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    高二英语(人教版)-选修七 Unit 3 Under the Sea (6)-课件
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    高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修7&8Unit 3 Under the sea试讲课课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修7&8Unit 3 Under the sea试讲课课件ppt,共40页。PPT课件主要包含了Beginning,Ending,Summary 1,Summary 2,Summary 3,Body等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Lessn 6 Under the SeaSpeaking and Writing
    Hw t make a cmplaint
    By the end f the class, we will be able t:1. figure ut the structure f a cmplaint;2. sum up useful expressins t make a cmplaint;3. make ral cmplaints prperly;4. write a cmplaint letter.
    Make a cmplaint
    What wuld yu d if yu were in the fllwing situatins?
    What is a cmplaint?
    A cmplaint is a statement that a situatin is unsatisfactry r unacceptable r that smene has dne smething wrng.
    T express ur dissatisfactin;T find ut the cause f the prblem;T slve the prblem.
    Why t make a cmplaint
    G ver the listening scripts in the wrksheet and summarize the prblems they met.
    It was s wet they culdn’t g utside t watch whales.
    The bat went back late and he missed the flight.
    They saw nly ne whale and that ne was far away t see prperly.
    Dialgue 1I’m srry but we weren’t very happy with the tur.Well, it’s s wet we culdn’t g utside… I knw we heard the whales and saw them… but we really want t…I’m afraid that’s nt gd enugh.I’d like t talk t the manager.
    G ver the listening scripts in the wrksheet and underline the sentences used t make a cmplaint.
    Dialgue 2The whales were awesme but I’m feeling very annyed.Yu see, I’ve missed my flight. If I’d knwn the bat was ging t be late back, I wuldn’t have cme.But yu shuld’ve checked if there was anyne like me…
    I’d like a refund, please.I’m srry but that’s nt gd enugh. I nw have t make anther airline bking and I have n idea whether there’ll be any seats available.I’d like a full refund.
    Dialgue 3Excuse me, the tur wasn’t what my husband and I had expected and we’d like a refund please.I’m afraid that’s n gd fr us as…Actually, we’d like a full refund.
    I’m srry but we weren’t very happy with the tur. (1)Yes, the whales were awesme but I’m feeling very annyed. (2)Excuse me, the tur wasn’t what my husband and I had expected… (3)
    Expressing ur dissatisfactin
    Well, it’s s wet we culdn’t g utside... I knw we… but we really want t… My tw kids are very disappinted. (1)I’ve missed my flight. If I’d knwn… I wuldn’t have cme... But yu shuld’ve checked… I nw have t make anther airline bking… (2)We really lved seeing… but we saw nly ne… I’m afraid that’s n gd fr us as we… (3)
    The 2nd part:
    Stating ur prblem
    Well, I’m afraid that’s nt gd enugh. I’d like t talk t the manager. (1)I’d like a full refund. (2)Well, actually, we’d like a full refund. (3)
    Prpsing the slutin
    The structure
    I’m srry but... / I’m afraid…That’s nt gd enugh / n gd fr me.I’m feeling annyed with / unhappy abut / unsatisfied with…I’m nt happy abut / satisfied with…I’d like t talk t the manager / a full refund, please.6. Yu shuld d smething abut it.
    Functinal expressins
    Make a cmplaint
    Practice 1: Make an ral cmplaint t the tailr by finishing the dialgue accrding t the cnditin in the picture.
    Alan: Gd mrning. _______________________________________________________________________________Tailr: Well, that’ll cst extra.Alan: But _________________________
    I’m srry but when I put the T-shirt n
    this mrning I fund that it was t big. Can yu fix it fr me?
    it’s nt my fault that it is t big.
    Tailr: Well, I measured the size when yu were here and yu agreed t it.Alan: _______________________Tailr: N, I certainly can’t. If yu want me t make it smaller, yu’ll have t pay a bit mre.Alan: Well... OK.
    Are yu sure yu wn’t fix it?
    Practice 2: Make an ral cmplaint t the persn accrding t the cnditin in the picture.
    Excuse me. I am srry but we aren’t very happy with yu jumping the line. Yu see, everyne here is lining up and waiting. If yu insist n jumping the line, that’s nt fair t thers. I am afraid that yu need t mve t the end f the line. Thank yu!
    Practice 3: Leave a nte f cmplaint t the persn accrding t the cnditin in the picture.
    Excuse me. When I came t the library, I was surprised and annyed t see that the desks were ccupied by yur bks but yu were nt here. Thus, thers culdn’t find a seat. I’m afraid that’s nt gd enugh. I’d like t advise yu t stp saving seats like this, r I’d like t talk t the administratr.
    Cmmunicating prperly
    Stay as unemtinal as pssible.Be firm but plite.State the prblem clearly and calmly.
    Read the letter in the wrksheet and answer the questins.What is Jvan Gagic unhappy abut?What is the specific prblem?What slutin is he prpsing?
    What is Jvan Gagic unhappy abut?What is the specific prblem?
    His experience at Lingua Nva English summer schl in the first tw weeks f July.
    The distant accmmdatin, the bring activity prgramme and the unprfessinal guide.
    Read the letter in the wrksheet and answer the questins.
    What slutin is he prpsing?
    He wuld like t get the mney back fr the accmmdatin and appreciate a reply within the next tw weeks.
    Read the letter again and underline the functinal sentences t help us make a cmplaint.
    I am writing t tell yu my deep disappintment fr my experience at…I had been thrughly lking frward t… but I am afraid that my time at… failed t live up t my expectatins.
    Yur brchure states that the student accmmdatin is… This is misleading as my accmmdatin was, in fact, …In additin, the activity prgramme did nt reflect the fact that…I had been eagerly expecting a guided tur. In fact, I was…
    I wuld like t get my mney back fr…I wuld really appreciate a reply within the next tw weeks.
    最近你在家上网课,你的邻居Mr. Gerge的女儿每天练习弹钢琴,因此引起的噪音让你非常烦恼,你决定给他写一个微信留言说明一下情况。要点包括:1.表达你的感受;2.说明问题及其影响;3.提出可行的解决办法。
    I’m srry but I am writing t tell yu the disturbance caused by the sund f yur daughter playing the pian.
    Usually, I am distracted by the music when studying.The sund is s nisy that I can’t hear what teachers say during the classes.
    I wuld like t ask yu t rearrange the time when yur daughter plays the pian.
    Dear Mr. Gerge, I’m srry but I am writing t tell yu the disturbance caused by the sund f yur little girl playing the pian. That really bthers me when I am studying. Hnestly speaking, I enjy the music yur daughter plays every day but, as yu knw, I can’t g t schl nw, just studying frm hme all day lng and taking nline lessns.
    Therefre, it is really imprtant fr me t have a peaceful envirnment. That yur daughter plays the pian fr such a lng time every day really annys me. I am ften distracted by the sund, which leads t the lw efficiency f my learning. What’s wrse, when I talk t my teachers and classmates, we can’t even hear what we say t each ther but the music. That extremely upsets me.
    I think it is high time that yu shuld ask yur little girl t stp playing the pian when I am taking classes. I wuld really appreciate it if she plays the pian after 4 pm. Thank yu!Yurs Sincerely,Cathy
    I’m srry but I am writing t tell yu the disturbance caused by the sund f yur little girl playing the pian. That really bthers me when I am studying.
    Hnestly speaking, I enjy the music yur daughter plays every day but, as yu knw, I can’t g t schl nw, just studying frm hme all day lng and taking nline lessns. I am ften distracted by the sund, which leads t the lw efficiency f my learning. What’s wrse, when I talk t my teachers and classmates, we can’t even hear what we say t each ther but the music.
    I think it is high time that yu shuld ask yur little girl t stp playing the pian when I am taking classes. I wuld really appreciate it if she plays the pian after 4 pm.

    (人教版)高考英语一轮复习课件选修七7.3 Unit 3 Under the sea (含答案): 这是一份(人教版)高考英语一轮复习课件选修七7.3 Unit 3 Under the sea (含答案),共22页。PPT课件主要包含了-2-,高频词汇,难点句型,-3-,to ,witnesses ,-4-,-5-,urgent ,to tell 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修7&8Unit 3 Under the sea授课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修7&8Unit 3 Under the sea授课ppt课件,共25页。PPT课件主要包含了Dolphins,sea star,coral,Rereading,dogs 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (新课标)选修7&8Unit 3 Under the sea精品ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (新课标)选修7&8Unit 3 Under the sea精品ppt课件,共39页。PPT课件主要包含了a diary,time,“say”,action,feeling,What I saw,How I felt,two gray 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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          高二英语(人教版)-选修七 Unit 3 Under the Sea (6)-课件

