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    外研版英语必修3 Module 4 第1课时 PPT课件+练习01
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    外研版英语必修3 Module 4 第1课时 PPT课件+练习03
    外研版英语必修3 Module 4 第1课时 PPT课件+练习04
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    外研版英语必修3 Module 4 第1课时 PPT课件+练习01
    外研版英语必修3 Module 4 第1课时 PPT课件+练习02
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    英语必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia多媒体教学课件ppt

    这是一份英语必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia多媒体教学课件ppt,文件包含Module4第1课时ppt、Module4第1课时doc等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Sandstrms in Asia
    1.1.1 集合的概念
    第一课时 Intrductin & Reading
    Ⅰ.写出黑体单词在句子中的含义1.A sandstrm is a strng wind in a desert area,which carries sand thrugh the air.(   )2.The training f astrnauts is a lng prcess.(  )3.He threw it frward with all his strength.(  )4.The teacher frecast that 15 f his pupils wuld pass the examinatin.(  )5.There‘s masses f wrk fr her t d.(   )6.Peple in the nrth wear masks in winter.(  )
    7.Furteen cities are taking part in a campaign t attract mre turists. (  )8.It was a very frightening experience and they were very curageus.(   )9.The life f rdinary citizens began t change.(  )10.We will cycle t the park tday.(   )
    Ⅱ.补全短语1.cut________砍倒2.as a________f由于3.dig________挖掘4.wake up________清楚地意识到5.________this situatin在这种情况下6.be caught________突然遭遇(风暴等)7.prevent...(frm)________sth.阻止……做某事8.ne________anther一个接一个地9.________a particular time在一个特定的时间10.sweep________清除
    Ⅲ.完成句子1.They are ften________thick________yu cannt see the sun,and the wind is smetimes strng enugh t mve sand dunes.沙尘暴常常很浓密,以至于遮住了太阳,有时风力大得足以移动沙丘。2.Sandstrms in China__________have increased in recent years as a result f“desertificatin”.因“荒漠化”越来越严重,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。
    3.The strms smetimes cntinue all day and traffic mves very slwly because the thick dust ____________________.暴风有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。
    made it difficult t see
    Ⅳ.语篇理解Step 1 IntrductinⅠ.When lking at the fllwing pictures,what may ccur in yur mind?Sandstrms f curse!D yu knw the harmful effects f sandstrms?
    As far as I knw,sandstrms can_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Ⅱ.D yu knw hw many kinds f behavirs are unfriendly t the envirnment?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Step 2 Fast­readingScan the passage and match each paragraph with its main idea.Para.1 A.Sandstrms smetimes affect Beijing.Para.2 B.Sandstrms d a lt f damage t peple.Para.3 C.The gvernment plants trees t prevent sandstrms.
    Para.4 D.Sandstrms have been a majr disaster fr many Asian cuntries fr centuries.Para.5 E.Sandstrms in Asia.Para.6 F.Sandstrms in China appear t have increased.
    Step 3 Careful-readingⅠ.Chse the best answer accrding t the passage.1.When sandstrms happen,what will yu wear if yu g ut?A.A hat. B.A cat. C.A mask. D.A tie.2.Hw many kilmetres is the desert away t the west f Beijing?A.350. B.250. C.150.D.200.
    3.Which statement is WRONG?A.Peple smetimes can't frecast the strength f a strm.B.The gvernment plans t cntinue planting trees fr the next ten years.C.Nrthwest China is part f the sandstrm center in Central Asia.D.Sandstrms smetimes affect Beijing.
    4.Accrding t the text,we can learn that sandstrms ________.A.cause peple t buy mre masksB.are difficult t deal withC.are nt dangerus but frighteningD.will disappear within five years
    5.Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the text?A.Ren Jianb thught he wuld prbably die frm the sandstrm.B.A sandstrm can be frecast several mnths befre it arrives.C.Huang Xiamei frequently cycles in sandstrms.D.Sandstrms ccur in Beijing mainly because f its dry climate.
    Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks accrding t the passage.
    Step 4 SummaryFill in blanks accrding t the passage.Sandstrms have been a majr disaster fr many Asian cuntries fr centuries.Scientists have tried many ways t 1.________this prblem and in China,a mass 2.________has been started t help slve it. Sandstrms are strng,dry winds that carry sand.They are ften 3.________thick that yu can't see the sun,and the wind is smetimes strng 4.________t mve sand dunes.
    Nrthwest China is part f the sandstrm 5.________in Central Asia.Sandstrms begin in desert areas.Sandstrms smetimes wake up t an range sky and strng winds that 7.________the city in a thick,brwn­yellw dust.The Chinese Central Weather Statin can 8.________a sandstrm sme weeks befre it arrives in Beijing,but the 9.________f the strm smetimes surprises peple.
    The desert is nly 250 kilmetres away t the west f Beijing.In rder t 10.________it cming nearer,the gvernment has planted mre than 30 billin trees and plans t cntinue planting fr the next five years.
    Step 5 DiscussinWhat shuld peple d t prtect themselves when a sandstrm cmes?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________答案:Step 1Ⅰ.①kill peple and animals,pull dwn buildings and cause pr harvests.
    ②pllute the atmsphere and carry away tp sil.The breaking ut f sandstrms brings mre slid pllutins int the atmsphere and damages the envirnment and sil in the attacked areas,thus affecting the agriculture fr many years.Ⅱ.cutting dwn the trees/using plastic bags/puring waste water int rivers and ceans/giving ut pisnus waste gases
    Step 2 Para.1—Para.6:DEFABCStep 3Ⅰ.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.AⅡ,dry 2.sand dunes 3.Nrth America 4.desert areas 5.climate changes 6.range 7.Beijing 8.mass campaign 9.30 billin 10.fiveStep 4 1.slve 2.campaign 3.s 4.enugh 5.centre 6.affect 7.cver 8.frecast 9.strength 10.preventStep 5 Peple shuld wear glasses and masks t prtect their eyes and faces.If pssible,they shuld stay at hme when a sandstrm cmes.
    1.frightening adj. 吓人的;可怕的①All the stne figures in the temple lked s frightening.庙里所有的石像看上去都那么吓人。②I will never frget that frightening experience.我永远忘不了那次可怕的经历。知识拓展1)frighten v. (使)惊恐Dn't frighten the children!别吓唬小孩子。
    2)frightened adj. 感到惊恐的I'm t frightened t ask him nw.现在我吓得不敢问他了。3)frighten的固定搭配:frighten sb.int ding sth.吓唬某人做某事frighten sb.ut f ding sth.使某人不敢做某事be frightened at对……感到惊恐be frightened f(ding)sth.害怕(干)某事
    即学即用语法填空While seeing the________(frighten)mvie,mst f the________(frighten)children cried with great fear.答案:frightening;frightened 现在分词作形容词,常用来说明事物的特征,frightening意为“令人感到恐怖的”;过去分词作形容词,常用来说明人的特征,frightened意为“受到惊吓的”。句意:观看恐怖电影时,大部分受到惊吓的孩子都吓得哭了起来。
    2.climate n. 气候①The climate here desn't agree with him.他不习惯这儿的气候。②The climate in ur cuntry is becming better and better.我们国家的气候变得越来越好了。
    词语辨析climate与weather1)climate指一个地方恒定的气候状况,包括气温、降雨量、湿度等。The climate here is nt gd fr yu.这里的气候对你不适合。2)weather指一个地方一天或某个时节的具体天气情况,如冷暖、阴晴等。Yu'd better put n yur cat in this cld weather.在这样的冷天里,你最好穿上大衣。
    即学即用完成句子The________here agrees with me,and I'm feeling better this mrning because the________tday is fine.答案:climate;weather
    3.blw1)v.(blew,blwn)(1)(尤指风、空气等)吹;吹动The wind is blwing hard.风刮得很大。(2)吹气;猛吹He blew and blew,but nthing happened.他吹了又吹,可一无用处。
    (3)(使)吹动;吹成(某种状态)①The wind has blwn my hat ff.风把我的帽子刮走了。②My papers are blwing abut.我的报纸刮得到处都是。(4)(使)吹奏;响起t blw a hrn 吹号角
    2)n.(1)强风;风暴The big blw brke my windw.大风暴把我家窗子打破了。(2)吹动;吹气Give yur nse a gd blw.把你的鼻子好好地擤一擤。
    知识拓展blw ne's nse擤鼻涕blw ne's wn hrn 自吹自擂blw a kiss t smene 送飞吻blw dwn 吹倒blw ut 吹灭blw up (使)爆炸;炸毁
    即学即用语法填空The trees______(blw)dwn in the strm have been mved ff the rad.答案:blwn the trees和blw dwn之间为被动关系,且发生在过去,故用blwn。
    4.sign n.标记;符号;记号;征兆;迹象;v.签名(于);签署;打招呼;做手势①He made a sign fr me t fllw him.他向我示意跟着他(走)。②The sign by the rad says“N Parking”.路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”。③There are n signs f life abut the huse.这房子没有人住的迹象。
    ④The cuntries cncerned all agreed t sign the cnventin.有关各国都同意签署这项协定。⑤Bth parties have signed the cntract.双方已经在合同上签字了。⑥He signed me t be quiet.他做手势要我安静。
    知识拓展at the sign f 当有……迹象时in sign f 作为……的记号/标志make a sign t 对……作暗号/打手势make n sign f 没有动静/迹象shw a sign f 出现……的样子或形迹;有……的征兆sign away 签字让与,签字放弃sign in 签到;把……的名字登记
    sign ff 结束写信sign n签约受雇,签约就聘sign ver签字移文sign up 签字参与某事;签字受雇signable adj.可签名的
    词语辨析sign与mark1)sign系常用词,指“具有一定含义的任何有形或无形的符号或标志,它可以表示实物、表情、动作、文字、语言及任何痕迹或征兆”。There is a stp sign at an intersectin.在交叉路口处有停车标志。2)mark指“为某一目的而有意作的标记”,也指“无意留下或自然形成的痕迹”。Suffering left its mark n his face.苦难的经历在他脸上留下了痕迹。
    即学即用语法填空The practice f hanging clthes acrss the street is a cmmn________in many parts f the city.答案:sight sight“情景;景像”,符合句意。句意为:在这个城市的很多地方在街道上方悬挂衣服是常见的景象。
    5.majr adj. 主要的;多数的;较大的;重大的①One f ur majr aims f cming here is t visit the Great Wall.我们来这里的一个主要目的是参观长城。②The majr part f the jb is dne by machine.大部分的工作由机器来做。③The teacher played a majr part in the imprvement f teaching.这位老师在改进教学方面起了主要的作用。
    知识拓展1)majr vt. 主修;专攻He majrs in chemistry.他主修化学。2)majr n.主修(学科)3)majrity n. [the~](常与f连用)大多数;多数派The majrity f peple prefer peace t war.大多数人喜爱和平而不喜欢战争。注意:the majrity f后跟复数名词,谓语动词用复数;若the majrity单独作主语,谓语动词用单复数皆可。
    词语辨析:majr和main①There were n majr injuries.没有发生重大的伤亡。②She nted dwn the main pints f the speech.她把讲话的要点记了下来。
    即学即用语法填空He is nw studying in Shandng University,________(majr)in cmputer science.答案:majring 此处majr用作动词,意为“主修”,majring in cmputer science为现在分词短语作状语, 起补充说明的作用,相当于一个并列分句and he majrs...。
    6.mass adj. 大量的;大规模的①Their latest prduct is aimed at the mass market.他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。②The plice cnsidered it as a mass murder.警方认定这是一次大规模的谋杀。
    知识拓展mass n. [C](聚成一体的)团,块,堆;众多,大量;[the­es]群众
    ①The hill appeared as a black mass in the distance.远远望去,那座山是黑黝黝的一片。②Our cause needs the supprt f the masses.我们的事业需要人民群众的支持。
    搭配masses f(=a mass f)大量的①I've masses f things t d.我有一大堆事情要做。②A mass f men cnsider themselves healthy.很多人都认为自己是健康的。
    知识拓展1)be a mass f...满是……;遍布着……2)in the mass=as a whle 总体上;大体而论In the mass(As a whle),the bk is wrth reading.就整体来看,这本书值得一读。
    即学即用完成句子During the earthquake,a great________f rcks fell frm the muntain and blcked the rad.答案:mass a mass f意为“大量的”,后可跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。句意:地震期间,一大堆岩石从山上滚下来堵塞了公路。
    7.campaign n. [C] 战役;活动①They planned an air campaign.他们策划了一场空中战役。②They started the electin campaign.他们开展了竞选活动。
    搭配1)carry n a campaign 发起运动They are carrying n a new campaign against crruptin.他们正在发起一场新的反贪污运动。2)a sales campaign 促销活动This sales campaign was targeted at the yuth market.这次促销活动是以年轻人为对象的。
    即学即用完成句子This is an imprtant________in the Pacific________.这是太平洋战役中的一次重要会战。答案:battle;campaign
    8.prcess1)n. 步骤;过程N ne can hld back the prcess f histry.没有人能够阻止历史的进程。2)v. 审查;处理;加工It may take a few weeks fr him t prcess yur applicatin.审查你的申请书也许要花费他几个星期。
    知识拓展in the prcess f(ding)sth.在从事……的过程中be in prcess 在进行中in the prcess 同时;在……过程中①The cmpany is in the prcess f mving int new ffices.该公司正在搬往新的办公室。②New guidelines are in prgress.新的指导方针正在制订中。
    即学即用语法填空Achieving a high degree f prficiency in English as a freign language is nt a mysterius________.答案:prcess 考查词义。prcess“过程,程序”;符合句意。句意为:把英语作为一门外语等待掌握并非秘密过程。
    9.strength n. [U]力量;力气;[C]长处;优势①She didn't even have the strength t stand up.她连站起来的力气都没有。②The great strength f my plan is that it's s cheap cmpared t the thers.我的计划的最大长处是比其他计划耗资要少。
    ①He pushed the big stne int the river with all his strength.他用尽全力,将那块大石头推入河中。②Frce can never destry right.暴力决不能摧毁正义。③It's a waste f time and energy.那是在浪费时间和精力。④He has lst the pwer f speech.他丧失了语言能力。
    即学即用语法填空—Why d yu chse t wrk in an internatinal travel agency?—Well,yu knw,English is my ________(strng).S it is my best chice.答案:strength 本题考查名词的用法。句意:你为什么选择在国际旅行社工作?噢,你知道,英语是我的强项。因此这是我的最佳选择。strength 强项,优点,长处,符合句意。
    1.cut dwn 砍倒;减少;击倒或杀死某人;或使残废;改短衣服;讨价还价,杀价①Cutting dwn t many trees withut planting sme will make the envirnment wrse.砍太多的树而不种树会使我们的环境更加恶劣。
    ②The dctrs have advised cutting dwn smking and drinking.医生建议少抽烟、少喝酒。③The rbber cut dwn the persn and ran away in a taxi.抢劫犯把那个人杀了然后乘出租车逃跑了。
    cut acrss 抄近路cut at 对准(某人)猛击cut up 剪成碎片cut ff 切断cut ut 剪除cut in 插嘴;突然插入
    即学即用语法填空(1)My uncle hasn't been able t quit smking,but at least he has cut________.答案:dwn 句意:我叔叔还没有戒烟成功,但是他已经减少了抽烟的量。cut dwn“减少;缩减”,符合题意。
    用cut的相关短语填空(2)The electricity was________fr several days.(3)Please________the vegetables int small pieces.(4)Dn't________while adults are talking.(5)She bught a piece f clth t________a dress.答案:(2)cut ff (3)cut up (4)cut in (5)cut ut
    2.be caught in突然遭遇(风暴等)①He was caught in the rain last week and caught a cld.他上星期被雨淋了,患了感冒。②I am afraid that we'll be caught in a traffic jam.我担心我们会遇到交通阻塞。联想be caught ding sth.做某事被当场抓住catch sb.ding sth.撞见某人正在做某事catch sb.in the act f ding sth.当场捉住某人在做非法之事
    即学即用完成句子①Hank________________________the earthquake.汉克遭遇了这次大地震。②The thief________________________.这个贼被发现正在偷盗。③She walked t slwly t___________________(赶上)us.④Helen let ut a cry when she_____________(瞥见)a snake.答案:①was caught in ②was caught stealing ③catch up with ④caught sight f
    语法填空⑤Because f the traffic jam________which I was caught,I was late fr the meeting this mrning.答案:in 句意:因为遇到了交通堵塞,我今天早上开会迟到了。be caught in“突然遭遇”,此处是将be caught in的宾语提前作先行词,用“介词in+which”引导定语从句。
    3.part f前不加冠词时,指某物的“一部分”,可能指一半以下,也可能超过一半,或仅占一份。而a part f仅指整体一半以下。这两个短语的后面可接单、复数名词或不可数名词。如果part f 作主语,要注意主谓一致。①Part f the huse has been burned dwn.房屋的一部分被烧倒了。②Parts f the bk are interesting.这部书的有些地方写得很有趣。③When cal burns,part f it is left as ash.当煤燃烧后,只剩下部分灰烬。
    即学即用翻译句子我们花了一部分时间在博物馆。_______________________________________________答案:We spent part f the time in the museum.
    4.ne after anther 一个接一个地;陆续地①They visited his ffice ne after anther.他们一个接一个地参观他的办公室。②As the sldiers had been wunded seriusly in the battle,they died ne after anther after being sent t the hspital.因为士兵们在战斗中受伤严重,他们在被送往医院后陆续死去。
    即学即用语法填空There ges the bell and the children are walking ut f the classrm ne________anther.答案:after 句意:铃响了,孩子们一个接一个地走出教室。ne after anther“陆续地;一个接一个地”,强调连续性,符合题意。
    1.“T have been caught in a sandstrm was a terrible experience,”he said.他说:“碰上沙尘暴是一次很可怕的经历。”本句为简单句,t have been caught in a sandstrm为不定式作主语。T smke is a bad habit.抽烟是个坏习惯。
    知识拓展现代英语倾向于用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语——不定式后置。It's imprtant t knw the meaning f gestures and mvements in the freign cuntries.懂得外国人的手势和身势语很重要。注意:动名词也可作主语。一般来说,表示比较抽象的一般行为的动作多用动名词,表示具体的某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。有时两者都可以。
    ①Smking is frbidden here.此处禁止吸烟。②T smke s much is nt gd fr yu.你抽这么多烟不好。注意:在It's n use/n gd/useless ding中,用动名词作主语。
    即学即用语法填空(1)N matter hw bright a talker yu are,there are times when it's better________(remain)silent.答案:t remain 本题考查非谓语动词。句意:不管你是多么聪明的讲话者,有时你保持沉默比较好。it是形式主语,不定式t remain silent是真实主语。(2)________wrries me the way he keeps changing his mind.答案:It it为形式主语,真正的主语为the way he keeps changing his mind。
    2.Scientists have tried many ways t slve this prblem and in China,a mass campaign has been started t help slve it.科学家们尝试了好多方法去解决这个问题,而且在中国,已经发动全民运动去解决这个问题。本句为and连接的并列句。在第一个分句中,t slve this prblem为不定式作定语,修饰way。
    知识拓展(1)“用这种方法”有下列几种说法:①in this way;②by this means;③with this methd(2)by the way 顺便说一下by way f 经由in a way 在某一点上in the way 挡道,碍事n ne's way t 在去……的路途中in this way 用这种方法make ne's way 前进get ne's wn way 随心所欲
    即学即用语法填空—I think he is taking an active part in scial wrk.—I agree with yu________(way).答案:in a way 考查way构成的短语的含义。in a way“在某一点上;在某种程度上”。
    Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Mst f the emplyees in this cmpany came frm____________(内陆)cities.2.Never d anything t harm the interests f the________________(群众).3.The firm is nw in the________(程序)f mving the main equipment t a new place.4.Bill was ding a lt f physical exercise t build up his________(力气).
    5.Every________(公民)has the duty t cntribute t his cuntry.6.The film was very________(可怕的).I was scared t death when I was seeing it.7.T ensure safety,d nt wear headphnes while driving r________(骑自行车).8.A man walked in a desert fr tw days and gt himself int a________(沙尘暴).答案:1.inland 2.masses 3.prcess 4.strength 5.citizen 6.frightening 7.cycling 8.sandstrm
    6.If yu want t g ut,yu'd better wear a________.7.Weather experts have________anther big sandstrm in a week's time.8.There are lts f________in the desert.9.A third f Africa is under threat f________.10.Many cities in Nrth China are suffering frm the____________including Beijing.答案:1.Campaigns 2.prcess 3.citizens  4.strength 5.cycles 6.mask 7.frecasted 8.dunes9.desertificatin 10.sandstrm
    Ⅲ.语法填空1.Nticing her husband ________ weight,Mrs.Li decided t ________ the daily fd ratin and cked meals with less fat fr him.答案:putting n;cut dwn 句意为:注意到丈夫在长胖,李女士决定削减丈夫的日常食物用量并且给他做低脂肪的饭。put n weight意为“长胖;增加体重”;cut dwn意为“削减”。
    2.Please be quiet—recrding is ________prcess.Otherwise we'll waste a lt f time.答案:in 句意为:请安静——录音正在进行中。否则,我们会浪费很多时间。in prcess意为“在进行中”。3.He desn't even have the________(strng)t walk because f his illness.答案:strength 句意:由于生病,他连走路的力气都没有了。strength“力气;力量”,符合句意。
    4.What prevented yur plan ________(carry ut)?答案:frm being carried ut prevent sb./sth.frm ding sth.意为“阻止某人/物做某事”,此处的yur plan和carry ut(执行)之间为被动关系,故用frm being carried ut。5.The club wmen gathered ________(mass)clthes fr peple in the tsunami­hit cuntries.答案:masses f masses f可修饰不可数名词,也可修饰复数名词。
    6.Susan was cmpletely weighed dwn by the ________f examinatins.答案:stress 句意为:Susan完全被考试的压力压垮(weigh dwn)了。stress意为“压力”,符合句意。7.Helen had t shut t make herself________(hear)abve the sund f the music.答案:heard 句意为:为了让她的声音超过音乐的声音而被别人听到,Helen不得不大声喊。t make herself heard在句中作目的状语,其中herself和hear之间为动宾关系。
    8.The little girl was________(frighten)by the man's ________(frighten)vice.答案:frightened;frightening 句意为:这个小女孩被这个男士吓人的声音吓坏了。frighten意为“使害怕”,frightening意为“令人害怕的,吓人的”。9.The by wh seemed t be hnest was caught ________ (steal)in the shp.答案:stealing sb.be caught ding sth.是catch sb. ding sth.的被动语态,意为“被抓住做某事”。
    10.He ________ his girlfriend waiting fr him in the rain fr hurs,as a result,she caught a bad cld.答案:kept 句意为:他让他的女朋友在雨中等了几个小时,结果她得了重感冒。keep sb.ding sth.意为“使某人一直做某事”。符合题意。

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