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    1. What is the man trying to do?
    A. Cross the road. B. Deliver the fine. C. Explain traffic rules.
    2. Where are probably the speakers?
    A. At a subway station. B. At the airport. C. On the playground.
    3. How does the man probably feel?
    A. Curious. B. Annoyed. C. Confused.
    4 What does the man mean?
    A. He’ll see the movie with the kids.
    B. The kids are impressed at the movie.
    C. The movie isn’t suitable for the kids.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. The development of computers.
    B. The design of old computers.
    C. The space of football fields.
    6. What might be the relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Colleagues. B. Fellow students. C. Mother and son.
    7. What field does John prefer to work in ?
    A. Information technology. B. Science. C. Medicine.
    8. What does P-E-T-P-E-E-V-E mean?
    A. Something disturbing. B. Something shocking. C. Something alarming.
    9. What is the woman’s P-E-T-P-E-E-V-E ?
    A. Being unable to read a new word.
    B. Being bothered while watching TV.
    C. Being prevented from getting on the bus.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第10至12题。
    10. What can be learned about the bicycle tour?
    A. Its route changes every year.
    B. It’s a yearly event held in July.
    C. It covers a distance of 60 kilometers.
    11 What should the cyclists do according to the woman?
    A. Take candy and chocolate for energy.
    B. Apply for the tour as soon as possible.
    C. Keep a pace of 11 kilometres per hour.
    12. What might the man be?
    A. A cyclist. B. A reporter. C. An official.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第13至15题。
    13. What is the purpose of the talk?
    A. To offer advice on playing baseball.
    B. To stress standard baseball rules.
    C. To introduce a baseball game.
    14. When can people check field availability?
    A. At 9:30 am. B. At 10:30 am. C. At 11:00 am.
    15. What can be learned about the participants?
    A. They must be aged between 18 to 45.
    B. They must complete a form before the game.
    C. They must call the field hotline ahead of time.
    Iceland has so much to offer travelers, from the wild and dramatic landscape and the majestic waterfalls to the endless adventures to be had while hiking, biking, caving and exploring the natural wonders that fill the Island.
    ·See the Northern Lights
    ·Tour the Golden Circle
    ·Try new food delights
    ·Horseback riding
    ·Whale watching
    ·Caving & hiking
    ·Explore Thorsmork
    Langostine/ Lobster soup/ Puffin/ Minke Whale/ Reindeer
    Brennevin/Local microbrews
    Wine is very expensive
    APRIL—MAY: The days are longer, so you’ll have more time to explore without the crowds and high-season prices.
    SEPTEMBER—NOVEMBER: Prices are lower and there are fewer travelers so it’s less crowded than during the summer months.
    JULY—AUGUST: You’ll experience long days, midnight sun, better weather and everything being more green and lush.
    Reykjavik is a small town, but is overflowing with things to do, from art museums, the impressive Hallgrimskirkja Church, walking street and harbor areas.
    Golden Circle route is filled with natural wonders like Gullfoss waterfall and glaciers. The most accessible area from Reykjavik, the Golden Circle is a popular route.
    The coastline offers dramatic scenery, incredible hiking and picturesque red and black sand beaches. Many visitors choose to rent a car or join a tour group that circles the whole island.
    From the airport, either rent a car or grab a seat on one of the tourist transfer buses that are waiting outside.
    ·Credit cards are the accepted method of payment everywhere so cash isn’t needed.
    ·Tipping isn’t expected.
    ·Bring your own towel and slippers to the Blue Lagoon.
    ·The Northern Lights can’t be seen year round. They are best viewed during the cold months from midnight to 3 a.m. with a camera tripod.
    ·Make restaurant reservations well ahead of time.

    1. Where is the text probably taken from?
    A. A travel brochure. B. A research report.
    C. A historical magazine. D. An encyclopedia website.
    2. Which route should art lovers choose?
    A. Golden Circle. B. Reykjavik.
    C. The coastline D. The Blue Lagoon.
    3. What will tourists tend to do in Iceland?
    A. Experience long days in December.
    B. Pay more during the summer months.
    C. Admire beautiful sunsets at midnight in October.
    D. View the Northern Lights at midnight in January.
    4. What can be learned about the visit to Iceland?
    A. Tourists need to pay in cash.
    B. Tourists shall offer tips for services.
    C. Tourists can take a transfer bus for free.
    D. Tourists should reserve a room in advance.
    【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Iceland has so much to offer travelers, from the wild and dramatic landscape and the majestic waterfalls to the endless adventures to be had while hiking, biking, caving and exploring the natural wonders that fill the Island.(冰岛为旅行者提供了如此多的内容,从野外壮观的景观,雄伟的瀑布,到徒步旅行、骑自行车、洞穴探险和探索岛上的自然奇观这些无尽的探险活动)”结合下文对冰岛的各种自然奇观,可供游客探险的各类活动,以及时间和交通等信息的介绍推知,本文内容来自旅游手册。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“WHERE TO GO”内容栏中“Reykjavik is a small town, but is overflowing with things to do, from art museums, the impressive Hallgrimskirkja Church, walking street and harbor areas(Reykjavik是一个小镇,但有很多事情可以做,从艺术博物馆,令人印象深刻的哈Hallgrimskirkja教堂,步行街和港区)”可知,Reykjavik是小镇有很多艺术博物馆,因此艺术爱好者可以去Reykjavik。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“WHE TO GO”内容栏下“APRIL—MAY: The days are longer, so you’ll have more time to explore without the crowds and high-season prices(4月至5月:白天更长,所以你有更多的时间去探索,没有拥挤的人群和旺季的价格),以及JULY—AUGUST: You’ll experience long days, midnight sun, better weather and everything being more green and lush(7月-8月:你会经历漫长的白天,午夜的阳光,更好的天气,一切都更加繁茂)”“TIPS &INFO”内容栏下“The Northern Lights can’t be seen year round. They are best viewed during the cold months from midnight to 3 a.m. with a camera tripod(北极光不是一年到头都能看到的。在寒冷的月份,用相机三脚架从午夜到凌晨3点观赏它们是最好的)”可知,在冰岛,4-5月份时白天更长,但不是旅游旺季,价格不会很高,同时在7-8月份能够看到午夜的阳光。并且游客可以在寒冷的月份用相机三脚架观看北极光。选项D. View the Northern Lights at midnight in January(在1月份半夜观看北极光)符合题意。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“TIPS &INFO”内容栏中“Make restaurant reservations well ahead of time(提前预定酒店)”可知,去冰岛旅行需提前预定餐厅酒店。故选D。
    The day had started out as usual for Mrs. Ito until the late afternoon, when the news of the destructive tsunami waves came over the radio.
    At last, 12:30 a.m. came as the radio warning had said and nothing happened. She could hear passing people say the tsunami waves must have missed the islands and they laughed as they were returning to their homes. Mrs. Ito went into her living room and looked down the street. It was calm.
    Then, a sudden flash-like lighting lit the sky over Hilo Bay and a deafening explosion broke the night’s silence. The first large wave of the tsunami had burst Hilo’s electric power plant. Suddenly, all the lights in Hilo went out.
    Next thing Mrs. Ito heard was a rumbling sound. Before she knew it, the wave roared into her house. She was knocked to the floor as her house began to spin (旋转) and finally tore apart. Terrible yelling and crying sounds came from her neighbors’ homes. Desperately, Mrs. Ito grasped for anything to stay above water. Suddenly, something heavy fell on her. The floorboards opened up and she became trapped. She used every bit of strength in her body to struggle out of the boards and managed to squeeze free. Then she blacked out.
    When she woke up, she found herself being washed back and fourth as the water rose. She couldn’t see anyone else and listened for the sound of ocean waves. There were no waves, so she figured she had to be floating over flooded land. Mrs. Ito carefully tried to stretch her foot to touch bottom but it was too deep. Not knowing how to swim, she hung on tight to her tiny makeshift (临时的) raft.
    At sunrise, she spotted two boats on the horizon. She saw in the distance a radio station tower light. She remained at peace and kept her head down. She thought that death was just a matter of time away. She thought the people on the boats hadn’t seen her. Then the boats came closer and closer. Mrs. Ito was seen and saved.
    5. Which word can describe people’s reaction to the radio warning according to paragraph 2?
    A. Shocked. B. Anxious. C. Disappointed. D. Relaxed.
    6. What can be inferred about the tsunami?
    A. It struck the islands as expected.
    B. It destroyed a radio station tower.
    C. It attacked Hilo’s electric power plant.
    D. It occurred at noon without any warning.
    7. What happened to Mrs. Ito during the tsunami?
    A. She got stuck in the flooded land for days.
    B. She was rescued by people on the boats luckily.
    C. She attempted to float on the ocean with a board.
    D. She was hit by a heavy object and lost memories.
    8. What is the text mainly about?
    A. Mrs. Ito’s story of surviving the tsunami.
    B. The recovery of the islands after the tsunami.
    C. The damage caused by a destructive tsunami.
    D. The effects of the tsunami on local people’s life.
    【答案】5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A
    推理判断题。根据第二段“She could hear passing people say the tsunami waves must have missed the islands and they laughed as they were returning to their homes. (她能听到过路的人说海啸肯定绕过了我们这些岛屿,他们在回家的路上有说有笑)”可知,人们对广播里的海啸预警显然不以为然,没有感到丝毫的惊慌,仍然悠然自得,故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“The first large wave of the tsunami had burst Hilo’s electric power plant. (海啸的第一波巨浪摧毁了希洛的发电厂)”可知,海啸来袭,首先摧毁了Hilo的发电厂,故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“She thought the people on the boats hadn’t seen her. Then the boats came closer and closer. Mrs. Ito was seen and saved. (她以为船上的人没看见她。然后小船越靠越近。Ito夫人被发现并得救了)”可知,落入水中,靠一个“临时木筏”苦苦支撑的Ito夫人,最终被驾船的人救了上来,故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“The day had started out as usual for Mrs. Ito until the late afternoon, when the news of the destructive tsunami waves came over the radio. (对伊藤太太来说,这一天照常开始,直到下午晚些时候,广播里传来毁灭性海啸的消息)” 和第四段“Next thing Mrs. Ito heard was a rumbling sound. Before she knew it, the wave roared into her house. (接下来伊藤太太听到了隆隆的声音。她还没反应过来,海浪就呼啸着冲进了她的房子)”和倒数第二段“Not knowing how to swim, she hung on tight to her tiny makeshift (临时的) raft. (她不会游泳,于是紧紧地抓着她的临时小筏子)”以及最后一段“She thought the people on the boats hadn’t seen her. Then the boats came closer and closer. Mrs. Ito was seen and saved. (她以为船上的人没看见她。然后小船越靠越近。Ito夫人被发现并得救了)”可知,本文介绍了Ito夫人在一次汹涌的海啸中死里逃生的故事,故选A项。
    Every year, millions of teenagers in the USA participate in team sports. Gallup research shows that over 50 percent of teenagers are on a school sports team. But, what about the remaining 50 percent? Certainly, plenty of those teenagers are happily involved in other extra-curricular activities. After all, not everyone prefers sports.
    Still, there’s a sad story here, too. A significant number of teenagers once enjoyed sports, but no longer participate. They say it’s just not worth it. Why do promising athletes walk away from school sports, and what should you do if your athlete decides he or she no longer wants to play team sports?
    Take Madeline, for example. When she was living with her family in Texas a few years ago, Madeline joined her middle school’s track team. She was new to the sport, but she was fast. She worked hard and won medals. Then one day, Madeline fell while taking a hurdle. She cracked a bone in her wrist. Her track season was over.
    Her coaches were upset, but probably not in the way you’d expect. Rather than comforting (安慰) their promising athlete suffering from a disappointing sports injury or encouraging her to return next season, they turned their back on her. “They shunned me for the rest of the year,” recalls Madeline, who has since moved to the East Coast. “I guess because I would no longer be winning them any medals.”
    “Sports lost their attraction to me,” says Madeline, adding that her coaches also verbally abused (辱骂) the team at practices. “I did end up trying out for the track team last year, but I actually found myself filled with memories and emotions from my experience the previous year and ended up dropping out. That’s the biggest regret in life.”
    Talk to coaches, parents and teenagers about the problems of sports, and you’ll hear the same answer: by middle school and certainly by high school, it has, more often than not, become a game of medals. Not the plain old fun of playing. Not the benefits that sports offer. But winning period.
    9. What is the real concern of the author?
    A. The general state of teenagers’ participation in sports.
    B. The reasons for hopeful teenage athletes’ quitting sports.
    C. The major benefits that school team sports offer to teenagers.
    D. The relation between emotional support and sports involvement.
    10. The underlined word “shunned” in paragraph 4 can be replaced by “ ”.
    A. took control of B. got responsible for
    C. kept away from D. showed concern for
    11. What does Madeline regret about greatly?
    A. She lost interest in the once-favorable sport.
    B. She failed to win medals in the team sports.
    C. The coach’s verbal abuse hurt her emotionally.
    D. The serious injury reduced her confidence in sports.
    12. What does the author think about sports?
    A. Hard training may take fun off sports.
    B. It is related too much to coaches’support.
    C. It has totally become an industry for profits.
    D. People focus too much attention on winning.
    【答案】9. B 10. C 11. A 12. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Still, there’s a sad story here, too. A significant number of teenagers once enjoyed sports, but no longer participate. They say it’s just not worth it. Why do promising athletes walk away from school sports, and what should you do if your athlete decides he or she no longer wants to play team sports? (不过,这里也有一个悲伤的故事。相当多的青少年曾经喜欢运动,但现在不再参加了。他们说这不值得。为什么有前途的运动员会放弃学校的体育运动?如果你的运动员决定不再参加团队运动,你该怎么办?)”可知作者关心的是有希望的青少年运动员放弃运动的原因。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据划线词上文“Her coaches were upset, but probably not in the way you’d expect. Rather than comforting (安慰) their promising athlete suffering from a disappointing sports injury or encouraging her to return next season, they turned their back on her.( 她教练们很沮丧,但可能不是你想象中的那种。他们没有安慰那些正遭受令人失望的运动伤病的有前途的运动员,也没有鼓励她下赛季复出,而是背弃了她。)”由此推出下句意思是“他们在那一年剩下的时间里都躲着我”,故shunned意为“回避,远离”,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段““Sports lost their attraction to me,” says Madeline, adding that her coaches also verbally abused (辱骂) the team at practices. “I did end up trying out for the track team last year, but I actually found myself filled with memories and emotions from my experience the previous year and ended up dropping out. That’s the biggest regret in life. (马德琳说:“体育对我失去了吸引力。”她补充说,她的教练在训练时还会辱骂队员。“去年我确实参加了田径队的选拔,但实际上我发现自己对前一年的经历充满了回忆和情感,最终退出了。这是人生最大的遗憾。”)”可知玛德琳最后悔的是她对这项曾经很受欢迎的运动失去了兴趣。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Talk to coaches, parents and teenagers about the problems of sports, and you’ll hear the same answer: by middle school and certainly by high school, it has, more often than not, become a game of medals. Not the plain old fun of playing. Not the benefits that sports offer. But winning period.( 和教练、家长和青少年谈论体育运动的问题,你会听到同样的答案:到了中学,当然到了高中,它往往变成了一场奖牌游戏。而不是玩的普通乐趣。而不是体育运动所提供的好处。只有获胜的时期。)”可推测作者认为人们过于关注胜利。故选D。
    The San Diego Zoo is celebrating an extreme rare event: the arrival of 41 Indian narrow-headed softshell turtles. This is the first time the species, which is native to South Asia, has been successfully bred (繁殖) in North America.
    The turtles typically live at the bottom of deep rivers and streams in northern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Adults can grow up to 3.6 feet long and weigh as much as 440 pounds. During monsoon (季风) months in central India and dry months in other regions, the turtles lay up to 190 eggs in a nest on the beach and cover it with dirt to protect the eggs. When the babies hatch, they can fit in a person’s palm, at 1.5 inches long.
    The San Diego Zoo got its first two Indian narrow-headed softshell turtles in 1997. The zoo planned to breed them and hoped to learn more about the species, whose numbers had begun to drop due to pollution, destruction of their habitats, and capture by humans for their eggs, meat, or use as pets. The species is listed as endangered, and researchers don’t know how many remain in the wild.
    After learning that it only had female turtles, the zoo added a male to the habitat in 2001. Staff have been waiting for over 20 years to see if the turtles would breed. This summer, zookeepers found four nests in the enclosure. They hatched 11 turtles in August. Then, in September, staff members found 30 more tiny turtles in a nest they hadn’t noticed. “They are kind of cute,” said Kim Gray, head of the zoo.
    The babies were moved to an indoor habitat where they can be protected and studied. The zoo plans to give about a half of the baby turtles to other zoos and aquariums that want to help protect the species. “This is a thrilling moment for us,” Gray said, “and a big step forward in the preservation of this species.”
    13. What is the main purpose of paragraph 2?
    A. To highlight the importance of protecting the turtles.
    B. To investigate the living environment of the turtles.
    C. To show the major stages of the turtles’ growth.
    D. To give a general description of the turtles.
    14. What factor has contributed to the drop in turtles’ numbers?
    A. The serious lack of food. B. The slow process of growth.
    C. The heavy loss of habitats. D. The illegal trade for profits.
    15. What is Kim Gray’s attitude towards the protection of the turtles?
    A. Positive. B. Concerned. C. Dissatisfied. D. Doubtful.
    16. What can be the best title for the text?
    A. Zoo Celebrates A Rare Event
    B. Turtles Make Successful Return
    C. Summer Witnesses An Amazing Step
    D. Zookeepers Preserve Endangered Species
    【答案】13. D 14. C 15. A 16. B
    推理判断题。由第二段“The turtles typically live at the bottom of deep rivers and streams in northern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Adults can grow up to 3.6 feet long and weigh as much as 440 pounds. During monsoon (季风) months in central India and dry months in other regions, the turtles lay up to 190 eggs in a nest on the beach and cover it with dirt to protect the eggs. When the babies hatch, they can fit in a person’s palm, at 1.5 inches long. (印度窄头软壳龟通常生活在印度北部、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和尼泊尔的深河和溪流底部。成年龟可以长到3.6英尺长,体重可达440磅。在印度中部的季风季节和其他地区的干旱季节,印度窄头软壳龟会在海滩上的一个巢穴中产蛋190枚,并用泥土覆盖以保护卵。当蛋孵化时,它们可以放在一个人的手掌中,长1.5英寸)”可知,第二段的主要目的是对印度窄头软壳龟进行大致描述。故选D项。
    细节理解题。由第三段中的“The zoo planned to breed them and hoped to learn more about the species, whose numbers had begun to drop due to pollution, destruction of their habitats, and capture by humans for their eggs, meat, or use as pets. (动物园计划对它们进行繁殖,并希望了解更多有关该物种的信息;由于污染、栖息地的破坏以及人类捕获它们的蛋、肉或用作宠物,这些物种的数量已经开始下降)”可知,栖息地的严重丧失是导致印度窄头软壳龟数量下降的因素之一。故选C项。
    推理判断题。由最后一段中的““This is a thrilling moment for us,” Gray said, “and a big step forward in the preservation of this species.”(“这对我们来说是一个激动人心的时刻,”格雷说,“在保护这个物种方面迈出了一大步。”)”可知,对保护印度窄头软壳龟,Kim Gray的态度是肯定的。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。由第一段中的“The San Diego Zoo is celebrating an extreme rare event: the arrival of 41 Indian narrow-headed softshell turtles. This is the first time the species, which is native to South Asia, has been successfully bred (繁殖) in North America. (圣地亚哥动物园正在庆祝一个极其罕见的事件:41只印度窄头软壳龟的到来。这是该物种首次在北美成功繁殖,该物种原产于南亚)”和第三段中的“The species is listed as endangered, and researchers don’t know how many remain in the wild. (该物种被列为濒危物种,研究人员不知道还有多少物种留在野外)”可知,文章讲述通过努力,圣地亚哥动物园让濒危的印度窄头软壳龟首次在北美成功繁殖,实现这一物种的保护,B项“海龟成功回归”可以作为本文最佳标题。故选B项。
    Some people mistakenly think that some people are born emotionally strong while others are not, but that is totally wrong. The truth is that emotional strength can be built by anybody. Below are some of the important suggestions.
    ·Learn to face a serious problem
    What do you do when you face a serious problem?____17____If you react to problems in this way then you will never develop emotional strength. When you only keep yourself busy without taking any action to solve your problem, your mind will start to believe that you are unable to solve your problems.
    ·Surround yourself with positive energy
    ____18____In the same sense, people who bring negative energy and strike you down every chance they have can emotionally make you feel helpless and weak. In that case, it is better to cut off these people and keep yourself away from negative energy instead.
    ·Know better about yourself
    If you were anxious to receive positive comments and got a negative remark instead, then you will feel really bad.____19____Most often, being too needy is connected to other psychological factors like low self-esteem (自尊).
    ·Give up limiting beliefs
    Limiting beliefs like “I can’t do it, I’m a loser…” do not only make you psychologically weak but can also make your life unhappy. If you believe you can’t achieve some important goals in your life, you won’t try to fight for them.____20____Failing once or twice can break you if you had a limiting belief.
    A. Most often success does not happen at the first attempt.
    B. Do you try to keep yourself busy in order to forget about it?
    C. The more you demand acceptance, the more you will get easily hurt.
    D. It isn’t unusual to see someone struggle to become stronger emotionally.
    E. Family and friends who bring positive energy is a necessity to one’s life.
    F. It is better to learn and try to forgive others, even though it may feel hard.
    【答案】17. B 18. E 19. C 20. A
    根据后文“If you react to problems in this way then you will never develop emotional strength. When you only keep yourself busy without taking any action to solve your problem, your mind will start to believe that you are unable to solve your problems.(如果你以这种方式应对问题,那么你将永远不会培养情感力量。当你只让自己忙碌而不采取任何行动来解决问题时,你的大脑会开始相信你无法解决问题。)”可知,设空处应是一种消极的处理问题的方式。选项B“Do you try to keep yourself busy in order to forget about it?(你会为了忘记这件事而让自己忙起来吗?)”是逃避问题的处理方式,为消极的,且句中“keep yourself busy”与后文“keep yourself busy”为词汇复现现象,符合语境分析。故选B项。
    根据该部分主题句“Surround yourself with positive energy(让自己充满正能量)”可知,这里主张要将自己处于积极的环境中,因此,设空句应呼应主题词汇“positive”,且描述周遭环境。选项E“Family and friends who bring positive energy is a necessity to one’s life.(能带来正能量的家人和朋友是一个人生活的必需品。)”讲述了积极的社会交往环境,呼应主题,符合分析。故选E项。
    根据前文“If you were anxious to receive positive comments and got a negative remark instead, then you will feel really bad.(如果你急于得到积极的评价,却得到了负面的评价,那么你会感觉非常糟糕。)”讲述了积极评价得不到,反而会更糟糕的一种现象,因此可推知,设空句应是对该情况进行进一步的解释和总结。选项C“The more you demand acceptance, the more you will get easily hurt.(你越是要求别人接受你,你就越容易受伤。)”是对前文的总结,“acceptance(接受)”对应上文“positive comments(积极评价)”,“get hurt(受伤)”对应上文“feel bad(感觉糟糕)”,前后衔接紧密。故选C项。
    根据前文“If you believe you can’t achieve some important goals in your life, you won’t try to fight for them.(如果你认为自己无法实现人生中的一些重要目标,你就不会为之奋斗。)”讲到了“限制性信念”的消极作用,即,认为自己不能成功就会放弃,因此可推知,设空句应讲述限制性信念是错误的,第一次尝试不成功是正常的。选项A“Most often success does not happen at the first attempt.(大多数情况下,成功不是第一次尝试就发生的。)”在句意上符合分析。故选A项。
    A single tremble shook beneath my feet. The trees above me began to sway(摇摆) hard. Then came the deadly____21____that could only mean one thing, destruction. Every house and object was now____22____. My vision blurred (模糊) even more when I saw the remains of my house. The house that used to____23____all the happiness in the world was now____24____a pile of ruined pieces. I____25____all the times I played with my little brother and sister. Images of them were____26____in my mind, so I let the darkness sweep over me completely so I could see them vividly one last time. I regained a bit of my____27____after lying on the ground for some time. My eyes viewed different things, but I walked on mindlessly, with no____28____to anything around me at all.
    Years have passed since the disaster that____29____me years ago. I never thought I would be okay again after this_____30_____event.
    Today I am going on a trip to California to help_____31_____of a recent earthquake. Then, I see her. A young girl is weeping into her arm. I walk toward her. Losing family was_____32_____, but because of my life changing experience, I am strong, and I can_____33_____the lives of those who are suffering as I was. When I reach the girl, she stares at me with sad eyes, and I gently stick out my hand for her to hold to. One day, she may_____34_____others the way I did for her. She holds my hand tightly, and together, we look for a brighter future where we can help those around us and_____35_____the world starting with one disaster at a time.
    21. A. silence B. power C. emergency D. extinction
    22. A. under pressure B. in ruins C. on hand D. in shock
    23. A. promote B. supply C. contain D. measure
    24. A. extremely B. obviously C. actually D. simply
    25. A. adapted to B. thought of C. concentrated on D. worked out
    26. A. carved B. buried C. designed D. observed
    27. A. balance B. memory C. strength D. impression
    28. A. request B. comparison C. path D. reaction
    29. A. struck B. identified C. threatened D. reminded
    30. A. amazing B. frightening C. exciting D. challenging
    31. A. professionals B. volunteers C. survivors D. experts
    32. A. painful B. unusual C. awkward D. unique
    33. A. appreciate B. possess C. exchange D. improve
    34. A. affect B. recognize C. recommend D. contact
    35. A. establish B. change C. remove D. revise
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后是致命的沉默,这只能意味着一件事,毁灭。A. silence寂静,沉默;B. power力量;C. emergency突发事件,紧急情况;D. extinction灭绝。根据前文“A single tremble shook beneath my feet. The trees above me began to sway hard.(我的脚下颤抖了一下。我头顶上的树木开始剧烈摇晃。)”可知,作者描述了地震特别强烈时候的震动感受,而后文“destruction (毁灭)”则提示这里讲述地震过后的感受,因此结合常识可知,该句讲述是大地震过后的“安静”,与前文的强烈震动形成对比。故选A项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:现在所有的房屋和物品都成了废墟。A. under pressure在压力之下;B. in ruins成为废墟,严重受损;C. on hand在场,即将发生;D. in shock休克,震惊。根据后文“My vision blurred even more when I saw the remains of my house.(当我看到我房子的残骸时,我的视线更加模糊了。)”提及了“房屋残骸”,说明房屋和物品成为了废墟。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:曾经容纳了世界上所有幸福的房子现在只是一堆废墟。A. promote提升,促进;B. supply提供,供应;C. contain包含、容纳;D. measure测量,判断。根据后文“I ____5____ all the times I played with my little brother and sister.(我想起了我和弟弟妹妹一起玩的所有时光。)”提及作者以前总是和弟弟妹妹在房子里玩耍,因此,这所房子承载了以往所有的欢乐时光。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:曾经容纳了世界上所有幸福的房子现在只是一堆废墟。A. extremely非常,极其;B. obviously明显地,显而易见地;C. actually实际上,事实上;D. simply简单地,仅仅。分析语境可知,这里的副词起到强调作用,强调曾经充满欢乐的房子地震过后就只是一片废墟。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想起了我和弟弟妹妹一起玩的所有时光。A. adapted to适合,适应于;B. thought of想起,考虑;C. concentrated on专心于;D. worked out解决,算出。根据后文宾语“all the times(所有的时光)”可推知,作者想起以往和弟弟妹妹一起玩耍的时光。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们的形象铭刻在我的脑海里,所以我让黑暗完全笼罩我,这样我就能最后一次生动地看到他们。A. carved雕刻;B. buried埋葬;C. designed设计;D. observed观察,遵循。根据前文“I ____5____ all the times I played with my little brother and sister.(我想起了我和弟弟妹妹一起玩的所有时光。)”可知,作者面对废墟时能够想起以往的欢乐时光,弟弟妹妹的形象深深地刻在脑海里。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在地上躺了一段时间后,我恢复了一点体力。A. balance平衡;B. memory记忆;C. strength力气,优势;D. impression印象。根据后文“after lying on the ground for some time(在地上躺了一段时间后)”可知,作者在地上休息了一会儿,恢复了一点力气。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的眼睛看到了不同的东西,但我漫无目的地走着,对周围的一切都没有反应。A. request要求;B. comparison比较,对比;C. path小路,道路;D. reaction反应,回应。根据前文“I walked on mindlessly(我漫无目的地走着)”可知,经历过大地震,失去了一切之后,作者此时漫无目的,什么东西都不能引起他的反应。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:几年前发生在我身上的那场灾难已经过去了。A. struck碰撞,爆发,袭击;B. identified确认,认出;C. threatened威胁;D. reminded提醒,使想起。分析可知,“that ____9____ me years ago”为“the disaster”定语从句,关系代词“that”指代“the disaster”,从句中作主语,其对应的动词应是“袭击,爆发”,用在句中表达“发生在我身上”含义。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从没想过在经历了这件可怕的事情之后,我还会好起来。 A. amazing了不起的,令人诧异的;B. frightening令人害怕的,恐惧的;C. exciting令人兴奋激动的;D. challenging具有挑战性的。与前文“the deadly…(致命的)”相呼应,这里应是B项“frightening”。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:今天我要去加州帮助最近发生的地震的幸存者。A. professionals专业人员;B. volunteers志愿者;C. survivors幸存者;D. experts专家。根据后文“When I reach the girl, she stares at me with sad eyes, and I gently stick out my hand for her to hold to. (当我走到女孩身边时,她用悲伤的眼神盯着我,我轻轻地伸出手让她握住。)”可知,这个女孩是地震幸存者,因此可推知,作者作为“过来人”去帮助这里的地震幸存者。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:失去家人是痛苦的,但因为我改变人生的经历,我变得坚强,我可以改善那些和我一样遭受痛苦的人的生活。A. painful疼痛的,痛苦的;B. unusual不同寻常的;C. awkward令人尴尬的,棘手的;D. unique独特的,独一无二的。主语“Losing family”意为“失去家人”,失去家人是痛苦的。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:失去家人是痛苦的,但因为我改变人生的经历,我变得坚强,我可以改善那些和我一样遭受痛苦的人的生活。A. appreciate欣赏,感激;B. possess拥有,具有;C. exchange交换;D. improve提高,改善。与后文“where we can help those around us(在那时我们可以帮助周围的人)”中“help”相呼应,这里应是D项“improve”,用在句中表达作者希望用自己的力量帮助改善和他拥有相同经历的人的生活。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天,她可能会像我对她那样影响别人。A. affect影响;B. recognize辨认,识别;C. recommend推荐,劝告;D. contact联系,联络。根据后文“the way I did for her”可推知,作者认为这个女孩或许以后也会像作者一样,用“过来人”的身份做志愿者,去帮助和影响其他人。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她紧紧地握着我的手,我们一起寻找一个更光明的未来,我们可以帮助周围的人,从一次一场灾难开始改变世界。A. establish建立,设立;B. change改变;C. remove移开,去除;D. revise修改,复习。根据前文“Today I am going on a trip to California to help ____11____ of a recent earthquake.(今天我要去加州帮助最近地震的幸存者。)”可知,作者作为一个“过来人”,用志愿者的身份去帮助其他人,这是他在经历灾难后作出的改变世界的行为,因此可推知,这里作者希望在将来能够同样在灾难发生后,去帮助受难者,改变灾难后的世界。故选B项。
    Shakespeare’s plays were performed at several playhouses in London, though the rebuilt Globe is certainly the one most people connect with the Bard. But the remains of one least-documented theatre, the Curtain,____36____(examine) again now, following the celebrations marking 500 years since Shakespeare’s death in April this year. The Curtain,____37____less documented, is of great importance,____38____(particular) as it was the first theatre to stage Romeo and Juliet and Henry V.
    ____39____(locate) in Shoreditch, the site is expected to unearth well-preserved cultural remains. As one of Shakespeare’s earliest____40____(theatre), this is a rare opportunity for archaeologists____41____(explore) the culture of the area in the 16th and 17th century, and how performances took place in this period.
    Heather Knight, senior archaeologist leading the dig, said, “We hope to find out more about the building of the theatre____42____Henry V was first performed, which will give us a clearer picture of how Elizabethan playhouses were used and ____43____evolution of theatre.
    “There is also the possibility of finding relics of props (道具), costumes or items used____44____the audience, including food remains or drinking vessels, which could tell us more about theatre productions and culture at the time. We look forward to _____45_____(share) our findings.”
    【答案】36. are being examined
    37. though##although
    38. particularly
    39. Located
    40. theatres
    41. to explore
    42. where 43. the
    44. by 45. sharing
    考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:今年4月,莎翁逝世500周年纪念活动结束后,文献记载最少的剧院“帷幕”的遗迹又被重新审视。设空处为谓语,根据时间状语now,可知应用现在进行时,主语和谓语之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,主语是the remains,谓语用复数形式,故填are being examined。
    考查状语从句的省略。句意:“帷幕”虽然记录较少,但却非常重要,尤其是因为它是第一个上演《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《亨利五世》的剧院。分析可知,设空处引导让步状语从句,主句和从句的主语一致,并且谓语还有be动词,这时候从句可以省略主语和谓语,句子也可以还原为though/although it is less documented,故填though/although。
    考查名词的数。句意: 作为莎士比亚最早的剧院之一,这对考古学家来说是一个难得的机会,可以探索16和17世纪该地区的文化,以及这一时期的表演是如何进行的。设空处前有one of修饰,应用名词复数形式,故填theatres。
    考查不定式。句意:同上。设空处为非谓语动词作定语修饰名词opportunity,表目的,应用不定式,故填to explore。
    考查定语从句。句意:这次挖掘的高级考古学家希瑟·奈特说:“我们希望能找到更多关于亨利五世第一次演出的剧院的建筑,这将让我们更清楚地了解伊丽莎白时期的剧院是如何使用的,以及戏剧的演变。”分析可知,设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the building of the theatre,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
    考查介词。句意: 还有可能发现观众使用过的道具、服装或物品的遗迹,包括食物残渣或饮用容器,这可以告诉我们更多关于当时戏剧制作和文化的信息。 根据句意可知是被使用的,所以设空处应用介词by,故填by。
    46. 假定你是校报“Your Voice”栏目的负责人李华,请给外教Smith写一封邮件邀请他就英语学习接受一次采访。内容包括:
    注意:1.词数 100-120 左右;
    【答案】Dear Smith,
    I’m Li Hua, responsible for Your Voice in the school newspaper. Impressed by your English teaching experience, I’m writing to invite you to an interview.
    While the column was established last year, it’s been gaining popularity among students. Distinguished teachers have joined in our column, offering professional advice on learning English. The column features various topics, ranging from appreciation of English Classics, guidance on writing essays to a glimpse of western culture, which definitely broaden students’ visions and fuel their enthusiasm for learning English. Should you be available this Friday evening, I’m wondering if you can share opinions about vocabulary learning since many students find it challenging to acquire vocabulary.
    Looking forward to your participation! Your earliest reply will be appreciated.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    建立:establish→set up
    参加:join in→take part in
    各种各样的:various→a variety of
    原句:Impressed by your English teaching experience, I’m writing to invite you to an interview.
    拓展句:Because I’m impressed by your English teaching experience, I’m writing to invite you to an interview.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】While the column was established last year, it’s been gaining popularity among students. (运用了While引导的让步状语从句)
    【高分句型2】The column features various topics, ranging from appreciation of English Classics, guidance on writing essays to a glimpse of western culture, which definitely broaden students’ visions and fuel their enthusiasm for learning English. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    听力答案:1—5 CABCA 6—7 BC 8—9 AB 10—12 ABB 13—15 CAB

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