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    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习01
    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习02
    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习03
    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习04
    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习05
    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习06
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    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习01
    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习02
    外研版英语必修3 Module 1 第3课时 PPT课件+练习03
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    高中英语Module 1 Europe课文配套课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语Module 1 Europe课文配套课件ppt,文件包含Module1第3课时ppt、Module1第3课时doc等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.1.1 集合的概念
    第三课时 Cultural Crner
    Ⅰ.写出黑体部分在句中的含义并识记1.My cntracts(合同)were signed during the meeting.(  )2.In the regin hit by the earthquake,large quantities f fd are needed.(  )3.Many examples and extra grammatical infrmatin are amng the special features f this dictinary.(  )4.The tw cmpanies talked fr a lng time and at last they reached an agreement.(  )
    5.They will send three representatives t attend the meeting.(  )6.She will never reach his destinatin because he has set ff in the ppsite directin.(   )7.The shp sells nly fresh lcal prduce.(   )8.Their leaders fund it hard enugh t gvern the cuntry efficiently even when times were gd.(  )
    Ⅱ.根据汉语释义补全下列短语1.in________f  据……;依照……在……方面2.have________ver 对……加以控制3.little________little 逐渐地;一点点地4.________with 与……比较5.n the ther________ 另一方面6.belng________ 属于7.increase________ 增长到……8.have a ppulatin________ 有……的人口
    Ⅲ.根据The Eurpean Unin完成下列各题1.Read the first paragraph and write dwn the answer.①What's the Eurpean Unin?_______________________________________________Read the secnd paragraph and answer the questin.②Hw did it start?______________________________________________________________________________________________Read the third paragraph and answer the questin.
    ③Hw many cuntries belng t it nw?______________________________________________________________________________________________
    2.Fill in the frm abut the Eurpean Unin.
    答案:1.①The Eurpean Unin is an rganisatin f Eurpean cuntries.②The idea f the Eurpean Unin began in the 1950s,and mre and mre cuntries jined it.③In 2004,the Eurpean Unin increased t 25 members,and the number is still increasing.2.①in the 1950s ②France,Germany,Belgium,Luxemburg,the Netherlands and Italy ③15 ④25 ⑤mre than half a billin peple
    1.way n.路;方式,方法①I dn't like the way in which yu laugh at her.我不喜欢你嘲笑她的那种方式。(in which可以用that代替,也可以既不用in which,也不用that,而直接跟从句)。②They didn't d the experiment the way we d nw.他们过去做实验的方式跟我们现在的方式不一样。
    知识拓展in this/that way用这种/那种方法by the way顺便问一下in the way妨碍;挡道in n way怎么也不会;一点也不n the/ne's way t 在……的路上
    词语辨析way;methd与meansway;methd;means这组名词都可表示“方法”;“方式”,但用法有别。(1)way是可数名词,其后可接不定式,也可接f+动名词,常见的习惯表达法:He had a strange way f making his classes lively and interesting.他有一种奇妙的方法使他的课上得生动而有趣。
    (2)methd是可数名词,其后接“f+动名词”,不接不定式。特指有系统的方法、方式。They use mdern methds f teaching.他们使用现代化教学方法。(3)means单复数相同,当该词前加a,this,that,every等时,表单数意义;当前面加such,these,thse,all等时表复数意义。means多用于指抽象的或概括性的意思。①The quickest means f travel is by plane.最快的旅行方式是乘坐飞机。
    ②The ants“talk”a great deal by this means.蚂蚁用这种方式进行大量的“交谈”。提示:表示“用这种方式”时,上述三个搭配的介词不同。in this way;with this methd;by this/that means等等。短语by n means意思为“决不”。
    即学即用语法填空(1)A great man shws his greatness________the way he treats little men.答案:by 句意:伟人的伟大之处往往体现在他是如何对待小人物的。by表示方法、手段,意为“靠;用;通过”。注意此处by the way不能理解为“顺便说一下”,而是“通过……方式”。
    (2)This is the nly way we can imagine ________(reduce)the veruse f water in students' bathrms.答案:t reduce 此处考查非谓语动词。此处应该用不定式。the way t d sth表示“做……的途径、方式”。we can imagine 作定语,前面省略了that。
    2.gvern vt. 统治;治理;支配①In Britain,the Queen reigns,but elected representatives f the peple gvern the cuntry.在英国,女王是君主,而统治国家的却是民选的代表。②Yu must nt be gverned by what ther peple say.不要被别人的话所左右。
    知识拓展1)gvernment n. [U,C] 政府;统治①He wrks fr the gvernment.他在政府机关做事。②The cuntry has always had fair gvernment.这个国家一直治理得不错。2)gvernr n. [C]省长;州长He was elected gvernr f the state f Califrnia.他当选为加利福尼亚州州长。
    词语辨析 gvern和rule①The cuntry was gverned by a small elite f military fficers.这个国家由少数精英军人统治。②Charles I ruled England fr 11 years.查理一世统治了英国11年。
    即学即用语法填空It was in the cuntry________(gvern)by the King f Jseph Ⅱ that Beethven grew up.答案:gverned 根据句意,cuntry与后面的动作是被动关系,应该用过去分词,gvern意为“统治,治理”,指凭借用武力、世袭或选举所获得的权利来统治一个国家或民族;符合句意。句意为:国王约瑟夫二世统治的国家就是贝多芬成长的地方。
    3.head n. [C] 领袖;领导人①Our head teacher is frm Tianjin.我们的校长是从天津来的。②He's head f the sales department.他是销售部的主管。注意:英语中,表示头衔、职位的名称,如head,captain,chairman,president,directr等,在句中作补语、表语或同位语时,其前一般不能用定冠词。
    知识拓展head n. [C] 头 v. 领导,主管;朝(特定方向)行进①The king headed twards the sldier hlding his head high.国王昂首阔步向士兵走去。②She has been appinted t head the research team.她受命领导研究小组。③These sldiers headed suth.这些土兵朝南行进。
    即学即用语法填空Let's meet at the________(schl)gate at 3 'clck this afternn,then ur________(head)teacher will take us fr an uting.答案:schl;head 考查名词作定语。schl gate表示某物的类别,head teacher表示人物的身份。
    4.representative1)n. [C]代表①Delegates will meet with representatives frm industry and the gvernment.代表团将与产业界和政府的代表见面。②The cmmittee includes representatives frm industry.委员会包括产业界的代表。2)n. [C]代理人;销售代表She's ur representative in Japan.她是我们公司驻日本的代表。
    3)n. [C]典型人物;代表性人物The singer is regarded as a representative f the yuth f her generatin.这位歌手被看作是她那一代年轻人的典型代表。4)adj. 典型的;有代表性的The study was carried ut in ne small twn,s we can't be sure that the results are truly representative.这项研究是在一个小镇里完成的,所以我们不能肯定其结果有真正的代表性。
    知识拓展the Huse f Representatives (美)众议院representatively adv. 典型地;有代表性地represent vt. 代表;代理representatin n. 代表;表示;象征;请愿;建议
    即学即用语法填空Is a questinnaire answered by 500 peple truly representative________natinal pinin?答案:f 句意:一份由500人作答的调查问卷是否能真正代表全国人民的意见?representative“有代表性的”,be representative f“代表”,符合题意。
    5.feature n. [C]特点;特征①Kindness is a feature f her persnality.善良是她的特征之一。②Muntains and lakes are the main features f the landscape f Wales.山峦和湖泊是威尔士景色中的主要特色。
    词语辨析 feature和characteristic
    ①His nse is his mst striking feature.他的鼻子是他最显著的特征。②Ambitin is a characteristic f all successful businessmen.雄心壮志是所有成功商人的一个(共有)特点。
    即学即用语法填空Wet weather is a________f life here in June and July.答案:feature feature“特点,特征”,符合句意。句意为:六月和七月阴雨天气是我们这儿天气的一个特征。
    6.regin“地区”;“地方”;“地带”,可以指一个较大的行政区域,也可以指地理上有某种天然界限或具有某种特色的自然地域单位。如 a frest regin“森林地带”,trpical regins“热带地区”,the Great Lakes regin“美国五大湖区”,an autnmus regin“自治区”。再如:①Mnkeys live in ht regins.猴子生活在气候热的地区。②The nrthern regin f the cuntry is muntainus.这个国家北部地区多山。③Peple in this regin live a simple life.这个地区的人们过着简单的生活。
    词语辨析regin,area与district(1)regin与area相比较,指比area更大的区域,可以有固定的边界,可以指行政管理区域,而area则多指整体中较大的、界限不很分明的一部分。如:①the area f the city where the wealthiest families live城市中最富有的家庭居住的地区②The cuntry has nine autnmus regins.这个国家有九个自治区。
    (2)另一个近义词是district,但多指国家或城市中官方规定的、具有特殊意义或目的的管辖区、行政区,比regin范围要小,如a pstal district(邮区),the District f Clumbia(哥伦比亚特区);也可以与area同义,如a muntainus district/area(山区),an agricultural district(农业区),an utlying district(边远地区)。再如:①A persn must vte in his r her wn district.选民必须在自己的选区投票。②What pstal district d yu live in?你住的地方属于哪个邮政区?
    ③The districts inside American states are called cunties.美国各州内的行政区称为县。④This area is the district where I wrk.He wrks in anther district,dwn by the river.这是我工作的地区,他在河下游另一地区工作。
    即学即用单句改错(1)He lives in the Hngku Regin f Shanghai._______________________________________________(2)Nw fr ur latest reprts n unemplyment in the areas._______________________________________________答案:(1)Regin→District (2)areas→regins
    1.in terms f据……而言;从……方面来说①In terms f size and ppulatin,hw big is the Eurpean Unin cmpared with China?在面积与人口方面,欧盟与中国相比有多大?②In their terms,cutting gvernment spending is the mst imprtant thing.根据他们的观点,削减政府开支是最重要的事情。
    ③The cmpany's prspects lk gd in the lng term.公司的远景看好。④My sister and I are n gd terms with each ther.我和我姐姐之间的关系很好。⑤She's always trying t keep terms with her neighbrs.她总是设法与邻居保持友好关系。
    知识拓展1)in the lng/shrt term从长远/眼前来看cme t terms with 与……和解;妥协be n gd/bad terms with 与……关系好/坏2)形似短语有:in case f 如果,假使in spite f 尽管,虽然in need f需要in place f代替,取代in hnur f为了纪念;向……表示敬意
    即学即用完成句子①夏洛克总是从钱的角度考虑每一件事。Shylck thinks f everything___________________mney.②从长远来看,他们所做的事情对环境是有利的。What they have dne is gd fr the envirnment _______________________.答案:①in terms f ②in the lng term
    语法填空③I feel sure that________terms f qualificatin,ability and experience,yu are suited t the psitin we have in mind.答案:in 句意:我觉得就资历、能力、经验而言,你适合我们设置的这个职位。in terms f“就……而言”,符合题意。
    2.把……和……相比较I cmpared the translatin with the riginal.我把译文和原文比较了一番。随着语言的发展和之间已无大的区别,人们常互换使用。①He rudely cmpared my hme­made bread t/with a lump f rck.他把我家里做的面包比喻成硬石块,真是无礼。
    ②Please cmpare this cat t/with that ne.请对比/比较一下这两件外套。另外,cmpare with“匹敌……;可与……相比”通常用于否定句。My wrks can't cmpare with yurs.我的作品不能和你的相比。
    值得注意的是,cmpared t/with,相当于介词,后面接名词,整体在句中作状语,意为“和……比较起来;较之……”。①Cmpared with/t ur small apartment,ur uncle's huse seemed like a palace.和我们的小公寓房比起来,叔叔的房子就像宫殿一般。②Cmpared t/with mst wmen,she's lucky enugh.和大多数女人相比,她足够幸运了。
    ③Cmpared t/with last year,he has made great prgress.和去年相比,他已经进步很大了。cmpare构成的固定短语:cmpare ntes交流体会,交换意见。The pair gt tgether in Paris t cmpare ntes n current research.那两个人在巴黎见面以交换对目前正在进行的研究的看法。
    即学即用语法填空Michael's new huse is like a huge palace,________ (cmpare)with his ld ne.答案:cmpared 考查非谓语动词与固定搭配。表达“与……相比”,应用cmpared t/with。
    3.n the ther hand另一方面,反过来说①On the ne hand,I want t sell the huse at a high price,but n the ther hand I dn't want t mve here.一方面我想以一个高价卖掉房子,但另一方面我又不想搬家。②I want t g t the party,but n the ther hand I ught t study.我想去参加聚会,但从另一方面来说,我应该学习。
    知识拓展fr ne thing...,fr anther...其一……;其二……,陈述的两方面情况一致。Well,fr ne thing,I'm nt tall enugh t play basketball;fr anther,I'm nt interested in it very much.一则我打篮球不够高;二则我对它不是非常感兴趣。
    即学即用(1)Expanding the freign market is very gd,but________the ther hand it wuld be sad t leave my family.答案:n 句意:扩大国外市场是非常好的,但另一方面离开我的家人有点让人伤心。可知用n。
    (2)根据汉语提示,完成下列句子①一方面我想去美国旅游,但另一方面我又想攒点钱。________,I'd like t travel in America;but______ I want t save sme mney.②我想要一份薪水更高的工作,但从另一方面来说,我很喜欢我现在的工作。I wuld like a jb which pays mre,but ________________________________,I enjy the wrk I'm ding at the mment.
    ③一方面,有些寄宿家庭正逐渐失去他们的卖点;另一方面,学生的期望也增加了。________________________,sme hst families are lsing their selling pint;________________________________,students' expectatins have risen.答案:①On(the)ne hand;n the ther hand ②n the ther hand ③On the ne hand;n the ther hand
    4.little by little 一点点地;逐渐地①Little by little the snw melted.雪渐渐融化了。②Little by little we began t get t knw him.渐渐地我们开始了解他。
    词语辨析 nt a little与nt a bit1)nt a little 许多;很She was nt a little tired after the lng jurney.经过长途跋涉,她非常累。2)nt a bit 一点也不①I'm nt a bit tired nw.我现在一点儿也不累。
    ②—Srry t have bthered yu.—对不起,打扰你啦。—Nt a bit(f it).—哪儿的话。③Really,David is nt a bit like his brther as far as genersity is cncerned.的确,就慷慨大方这一点来说,大卫一点也不像他哥哥。
    即学即用语法填空As lng as yu study each day,little________little yur English vcabulary will increase.答案:by 句意:如果你每天学习,你的英文词汇量将逐渐增加。little by little“逐渐地”,符合题意。
    5.belng t属于;是……的成员①The island belngs t Spain.这个小岛隶属西班牙。②He belngs t the glf club.他是高尔夫俱乐部的成员。注意:belng t不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时。[译]这辆自行车是我的。[误]This bike is belnged/belnging t me.[正]This bike belngs t me.
    即学即用语法填空(1)The pliceman gt clse t the bedclthes and tried t find ut whm they________(belng) t.答案:belnged 句意:警察走近那些铺盖,试图找出它们的主人是谁。belng t“属于……”,不用于被动语态和进行时态。
    完成句子(2)我借给你的那些书是我弟弟的。The bks I lent yu________________my brther.答案:belng t
    The expanded Eurpean Unin has a ppulatin f mre than half a billin peple,twice as big as the ppulatin f the United States.扩大的欧洲联盟有超过五亿的人口,是美国人口的两倍。英语中表示倍数的方法大致有四种,即:
    1)A+be(或谓语动词)+数词+times+as+adj.(原级)+as+B.①Asia is fur times as large as Eurpe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大3倍)②Line AB is 3 times as lng as Line CD.AB线段是CD线段的三倍。
    2)A+be(或谓语动词)+数词+times+the+(size,weight,length,width,height,number...)+f+B.The ruler is three times the length f that ne.这把尺子的长度是那把的三倍。3)A+be(或谓语动词)+数词+times+比较级+than+B.①Their schl is three times larger than urs.他们学校比我们学校大3倍(是我们学校的4倍)。②After the experiment,the plant is fur times taller than it was befre.在实验以后,这种植物为过去高度的四倍。
    4). what从句The prductin nw is three times what it was ten years ag.现在的产量是10年前的3倍。
    即学即用语法填空My uncle's huse in the dwntwn area is much smaller than urs,but it is twice________expensive.答案:as 考查倍数的表达法。句意:我叔叔在闹市区的房子比我们的小很多,但是价钱却是我们的两倍。“A+倍数+as+adj./adv.+as B”是其中一种,此处expensive后面省略了as urs。
    Ⅰ.单词拼写1. The president,wh g________ Egypt fr many years,was frced t leave ffice last year.2.Yu shuld discuss the matter with yur h________fdepartment,and fllw his advice.3.The farmers g t twn t sell their agricultural p________ every mrning.4.This new cell­phne has several unique________(特点).
    5.The 10,000 elected________ (代表)f the peple helddiscussin fr ne week t slve sme imprtant prblems.6.The________ (区域)alng the western cast f Suth America has been hit several times befre by majr quakes in the recent years.7.Mr Brwn is ne f the members f the________(国会).8.The supermarket has a perfect________(地理的)lcatin and is very cnvenient.答案:1.gverned 2.head 3.prduce 4.features 5.representatives 6.regin 7.parliament 8.gegraphical
    Ⅱ.句型转换1. A.The regin is nw cntrlled by the United States.B.The regin is nw________ by the United States.2.A.The natinal situatin is becming gradually wrse and wrse.B.The natinal situatin is becming wrse and wrse ________________________.3. A.Mr Smith wns the new electric car.B.The new electric car________________Mr Smith.
    4.A.Our classrm is twice as big as theirs.B.Our classrm is twice________________________theirs.5.A.As fr mney it's nt a gd jb.But I can gain sme experience.B.________________________ mney it's nt a gd jb.But I can gain sme experience.答案:1.gverned 2.little by little 3.belngs t 4.the size f 5.In terms f
    Ⅲ.语法填空1.The escaped prisner's________are still unknwn.答案:whereabuts whereabuts为名词,意为“下落;去向”。2.The yunger persn's attractin t MP4 can nt be explained nly________terms f familiarity with technlgy.答案:in 句意为:不能仅仅从熟悉技术的角度来解释MP4对年轻人的吸引力。in terms f为“从……方面说;根据;用……的话”,符合句意。
    3.N ne can________(cmpare)with him in English.答案:cmpare cmpare with...表示“与……匹敌”;其中cmpare为不及物动词,常用于否定句或疑问句中。4.________(cmpare)this with that,and yu'll see which is better.答案:Cmpare 根据后半句不难判断出上句为祈使句,故用cmpare。5.We have a queen,but it is the PREMIER and CABINET wh________(gvern).答案:gvern 该句为强调结构。强调句子的主语,由主语是“首相及内阁”知,谓语应用复数gvern。
    6.I knw this jb f mine isn't much,but________the ther hand I dn't feel tied dwn.答案:n n the ther hand意为“从另一方面来说”。7.His spken English is imprving little________little abrad.答案:by little by little“逐渐地”,符合语境。8.This washing machine is envirnmentally friendly because it uses ______(much)water and electricity than ______(ld)mdels.答案:less;lder water和electricity为不可数名词,应由less修饰,并且lder和than连用。
    9.What a table! I've never seen such a thing befre.It is nt half as wide________it is lng.答案:as 此题考查的是nt 表比较的用法。以题意知这个桌子长度不到宽度的一半,应用nt half。10.Start ut right away,________yu'll miss the first bus.答案:r 根据句意,两句之间表示“否则;如果不”之意。

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