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    选择性必修第二册 UNIT 5 EDUCATION
    1.________________ vt. 启迪;指导,教导
    2.________________ adj. 引起麻烦的;令人烦恼的
    3.________________ adj. 固执的,执拗的;倔强的
    4.________________ adj. 极好的,卓越的
    5.________________ n. 视力
    6.________________ adj. 简单的,易懂的;诚实的,坦率的
    7.________________ n. 玩偶
    8.________________ n. 水流
    9.________________ n. 液体
    10.________________ adj. 宝贵的

    1.grasp vt. ________________
    2.vocabulary n. ________________
    3.ray n. ________________
    4.abstract adj. ________________
    5.concept n. ________________
    6.breakthrough n. ________________
    7.necklace n. ________________
    8.forehead n. ________________
    9.vivid adj. ________________
    10.exceptionally adv. ________________
    exceptional adj. ________________

    1.initial adj. 最初的→________ adv.起初
    2.significance n.重要性,意义→________ adj. 重要的
    3.value n 价值 vt. 重视→________ vt. 评估,评价
    4.tend v. 走向,趋向→________ n. 倾向
    5.philosophy n. 哲学→________ n. 哲学家
    6.gradual adj. 逐渐的,逐步的→________ adv. 逐渐的
    7.excite v. 使兴奋→________ n. 兴奋,激动
    8.bear v. 忍受,容忍→________ adj. 可忍受的;可容忍的→________ adj. 难以忍受的;承受不住的
    9.expand vi. &vt. (使)扩大;增加→________ n. 膨胀,扩张,扩大→________ n. 一大片,广阔,宽广
    10.analyse vt. 分析,剖析→________ n. 分析→________ n. 分析师;分析者,化验员

    1.________________ 人类
    2.________________adv. 不管;不顾
    3.________________ adj. 多面的,全面的
    4.________________ 最后
    5.________________ 换句话说
    6.________________ 提出;将……提前
    7.________________ 以……为基础或根据
    8.________________ 总是;随时;永远

    Well, for example, the first great educational philosopher of modern times, Comenius, ________________ when teaching, the subject matter ________________ learners' interests...
    ________________________ education match the learners' interests and meet their needs.
    Well, I think it means that education is ________________ passing on knowledge and skills necessary for a future life, ________________ a rich experience of living while learning to use that knowledge and those skills to solve real­world problems.
    好吧,我认为这意味着教育不仅仅是传授未来生活所需的知识和技能,而是提供丰富的生活经 验,同时学会运用那些知识和技能解决现实世界的问题。
    4.That's why... 句型
    ________________ students need to have clear learning goals for themselves and to learn how to analyse, compare and evaluate what is taught.

    1.significance n.重要性,意义 
    be of great/much significance 重要的,有重大意义的
    be of no/little significance 无关紧要的
    have great/no significance (for...) (对……)很重要/不重要
    attach (great) significance to... (非常)重视……
    significant adj. 有重大意义的,显著的
    significantly adv. 显著地,明显地
    a highly significant discovery 有重大意义的发现
    It is significant that... ……很重要/很明显
    a significant achievement 重大成就
    change/increase/improve significantly 显著改变/增加/提高
    significantly better/greater 明显更好/更大
    be of significance=be significant 有重大意义的
    ①I think his research on renewable (可再生的) energy sources is ________ great significance.
    ②Most students think it ________ to join the English corner, though a few haven't realized the ________ of it. (significance)
    ③Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a ________ (significant) greater sense of belonging, a bond with others.

    2.promote vt.促进,增进 promoter n.促进者,发起人
    promote sb. to... 将某人提升为……
    get promoted 得到晋升
    promote economic growth 促进经济增长
    promote peace 促进和平
    promote better communication and understanding
    fail to get promoted 没有得到晋升
    a meeting to promote trade between China and the UK 中英两国贸易促进会议
    ①I hear they've promoted Tom, but he didn't mention ________________ (promote) when we talked on the phone.
    ②He got ________ (promote) for his significant contribution to the company.
    ③The ________ (promote) marked a turning point in her career.
    ④While waiting for the opportunity to ________________ (得到提升), Henry did his best to perform his duty.

    3.evaluate vt.评估,评价 evaluation n.评估,评价;估价
    evaluate the costs of... 评估……的成本
    evaluate one's ability 评估某人的能力
    evaluate the value/quality of... 评估……的价值/质量
    evaluate the service of the hotel 评价旅馆的服务
    an evaluation of the health care system 对医疗保健制度的评价
    ①The effects of the drug on patients' behaviour are extremely difficult ________ (evaluate).
    ②We need to carry out a proper ________ (evaluate) of the new system.
    ③I can't ________________________ (评估那位制片人的能力) without seeing his work.

    4.stress n.压力,紧张;强调;重音 vt.强调;重读
    reduce/relieve stress 减轻/缓解压力
    suffer from stress 承受压力
    deal with stress 应对压力
    lay/place/put stress on 强调;着重于
    under the stress of 为……所迫
    be under stress 处于压力之下
    stress sth. 强调……
    stress the importance of... 强调……的重要性
    ①What I want ________ (stress) is that our group is looking for new members right now.
    ②Unemployment and his wife's health put the philosopher ________ great stress.
    ③This term, our English teacher lays great stress ________ composition and reading.
    ④The English teacher stressed the importance ________ reading aloud.
    ⑤I still intend to have fun when I have a career or else life would become too ________ (stress).

    5.restriction n.限制,规定,约束 restrict vt.限制,约束 restricted adj.受限制的;有限的 restrictive adj.限制性的;约束的
    remove restrictions 解除限制
    relax restrictions 放宽限制
    without restriction 没有限制地
    restrict oneself to 限制自己
    be restricted to 局限于……
    ①We should place a ________ (restrict) on the speed of cars.
    ②On top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted ________ dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad.
    ③The tournament is ________ (restrict) to players under the age of 23.
    ④The school restricts the number of students per class ________ 50.
    ⑤Membership of the club is ________ (restrict) to women only.

    6.unbearable adj.难以忍受的;承受不住的
    unbearably adv. 难以忍受地;承受不住地
    bearable adj. 可忍受的;支持得住的
    bear v. 忍受,承受;经得起
    can't bear to do sth. 不能忍受做某事
    can't bear (sb.) doing sth. 不能忍受(某人)做某事
    ①I would rather live without these ________ (bear) tensions.
    ②He can't bear people ________ (smoke) while he is eating.
    ③To tell you the truth, I really ______________________________________ (觉得……难以忍受) to work with such a terrible man who has no sympathy at all.

    7.behaviour n.行为;举止;态度(=behavior) behave vi.表现vi.&vt.表现得体;有礼貌
    good/bad behaviour 良好/恶劣行为
    social behaviour 社会行为
    one's behaviour towards... 某人对待……的态度
    behaviour problems 行为问题
    change one's behaviour 改变某人的行为
    influence one's behaviour 影响某人的行为
    ①Knowing these causes can make us examine our ________ (behave) and correct bad habits.
    ②Multiple genes behaved ________ (different), relying on whether someone had eaten or not before walking.
    ③I saw that Mrs Fairfax approved of my humorous ________ (behave), and I knew that she respected me for it.
    ④Parents should educate their children to behave ________ (good).

    8.relate vi.理解;相联系;认同 vt.&vi.(使)有联系
    a related issue/question 相关的议题/问题
    a stress­related illness 压力导致的疾病
    (be) related to 与……有关系
    (be) closely/strongly related to 与……密切相关
    (be) directly related to 与……有直接关系
    be related to other products 与其他产品有关
    be related to the other members of this family
    in relation to 关于……;与……相比
    relatively speaking 相对来说
    ①I love technology and try to keep up with it, so I can relate ________ my students.
    ②The study tries to relate the rise in crime ________ an increase in unemployment.
    ③I can't relate him ________ the famous philosopher. He looks so ordinary.
    ④The topic you choose must ________ (relate) to your studies.
    ⑤Our product needs an image that people can ________________________ (理解).
    ⑥The “new four great inventions”__________________________ (与……相关) China's high­tech innovation.

    9.excitement n.兴奋,激动 excite vt.使兴奋 excited adj.兴奋的 exciting adj.令人兴奋的
    to one's excitement 令某人兴奋的是
    in/with excitement 兴奋地
    a sense of excitement 兴奋感
    be full of/filled with excitement 满怀激动
    ①The news caused great ________ (excite) among her friends.
    ②No wonder the children are ________ (excite)! This is the first time they've been abroad.
    ③The end of the movie was much more ________ (excite) than I'd expected.
    ④He ________________________ (满怀激动) when he heard the news that his son won the national scholarship.
    ⑤________________________ (令他大为兴奋的是), his dream of becoming a musician has come true.

    10.gently adv.轻柔地;温和地;平缓地 gentle adj.温柔的,温和的
    be gentle with 对……温柔
    a quiet and gentle man 一位温文尔雅的男士
    a gentle voice/laugh/touch 温柔的声音/笑声/触摸
    gentle nature/smile/music 温和的性情/温柔的微笑/柔和的音乐
    a gentle breeze 和风
    a little gentle exercise 少量温和的运动
    ①The waves ________ (gentle) lap against the shore.
    ②She ________ (gentle) folded the baby in a blanket.
    ③The professor patted the troublesome boy ________ (gentle) and comforted him.
    ④He is ________ (gentle) man I have ever encountered.
    ⑤He slowly sat next to me and touched my face ______ (gentle), as a mother would stroke a baby.

    11.gain v.&n. v.获得,赢得,取得;受益 n.[C]好处;利益[C,U]增加
    gain the/one's attention 赢得(某人的)关注
    gain independence 赢得独立
    gain experience 获得经验
    gain one's respect/trust 获得某人的尊重/信任
    gain (sth.) from/by 从……中获得(某物)
    gain a reputation 获得声望
    gain speed 加快速度
    gain time 赢得时间
    gain weight 体重增加,长胖
    ①There is nothing to be gained ________ delaying the decision.
    ②The thieves ________ (gain) entrance through an upstairs window that was left open.
    ③He ________________ (获得了好名声) by helping some poor children have access to education in the remote area.
    ④You will never ________________ (取得成功) unless you are fully devoted to your work.

    12.expose vt.使接触,使体验 vt.暴露,显露,露出;使面临,使遭受(危险或不快) vt.揭露,揭穿
    expose...to... 使……遭受……,使……暴露于……;向……显露……
    be exposed to... 遭受……,暴露于……
    expose sb./sth. (as...) 揭露某人/某物(为……)
    expose sb./oneself to 使某人/自己暴露于……;使某人/自己接触……
    expose sb./sth.to sb./sth. 暴露某人/某事物给某人/某事物
    be exposed to... 暴露于……
    ①We should expose our children ________ difficult situations from time to time and such ________ (expose) will make them handle challenges better.
    ②Don't ________________ (把土豆暴露于阳光下). They will go green.
    ③It's important for children to ______________ (接触名著).
    ④If you expose yourself to sunlight for a long time, you will get sunburned.
    →________________ sunlight for a long time, you will get sunburned.
    →________________ sunlight for a long time will make you sunburned.

    13.responsibility n.责任 responsible adj.有责任,负责 responsibly adv.认真负责地
    have responsibility for (doing) sth.
    take responsibility for (doing) sth.
    take responsibility for what you said
    take full responsibility for the damage
    it's one's responsibility to do sth.
    the responsibility to protect the earth
    a sense of responsibility 责任感
    ①They have responsibility ________ ensuring that the rules are carried out.
    ②I do think we have the ________ (responsible) to help the unfortunate out.
    ③Parents need to inspire a sense of ________ (responsible) in their children.
    ④My intention is to convince him ______________________________________ (承担……的责任) his child's education.
    Citizens __________________________________ keeping their rooms, kitchens and shower rooms clean and tidy.

    14.demonstrate vt.展示;说明  
    demonstrate how to do sth. 演示如何做某事
    demonstrate an ability to do sth. 展示做某事的能力
    demonstrate sth. with sth. 用……来演示某物
    demonstrate sth. to sb. 演示某物给某人看/向某人证明某事
    it is demonstrated that... 据证明……
    ①We were given a brief ____________ (demonstrate) of the computer's functions.
    ②We want ____________ (demonstrate) our commitment to human rights.
    ③It ________ (demonstrate) that only by expanding our vocabulary can we improve our reading ability.
    ④____________________________ (已经证实) he can gain his objective by his own effort.
    They'll demonstrate ______________________ handle modern, high performance cars.
    You have to ________________________ how to grasp the use of the computer.

    15.finance n.金融;财政;资金 vt.为……提供资金 financial adj.财务的;财政的 financially adv.经济上地;财政地  
    raise finance/money for 为……筹资
    national finance 国家财政
    the company's finances 公司财务状况
    personal finances 个人财务状况
    large finances 雄厚的资金
    gain more financial aid 获得更多助学金
    because of financial problems 因为财务问题
    lead to financial difficulties 导致财务困难
    relieve financial pressure 缓解财政压力
    ①His ________ (finance) were in bad shape after he lost his job.
    ②The government ________ (finance) the construction of the road.
    ③He lost a lot of money ________ the ________ (financially) crisis.
    ④She is a ________ (finance) expert. It means that she is an expert in finance.
    ⑤However, these plans were abandoned because of ________ (finance) problems.
    ⑥The fact that college students are ________ (financial) dependent on their parents is nothing new; nor are requests for more money to be sent from home.

    16.urge vt.强烈要求;敦促n.冲动 urgent adj.紧急的,紧迫的,迫切的 urgency n.紧急,紧迫,迫切
    urgent adj. 紧急的
    it is urgent that... ……是紧急的
    urgency n. 紧急
    an urgent matter 紧急的事情
    urgent action 紧急行动
    in urgent need of... 急需……
    a matter of great urgency 极为迫切的问题
    a sense of urgency 紧迫感
    ①The report urged that all children ________ (teach) to swim.
    ②I never felt an urge ________ (learn) any sign language before.
    ③Because of all this extra time, there was no sense of ________ (urgent) to do my school work immediately.
    ④The father urges his daughter ________ (be) enthusiastic about what she is doing.
    ⑤Under no circumstances can we ignore the ________ (urge) of protecting the environment.
    ⑥I have a sudden urge ________ (ring) him up.
    ⑦Dr King's office responds to all emergencies and ________ (urge) calls.
    ⑧My father urged that I ____________________ (申请) a job rather than sit around doing nothing.
    ⑨Parents should actively urge their children ________________ (利用) the opportunity to participate in the after­class activities.

    17.assumption n.假定,假设 assume vt.认为;假设
    make assumptions/an assumption 作出假设
    be based on an assumption 基于假设Let us/Let's assume (that)... 咱们假设……
    It is reasonable to assume (that)... 认为……是有道理的。
    It is generally/usually assumed that... 普遍/通常认为……
    assuming (that)... 假定……
    ①My calculations were based on the ________ (assume) that house prices would remain stable.
    ②Where unemployment and crime are high, it can ________ (assume) that the latter is due to the former.
    ③The man assumed himself ________ a producer and cheated a lot of those who wanted to be actors and actresses.
    ④We must ________________ (假定他是清白的) until he is proved guilty.
    ⑤We can ________________ (假设) the girl was abandoned by her parents.
    ⑥Let us ________________ (假定) one million people come to visit this city each year.
    ⑦________________ stress is caused by too much work.(普遍认为,紧张是工作过重所致。)

    18.routine n.惯例,常规;例行公事 adj.例行公事的;常规的 routinely adv.常规地,例行地
    routine tests 常规检查
    a routine job/life 平淡乏味的工作/生活
    break up a dull routine 打破沉闷的常规
    routine questions/tests 常规问题/检查
    daily routine 日常事务
    establish/break a routine 建立/打破常规
    a routine report 例行报告
    ①Visitors are ________ (routine) checked as they are entitled to enter the building.
    ②When you want to break out of the comfort zone, first you ________________ (不得不打破常规).
    ③________________ (例行报告) is sent to our director every day.
    ④The players had to ________________ (改变他们的日常常规) and lifestyle.

    19.arrange v.排列,整理,布置;安排,筹备 arrangement n.安排,筹划
    arrange to do sth. 安排做某事
    arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事
    arrange for sth. 安排某事
    arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事
    make arrangements/an arrangement for 为……做好安排
    arrive at/come to an arrangement (with sb.) (与某人)谈妥,达成协议
    the wedding arrangements 婚礼安排
    an arrangement between the school and the parents 学校和家长的一项协议
    ①Have you arranged ________ (meet) him?
    ②He arranged ________ me to search for a collection of rare stamps.
    ③She was busy ________ (arrange) information when I came in.
    ④The local government ________________________________ (已经安排人去调查) who will take responsibility for the case.

    20.range n.山脉;一系列;范围,界限 v.(在一定的范围内)变化,变动;(按一定位置或顺序)排列
    a mountain range 山脉
    a range of services 一系列服务
    a wide/whole/full range of 各种各样的……
    the age/price range 年龄/价格范围
    in/within range of 在……的范围内
    out of/beyond range of 超出……的范围
    range from...to...=range between...and... 在……范围内变化
    ①The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ________ (range) from butterflies to elephants.
    ②As a result, mankind developed ________________ (一系列) character types that still exists today.
    ③But our funds were limited, and none of the houses ________________________ (在我们的价格范围内) seemed satisfactory.

    21.affordable adj.买得起的,负担得起的 afford vt.买得起;抽得出(时间);承担得起(后果)
    afford sth. 买得起某物
    afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事(的费用);承担得起做某事
    afford time/money to do sth. 抽得出时间/出得起钱做某事
    ①We cannot afford a new car.
    =We cannot afford ________ (buy) a new car.
    =we cannot ________ (affordable) the money to buy a new car.
    ②I just want an ________ (afford) place to live.
    ③More and more people are able ________ (afford) to travel abroad.
    I enlighten readers to go to their local library when they can't ________________ a book.

    1. pass on传递
    pass on to 转交;传给,递给
    pass away 亡故;消失
    pass through 路过,经过
    pass by (从旁边)通过,经过
    It took him a long time to ________________ the skills that she needed to be an excellent dancer.
    They have come to us to ______________________________.
    The traditional art form has been ________________ from generation to generation.
    I saw him drawing when I ______________________________.
    ⑤That taught me a valuable lesson and I pass it on ________ the people who work in the market.
    ⑥Folk music has been passed ________ from one generation to another.

    connect...to/with/and... 把……与……连接起来(具体含义)
    in connection with 与……有关(或相关)
    have connection with 与……有联系
    ①The breakdown of this computer was connected ________ some software.
    ②We often connect his name ________ the significant invention.
    ③Talk directly to your audience, be yourself and make a ________ (connect).
    ④The computer is connected ________ the Internet.
    ⑤He made a connection ________ the two wires.

    3.tie in with...(指材料、事实)与……一致/有关
    tie sth. up 系住,拴住(船等)
    tie sb. up 捆绑某人
    tie oneself/sb. down to sth. 使自己/某人受……约束
    tie sth. on 系上,系牢
    tie up one's shoe­laces 系上鞋带
    tie one's hair into a bun 把头发挽成个髻
    tie on a label 系上标签
    tie a knot in a piece of rope 在绳子上打个结
    tie (sb.)/ (with sb.) for sth. 与(另一参赛者)得分相同
    ①We tied the boat ________ alongside the quay.
    ②Children do tie you ________, don't they?
    ③All these things tie in ________ what I am told.
    ④The thieves left the night watchman ________ (tie) up and gagged.
    ⑤This team is tied ________ that team for the first place.

    4.hold up举起,抬起;支撑,支持;耽搁,耽误;保持良好、强壮
    hold the line 别挂断,等会儿
    keep hold of... 抓住……不放
    get a hold of sth. 控制……
    get hold of sb. 找某人,联系某人
    hold up 举起,抬起;支撑,支持;耽搁,耽误;保持良好、强壮
    hold on 等一下;别挂电话;坚持;抓住
    hold back 阻挡;犹豫;抑制;隐瞒
    hold down 使保持低水平;压制;控制
    hold off 推迟;延迟;克服
    hold on to sth. 保留某物;抓住某物
    hold out 伸出;坚持
    hold over 搁置;推迟
    hold together (使)保持团结
    ①To show this, she ________________ (举起) one doll, representing one person.
    ②Hold ________ a minute! Isn't that your brother's superb car over there?
    ③If an overweight person is having a large portion, I'll hold ________ a bit because I see the results of his eating habits.

    5.be eager to do...渴望做某事
    in one's eagerness to do sth. 渴望做某事,急于做某事
    with eagerness 热切地
    hide one's eagerness 掩饰某人的渴望
    be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
    be eager for sth. 渴望得到某物
    eager crowds outside the stadium 体育场外急不可耐的人群
    ①Some of us were exceptionally confident and eager ________ (take) part in the class activity; others were nervous and anxious.
    ②I wasn't able to hide my ________ (eager) when I asked,“What do you wish me to obtain now?”
    ③We were eager ________ the game to start.
    ④He is eager for ________ (succeed).
    ⑤He tried to hide his ________ (eager).
    ⑥I have failed several times in my exams, so I'm ________ my eagerness to succeed in an exam.

    6.regardless (of)不管;不顾
    regard vt. 看作;认为;看待
    n. 注意;尊重;问候,致意(常用复数)
    regard sb./sth. as... 将某人/某物看作……
    in/with regard to sb./sth.=as regards sb./sth.=regarding sb./sth. 关于某人/某事
    in that/this regard 在这一点上;在这方面
    ①Our club is open to everyone regardless ________ age, sex or educational background.
    ②In spite ________ being exposed to such bad surroundings, he has grown into a responsible man.
    ③Despite ________ (apply) for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.
    ④Stop regarding yourself ________ the victim.
    ⑤Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, ________ (regard) as one of the best all­round forms of exercise.
    ⑥We arrived at the station on time ________________________ (不管) the severe typhoon.

    7.be used to习惯于, to是介词
    be used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做某事)(强调状态)
    become/get used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做某事)(强调动作)
    be used to taking regular exercise 习惯于经常锻炼
    I used to play football on the playground, but now I am used to reading in the library and the knowledge I get can be used to equip myself.
    We ________________ think that insects were the smallest organisms (生物), and that nothing lived deeper than six hundred meters.
    GoodMorningBritain's Susanna Reid ________________ grilling guests on the sofa every morning...
    “This ________________ be the centre of town,”he said.“Now the area is mostly office buildings and warehouses.”
    A vital part of the corn ________________ feed chickens, pigs, and cattle.

    8.put forward 提出
    put aside 不考虑;储存
    put away 把……收拾起来
    put on 穿上;上演
    put down 放下;写下;镇压
    put out 熄灭;扑灭
    put up 举起;建起;张贴
    put up with 忍受;容忍
    put off 推迟,延期
    ①Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can put ________ almost every word her teacher says.
    ②We will put ________ the picnic in the park until next week, when the weather may be better.
    ③The workers will go on strike if the demands they put ________ are turned down.
    ④To make your argument more convinced, you should put ________ more supporting information.
    ⑤John Snow ________________ (提出一个建议) that people should not be exposed to polluted water.
    ⑥Not everyone attending the meeting agreed with the suggestion ________________ (主席提出的).
    ⑦To enjoy these jobs, they are willing to ________________ (忍受) many of the disadvantages of the city life such as heavy traffic and pollution.
    ⑧They ________________ (正在建) several new office blocks in the centre of the town.

    9.in other words换句话说=that is to say,在句中作插入语
    by word of mouth 口头上;经口述
    word for word 逐字地;一字不差地
    eat one's words 收回前言;承认说错
    without a word 一声没吭
    word gets out/around 消息传开;人们听说
    beyond words 无法用言语表达
    in a word 总之,简言之
    break one's word 食言
    keep one's word 遵守诺言
    ①I live in a suburb. ________________ (换句话说), it's not convenient for me to go to the city centre.
    ②________________ (换句话说), whether you're pursuing life­long satisfaction or a few moments of good cheer, you've got to move forward.
    ③The journalist __________________ (遵守诺言), and this is the first time that the incident has been reported.
    ④________________ (消息传来) our Volleyball team won again.

    10.go through通过,穿过;经受,经历;检查
    go through the forest 穿过森林
    go through a difficult time 经历一段艰难时期
    go through a stage 经历某一阶段
    go through my emails 查看我的电子邮件
    look through 快速查看,游览
    see through 看穿,识破
    get through 通过(考试等);做完;(用电话)接通
    break through 冲破,突破
    ①I myself ________________ (经历) this searching process and found something that has changed my experience at college for the better...
    ②The respected comedian has been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; he can't seem to ________________ (打通).

    11.in most cases在大多数情况下(通常位于句首,作状语) 
    in case 以防万一,以防;假使,如果
    in no case 决不(位于句首要用部分倒装)
    in any case 无论如何,不管怎样
    in case of 假使,如果
    in this/that case 既然这样/那样;假使这样/那样的话
    It is often the case that... 通常情况下……
    as is often the case (with...) (对……)是常有的事
    ①It is often the case ________ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.
    ②There is no simple answer, ________ is often the case in science.
    ③He may win the competition, ________ which case he is likely to get into the national team.
    ④Today, we'll discuss a number of cases ________ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.
    ⑤I have reached a point in my life ________ I am supposed to make decisions of my own.
    ⑥In case ________ fire, ring the alarm bell.
    ⑦I'll be out for some time. ________________ (如果) anything important happens, call me up immediately.
    ⑧I guess we've already talked about this before but I'll ask you again just ________________ (以防万一).
    ⑨__________________ (在大多数情况下), we may feel embarrassed when found falling in public.

    12.stay organised保持有条理/保持井然有序
    stay friends 保持朋友关系
    stay open 保持开着(状态)
    stay healthy 保持健康
    stay in the room 待在室内
    stay organised 保持井然有序
    stay out 待在外面
    stay in 待在室内
    a highly organised person 很有条理的人
    a well­organised office 工作效率高的办事处
    a badly organised event 组织的不好的事情
    organised crime 有组织的犯罪活动
    ①No matter how busy she is, she always stay ________ (organise).
    ②You'd better stay ________ bed, as the operation is just done on your left leg.
    ③He is a ________ (high) organised person; he does everything in order.
    ④This is an ________ (organise) crime.

    13.be blind to sth.对某事视而不见
    blind date 彼此未见过面的男女约会
    blind sb. with science 炫耀科技知识使某人摸不着头脑
    blind sb. to sth. 使人丧失思考力、判断力或良好感觉
    ①You mustn't be blind ________ your mistakes in your homework.
    ②Her love for him blinded her ________ her faults.
    ③He is as blind as a bat ________ his glasses.
    ④The manager turns a blind eye ________ the workers who are late for work.

    [教材原句]Well, for example, the first great educational philosopher of modern times, Comenius, insisted that when teaching, the subject matter should be adapted to learners' interests...嗯,例如,现代第一位伟大的教育哲学家夸美纽斯坚持在教学时,要根据学习者的兴趣来调整教学内容……
    [归纳拓展]insist意为“坚持认为;坚持说”时,其后常接介词on/upon。在一坚持(insist),二命令(order,command),三建议(suggest,propose,advise),四要求(demand,require,request,ask)等后的宾语从句中,含这些词的派生词的其他主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句,以及It is strange/natural/necessary/important that...从句中常省略should。
    She insisted that the man had stolen her wallet and that he (should) be sent to the police station.她坚持说那个人偷了她的钱包,并坚决要求把他送到警察局。
    I insist that the project (should) be carried out on schedule.我坚决要求这个工程按计划开展。
    The philosopher insisted that the identity of a person couldn't be changed.
    If you insist on leaving now, please go ahead.
    There is no chance of doing business if you insist on that offer.

    [教材原句]...but to provide a rich experience of living while learning to use that knowledge and those skills to solve real­world problems.……而是提供丰富的生活经验,同时学会运用这些知识和技能解决现实世界的问题。
    [句式分析]句中while learning为省略结构,补全后为while they are learning。
    While (I was) at college, I began to collect stamps.上大学时,我开始集邮了。
    You should stay where you are, unless (you are) asked to leave.你应该待在你现在所在的地方,除非有人让你离开。
    He is a good man, though sometimes (he is) a little dull.他是个好人,尽管有时有点儿无聊。
    ①If ________ (ask) to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.
    ②Once ________ (begin), the research is hard to stop.
    ③If it is possible, come and see me tomorrow.________________
    ④I'll come to help if it is necessary.________________

    [教材原句]Without love you would not be happy or want to play.没有爱,你就不会快乐,也不会想玩耍。
    [句式分析]本句中without love为隐含的虚拟条件句,相当于if there were no love。
    在虚拟语气中,有时并没有明显的表示条件的句子,而是通过句子的逻辑关系或一些词、短语等暗示出来。如:but for, without等。
    Without air, there wouldn't be living things in the world.没有空气,世界上就没有生物。
    Without your help, I couldn't have worked out such a complex maths problem.
    But for your help, I would have been disappointed at the result of my final exam.
    He was very busy yesterday. Otherwise, he would have come to the party.
    ①Without you, he would ________ (take) risks to go there alone.
    ②Without your help, we would ________ (run) out of petrol halfway.
    ③He worked very hard. Otherwise, he wouldn't ________ (make) such a great breakthrough in scientific research.
    ④Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway ________________________ (就不会写出) his famous novel AFarewelltoArms.
    ⑤________________________ (要是没有电), there would be no modern industry.

    4.now that引导原因状语从句 其他引导原因状语从句的连词 表示原因的其他词语
    [教材原句]Now that Helen grasped the key to language, she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.由于海伦理解语言的关键,她非常渴望学习更多语言,并且尽可能多地运用它。
    [句式分析]now that引导原因状语从句的用法:now that引导原因状语从句时,意为“既然,由于”,它引导的从句通常表示显而易见的原因,语气较弱,从句通常位于主句之前。从意义和功能上看,now that与since(既然,由于)相似。在口语中that可以省去,now仍表示“既然;由于”。
    due to/owing to/on account of由于,因为
    because of因为
    thanks to由于,多亏
    Now (that) it is raining, let's stay in the cabin for a break.
    ①The flight was put off ________ there was a snowstorm.
    ②The flight was put off ________________ the snowstorm.
    ③The flight was put off ________________________ the snowstorm.
    ④________________ there was a snowstorm, the flight was put off.

    [教材原句]“...Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything unless I touched it.”
    Unless it snows heavily, we will go to school as usual.我们会照常去学校,除非下大雪。
    You will miss the train unless you get up early.
    I sleep with the window open unless it's really cold.除非天气真的很冷,我总开着窗户睡觉。
    He cannot see clearly unless he wears glasses.=He cannot see clearly if he doesn't wear glasses.他不戴眼镜就看不清楚。
    Unless (the machine is) repaired, the machine will be of no use.如果不修理,这台机器将毫无用处。
    ①Unless extra money is found, the factory ________ (close).
    ②Unless the weather ________ (get) better, I will stay at home.
    ③He will not be delighted with the article ________ you have it polished.
    ④You will never gain success ________________________ (除非全身心地投入工作).

    [教材原句]Helen's parents got a superb teacher recommended to them, a woman named Anne Sullivan.海伦的父母经人推荐,聘请了一位名叫安妮·莎莉文的优秀教师。
    [句子分析]named Anne Sullivan是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的名词woman。
    [归纳拓展]a broken vase一只打碎的花瓶(被动、动作已完成)
    a retired teacher一位退休教师(动作已完成)
    the guests invited (=who had been invited) to the party受邀参加聚会的那些客人
    ①The most hopeful data ________ (share) in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading.
    ②Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time ________ (spend) with his students.
    ③To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study ________ (conduct) in Australia in 2012.
    ④It participates in our daily events, extending our intelligence, comprehending our feelings, and ________ (expand) the range of social activities.
    [教材原句]It helps you to understand what is wrong and what is right, explore the truth and develop cognition, regardless of whether it's easy or what others' opinions are...它帮助你理解什么是错的,什么是对的,探索真理和发展认知,不管它是否简单以及别人的看法是什么……
    [句式分析]短语介词regardless of后跟whether...or...引导的宾语从句。注意if引导名词性从句时,只能引导动词的宾语从句,不能引导介词的宾语从句,所以这里用whether...or...。
    I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.
    Whether he will come is not known.
    The question is whether we should go on with the work.问题是我们是否应该继续进行这项工作。
    It's not a question whether he is rude.
    He wondered whether to wait for them or (to) leave immediately.
    I'll write to you whether or not I can come.
    ①She asked me ________ I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadn't.
    ②The main question is ________ you want your arms inside or outside the sleeping bag.
    ③When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile, she stood rooted to the ground, wondering ________ to stay or leave.
    When I started running in my 30s, I realized running was a battle against myself, not about competition or ________________ I was athletic.

    8.“That's why...”句型
    [教材原句]That's why students need to have clear learning goals for themselves and to learn how to analyse, compare and evaluate what is taught.那就是为什么学生需要有明确的学习目标,并学会如何分析、比较和评估所教的内容。
    [句式分析]That's why...意为“那是……的原因”,why引导表语从句,后接结果。
    ①The spring here is famous. That's ________ I come here.
    ②I come here. That's ________ the spring here is famous.
    ③She was ill yesterday. That's ________ she didn't come to school.
    ④She didn't come to school yesterday. That's ________ she was ill.
    9.suggest that sb. (should) do...
    [教材原句]However, in the 17th century when Francis Bacon (1561—1626) suggested that this type of thinking was the way to gain knowledge, he was going against the views of the day.然而,在17世纪,当弗朗西斯·培根(1561—1626)提出这种思考方式是获取知识的途径时,他(的观点)却与当时的观点背道而驰。
    命令:order, command
    建议:advise, propose, recommend
    要求:request, require, demand, desire, urge等。
    ①She suggested that we ________ (write) letters to our mothers every month.
    ②His angry face suggested that he ________ (be) not satisfied with our doings.
    ③He insisted that I ________ (take) him to the zoo.
    ④He insisted that he ________ (be) right and needn't apologize to her.

    10.be+adj.+enough to do sth.足够……做某事
    [教材原句]We owe so much of our knowledge and understanding of the world to people like Bacon and Galilei, who were brave enough to step out from the shadows of conventional thought in order to find the kingdom of knowledge that today's civilisation is built upon.
    [句子分析]be+adj.+enough+to do sth.意为“(某人或某物)足够……做某事”,常用来表述某人或某物的能力或特征。在此句型中,当不定式的逻辑主语与句子主语不同时,常用for引出不定式的逻辑主语。
    You are old enough to go to school alone.
    =You are so old that you can go to school alone.你年龄够大了,可以独自去上学了。
    Their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other bands.
    =Their performances were so humorous that other bands began to copy them.
    ①When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough ________ (cool) the house during the hot day.
    ②If the citizen is lucky enough ________ (land) such an accommodation, be sure he is 100 percent on time.
    ③If the candidate is fortunate enough ________ (have) success, he should put something back.
    ④The student works so hard at his lessons that he has passed all his exams by now.
    →The student works hard ________ to ________ (pass) all his exams by now.

    1.The new drug has great ________ (重要性) for the fellow men's treatment of the disease.
    2.The scientists insist that we should ________ (促进,增进) the development of new energy resources and renewable energy sources.
    3.All these results are ________ (一贯的,一致的) with predictions put forward by the well­known philosopher.
    4.There's a certain feeling that giving can do for you and that was ________ (显而易见的) in those that gave the most.
    5.The grandpa told his grandson to hold the tree tightly not to fall into the rapidly flowing ________ (水流).
    6.“This medal was very ________ (宝贵的) to my parents. Only on special occasions (场合) would they take it out and let us hold it in our hands,” Adeline says.
    7.He was a man of forceful character, with considerable ________ (洞察力) and brilliant mind.
    8.I was not only educated academically, but I was also taught how to be a person with strong ________ (诚实,正直).
    9.Citizens' education is an important means to enhance citizens' quality ________ (道德上).
    1.Remember, even world champion athletes practise their skills on a ________ (consist) basis.
    2.Well, it functions by ________ (analyse) the waves of the incoming sound and creating a second set of outgoing waves.
    3.First, you need ________ (evaluate) yourself, your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, etc.
    4.As far as I am concerned, I don't think this plan is perfect ________ a way.
    5.The sky grew dark ________ a flash and the rain came pouring down all of a sudden.
    6.The old lady has a tendency ________ (help) when she sees people in trouble.
    7.There are no significant differences between the main objectives of ________ (educate).
    8.Children's language ________ (acquire) is an extremely complex process.
    9.He was awarded a prize for his ________ (contribute) to improving living surroundings.
    10.An ________ (efficiency) transport system is vital to the long­term future of the city.

    1.enlighten 2.troublesome 3.stubborn 4.superb
    5.eyesight 6.straightforward 7.doll 8.stream
    9.liquid 10.precious
    1.理解,领会 2.词汇量 3.(太阳或月亮的)光线 4.抽象的 5.概念;想法 6.突破;重大进展 7.项链 8.额,前额
    9.生动的,逼真的 10.极其,非常 非常好的/罕见的
    1.initially 2.significant 3.evaluate 4.tendency
    5.philosopher 6.gradually 7.excitement
    8.bearable unbearable 9.expansion expanse
    10.analysis analyst
    1.fellow man 2.regardless (of)  3.well-rounded
    4.in conclusion 5.in other words 6.put forward
    7.(be) based on 8.at all times
    1.insisted that should be adapted to
    2.It's important to make
    3.not simply about but to provide
    4.That's why
    1.①of ②significant significance ③significantly
    2.①having been promoted ②promoted ③promotion
    ④get promoted
    3.①to evaluate ②evaluation ③evaluate the producer's ability
    4.①to stress ②under ③on ④of ⑤stressful
    5.①restriction ②to ③restricted ④to ⑤restricted
    6.①unbearable ②smoking ③find it unbearable
    7.①behaviour ②differently ③behaviour ④well
    8.①to ②to ③to ④be related ⑤relate to ⑥are related to/relate to
    9.①excitement ②excited ③exciting ④was full of excitement/was filled with excitement ⑤Much to his excitement
    10.①gently ②gently ③gently ④the gentlest ⑤gently
    11.①from ②gained ③has gained a good reputation
    ④gain success
    12.①to exposure ②expose potatoes to sunlight ③be exposed to classics ④Exposed to Being exposed to
    13.①for ②responsibility ③responsibility ④to take the responsibility for ⑤are responsible for
    14.①demonstration ②to demonstrate ③is demonstrated/has been demonstrated ④It has been demonstrated that ⑤how to ⑥demonstrate to us
    15.①finances ②finances ③in financial ④financial
    ⑤financial ⑥financially
    16.①(should) be taught ②to learn ③urgency ④to be ⑤urgency ⑥to ring ⑦urgent ⑧(should) apply for ⑨to take advantage of
    17.①assumption ②be assumed ③to be/as ④assume him to be innocent ⑤make an assumption that ⑥assume that ⑦It is generally assumed that
    18.①routinely ②have to break the routine ③A routine report ④change their daily routine
    19.①to meet ②for ③arranging ④has arranged for someone to investigate
    20.①ranging ②a range of ③in our price range
    21.①to buy afford ②affordable ③to afford ④afford to purchase

    1.①pass on to her ②pass on their valuable experience
    ③passed down ④passed by his room ⑤to ⑥down
    2.①with ②with ③connection ④to ⑤between
    3.①up ②down ③with ④tied ⑤with
    4.①held up ②on ③back
    5.①to take ②eagerness ③for ④success ⑤eagerness ⑥in
    6.①of ②of ③applying ④as ⑤is regarded
    ⑥regardless of/in spite of/despite
    7.①used to ②is used to ③used to ④is used to
    8.①down ②off ③forward ④forward ⑤put forward a suggestion ⑥put forward by the chairman ⑦put up with
    ⑧are putting up
    9.①In other words ②In other words ③kept his word
    ④Word came that
    10.①went through ②get through
    11.①that ②as ③in ④where ⑤where ⑥of ⑦In case ⑧in case ⑨In most cases
    12.①organised ②in ③highly ④organised
    13.①to ②to ③without ④to

    1.①He suggested that we (should) not change our mind.
    ②He insisted that he (should) go to work in the south.
    ③His silence suggested that he agreed with my decision.
    ④I advise that you (should) practise speaking English as often as possible.
    2.①asked ②begun ③省略it is ④省略it is
    3.①have taken ②have run ③have made ④wouldn't have written ⑤But for/Without electricity
    4.①because/as/since/for ②because of/due to/owing to
    ③on account of ④Now that
    5.①will close/will be closed ②gets ③unless ④unless fully devoted to your work
    6.①shared ②spent ③conducted ④expanding
    7.①whether/if ②whether ③whether ④whether or not
    8.①why ②because ③why ④because
    9.①(should) write ②was ③(should) take ④was
    10.①to cool ②to land ③to have ④enough have passed
    1.significance 2.promote 3.consistent 4.apparent
    5.stream 6.precious 7.insight 8.integrity 9.morally
    1.consistent 2.analysing 3.to evaluate  4.in 5.in
    6.to help 7.education 8.acquisition 9.contribution 10.efficient
    1.Judging from everything told by Tom, it was just as well she wasn't there.
    2.It is important for me to be financially independent of my parents.
    3.He felt the apartment's only drawback was that it was too small.
    4.It has been a long and difficult process of building a new product.
    5.You have the right to say no no matter who you are talking to.
    6.Mary didn't listen carefully in class. That was why she didn't pass the exam.
    7.With exams approaching, it is a good idea to review your class notes.
    8.It is not surprising that she finally turned out to be an excellent writer.
    9.You're old enough to travel on the train by yourself.
    10.It worried her a bit that her hair was turning grey.

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