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    高中英语外研版必修4Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication教学课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版必修4Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication教学课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了through,with,同根词,formal,informal,to report,后可跟名词,跟动词-ing形式,延迟阻碍,提出作为榜样等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Mdule 3 Bdy Language and Nn-verbal Cmmunicatin
    1. Hw much d yu cmmunicate with yur bdy?交流时你会使用多少肢体语言? (1) 交流(信息、消息、意见等);沟通e.g. We nly cmmunicate by e­mail. 我们只通过电子邮件进行交流。(2) 传递;传达(想法、感情、思想等)e.g. He was eager t cmmunicate his ideas t the grup. 他急于把他的想法传给小组。
    【拓展】(1) cmmunicatin n. 传达;信息;通 讯;通信(2) cmmunicate with sb. 与某人联络 be in cmmunicatin with 与……通讯;与……保持联系
    e.g. Radi is the nly means f cmmunicatin in remte areas. 边远地区唯一的通讯工具就是无线电。
    【语境应用】用适当的介词和副词填空。1) We usually cmmunicate _____ letter.2) We cmmunicated ________ an interpreter.3) She is unable t cmmunicate her ideas ________ ther peple.4) The cuples wh cmmunicate well ________ each ther quarrel little.
    2. Althugh these are very imprtant, we cmmunicate with mre than just spken and written wrds. 尽管这些很重要, 但我们并不只是通过口头和书面语言交流。
    mre than 不只是, 远甚于 e.g. 它不只是一个博物馆。它还是一所学校。 (翻译) It is mre than a museum, it’s a schl.
    【拓展】mre than+数词 大于、多于表示超出该数。如:Mre than ne persn has made this suggestin.不止一人提过这个建议。mre than ... can / culd 不能……表示否定意义。如:The beauty f Hangzhu is mre than wrds can describe.杭州之美是语言所不能描述的。
    3. We see examples f uncnscius bdy language very ften, yet there is als “learned” bdy language, which varies frm culture t culture. 我们经常看到无意识的身势语,但也有 “习得”的身势语。习得的身势语在不同的文化中各不相同。
    vary vi. 不同; 改变; 变化1) Peple’s reactins t the drug vary widely. 人们对药品的反应差异很大。2) The samples varied in quality but were generally acceptable. 样品质量不等, 但总体来说还能接受。3) The clrs f tree leaves vary with the seasn. 树叶的颜色随着季节的变化而改变。
    vary in 在……方面不同
    vary with 随着……而变化
    4) Ticket prices vary frm ne airline t anther. 机票的价格在不同的航空公司之间有 差别。
    vary frm不同于……vary frm ... t ...由……到……情况不等
    vary vt. 变更; 使变化The dctr tries t vary the patient’s diet. 医生试图调整病人的饮食。
    variable adj. 可变的; 变化无常的
    variety n. 多样化, 种类
    varius adj. 各种各样的; 不同的
    varied adj. 不同的, 各式各样的
    variatin n. 变化
    【语境应用】根据提示完成下列句子, 每空一词。1) 这些花的颜色和大小都不相同, 但都 很漂亮。 The flwers ____ ____ ______ ____ ____, but all f them are beautiful.
    vary in clr and size
    2) 一般来说, 水果和蔬菜的价格随季 节变化而变化。 Generally speaking, prices f fruit and vegetables ______ _____ the seasn.
    varies with
    uncnscius adj. 未发觉的;无意识的;不省人事的e.g. This wunded sldier was uncnscius frm his lss f bld. 这名伤员由于失血过多而昏迷不醒。
    【拓展】cnscius adj. 意识到的;自觉的e.g. He became cnscius again in a minute. 他立刻又恢复了知觉。be cnscius/uncnscius f sth. 意识到/未意识到某事e.g. She is very cnscius f the imprtance f the prblem. 她完全意识到了问题的重要性。 I was uncnscius f her presence. 我不知道她在场。
    【语境应用】She was quite ___________ (cnscius) f having made a careless mistake.
    4. Like ther animals, we are n guard until we knw it is safe t relax. 跟动物一样,我们会保持警觉,直至知道安全时才放松。 n guard 警惕 此处n表示处于某种状态或某个方位:
    n bard 乘(船,飞机) n duty值班n call 听候召唤 n fire着火 n ft 步行 n hliday 度假n leave 休假 n sale 待售n shre 在岸上 n the spt 当场n time 准时 n the mve 在进行中n the ther hand 另一方面n the tip f ne’s tngue 快要说出口n tp f 在……的顶部
    5. S every culture has develped a frmal way t greet strangers, t shw them we are nt aggressive. 因此,在所有文化中人们都有一种向陌生人打招呼的正式的方式,以表示他们并不具有侵犯倾向。
    frmal adj. 正式的e.g. The dinner was a frmal affair. 这是正式宴会。
    【拓展】infrmal adj. 非正式的e.g. Thugh this is an infrmal call, he wears a frmat dress. 尽管这是一次非正式访问,他仍然 穿着礼服。
    【语境应用】1) I need smething cmfrtable enugh t travel in but ________ enugh fr the meeting rm.2) It’s nly a small ________ (frmal) party—yu dn’t have t dress up.
    6. “I trust yu. Lk, I’m nt carrying a threatening weapn.” “我信任你,瞧,我没带威胁性的武 器。” threatening adj. 恐吓的;具有威胁的 e.g. He made an admissin that he had used threatening behavir. (翻译) 他承认用了恐吓手段。
    【拓展】(1) threaten vt. 威胁;恐吓 threaten t d sth. 威胁要做某事 e.g. Tm’s father threatened t beat him if he stle again. (翻译) 汤姆的父亲威胁说如果他再偷东西 就揍他。(2) threat n. 威胁,恐吓;前兆,征兆 e.g. His presence is a threat t ur success. (翻译) 他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。
    【语境应用】David threatened ________ (reprt) his neighbr t the plice if the damages were nt paid.
    7. Greetings in Asian cuntries d nt invlve tuching the ther persn, but they always invlve the hands. 亚洲人打招呼是不接触他人身体的, 但他们要用手。
    invlve v. 包括;牵涉,牵连
    阅读句子,归纳invlve的用法。Success invlves every aspect f life: yur relatinships, yur health and yur happiness. 2) The peratin invlves putting a small tube int yur heart.3) Try t invlve as many children as pssible in the game.
    invlve 牵涉,牵连
    4) I’m afraid yur sn has been invlved in an accident.5) My brther is invlved in reading the bk all evening.6) Scientists strngly believe that human activity is invlved in glbal warming.
    be invlved in 卷入
    be invlved in 聚精会神于
    be invlved in 和……有关
    【语境应用】翻译句子。1) 学习语言是一个包括犯错误和纠正错 误的过程。 _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________2) 多年来他专注于照顾卧病在床的妻 子。 __________________________________ __________________________________
    Learning a language is a prcess that invlves making mistakes and crrecting mistakes.
    Over the years, he has been invlved in lking after his wife wh is ill in bed.
    8. One persn then hlds up his hand, palm utwards and five fingers spread. 这个人举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。
    hld up①支持住,承受住,支撑得住;②举起,抬起;③延迟,阻碍;④抢劫;⑤举出(例子),提出(作为榜样)
    e.g. The chair was t weak t hld up Mrs. Smith. All thse wh agree please hld up yur hands. Srry I’m late — I was held up at wrk. Tw men held up a dwntwn stre last night. The schl is held up as a mdel fr thers.
    hld back 阻拦,阻挡,隐瞒,控制,抑制,(使)犹豫,踌躇
    hld n 等着,停住,坚持住,挺住,(电话用语)别挂断,等一下
    【语境应用】用含hld的短语的正确形式填空。1) Jessica tried t ___________ her tears. 2) When he left the telephne t find a pencil, he asked me t ____________.3) The ship was ________ by fg fr several hurs.
    阅读下列各句,并试着总结spread在句中的含义及用法。spread可作不及物动词1) The frest spreads frm here t the river. 2) UN leaders hpe t prevent the fighting frm spreading. 3) The news that he had wn first prize spread all ver the schl.
    spread可作及物动词1) Spread the clth and cver the table with it.2) Yu can spread sme butter n yur bread.3) Dn’t spread the bad news amng these small children. 4) Tired f running, he spread himself n the grass.
    spread neself 伸展四肢仰卧
    spread还可作名词1) The spread f the city has been very fast in the past few years.2) We must d smething t prevent the spread f the disease.
    【语境应用】翻译句子。1) 他在地板上铺了些报纸来挡灰尘。2) 最近几年,这个城市迅速向南边扩展。
    He spread sme newspapers n the flr t catch the dust.
    In the past few years, the city has spread quickly t the suth.
    3) 当消防队员到达时,大火已蔓延到楼上。4) 战争结束的消息很快传遍了全国。
    When the fire fighters arrived, the fire has spread upstairs.
    The news spread quickly thrugh the cuntry that the war had ended.
    1. Indeed, bdy psitins are part f what we call “bdy language”.  【句意】 实际上,身体的姿态是我们所称的“身势 语”的一部分。 ①本句是一个主从复合句。 ②Indeed在句中作状语;what引导宾语从句,作介词f的宾语,且what在从句中作_____的宾语。
    【仿写】实际上,王老师对学生们在教师节那天为他所做的事情印象深刻。 Indeed, Mr Wang was impressed with what students did fr him n Teachers’ Day.
    2. We see examples f uncnscius bdy language very ften, yet there is als “learned” bdy language, which varies frm culture t culture. = Thugh examples f uncnscius bdy language are ften seen, yet there is different “learned” bdy language in different cultures. 【句意】 我们经常看到无意识的身势语,但也有“习得”的身势语。习得的身势语在不同的文化中各不相同。
    本句是一个_______。连词yet在句中表示 “然而”, 连接两个并列的分句。yet前的分句是一个主谓宾结构的简单句, yet后的分句是一个含有定语从句的复合句, 其中which引导的__________________修饰“learned” bdy language。
    【仿写】在这家餐厅你能吃到中餐,但也有一种特殊的汉堡。这种汉堡很受顾客们的欢迎。 Yu can eat Chinese fd in this restaurant, yet there is als a kind f special hamburger, which is very ppular with custmers.
    3. Like ther animals, we are n guard until we knw it is safe t relax. = We human beings as well as ther animals pay mre attentin t what is happening in rder t avid danger befre we feel safe and relaxed. 【句意】 跟动物一样,我们会保持警觉,直至知道安 全的时候才会放松。
    本句是一个________。Like ther animals是介词短语作_______; until引导的是_____________, 其中knw后面的it is safe t relax是省略了引导词______的宾语从句。
    4. Muslims give a “salaam”, where they tuch their heart, muth and frehead. = When Muslims salaam smene, they tuch their heart, muth and frehead. 【句意】 穆斯林行额手鞠躬礼,用手触左胸、嘴和额。
    本句是一个_______。where引导的非限制性定语从句修饰先行词“_______”, where在定语从句中作状语。salaam在这里作名词, 意为“额手礼”, 它也可用作动词, 表示“行额手礼”。
    5. One persn then hlds up his hand, palm utwards and five fingers spread. 【句意】 然后一个人举起手,手掌向外,五指 展开。 ①本句是一个简单句。 ②本句为“主语(One persn)+谓语(hlds up) +宾语(his hand)”结构。palm utwards和five fingers spread是两个并列的独立主格结构, 分别由“名词+副词”和“名词+动词-ed形式”构成, 在句中作______。
    【仿写】 我看到苏珊坐在沙发上,手里拿着一封信,眼里含着泪水。 I saw Susan sitting n the sfa, a letter in her hand and tears in her eyes.
    Cmplete the sentences with the wrds given.
    aggressive deal gesture greet frmal infrmal psitin trust uncnscius weapn
    1. Guns and knives are tw different types f __________. 2. Smene wh has a(n) __________ attitude may be vilent. 3. Yu can ______ smene by saying “Hell”. 4. Yur _________ is the way yu are sitting r standing.
    5. If yu are ___________ f smething yu d nt knw it is happening. 6. A(n) _____ is a business agreement. 7. A(n) _______ is a mvement f the bdy t cmmunicate smething.
    8. If yu ________ smene yu believe them and rely n them. 9. ”Give me five!” is a(n) _________ greeting. 10. Peple are usually mre ________ with peple they dn’t knw.
    1. On a clear day yu can see the temple ________________.2. The plice warned peple t be ________________ fr pickpckets during the Christmas rush.
    I. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填 空(每个短语限用一次)。
    in the distance
    n guard    
    3. They thught that the secret had been ________________ by ne f their friends.4. I’ll ________________ with yu — yu wash the car and I’ll let yu use it tnight.5. All thse wh agree please ________________  yur hand.
    given away 
    make a deal
    II. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空 一词)。1. Nwadays the huse prices ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (各州 不同).2. D ________ ________ ________ (照我说的) and sit dwn.3. Dn’t expect thers t ________ ________ ________ (读懂你的心思).
    frm state t state
    as I say
    read yur
    4. In my view, he is ________ ________ ________ ________ (不只是一个朋友) t me.5. The kids are ________ ________ ________ ___________ (忙于家庭作业).6. The plan was ________ ________ ________ (相当成功).
    mre than
    a friend
    busy with their
    quite a success

    高中英语外研版必修4Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication背景图ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版必修4Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication背景图ppt课件,共24页。PPT课件主要包含了 Sylvia ,Keys ,参考范文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版必修4Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication课前预习ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版必修4Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication课前预习ppt课件,共27页。PPT课件主要包含了 面部表情,Gesture,quiet,well done,I love you,victory,stop,clap,pray,Action等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语必修4Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication多媒体教学课件ppt: 这是一份英语必修4Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication多媒体教学课件ppt,共56页。PPT课件主要包含了posture,gesture,happy,sad,surprised,Posture,Victory,Stop,knee,ankle等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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