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    Unit 3 Getting along with others(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(译林版2020必修第一册)
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    Unit 3 Getting along with others(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(译林版2020必修第一册)01
    Unit 3 Getting along with others(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(译林版2020必修第一册)02
    Unit 3 Getting along with others(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(译林版2020必修第一册)03
    Unit 3 Getting along with others(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(译林版2020必修第一册)01
    Unit 3 Getting along with others(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(译林版2020必修第一册)02
    Unit 3 Getting along with others(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(译林版2020必修第一册)03
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    高中英语牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Getting along with others单元测试课后测评

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    Unit 3 Getting along with othersA卷·知识通关练)



    The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that ___58___ (be)previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority ___59___ (increase)effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management.

    The GPNP ___60___ (design)to reflect the guiding principle of protecting the authenticity and integrity(完整性)of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer zones, ___61___ leaving behind precious natural assets(资产)for future generations.



    In the last five years. Cao ___67___ (walk) through 34 countries in six continents, and in 2016, he reached the top of Kilimanjaro, Africa’s ___68___ (high) mountain.



    The chairman of the China Culture Promotion Society __63__ (address) the opening ceremony.



    Because of its ____8____ (strike) appearance, it has been called the world’s most beautiful gingko biloba tree, and ____9____ (become) a tourist attraction in its own right.



    The software maker on Thursday1.______releasethe findings from its 2021 Global Emoji Trend Report ahead of World Emoji Day on Saturday.


     It’s been 14 years since customer services manager Anthony Gentles ___68___(inspire) to brighten up the “blank faces” of travelers with daily wisdom from his favorite book, Tao Te Ching.


     By April, 2019, the BDS system 9._______ (serve) more than 50,000 pieces of agricultural machinery, 10._______ (save) 10 percent of fuel.


    The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, 3________ (form) the core collection of the British Museum 4 _____opened in 1759.

    The parts of a museum open to the public 5 _____(call) galleries or rooms. Often, only a small part of a museum's collection 6 ______ (be) on display. Most of it is stored away or used for research.


    Besides, houses are unbelievably expensive in the UK, so many young people3________(force) to stay with their parents early on their careers.


    Despite the different basis of their friendships ,the qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend(7)____(be)the same. A good friend should be there if he or she (8)_________(need) and friendship means you will not  be alone at any time.


     The UK's Labor leader Jeremy urged that "we (10)________(take) rapid and dramatic action now".




    69. Helen is supposed to make an a_____to her deskmate for her rudeness.

    70. In college, whenever I had trouble with study, I s_____advice from my teacher.

    72. Our_____(原来的)plan was to see a film at the cinema that afternoon.



    46. Another _________ (有益处的) aspect of group exercise is the useful information that you can receive.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)

    48. With today’s more __________ (效率高的) methodspeople can plan their families and careers better. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

    50. There are stories about his _________ (慷慨), and the large amounts of money he gave to the charities. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)



    50. Mary spoke to me, but her name e________me at that moment. (根据首字母单词拼写)

    51. He had to save enough money so that he could live c________.(根据首字母单词拼写)

    54. Our ________(最初的) plan was to see a film at the cinema that afternoon. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)



    71.We a_________________for the delay and regret any inconvenience it may have caused.

    72.It is r_______________that Jane is the most intelligent girl among us.

    81. It took some time for her to____________(恢复)from the shock and pull herself together.

    82.According to observers, the plane________________(爆炸)shortly after take-off.

    83.Students will continue their___________(奋斗)for their ideal university in the next few years.

    84. It is widely believed that everyone has a right to be treated with_____________(尊重)。



    51. I a ________ for not being able to join you for dinner. (根据首字母单词拼写)

    52. To our relief, he e ________ from the burning building and didn’t get hurt. (根据首字母单词拼写)

    56. F ________ usually results from laziness while diligence can result in success. (根据首字母单词拼写)

    59. A large number of people are out of work, and how can the local government ________ (忽视) the problem? (根据汉语提示单词拼写)



    52. He had a bad cold last month and it took a long time for him to r ________.(根据首字母单词拼写)

    53. In the long term ,people may be at increased risk of having a poor memory,being overweight and ________(患有)a heart attack.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)

    55. The stress of this situation is killing me, and I’m at a ________(失去) to do next. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)





    He                since then. 

    2.不管是赢是输, 这都是她的最后一次机会。

                     ,this is her last chance. 


    I see him                     . 




    Don’t                the rope,or you’ll fall. 


    I’ll remember those unforgettable days      we spent together. 


    The passage of time is just like the flow of water,      goes on day and night. 


    To those      are devoted to the cause of education,happiness means the achievements their students made. 


    She finished the work,      we expected. 


    I will never forget the school and the students      I visited last month. 

    11.他不可能见过我, 因为我不在那里。

    He could not have seen me,              . 


    I found                   the problem.I can do it by myself. 


    Ask her questions,                   . 


    I have           it. 


    Don’t leave her           in the rain. 



    1.The tall man is Xiao Ming.Xiao Ming is playing basketball.

    →The tall man            is Xiao Ming. 

    2.This is the girl.I have talked to you about the girl for many times.

    →This is the girl           . 

    3.The train arrived just now.She was not on the train.

    →She was not on the train          . 

    4.She has a brother.I don’t know her brother’s name.

    →She has a brother           . 

    5.I’d like a room.The room’s window faces the sea.

    →I’d like a room           . 

    6.This is the house.Lu Xun once lived in the house.

    →This is the house           . 

    7.Jack is no longer a lazy boy.He used to be a lazy boy.

    →Jack is no longer the lazy boy         . 

    8.My favourite place is Kunming.Kunming is known as the “Spring City”.

    →My favourite place is Kunming         . 

    9.Angela can’t forget that year.Angela and her family spent the year together in China.

    →Angela can’t forget that year         . 

    10.This film has been shown in our school.This is the only film shown this term.

    →This is the only film           .




    Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner.” One reason was: “You’ll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym, ” while another read: “___36___  With a workout partner, you will increase your training effort as there is a subtle (微妙) competition.

    So, how do you find a workout partner?

    First of all, decide what you want from that person. ___37___ Or do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and flexibility? Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.

    You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media, but it probably won’t result in a useful response. ___38___ If you plan on working out in a gym, that person must belong to the same gym.

    You and your partner will probably have different skills. ___40___ Over time, both of you will benefit — your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit. The core (核心) of your relationship is that you will always be there to help each other.

    A. Your first meeting may be a little awkward.

    B. A workout partner usually needs to live close by.

    C. You’ll work harder if you train with someone else.

    D. Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?

    E. How can you write a good “seeking training partner” notice?

    F. Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.

    G. Any notice for a training partner should include such information.



    Important Things to Know When Dining Out

    Cultural dining etiquette (礼节) might surprise you with some of its important rules. ___36___. Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family — no matter where you are in the world.

    Hands or Utensils (餐具)

    In India and the Middle East, it’s considered very rude to eat with your left hand. People in France expect you to eat with a utensil in each hand. ___38___, instead preferring to use their hands. In Chile, you may never touch any food with your fingers. People in Thailand generally use their forks only to push food onto their spoons.

    Some of these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem random and strange, but they are important in various countries. ___40___, the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel with its foreign cultural practices.

    A. The more friends you make in your lifetime

    B. The more time you spend in any given country

    C. Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils

    D. Don’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant

    E. It’s a good sign for the chef if you make a mess around your plate

    F. Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use them

    G. It may seem like a simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal



    More isn’t always merrier

    Make sure you have communicated with your friend about how frequently each  of you wants to be contacted and what method works best for you both. 37 . There  are alternatives to constant written communication, such as leaving voice  messages or having a group chat.·

    1. Remember important dates
    2. Compensate by writing letters
    3. It is also helpful for you to be a friendship keeper
    4. Try to find a time that works for both of you and stick to it
    5. Friends need to talk about their preferred methods of communication
    6. It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social media
    7. You may be the friend who left or the one who was left behind



    What is creative writing

    Creative writing is based on your imagination-fiction and poetry are good examples. Fiction is written work that describes events and people the writers imagine. Fiction can include novels and short stories.____17____ Scripts (剧本) for a play, film or TV show and fan fiction count.

    Another benefit of creative writing is that it can increase your self-esteemhow positive you feel about yourself. It can help you realize that your voice is important and powerful. Children’s author Mark Haddon says. “____19____ It’s about learning that you, your family. your culture and your view of the world are rich and interesting and important.”

    AIt’s more than learning a skill.

    BHowever, these aren’t the only forms of creative writing.

    CExamples of creative writing can be found pretty much everywhere.

    DFor many people, creative writing offers a “time out” or escape from real life.

    EIt’s also a chance to understand the benefits of creative writing and using your imagination.

    FThey also say that creative writing can be a useful tool for self-care, or taking care of yourself.

    GTo get better at creative writing, you must understand the elements of what makes writing a book great.



    Whether you're flying or driving, it's easy when traveling to pull into fast food restaurants for snacks. 【小题2 My kids love to help plan snacks. I let them create their own snacks for the trip at home.

    AWalking is good for your health.

    BTry to cut back to save water and energy.

    CBut you can pack healthy food from home.

    DTraveling is a great chance to introduce your kids to the world.

    EReusable water bottles are easy to bring along wherever you travel.

    FSave energy by turning off the hotel room lights when you head out for the day.

    GYou might have to drive a bit further, but saving on carbon emissions makes it worthwhile.



    Most of us have spent more time at home in 2020 than we ever imagined possible. ____1_____ These tips can help make your home better for your body and mind.

    Freshen the walls. If the walls in your home feel as if they're closing in, maybe it's time to find a new coat of paint. ____3_____ Researchers at the University of British Columbia found that blue boosts creativity, while red increases attention to detail.

    Clean the air in your home. ____5_____The Department of Energy requires that it can remove 99.97 percent of pollutants and particles in the air. Portable high-efficiency particulate air filters(过滤器)call clean a single room or the entire house.

    A. Work near a window.

    B. Study in the artificial light.

    C. Studies have shown that color can influence your mood.

    D. Maybe you have realized the importance of a healthy home.

    E. Leave a pair of shoes you wear in the house by the front door.

    F. A high-efficiency particulate air(HEPA)filter can cost much·

    G. The gold standard is a high-efficiency particulate air(HEPA)filter.


    Some individuals are born with a gift for public speaking. ___1___ Do you want to be a good public speaker? Here are some principles you must master.

    People want to listen to someone who is interesting, relaxed and comfortable. Too often when you stand up to give a speech, you focus on the “public” at the expense of the “speaking”. ___2___ Focus on the speaking. Talk directly to your audience, be yourself and make a connection.

    Your goal is not to be a perfect public speaker. ___4___ And like everything else in life, that takes practice. Remember, even world champion athletes practice their skills on a consistent basis.

    A. Do the opposite.

    B. You want to be an effective public speaker.

    C. You don’ t need to apologize for a minor slip.

    D. When it comes to public speaking, less is usually more.

    E. The objective of most speeches is to benefit the audience

    F. Take the fear out of public speaking by focusing on your listeners

    G. However, the majority of people are effective speakers because they train to be.


    People have always had to find ways to keep food safe to eat. Methods to dry, smoke and salt food were invented thousands of years ago. (1)___________This storage method keeps food safe to eat for long periods of time. Today, canning is one of the most popular methods of storing food.

    Clean fruits or vegetables are placed in glass bottles. The food can be put into the bottles either hot or cold. The cold method is used for soft fruits and vegetables that could lose their shape or taste.(2)___________They take up less space in the bottles.

    After the food has been placed in glass bottles,boiling water is poured into the bottles to about three centimeters below the top. (3)____________The bottles are placed in a large container filled with warm water that is then brought to a boil.

    The water must completely cover the bottles, from three to five centimeters over the top. When the water boils, any air in the bottles will be expelled. The boiling continues for several minutes. Then the bottles are allowed to cool. Finally, they are placed briefly into cold water.(4)______________In other words,a vacuum(真空)is created.

    When the bottles are completely cool,notes can be placed on them to identify what is inside. The bottles can then be stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature of between 4°C and 21°C.

    1. The process of canning is much more recent.
    2. This makes a strong barrier to keep the air out.
    3. One popular method of canning uses a water bath.
    4. Firmer fruits and most vegetables are usually cooked.
    5. Canning uses heat to kill bacteria that cause poisons to form in food.
    6. Then covers are placed on the bottles, but they are not turned all the way.
    7. Canning allows your family to enjoy foods that might not come fresh throughout the year.


    When we’re young children, many of us seem to have little trouble making new friends.1________. As adults, we tend to become more guarded with new people and have less time to devote to friendships. Consequently, most of us find it much harder to make new friends. If you’ve never experienced a close friendship, even as a child, you may find it even harder. But we all need and want good friends, even those of us who may sometimes pretend otherwise.

    The need for friends is instinctual (本能的). Our survival used to depend on having friends to hunt and find food with, to help us build shelter and keep our families safe.2________They add meaning to life. They help you enjoy the good times and overcome the difficult ones. While strong relationships with friends can be a huge source of fun and pleasure, they are also important for your physical and emotional health.

    AFriendships take time to form and even more time to deepen.

    BProvide support when you're going through tough times.

    CBut as we age, friendships grow and develop differently.

    DSpending time with positive friends can be happy.

    E.Yet they are less important nowadays.

    F.It also increases your chances of success.

    G.Todaygood friends are just as important.




    书面表达 (满分25)

    学校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beyond the  Classroom为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

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    2.   简单评论;
    3.   你的建议。




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          Unit 3 Getting along with others(A卷·知识通关练)-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(译林版2020必修第一册)

