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    专题8. 首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版)
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      专题8.‬ 首字母填空(原卷版).docx
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      专题8.‬ 首字母填空(解析版).docx
    专题8.  首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版)01
    专题8.  首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版)02
    专题8.  首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版)03
    专题8.  首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版)01
    专题8.  首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版)02
    专题8.  首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版)03
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    专题8. 首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版)

    这是一份专题8. 首字母填空 -九年级英语寒假精讲精练(牛津译林版),文件包含专题8‬首字母填空解析版docx、专题8‬首字母填空原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共23页, 欢迎下载使用。


    (1) 看第一句动词的时态,确定本文的基本时态;
    (2) 通读全文;
    (3) 做题:看前后文确定词性,注意名词单复数、动词时态以及单词拼写;
    In Britain,the government,school leaders,teachers and parents all agree that students should wear uniforms.
    B 1 British private schools and schools have their own school uniforms.They think it's i 2 for pupils to wear school uniforms.
    School leaders normally decide if pupils will have to wear a uniform,and they a 3 decide what it should look like.You know,no students want to wear u 4 uniforms.Everybody wants to wear beautiful uniforms.
    Leaders have to follows the rules,and they c 5 just choose anything they like.They have to t 6 of the students' feeling and taste.Here are a few f 7 leaders should consider.
    1.Cost.This is the first fact they should consider.Their uniforms shouldn't be too e 8 because it may cause problems for some families.Not all the families can afford it.
    2.Sexism(性别歧视).The uniform policy must be equally fair(公平的)for boys and g 9 .
    3.Construes and races.School rules must a 10 pupils from all backgrounds to wear a uniform,for example,allowing Muslim(穆斯林)girls to wear an appropriate dress and Sikh(印度锡克教徒)boys to wear a traditional headdress(头饰).
    【解析】考查连词填空.根据前面句子说一致同意学生应该穿校服,后面私立学校有自己的校服,应该是转折关系,故答案是But 但是.
    【解析】考查形容词填空.根据前面的描述都应该是穿校服,下句pupils to wear school uniforms,应该是一致认为穿校服是重要的,故答案是important重要的.
    【解析】考查形容词填空.根据后面句子Everybody wants to wear beautiful uniforms.每个人都想穿漂亮的制服.前面应该是不想穿丑陋的,用形容词ugly,故答案是ugly.
    【解析】考查情态动词填空.根据前面Leaders have to follows the rules校长必须制定标准,后面应该是不能想穿什么就穿什么,一般现在时,故答案是can't不能.
    【解析】考查动词填空.根据前面校长必须制定标准,后面应该是必须考虑学生的感受和品味,have to do sth必须做某事,think of考虑,故答案是think.
    【解析】考查名词填空.根据校长必须制定标准,但必须考虑学生的感受,下面展开的几个要考虑的方面,故前面用名词fact事实,a few后面要用可数名词复数形式,故答案是facts.
    【解析】考查形容词填空.根据后面Not all the families can afford it不是所有的家庭都负担得起,前面应该不能太贵,故答案是expensive昂贵的.
    【解析】考查名词填空.根据前面Sexism(性别歧视).后面 boys and,相对应的要用girl的复数形式girls,故答案是girls.
    【解析】考查动词填空.根据后面for example,allowing Muslim(穆斯林)girls to wear an appropriate dress and Sikh(印度锡克教徒)boys to wear a traditional headdress(头饰).例如,允许穆斯林女孩穿合适的衣服和锡克教的男孩穿传统的头饰.应该是允许,must后面用动词原形,故答案是allow.
    We all need exercise.Exercise uses up feed that we eat and keeps the body full of e 1 .Exercise
    makes your heart and muscles(肌肉) strong.Exercise also makes you feel relaxed.If you exercise several times a week,you will stay happy and h 2 .There are many w 3 to exercise.You can walk,run,play sports or swim.
    H 4 ,most people cannot do this.It is too far from their homes to their offices.They have no
    c 5 but to drive to work.First,these people don't have a chance to exercise because they are sitting in their cats for two to four hours each day.Second,driving is challenging,e 6 in rush hours,and needs too much attention.It makes a person t 7 out.When these people arrive home after work,they don't want to take exercise.
    Some western countries,such as the United States,have problems with exercise.Many people don't have
    enough exercise.They have to work from morning till n 8 .so they don't have time to take exercise.
    Today,many people in the West are fat,which causes health problems,Doctors say exercise can help people
    both lose w 9 and improve their health.So many people are trying to get more exercise.But it takes time to change,and when people don't see a d 10 right away,they will lose heart and stop exercising.
    1. 【答案】energy
    【解析】考查名词 联系语境结合首字母提示推测此处表达的意思是"锻炼可以消耗我们每天所吃进的脂肪,使我们的身体充满能量",注意"能量"energy是不可数名词,故填:energy
    2. 【答案】healthy
    【解析】考查形容词 联系上下文结合语境推断此处表达的意思是"如果你每天锻炼几次,你将保持心情愉快并且身体健康."根据前面的happy and判断设空处应该填形容词,故填:healthy
    3. 【答案】ways
    【解析】考查名词 根据下文You can walk,run,play sports or swim.联系语境结合首字母提示推测此处的句意是"有很多种锻炼的方式,"由前面的many判断应该填可数名词复数形式,故填:ways
    4. 【答案】However
    【解析】考查副词 联系上下文,结合首字母提示此处表达的意思是"然而,很多人并不能锻炼身体,表转折用however,故填:However
    5. 【答案】choice
    【解析】考查名词 根据设空处后面的but to drive to work结合首字母提示推断此处的句意是",除去开车上班他们没有别的选择",结合设空处前面的no判断应该填名词,构成固定短语have no choice but to do"别无选择",故填:choice
    6. 【答案】especially
    【解析】考查副词 联系上下文结合结合首字母提示和设空处后面的in rush hours推断此处的句意是"其次,开车很有挑战性,尤其是在车流高峰期,需要特别注意."表达"尤其是"用副词,故填:especially
    7. 【答案】tired
    【解析】考查形容词 根据语境结合结合首字母提示和下文中的When these people arrive home after work,they don't want to take exercise.推断此处的句意是"这让人感到劳累",根据前面的make确定填形容词,表示"使某人…",故填:tired
    8. 【答案】night
    【解析】考查名词 结合结合首字母提示和设空处前面的 from morning 以及下文so they don't have time to take exercise推断此处的句意是"他们必须从早晨工作到夜晚",故填名词:night
    9. 【答案】weight
    【解析】考查名词 结合首字母提示联系上文和后面的 improve their health推断此处的句意是".医生认为锻炼不仅可以使人减肥,而且可以改善人的健康状况",由设空处前面的动词lose推断应该填名词,"体重"是weight,故填:weight
    10. 【答案】
    【解析】difference 考查名词 结合首字母提示联系上文和设空处后面的they will lose heart and stop exercising推断此处的句意是"当人们看不到立竿见影的差异后,他们会失去信心放弃锻炼."根据设空处前面的不定冠词a判断填名词"不同",故填:difference
    Born in the city, we regard the country life as something far away. We are used to e________in the city. We are even getting used to the noises and pollution in the city. It has become a p______ of our life. I have never been to the country. Nature is a word strange to us. This summer I had the chance to go with my parents on a v_____ to countryside.
    For the first time in my life I have the experience with the country life. Here I r_______ what a life of nature is. This is a small village far from cities. It is at the foot of a mountain. The life there is s______. It is different from the city life.
    There are few cars or other t_______ on the way. The air is fresh. The sky is high. The people are friendly. They are not as busy as t_____ in the big city. Everywhere you can find people bathing i______ the sun. They drink clean water. The water comes from the mountain. They e______the quiet life very much. What's more, there you can hear the sound of nature. You can find the children p______ with water in the river and the dogs running after the people. All these make a wonderful picture of countryside. How I love the country life!
    1. 【答案】everything
    【解析】考查固定句型。 be used to+名词/代词/动名词作宾语,意为“习惯于。出生在城市的孩子觉得乡村生活很遥远,习惯于城市的一切。故填 everything
    2. 【答案】part
    3. 【答案】visit
    【解析】考查固定短语。“这个夏天,我有机会和父母去乡下旅游。"go on visit to sp“去某地旅游"。故填 visit
    4. 【答案】realize
    【解析】在乡下,作者认识到了大自然的真面目。 realize"意识到。故填 realize
    5. 【答案】simple
    【解析】乡下的生活比较简单,和城里的很不同。故填 simple
    6. 【答案】traffic
    【解析】乡下的路上很少有汽车或其它交通车辆。 traffic"""交通工具"。故填 traffic
    7. 【答案】those
    【解析】比较的对象要一致,主语是they,指代乡下的人,指城里的人用 those“那些”。故填 those
    8. 【答案】in
    【解析】人们沐浴着阳光。 in the sun是固定短语。故填in
    9. 【答案】enjoy
    【解析】乡下的人很享受安静的生活。故填 enjoy
    10. 【答案】playing
    【解析】find sth. doing"发现正在做某事”。孩子们在河里戏水,play with"玩.故填 playing
    People have been interested in robots for quite some time. Scientists are always inventing new and better robots. It is known that robots p 1 an important role in our lives.
    First of all, in real life, robots are m 2 used in factories. They do many different jobs. They always do all the d 3 , difficult and heavy work, and help out in h 4 , schools and offices. The use of robots can i 5 the working conditions for people.
    Secondly, smarter robots will help us w 6 the housework. They can do jobs such as preparing meals, washing dishes, s 7 the floor. Therefore, we will have more time to do w 8 we want to do.
    Thirdly, robots will be our f 9 . When we feel sad, lonely or happy, we can have a chat with a robot. Robots will not only be good listeners but also offer us good a 10 .
    In a word, robots will be more and more intelligent (聪明) and affect our lives in many ways.
    1. 【答案】:play.
    【解析】考查搭配. play an important role:发挥重要作用.这里指的是机器人在我们的生活中发挥着重要的作用.主语是 robots复数,一般现在时态,因此填play.
    2. 【答案】: mainly.
    【解析】考查副词.根据used可知,应该用副词修饰动词,结合实际可知,在现实生活中,机器人主要被使用于工厂.故填 mainly主要的.
    3. 【答案】: dangerous.
    【解析】考查形容词.根据 hey do many different jobs它们做不同的工作,可知,这里指的是机器人经常做各种危险、困难和繁重的工作.结合所给首字母提示可知应填 dangerous危险的
    4. 【答案】: hospitals.
    【解析】考查名词.根据 schools and offices学校和办公室.及首字母提示,可知,这里指的是机器人可以
    在"医院"提供帮助.填复数形式的 hospitals医院
    5. 【答案】: improve.
    【解析】考查动词.根据 hey always do all the dangerous, difficult and heavy work他们总是做所有危险的,困难的和繁重的工作.可知,这里指的是机器人的使用可以改善"人类的工作状况.故填 improve改善、提高.情态动词can后用动词原形.
    6. 【答案】:with.
    【解析】考查介词. help sb with sth帮助某人做某事,这里指的是聪明的机器人还可以帮助做家务.故填with.
    7. 【答案】: sweeping.
    【解析】考查动名词.根据 the floor地板,可知,这里指的是机器人可以帮助"扫"地板.由 preparing meals, washing dishes可知表示并列关系,这里用 sweeping
    8. 【答案】:what.
    【解析】考查疑问词.根据we want to do我们想做,可知,用what作宾语.这里指的是人类有更多的时间做他们想做的事情.故填what什么
    9. 【答案】: friends.
    【解析】考查名词.根据When we feel sad, lonely or happy, we can have chat with robot当我们感到悲伤、孤独或快乐时,我们可以和机器人聊天.可知,这里指的是机器人还可以成为人类的好"朋友".由 robots可知应该用 friend的复数 friends.
    10. 【答案】: advice.
    【解析】考查名词.根据 Robots will not only be good listeners but also offer us good机器人不仅是一个好的听众,而且会提出好的,可知应该是"建议".结合所给首字母提示可知应填 advice建议.名词形式,不可数.

    We wish that we could be better at sports or more attractive. We wish we had more b 1 clothes or more money. Everyone likes to feel that he is the best. H 2 , many of us grow up believing that we’re not special at all. We believe we are not good enough just as we are.
    Most parents want us to be the best we can be. Very often, they compare us to others. By doing this, they try to e 3 us to do better. They mean well, but the message we often get is that we’re not good enough. We begin to believe that the only way we can be special is by being better than someone else, but we are often disappointed. There will always b 4 someone who is better at something than we are. P 5 of people around us may not be as smart as we are, but they are better at sports. Or they may not be as good-looking, but they have more money. It is i 6 for us to be better than everyone else in all ways.
    We all want the things that we believe will make us better people. But very often we don’t r 7 that in fact we already have inside us the very things that we want. These things make us different f 8 others. When we are growing up, parents sometimes f 9 to tell us that we are special or that we are good enough. Maybe no one told them about that when they were growing up. Anyway, let’s r 10 them from time to time that each of us is special in our own way. What we are is enough.
    【答案】1. beautiful 2. However 3. encourage 4. be 5. Plenty
    6. impossible 7. realize 8. from 9. forget/fail 10. remind

    Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident when you are studying. But u 1 , most students don’t know how to take notes.
    If your teacher writes n 2 on the blackboard, that’s great. You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class. Different teachers do things d 3 .For example, some teachers may focus on(关注) lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may repeat them.
    Don’t try to write down every word in class, or you might m 4 some important points. Some students really learn better with the h 5 of these notes.
    Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat w 6 you’ve missed. If your teacher speaks too fast and you can’t f 7 what he is saying, you can ask him after class.
    Comparing your notes with your classmates’ can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates c 8 some mistakes.
    Note-taking also needs organization. K 9 notes for each subject in one place so that you can find everything easily when a test comes.
    Good note-taking t 10 time. If you decide to recopy your notes every evening, you’ll surely have less time to watch TV. But you’ll save time in the coming test.
    【答案】1.unluckily 2.notes 3.differently 4.miss 5.help
    6.What 7.follow 8.correct 9.keep 10.takes

    When Italian traveller Marco Polo came to Yangzhou in the 13th century, he recorded his amazing observations in his best-selling book The Travels of Marco Polo. For over 700 years, it n 1 went out of print. Hollywood Filmmaker Chris Nebe follows in the footsteps of Marco Polo to explore China’s mystery. He has c 2 twelve documentaries of Mysterious China series, including Yangzhou: A City of Timeless Culture. This 30-minute documentary takes a close look at the beauty and c 3 of Yangzhou. 
    To live, humans and all warm-blooded animals must have salt. In ancient time, salt was used as money and had the values as g 4 . Close to the seasalt-rich Yellow Sea, Yangzhou has been one of the r 5 cities in China because of its lively trade in salt, silk and grain. The surviving mansions and gardens of wealthy salt businessmen are witnesses of Yangzhou’s great history. L 6 a beautiful necklace, Yangzhou Slender West Lake lovingly embraces(拥抱) the city. It has been a memorizing attraction for visitors from afar, showing the lasting s 7 of Yangzhou—peace and harmony(和谐). 
    The government has tried i 8 best to protect the Old Town of the 2500-year-old city. The area has become a great tourist attraction. At night, the streets turn into a mysterious land. Here delicious snacks and treasured souvenirs w 9 to be discovered. 
    The ancient art of Chinese handicrafts is celebrated in Yangzhou. Favourites among them are paper-cutting. Yangzhou’s e 10 to continue the art form include China Paper-cutting Museum and tourists can enjoy masters’ show on paper-cutting there. 
    Want to learn more? Why not watch the documentary in your spare time?
    1.never 2.created/completed 3.culture 4.gold 5.rich/richest 6.Like 7.spirit(s) 8.its 9.wait 10.efforts 

      Soap is widely used in our lives around the world. Once soap was a dangerous-to-make hair p 1 ,but it is something that it would be difficult to live without today. 
    Soap is everywhere.We use it every day and c 2  it as something important in our lives.It also has an amazing h 3 .In Babylon around 2800 B.C., the e 4  known soap was made and used.Ancient Egyptians also made soap.At one time, soap-making was not s 5 .That’s because lye(碱液) b 6  chemical burns or even made people blind in the making process.Other dangerous materials were also m 7  with animal fats and oils.Later,soap became a 8  in stores and people gradually stopped making it in their homes. 
    Originally(最初),soap was not mainly used for c 9 .Instead, it was used as gel(凝胶) for making hair stay in place or smell good. The Arabs first made the soap that we know today.They created colored,liquid,and hard soaps. They even had soaps which were used for shaving(刮胡子). 
    Soap became people’s f 10  in the late 1800s.Advertising in Europe and the US helped people understand the connection between cleanliness and good health.Now,soap is something we wouldn’t want to live without. 
    【答案】1.product 2.consider 3.history 4.earliest 5.safe 6.brought 7.mixed 8.available 9.cleaning 10favorite/favourite 

    As we know, museums are building where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people can go and see them. For example, art museums are places where people can learn about v 1 cultures. More and more popular “design museums” that are opening today, however, perform quite a different role. U 2 most are museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found in our daily life, such as fridges and washing machines.
    The a 3 of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits(展品). Being different from the art museum visitors, design museum visitors s 4 feel frightened or puzzled. This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-products(批量产品) work and look as they do, and how design has i 5 the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something b 6 their understanding.
    Several new design museums have opened their doors in r 7 years. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy(满足) the public’s growing interest in the field with new i 8 . London’s Design Museum, for example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins. The choices open to design museums seem far less strict t 9 those to art museum, and visitors may also sense(感觉到) the humorous part of our society w 10 walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys collected from our everyday life.
    【答案】1. various.2.Unlike3.advantage.4.seldom.5.improved.6.beyond.7.recent8.ideas.9.than10.while

    When you think of a classroom, such w 1 as "quiet or clean" may come to your mind. But a modern British high school is n 2 and untidy. Most students don’t wear uniforms and teachers often wear jeans and T-shirts.
    Rules in a British classroom are s 3 to those in Chinese schools. The students mustn’t talk, eat or drink. You can’t leave your seat u 4 you are asked to. Raise your h 5 when you want to ask a question.
    Some British teenagers go to private schools. Discipline(纪律) is b 6 there, as class sizes are smaller and students usually get more attention. But most teenagers go to p 7 schools, where they don’t have to pay any money.
    However, for many teachers, m 8 pupils obey the rules is hard. The students have different abilities and hobbies. Some may not speak English as their first l 9 .
    Can British bring good m 10 back to the classroom? It just might be possible, with the help of a little Harry Potter magic.
    【答案】1. words 2. noisy 3. similar 4. until\unless 5. hand
    6. better 7. public 8. making 9. language 10. manners

    At the present time, more and more people love travelling. It's a very good  w 1 of getting to know new people and cultures and acquiring(获得)experiences. It helps travellers g 2 a lot. Travel can make our minds become much w 3 .
    But travel does more than all that. It can also make us more creative. In recent years, some professors have been doing r 4 on what many people have already learned from travel experiences. They believe that spending time a 5 has affected people's mind. For example, they found that the students who lived in foreign countries for a longer period were better at s 6 problems creatively than those who did not. If you stay in the same place, you can't experience new sights, new smells, new sounds and new cultures. All these can w 7 up your mind and make it more active. H 8 , that doesn't mean the more places you've been, the more creative you'll become. Another group of professors have been doing s 9  research. They found the people who often travelled from one place to another didn't have enough time to lose t 10 in a new place and a new culture. They weren't as creative as the people who spent the time really getting to know a place. You have to interact with the places you go to and then you can benefit from it.
    1.way 2.get 3.wider 4.research 5.abroad
    6.solving 7.wake 8.However 9.similar 10.themselves.

    In Ge Garden, the Autumn Hill lies in the northeast and is made of piled reddish-brown Huang stones. As the highest spot in the garden, the Autumn Hill is f 1 for its towering cliffs(悬崖) and beautiful scenery. From the t 2 of the hill people can enjoy the fullest grand sight of the whole garden.
    On its peak is Fuyun Pavilion(拂云亭), which means that by standing on the platform of the pavilion, people can stand next to the clouds and almost t 3 them. The stone caves are deep into the Autumn Hill. In e 4 upper caves or lower ones, there are stone rooms. In the stone rooms, there are many different things made of stones, i 5 stone desks, stone beds and stone benches. The Autumn Hill is covered with maple trees(枫树) that c 6 colors in late autumn.
    When the setting s 7 shines its light on the Huang stones and red maple leaves, people will experience the greatness of forests in autumn. In the southem part of the Autumn Hill l 8 the Study Building. The hill and the building are perfectly connected so that the building m 9 the hill more beautiful. By c 10 the stone steps which are away from the main tour route, people will find themselves upstairs in the Study Building, where its owner used to read and store books.
    1. famous 2. top 3. touch 4. either 5. including 6. change 7. sun 8. lies 9. makes 10. climbing

    A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery(外科手术). He found the boy's father in the hall waiting w 1
    On seeing him, the father c 2 out, " Why did you take all this time to come? Don't you know that my son is in danger? Don't you have any sense of d 3 ? "
    The doctor smiled and said. "I am sorry. I wasn't in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after receiving the call and now, I w 4 you' d calm down so that I can do my work. ”
    "Calm down? What if your son was in this room right now? Would you calm down? If your own son d 5 while waiting for a doctor, then what will you do? "said the father angrily.
    The doctor smiled a 6 and replied , “We will do our best and you should also pray(祈祷) for your son's healthy life. “
    The surgery t 7 some hours after the doctor went out happily, "Thank goodness! Your son is saved! "And w 8 waiting for the father's reply, he carried on his way running by saying, “If you have any question, ask the nurse.”
    “C 9 he wait some minutes so that I can ask about my son’s state?" shouted the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
    The nurse answered, t 10 coming down her face. "His son died yesterday in a road accident. He was at the burial (葬礼) when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”
    1. worriedly 2. cried 3. duty 4. wish 5. dies
    6. again 7. took 8. without 9. Couldn’t / Can’t 10. tears

    My name is Huckleberry Finn. I live in the town of St. Petersburg in the state of Missouri. It’s a small town but it’s near a very b 1 river called the Mississippi. This is the story of a journey that I made down that river on a raft.
    Tom Sawyer and I found $12,000 in a cave which made us rich. We got $6,000 e 2 . Judge Thatcher put it in the bank .
    I didn’t have a f 3 or a home. My mother died a long time ago and then my dad, Pap, disappeared. I didn’t go to school like the other boys of my a 4 . I lived on the streets and in the woods.
    Then a kind old lady called Widow Douglas invited me to live with her and my life c 5 . She gave me a bed to sleep in and bought me new clothes. She sent me to school every day. I didn’t like going there at first b 6 learning was very difficult. But when I could read and write a bit, I didn’t m 7 going. Tor me, eating my meals at the table and sleeping in a soft bed were the h 8 things. I missed my old life. Sometimes I ran away and spent a few days in the woods. I felt f 9 there and I was happy. I fished and hunted all day. At night I slept under the stars.
    The months passed and w 10 came. The weather got cold. One morning I saw some footprints in the snow outside the widow’s house. There was a cross on the heel of the left one. My heart jumped. Only one person wore boots with a cross on the left heel! Pap!
    1.big 2.each 3. family 4. age 5. changed
    6.because 7. mind 8. hardest 9. free 10. winter
    Can you climb trees? Maybe your parents ever told you, “Don’t climb trees. It’s d 1 .” But Xiamen University is going to have a new class: Tree-climbing.
    Zhu Chongshi, the president of Xiamen University, once visited Cornell University in New York, and he was surprised a 2 the course there.
    In Tree-climbing class, the teachers do not just let the students c 3 only with their hands. They teach the safety skills like t 4 used in rock-climbing. Students wear special caps and clothes to protect t 5 . And they use ropes so that they can not f 6 and get hurt. The class is very useful. Students are e 7 to learn the skills, like swimming in and after class by the teacher. In a time of disaster such as floods, earthquake, etc., such knowledge may make a d 8 between life and death.
    No classroom subject could ever give them these skills. Students should find and develop their own inborn(与生俱来的) skills and talents. An all-knowing teacher should no longer see the child as an e 9 cup and only pour knowledge into it.
    I hope climbing trees will w 10 up the potential(潜能) in many students.
    1. dangerous 2. at 3. climb 4. those 5. themselves
    6. fail 7. encouraged 8. difference 9. empty 10. wake


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