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    【期中模拟】(外研版2019)2023-2024学年高一上册英语 必修1 Unit 5 Into The World 【单元测试 · 基础卷】.zip

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    Unit 5【单元测试 · 基础卷】


    1(2021·新高考)Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup that cannot be ________ (测量) by an IQ test.

    2(牛津高阶)Attempts to find a ________ (解决方法) have failed.

    3(柯林斯词典)It was up to him to ________ (专心) on his studies and make something of himself.

    4(牛津高阶)There has been a mixed ________ (反应) to her appointment as director.

    5[2022·北京卷]________ (最终), the man caught up with her, and he was only trying to return her wallet!

    6[2022·浙江6月卷]When people do things to increase their life satisfaction, they also make themselves more ________ (有效率的) at work.

    7[2022·全国乙卷]An increasing number of students are choosing to learn English beyond the classroom in ________ (多种多样的)ways.

    8[2021·全国乙卷]On her day of discharge, we shared in her delight at her ________ (康复)

    9[2021·全国甲卷]It was an extremely cold winter's evening and ________ (极冷的) fog hung in the air.

    10[2021·浙江6月卷]He built a hugely successful career with little more than plain old hard work and ________ (意志力)

    1measured 2.. solution 3.concentrate 4.  reaction 5Eventually 

    6.effective 7.various 8.recovery  9freezing 10.determination 



    1The annual World Dragon Boat Championships have been held annually since 1995. (annual)

    2Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate during the migration season.(migrate)

    3He was determined to fight the illness with courage and determination, which is determined by his character rather than choice. (determine)

    4The expert predicted that the eventual cost may be quite high eventually(eventual)

    5We are amazed to see how she made amazing progress in English in such a short time. (amaze)

    6Excessive cultivation, chemical use and habitat destruction eventually destroy the very organisms that could be our partners. (destroy)

    7In the crash, only two survived and the survivors told the reporters about their survival in details. (survive)

    8The medicine is a simple but highly effective treatment and it can relieve pains effectively. (effect)

    9The company recovered well after going through several lean years and the recovery inspired the staff to work hard. (recover)

    10It's so freezing that even the river has frozen. (freeze)

    1  annual  annually 2migrate  migration 3determined determination, determined

    4eventual  eventually5amazed  amazing 6destruction  destroy 7survived  survivors  survival 8effective effectively9The company recovered  recovery 10freezing  frozen.


    1The ________ (hard) you work, the greater progress you will make.

    2The most ________ (amaze) thing about nature is its infinite variety.

    3(中国日报)The Chinese government has determined ________ (crack) down on bitcoin mining and trading.

    4(牛津高阶)They expressed cautious optimism about a ________ (solve) to the crisis.

    5(牛津高阶)They spent two months in the jungle, surviving ________ small animals and fruit.

    6(2020·北京高考)At the core of Lancom is a worldclass ________ (effect) method that enhances language learning with advanced technology.

    7(2020·新高考)Rainforests are home to a rich ________ (vary) of medicinal plants, food, birds and animals.

    8After strict monitoring and observation, no serious adverse ________ (react) took place.

    9It's ________ (freeze) cold outside so you must put on more clothes.

    10(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)In Healing Gardens, patients can go to be near nature during their ________ (recover).  


    1harder  2amazing    3to crack   4solution   5on

    6effective   7variety  8reactions 9Freezing 10recovery


    a variety of; after all; rain cats and dogs; be famous for; in trouble;

    at a speed of; brave the elements; from time to time; feed on; cut down

    1(牛津高阶)If we can't keep to the schedule, we'll be ____________.

    2It is known that the cows and sheep mainly ____________ grass.

    3(朗文当代)More than 100 people ____________ and attended the rally.

    4(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program, students are hired each year in ____________ summer positions.

    5We were about to get home when it began to ____________

    6(中国日报)Fengshan ____________ many products, including chestnuts and star anise, and also has proven gold reserves of more than 66 million tons, making it a “land of gold”

    7It is important for children to have their teeth checked ____________

    8(中国日报)China Three Gorges Corporation invested $200000 in transporting telegraph poles by helicopter, which avoided ____________ 20000 sqm of forest.

    9(中国日报)Usually there is talk of a fouryear preparation cycle for an athlete, but ____________you work for the Olympics all your life.

    10(朗文当代)The truck was travelling ____________ 50 mph.

    答案:1in trouble 2feed on  3braved the elements   4a variety of

    5rain cats and dogs  6is famous for  7from time to time

    8cutting down   9after all    10at a speed of


    1She says that both Greece and China have rich cultures and traditions dating back to ancient times, and ________ there is so much to learn from each other.[2023·湖南省高三六校联考]

    2But there is some debate over ________ it was NOLA or Mobile, Alabama that had the first Mardi Gras back in the 1700s.[2023·陕西省宝鸡市高三联考]

    3Libraries have evolved as the public's needs have changed. In fact, if you haven't visited your local public library for a while, you may be surprised at  ________ it now has to offer.[2023·厦门市第四次质量检测]

    4Rising up early also relieves stress and tension because it gives you the time to squeeze in a workout before you get distracted (分神). This is ________ morning people tend to be healthier and happier.[2023·常德市模拟]

    5If a foundation is so huge, just imagine ________ grand and tall the column above would be.[2023·山东省淄博市二模]

    6It is assumed, for a person to be healthy, ________ yin and yang forces should he in balance.[2023·连云港市高第二次调研]

    7Since the birds are able to do ________ we are much more able to do than them, we should do this by ourselves.[2023·深圳市第一次调研]


    1that 2whether 3what 4why 5how 6that 7what 


    1答案与解析:that 考查宾语从句。句意:她说,希腊和中国都有着源远流长的丰富文化和传统,彼此之间有很多值得学习的地方。and前后连接两个宾语从句,从句中不缺主语或宾语,且句子意思完整,用that引导宾语从句,第二个宾语从句引导词that不能省略。

    2答案与解析:whether 考查宾语从句。句意:但是,在18世纪的时候,究竟是诺拉还是阿拉巴马州的莫比尔举办了第一次狂欢节,这还存在一些争论。空处引导宾语从句,根据后文it was NOLA or Mobile可知为whether...or...,表示……还是……”

    3答案与解析:what 考查名词性从句。句意:事实上,如果你有一段时间没有去过当地的公共图书馆了,你可能会对它现在所提供的东西感到惊讶。在介词at后的宾语从句中缺少动词offer的宾语,所以应用连接代词what引导。

    4答案与解析:why 考查名词性从句。句意:早起也能缓解压力和紧张,因为它能让你在分心之前挤出时间锻炼。这就是为什么早起的人更健康、更快乐的原因。This is why...这就是……的原因,从句缺少原因状语,所以用连接副词why引导表语从句。

    5答案与解析:how 考查宾语从句。句意:如果一个地基这么大,想象一下上面的柱子会有多雄伟多高。宾语从句为感叹句,感叹形容词grand and tall应用how

    6答案与解析:that 考查主语从句。句意:人们认为,为了使一个人健康,阴阳力量应该平衡。根据句意及句子结构可知,此处考查It is assumed that。其中It作形式主语,that引导的从句作真正的主语,引导词that不可以省略。

    7答案与解析:what 考查宾语从句。句意:既然鸟类能做我们比它们更有能力做的事,我们不应该自己做吗?分析句子成分可知,此处do后是一个宾语从句,宾语从句中缺宾语,应用连接代词what,表示我们比它们更有能力做的事



    __________________ you are when you cross the road, ______________ you will be.


    The vagueness of the gesture meanings suggests either that the chimps have little to communicate, or we are still missing a lot of the information ________________________________


    Though it is the only unnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventure and offers a place ________________________________________


    ________________________________________________ treat live animals as common postal parcels is that supervision of the online pet trade leaves much to be desired.


    ______________________ broke the window?



    1.The more careful; the safer

    2.contained in their gestures and actions

    3.where you can sit down to rest your aching legs

    4.An important reason why the express delivery companies

    5.Was it you that/who



    1.______________________________he didn't notice my appearance. (with复合结构)

    2.______________________________he didn't notice my appearance. (用独立主格结构)


    ③________________he has made such great progress in so short a time. (amazement)

    ④He has made such great progress in so short a time, ____________________. (定语从句, amazed)

    ⑤________________ he has made such great progress in so short a time. (it作形式主语)

    ⑥________________ that he has made such great progress in so short a time. (what引导的主语从句)


    1.With his mind concentrated on his work 2.His mind concentrated on his work

    ③To my amazement ④which makes me amazed ⑤It amazes me that ⑥What amazes me is


    Three-Body, the Chinese TV adaptation of Liu Cixin’s Hugo Award-winning sci-fi novel The Three-Body Problem ___1___ (release) on Chinese Central Television 8 and Tencent Video during prime time on Jan. 15.

    The hashtag (话题标签) for the 30-episode series ___2___ (earn) more than 130 million views on China’s Twitter-like website Sina Weibo by Jan. 16, 2023. Many Chinese netizens commented that the story was __3___ (large) faithful to the original work. Many __4___ (prepare) for the series began seven years ago, with the crew closely consulting with science and technology experts and sci-fi specialists. It’s reported ___5___ many scenes were shot on the grounds of distinguished Chinese  scientific institutes. According to previous reports, the team worked ___6___ the script (剧本) for four years and spent 126 days shooting, traveling to many places like Ningbo, Beijing and Heihe, and creating more than 270 film sets, __7___ reproduced details of the original book precisely.

    The Three Body TV series will be like the movie The Wandering Earth, __8___ (become) a benchmark (基准) for sci-fi TV series that forces filmmakers to continue to climb to ___9___ (high) peaks, Global Times reported.

    The Three Body Problem has gained global attention because the work __10__ (it) is the reflection of the development of human beings.


    1. was released 2. had earned 3. largely 4. preparations 5. that

    6. on/at 7. which 8. becoming 9. higher   10. itself





    A Perfect Match

    This story is a miracle. A dog, separated from her owner for many years, finally returned to her side.

    As an only child, Nicole Renae often felt lonely in her youth. But that all changed when she turned ten. For her birthday, Renae’s grandmother surprised her with an adorable gray puppy named Chloe.

    From the very start, the two were inseparable. “She was my best friend,” Renae says. Every ounce of love Renae gave, the little dog returned more. “She was such a sweet dog,” Renae says. “She’d lick your face forever if you didn’t stop her.”

    But when Renae was 14, her father got a new job that came with a piece of bad news; He’d be working from home, and the house needed to be free of audible (听得见的) distractions.

    “Chloe was very yappy (喜欢叫嚷的),” Renae says. “I was just a kid, so I didn’t have any choice in the matter. I didn’t want to get rid of my dog. I just felt so sick and sad about it.”

    With no easier option, the family surrendered Chloe to a humane society (动物保护协会). Though they were optimistic that the dog would find a new home with people who loved her, they couldn’t know for sure. “I called the humane society to try to find out what happened to her,” Renae says, “but they couldn’t tell me anything. So I never knew.”

    In time, Renae grew up, got married, and had a child of her own. But her family didn’t feel quite complete. Remembering the joy that having a dog had brought her as a kid, Renae wanted her daughter to experience the same. She had it in her mind that she would adopt a puppy, but then one day she saw a post on Facebook about a senior dog that needed a new home. The dog in the photograph looked a lot like Chloe—she was even named Chloe. In an instant it was decided: She would adopt this older dog.




    When she met Chloe, Renae was struck with an amazing feeling.


    But her mom realized there was a way to test the theory; Their Chloe had been microchipped (植入芯片) as a puppy. ________________________________________________________________________________________


    When she met Chloe, Renae was struck with an amazing feeling. The dog seemed so familiar. And Chloe appeared to feel the same way about Renae. She ran up to Renae and started licking her face. Chloe reminded Renae so much of her old dog that the emotion overwhelmed her. Renae was crying. She just knew in her heart that it was her. Sill, eight years had passed since Renae seen Chloe last, so the notion seemed to be little more than wishful thinking. Her whole family thought Renae was crazy.

    But her mom realized there was a way to test the theory: Their Chloe had been microchipped (植入芯片) as a puppy. They found the ID number, then Renae took her new Chloe to the vet to be scanned. Sure enough, she also had a microchip. The numbers were a match, So Renae felt like she’d won the lottery. After years of thinking she’d never see her dog again, Renae is overjoyed to have her back. She got so excited to come home. As for Chloe, she’s made herself right at home. She knows that she’ll be with Renae forever.



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