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    Unit 3 单词短语复习练习-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册
    Unit 3 单词短语复习练习-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册01
    Unit 3 单词短语复习练习-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册02
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    Unit 3 单词短语复习练习-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册

    这是一份Unit 3 单词短语复习练习-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册,共5页。

    Unit 3  词汇短语复习

    1. It began when a teacher suggested I __________________(参加选拔)the basketball team.
    2. When I accidentally hit my thumb(拇指)with a hammer(锤子, it h_________ so much. Even though it’s been a week, there is still an a________ in my thumb.
    3. They heard the ___________ of leaves.  他们听见了树叶的低语。
    4. All the professionals in g___________ are supposed to have very ___________(灵活的)bodies because they need to perform many postures on a balance beam(平衡木).
    5. The most important software of a computer is its operating s___________, without which the computer can’t ___________________.  正常运转
    6. The fall of the Berlin Wall s____________ the end of the Cold War between East and West.   
    7. No one knows where Van Gogh had his i____________ about what to paint and how to paint. Some thought that it came from his insanity(精神错乱).
    8. There has never been a man so prospective(前瞻性的) as Nikola Tesla t_____________ history, that’s why some people guess he might be a time traveler from the future.
    9. As teenagers, we might find that we aren’t c__________ of dealing with interpersonal relationship successfully.
    10. Issac Newton put forward the general principle that ____________(适用于) the movements of objects moving ___________________ (低速地), which doesn’t work for objects moving very fast -- as fast as light.  
    11. I want you to _________________ while I'm away.   我不在家时你们要乖乖的。
    12. It is impossible for us to get to our destination on time through the main road, but if we take a s__________, we might arrive 30 minutes ahead of s__________.
    13. As we all know, m_________ play a crucial role in our physical activities. If we exercise more, they will grow bigger, but if we don’t, they will shrink(收缩).
    14. To make our environment greener, it is suggested that everyone c________ to work or school every day if they don’t live far.
    15. Teachers will never be r____________ by computers in the classroom _________ (尽管) the rapid development of technology. 
    16. In the afternoon, they found a campsite(营地) where a stream f_____________ peacefully nearby.
    17. 我轻轻地挥手,作别西天的云彩。 

    Quietly I ___________________ the rosy clouds in the western sky.

    1. 波光里的艳影,在我的心头荡漾。   

    Their r____________ on the shimmering waves, always linger in the depth of my heart.

    1. Zhang has changed the fates of these girls by enabling them to receive education and preventing poverty(贫穷) ________________________ (Pass on) to the next generation. 
    2. "We always say, each child should stand on the same _____________(起跑线), but these girls didn't even have a chance to get on the t_________," she tells Xinhua News Agency.
    3. More than 1,800 g____________ have been admitted to college, which is regarded a "miracle"(奇迹) in the remote area.      
    4. Though she s___________ dozens of pills(药片) a day, Mrs Zhang, aged 63, begins her daily routine(常规)at 5:50 -- _____________(陪伴) students to classes and sleep after senior students' study ends _________________(半夜).   
    5. Her moving stories i____________ thousands of people.
    6. He's had a lot of problems, but he always seems to b__________ back pretty quickly.
    7. News of their safety came as a great r__________ to everyone.
    8. As the nation's economy and power continue to grow, Chinese people are getting taller, but they are also ___________________ at a worrying speed.
    9. More than half of Chinese people aged 18 and above are obese(肥胖) or o__________ due to unhealthy diets and lifestyles, according to the report.
    10. He adopted a negative attitude to the Church _________________. 终生一辈子
    11. He survived, to the a_______________ of all the doctors. 惊奇
    12. I never feel ______________ speaking in public. 不自在
    13. We watched the waves _____________ onto the beach.翻滚   
    14. Her book gave a vivid d_____________ of life at sea.
    15. I managed to o_____________ him at the bend(弯道) on the last lap().
    16. David put so much pudding in his mouth that he couldn’t s____________.
    17. After the party, he was quite angry at the m____________ children had made. He spent a long time _____________ (清理).
    18. Children _________________when their parents not around.  表现完全不同
    19. _______________ (不奇怪) on such a hot day, the beach was crowded.  
    20. She'll make a good ____________(演员) , if she gets the right training.
    21. I was on my best _______________ as we open the presents. (行为)
    22. Her words had a ____________ effect on us.   魔力般的    
    23. The two books are ______________ different. (a little bit different)
    24. He ______________ like a true gentleman. 举止  
    25. "Wang Yuan is coming?" he said e___________, "That's fantastic! That's amazing!"
    26. Sarah was becoming increasingly i_____________ at their slow speed.
    27. He b_____________ as if/though nothing had happened.
    28. He suffered from a running nose(流鼻涕), sore throat(喉咙痛)and a ___________(轻微的) cough(咳嗽).  
    29. Our playing fields e__________ as far as those trees.
    30. She was s_____________________ of the UN. 被选为代表
    31. When he woke up, the wheelchair lay beside him, but David was ______________.(看不见)
    32. With another day's work ending, Philip was happy to leave the open countryside and h_____________ his London flat.  
    33. She leaned() over and w___________ something in his ear.
    34. Granny’s singing _______________________________. 让我的心里充满温暖
    35. He was so weak that his voice was a little bit s_________ as he asked me to send for the doctor.
    36. The competition attracted over 500 competitors _____________ 8 different countries.(代表)
    37. The earliest paper cuts in existence __________________ the 4th century in China was found in his hometown. 追溯到 
    38. I'd been waiting for two hours and I was getting i______________.
    39. Their parents don’t agree on their marriage so they won’t come to the couple’s w__________.
    40. It’s been a year since he left home to work, once he got home this Spring Festival Eve, he was g_________ by his parents with a warm hug and delicious food.
    41. As a hard-working musician, she spends most of her time composing her songs in the recording s________.
    42. If not dealt with a____________, the anger from the crowd can easily turn into chaos(混乱) or even violence.
    43. When shopping online, all you need to do is to __________ a few buttons and a deal(交易) is accomplished.
    44. The president’s recent visit to China aimed to s___________ the ties(联系) between the two countries.
    45. To everyone’s surprise, the poorly e____________ army defeated its enemy(敌人)well known for its most advanced weapons(武器).
    46. People should set s__________ goals for themselves because if the goals are too general or vague(模糊的)you won’t know what exactly you need to do.
    47. It’s not a very formal party, so you don’t have to wear a suit and tie. But do dress yourselves n________ because dirty and shabby clothes may _________________ others. 留下坏印象
    48. J________ were first designed for work because it was durable, but the American entertainment stars made it a fashionable casual wear.
    49. Professional long distance runners can effortlessly c ___________ 5 kilometres in 25 minutes.
    50. To strike a deal with the big companies, our company sent three r______________ to negotiate with its manager.
    51. It was u___________ for President Roosevelt to get polio(小儿麻痹症) when he was young, but he didn’t give up to his illness and became one of the greatest presidents of the United States.
    52. Elisabeth lost her m___________ after her head got hurt in a car accident that she didn’t even remember what happened that night.
    53. Chinese people are good at making steamed buns, especially those s___________ with vegetables such as mushrooms, cabbage as well as meat like pork, mutton and beef.
    54. In Chinese culture, it’s a custom for people to d_________ their houses in red and yellow during happy events and in black and white during sad events.
    55. P_______ bears are more resistant to cold weather because they have very thick fur to protect themselves from the freezing climate.
    56. Paper cuts s________________ the idea of happiness and good fortune are usually put up during the festivals.
    57. The Chinese character Fu, the image of dragon and flower p________ are often used in the design for cloth.
    58. In Spring Festival, the older relatives would give a small amount of money wrapped in a red e____________ to the young kids as a sign of good wishes.
    59. When it gets pretty cold, you can always see f__________ on the grass in the early morning.
    60. His company was so successful that there are numerous b__________ of it all over the world.
    61. Most Christians believe they are the h_________ servants of God. (谦卑的)
    62. Ever since the factories moved to our village, the environment has been t___________ changed.
    63. Students are required to wear their school u____________ at school.
    64. Grandpa’s favorite music filled the room __________________________. (旧日美好回忆)
    65. The cat was her companion. Whenever she sat down, it jumped onto her l________ and slept comfortably there.
    66. Strangely, we grew a____________ the old house though we didn’t like it at first.
    67. The day we celebrated my granny’s 70th birthday was m____________.难忘的
    68. The Chinese word for “fish” sounds ________________ “indicating wealth and prosperity.   



    1.Try out for  2.Hurt, aches  3.whisper  4.Gymnastics, flexible  5. system, function properly  6. Symbolized  7. Inspiration  8. Throughout  9. Capable  10. Applies toat a low speed  11. behave yourselves  12. Shortcut, schedule  13. Muscles  14. Cycle  15. Replaced, despite  16. Flowed  17. wave good-bye to  18. Reflections  19. from being passed on   20.starting line, track  21. graduates   22. Swallows, accompanyat midnight   23. Inspire  24. Bounce  25. Relief  26. putting on weight  27. Overweight  28. throughout his long life.  29. Amazement  30. Comfortable/ at ease  31.rolling  32.description  33. Overtake  34. Swallow  35. Mess, cleaning up  36. behave differently  37. Not surprisingly  38. Actress  39.behavior  40. Magical  41. Slightly  42. Behaved  43. Excitedly  44. Impatient 45. behaved  46. Slight  47. Extend  48. Selected as a representative  49. nowhere to be seen  50. head for  51. Whispered  52. Filled my heart with warmth  53. Shaky  54. Representing  55. Dating back to 56. impatient 57.wedding (ceremony) 58. Greeted 59. Studio  60.appropriately  61.click  62. Strengthen  63.equipped  64.specific  65. Neatlyleave a bad impression on  66.jeans  67. cover  68.representatives  60.unfortuate  70.memory  71. Stuffed  72. Decorate  73.polar  74. Symbolizing   75. Patterns 76. envelops  77.frost  78. Branches  79. Humble  80. Thoroughly  81. Uniforms  82. With memories of the good old days.  83.lap  84.Attached to  85. Memorable  86. Similar to/the same as


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