.A.deer B.hares
    C.dogs D.cows
    14.A.scientists B.soldiers
    C.hunters D.doctors
    15.A.right B.necessary
    C.useful D.natural

    1.C 过去,人们大量捕杀狼,然而后来国家通过法律保护狼。因此前后为转折关系。but也可表示转折,但but是连词,不用逗号分开。
    2.D 根据常识可知,人们捕杀狼是为了得到它们的毛皮(fur)。
    3.A 因为有法律保护狼,因此狼的数量增加(increased)了。
    4.D 从空格后的“their own food supply”可知,此处应该填destroying(毁灭)。
    5.B 根据下文中的“People there also hunt deer for food.”等一系列关于鹿的叙述可知,狼天生以鹿(deer)为食。
    6.B 由文义可知,寒冷的冬季及食物的变化对鹿伤害(harmed)极大,但还不至于致其死亡。下一句“当鹿找不到足够的食物时,它们就会死亡”也能说明这一点。
    7.C 句意:鹿找不到足够的(enough)食物便会死亡。
    8.B 句意:如果狼继续(continue)杀死大量的鹿,鹿总有一天会灭绝,狼也会。
    9.A 根据后面的“some day”可知,作者在讲述未来的结果,联系空格前的内容可知,鹿有一天会灭绝消失(disappear)。
    10.C 根据上文叙述可知,我们应该改变(change)这样的食物圈。
    11.A 根据文章叙述可知,狼的数量过多就会出现食物数量减少,因此,猎杀一定数量的狼可以救(save)它们,使它们避免因为食物减少而饿死。save...from...意为“把……从……中救出来”,keep...from...意为“阻止……做某事”。
    12.D 根据下文可知,如果狼得不到足够的鹿,它们就会去袭击鸡等,因此保护好鹿,也会使some farm animals得到保护。
    13.D 由上文叙述可知,狼袭击的是农场里的牛、鸡等牲畜,因此D项为最佳答案。
    14.A 根据后面的“to study the problem”可知,研究这一问题的是科学家(scientists)。
    15.B 句意:他们认为在有的地区捕杀狼而在数量少的地方保护狼是有必要的(necessary)。
    核心素养提升(Unit 5)
    (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.Where are the man's sunglasses probably?( B )
    A.In his bag. B.On the table.
    C.In the woman's bag.
    2.How does the man like living in the centre of town?( B )
    A.He doesn't like living there.
    B.He thinks it's convenient.
    C.He thinks it's noisy.
    3.What is the date today?( C )
    A.May 8th. B.May 7th. C.May 6th.
    4.Who will the birthday party be held for?( A )
    A.Ted. B.Paul. C.Lisa.
    5.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?( A )
    B.Husband and wife.
    C.Teacher and student.
    6.What are the speakers mainly talking about?( C )
    A.Which food went bad.
    B.What the woman had for dinner.
    C.Why the woman got a stomachache.
    7.What does the man think causes the problem?( C )
    A.The cake. B.The pizza.
    C.The sandwich.
    8.What does the man do now?( C )
    A.A cleaner. B.A repairman.
    C.An electrician.
    9.What is the man's attitude towards his job?( B )
    A.Exhausted. B.Satisfied. C.Disappointed.
    10.Who will the man pay medical benefits for?( A )
    A.His wife. B.His son.
    11.How does the man usually have dinner?( A )
    A.He eats out.
    B.He cooks himself.
    C.His mother cooks.
    12.What food does the man seldom have at home?( C )
    A.Chinese food. B.Thai food.
    C.Australian food.
    13.What Australian food does the man think is interesting?( B )
    A.The meat pie.
    B.The kangaroo meat.
    C.The tomato sauce.
    14.What is the man reading?( B )
    A.A detective book.
    B.A historical novel.
    C.A classical textbook.
    15.How does the man feel about the book he is reading?( C )
    A.It is boring. B.It is accurate.
    C.It is fun.
    16.Where does the conversation probably take place?( A )
    A.In a library.
    B.In a bookstore.
    C.In the man's house.
    17.What is the speaker doing now?( A )
    A.Having an interview.
    B.Giving a speech.
    C.Performing in a play.
    18.What did the speaker do in Beijing?( A )
    A.He attended some packaging exhibitions.
    B.He visited some big factories and companies.
    C.He studied at a famous college.
    19.Which aspect is mentioned by the speaker?( C )
    A.His work experience.
    B.His work plan.
    C.His major.
    20.What does the speaker learn through college life?( B )
    A.The domestic packaging industry.
    B.The balance between his study and life.
    C.The management of packaging company.
    (Text 1)
    M:Oh no.I can't find my sunglasses!Are they in your bag?
    W:They were,but I took them out this morning and put them on the table.
    (Text 2)
    M:I really like living here in this department because it's in the center of town and convenient.
    W:That's true.But it gets really noisy at night.
    (Text 3)
    M:I need to get these pants shortened.Can I get them back the day after tomorrow on Wednesday,May 8th?
    W:I'm not sure.We're pretty busy this week.But we'll try.
    (Text 4)
    W:Hey,Paul!This weekend I'm having a birthday party for Ted.I'd like you to come.
    M:Thanks for the invitation,Lisa.I'd love to come.See you then!
    (Text 5)
    M:Hi,Laura.Very glad to see you here.
    W:Hi,Tim.I'm glad to see you here,too.
    M:Your bike is so beautiful.Where was it made?
    W:In China.
    (Text 6)
    M:Angela,how are you?
    W:I'm not that great.I've a terrible pain in my stomach.
    M:Maybe it's from something you ate.Did you have some of that pizza leftovers from last week?
    W:No,but I had some of the cake that Aunt Mary brought at the weekend.
    M:So did I and I feel fine,so I don't think it could be that.
    W:Now I remember!Yesterday afternoon I was in town shopping and I bought a chicken sandwich because I felt hungry.
    M:Hum,that must be it.
    (Text 7)
    M:Kate,I got a job at United Electrical!And the salary is good.
    W:Great!What do you do there?
    M:I work on new homes.I do the wiring,you know,lights,doorbells...
    W:How's your boss?
    M:He's nice but strict.He's clear about exactly what to do.
    W:Sounds like you found a really good job.
    M:Yeah,so far everything's fine.My only problem is medical benefits.They're just for me and my little boy.I have to pay extra for my wife.
    (Text 8)
    W:So,Edwin,do you usually cook for yourself or do you eat outside?
    M:I usually eat outside because I'm a very terrible cook.
    W:So,back at home,how's it done?
    M:My mum usually cooks.She usually cooks Chinese food and Thai food.We rarely eat Australian food at home because Australian food is pretty boring.
    W:If you do eat any Australian food,what kind of food do you eat?
    M:I guess it would be the meat pie.A lot of kids eat it in high school during lunch with tomato sauce.But an interesting Australian dish would be the kangaroo meat.I've had that a couple of times.It tastes really good.Have you tried kangaroo meat?
    W:Never.I don't eat all kinds of meat.I eat chicken only.
    (Text 9)
    W:What are you reading this time,Mason?
    M:It's called Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
    W:Oh,yes.Many kids are coming in requesting it.What is it about?
    M:It's about a boy my age who discovers he is the son of a Greek god.He then goes on a journey to recover something that is stolen from a powerful god.
    W:Ancient Greek history is interesting,isn't it?
    M:Yes,I love it.And it's a lot better than reading those boring textbooks in school.
    W:You may be right.However,the information in textbooks is much more accurate.
    M:I know.This is just more exciting,and I can relate to the main characters.
    W:It sounds like you would like historical fiction.It's a bit above your current reading level now,though.
    M:Mrs Lang?Can I take this home with me?
    W:Certainly.Just write your name down,along with the date you check it out.It's due back in one week.
    M:I'll finish it before that!
    (Text 10)
    M:Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.My name is Jack,It is really a great honour to have this opportunity for an interview.I would be happy to answer whatever questions you may have.First,please allow me to introduce myself.I am 21 years old,from Sichuan Province and I am currently a senior student at Sichuan University.My major is packaging engineering.I will get my bachelor's degree after I graduate in June.I have been looking for a good chance to put my ability to good use and I believe this is the perfect opportunity.
    Over the past four years,I have acquired a basic knowledge of packaging and publishing,both the theoretical and practical sides.Furthermore,I have attended several packaging exhibitions held in Beijing,which is one of the advantages of working here.I have also toured some big factories and companies and through these I have a deep understanding of the domestic packaging industry.I will work hard in this field and build upon my earlier studies.Through college life,I've learnt how to balance life and study and can manage my time well.
    I am confident that I am qualified for this position in your company.I firmly believe that my ability will contribute to your company if I succeed in getting this job.Thank you.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

    The African grey parrot's ability to talk and mimic sounds makes it a charming companion.African grey owners often report that their greys oftentimes talk in context and can understand their people's emotions (情感).The African grey parrot is not just a top talker—this kind of birds are also known for their extreme intelligence,which gives them the name “The Einsteins of the Bird World”.
    The bird is medium-sized,dusty-looking and almost pigeon-like.It has a bright red tail,intelligent orange eyes,and a stunning scalloped(扇形的) pattern to its feathers.Their diet in the wild consists mostly of nuts,seeds,fruits,and leafy matter.
    At home,African greys need plenty of toys that challenge their intelligence,such as food searching and puzzle toys.Nutri-Berries by Lafeber Company are a perfect choice,which,with a balance of grains,seeds and other nutrients in the shape of a berry,encourage African greys to hold,bite off,and even play with,just as they do in the wild.
    African greys seem especially affected by stress and disturbing noise in their environment and can be put more at ease by placing one corner of the cage against a wall as opposed to in the middle of a room.
    African grey parrots are more likely to suffer from lack of vitamin A/beta-carotene,and therefore benefit from eating vegetables high in beta-carotene,such as cooked sweet potato and fresh kale.Lack of vitamin D is another concern,especially for greys on a poor diet.Offering a balanced,pill-shaped diet,such as Nutri-Berries,helps prevent vitamin and mineral shortage.
    21.Why are African grey parrots called “The Einsteins of the Bird World”?
    A.Because of their brain size.
    B.On account of their intelligence.
    C.Owing to their rich emotions.
    D.Due to their talking ability.
    22.What can “Nutri-Berries” probably be?
    A.A brand of bird food.
    B.Puzzle toys for birds.
    C.A type of round fruit.
    D.Wild Intelligence games.
    23.What is the characteristic of African grey parrots?
    A.They may get ill due to lack of vitamin E.
    B.They prefer to stay in the middle of the room.
    C.They are dusty looking with blue eyes.
    D.They are smart and love to have fun.
    21.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段中的“The African grey parrot is...‘The Einsteins of the Bird World’.”可知,非洲灰鹦鹉非常善于学舌,它们还以非常聪明而闻名,这使它们被称为“鸟类世界的爱因斯坦”,故选B项。
    22.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第三段中的“Nutri-Berries by...in the shape of a berry,”可知,Lafeber公司生产的Nutri-Berries是一个完美的选择,它被制成浆果的形状,含有均衡搭配的谷物、种子和其他营养物质,由此判断出,Nutri-Berries应该是一种鸟粮,故选A项。
    23.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段中的“this bird is also known for its extreme intelligence”可知,非洲灰鹦鹉以非常聪明而闻名;再根据第三段中的“...encourage African greys to...they do in the wild.”可知,Lafeber公司生产的鸟粮能让非洲灰鹦鹉像在野外一样玩耍。由此可知,非洲灰鹦鹉非常聪明,而且还喜欢玩乐,故选D项。
    Many people like travelling,but they cannot take their dogs wherever they go.Some people let their dogs stay alone at home while others ask someone else to take care of their pets.If you're leaving your beloved pet at home for a holiday,it can turn into a bad experience.Luckily,you don't have to worry about your dogs any more because Rover can cover for you while you are on leave.Rover is the latest service to offer at-home dog boarding.It's a good alternative (替代物) to boarding your dog at a dog boarding kennel (狗舍) or your neighbour's house.
    The way Rover works is sort of like Airbnb.Dog owners browse the “search” section of the site or app for pet sitters,which can be organised by zip code and available dates.Information of pet sitters is provided,complete with many reviews,specific services and rates.Now Rover has over 25,000 pet sitters in more than 5,000 US cities.And they're all experienced pet sitters.
    After finding someone that meets your needs,just send messages to the pet sitter to arrange a meeting.Then,like Rover says,all that is left to do is relax! Rover's pet sitters are encouraged to send text and picture information throughout the day,and if there's a medical emergency,the site will send a vet.Besides,don't worry about a pet sitter who falls through,because someone else will soon take his or her place.
    Happy doggie,happy travels—that sounds good to us.To learn more about Rover,
    click here.
    24.What kind of service does Rover mainly provide?
    A.Helping people take care of their dogs.
    B.Providing information about dogs.
    C.Helping parents look after their kids.
    D.Telling people where to travel.
    25.According to Paragraph 2,we can know about a pet sitter through     . 
    A.sending e-mails
    B.making phone calls
    C.looking at information on Rover
    D.asking other dog owners
    26.What is a Rover pet sitter encouraged to do?
    A.Walk the dog every day.
    B.Learn some first aid skills.
    C.Call the pet owner anytime.
    D.Provide the latest information about the dog.
    27.The passage is written to     . 
    A.advertise a website
    B.advertise a service
    C.encourage people to travel
    D.introduce some pet sitters
    24.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段中的“Rover is the latest service to offer at-home dog boarding.”可知,Rover主要给人们提供宠物狗照管服务,故选A项。
    25.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段中的“Information of pet sitters is provided,complete with many reviews,specific services and rates.”可知,可以在这个网站上看到负责照看狗的个人信息,故选C项。
    26.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段中的“Rover's pet sitters are encouraged to send text and picture information throughout the day...”可知,负责照看狗的人被鼓励及时提供有关狗的信息,故选D项。
    27.B 主旨大意题。考查学生理解文本主旨要义的能力。纵观全文可知,本文主要在为一项宠物狗照管服务做广告,故选B项。
    A mother goat is able to pick out her own baby from its voice alone by the time the kid is just five days old.
    Researchers from University of London played kids' bleats to female goats and studied their responses.They were surprised to find that the animals were able to pick out their own kids' voices.
    “A mother and the kid rely a lot on smell to recognise one another and,in the wild,during the first week of their lives,the animals hide in grass and don't call much.It's a strategy they use to avoid enemies,” Dr Elodie Briefer,who led the research,explained.“The mother calls to the kids when she wants them to come and feed,so we expected that kids would recognise the mothers' voices.” In fact,this is the case for deer,which also use this hiding strategy,although they do not belong to the same family of species as goats.
    She and her team recorded and played back young kids' calls to the female goats and recorded their responses.She explained,“Even when the calls came from kids that are five to six days old,we could see the mothers responding more to the voices of their own babies.” Hearing the voice of their own kids,the females would look towards the speaker that the sound was coming from,moving around and calling in response.
    The scientists say that understanding how goats behave and communicate is very important.“This helps us understand just how smart these animals are,” said Dr Briefer.“Farmers might be able to change their way to raise goats considering this natural behavior.”
    28.What does the underlined word “bleats” mean?
    A.Habits. B.Voices.
    C.Responses. D.Videos.
    29.During the first few days of the baby deer,the mother and the kid mainly depend on      to recognise each other when they are hiding in grass. 
    A.voice B.touch
    C.videos D.smell
    30.In the experiment,what does a mother goat do when hearing her kids' voice?
    A.Making voice in response.
    B.Jumping over and over.
    C.Hiding herself somewhere.
    D.Behaving just as usual.
    31.The passage is mainly written for     to read. 
    A.teachers B.writers
    C.farmers D.lawyers
    28.B 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中推测词义的能力。由第二段可知, 来自伦敦大学的研究人员对母山羊播放小羊的叫声,并研究它们的反应。他们惊讶地发现,这些动物能够分辨出自己孩子的声音。所以画线单词“bleats”是voices(声音)的意思,故选B项。
    29.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由第三段中的“A mother and the kid rely a lot on...during the first week of their lives...In fact,this is the case for deer...”可知,在小羊出生的第一周,在野外时,羊妈妈和小羊依靠气味来识别彼此。事实上鹿也是这种情况,故选D项。
    30.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由第四段最后一句可知,母羊在听到自己孩子的声音时,会以声音回应,故选A项。
    31.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由最后一段最后一句可知,考虑到羊的这种自然行为,农民也许可以改变他们养羊的方式。所以判断出,这篇短文主要是写给农民的,故选C项。

    More and more birds are flying to settle at Qinghai Lake,one of the highest inland lakes in China,thanks to the protection efforts of local governments.Covering an area of over 4,000 square kilometres,Qinghai Lake is also the country's biggest salt-water lake.Located in Northwest China's Qinghai Province,the lake is famous for the two islands at its northwest point—Cormorant Island and Egg Island.The two islands have plenty of floating grass and various schools of fish,offering rich food sources for birds.The islands have become a paradise for different kinds of groups of birds and have been called “Bird Islands”.
    Each March and April,when ice and snow covering the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau starts to melt,over 20 kinds of birds fly to the Bird Islands to lay eggs.During the months,flocks of birds cover the whole sky over the islands and birds eggs can be found everywhere.Visitors can hear the singing of birds from miles away.These have become a world-famous symbol of the lake.
    To protect this paradise for birds and support calls for ecological protection,China set up the Qinghai Lake Natural Protection Zone at the end of 1997.Meanwhile,the State has pointed out the Bird Islands and Spring Bay of the Qinghai Lake as central protection zones.
    Inspection officials and management employees often patrol the lake,improving local residents' knowledge of related laws and spreading knowledge about animal protection to visitors.They are making great efforts to call on people to love and protect the birds.At the same time,they have built special fences around the island area to prevent wolves,foxes and other carnivorous animals,as well as illegal hunters from breaking up the birds' nest-building,egg-laying and breeding.As a result,more and more birds are coming to the islands for sheltering and breeding.
    32.Why are more and more birds coming to the biggest salt-water lake in the Great Northwest?
    A.Because it is getting warmer and warmer.
    B.Because it is being reformed.
    C.Because environments there are getting more and more agreeable for them to live in.
    D.Because the people there are becoming richer and richer.
    33.The birds feed on      according to the passage. 
    A.floating fish and various grass
    B.grass moving on the water surface and different kinds of fish
    C.salt water and plenty of grains
    D.corn from the local farmers
    34.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
    A.The ice and snow covering the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau doesn't change into water,unless more than 20 kinds of birds come to the Bird Islands.
    B.Flocks of birds fly up to the whole sky over islands to lay eggs.
    C.Visitors can listen to the singing of birds from miles away,but they couldn't see any of the birds.
    D.“The ice on the plateau begins to change into water” means spring is coming.
    35.The officials go around the lake mainly to     . 
    A.let the locals there know the animal protection law
    B.tell the visitors there some knowledge about animal protection
    C.call on people to love and protect the birds
    D.all of the above
    32.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据文章第一段的“The two islands have plenty of floating grass and...rich food sources for birds”可知青海湖的两座岛屿为鸟类提供了丰富的食物来源,越来越多的鸟儿迁徙到青海湖,故可推知那里的环境适宜鸟儿生活,故选C项。
    33.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第一段中的“plenty of floating grass and various schools of fish,offering rich food sources for birds”可知,鸟儿是以水草和鱼儿为食的,故选B项。
    34.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第二段的“when ice and snow covering the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau starts to melt”可知,每年三四月份,覆盖青海湖的冰雪开始融化,可见天气变暖,意味着春天的到来,D项表述与之相同,故选D项。
    35.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章的第四段可知政府官员给人们普及动物保护法,而且告诉人们保护动物的重要性,并呼吁人们爱护鸟儿,A、B、C三项均正确,故选D项。
    Should we create more national parks to
    save endangered animals?
    Don't you find it worrying that more and more species of animals are in real danger of becoming extinct(灭绝)?36.     And I think the best way to do this is for governments to create more national parks. 
    37.     If this environment is destroyed—for example,when farmers clear a forest for new fields,or trees are cut down for making money—many animals are unable to survive,and more species are likely to become extinct. 
    In addition,national parks protect animals from the danger of being hunted.A major reason why many species are endangered is that the animals are killed by hunters.They hunt animals to make money.38.    
    On the other hand,some people fight against the creation of national parks because they consider it wrong to interfere(干涉) with nature.They believe that wild animals are happier living in their natural environment.39.     They also point out that a few species are more likely to produce young animals in the wild than in national parks. 
    All in all,though,these disadvantages are far less important than the benefits of national parks.40.     As a matter of fact,they protect animals from their greatest enemies,that is,human beings. 
    A.To begin with,animals are important to humans.
    B.Some hunters even hunt animals simply for sport.
    C.I personally believe that we must save these animals.
    D.These parks allow animals to live in a safe environment.
    E.Firstly,national parks protect the animals' natural environment.
    F.They say though the animals may face danger,they enjoy a free life.
    G.There is a heated discussion about whether to create more national parks.
    36.C 考查学生理解平行和递进语义连贯的具体信息的能力。根据上下文内容可知,作者认为我们必须拯救濒危动物,且最好的办法是政府建更多的国家公园。C项承上启下,符合语境。
    37.E 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。根据下文内容可知,如果环境被破坏,许多动物就无法生存,更多的物种可能会灭绝。因此首先提到的是国家公园可以保护动物生活的自然环境,故选E项。
    38.B 考查学生理解平行和递进语义连贯的具体信息的能力。上文讲述动物被猎杀的原因,此处讲述另外一个原因。故选B项。
    39.F 考查学生对平行信息之间的衔接关系的理解能力。根据上一句内容可知,有些人认为野生动物更喜欢生活在大自然中。F项符合语境。
    40.D 考查学生理解平行和递进语义连贯的具体信息的能力。根据下一句内容可知,国家公园可以保护动物免受人类的捕杀,是它们安全的庇护所。故选D项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    There's a saying about elephants that goes,“Elephants never forget.” A recent online video holds  41  to this saying,as a baby elephant saved a man from drowning. 
    The five-year-old elephant was named Kham La.The man she “ 42 ” is Darrick Thomson,her trainer. 
    Darrick called out to Kham La while he was in a rushing river of the Elephant Nature Park,Thailand.Kham La  43  to her favourite person and immediately offered her trunk when she got close to Darrick.To further  44  him from the rushing water,Kham La blocked it by putting up her left leg.Darrick  45  her trunk when Kham La attempted to bring him to safety. 
     46  Darrick wasn't in danger.He pretended to be  47  to show people the close bond he had formed with Kham La.The close bond was formed when Darrick saved Kham La from the  48  methods used on baby elephants for tourist attractions. 
    “Kham La was in a really bad way when she came to us,” explained Darrick.“She had been tied up and forced to have cruel training known as ‘crushing' to prepare her for work.We  49  her and helped her to recover.She became really  50  to me.I went in the river to show just how close our  51  is.If you show warmth and kindness to them,they'll  52  you well,too.” 
    “Crushing” is a  53  method used on baby elephants.They are beaten so that they obey their trainers. 
    “She's now a happy young elephant.The video shows just how close she is to me and it's an important lesson to be kind to  54 .This really goes to show that an elephant truly never  55 !” Darrick added. 
    41.A.necessary B.true
    C.special D.possible
    42.A.fought B.invited
    C.saved D.visited
    43.A.rode B.flew
    C.rushed D.floated
    44.A.separate B.control
    C.lift D.protect
    45.A.held on to B.kept up with
    C.took notice of D.broke away from
    46.A.Hopefully B.Finally
    C.Gradually D.Actually
    47.A.escaping B.researching
    C.drowning D.arguing
    48.A.useless B.cruel
    C.unusual D.scientific
    49.A.followed B.freed
    C.accepted D.rewarded
    50.A.important B.nice
    C.helpful D.close
    51.A.relationship B.career
    C.concern D.service
    52.A.rescue B.influence
    C.treat D.judge
    53.A.fanning B.training
    C.working D.acting
    54.A.friends B.classmates
    C.strangers D.animals
    55.A.settles B.forgets
    C.ignores D.changes

    41.B 此处表示一个网上视频适用于这个谚语,hold true意为“适用,有效”,故选B项。
    42.C 由上段最后一句中的“saved a man”可知,saved符合题意。
    43.C 从下文可知,小象喜欢Darrick,听到呼叫肯定会冲过去(rushed)提供帮助。
    44.D 小象为了“保护”(protect)Darrick,抬起了左腿。
    45.A 小象试图把Darrick带到安全的地方,显然Darrick要紧紧抓住小象的鼻子。hold on to意为“紧紧抓住”。符合题意。
    46.D 由空格后的“Darrick wasn't in danger.He pretended”可知,Darrick事实上(actually)并没有处在危险中。故选D项。
    47.C 由“pretended to be”和第一段最后一句中的“saved a man from drowning”可知,drowning符合语境。
    48.B 由下一段中的“have cruel training known as ‘crushing’ to prepare her for work”可知,cruel(残酷的)符合题意。
    49.B 从空格后的“helped her to recover”可知,Darrick让小象获得了自由(freed)。
    50.D 由下句中的“how close”可知,close(亲密的)符合题意。
    51.A 由上下文可知,Darrick想验证的是两者之间的亲密关系(relationship)。
    52.C 根据空格前的“If you show warmth and kindness to them”可知,如果你对大象好,大象也会这样对待(treat)你。
    53.B 根据下句中的“they obey their trainers”可知,空格前提到的“crushing”应该是训练小象的方法。training(训练)符合题意。
    54.D 由空格前的“it's an important lesson to be kind to”可知,这是善待动物(animals)的重要一课。
    55.B 此处呼应文章开头的“Elephants never forget”。
    Dujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world,and a wonder in the development of Chinese science.56.    (build) over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China,this amazing engineering 57.     (achieve) is still used today. 

    In ancient times,the region in which Dujiangyan now stands 58.     (suffer) from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River.59.    (help) the victims of the flooding,Li Bing,the region governor,together with his son,decided to find a solution.Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally.60.    (good) still,the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain,making 61.     suitable for farming. 
    Once the system was finished,no more floods occurred and the people were able to live 62.     (peaceful).Today,Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature.Unlike modern dams 63.     the water is blocked with a huge wall,Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,64.    (enable) ecosystem(生态系统) and fish populations to exist 65.      harmony. 
    56.Built 考查非谓语动词。由句意可知,都江堰是被建造的,故用过去分词。
    57.achievement 考查名词。此处充当句子主语,应该用名词形式。
    58.suffered 考查时态。由句首的时间状语可知,要用一般过去时。
    59.To help 考查非谓语动词。此处表示目的,用动词不定式。
    60.Better 考查形容词。由文意叙述可知,此处与上文“take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally”相比较,故用比较级。
    61.it 考查代词。此处指代上文提到的“dry Chengdu Plain”。
    62.peacefully 考查副词。修饰动词live,用副词形式。
    63.where 考查定语从句。由句意可知,此处为定语从句,先行词dams在后面的从句中充当地点状语,故用where。
    64.enabling 考查非谓语动词。前一句“Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally”叙述的情况造成了一种结果,且与enable之间为主动关系,故用动词-ing形式。
    65.in 考查介词。in harmony为固定搭配,意为“和谐的”。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Jack,
    Thank you for your letter telling me your latest plan. 
    Li Hua

      One possible version:
    Dear Jack,
    Thank you for your letter telling me your latest plan.Our new school has been set up and we moved into it just a few days ago.In order to build a “green campus”,I would like to call on my classmates to make more efforts.
    First,we are going to plant more trees on campus to beautify our school environment.Recycling is always the best method to protect the environment,so,second,we will recycle bottles,plastic bags and waste newspapers.Last but not least,we will try our best to save energy at school.For example,we will turn off electrical appliances when they are not being used.
    I believe united efforts can make our school a real “green campus”.Do you think so?
    Li Hua
    It was summer,and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before.He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.
    We took a plane to Albuquerque,a big city in the state of New Mexico.We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon.Uncle Paul,my dad's friend,picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos.
    His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle.My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby.Very early in the morning,Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast.“The day starts at dawn on my farm,” he said.After breakfast,I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens,while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze(吃草).I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses.They looked really cool.
    In the afternoon,I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride,and he said yes,as long as my dad went with me.I wasn't going to take a horse ride by myself anyway.So,my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats,got on our horses,and headed slowly towards the mountains.“Don't be late for supper,” Uncle Paul cried,“and keep to the track so that you don't get lost!” “OK!” my dad cried back.After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight.It was so peaceful and quiet and the colours of the brown rocks,the deep green pine trees,and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene.It looked like a beautiful woven(编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. 
    Paragraph 2:
    We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark. 



      One possible version:
    Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.Afraid that I might hurt the lovely small creature,I automatically let out a cry to stop my horse.However,it became scared and started to run like crazy.All this coming without warning,I was seized by fear.“Don't let go of the rope! Keep calm!” yelled Dad.I followed what he told me to do.To my relief,it stopped slowly.But before we jumped off the horses,we found that we had been off the beaten track and got lost.
    We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.Exhausted and hungry,I wondered if we could find our way back.I kept shouting for help,hoping my shouts could be heard by someone,but there was no reply.Dad sounded a little worried as he reminded me to calm down.It was then that my mind raced.“Listen,Dad,the rushing river water,” I shouted excitedly.“We can return to the farm house down the river.” Before long,we caught sight of the lights in the distance.We knew we were safe.What a thrilling vacation,like never before,we had!


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