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    这是一份【期中真题】辽宁省实验中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中阶段测试英语试卷.zip,文件包含期中真题辽宁省实验中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中阶段测试英语试卷原卷版docx、期中真题辽宁省实验中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中阶段测试英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What does the man think of the woman’s old apartment?
    A. Convenient. B. Comfortable. C. Noisy.
    2. Where did the woman leave her mobile phone?
    A. In her bag. B. On the table. C. On the chair.
    3. How did James contact the woman yesterday?
    A. By postcard. B. By email. C. By phone.
    4. What are the speakers probably talking about?
    A. A pet. B. A job. C. An appointment.
    5. Who is the man most probably going to work with?
    A. Pre - school kids. B. The disabled. C. Teenagers.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What will the man intend to do in Namibia?
    A. To host a program. B. To work as a volunteer. C. To learn about wildlife.
    7. How can a person meet the requirements?
    A. He must be over 20.
    B. He should be moderately fit.
    C. He ought to speak more than one language.
    8. What business are the speakers in?
    A. Athletic shoes. B. Sports clothes. C. Sports equipment.
    9. What is the second choice of sport in the 36 - to - 45 age group?
    A. Jogging. B. Skiing. C. Tennis.
    10. What does the woman think of a career in Tourism?
    A. Promising. B. Challenging. C. Fulfilling.
    11. What skill will the woman mainly learn from the course in Tourism?
    A. Time - management. B. Note - taking. C. Financial planning.
    12. What extra course will the woman probably take?
    A. Travel and Business. B. Public relations. C. Medical care.
    13. Who kept the man informed of most related information?
    A. The staff. B. The students. C. The cleaners.
    14. What waste was most commonly seen in the university?
    A. The copying paper. B. The paper cups. C. The plastic cups.
    15 What proportion of interviewees were worried about waste?
    A.55%. B.45%. C.30 %.
    16. What does the woman suggest to raise people’s awareness?
    A. Putting up a poster. B. Holding an exhibition. C. Delivering a lecture.
    17. Which month is it now probably?
    A. July. B. June. C. May.
    18. What will be shown second?
    A. Women’s fashion. B. Men’s fashion. C. Children’s fashion.
    19. What can we know about the show?
    A. Some fashion models will join in.
    B. Sportswear is the man’s attraction.
    C. High street stores offer most clothes.
    20. How does the speaker suggest booking the tickets to get a free drink?
    A. By visiting the college website.
    B. By calling the admission office.
    C. By going to the college bookstore.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Parenting Skills Passed Down
    My parents taught that a life devoted to helping others is one full of purpose and meaning. I’m a physician and have worked with the homeless community for 11 years. I’ m also a mom to a boy who loves bike racing. Every time a rider fell or crashed, he’d stop and wait until they got up. He lost the race but won at being a good human.
    —Sara Doorley Tijeras, New Mexico
    I started a band as a high-school freshman with my brother’ s baritone horn (次中音号). I didn’t have previous lessons, so it was much harder for me. When I told my mom I was quitting, she told me to keep on trying. In due time I absolutely loved the band. Years later, my daughter Sheena was in the band, using the same baritone. One day, she, too, said she was quitting, and I told her not. She kept at it and came to love it too.
    —Janet Brandes Collins, Wisconsin
    I grew up as a tomboy (假小子). My mother occasionally told me to let the boys win, because they wouldn’t like me if I always beat them, so I did. My daughter is also quite athletic but has never heard those words. I tell her she’s as good as those boys and to do her best and win. And she has. She has grown up very confident and is even more broadly admired for her determination. What a difference a generation makes.
    —Klari Frederick Linden, Michigan
    I built an arcade machine (街机) with my son. I loved arcades as a kid, and my dad and I are software developers. Plus, it’s a good lesson: If you want something, build it! It’s bonding when we help the other player get out of a corner the bad guys have backed them into.
    —Joe Hocking Highland Park, Illinois
    1. What life lesson does Janet Brandes Collins teach her kid?
    A. Never give up.
    B. Be confident and humble.
    C. Helping others is important and great.
    D. Build what you want with your own hands.
    2. Who has a different way of education from her/ his parents?
    A. Sara Doorley Tijeras. B. Janet Brandes Collins.
    C. Klari Frederick Linden. D. Joe Hocking Highland Park.
    3. What is Joe Hocking Highland Park’s father?
    A. A teacher. B. A musician.
    C. An athlete. D. A software developer.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D
    【详解】1.细节理解题。根据第二段“Years later, my daughter Sheena was in the band, using the same baritone. One day, she, too, said she was quitting, and I told her not. ”(多年后,我的女儿希娜加入了乐队,用的是同样的男中音。有一天,她也说她要放弃,我告诉她不要)可知。珍妮特·布兰德斯·柯林斯给她的孩子上的人生课是永远不要放弃。故选A。

    2. 细节理解题。根据第三段“I grew up as a tomboy (假小子). My mother occasionally told me to let the boys win, because they wouldn’t like me if I always beat them, so I did. My daughter is also quite athletic but has never heard those words. I tell her she’s as good as those boys and to do her best and win. And she has. She has grown up very confident and is even more broadly admired for her determination. ”(我从小就是个假小子。我母亲偶尔告诉我要让男孩们赢,因为如果我总是打败他们,他们会不喜欢我的,所以我就这么做了。我女儿也很喜欢运动,但从来没听过这些话。我告诉她,她和那些男孩一样优秀,要尽最大努力去赢得胜利。她这么做了。她长大后非常自信,她的决心更广受赞赏。)可知,Klari Frederick Linden与父母的教育方式不同。故选C。
    3.细节理解题。根据第四段“my dad and I are software developers”(我爸爸和我是软件开发人员)可知,Joe Hocking Highland Park的父亲是一个软件开发人员。故选D。
    The piping plover is already one of the most endangered birds in the Great Lakes area of the northern United States. Now, the rising water levels of Lake Michigan further threaten the birds and the areas where they live.
    Pools of water are forming behind several plover nests along Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake shore in the state of Michigan. The waters of Lake Michigan are now only a few meters from the plovers’ nesting area. Their home could be one storm away from destruction.
    Vince Cavalieri works with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He told the AP that the high water levels put plovers in more danger than most other bird groups. That is because the areas where they live have been disappearing. He added that some nests on the Canadian side of the Great Lakes also have been swept away.
    The Great Lakes generally rise with the melting snow and rainstorms of spring, and fall during the drier Summer months. However, some scientists believe climate change is causing more changes in water levels. In a recent report, researchers Drew Gronewold and Richard Rood said, “Quick changes between extreme high and low water levels in the Great Lakes represent the ‘new normal.’”
    If that is true, the piping plovers could be at greater risk. Their numbers already have dropped because of shoreline development. The federal government lists the birds as threatened in the northern Great Plains and along the Atlantic coast.
    Recovery projects are helping, however. In 2017, officials counted 76 breeding pairs of plovers. Last year, they counted 67. Cavalieri of the fish and wildlife service expects to see similar numbers this year. Most of this year’s plover eggs will hatch by the end of June.
    4. How does the author demonstrate the severity of the piping plover’s living conditions?
    A. By making comparison. B. By listing detailed evidence.
    C. By giving examples. D. By making predictions.
    5. Why are plovers more endangered than most other birds?
    A. They are too sensitive to climate changes.
    B. Their nests are not strong enough to stand a storm.
    C. The federal government thinks little of protecting plovers.
    D. Their habitats are greatly destroyed due to the rising water levels.
    6. What could put the piping plover in a greater danger?
    A. Their homes are disappearing rapidly.
    B. Their numbers are decreasing dramatically.
    C. The shoreline development is swift and unavoidable.
    D. The extreme changes in water levels will occur frequently.
    7. What is Vince Cavalieri’s attitude towards the future of the piping plover?
    A. Suspicious. B. Concerned.
    C. Optimistic. D. Objective.
    【答案】4 B 5. D 6. D 7. C
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了the piping plover已经是美国北部五大湖地区最濒危的鸟类之一,而密歇根湖水位的上升进一步威胁到鸟类和它们生活的地区。
    推理判断题。根据文章中的第二段“Pools of water are forming behind several plover nests along Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake shore in the state of Michigan. The waters of Lake Michigan are now only a few meters from the plovers’ nesting area. Their home could be one storm away from destruction.(密歇根州睡熊沙丘国家湖岸边的几只plover巢穴后面形成了水池。密歇根湖的水域现在离plover的巢穴只有几米远。一场风暴就能摧毁他们的家园)”可知,作者通过列出详细的证据来证明the piping plover生活条件的严峻性。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Vince Cavalieri works with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He told the AP that the high water levels put plovers in more danger than most other bird groups. That is because the areas where they live have been disappearing.(Vince Cavalieri就职于美国鱼类和野生动物管理局。他告诉美联社,高水位使珩类比大多数其他鸟类更危险。这是因为他们居住的地区正在消失)”可知,鸻鸟比其他鸟类更濒临灭绝的原因是因为他们居住的地区正在消失。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“In a recent report, researchers Drew Gronewold and Richard Rood said, “Quick changes between extreme high and low water levels in the Great Lakes represent the ‘new normal.’”(在最近的一份报告中,研究人员德鲁·格罗沃尔德和理查德·鲁德说:“五大湖水位在极高和极低之间的快速变化代表着‘新常态’。”)”以及第五段第一句中“If that is true, the piping plovers could be at greater risk.(如果这是真的,管状珩可能面临更大的风险)”可知,水位的极端变化会频繁发生使管状珩鸟处于更大的危险中。故选D项。
    推理判读题。根据最后一段中的“Recovery projects are helping, however. In 2017, officials counted 76 breeding pairs of plovers. Last year, they counted 67. Cavalieri of the fish and wildlife service expects to see similar numbers this year. Most of this year’s plover eggs will hatch by the end of June.(然而,恢复项目正在发挥作用。2017年,官方统计了76对繁殖的鸻。去年,这一数字为67。鱼类和野生动物管理局的Cavalieri预计今年会看到类似的数字。今年大部分的珩鸟蛋将在六月底孵化)”可知,Cavalieri认为今年会有鸻繁殖,这说明恢复项目正在发挥作用,由此可推知,Cavalieri对管状珩科鸟的未来持乐观态度。故选C项。
    A number of people hold an optimistic attitude toward artificial intelligence's ability to reshape education nowadays. However, many feel such claims are overblown.
    Kentaro Toyama, a professor at the University of Michigan School of Information, is one of those doubtful about the idea of using AI in the classroom.
    Toyama mentioned a situation he encountered while working in an after-school program in digital literacy(数字技术素养). He said, “In trying to teach students to use technology, the greatest difficulty is the technology itself." As soon as he looked away from the students, they would “very quickly find the most fun games they could find on the computer and start playing them”. That reveals the problem with putting too much faith in Al for teaching. “There is great potential for it to be a distraction." he said.
    Toyama once surveyed a large group of people about their preference for the following educational situations: a school with no teachers but powerful AI, one with bad teachers but strong computers, one with good teachers but no computers, or one with great teachers and many computers. The result showed that nobody would send their children to a school with powerful AI but no teachers, or one with bad teachers but strong computers. Toyama concluded, "Good teachers are what matters; everything else is secondary compared to that."
    Toyama is also concerned that AI and technology may widen the gap between disadvantaged schools and wealthier schools. He said, "In the case of schools, well-resourced schools will find the best ways to use technology. But if you' re in a school district that is underfunded and parents are not involved, it doesn't make a difference how good the technology is, and it will not turn that situation around."
    When asked when schools should adopt AI, Toyama suggested that they should wait until the basics are in place, teachers want it, and the technology is proved to have positive educational values.
    8. What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?
    A. AI. B. Faith. C. Teaching. D. Computer.
    9. Why does the author mention the survey in Paragraph 4?
    A. To emphasize the key factor in education.
    B. To recommend his favorite school for parents.
    C. To compare the differences between AI and teachers.
    D. To prove that preference for schools varies among people.
    10. Which of the following statements will Toyama probably agree with?
    A. Al has the potential to reshape teaching and learning.
    B. A good school should put students and technology first.
    C. AI will be able to educate students as well as real teachers.
    D. Al and technology may unbalance educational resources.
    11. What is the best title of the text?
    A. Al Reshapes Education B. Using Al in the Classroom?
    C. Will AI Dominate School? D. AI and Technology
    【答案】8. A 9. A 10. D 11. B
    词句猜测题。根据第三段最后两句话“That reveals the problem with putting too much faith in Al for teaching.“There is great potential for it to be a distraction." he said.”(这显示了教学过于信任 AI 的问题。他说:“这(AI)很有可能分散人们的注意力。”)可知,划线词在此处指的就是AI,选项A符合题意,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“The result showed that nobody would send their children to a school with powerful AI but no teachers, or one with bad teachers but strong computers. Toyama concluded, "Good teachers are what matters; everything else is secondary compared to that."”(结果显示,没有人会把自己的孩子送到人工智能强大但没有老师的学校,或者是老师很差但电脑很强大的学校。Toyama总结道: “好老师才是最重要的,其他一切都是次要的。”)可知,Toyama的调查得出结论:好的老师在教育上是重要的。所以本段主要是强调教育的关键因素是老师。选项A与文意一致,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Toyama is also concerned that AI and technology may widen the gap between disadvantaged schools and wealthier schools.”(Toyama还担心,人工智能和技术可能会扩大贫困学校和富裕学校之间的差距。)可以推知,在Toyama看来,人工智能和技术可能会扩大贫困学校和富裕学校之间的差距。选项D.“Al and technology may unbalance educational resources.”(人工智能和技术可能造成教育资源的不平衡。)与文意相符,故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“A number of people hold an optimistic attitude toward artificial intelligence's ability to reshape education nowadays. However, many feel such claims are overblown.”(对于人工智能重塑教育的能力,现在有不少人持乐观态度。然而,许多人认为这种说法是夸大其词。)第三段中“There is great potential for it to be a distraction." he said.””(他说: “这(AI)很有可能分散人们的注意力。”)第五段“Toyama is also concerned that AI and technology may widen the gap between disadvantaged schools and wealthier schools.”(Toyama还担心,人工智能和技术可能会扩大贫困学校和富裕学校之间的差距。)最后一段“When asked when schools should adopt AI, Toyama suggested that they should wait until the basics are in place, teachers want it, and the technology is proved to have positive educational values.”(当被问及学校什么时候应该采用人工智能时,Toyama建议他们应该等到基础设施到位,教师需要它,而且这项技术被证明具有积极的教育价值。)可以推知,本文针对公众对人工智能在教育上的使用的态度,结合研究人员Toyama所做的调查所得出的结论,提到人工智能和技术在教育上的应用只有等到基础设施到位,教师需要它,而且这项技术被证明具有积极的教育价值的时候才可以应用。因而本文的标题应为“是否应在教育上应用人工智能”,选项B符合文意,故选B。
    Few things are more satisfying than sleeping late on weekends. But though the extra sleep may improve your mood, it does not appear to improve your health. A new study shows that so-called “recovery sleep” cannot reset the body clock and may actually lead to some serious health problems.
    Christopher Depner, an assistant professor at the Department of Integrative Physiology of the University of Colorado Boulder, said, “Sleep loss can influence a range of physiological systems. It can increase our risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, it can cause weight gain, and it can increase our risk of diabetes (糖尿病).”
    In the study, Depner and his colleagues divided the volunteers into three groups. One group was allowed to get a full night’s sleep. The next was kept to just five hours each night. And the third group went back and forth, limited to five hours of shut-eye during the workweek, allowed as much sleep as they wanted over the weekend, and then back to five hours for the last couple of days.
    “We found that a loss of sleep leads to a sharp increase in snacking. But even more surprising, sleeping on the weekend doesn’t help—and even makes thing worse” said Depener. “After the weekend, when they went back to getting inadequate sleep during the work or school week, their liver and muscle insulin (胰岛素) sensitivity or blood sugar regulation was reduced. And this is not something we found in people who had long-term inadequacy sleep schedules. So it’s possible that this is a worsening of the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar for these specific tissues after the weekend.”
    So make a date with a pillow. And trade the sweets for sweet dreams.
    12. What effect does sleep loss have on people?
    A. It results in changes in their moods.
    B. It does harm to the body clock.
    C. It damages the liver severely.
    D. It makes people become heavier.
    13. What do we know about the volunteers in the second group?
    A. They were allowed to have the least sleep in a week.
    B. They could have as much sleep as possible on weekends.
    C. Their liver and muscle insulin sensitivity was reduced.
    D. Their ability to regulate blood sugar was found worsened.
    14. What does the author advise readers to do according to the text?
    A. To sleep extra hours on weekends.
    B. To balance their work and sleep.
    C. To trade some sweets as possible.
    D. To get enough sleep on weekdays.
    15. From which part of a website is the text probably taken?
    A. Culture. B. Health. C. Sci-tech. D. Fashion.
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“It can increase our risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, it can cause weight gain, and it can increase our risk of diabetes (糖尿病).”(它会增加我们患高血压和心脏病的风险,会导致体重增加,还会增加我们患糖尿病的风险。)可知,睡眠不足会增加体重。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“The next was kept to just five hours each night. ”(接下来的一组(第二组)每晚只睡五个小时。)与第一组和第三组的睡眠时间对比可知,第二组的睡眠时间最短。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“So make a date with a pillow.”(所以跟枕头约会吧)及前文对睡眠不足研究结果的分析可知,作者建议读者平衡好工作与睡眠。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“ But though the extra sleep may improve your mood, it does not appear to improve your health. ”(但是,尽管额外的睡眠可以改善你的情绪,但它似乎并不能改善你的健康。)及文中关于睡眠不足对健康的影响可知,本文可能选自健康版块。故选B。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Science shows that stretching (拉伸) is essential after exercise. Stretching lengthens and mobilizes the connective tissue around your muscle. What’s more, stretching helps your blood flow and even relieves your stress. ____16____
    You could feel sick. You won’t be surprised to know that when you exercise, you raise your heart rate for a period of time. While it’s great to get that blood flowing, it’s just as important to get your heart rate back to a normal level after the workout is over. ____17____ As your heart is beating faster and your body temperature is higher, you could pass out or feel sick if you stop too fast. Stretching after physical activity allows a gradual decrease at the end of the episode.
    Your muscles will likely become stiffer and more sore. When you exercise your muscles, it produces lactic acid (乳酸), which is actually what causes your muscles to become sore. When you rest between periods of exercise, your body naturally breaks down that lactic acid. One thing that helps your body get rid of that lactic acid? ____18____. Stretching helps you distribute oxygen throughout your body, which can reduce lactic acid production and rid your muscles of any accumulation of lactic acid.
    ____19____ Flexibility is closely related to injury risk. Poor flexibility will cause you to have muscles that get tired quicker and joints that are more likely to suffer from injury. Besides, your weakened range of motion will lead to less blood and nutrients to your joints. ____20____ Sticking to stretching exercise after physical activity can hopefully improve your flexibility.
    A. You’ll be at risk of injury.
    B. You guessed it: Stretching.
    C. You’ll improve your flexibility by stretching.
    D. It does wonders for both your physical and mental health.
    E. This is also known in the fitness world as “cooling down”.
    F. There are harmful side effects if you don’t stretch after exercise.
    G. That’s why people often feel pain in their “weight bearing” joints like knees and hips.
    【答案】16. F 17. E 18. B 19. A 20. G
    根据前文“Science shows that stretching (拉伸) is essential after exercise. Stretching lengthens and mobilizes the connective tissue around your muscle. What’s more, stretching helps your blood flow and even relieves your stress.”(科学研究表明,运动后的伸展运动是必不可少的。拉伸可以延长和调动你肌肉周围的结缔组织。更重要的是,伸展运动可以帮助你的血液流动,甚至减轻你的压力。)讲述了运动结束后的拉伸运动的好处。下文“You could feel sick. ”(你会觉得恶心。)描述了不做拉伸带来的结果。所以作为本段的结尾可以描述,运动结束不做拉伸会带来一些不好的结果。F项“运动后不做伸展运动会有副作用。”,符合题意,故选F。
    根据前文“You won’t be surprised to know that when you exercise, you raise your heart rate for a period of time. While it’s great to get that blood flowing, it’s just as important to get your heart rate back to a normal level after the workout is over. ”(当你锻炼的时候,你会在一段时间内提高你的心率,你不会感到惊讶。虽然让血液流动是很好的,但是在锻炼结束后让你的心率恢复到正常水平也同样重要。)讲到运动结束后要让心率恢复到正常的水平是重要的。E项“这在健身界也被称为“降温”。this指代前文“to get your heart rate back to a normal level ”,符合题意,故选E。
    根据前文“One thing that helps your body get rid of that lactic acid? ”(有什么东西能帮助你身体摆脱乳酸?)可知,空处应讲述这种东西是什么。B项“你猜对了,(就是)伸展运动。”符合题意,故选B。
    根据下文“Flexibility is closely related to injury risk.”(柔韧性与受伤风险密切相关。)提到了身体的柔韧程度关系到受伤风险的大小。结合第一段最后一句内容,可知接下来的内容讲述了运动结束后不做拉伸会带来不好的结果,所以空白处应该描述你会经历受伤的风险。A项“你会有受伤的危险。”符合题意,故选A。
    根据前文“Poor flexibility will cause you to have muscles that get tired quicker and joints that are more likely to suffer from injury. Besides, your weakened range of motion will lead to less blood and nutrients to your joints. ”(柔韧性差会导致你的肌肉更容易疲劳,关节更容易受伤。此外,你活动范围的减弱会导致你的关节血液和营养物质的减少。)提到了柔韧性差会让肌肉更容易疲劳,关节更容易受伤,同时活动范围的减弱会导致关节血液和营养物质的减少,所以空处应承接前文,讲述这种情况的具体表现。G项“这就是为什么人们经常感到膝盖和臀部等“承重”关节疼痛的原因。”语义上承接前文,符合题意,故选G。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    The fourth-graders walk up to a mirror — one after another — at a school in southwest Atlanta.
    “I’m a good person!” a boy ___21___ a face mask adds.
    Another boy follows, “I’m strong and ___22___,” before hurriedly walking away. In the background, their teacher, Acker, holds up the mirror in front of the kids and ___23___ them on. “Yes! Louder! Love it!” she calls out.
    Acker teaches science at Gideons Elementary School, and she’s on a ___24___ to boost her students’ confidence and ___25___. The kids returned to school this month after a year of virtual learning, and said their ___26___ words every morning before class starts.
    Acker ___27___ this with her 5-year-old daughter since she developed verbal language skills, and loved how they both felt ___28___. “The best part about doing the affirmations is the feeling after I say them,” Acker says. “And the feeling I see my students feel or that they ___29___ after they do it. Their attitude is better, their self-confidence is ____30____ and we have a better day.”
    Mental health issues are ____31____ among children nationwide as they struggle with ____32____, uncertainty and pandemic. Many adults report that the pandemic has been hard on their mental health. For kids, some experts say, it has become a(n) ____33____.
    And more so this year, kids “need all of the kindness and compassion we can ____34____,” says Dr. Marcuetta, a psychologist.
    Children develop their ____35____ based on how grown-ups speak to them, making teachers a key influence and positive affirmation a crucial first step, she adds.
    21. A. playing B. wearing C. making D. finding
    22. A. mean B. indifferent C. independent D. common
    23. A. keeps B. fixes C. calls D. cheers
    24. A. promise B. mission C. way D. permission
    25. A. self-love B. sympathy C. self-discipline D. wisdom
    26. A. surprising B. positive C. unique D. unreliable
    27. A. denied B. shared C. practiced D. concluded
    28. A. afterward B. forward C. eventually D. initially
    29. A. express B. reply C. create D. question
    30. A. suspected B. checked C. lifted D. separated
    31. A. rising B. improving C. moving D. leading
    32. A. personality B. imagination C. curiosity D. anxiety
    33. A. opportunity B. success C. choice D. crisis
    34. A. think B. offer C. rid D. hide
    35. A. languages B. arguments C. doubts D. beliefs
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我是个好人!”一个戴着口罩的男孩补充道。A. playing玩;B. wearing穿;戴着;C. making制作;D. finding找到。由下文“a mask”和第六空前面“The kids returned to school this month after a year of virtual learning”可知,受疫情影响,学生线上上课近一年后返校,所以此处指男孩戴着口罩,故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:另一个男孩跟着说: “我很强壮,也很独立。”然后匆匆走开了。A. mean吝啬的;B. indifferent漠不关心的;C. independent独立的;D. common共同的;普通的。由上文“I’m strong”可知,此处是小男孩在说自己的优点,很强壮,也很独立,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在后面,他们的老师Aker在孩子们面前举起镜子,为他们加油。A. keeps保持;B. fixes固定;修理;C. calls打电话;D. cheers欢呼;喝彩。由下文““Yes! Louder! Love it!” she calls out.”可知,老师让孩子们大声说,并对孩子的做法作出肯定,这是老师在给孩子们加油,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Acker在Gideons小学教科学,她的职责是提高学生的自信和自爱。A. promise承诺;B. mission职责;使命;C. way方法;D. permission允许。由下文“to boost her students’ confidence”可知,提高学生的自信,是Acker老师的职责,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Acker在Gideons小学教科学,她的职责是提高学生的自信和自爱。A. self-love自爱;自恋;B. sympathy同情心;C. self-discipline自律;D. wisdom智慧。由上文“to boost her students’ confidence and”和第一段提到的孩子们对着镜子说的话“I’m a good person!”,“I’m strong”可知,孩子们对着镜子说“我是个好人,我很强壮”这些话,能让孩子增加自信,也能让孩子更加爱自己,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在线上学习了一年之后,这些孩子们这个月回到了学校,每天早上上课前都会说一些积极的话。A. surprising令人惊讶的;B. positive积极的;C. unique独一无二的;D. unreliable不可靠的。由上文提到的孩子们对着镜子说的话“I’m a good person!”,“I’m strong”可知,这些都是积极的话,说这些积极向上的话是为了增加孩子的自信,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:自从她5岁的女儿掌握了语言技能后,Acker就和她一起练习这个,并且她和女儿喜欢这之后他们所产生的感受。A. denied否认;B. shared分享;C. practiced练习;D. concluded总结。由下文“this with her 5-year-old daughter since she developed verbal language skills”可知,Acker在她5岁的女儿掌握了语言技能后,Acker就和她一起练习在镜子面前说一些肯定自己的话,故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:自从她5岁的女儿掌握了语言技能后,Acker就和她一起练习这个,并且她和女儿喜欢这之后他们所产生的感受。A. afterward后来;以后;B. forward向前;C. eventually最终;D. initially最初。由下文““The best part about doing the affirmations is the feeling after I say them,””可知,Acker很喜欢做自我肯定之后给自己带来的感觉,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:(做自我肯定之后最好的部分就是)我看到我的学生们有这种感觉,或者他们做完之后把这种感觉表现出来。A. express表达;表现;B. reply回复;C. create创造;D. question质询。由下文“Their attitude is better”可知,做自我肯定后孩子们的态度更好,这是他们做自我肯定后所表现出来的,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们的态度更好了,他们的自信心提高了,我们的日子更好了。”A. suspected怀疑;B. checked检查;C. lifted提高;增加;D. separated使分离;分隔。由上文“Their attitude is better, their self-confidence is”和下文“we have a better day”可知,通过做自我肯定,学生们的自信心提高了,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:全国儿童的心理健康问题正在上升,因为他们正在与焦虑、不确定性和疫情作斗争。A. rising升起;B. improving提高;改善;C. moving移动;D. leading引领。由下文“Many adults report that the pandemic has been hard on their mental health.”可知,疫情对孩子的心里健康造成影响,所以说全国儿童的心理健康问题正在上升,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:全国儿童的心理健康问题正在上升,因为他们正在与焦虑、不确定性和疫情作斗争。A. personality个性;B. imagination想象力;C. curiosity好奇心;D. anxiety焦虑。由下文“Many adults report that the pandemic has been hard on their mental health.”可知,疫情对孩子的心里健康造成影响,所以说孩子们正在与焦虑,不确定性和疫情作斗争,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一些专家说,对于孩子这已经成为一种危机。A. opportunity机会;B. success成功;C. choice选择;D. crisis危机。由上文“Many adults report that the pandemic has been hard on their mental health. For kids, some experts say, it has become a(n)”可知,疫情对孩子心里造成影响,这对于孩子来说是一种危机,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年更是如此,心理学家Marcuetta博士说,孩子们“需要我们所能提供的所有善意和同情”。A. think想;认为;B. offer提供;C. rid使摆脱;D. hide隐藏。由上文“kids “need all of the kindness and compassion we can”可知,孩子需要我们提供给他们一些善意和同情,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她补充说,孩子们根据大人们对他们说话的方式来发展他们的信念,这就使得教师成为关键影响力和积极肯定的第一步。A. languages语言;B. arguments争论;C. doubts怀疑;D. beliefs信念。由下文“based on how grown-ups speak to them”可知,孩子们信念的养成是基于大人们对他们的说话方式。故选D。
    第二节 单句语法填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    36. What is the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters that took ages __________ (deliver)(所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】to be delivered
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:从远方的朋友那里得到消息的唯一途径是写信,这需要很长时间才能送达。take +时间+to do是固定搭配,意为“做某事花多长时间”,且deliver和letters之间是逻辑被动关系,应用不定式的被动式to be delivered。故填to be delivered。
    37. Social media tools let us see what our friends are up __________ and maintain friendships. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查介词。句意:社交媒体工具让我们看到朋友在做什么,并维持友谊。结合句意此处应填介词to,be up to意为“从事;忙于”,固定搭配。故填to。
    38. __________ our hobbies, the internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查状语从句。句意:无论我们的爱好是什么,互联网可以把我们和其他喜欢做这些事情的人联系起来。分析句子成分可知,从句省略了be动词,而在whatever、however引导的让步状语从句中,可以省略系动词;且空后为our hobbies名词短语表示“我们的爱好”,所以填whatever;位于句首大写字母“W”。故填Whatever。
    39. We need to keep in mind that what we see on social media is often not the whole __________ (true) about a person. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    40. Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends, the meaning of friendship and our __________ (long) for friends remain the same. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:虽然科技改变了我们获得朋友的方式,但友谊的意义和我们对朋友的渴望是不变的。结合句意及空前的the meaning of friendship and our以及空后的for friends可知应填名词形式longing,意为“渴望”,与meaning并列作主语。故填longing。
    41. My most __________ (fright) but magical experience was now captured forever in a single image. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    42. We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our destiny __________ (work) out whatever they were going to be. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我们认为二十年后,我们俩都应该实现了自己的命运,无论它们将会是什么。结合句意可知,此处的have为使役动词,意为“使,让;叫”,our destiny与work out之间为逻辑被动关系,应用过去分词表被动,作宾语补足语,have sth. done意为“让……被做”。故填worked。
    43. I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight, and it’s worth __________.(用适当词填空)
    【详解】考查代词。句意:今晚我不远万里来到这里,就是为了站在这扇门里,这是值得的。结合句意空处应填代词it,作宾语,be worth it意为“值得”。故填it。
    44. This annual movement is called __________ (migrate). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    45. These two pieces of information — the time of the day and the point __________ the sun is in the sky — allow the butterfly to determine the way to go. (用适当的词填空)
    46. The solution to the __________ (mysterious ) of the monarch’s amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    47. __________ a weight of up to 300 kilograms, they can run at a speed of around 64 kilograms per hour. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查介词。句意:尽管体重高达三百公斤,但它们可以以每小时六十四公里左右的速度奔跑,也是优秀的游泳运动员。结合句意可知,前、后句表让步关系,且空后跟a weight of up to 300 kilograms为名词短语,故用介词despite表示“尽管”符合题意;位于句首需要大写字母“D”。故填Despite。
    48. An eagle flew over the snow-capped mountains, which________(reflect) in the still lake below. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】were reflected
    【详解】考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:一只鹰飞过白雪皑皑的群山,群山倒映在下面平静的湖面上。此处为非限制性定语从句修饰先行词mountains,定语从句中谓语动词需与先行词保持人称和数的一致,mountains与reflect构成被动关系,结合上文flew可知为一般过去时,故用一般过去时的被动语态,谓语动词用复数。故填were reflected。
    49. From time to time I look at the photo as a __________ (remind) to show respect to all animals. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    50. Slowly, and __________ the camera still held to my eye, I turned and froze. (用适当的词填空)
    51. 假定你是学生会主席李华,你校将举办一场校服设计大赛,你打算邀请外教Peter做评委。请根据以下提示写一封邀请信:
    1. 时间、地点;
    2. 校服设计大赛相关介绍。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节。以使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Peter,
    I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union. Our school is going to hold a school uniform design contest at the lecture hall next Friday evening. It’s a great honor for us to invite you to be one of the judges.
    As scheduled, the contest begins at 6 pm. next Friday, lasting for two hours. 15 contestants will participate in the contest. All the works are designed by students themselves, who have been preparing them for a long time. The outstanding designs from the contest will be selected as future school uniforms.
    We’d appreciaie it if you could accept our invitation. Looking forward to your early reply.
    Li Hua
    参加:participate in→take part in
    原句:As scheduled, the contest begins at 6 pm. next Friday, lasting for two hours.
    拓展句:As scheduled, the contest which begins at 6 pm. next Friday will last for two hours.
    [高分句型1] All the works are designed by students themselves, who have been preparing them for a long time (运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] We’d apreciate it if you could accept our invitation (运用了it作形式宾语,if从句作真正的宾语)
    52. 阅读下而材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    As a single mother, I’ve never doubted my daughter Jane’s dream to be a singer on the stage. At an early age, she was crazy about singing. Whenever she had a chance, she would sing to her heart’s content. Her sweet and charming voice tended to get people around attracted to her songs.
    Living in a small city, I took several odd jobs, determined to do everything in my power to support her. Soon after Jane attended school, her music teacher Mary noticed her talent by chance and volunteered to give her some guidance on how to sing. Jane practiced so hard that before long she made great progress in singing.
    Unfortunately, one noon a year later, Jane was crossing the street when a careless driver knocked her down. She was rushed to hospital. When I hurried there, the doctor told me that my daughter would probably not stand on her own feet. I froze with shock, feeling as if I had been thrown into a dark world. Weak and dizzy, I was about to fall to the ground when someone took hold of me.
    It was Mary, who got the news and raced here. She comforted me, saying firmly, “Grace, Jane needs you. You must stay calm and strong.” I nodded. Having calmed down, I entered the ward with Mary.
    That night, Jane recovered her consciousness (知觉) and opened her eyes. Holding her hand, I said, “My dear, everything would be fine.” Mary comforted her gently, “I know you are a strong girl, Jane. Don’t worry. We’ll be standing by you.” I was heartbroken to see tears streaming down Jane’s cheeks.
    After two months, we returned home from hospital. Her teachers and friends frequently visited her. Jane eventually accepted the fact that she would have to get around in a wheelchair. Never did she refer to the subject of singing again. I knew she was a nice and understanding girl, who was afraid that talking about her original dream would upset the two of us.
    One day, however, Mary came with good news.
    When the host announced it was Jane’s turn, she was wheeled onto the stage.
    【答案】 One day, however, Mary came with good news. She told Jane the school music festival was to be held the next month and that her classmates all expected her to sing on behalf of her class. Jane’s eyes sparkled but responded doubtfully, “Can I...?” Mary and I immediately assured her that she could make it. In the following month, with the help of Mary, Jane kept on practicing singing. Beautiful songs echoed in our house again and smiles began to appear on her face. Finally the big day came when she could present herself.
    When the host announced it was Jane’s turn, she was wheeled onto the stage. Jane was greeted with warm applause. As she began to sing, the audience got absorbed in her beautiful voice. Seconds after her performance, all the audience rose with thunderous cheers. When wheeled off stage, Jane received praise and bunches of flowers from her teachers and classmates. Jane was moved to tears. The kindness and encouragement from her teachers and classmates stimulated Jane’s enthusiasm for life, making her regain confidence in pursuing her original dream, which I will support wholeheartedly.
    ①眼睛闪闪发光:eyes sparkle/eyes glitter
    【点睛】[高分句型1]As she began to sing, the audience got absorbed in her beautiful voice.(由连接词as引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2]The kindness and encouragement from her teachers and classmates stimulated Jane’s enthusiasm for life, making her regain confidence in pursuing her original dream, which I will support wholeheartedly.(由关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)


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