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    技巧09 如何衔接连贯-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练
    技巧09 如何衔接连贯-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练01
    技巧09 如何衔接连贯-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练02
    技巧09 如何衔接连贯-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练03
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    技巧09 如何衔接连贯-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练

    这是一份技巧09 如何衔接连贯-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共21页。试卷主要包含了照应,替代和省略,连接词,词汇衔接等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    技巧09 如何衔接连贯

    照应指用代词等语法手段来表示语义关系,即在语篇中某个名词或概念第二次或重复出现时应使用恰当的代词或其他成分替代它。根据韩礼德和哈桑的观点,英语中的照应主要分为3 类:人称照应、指示照应、比较照应。
    (1)人称照应:人称照应是通过人称代词(如I、you、he、she、they、him、her、them 等)、所属限定词(如your、his、her、their等)和所属代词(如mine、his、hers、theirs 等)来实现的。
    (2)指示照应:用于指示照应的词也可以分为3 类:名词性指示词:this、that、these、those;定冠词the;副词性指示词:her,their、now、then。
    (3)比较照应: 比较照应指使用一些有比较意义的形容词或副词的比较级表达连贯的语义(如same、as、so、equal、such、similarly、differently、other、otherwise、likewise等表示的照应关系)。
    (1)替代:替代是用其他词代替上文的提及的内容,这样可以避免重复,达到语言凝练,语句连贯的目的。替代有名词性替代(如one、ones、some 等)、动词性替代(如do、does、did、doing、done 等)和从句性替代(如so、not 等)。
    连接词指表示能把两个或多个短句衔接起来的表达一定逻辑关系的词。韩礼德(1976)把它们表示的关系分为4 大类:增补(如and、also、too、furthermore等)、转折或对比(如but、yet、still、nevertheless、though、while、however等)、原因或结果(如because、for、as、since等)和时间(如first、second、third等)。
    By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom. “I’m going to find a better spot for us to camp” and walked away.
    As Mac pedaled (骑行) along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday.

    It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven(编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.

    The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there.
    “I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some money, but I don't see what he can do.”

    My excitement was short-lived...... I got into a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use. "I can't get it out!" I shouted, my voice sounding unnaturally loud in the enclosed space.

    But Jeff’s hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of burning. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.
    连接词:and/but/then/as well

    (1)审读情景材料:即对试题所提供的“情景”  (包括目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等)及其“形式”  (一般为图画、图表、提纲等)予以全面的了解,同时不可忽视最后提供的“注意”。
    为“评分说明”明确指出:  “对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分”。一般来讲,文章的中心不超出高中生学习和日常生活中的所见所闻。
        a. Learning English is important.
        Learning English is important for middle school students.
        b. Tom is a good student.
        Tom is a hard-working student.
        Honesty is one of the best virtues. An honest man is always trusted and respected. On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a “liar”, and is looked down upon by honest people.
    (1) 巧用过渡词语,理顺句子逻辑关系。为了使文章在整体上结构严密,浑然一体,增强文章的说服力和感染力,保证段落或文章的连贯,考生应该在句子与句子之间,甚至段落与段落之间,恰当地使用一些过渡性词语,使文意表达清晰、流畅。过渡连接词按语义划分为以下最常见的几种类型:(见下表)
    and, also, too, besides, moreover, as well as, either…or, neither…nor…, furthermore, in addition, what is more, not only…but also, worse still
    but, yet, however, although, on the other hand, otherwise, while, rather, still, nevertheless,in spite of, on the contrary, whereas, in contrast
    besides, again, moreover, worse still, above all, certainly, furthermore, what’s more, in addition, important of all, to make matter worse
    so, for, therefore, as a result, because, owing to, due to, thanks to, therefore, since, thus, hence, on account of, consequently, as a consequence, it follows that…
    as(so)long as, if, unless, on condition that
    actually, in fact, such as, for example/instance, and so on, according to, after all, even, indeed, it is time, of course, specifically, truly, namely, that is, that is to say, in other words, to tell you the truth, an illustration of, to be specific, to illustrate
    Indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, truly, especially, no doubt, without any doubt, obviously, above all, It is…that…
    now, after, after that, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, soon, suddenly, before, when, while, as, during, first…second…, then, in the end, afterwards, after a while, immediately, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, from now on, from then on, meanwhile, not…until, eventually 
    on the right/left, in the middle/center of/back/front of, here, there, next to, on one side of…on the other side of, on the foot/top/end
    as you know, as far as I know, on the whole, in one’s opinion, in short, in brief, in a word, in general
    The room was disgusting. By the far window was a trash can piled high with crumpled papers. In the middle of the room was a round size bed with rotting fruits. The path between the bed and the doorway, where 1 was standing, was full of dirty clothes and old newspapers. (通过选择参照物,然后巧妙运用表示空间顺序的连接词,给读者一个清楚的空间观念。用准确的方位词说明空间的具体位置,就仿佛给了阅卷老师一幅空间布置图或导游图。)
        a.I love life; I love nature; and I love peace.
        b. I am a boy of 17 and I am studying at high school now. I am good at English and I can talk with foreign tourists in English freely.
        a.If I have the honor to be chosen as a volunteer, besides the above, I will work hard and creatively, but never be lazy. I will follow the law and discipline, but never break them. I will take the opportunity to make fiends with the athletes and visitors, and help them make the 2008 Olympic Games a great success.
        b. My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Don’t argue with parents; they will think you don’t love them. Don’t argue with children; they will think themselves victimized. Don’t argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Don’t argue with strangers; they will think you are not friendly. My mother’s rules, in fact, can be summed up in two words. Don’t argue.
        a.However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who pre-reading articles about learning methods. (句中使用代词that代替the number, those代替students, 既避免了重复和单调,又显得简洁明了,过渡自然。)
      b.While surfing the Internet, I happened to see your notice from which I knew you were eager to have a Chinese friend. (句中关系代词which引导的非限制性定语使得主从句意义连贯。)试比较:While surfing the Internet, I happened to see your notice. From the notice I knew you were eager to have a Chinese friend.
        I like music, especially classical music. I am also interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life. In fact, I like meeting people and enjoy talking with them. Believing we all need help from each other, I appreciate friend’s help and I am willing to help anyone in need.
        (5)巧用分词短语或独立结构。简化句子结构可以增强表达效果。巧妙利用分词短语或独立主格结构能使句子化繁为简,把复合句变为简单句;恰当使用独立成分可以使句子的表达形式丰富多样,从而起到增强语言表达效果的作用。它们各有特点:分词要坚持逻辑主语一致原则,而独立主格结构要坚持主语不一致原则;独立成分为约定成俗的固定形式,不受逻辑主语限制。如:Judging from…, Frankly speaking (To be frank)等。试看下列句子:
        (1)Compared with other teachers, Mr. Moore pays more attention to his way of teaching. (分词短语)
        (2)Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. =If weather permits we are going to visit you tomorrow. (独立主格结构)
        (原句)The driver escaped; he left the old man lying on the road.
       (修正句)The driver escaped, leaving the old man lying on the road. (分词短语)
        Also we can both write and talk to each 0theT on the Skype, a program that can carry sounds as well as words.
        I am Wangshan, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Beijing Yangguang Middle school.
    The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the
    holiday…Some are in favor of staying at home…
    However, others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world.
    也使文章首尾呼应,结构完整,连贯自然。用于结论段的常用语有:from this point of view(从这个观点来看) /in a word(总而言之)/in conclusion(综上所述) /Thus, it can be concluded that…(因此,我们可以得知...)
        In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.
        Obviously, we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.

    Nila sat alone on the bus. Her older sister, Lexi, was one seat ahead, acting as if this was the best day ever. But for Nila, it was the worst. It was the last day of swimming lessons. Test Day.
    “If I pass my test, I can sign up for Junior Lifeguarding over the summer,” Nila heard Lexi telling her friend Jess. “You’re the best swimmer in the class,” Jess said. “There’s just no way you wouldn’t pass.” Maybe she could talk to Lexi about the test, who passed Level 4 several summers ago.
    “I thought sisters were supposed to help each other actively,” Nila whispered to the window. An hour later, she held the edge of the pool, shaking. “For the last part of the test, you’ll all be swimming the width of the pool,” the instructor, Nate, told the class. “Can we swim in the shallow end?” Nila asked. “Nope,” Nate said cheerfully. “To pass Level 4, it has to be the deep end.”
    Nila was nervous. She didn’t know if she could swim all the way across without touching the bottom. “I’ll be watching from the other side,” Nate said. “Ready?” No! Nila thought. But Nate put the whistle to his lips and blew. Nila took a deep breath and pushed off. Lexi moved up and down, feeling light. She completed smoothly and passed Level 7! A kid from her class bumped into her, but she just smiled at him. She liked everyone right now. Nila, too–even though she’d been such a pest earlier. Where was she, anyway?
    After a minute, Lexi spotted her sister crossing the pool. Nila was way behind the others. As Nila neared the middle of the pool, she stopped. “Keep going,” Lexi called. “You can do it!” When Nila found out her position, her heart sank. Only halfway across! Some kids in her class were already at the wall, playing and talking. Nate was bending over to talk to one of the kids. He didn’t see her. Better keep going, she thought. But she was tired. Lexi kept her eyes on her sister’s slow progress.
    Paragraph 1:
    As Lexi watched, Nila’s head dipped briefly underwater before it resurfaced.
    Paragraph 2:
    Just then, Nila felt someone’s arms grabbing her from behind.
    When I was about six years old, my family and I went to Disneyland one weekend and had a wonderful day full of excitement. Little did I know that the real excitement wasn’t to begin until that night.
    While we watched the fireworks, I began to get an urge to go to the restroom, but I didn’t want to miss the show. I overheard my sister Isabel talking to my mom, and I got closer to them to hear what they were talking about.
    “Mom, I’m going to the bathroom with Lizette, okay?” said Isabel.
    “Okay,” my mom replied, “but stay together. I don’t want any of you getting lost. ”
    The second I saw my sisters leaving, I didn’t think twice before running after them—without telling my parents. As I followed them through the huge crowd of people, I started to lose sight of them. I began to panic as I scanned the crowd for them. Crazy thoughts ran through my head like “What if I never see my family again?”
    I gave up trying to find my sisters and tried to get back to my family, but I was completely mixed up. After searching for what seemed like forever, I couldn’t hold back my tears, and I started crying like I had never cried before.
    “Mommy!” I cried out. But everyone around me was too caught up by the fireworks to pay any attention to me.
    I tried to stop the scary thoughts that were going through my head and started running as fast as I could...anywhere...everywhere. I was going crazy. I’m only six, and I’ve gotten lost. “What have I done? How could I have been so dumb to run off without telling anyone?” I thought.
    With my face wet from tears, I kept running, pulling at people’s pants and crying, “Mommy!” I was hoping, wishing, that one of these adults would be one of my parents.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Luckily, I felt a pat on my shoulder and a gentle voice came, “Are you lost?”
    Finally, through the crowd of people, I recognized a face.
    Andy rode slowly on his way to school, daydreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he was unaware of everything else around him.
    He rode along until a strange sound drew him to the present. He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the sky. What he saw shocked and terrified him. A huge swarm (一大群) of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and they seemed to be heading angrily towards him.
    With no time to waste, Andy sped off in the opposite direction, riding with great speed but without knowing how to escape the swarm. With a rapidly beating heart, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer, his panic increased. Andy knew that he was sensitive to bee stings (蜇). The last sting had landed him in hospital and that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to lie in bed for two whole days. Suddenly, his father’s words came to him. “When you are in a tight situation, don’t panic. Use your brain and think your way out of it.”
    On a nearby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of the Nelson’s home. “Bees don’t like smoke,” he thought. “They couldn’t get into the house.” Andy raced towards the Nelson’s house, but the bees were gaining ground. Andy knew he could not reach the house in time. He estimated that the bees would catch up with him soon. But he tried his best to keep calm so that he could come up with an idea to escape from the dangerous situation. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a small dam which was often used by Mr. Nelson to irrigate his vegetable garden.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Without hesitation, Andy jumped off his bike and dived into the cool water.
    In no time, his mother appeared in front of him.
    One night, Ryder saw his mother crying and learned she could no longer afford her last chemotherapy (化疗) treatment. He broke his piggy bank and offered her all his savings. Although it touched Annie’s heart, she told him it wasn’t enough. Ryder was so disappointed and hurried to the washroom to cry alone. It hurt him terribly to see his mother, who had long hair, and was now bald (秃头的) .
    In an attempt to emotionally support her, Ryder brought an electric shaver and shaved his head. “Oh my God, Ryder!” Annie cried after seeing him. She was moved by what her son had done by sacrificing his hair. “Mom, I am with you in this. And you are not alone,” Ryder cried along, knowing little he would be laughed at by his best friends the next day.
    A school fair had been organized on the playground, and many people, including parents, were gathering around the stalls (摊位). “Hey, look, someone in our class has lost all his hair!” Ryder’s friends laughed when he arrived.
    “I got to carry on,” said Ryder, shyly covering his head in a hat. He was carrying two bags stuffed with some of his favorite toys, books, and recycled craft items he intended to sell at the fair.
    As time passed, things were quickly getting sold in all the other stalls except Ryder’s. He did not find time to put up a fancy display or banner (横幅) to attract buyers. But he was determined to make a sale for his mother. So he took out a pen and a giant piece of paper and decided to create a sign that read: Help My Mom Fight Cancer.
    “Please help me. I shaved my head to support my mother. But all are making fun of me without understanding me. And I have to sell these items and help her with some money. Please don’t let me down,” he shouted. The fair was about to end, and fortunately Ryder had managed to successfully sell most of his items.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    He was about to leave when his three friends surrounded him.
    “Ryder, please take this as well,” he heard a parent calling him.
    Some years ago, a ship headed for China. All the passengers boarded the ship, including an officer, his wife, their only child—a little boy five years old, and a large Newfoundland dog called Bobby. Everybody in the ship liked Bobby, he was so good - tempered and playful, but the boy was the dog’s constant playmate. He was a happy little guy, and the two are so fond of each other.
    One evening while the little boy and the dog were playing together, the ship shook suddenly, and splash (扑通一声) went the child into the sea!
    A cry was raised, “A hand over! A hand over!” and the brave dog jumped over the side of the ship, and swam towards the boy.
    The little boy’s father, half crazy, jumped with others into a small boat; but it was too dark to see far before them. All gave the child up for lost.
    At last they heard a splash on the left side of the ship. “Pull on, quick!” cried the father. The boat was turned, the men pulled with all their strength, and in a moment brave Bobby was alongside, holding up the child in his mouth! Joy! Joy! Joy!
    The boat was rowed back to the ship; the half-drowned (差点淹死的) boy soon got better; the parents were delighted; and brave Bobby was caressed (抚摸) by all.
    At the Cape-of-Good-Hope, the passengers were to be landed. The officer going to the boat, with his wife and child; but he told the sailors to hold the Newfoundland dog tight by the collar till the boat was some distance from the ship. “You will then see,” said he, “what a strong swimmer he is.”
    Brave Bobby pulled again and again to get loose, but all failed; for they held him till the boat was near the shore. But as soon as the officer gave the signal, the dog was set free, and away he went into the sea to chase after (追赶) his masters.
    Suddenly the poor animal set up a shrill howl, and threw himself out of the water.
    Just at that moment the shark, which had got very close to the dog, turned on his back and opened his frightening mouth!

    As Lexi watched, Nila’s head dipped briefly underwater before it resurfaced. Uh-oh, thought Lexi. Her sister was in trouble, and she had to help. She kicked the bottom and started swimming toward Nila. Nila swallowed a mouthful of water and coughed. Panicky, she felt as if she had been swimming for hours. If only someone would see she was too tired to keep going. Not seeing Lexi coming to her, she scanned the edge for the instructor. This time, Nate saw her. His eyes narrowed, and he jumped in to help her.
    Just then, Nila felt someone’s arms grabbing her from behind. “Lie back,” her sister’s voice said. “I’ve got you.” Much to her surprise, it was at the critical moment that Lexi came to her aid! They got out of water quickly. “How are you feeling?” Lexi asked. “OK. That’s a little scary.” “Don’t worry,” Lexi said, “Next time we go swimming, I could keep you company. With more practice, you can surely pass Level 4.” Hearing this, Nila smiled broadly, a current of warmth flooding over her, saying “You will be a good lifeguard someday because you’re already a good sister.”
    1. 段落续写:
    2. 词汇激活
    ④陪伴某人:keep sb company→accompany sb
    [高分句型1] Panicky, she felt as if she had been swimming for hours.(运用了以as if 引导的表语从句,并运用了虚拟语气)
    [高分句型2] Much to her surprise, it was at the critical moment that Lexi came to her aid!(运用了强调句)
    [高分句型3] If only someone would see she was too tired to keep going. (运用了以if only引导的条件状语从句,及省略连词that的宾语从句)
    Luckily, I felt a pat on my shoulder and a gentle voice came, “Are you lost”? “Yeeesss!” I cried. It was a lady working at Disney. She picked me up and carried me through the crowd as she kept asking me where my parents had been standing. As I began to feel safe in the lady’s arms, I calmed down and thought for a few minutes. I remembered we had been leaning against a wooden fence. She carried me around the wooden fence, asking random people, “Is this your child?” “No. Sorry,” everyone kept saying. You’re sorry? Look at me. I’m looking for my mommy, I thought.
    Finally, through the crowd of people, I recognized a face. I was so happy. “Mommy!” I shouted as I pointed toward her so the lady could carry me to her. When the lady put me down, I ran to my mom and gave her a huge hug. I couldn’t let go of her. I didn’t want to lose her again. As I cried in my mother’s arms, my family thanked the nice lady for everything she had done for me. For the rest of the evening and the entire next day, I was more concerned with making sure that my parents were within my sight at all times than I was with seeing the sights at Disneyland. I look back at these memories and laugh at myself, but to this day, I always make sure to tell someone where I am going before I run off.
    1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:询问情况——帮助找家人——找到家人——感谢——感悟
    3. 词汇激活
    ①镇定下来:calm down/compose oneself
    ②跑向某人:run to sb/rush to sb
    ③拥抱:gave sb a hug/hug sb/embrace sb
    ②感谢:thank/show appreciation/show gratitude/be grateful
    【高分句型1】She picked me up and carried me through the crowd as she kept asking me where my parents had been standing. (运用了as引导的时间状语从句和where引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】As I cried in my mother’s arms, my family thanked the nice lady for everything she had done for me.(运用as引导的时间状语从句和省略that的限制性定语从句)
    Without hesitation, Andy jumped off his bike and dived into the cool water. After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone. Dragging himself out of the dam, he struggled up the hilly slope and rang the doorbell. Mr. Nelson happened to be home and seeing the tired and wet boy, the owner took him inside. After knowing what Andy had experienced, he praised the boy and rang his mother.
    In no time, his mother appeared in front of him. Seeing Andy, his mother anxiously asked whether he was injured. Andy answered it was the dam that saved him. His mother laughed with relief and said he really needed that fishing break to help him recover. But Andy did not hear her. He was thinking his father’s words “When you are in a tight situation, don’t panic.” And he realized how important it was to listen to parents.
    1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:找到避险地点——避险——避险成功——给母亲讲述过程——感悟
    3. 词汇激活
    [高分句型1]After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone.(as long as引导的状语从句)
    [高分句型2]Seeing Andy, his mother anxiously asked whether he was injured.(whether引导的宾语从句)
    He was about to leave when his three friends surrounded him. “Not now, guys. I’m leaving. Quit it,” he begged. He thought they had come to laugh at him again, but to his shock, they took off their hats, and their heads were shaved clean. “WHAT? Why did you guys shave your heads?” Ryder was startled. “What’s going on?” As it turned out, the boys saw his sign about his mother, and they were moved by it. They felt guilty for picking fun at him.
    “Ryder, please take this as well,” he heard a parent calling him. He turned around and saw a group of his friends’ parents approaching him. They contributed more money, and Ryder had approximately $11,000 with him in no time. He was so moved and thanked everyone for their heartwarming gesture. “Don’t thank us, Ryder. We should thank you for helping us realize our mistake. A person is not to be judged by appearance. Thanks for helping us understand that even a small act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life.”
    ①祈求:beg/ask for/pray/claim/require
    ②嘲笑:laugh at/make fun of/deride/mock/tease
    ③走近:approach/get close to/walk towards
    ①感动的:moved/touched/bring to tears
    ②感谢:showing his appreciation/show his gratitude/be grateful
    He thought they had come to laugh at him again,...(运用了省略引导词that的宾语从句)
    Thanks for helping us understand that even a small act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    Suddenly the poor animal set up a shrill howl, and threw himself out of the water. “A shark ! A shark !” sounded from the boat to the ship. Bobby swam right and left, and dived and made sharp turns, showing his teeth, and never allowing the shark time to turn on his back, without doing which the monster could bite him. Poor Bobby swam and dodged (躲闪), till he was almost tired out.“Stop rowing,” cried the officer to the men “and turn the boat back.”
    Just at that moment the shark, which had got very close to the dog, turned on his back and opened his horrid mouth! Bobby was all but gone. His master, the officer rose, pointed his gun, and fired. In a moment the water was tinged with blood: the horrid jaws of the shark were shattered to pieces! The men then rowed to the spot where Bobby was swimming about. The officer pulled the dog into the boat; the child threw his little arms around him; and the men in the boat, and the sailors in the ship, cried out with joy!
    ①躲闪:dodge/evade/get out of the way
    ③哭泣:cry/ weep/sob
    【高分句型1】Bobby swam right and left, and dived and made sharp turns, showing his teeth, and never allowing the shark time to turn on his back, without doing which the monster could bite him. (现在分词showing做伴随状语和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】The men then rowed to the spot where Bobby was swimming about.(where引导的定语从句)


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