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    高二英语(人教版)-选修六 Unit 5 The Power of nature(3)-课件
    高二英语(人教版)-选修六 Unit 5 The Power of nature(3)-课件01
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    人教版 (新课标)必修5&选修6选修6Unit 5 The power of nature一等奖ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (新课标)必修5&选修6选修6Unit 5 The power of nature一等奖ppt课件,共44页。PPT课件主要包含了Prediction,Jane Small, ,anxious,nervous,happy,amazing,trembling,sweating,afraid等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Lessn 3 Using Language Listening and Speaking
    Learning bjectives
    1. Obtain infrmatin abut the experiences f three vlcanlgists. 2 . Summarize and accumulate the vcabulary abut feelings. 3. Apply the wrds abut feelings t describe an experience.
    1. Why des the writer say that he has the greatest jb in the wrld? 2. D yu think being a vlcanlgist is an exciting jb?
    Warming up
    1. Why des the writer say that he has the greatest jb in the wrld? Vlcanlgists study vlcanes s that they can warn peple when the vlcan is ging t erupt and s save many lives.
    Warming up2 . D yu think being a vlcanlgist is an exciting jb?
    Yes. They can experience beauty f nature and feel excited. What is mre, they can save many lives because peple in the path f the lava can be warned t leave their huses. Althugh this jb is ccasinally dangerus, they dn’t mind because danger excites them and makes them feel alive.
    Lk at the pictures belw and guess what prblems vlcanlgists have t face.
    The vlcan has s much smke that it is difficult fr vlcanlgists t apprach the crater. 1. apprach v. t cme near in distance r time2. crater n. a bwl-shaped gelgical frmatin at the tp f a vlcan
    The lava has such a high temperaturethat it is difficult t cllect a sample. 1.Lava n. ht liquid rck that cmes ut f vlcans 2.cllect a sample : t get r gather samples
    Active vlcanes are very dangerus and it is difficult t take measurements. take measurements: t find the size, quantity r degree f smething
    Activity 1
    Listen t three vlcanlgists talking abut their mst frightening experience .Write their names under the pictures.
    Frank Gre
    Sarah Tang
    Activity 2Listen again and fill in the chart.
    Jane Small :
    Frank gre :
    Sarah Tang :
    Activity 3 Listen nce mre and fill in the blanks.
    1. I was s that I culdn’t mve at first. 2. I felt very and had t frce myself nt t panic. 3. I had never felt s as I landed safely. 4.I will never frget the experience I had n a vlcan in New Zealand.
    Activity 3
    5. I was as much as the grund and was t! 6. I was that the vlcan wuld erupt while I was still inside it. 7. I became by the experience and frgt t be .
    1. I was s that I culdn’t mve at first. 2. I felt very and had t frce myself nt t panic. 3. I had never felt s as I landed safely. 4. I will never frget the experience I had n a vlcan in New Zealand.
    Check yur answer
    5. I was as much as the grund and was t!6. I was that the vlcan wuld erupt while I was still inside it. 7. I became by the experience and frgt t be .
    Activity 4Find the wrds that express jy, fear and anxiety frm the fllwing sentences and try t add mre.1. I was s anxius that I culdn’t mve at first. 2. I felt very nervus and had t frce myself nt t panic.
    3. I had never felt s happy as I landed safely. 4. I will never frget the amazing experience I had n a vlcan in New Zealand. 5. I was trembling as much as the grund and was sweating t!
    6. I was afraid that the vlcan wuld erupt while I was still inside it. 7. I became excited by the experience and frgt t be frightened.
    happy, amazing, excited,pleased, glad, delighted, cheerful, satisfied, thrilled, verjyed ,amazement ,relief, enthusiasm,eagerness ...
    panic, trembling, sweating, frightened, afraid,terrr , terrifying, hrrifying, terrified, hrrified, scared ,shcked...
    nervus, anxius,upset, wrried, cncerned, uneasy, tense , bthered...
    Read the script after the tape.
    Part 1Hi, I’m Jane Small. I’ve been a vlcanlgist fr five years, but I can still remember my first visit inside a crater. We were n tp f an active vlcan in Alaska. The experienced numbers f ur grup went immediately t the edge f the crater. I was s anxius and culdn’t mve at first. After a while I frced myself t jin the thers.
    Part 1Then I gt the curage t bend ver the biling lava and cllect sample . I became s excited that I frgt my fear. After that , I was never s frightened again but I’m always careful.
    Part 2Hell, I’m Frank Gre,I’ve been studying vlcanes fr almst ten years.My mst frightening experience was while flying ver a vlcan in Hawaii. Suddenly the cluds came dwn really lw and ur pilt culdn’t tell where we were. We flew dwn belw the cluds very clse t the vlcan.
    Part 2We flew between the fiery red lava belw and the thick dark cluds abve. I felt very nervus and had t frce myself nt t panic . I had never felt s happy as I landed safely.
    Part 3Gd mrning! I’m Sarah Tang . I’ve been examining vlcanes fr ver twenty years. I’ll never frget the amazing experience I had n a vlcan in New Zealand. I was dwn the crater taking measurements . Suddenly the grund under my feet began t tremble. The trembling gt strnger and strnger and after a minute sme steam blew ut f the grund . That’s when I
    Read alud
    Part 3realized that the vlcan was active. Believe me , I was trembling as much as the grund and was sweating t! At first I was afraid that the vlcan wuld erupt while I was still inside it! After that I became excited by the experience and frgt t be frightened.
    Think f r imagine a pwerful natural frce (such as an earthquake, fld, typhn, tsunami, fire, snwstrm, traffic accident ...) that yu have experienced r heard. Tell us yur experience and hw yu felt by using the wrds yu have learned.
    1. Yu can tell us when, where it brke ut, what yu did and the changes f yur feelings. 2. Yu can use sme expressins t make yur speech mre lgical, such as “at first, all f a sudden, then, sn, at that time, meanwhile, finally…”3. Yu can use the fllwing sentences t express yur feelings.
    I was scared t death. I culdn’t help trembling. I was t nervus t mve. I had never been s frightened befre. S relieved\ happy\ amazed\ thrilled was I that I… Yu can start like this,“ I remember being in a snwstrm…”
    I remember being in a snwstrm. We were driving back t my hmetwn fr Spring Festival. At first, s happy was I that I even enjyed the sight f snw. Then, my father shuted that the rad was becming quite slippery with snw. All f a sudden, we slid acrss the rad and stpped. At that time, I nly felt a little nervus.
    After all, the car was warm and my parents were there, but there was a lng line f cars ahead f us and nne f them were mving. Then, I did begin t feel a little cncerned. My father went t investigate. He returned t say that we wuld nt be able t cntinue ur jurney until the rad was cleared.
    Sn we were tld that the army was bringing salt and sand t make the rad safe again. We waited in the car. It gt clder and clder. I began t tremble even thugh I had a blanket rund me. What if the army culd nt clear the rad? I began t panic.
    Just when I felt that I culd nt stand the situatin any mre and I was t nervus t mve. What if I died here? I was scared t death. Suddenly, I heard a shut. The army had arrived, the rad was being cleared and we were saved. I felt s relieved and happy that the wait was ver!
    1. Obtain infrmatin abut the experiences f three vcanlgists. 2. Summarize and accumulate the vcabulary abut feelings.3. Apply the wrds abut feelings t describe an experience.

    (人教版)高考英语一轮复习课件选修六6.5 Unit 5 The power of nature (含答案): 这是一份(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课件选修六6.5 Unit 5 The power of nature (含答案),共22页。PPT课件主要包含了-2-,高频词汇,难点句型,-3-,with ,appointed ,Appointed ,-4-,-5-,-6-等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版高考英语总复习选修6Unit5The power of nature课件PPT: 这是一份人教版高考英语总复习选修6Unit5The power of nature课件PPT,共58页。PPT课件主要包含了话 题 词 句,自然的天然的 ,保护保留保存 ,责任 ,台风 ,火山 ,受灾地区 ,to ,of ,由于因为 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语选修6Unit 5 The power of nature试讲课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语选修6Unit 5 The power of nature试讲课ppt课件,共52页。PPT课件主要包含了flood,blizzard,tornado,exposition,climax,resolution,Para 1,Para 56 ,a warning,Conflict 1等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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          高二英语(人教版)-选修六 Unit 5 The Power of nature(3)-课件

