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    牛津上海版 (五四制)九年级上册(新版)Unit 3 Pets教案

    这是一份牛津上海版 (五四制)九年级上册(新版)Unit 3 Pets教案,共9页。教案主要包含了同步知识梳理等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    from side to side 从左到右 opinion n. 想法;看法;意见
    cute adj. 可爱的;漂亮迷人的 grow up 成长;长大
    responsibility n.责任 according to prep. 据(……所说)
    death n. 死;死亡 care for 关爱
    respect v. 慎重对待;尊重 faithfully adv. 忠实地;忠诚地
    in one’s opinion 依某人的看法 mess n. 杂乱;粪便
    fur n. (动物的)皮毛 result n. 后果;结果
    as a result 因此;结果 bite v. 咬
    what’s more 而且 extremely adv. 极其;非常
    unhappy adj. 不快乐的;不幸福的 clean out 把(某物)内部彻底打扫干净
    right now 立即;马上 surprised adj. 惊讶的
    shocked adj. 震惊的 salary n. 薪金;薪水
    certain adj.一定(量)的 goldfish n. 金鱼
    right away 立即;马上 apologize v. 道歉
    make a complaint 投诉 (be)wrong with 有问题;有毛病
    review n. (书刊、戏剧、电影等的)评论 not only…but also… 不但……而且……

    从左到右 n. 想法;看法
    adj. 可爱的 成长
    n.责任 prep. 据……所说
    n. 死;死亡 关爱
    V. 慎重对待 adv. 忠实地
    依某人的看法 n. 杂乱;粪便
    n. (动物的)皮毛 n. 后果;结果
    因此;结果 v. 咬
    而且 adv. 极其;非常
    adj. 不快乐的 把内部打扫干净
    立即;马上 adj. 惊讶的
    adj.震惊的 n. 薪金;薪水
    adj.一定量的 n. 金鱼
    立即;马上 v. 道歉
    投诉 有问题;有毛病
    n. 评论 不但……而且……

    1. responsibility n. 责任
    responsible adj. 负责的;承担义务的
    be responsible for 对….负责的
    2. death n. 死,死亡
    die v. 死
    dead adj. 死的
    dying adj. 临终的;垂死的
    3. respect v. 慎重对待;尊重
    respect n. 尊重;尊敬
    respectable adj. 体面地;值得尊敬的
    respectful adj. 表示敬意的;尊敬的
    4. faithfully adv. 忠诚地;忠实地
    faithful adj. 忠诚的;忠实的
    faith n. 信任;相信
    5. extremely adv. 极其;非常
    extreme adj. 极度的;极大的
    6. unhappy adj. 不快乐的;不幸福的;悲伤的
    unhappiness n. 忧愁;苦恼
    unhappily adv. 不高兴地
    happy adj. 高兴得
    7. surprised adj. 惊讶的
    surprise n. 惊奇
    v. 使…惊奇
    surprising adj. 令人吃惊的
    be surprised at 想不到;吃惊于…
    to one’s surprise 使…感到惊奇的是
    8. shock adj. 震惊的
    shock n. 令人震惊的事
    v. 使震惊
    shocking adj. 令人震惊的
    9. certain adj. 一定量的
    certainly adv. 确定地;当然;行
    10. in one’s opinion 在某人看来
    11. make a complaint 投诉
    complain (to somebody) about something 向某人投诉某事
    16. be wrong with 有问题;有毛病

    I. 重要知识点
    1. complain v. 抱怨 投诉 n. complaint 可数还是不可数?(答:可数)
    (1)complain to sb about sth (2)make a complaint to sb about sth
    If you don't like the products, feel free to make some ______to the manager.(complain)

    2. care v/n
    v. care for 照顾 喜欢 care about 关心 在意
    n. take care of 照顾 with great care 细心地
    adj. careful---副词carefully 对…小心be careful with
    1.All your suggestions will be discussed before we come to a decision. (careful)
    2.Be________ while getting off the train. The ground is wet. (carefully)
    3.Please take the precious glass there with ________ great care. I don't want it to be broken.
    A)a B) an C) the D)/
    carefully, careful, /

    3.apologize . 道歉 n. apology
    (1)apologize to sb for sth (2) make an apology to sb for sth
    1.Sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time. I must say sorry for the delay. (保持句意基本不变)
    Sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time. I must________ ________ the delay.
    apologize for

    4.die v. 过去式died 过去分词died 现在分词dying短语:死于 die of
    词性转换:名词 death 形容词 dying“将要死亡的” dead“已经死的” deadly“致命的”
    1. If you take a fish out of water, it _______________.
    A. die B. dies C. dying D. died
    2.Keeping pet dogs can help people learn more about life and _____.(die)
    Steve Jobs’ made the fans of Apple from all over the world very sad. (die)
    B, death, death

    5.review v/n
    n. 评论
    v. 复习 review=go over
    1.Jack often reviews his lessons after he finishes his homework. (保持句意基本不变)
    Jack often __________ __________ lessons after he finishes his homework.
    goes over

    6. free adj./adv.
    adv. 不受束缚 run free
    adj. 自由的 n. freedom
    免费的 短语 for free
    1. If you buy this big TV set, you can get the camera free.
    A) for B)on C) with D) from
    2. The birds in the cage hope for ____________(free)
    A, freedom

    7. open v. “打开”后必须接宾语,而且不可以和一段时间词连用反义词close/shut
    adj. “开着的”表示状态,可以和一段时间词可用反义词 closed
    PS: close adj. 亲密的 近的“和…离得很近”be close to
    1.The reading room in our neighbourhood is _______ from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays.
    A) open B) opens C) opened D) opening
    2.Keep the window _________ while you are in.
    A. open B. opening C. opened D. to open
    A A

    五看:see look at watch notice observe
    两听hear listen to
    一感觉 feel
    三使役(让)let make have
    注意:改成被动句 to 要还原
    1.His parents don’t let him ________television on school nights.
      A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watches
    2.Nowadays people can see fewer and fewer fishermen___with their cormorants.
    A.fished B. to fish C. fishing D. fish
    3.The difficult operation made the doctor very tired. (青浦)
    A) feel B) feels C) felt D) feeling
    4.When Mary saw a policeman _____, she shouted at him for help.(虹口)
    A. coming B. comes C. is coming D. has come
    5.When Shirley opened the window, she saw her mother ________ with her neighbours happily.(徐汇)
    A. talking B. is talking C. talked D. to talk
    6. A funny joke made all of us laugh. (改成被动语态)
    All of us were ______ ______ ______ by a funny joke.
    A DAAA,made to laugh

    9. 动名词做主语,注意不能用动词原形来做主语
    Keeping pet dogs is a good idea.
    _____ a pet dog is a big responsibility. (own)

    10.keep 保持 饲养(raise)
    Keep sb/sth doing
    Keep sb/sth adj
    Keep adj
    Keep doing
    短语: keep (sb) off sth 远离 keep in touch 保持联系
    1.House prices keep ______ these years. The government is expected to do something to control them. (杨浦)
    A) rising B) rise C) to rise D) rose
    2. Something must be done to the bird.
    A)turn off B)take off C)put off D)keep off
    3. If you want to keep __________ , you’d better have more exercise. (health)
    A D healthy

    11. memory—n. 记忆 动词 memorize
    It’s very difficult to ______________ various telephone numbers. (memory)
      ①“It’s + adj. + of + sb + 不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。
      这一句型中常用形容词good, kind, nice, polite, clever, foolish, lazy, careful, careless, right, wrong等来说明“人”怎么样。
      It’s kind of you to help me.你帮助我太好了。
      ②“It’s + adj. + for + sb. + 不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”。常用形容词有difficult, easy, hard, dangerous, safe, useful, pleasant, interesting, impossible等来说明“事物”怎么样。
      It is impossible for us to answer the question. 我们不可能回答这个问题。
      ③表示感情或情绪的形容词,如glad, pleased, sorry, sad, thankful等常接不定式。
    I’m glad to see you.见到你我很高兴。
    1. It’s _____________ for him to go out so often because he likes reading at home. (usual)
    2. It’s dangerous ________ children to play ball games in the street.
    A. for B. to C. of D. at

    I. 单项选择
    1. I want to change one-hundred dollar bill.
    A. the B. a C. an D. /
    2. Angela is flying to France soon. She will arrive Paris the morning of October 8.
    A. at; in B. in; on C. in; in D. at; on
    3. Few of us like him because he thinks of others than of himself.
    A. much more B. a little C. much D. much less
    4. A: Did you see the football match last night? B: Yes, I have never seen exciting match before.
    A. such a B. so a C. such an D. so an
    5. He thirteen yuan for this English story books.
    A. paid B. spent C. cost D. took
    6. Don’t worry. There is still time left.
    A. few B. a little C. little D. a few
    7. you come to join us?
    A. Why not B. Why don’t C. What do D. Why not for
    8. Not only you but also my daughter to New York, and you are both back now.
    A. has gone B. has been C. have gone D. have been
    9. We often hear Tom in English.
    A. sing B. singing C. sings D. to sing
    10. He wonders computers .
    A. what; are like B. how; look like C. what are; like D. how do; look like
    11. I didn’t think Maths important at that time.
    A. is B. was C. are D. were
    12. The book made all of us very .
    A. interested; interesting B. interested; interested
    C. interesting; interested D. interesting; interesting
    13. The workers recycle the old newspaper and magazines waste them.
    A. so as to B. so that C. so that don’t D. so as not to
    14. Tim has three brothers. One is in Shanghai, two are in Beijing.
    A. the other B. the others C. other D. another
    15. Where ? Your hands are so dirty. Don’t touch anything in the room.
    A. have you gone B. did you go C. have you been D. are you going
    16. Wendy more than 1,500 new words since last term.
    A. memorized B. memorizes C. have memorized D. has memorized
    17. everybody is here, let’s begin the class meeting.
    A. For B. So C. Since D. While
    18. Tom went to school because he felt .
    A. enough well B. well enough C. good enough D. enough good
    19. Miss Wang said that an old scientist us a lecture on UFOs.
    A. will give B. was giving C. would give D. has given
    20. Could you tell me ?
    A. when the palaces change into the Palace Museum
    B. when were the palaces changed into the Palace Museum
    C. when did the palaces change into the Palace Museum
    D. when the palaces were changed into the Palace Museum

    1. A careless driver and the terrible weather were responsible for the man’s ________. (die)
    2. Ben promised to keep the secret for his sister, Kitty. (faithful)
    3. The old woman feels ______because only a few young people would like to learn paper cutting. (happy)
    4. With the development of China, Chinese has become an international language and is ________ used all over the world. (wide)
    5. The ____________ of the camp site has not been decided yet. (locate)
    6. Susan is__________ sorry for what she has done. (terrible)
    7. Mr. Smith is a good teacher and he does his work with_________ . (please)
    8. The weather all over the world becomes more ______ than before .( change )
    9. If you don't like the products, feel free to make a to the manager. (complain)
    10. The doctor made an ________ to the patient’s relatives for his mistake in the operation.(apologize)

    1. You should memorize your password(密码). It’s very important. (两句合并为一句)
    It’s very important _________ you _________ memorize your password.
    2. Stefan usually spends nearly one month travelling around the world every year. (保持句意基本不变)
    It usually _______ Stefan nearly one month _______ travel around the world every year.
    3. Work harder, or you'll not succeed in your new job. (保持句意基本不变)
    work harder, you'll not succeed in your new job.
    4. Mr. Zhang is not only our teacher but also our friend.(保持原句意思基本不变)
    Mr. Zhang is our teacher and friend ______ ______.
    5. Mrs. Green moved most of the flower pots into the house last night. (改为被动语态)
    Most of the flower pots __________ __________ into the house by Mrs. Green last night.
    单选: 1-5 BBDCA 6-10 BBBAA 11-15 BCDAC 16-20 DCBCD
    词性转换: death faithfully unhappy widely location terribly pleasure changeable complaint apology
    句型转换:For to takes to unless you as well were moved

    I. 单项选择
    1. We can see a beautiful tower on the far side of the river.
    A. beside B. beyond C. besides D. far away
    2. She as well as her parents here two years ago.
    A. has lived; for B. have lived; since C. have lived; for D. has lived; since
    3. My sister the Youth League last year. She a league member for about a year.
    A. joined; has become B. joined; has been C. has joined; has been
    D. did join; had been
    4. If you don’t know the meaning of the word, you can the word in the dictionary.
    A. look down B. look up C. look after D. look out
    5. They asked me during the summer holidays.
    A. where I have gone B. where I had been
    C. where I have been D. where I had gone
    6. He Shanghai for five days.
    A. has left B. has been away C. has been away from D. left
    7. ----Sorry, I your umbrella in the office.
    ----Never mind. You can it here tomorrow.
    A. left; took B. left; bring C. leave; take D. leave; bring
    8. He works every day Sunday.
    A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for
    9. As we all know, most of the houses in Japan are wood.
    A. made for B. made up of C. made from D. made of
    10. of the students like Liu Xiang.
    A. Both B. All C. Neither D. Every
    11. Please walk into the classroom . The students are having an English class.
    A. quite B. quiet C. quitely D. quietly
    12. I saw a strange man into the office this time yesterday.
    A. entering B. to enter C. to walk D. walking
    13. You can see a lot of trees and flowers on sides of the People’s Square.
    A. either B. neither C. all D. both
    14. ----Must I finish the work now? ----No, you .
    A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. don’t have to D. can’t
    15. Could you give me two apples?
    A. the other B. more C. other D. another
    16. At last, the Greeks could capture the city a trick.
    A. in B. for C. by D. with
    17. modern city Shanghai is!
    A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
    18. ---- is it from Zhabei Part to your school? ----It is about ten minutes’ walk.
    A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How much
    19. About films will be shown in Shanghai during the coming Shanghai International Film Festival.
    A. three hundreds B. hundred of C. three hundred of D. three hundred
    20. ---- calculator is this, Mary? ----It’s .
    A. Who’s; my B. Whose; my C. Whose; mine D. Who’s; mine

    1. Tim wants to be a great ______ like Zhang Yimou when he grows up. (direct)
    2. The government is going to ________ the road this coming summer. (wide)
    3. He was ______________nervous and terribly jealous and he covered his nervous jealousy with an ebullient热情的 friendliness.(extreme)
    4. The castle was first mentioned in 1327 and was believed to be _____ at the border of Poland and Lithuania. 波兰和立陶宛(locate)
    5. His illness ___________ from bad food.( result)
    6. The novel portrays(描写) the________________ of a fighter.(grow)
    7. Don’t forget to ___________ your email addresses at the end of the party. (change)
    8. She began to lose ___________ in herself. (faithful)
    9. Town leaders organized teams of police officers and ordered them to beat to ______ any dog who ventured into a public space. (die)
    10. Nothing is sure about the case; the murderer(谋杀犯) is ________.(certain)
    1. Alice is good at not only English but also French. (保持句意基本不变)(崇明县)
    Alice is good at English and French ____________ ____________.
    2. We've asked my mother to look after the kids when we are away. (保持句意不变) (徐汇)
    We've asked my mother to___________ __________ the kids when we are away.
    3. Betty speaks French best in our school . (保持句意基本不变) 静安区2010年
    else speaks French as as Betty in our school.
    4. Tell me how many students were late this morning.(保持原句意思) 虹口区20 10年
    Tell me the ______ ______ the students who were late this morning.
    6. We are going to say goodbye to him at the airport. (保持句意基本不变) 杨浦区2010年
    We are going to ________ him ________ at the airport.

    单选:1-5 ADBBB 6-10 CBCDB 11-15 CDDCD 16-20 CDCDC
    词性转换:director widen extremely located resulted growth exchange faith death uncertain
    句型转换:As well care for nobody well number of see off

    5. D 6. D
    首字母: 1. place 2. making 3. traveled 4. retired 5. dropped 6. even 7. part


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