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    Module 2 Traffic Jam Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary PPT课件
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    外研版必修4Module 2 Traffic Jam教课内容ppt课件

    这是一份外研版必修4Module 2 Traffic Jam教课内容ppt课件,共59页。PPT课件主要包含了bike,boat,bus,coach,helicopter,motorbike,taxi,trolleybus,truck,ship等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Mdule 2Traffic Jam
    T knw smething abut means f transprtT develp reading skillsT knw abut the situatins f traffic in cities in BeinjingT knw abut the sentence structures abut giving advice
    It’s slw, cheap and has tw wheels.
    Means f transprt
    It’s a small pen vessel fr traveling acrss water.
    It’s a bus used fr lng distances.
    a type f aircraft
    It’s gt tw wheels and it’s fast.
    Yu must pay t use this car.
    This bus is cnnected t electric wires.
    a simple vehicle fr carrying gds
    This is a suburban railway. It is usually under the city.
    a bus which has tw flrs
    air-cnditined bus
    a bus with air-cnditiners
    a large bat fr carrying peple and gds n the sea
    a 3-wheeled bicycle
    Use ticks t cmplete the chart.
    What d yu think f these pictures?
    1. Have yu ever been stuck in a traffic jam?2. Where were yu ging?3. Hw lng were yu in the jam?
    Answer the questins. Share yur answers with yur partner.
    4. What did yu d then?5. If yu haven’t met a traffic jam, can yu imagine what will happen in it?
    Sme causes f traffic jams: * t many cars * bad rad planning * traffic accidents * bad weather * …
    Sme effects f traffic jams:* bad t the envirnment* waste a lt f time & energy* cause sme diseases* rad rage (路怒症) as a majr traffic safety hazard (危害)* …
    Sme cmmn slutins:
    Limit the number f carsWiden the radsCnstruct mre ftbridgesCnstruct mre subways 5. Develp the public transprt6. Fine peple wh disbey traffic rules
    Getting Arund in Beijing
    Lk at the picture and answer the fllwing questin.
    What can yu see in it?
    1. What are the causes f the traffic jam and the bad results?2. What shuld we d t try t avid it?
    Name as many means f transprt as pssible that peple use in daily life. Say smething abut the changes f transprt in yur area in the past 10 years. What d yu think f the transprt in big cities?
    Hw many means f transprtatin are mentined in the passage? What are they?
    The text mainly tells us ______ in Beijing.A. the transprt f getting arundB. the rush hurs and travelling timeC. the traffic jams n the streetsD. what transprt is the mst cnvenient
    Skim the passage and find the main idea.
    Buses and Trlleybuses
    Means f transprt
    Structure f the text
    1. Para. 1    A. Minibuses2. Paras. 2-4 B. Undergrund3. Para. 5 C. Taxis4. Para. 6 D. Pedicabs5. Para. 7 E. Buses and trlleybuses
    Match the main idea f paragraph.
    Scan the passage and find the specific infrmatin.
    1. The rush hur means _________.A. 6:00 am-8:00 am and 5:00 pm-6:30 pmB. 6:30 am-8:00 am and 5:00 pm-6:30 pmC. 6:30 am-8:30 am and 5:00 pm-6:00 pmD. 6:00 am-9:00 am and 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
    Read the passage carefully and chse the right answer.
    2. If yu want t have a gd view f the rapidly changing city, yu shuld take ______. A. a taxi       B. a minibus C. a duble­decker bus D. a pedicab
    3. Yu shuld take a minibus if yu _______. A. travel with 12 mre friends B. want t travel faster C. think that taxis are t expensive and buses are t crwded D. want t travel different rutes frm the large public buses
    4. If yu want t see the Frbidden City and the White Pagda in Beihai Park, yu'd better take ________. A. buses numbered 1 t 100 B. the 103 bus C. buses with a number in the 200s D. a taxi
    1. What shuld yu d if yu want t take a taxi? A. Check the driver's business permit. B. Ask fr a receipt. C. G t the statin. D. Bth A and B.
    Chse the right answer.
    2. What is the advantage f minibuses? A. The fares are cheap. B. Yu can avid the rush hur. C. Yu can always get a seat. D. Yu can have a gd view f the city.
    3. Which f the fllwing is NOT mentined abut the undergrund in the text? A. The number f undergrund lines in Beijing. B. The price f a ticket. C. The ttal length f undergrund lines in Beijing. D. The time when it is pen every day.
    Fill in the blanks.
    Find the crrect infrmatin fr the different means f transprt.
    Buses and trlleybuses
    Read the text carefully and answer the questins.
    1. Hw easy is it t find a taxi in Beijing?
    Raise yur hand, and a taxi appears in n time.
    2. What clur are mst taxis?
    They’re red.
    3. What’s the prblem with buses?
    They’re ften very crwded.
    4. Which is the best bus fr turists?
    The 103 bus.
    5. Hw many peple can get in a minibus?
    6. What are the advantages f the undergrund?
    It’s fast and cnvenient.
    7. When des it clse at night?
    8. What can yu visit in a pedicab?
    It clses at 11:00 pm.
    The narrw alleys f ld Beijing.
    buses & trlleybuses
    ffer an alternative t…get a seat
    wrth using if …explre
    Yu shuld…,and make sure…
    It’s a gd idea t…Turists shuldn’t miss…. make sure…
    Yu shuld…, and make sure
    Find the advantages and disadvantages
    cheap have a gd view f…
    24 hurs, raise yur hand… in n time
    run regular services fllw the same rutes
    Underline the advice the authr ffers.
    Match the wrds in the bx with their meanings.
    cab destinatin fare get arund passenger receipt return (n) rute rush hur seat single (n) permit (n)
    1. t g frm ne place t anther ____________ 2. a persn wh uses public transprt ___________
    3. (a ticket fr) a tw-way jurney ____________
    4. the rad the public transprt service uses regularly ________ 5. the busiest time f day __________ 6. the price f a ticket _________7. (a ticket fr) a ne-way jurney _____
    8. the place yu want t g t _________
    9. a dcument which shws yu have paid fr smething _________10. a place t sit ______11. anther wrd fr taxi _____12. a dcument which gives yu the right t d smething ________
    Taxis, usually red, are available 24 hurs a day. Check the driver has a permit and get a receipt. Buses and trlleybuses are very cheap but can get very 1. ________ (crwd) early in the mrning and evening. Buses 2. _________ (number) 1 t 100 cver the city centre, higher numbers the suburbs.
    Belw is a summary f the text. Cmplete the blanks, then try t retell the text t yur partners.
    Number 103 passes many turist 3. ___________ (attract). Upstairs n duble-decker buses ffer the 4. ________ (gd) views. 5. __________ (minibus) are less expensive than taxis and nt as crwded as buses. The undergrund is fast, 6. ___________ (cnvenience) and cheap and statin names 7. __________ (write) in pinyin.
    are written
    Pedicabs r “tricycle taxis” can be expensive. 8. ________ they are great fr 9. __________ (explre) Beijing's hutngs. Make sure yu knw hw much yu need 10. ________ (pay) in advance.
    Lk at the phrases and say what they have in cmmn. Find mre examples f the phrases in the passage.
    Giving advice
    Yu shuld check the cab has a business permit.Make sure yu ask fr a receipt.It’s a gd idea t have yur destinatin written in Chinese.
    1) They are all examples f the functin f “giving advice”.2) Turists shuldn’t miss the 103 bus; make sure yu sit upstairs; Yu shuld talk t the driver, and make sure yu knw the price.
    Examples:It’s a gd idea t avid public transprt in the rush hur.
    Wrk in pairs. Think f a big city yu knw and write advice fr visitrs.
    1. If yu are travelling in Beijing, what transprt wuld yu chse? Why?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages f taking a taxi and taking a bus in Beijing?
    In many cities in China, public bikes are available nw. What is yur pint f view n that?
    1. ____________ n.执照;许可证;vt.允许→____________ n.允许2. ____________ adj.给人印象深刻的→ ___________ vt.给……留下印象;使铭记→____________ n.印象3. ___________ adj.方便的→ _____________ n.方便
    4. ____________ vt.探索 → ___________ n.探索5. ___________ adj.郊区的;市郊的→___________ n.市郊;郊区6. ___________ v.接收,收到 →___________ n.收据
    1. ___________________ 与……相连2. ________________ 被困在……3. ________________ 马上;一会儿4. ________________ 到处旅行;四处走动5. ___________________ 正在建设之中6. ___________________ 饱览7. ________________ 索要发票8. ________________ 值得做……
    be cnnected t/withbe/get stuck inin n time   get arundunder cnstructin have a gd view fask fr a receiptbe wrth ding
    Write a passage abut the transprtatins in Beijing in recent years. 北京地铁运营线路共有22条地铁线路。北京出租车数量66648台。北京共享单车数量降至191万辆(摩拜、优拜、OFO、小鸣、小蓝、骑呗、酷骑……)。

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    外研版必修4Module 2 Traffic Jam备课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版必修4Module 2 Traffic Jam备课ppt课件,共29页。PPT课件主要包含了短文改错,many,breathe,stuck,accidents,build,except,relaxed等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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