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    这是一份适用于新教材2024版高考英语一轮总复习Unit9HumanBiology课件北师大版选择性必修第三册,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了内容索引,课前预习背诵与积累,教材单词,核心短语,重点句型,主题词汇背记,科技发展与展望 ,续写语料积累,归纳 ,Ⅱ主题语境语块 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (一)必背重点词汇1. justify vt.证明……有道理,为……辩护 2. physicist n.物理学家 3. athletics n.田径运动会 4. participant  n.参加者,参与者 5. artificially  adv.完全相同地,非常相似地 6. twin  n.双胞胎中的一个 7. cattle  n.牛 8. gat  n.山羊 9. frever adv.永远;长久地 10. whlly adv.完全地 
    11. clue  n.线索,提示 12. treatment  n.诊疗,治疗,疗法;对待方式 13. prvke vt.激起,引起 14. crucial adj.至关重要的,关键性的 15. bund adj.很可能,肯定会 16. abuse vt.滥用,妄用;虐待 n.滥用;虐待17. blessing n.福气,幸运 18. cntain vt.包含,容纳,装盛 19. zne  n.地区,地带 20. junk fd  (高脂肪、高糖分等的)不利健康的食品、垃圾食品 
    21. virus n.病毒 22. variatin  n.变化物,变体;差异,变动 23. factr n.因素,要素 24. bacteria n.细菌 25. fficially  adv.官方地,正式地 26. widespread  adj.分布广泛的,广泛流传的 27. parallel n.(不同地点或不同时间的两事物之间的)联系,相似  adj.平行的28. sample n.样本,样品  vt.品尝,尝试;对……做抽样调查29. bury vt.埋葬,安葬;埋藏 
    30. pse  vt.造成,引起,产生(问题、危险、困难等)  n.(为画像、拍照等而摆的)姿势,姿态31. lung  n.肺 32. steadily adv.稳定地 33. utbreak  n.(战争或疾病)爆发、突然发生 34. trial  n.试验;审判,审理 35. underline  vt.强调,使突出;在……之下划线 36. thrugh  adj.彻底的,全面的,详尽的 37. paragraph  n.(文章的)段,段落 38. phenmenn n.现象 39. mineral n.矿物质;矿产 40. victim n.(袭击事件、抢劫事件或凶杀案的)受害者 
    (二)识记阅读词汇1.bilgy n. 生物学  2.marathn n. 马拉松赛跑  3.betterment n. (个人社会和经济地位的)改良,改善,提高  4.vaccine n. 疫苗  5.resilience n. 恢复力,复原力,适应力  6.dping n. 使用违禁药物(以提高体育比赛的成绩)  7.clne vt. 克隆,使无性繁殖  n. 克隆动物或植物,无性繁殖的个体  8.gene n. 基因  9.mammal n. 哺乳动物  
    10.camel n. 骆驼  11.reprductive adj. 繁殖的,生殖的  12.ethical adj. 关于伦理的;合乎道德的  13.mere adj. 仅仅,只不过;极小的,极不重要的  14.inferir adj. 低级别的,下级的;差的,次的  15.curse n. 祸因,祸根;诅咒,咒语  16.atm n. 原子  17.nerve n. 神经;焦虑,恐惧,紧张  18.rgan n. 器官  19.impulse n. (神经)冲动,(电)脉冲  20.crsswrd n. 纵横字谜,纵横填字游戏  
    21.mega n. 奥米伽(希腊字母表的最后一个字母,即Ω,ω)  22.epidemic n. 传染病,流行病  23.baseline n. (医学或科学中的)基线,准线  24.CE 公示(用于日期后)  25.visible adj. 看得见的  26.symptm n. 症状;征兆,症候  27.crrespnding adj. 相应的;对应的  28.symblically adv. 象征地,象征性地  29.needle n. 针  30.database n. 数据库,资料库  31.astrnmer n. 天文学家  
    (三)串记拓展词汇1. capability  n.(完成困难事情的)能力,才能→ capable  adj.有能力的,能干的,能的→ capably adv.能干地  2. infer  vt.推断,推定→ inference  n.推断,推理;推断结果,结论→ inferential  adj.可以推断的 3. calculate  vt.计算,核算→ calculatin  n.计算→ calculatr  n.计算者;计算器 4. innvate vi.& vt.革新,创新,改革→ innvatin  n.创新→ innvatr  n.创新者→ innvative  adj.革新的;有革新精神的 5. cmparisn  n.比较→  cmpare   vt.比较→ cmpared  adj.比较的,对照的 
    6. edit  vi.& vt.编辑,编校;剪辑,剪接→ editr n.编辑 7. accurate  adj.准确的,正确的→ accurately  adv.准确地,正确地→ accuracy  n.准确(性);正确(性)  8. emtin  n.情感→ emtinal  adj.情感的→ emtinally  adv.情感上地 9. lcate  vi.& vt.找出……的准确位置→ lcated adj.坐落的,位于的→ lcatin  n.位置 10. classify   vt.将……分类;把……归入一类→ classificatin n.归类,分类,分级→ classifiable adj.可分类的 11. rare  adj.罕见的,稀有的,不常发生的→ rarely  adv. 罕见地,稀有地→ rareness  n.稀薄;稀罕;珍奇 
    12. ppsed  adj.与某事物相反;反对某事物,不赞成某事物→ ppse  vt.反对→ ppsitin  n.反对,相反,敌对 13. depressing  adj.令人沮丧的,让人忧愁的→ depressed  adj.沮丧的,忧愁的→ depressin  n.沮丧,忧愁 14. estimate  vt.& n.估计,估算→ estimatin  n.估计,估算 15. actual  adj.实际的,真实的→ actually  adv.实际上,真实地 16. systematic adj.系统化的,有条理的→ system  n.系统→ systematically  adv.系统地;体系地;有系统地 17. glbe  n.地球,世界;地球仪→ glbal  adj.全球的,全世界的→ glbally  adv.全球地,全世界地 
    18. differ  vi.不同,不一样;有异意→ different  adj.不同的→ differently adv.不同地→ difference n.不同,差别 19. identify vt.确定,发现;认出,识别→ identificatin n.鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证20. suspect  n.(犯罪)嫌疑人,可疑分子 v.怀疑→ suspectable  adj.可疑的→ suspicin  n.怀疑,觉察,嫌疑 
    1. be capable f 有能力做某事;能够做某事 2. develp an illness  患病 3. have the ptential t d sth  有潜力做某事 4. be crucial fr sth  对……至关重要 5.   把……看作…… 6. fr the purpse f 为了……目的 7. as lng as  只要;长达…… 8. cme int cntact with 接触到;联系 9. be classified as 被归类为…… 10. be ppsed t 反对 11. draw a parallel   把……和……相提并论
    12.g int details  详细叙述  13.die f/frm 死于  14.n recrd 记录在案的;公开发表的  15.bury neself in ding 专心做某事  16.in the curse f 在……过程中  17.d trials n 做试验  18.result in 导致  19.get ver 克服;恢复;熬过  20.pass n t 传给……  21.in cmparisn with 和……比较  22.be bund t d 必定会做,一定会做  
    1.句式凝练:序数词(+名词)+动词不定式句型。They were the first-ever primates (the rder f mammals which include apes,mnkeys,and humans) t have been clned ! 它们是第一个被克隆的灵长类动物(哺乳动物顺序包括猿猴、猴子和人类)!2.句式凝练:Sme...,thers...句型。While sme peple believe it is crucial fr scientific advancement, thers raise mral cncerns. 虽然有些人认为这对科学进步至关重要,但其他人提出了道德上的担忧。
    3.句式凝练:shuld (nt) have dne句型。Sme scientists say the team shuld nt have annunced their findings s early—they  shuld have lked  mre carefully fr the DNA frm Cpernicus'mther r her relatives t check the results,as it is the mther's DNA that is passed n intact t her child. 一些科学家认为,研究小组不应该这么早公布研究结果,因为正是母亲的DNA完整地遗传给她的孩子,所以本该更仔细地寻找哥白尼母亲或其亲戚的DNA以核对结果。
    高考常用高分词汇一、科技发展1.technlgy n.技术2.advanced adj.先进的3.husehld adj.家用的4.handy adj.有用的,方便的5.reliable adj.可靠的6.device n.装置;策略;设备7.handle vt.处理8.develp vt.开发
    二、人工智能1.artificial adj.人工的2.intelligence n.智能的3.autmatic adj.自动的4.applicatin n.应用程序5.functin n.功能6.prgramme n.程序7.rbtic adj.机器人的8.imitatin n.模仿
    三、发展前景1.prmising adj.有前途的2.upgrade vt.升级 3.replace vt.代替4.ptimistic adj.乐观的5.pessimistic adj.悲观的6.cperatin n.合作7.prspect n.前景8.utline n.轮廓 vt.勾勒
    高考主题高频短语1.keep the pace f跟上……的步伐 2.have access t可以得到……3.have a psitive effect n对……有积极的影响4.cunt n依靠5.bring ut推出6.under cntrl(被)控制住7.be equipped with装备有……8.lwer the cst降低成本9.cme int existence存在10.with the develpment f science and technlgy随着科技的发展11.take the place f代替12.fall victim t成为……受害者;成为……的牺牲品;屈服于……13.cause the cncern f the public引起公众的担忧14.hld a prmising future拥有光明的未来15.bring cnvenience t给……带来便利
    人物对话描写语块必记1.dream f梦想,梦见2.cme alng一起来,出现3.a brad face一张宽脸4.all f a sudden突然地5.in a trembling vice用颤抖的声音
    佳句背诵1.“Awfully.”the yung man answered in a trembling vice.“太可怕了。”这个年轻人用颤抖的声音回答道。2.“What is it?What is ging n here?” Mrs Lennx gasped.“这是什么?这是怎么一回事?”伦诺克斯太太喘着气问。3.“What deslatin!” she heard a vice.“That pretty,pretty wman!”“多么凄凉!”她听到一个声音说。“那个漂亮、动人的女人!”4.“Hw queer and quiet it is!”she said.“It sunds as if there were n ne in the bungalw but me and the snake.”“这是多么奇怪和安静!”她说。“听起来好像没人在平房里,只有我和那条蛇。”
    5.“Barney!” he cried ut.“There is a child here!A child alne!In a place like this!Mercy n us,wh is she!”“巴尼!”他喊道。“这里有个孩子!一个孩子!在这样的地方!天哪,她是谁!”
    精美语段All f a sudden,Sapy felt a hand n his arm and saw a brad face f a pliceman.“Excuse me,what are yu ding here?” asked the pliceman.“Nthing,” said Sapy,wind blwing his cllar.“Then,cme alng,” said the pliceman.The next mrning,Sapy finally heard the wrds which his ears used t dream f.“Three mnths in Blackwell prisn,” said the judge n the curt.突然,索比感觉到一只手搭在他的胳膊上,接着看到一张警察的宽脸。“打扰一下,你在这里干什么?”警察问。“没什么。” 索比说,风吹着他的衣领。“那么,来吧,”警察说。第二天早上,索比终于听到了他耳朵里经常梦见的话。“在布莱克威尔监狱拘押三个月。”法官在法庭上说。
    1 通词句·基础自测
    Ⅰ.单词拼写1.It is a place where the ancient and cntemprary happily g alng n  parallel (平行的) tracks. 2.Humans,dgs,elephants,and dlphins are all mammals (哺乳动物),but birds,fish,and crcdiles are will be a  crucial (至关重要的) factr in the success f this new prduct. 4.There are reprts f  widespread (分布广泛的) flding in nrthern France. 5.There's evidence t suggest that child abuse is nt just a recent  phenmenn (现象). 
    Ⅱ.词形转换1.In my pinin,we need t depend n urselves t deal with  depressin , which means that when yu are faced with  depressing  situatins,never feel  depressed .What yu need t fcus n is the psitive side f the situatin.(depress) 2.Frm their appearance,we cannt tell the differences between the twins,but the ways they walk are  different ,and ften they respnd t situatins  differently .In additin,they als  differ  in their vices. (differ) 3.The yung engineer dealt with the prblem in a shrt time capably .His capability wn all the peple's respect.Peple thught that he was capable f slving almst all the prblems in the field.(capable)
    4.When yu cmmunicate with thers, accuracy  f the language yu use is nt that imprtant.It is that yu can express yur meaning  accurately  that cunts.Hwever,in yur writing,yu must try t make the language  accurate .(accurate) 5.In the past it was nt that easy t find yur lcatin ,but nw even yu are lcated in a rural muntain village,we can  lcate  where yu are easily thrugh advanced technlgy.(lcate) 
    Ⅲ.语篇填空Many peple may 1. draw a parallel between success and capability (把成功和能力相提并论).In fact,many times it's yur hard wrk that makes a difference.Of curse,a persn wh 2. is capable f (能够) slving prblems is likely t 3. have the ptential t achieve (有实现……的潜能) smething.Hwever,a persn 4. is classified as (被归类为) thse that are less intelligent can als get ver difficulties and becme a success.Wendy 5.develped an illness (患病),and dctrs tld her she wuld sn 6. die f (死于) the disease.Nt feeling despair,Wendy 7. buried herself in (专心于) studying the disease,and she 8. did trials n (做试验) it again and again, believing that she 9. was bund t defeat (一定会打败) it.Guess what?Her hard wrk and ptimism 10. resulted in (导致) great prgress in the study. She fund a cure fr the disease and she herself recvered at last. 
    Ⅳ.句式仿写1.每天早上我妈妈总是第一个起床,为我们准备早饭。 Every mrning my mther is always the first persn t get up,making preparatins fr ur breakfast.  2.有的同学充满自信,渴望参加班级活动;其他人则紧张不安。 Sme f us were cnfident and eager t take part in the class activity; thers were nervus and anxius.  3.上周五我们本该拟定好这次活动的计划的。 We shuld have drawn up the plan fr the activity last Friday.  
    2 研考点·增分课堂
    核心词汇突破1.infer vt.推断,推定→inference n.推论;推理;推断[练会]单句语法填空①We inferred   frm   her expressin that she wanted t leave. ②His change f mind was recent and sudden,the  inference (infer) being that smene had persuaded him. ③The mammal has an extremely tiny head and, by  inference,a tiny brain. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵④在学习过程中,我们应该学会根据以前的知识进行推断。(写作话题之学习方法)During the prcess f ur study,we are suppsed t learn  t make inferences based n previus knwledge . 
    佳句 Yu can draw sme inferences abut their relatinship frm the given cnditins.根据已给条件,你可以推断出它们之间的关系。(写作话题之学习方法)
    2.abuse vt.滥用,妄用;虐待 n.滥用;虐待;辱骂,恶语[练会]单句语法填空①Peple wh have been  abused (abuse) as children ften experience a sense f wrthlessness. ②I used t treat him as my best friend,and I never expected that he  wuld abuse (abuse) the trust I placed in him. [写美]微写作·背诵③亲爱的爸爸,我建议你别酗酒,从而为我们这些孩子做出榜样。(应用文之建议信)Dear Dad,I recmmend that yu shuld set an example t us children by  nt abusing alchl . 
    佳句 What I suggest yu shuld d t a persn wh abuses yur trust is just ignring him.对于一个背信弃义的人,我建议你应该做的就是无视他。
    3.cntain vt.包含;容纳;容忍;克制(强烈的感情等)→cntainer n.容器[练会]单句语法填空①(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Human speech  cntains (cntain) mre than 2,000 different sunds,frm the cmmn“m”and“a”t the rare clicks f sme suthern African languages. ②At that mment s angry was Bill that he culdn't cntain  himself (he). 
    [写美]一句多译·背诵我回到家打开冰箱看到里面有很多妈妈为我准备的水果,包括我最喜欢的香蕉。(写作话题之感恩父母)→③Arriving hme,I pened the refrigeratr and saw many fruits my mther prepared fr me, including my favrite bananas . →④Arriving hme,I pened the refrigeratr and saw many fruits my mther prepared fr me, my favrite bananas included . 
    名师点睛 cntain通常用来指某容器中盛/装有某物,或指某物中含有某成分。include通常表示把某事物作为其中的一部分包含在内,注意:sth included=including sth。
    佳句 I advise yu shuld eat mre fruits and vegetables cntaining varius vitamins,which is gd fr yur health.我建议你多吃含有各种维生素的水果和蔬菜,这对你的健康有好处。(应用文之建议信)
    4.classify vt.将……分类;把……归入一类→classified adj.分类的→classifiable adj.可分类的→classificatin n.分类[练会]单句语法填空①Due t the grwing ppularity f envirnmentally-related and adventure travel,varius types f trips are nw being classified  as  ecturism. ②The  classificatin (classify) based n DNA seems t be much mre reliable. [写美]微写作·背诵③图书馆的书是按照科目分类的。The bks in the library  are classified by/accrding t  subject. 
    佳句 Every pupil has his wn ptential s it is nt prper t classify them int tw kinds,the gd and the bad.每个学生都有他自己的潜力,因此把他们划为好与坏这两类是不合适的。(写作话题之教育)
    5.ppse v.反对;反抗,抵制→ppsed adj.反对的;截然不同的→ppsite adv.相对地,相反地;对面地 adj.相对的,对面的 prep.在……对面 n.反义词,对立的事物[练会]单句语法填空①The lcal citizens ppsed  pulling (pull) dwn the ancient twer t build a pwer plant. ②She's turned ut t be the exact  ppsite (ppse) f what everyne expected. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③如果有人反对采纳你的计划,你应保持冷静,并努力找出你的计划中可能出现的不足。(应用文之建议信)If smene  is ppsed t adpting  yur plan,yu shuld remain calm and try t find ut the pssible disadvantages in yur plan. 
    佳句 Dad ppsed driving ur wn car t visit Hangzhu as he thught we might meet with traffic jam and it was nt envirnmentally friendly.爸爸反对我们开车去杭州,因为他认为我们可能会遇到交通阻塞,而且这也不环保。(写作话题之环境保护)
    6.bury v.埋葬,安葬;埋藏[练会]单句语法填空①(2019北京卷)When these rganisms die,they  bury (bury) carbn in the deep cean,an imprtant prcess that helps t regulate the glbal climate. ② Buried (bury) in studying his new machine,Prfessr Cheng smetimes even frgets t have his meals. [写美]一句多译·背诵我看着我和爷爷一起拍的照片,陷入沉思。→③I lked at the pht that I tk with my grandfather, buried in thught .→④I lked at the pht that I tk with my grandfather,deep/lst in thught .
    佳句 Facing the sea,he lked at the rising sun,his hands buried in his pckets.Hw wnderful the scene was!面朝大海,他双手放在口袋里,看着冉冉升起的太阳,那是多么精彩的一个景象啊!(写作话题之旅游)
    7.suspect n.(犯罪)嫌疑人,可疑分子 v.怀疑;不信任;觉得 adj.可疑的;靠不住的→suspicius adj.可疑的,怀疑的,疑惧的→suspiciusly adv.怀疑地,可疑地[练会]单句语法填空①(2020全国Ⅰ卷)There's a welcme familiarity—but als smetimes a slight  suspicin (suspect) that time has changed yu bth,and thus the relatinship. ②(2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷)In Samarkand,Mr Bissell admires the architectural wnders,while n his way t Bukhara he gets a taste f plice methds when suspected  f  drug dealing. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③如果你怀疑你的朋友对你撒了谎,你最好真诚地和他谈话,说出你的疑虑。(应用文之建议信)If yu  suspect that  yur friend lied t yu,yu'd better talk t him hnestly and state yur dubts. 
    佳句 It was suspected that it was ur mnitr wh had spent his weekends decrating ur classrm.我们大家都怀疑是班长利用周末时间布置了教室。
    8.be crucial t 对……很重要→crucially adv.关键地;至关重要地[练会]单句语法填空①The band wants t win ver fans and,mre  crucially (crucial),radi prgrammers. ② At  the crucial mment,ur cach made a crucial decisin,leading t ur team's winning the champin. ③Yur perseverance is very crucial  t  the prgress yu've made. [写美]词汇升级·背诵④It's crucially imprtant t prevent these species frm disappearing cmpletely.(写作话题之环境保护)→It's  f crucial imprtance  t prevent these species frm disappearing cmpletely. 
    佳句 Withut dubt,having a psitive attitude plays a crucial rle in ur way t success.毫无疑问,积极的态度在我们成功的道路上起着至关重要的作用。(应用文之演讲稿)
    9.be bund t d 一定做[练会]单句语法填空①With yur diligence and cncentratin,yu are bund  t succeed (succeed) in entering an ideal university. ②Just imagine sitting at the table t reach fr yur meals prepared by yur rbt withut turning arund,yu are bund  t be (be) the happiest ne in the wrld. [写美]词汇升级·背诵③The methds I recmmended abve,if prperly used,will surely benefit yu in yur study.(应用文之建议信)→The methds I recmmended abve,if prperly used, are bund t benefit  yu in yur study. 
    佳句 Visiting Munt Huangshan,yu are bund t have an unfrgettable and rewarding experience.游览黄山,你一定会有一次难忘而有益的经历。(写作话题之旅游)
    ★补遗缺 微点练全Ⅰ.一词多义计算 B.v.认为 C.v.依靠 D.v.打算①Fred asked me a questin that was calculated t embarrass me. D  ②The cst f the damage caused by the recent strms has been calculated at ver £5 millin. A  ③We can't calculate n having gd weather fr the barbecue. C  ④Researchers calculated that this grup was at a higher risk f heart disease. B  
    姿势,姿态;装腔作势的举动B.vt.造成,引起,产生(问题、危险、困难等);摆好姿势①Officials claim that the chemical leakage pses n real danger fr surrunding residents. B  ②She likes t appear as if she knws all abut the latest films and art exhibitins,but it's all a pse. A  ③While the phtgrapher began t take phts,she adpted an elegant pse. A  ④Befre ging int their meeting the six freign ministers psed fr phtgraphs. B  
    重点句型透视1.“序数词(+名词)+动词不定式”句型[教材原句]They were the first-ever primates (the rder f mammals which include apes,mnkeys,and humans) t have been clned!(P52)它们是第一个被克隆的灵长类动物(哺乳动物顺序包括猿猴、猴子和人类)!
    [练会]单句语法填空①(2022全国乙卷)Selected frm cllectins thrughut the wrld,it is the first majr exhibitin f his wrk  t be held (hld) in ver frty years. ②(2022全国甲卷)Nw,Ca has started the secnd part f his dream t walk (walk) alng the Belt and Rad rute. ③(2020全国Ⅰ卷)“This really excites scientists,”Carle Pieters,a scientist at Brwn University,says,“because it means we have the chance  t btain (btain) infrmatin abut hw the mn is cnstructed.” 
    [写美]微写作·背诵④最重要的是,老人是第一个品尝美食的人,因为在中国老人很受尊重。(写作话题之餐桌礼仪)Mst imprtantly,the elderly  are the first t taste  the delicius fd because they are well respected in China. 
    归纳(1)在序数词或“序数词+名词”结构后常用动词不定式作定语。(2)在名词pprtunity,chance,ability,capability,pssibility,desire,plan,attempt, ambitin,freedm,curisity,decisin,failure,hpe,wish,ptential等后也常用动词不定式作定语,表示将来要做的事。 佳句 Yuan Lngping became the first agricultural pineer in the wrld t grw rice that has a high utput in 1973.袁隆平在1973年成为世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先驱。(写作话题之人物介绍)
    ,thers...句型[教材原句]While sme peple believe it is crucial fr scientific advancement, thers raise mral cncerns.(P53)虽然有些人认为这对科学进步至关重要,但其他人提出了道德上的担忧。[练会]单句语法填空①(2019北京卷)Sme students dn't have a reliable car,while thers have t share vehicles with parents wh wrk six days a week.②Sme peple hunger fr fame and frtune while  thers  pursue happiness.
    [写美]微写作·背诵③有些人喜欢在图书馆看书。然而另外一些人则喜欢在家上网看书。(写作话题之阅读) Sme peple  like reading in libraries. Others , hwever ,prefer t read at hme nline. 
    归纳 “sme...,thers...”表示“一些(人)……;另一些(人)……”。该结构常用以描述不同人的不同行为或对某事的不同看法等。 佳句 Sme think that ging t cllege abrad can braden children's hrizns while thers hld the ppsite pinin.一些人认为去国外上大学可以开阔孩子们的视野,而另一些人持相反的观点。(写作话题之家庭教育)
    3.shuld (nt) have dne句型[教材原句]Sme scientists say the team shuld nt have annunced their findings s early—they shuld have lked mre carefully fr the DNA frm Cpernicus'mther r her relatives t check the results,as it is the mther's DNA that is passed n intact t her child.(P67)一些科学家认为,研究小组不应该这么早公布研究结果,因为正是母亲的DNA完整地遗传给她的孩子,所以本该更仔细地寻找哥白尼母亲或其亲戚的DNA以核对结果。
    [练会]单句语法填空①(2020全国Ⅰ卷)Rather than getting caught up in hw yu  culd  have dne better,why nt ffer yurself a cmpassinate(有同情心) respnse? ②(2019天津卷)I  must  have always knwn reading was very imprtant because the first memries I have as a child deal with bks. ③(2018北京卷)They might  have fund (find) a better htel if they had driven a few mre kilmeters. [写美]微写作·背诵④对不起,你错过了截止日期。你本该在上周五提交征文的。I'm srry that yu have missed the deadline.Yu  shuld have submitted  yur essay last Friday. 
    佳句 I'm writing t say srry t yu.I shuldn't have used yur dictinary withut telling yu.我写信是向你道歉。我本不应该不告诉你就用了你的字典。(应用文之道歉信)
    3 练续写·锤炼技能 
    Ⅲ.基于主题语境续写对练1.完成句子(1)教室里的每个人都兴奋地在聊天而简(Jane)独自坐在角落里。(while引导的并列句,意为“而”;形容词作状语)Everyne in the classrm was chatting with great excitement while Jane was sitting in the crner, alne . (2)我能感觉到她沉浸在巨大的悲伤中,这让我心碎。(which引导的非限制性定语从句)I culd sense she was lst in enrmus sadness, which brke my heart . (3)带着温暖的笑,我走近简,坐在她旁边。(v.-ing作状语) Wearing a warm smile ,I apprached and sat beside Jane. 
    (4)我刚开口说话,简就抬起头来,眼泪顺着脸流了下来。(n 引起的部分倒装;with复合结构) N sner had I begun speaking than  Jane lked up, with tears running dwn her face . (5)我轻轻地拍了拍她的背,耐心地安慰她。(v.-ing作状语)I patted her gently n her back, cmfrting her patiently . (6)她告诉我她因为肤色而被人嘲笑,我鼓励她保持乐观。(tell sb abut sth)She tld me abut her being laughed at because f her skin clur and I encuraged her t stay psitive. (7)每一片乌云都有银边。(silver lining) Every clud has a silver lining.  
    2.衔接美文将以上各句合并成小短文并背诵成文,注意使用合适的衔接过渡词汇。*用连词合并句(6)和句(7)。Everyne in the classrm was chatting with great excitement while Jane was sitting in the crner,alne.I culd sense she was lst in enrmus sadness,which brke my heart.Therefre/S,wearing a warm smile,I apprached and sat beside Jane.N sner had I begun speaking than Jane lked up,with tears running dwn her face.I patted her gently n her back,cmfrting her patiently.After she tld me abut her being laughed at because f her skin clur and I encuraged her t stay psitive,because every clud has a silver lining. 
    4 测效果·课堂评价
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空——分层级强化高频考点A组 基础必练1.Peple experience differences in physical and mental capability (capable) depending n the time f ppulatin,large thugh it was,was cmpsed  whlly (whle) f mushrms sld in supermarkets have been grwn  artificially (artificial) in green huses. 4.Chinese garbage  classificatin (classify) plicy has cme int peratin in several cities. 
    5.With the  rareness (rare) f their sn's disease,the family didn't feel they had much chice. 
    B组 高考链接6.(2022全国乙卷)Drinks nw cntain (cntain) 45 millin fewer kils f sugar as a result f manufacturers'effrts t avid the charge,accrding t Treasury figures.7.(2022全国乙卷)Try t seek ut chances t renew (renew) friendships.Hw t d it?Just spend face-t-face time tgether whenever pssible. 8.(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Analyses f a language database als cnfirmed that there was a  glbal (glbe) change in the sund f wrld languages after the Nelithic age... 9.(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷)The ability t  accurately (accurate) understand hw thers are feeling may be used by a dctr t find hw best t help her patients while a cheater might use it t cntrl ptential victims. 
    10.(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Language researchers say prnunciatin and fluency are the biggest barriers (barrier),fllwed by grammar,in effective spken English.
    Ⅱ.语篇填空——语境中应用单元要点Cmpared 1. with/t  life twenty years ag,ur present life is much mre cnvenient.Thanks t scientific and technlgical 2. innvatin (innvate),we humans have the 3. capability (capable) t achieve many gals that culdn't be thught f in the past.The use f mbile phnes is a typical example f technlgy bringing cnvenience t ur life.4. Different (differ) frm the previus phnes,the present phnes are smarter.5. Systemetically (system),mbile phnes can install varius apps.Sme apps prvide yu with rich interesting vides while 6. thers  cntain enrmus e-bks.Wherever yu want t g,mbile phnes can help yu find the right 7. lcatin (lcate),let alne they can calculate numbers 8. accurately (accurate).Using yur mbile phne,yu can purchase frm 9. glbal (glbe) cmpanies.The develpment f science and technlgy is withut dubt bund 10. t make (make) ur life better and better. 
    Ⅲ.话题微写作——场景中提升写作技能 (黑体部分用本单元词汇表达)【写作素材】1.很久以来克隆人的想法引起了全球的关注。(clning humans,raise glbal cncern)2.许多人反对克隆人,因为他们认为这是不道德的,所以许多国家的法律禁止克隆人。(bject t,be ethical,be frbidden by)3.此外,他们认为克隆违背了自然规律,其不良影响是可见的。(be visible)4.然而,器官克隆对那些患有致命疾病的人来说可能是至关重要的。(be crucial t)5.如果有必要,他们可以进行器官克隆,这必将改善他们的生活。(be bund t d)
    【连句成篇】将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。Fr a lng time the idea f clning humans has raised glbal cncern. Many peple bject t it because they think it isn't ethical s that in many cuntries clning humans is frbidden by the laws.In additin,they think clning ges against the law f nature,whse bad effect is visible.Hwever, the rgans clning may be very crucial t peple wh suffer frm deadly diseases.They can get their rgans clned if necessary,which is bund t imprve their life. 
    (2022全国乙卷,阅读理解C)——科学与技术Can a small grup f drnes(无人机) guarantee the safety and reliability f railways and,at the same time,help railway peratrs save billins f eurs each year?That is the very likely future f applying tday's “eyes in the sky” technlgy t making sure that the millins f kilmetres f rail tracks and infrastructure(基础设施) wrldwide are safe fr trains n a 24/7 basis.
    Drnes are already being used t examine high-tensin electrical lines. They culd d precisely the same thing t inspect railway lines and ther vital aspects f rail infrastructure such as the crrect psitin f railway tracks and switching pints.The mre regularly they can be inspected,the mre railway safety,reliability and n-time perfrmance will be imprved.Csts wuld be cut and peratins wuld be mre efficient(高效) acrss the bard.That includes huge savings in maintenance csts and better prtectin f railway persnnel safety.It is calculated that Eurpean railways alne spend apprximately 20 billin eurs a year n maintenance,including sending maintenance staff,ften at night,t inspect and repair the rail infrastructure.That can be dangerus wrk that culd be avided with drnes assisting the crews'effrts.
    By using the latest technlgies,drnes culd als start prviding higher-value services fr railways,detecting faults in the rail r switches,befre they can cause any safety prblems.T perfrm these tasks,drnes fr rail dn't need t be flying verhead.Engineers are nw wrking n a new cncept:the rail drnes f the future.They will be mving n the track ahead f the train, and prgrammed t run autnmusly.Very small drnes with advanced sensrs and AI and travelling ahead f the train culd guide it like a c-pilt. With their ability t see ahead,they culd signal any prblem,s that fast-mving trains wuld be able t react in time.
    真题再做28.What makes the applicatin f drnes t rail lines pssible?A.The use f drnes in checking n pwer 'ability t wrk at high reductin f cst in designing 'reliable perfrmance in remte areas.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,无人机目前正在被用来检查高压电线,这使得它将被应用于铁路系统成为可能。故选A项。
    29.What des “maintenance” underlined in paragraph 3 refer t?A.Persnnel frm and f infrastructure.答案:C解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“t inspect and repair the rail infrastructure”可以推断出,画线单词指的就是“维修,维护”。故选C项。
    30.What functin is expected f the rail drnes?A.T prvide early make trains run earn prfits fr the accelerate transprtatin.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句和最后一句可知,人们期盼铁路无人机在未来能够提供预先警报,确保列车能及时应对问题,从而提高安全系数。故选A项。
    31.Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?A.What Faults Can Be Detected with DrnesB.Hw Prductin f Drnes Can Be ExpandedC.What Difficulty Drne Develpment Will FaceD.Hw Drnes Will Change the Future f Railways答案:D解析:主旨大意题。通读全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了无人机目前的应用范围以及未来在铁路方面的应用方向,因此“无人机将如何改变铁路的未来”最能概括文章内容。故选D项。
    3.积累高频词块(1)railway peratrs  铁路运营商,铁路部门  (2)rail/railway tracks  铁路轨道  (3)high-tensin electrical lines  高压电线  (4)railway lines  铁路线  (5)n-time perfrmance  准点率  (6)cut csts  降低成本  (7)acrss the bard  整体,全面  (8)pwer lines  电线  (9)perfrm the task  执行任务  (10)earn prfits  获利  
    4.赏析写作佳句The mre regularly they can be inspected,the mre railway safety,reliability and n-time perfrmance will be imprved.越是定期检查, 铁路的安全性、可靠性和准点率就越高 。5.破解复杂句式That is the very likely future f applying tday's “eyes in the sky” technlgy t making sure that the millins f kilmetres f rail tracks and infrastructure wrldwide are safe fr trains n a 24/7 basis.分析:句子的主干是That is the very likely future,future后跟f短语作后置定语,在后置定语部分,making sure后跟that引导的 宾 语从句。 译文: 那很可能就是应用如今的“空中之眼”技术的未来,以确保全世界范围内数百万千米的铁路轨道和基础设施都能全天候安全运行。  

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