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    Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册)
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      Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea(教师版)-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册).docx
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      Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea(学生版)-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册).docx
    Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册)01
    Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册)02
    Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册)03
    Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册)01
    Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册)02
    Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册)03
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    英语必修 第一册Unit 1 A new start精品第3课时练习题

    这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 1 A new start精品第3课时练习题,文件包含Unit1ANewStart第3课时Developingidea教师版-高一英语同步精品讲义外研版必修第一册docx、Unit1ANewStart第3课时Developingidea学生版-高一英语同步精品讲义外研版必修第一册docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 1 A New Start

    1.3 Developing idea



    1. sharp adj.敏锐的,聪明sharpen v削尖,使敏捷

    2. confident adj.有信心的,自信的confidence n.信心;自信

    3. challenge n.挑战challenging adj.挑战性的

    4. explore v.考察,探险exploration n.探险;探索;探测

    5. curious adj.好奇的curiously adv.好奇地curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲

    6. eagerness n.热切,渴望eager adj.渴望的;渴求的eagerly adv.热切地;渴望地

    7. organize v.组织;整理organizer n.组织者organization n.组织organized adj.有组织的;有条理的;有秩序的

    8argue v.争论,争辩argument n.争论,争辩

    9graduate v.毕业graduation n.毕业

    10. volunteer n.志愿者,义务工作者,自愿参加者voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的

    11. apply v.申请application n.申请applicant n.申请者

    12. performance n(工作或活动中的)表现perform v.表现;表演performer n.表演


    1. look forward to (兴奋地)期待,盼望

    2. refer to 提到;谈及

    3. in panic惊慌地

    4. take up 占用(时间)

    5. graduate from 毕业于

    6. as if 仿佛 

    7. make the most of充分利用

    8. go all out全力以赴,竭尽全力

    9. in particular尤其,特别

    10. look back on 回忆;回顾

    11. if so 如果这样的话

    12. come to an end 结束

    13. at the sight of... 一看到...

    14. debate with sb about/on sth. ...与某人辩论



    1. I feel as if high school was only yesterday.
    2. I was frightened at the sight of the test paper.
    3. You must have had some moments when you were disappointed.



    知识点01 重点词汇


    look forward to     (其中to为高考热点)


      lead to 

      stick to

      object to

      get down to

      devote to

      pay attention to

      refer to

      be accustomed to

      be used to...



     The letter he had been looking forward to _________ at last this morning.

      Acome           B. comes            C. coming          D. came


    1. The boy has been looking forward to ____________ (see) it for a long time.
    2. The day I had been looking forward to ___________ (come).



    Id like to exchange ideas with my classmates. 我愿意和同学们交流想法。

     In exchange

    In exchange for

    Exchange students

    Exchange sth with sb

    Exchange A for B =exchange B with A


    1. In addition , I have volunteered to help two _______(exchange) students with their Mandarin learning during the past two years.
    2. We students  should often exchange ideas _______our parents, who are rich in experiences.


    考点3:as if=as though  好像

    I feel as if high school was only yesterday.


    1. She looks as if she _________(be) ten years younger.
    2. 听起来好像是在下雨。
    3. 他们谈起话来就像多年的老朋友。



    Apply(v):申请,请求     1.apply to do sth:

    2.  apply (to...) for....


    *** apply oneself to...:专心于....

    Apply ...to...:...应用于...

    Be applied to...:应用于...

    Application form:         an application (to sb) for sth:


    Application(n):               applicant(n):






    1. He wants to apply         the company          a job as a salesman.
    2. We should apply theory            practice;otherwise, it is no use.
    3. To my delight,I was chosen from hundreds of          to attend the opening ceremony.
    4. Though he has lived in America for five years, he doesnt intend to apply       American citizenship.


    考点5情态动词+have done

    You must have had some moments when you were disappointed.


    1. 我本不应该批评他的。


    1. 昨晚肯定下过雨。


    1. 没有他的帮助,我不能提前完成任务。



    1It is               (amaze) how quickly a child learns a language.

    2She  is  trying to do the               (challenge) work well.

    3You have               (responsible) for clearing up the classroom after class.

    4He told us that it was a               (potential) harmful drug.

    5Fortunatelyan               (advance) communication system was introduced here last week.

    6It is important that teachers should treat each student               (equal)

    7Where you live can make such a               (differ) to the way you feel.

    8After a discussionthey decided to have the plan               (improve)

    9Could you tell me when the small country gained               (dependence)?

    10Women often lose               (confident) when they stop work to have a baby.


    make a differencelie inmake the most oflast but not leastin timetake advantage oflook forward torise totake an active part inlead to

    1We should                the Internet.

    2I don't know whether my lecture will                to the girl's life.

    3Your problem               lacking efficient methods.

    4He made up his mind to                the challenge.

    5              more exercise helps  us keep healthy and fit.

    6A child ran across the road in front of my carbut I managed to stop my car              

    7I would like you to                speaking English in class.

    8It was his carelessness that                the terrible accident.

    9We are                seeing you again.

    10Please                these books if you have any questions or doubts!



    1. 我们明天是否外出取决于天气。(depend on


    2. 孩子们一个接一个地走进教室。(one by one


    1. 现在他遇到了麻烦,我们应该全力以赴去帮助他。(go all out


    1. 鸟儿惊慌地飞走了。(in panic


    1. 我特别喜欢其中的一本杂志。(in particular


    6. It's not right to make a decision without ___________(调查)and study.

    7.We are sure to win an award so long as we ______________________(全力以赴).

    8.Is there anything __________(尤其)that you are struggling with?

    9.He gave the description without ___________(参考) his notes.

    10.The party we _____________(盼望)came at last.

    11.Just __________________(敞开心扉)and take part in as much as possible.



    When you are about to go to a boarding school in Englandthere are many different questions that may come to mind.But once you look at them with some perspectiveyou will certainly feel easy.Here is a normal boarding day.

    Early Morning

    Usually boarders get up  at around 700 am and have around an hour to take a shower and put on their uniforms  before breakfast.


    Classes start at 900 am and every lesson lasts for 50 minutes.After two lessonsat 1040 amyou'll have a short break.The next period of classes will include two more lessons.


    Lunch is usually held  at around 1230 pm in  the dining hallwhere you'll join your friends to enjoy a hot dish.After an hour of lunchyou'll have three or four more lessons to attend.


    At 500 pm you will have finished your school lessons for the day.Most boarding schools in the UK offer their full boarders different kinds of hot meals to choose from.


    All boarding schools in the UK provide many different kinds of activities for their boarderssuch as footballswimminggolf or art.


    An important part of boarding school life is the supervised homework session known as prepAlthough prep might sound stressfulit's a great way for you to keep up with your studies.

    Free time

    Once you have done all your classes and activitiesit's time to relax.


    In most boarding schoolsthe lights go out  at around 1030 pm.

    Being nervous just before you go to a boarding school is completely normal and understandable.Hopefullybeing aware of the usual routine you'll be following can help you.Once you are thereyou will also see how exciting life in a boarding school in England can be.

    1What can help you keep up with your studies in the boarding school?

    ADoing activities.

    BHaving lessons.

    CEnjoying free time.

    DSupervised homework sessions.

    2What do we know about boarding schools in England from the text?

    AClasses usually start at 830 am.

    BStudents can have a short break after four lessons.

    CThey don't give students any free time.

    DThey turn off the lights at  around 1030 pm.

    3What is the purpose of the text?

    ATo help students know about boarders' life.

    BTo attract more students to boarding schools.

    CTo introduce a new school life.

    DTo advertise for boarding schools.


    A primary school principal in north China has become the latest Internet celebrity for leading some cool moves during a morning exercise routine with his students.

    Every morning, 40­year­old principal Zhang Pengfei at the Xi Guan Primary School in Linyi county, Shanxi Province would lead about 700 pupils on the playground in a synchronised ghost shuffle routine a dance that incorporates contemporary jazz steps with heel, toe and arm movements. The bold headmaster thought the fun and energetic exercise routine would better encourage students to get active instead of being glued to their mobile phones

    The school's new 30­minute dance routine has replaced the government­imposed broadcast callisthenics (健身操) programme, a short workout that has been a requirement at every primary, middle and secondary school in China since 1951. I thought we needed a change because the students have been losing interest in doing the broadcast callisthenics routine Zhang told Southern Metropolis Daily.

    The dedicated principal said he came across a group of people doing the ghost shuffle routine at a public plaza last summer and decided to learn the dance himself. I thought the dance would be great for kids he said. The music is full of energy and it really gets the happy feeling of flowing. In October, he introduced the choreographed (编舞) routine to all of his students and shortly after, even teachers and staff were joining in. Now the students aren't constantly on their phones. I sometimes catch them watching different dance routine videos and learning new moves the proud headmaster told reporters.

    The video quickly went around on Chinese social media, with a Weibo topic page titled principal leads students in ghost dance routine gathering 250 million views. This is perhaps the best adaption of sport and entertainment for children a comment on Weibo read.

    1What can we know from the passage?

    AZhang Pengfei is a primary school principal in south China.

    BXi Guan Primary School's new 30­minute dance routine is both fun and energetic.

    CDoing the broadcast callisthenics routine is only required at primary schools in China.

    DFew people showed interest in Zhang Pengfei's ghost dance routine video on Weibo.

    2What can we infer from the last paragraph?

    APeople hold a critical attitude towards the adaptation.

    BPeople hold an indifferent attitude towards the adaptation.

    CPeople hold a negative attitude towards the adaptation.

    DPeople hold a supportive attitude towards the adaptation.

    3What can we learn from the passage?

    AThe ghost shuffle routine was created by Zhang Pengfei.

    BThe ghost dance is a form of callisthenics in China.

    CThe principal leads students in the ghost dance routine.

    DThe primary school is famous in China.

    4From which part of a magazine can we read this passage?

    AAgriculture.       BTechnology.

    CEconomy.   DEducation.





    How to Handle Being the New Kid at School

    Being the new kid at school can be a terrible experience! It might seem like everybody else knows completely how to act.But remember you aren't alone.In facteverybody is nervous on their first day and you can fit right in with the help of the following tips.

    Plan ahead the night before.  16   Lay out your first day outfit (全套服装)pack a lunchand make sure you have all your school supplies ready to go.Planning ahead can help you get a good night's sleep and feel less nervous about your first day.

      17   Make sure your clothes are cleaned and pressed and that you've showeredbrushed your teeth.If you're hoping to attract friends with similar intereststry wearing a shirt with your favorite showmusicianor sports team on it.  18  

    Do your best to stay calm and positive.It's normal to feel nervous or anxious when you're the new kid at school.If you feel nervousstart by taking some deep breaths.  19   You can listen to music that makes you feel calm or happy.Try imagining a good first day in your mind instead of keeping thinking about things that could go wrong.

      20   Avoid coming in on the first day with your head hanging downyour shoulders loweredand your eyes on the floor.Walk with your head held upyour back straightand a bright expression on your face.Make eye contact with other peopleand smile if they look at you or speak to you.

    AUse your body language to show confidence.

    BIntroduce yourself to your teachers and classmates.

    CChoose clothes that make you feel great.

    DThis can be an easy way to start a talk and break the ice a little.

    EYou should keep talking and let people know that you are friendly.

    FRemember that everyone is the new kid at some point and that it's not a big deal.

    GYou'll feel less worried if everything is ready before you wake up for your first day.

    .完形填空 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)


    Alice is a student who came to my class last year.Though she has already turned 60Alice looks so fit and   21  with a bright smile and an enthusiastic attitude.I am Alice's teacher in classbut I feel she is my teacher in life.

    For my 2­hour class every Saturday morningAlice has to take a 3­hour round­trip on the road.But she is never   22   for class.Alice is very passionate about learning English.She often saysDon't   23   me as a 60­year­old.I am just a new beginner who wants to learn anything   24  You knowI am very excited to come to the class So I feel a strong sense of   25   to make sure what I teach makes sense to her.

    Alice came to me with very   26   English skillsbut she turns out to be a very fast learner because she always puts English   27   on a daily basis.I   28   her homework before every class.Her homework is usually not what I   29   for the classrather it is something that she   30   to put together.She makes various sentences using the important words and phrases she learned from our   31   class.I am always   32   by the quality of her work.

    I feel fortunate to have a student like Alice.She has   33   me so much.Our   34   is a great learning experience for both of us.Though I have no idea why she learns EnglishI hope I can help her   35   her dreamwhatever it is.

    21A.strong    Bcheerful

    Cgenerous Dproud

    22A.anxious Bready

    Clate Dmeant

    23A.treat Brecognize

    Cmistake Ddescribe

    24A.carefully Bproperly

    Cliterally Deagerly

    25A.humor Bachievement

    Cresponsibility Dbelonging

    26A.special Bbasic

    Ceffective Dcomplicated

    27A.in place Bin motion

    Cin order Din use

    28A.copy Bcheck

    Cmention Dprepare

    29A.adjusted Bsaved

    Cassigned Dcollected

    30A.volunteers Bagrees

    Cpromises Dhesitates

    31A.lively Bprevious

    Ctypical Dflexible

    32A.encouraged Bannoyed

    Cconfused Dimpressed

    33A.taught Bentertained

    Cguaranteed Dpermitted

    34A.appointment Barrangement

    Cinteraction Dcooperation

    35A.play safe with Btry out for

    Clet go of Dget closer to


    .语法填空 (10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15)


    I am taught by many teachers in my school.Every subject has a 36.           (differ) teacherbut I like my math teacher 37.        (well)Her name is Lakshmi but we usually call her Ma'am.She is our class teacher too.

    Ma'am 38.         (join) us last term.She is very kind and her way of teaching is so 39.              (interest) and simple that we all can understand everything

    40.         is being taught and how it can be done.Most 41.        (important)Ma'am teaches math with lots of patience.If we do not understand a problemshe will spend extra time guiding us until we understand it.And we can go to ask her at any time during school hours for help.

    She also helps us 42.         activities at school.When there is some kind of programsshe will be there 43.        (help) us to get ready for the show.Even when we go on picnicsshe takes good care of 44.      (we)

    To meMa'am is not only 45.         good teacherbut also our best friend.I love Ma'am and I wish her a happy life.













    I found the journals I kept during high school, and the first page made me think of the (20) ______ Day when I just entered the school. Even though I (21) ______ from high school many years ago, I still remembered everything happened on that day clearly. I went to the school alone carrying a big plastic bag filled with books. I couldn't find my dorm since the (22) ______ was too big. Even worse, my bag broke, and my books were on the ground. At the moment I was in (23) ______ and embarrassment, a (24) ______ ran to me quickly and helped pick up my books. She took me to my room. I was really thankful for her kindness. Surprisingly, she showed (25) ______ to my book of Fabre, in which there are many interesting facts about insects. She told me that she loved collecting pictures of butterflies, and from her (26) ______ of those photos, I found that she was a pretty (27) ______ girl who showed so many great ideas, and we had so many common interests! Since then, we became good friends. We (28) ______ natural places together and (29) ______ various books. I am lucky to have such a friend with the same interests!














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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 A new start优秀第4课时课后作业题: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 A new start优秀第4课时课后作业题,文件包含Unit1ANewStart第4课时Presentingideas教师版-高一英语同步精品讲义外研版必修第一册docx、Unit1ANewStart第4课时Presentingideas学生版-高一英语同步精品讲义外研版必修第一册docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共23页, 欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语Unit 1 A new start优秀第2课时综合训练题: 这是一份高中英语Unit 1 A new start优秀第2课时综合训练题,文件包含Unit1ANewStart第2课时Usinglanguage教师版-高一英语同步精品讲义外研版必修第一册docx、Unit1ANewStart第2课时Usinglanguage学生版-高一英语同步精品讲义外研版必修第一册docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

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          Unit 1 A New Start 第3课时 Developing idea-高一英语同步精品讲义(外研版必修第一册)

