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    Welcome Unit Period II Reading and Thinking(课件)-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册
    Welcome Unit Period II  Reading and Thinking(课件)-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册01
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    Welcome Unit Period II  Reading and Thinking(课件)-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册08
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Welcome unit课前预习ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Welcome unit课前预习ppt课件,共22页。PPT课件主要包含了four,time,evening,outgoing,anxious,impression,friends,difficult,kind,friendly等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Wrk in pairs and discuss the fllwing questin.
    • Hw did yu feel n yur first day f senir high schl?
    I felt very excited, but als anxius n my first day f senir high schl. It was the beginning f a new part f my life and everything seemed s new and interesting. On the ther hand, I was wrried that I wuld nt be able t make friends and that the schlwrk wuld be t hard.
    Lk at the title and the pictures in Activity 2. Then answer the questin.
    • Can yu predict what Han Jing talks abut in the text?
    Han Jing talks abut her first impressins f the first day at senir high schl.
    Read the text and discuss the questins.
    • Why did Han Jing feel anxius befre schl?• Hw was her first maths class?• What happened in the chemistry class? What wuld yu d if this happened t yu?• What did Han Jing learn frm her first day at senir high schl?
    She is nt utging.
    It was difficult.
    The guy next t Han Jing tried t talk t her the whle time. If this happened t me, I wuld ignre him.
    She learnt that she wuld make new friends there and there was a lt t explre at senir high schl.
    Read the text carefully and chse the crrect answers.
    1. What can we learn frm Paragraph 1? A. Han Jing was utging. B. Han Jing hped t make sme new friends at her new schl. C. Han Jing thught her classmates wuld talk t her. D. Han Jing didn’t like t g t schl.2. What did Han Jing think f her new maths teacher? A. Strict but kind.      B. Rude and helpless. C. Helpful but shy.      D. Friendly and kind.3. What did Han Jing mean by the sentence “I really wanted t tell him t please be quiet and leave me alne!”? A. The by next t her was annying. B. Han Jing’s deskmate liked t make thers happy. C. Han Jing thught her classmates were nt friendly. D. Han Jing didn’t want t make friends with thers.
    4. Han Jing thught her first day at senir high schl was ________. A. useless    B. wnderfulC. bringD. frightening5. Accrding t the text, we knw ________. A. Han Jing made a gd first impressin n her classmates and teachers B. Han Jing’s maths teacher is very funny C. Han Jing didn’t tell the guy next t her t be quiet D. Han Jing felt awkward n her first day f senir high schl6. Han Jing’s feelings changed because ________. A. her lab is new and the lessn was great B. she fund all her classmates and teachers friendly and helpful C. sme students at senir high schl wuld talk t her D. she felt cnfident f her life at senir high schl
    Read the text again and decide whether the statements are true (T) r false (F).
    (  ) 1. Han Jing was utging, but she was a little anxius n her first schl day.(  ) 2. The maths class at senir high schl was nt easy.(  ) 3. The chemistry class was great but the guy next t Han Jing was quiet.(  ) 4. Han Jing liked her first schl day because it was great.(  ) 5. Han Jing didn’t miss her friends frm junir high schl.
    Read the text and draw a mind map abut it.
    Fill in the table with the wrds and phrases frm the text, and tell a partner abut Han Jing’s day.
    maths class, difficult, a kind and friendly teacher, happy
    chemistry class, the guy next t me tried t talk t me the whle time, culdn’t cncentrate n the experiment, annyed
    didn’t feel awkward r frightened, will make new friends, a lt t explre, mre cnfident
    Read the text and match the main idea with each paragraph.
    Para. 1    A. Han Jing’s first maths class.Para. 2B. Han Jing’s wrries abut the new schl day.Para. 3C. Han Jing’s feelings n her first senir high schl day.Para. 4D. Han Jing’s first chemistry class.
    Read the text and cmplete the fllwing sentences.
    1. The text is taken frm ________________________. 2. The text cvers _________ places. 3. The text is rganised in the _________ rder. 4. The text shws the writer’s first ____________ f the first schl day. 5. The text is finished n the _________ f her first day at the new schl.
    a scial netwrking website 
    Retell the text with the help f the fllwing chart.
    My name is Han Jing wh is nt an (1)_________ girl. This is my first senir high schl day and I am a little (2)________. I was wndering whether I culd make a gd first (3)___________ and make sme gd (4)________. In my first maths class, (5)__________ as it was, the teacher was (6)_________ and (7)_________ wh even tld us (8)________ funny stry, which made us laugh heartily. In the afternn, we had ur chemistry class in the science lab, (9)________ is new. The lessn was great. What a day! In the mrning, I was (10)_________ abut my new life. Hwever, nw, I dn’t feel (11)__________ r (12)___________ at all. I firmly believe I can make new friends and I am (13)____________ that tmrrw is anther great day! I can’t wait t (14)__________ mre abut my new life!
    Cmplete the passage with the suitable wrds frm the text.
    Tian Hua is a new student at a schl in America. She is studying at an American high schl fr ne year. In China, Tian Hua was in Grade 1 at ________ high schl, but in America, she is in Grade 10! She did nt _____________ at all when she arrived. Her first ___________was that English was difficult and peple spke t quickly, but sn she fund that if she _______________ the ideas, nt the single wrds, she culd understand! She als made friends and began t ________ the city with them. Her new friends were happy t explain things t her after class. Her favurite class is chemistry because the teacher lets the students d cl ____________! Tian Hua is nt sure hw well she will d at schl this year, but she is nt nervus any mre. She is excited!
    Cmplete the passage with the crrect frms f the wrds and phrases belw.
    explre impressin feel cnfident senir experiment cncentrate n
    feel cnfident
    cncentrated n
    Answer the fllwing questins.
    • What kind f girl is Han Jing? What abut yu? D yu think yu can make gd friends with a girl like Han Jing?• D yu think Han Jing can get used t the new senir high schl quickly and why d yu think s?• What des “first impressin” mean in this text?• What’s the text abut?
    She is nt utging but hardwrking. She is careful while having lessns. She is kind and friendly.
    Yes. At the end f her first day, she is cnfident that tmrrw will be a great day. And she believes that she will make new friends.
    First tuch and thughts at senir high schl.
    It’s abut Han Jing’s first impressins n her first day at senir high schl.
    (Students’ wn answers)
    • What made her have such feelings? (uter reasn and inner reasn)
    Fill in the blanks and retell Han Jing’s impressins.
    The teachers are very (1)________________. The students are very (1)____________________. The classes are (3)___________________. Her high schl is (4)______.         
    kind and friendly 
    and helpful
    interesting and great 
    Talk abut yur wn first day f senir high schl.
    Tips fr thinking● Hw did yu feel befre schl? ● What class impressed yu mst n the first day f schl? Why? ● Did yu experience anything special n yur first day f schl? What happened? ● What did yu learn frm yur first day at senir high schl?
    My first day f schl On my first day f senir high schl, I wasn’t that anxius because nearly all f my ld classmates were there, t. Hwever, I was a little stressed because the lessns were mre difficult than befre and I had t try my best t keep up with the ther students. My favurite class was chemistry, because the teacher made it really interesting and we did many experiments. I was happy because ur teachers treated us like adults and all the classes, thugh mre difficult, were mre interesting.

    高中英语Unit 3 The internet说课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语Unit 3 The internet说课课件ppt,共23页。PPT课件主要包含了IT club,illness,lonely,telling,more,stuck,her,where,benefits,that等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage教课内容ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage教课内容ppt课件,共33页。PPT课件主要包含了year,hard,Problems,challenged,Solutions,helpful,But,temples,carefully,where等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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          Welcome Unit Period II Reading and Thinking(课件)-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册

