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    还剩28页未读, 继续阅读



    (总分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: How much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    How does the woman feel now?
    A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Tired.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    How much will the man pay?
    A. $20. B. $80. C. $100.
    【原文】M: How much is that in total?
    W: 100 dollars. But if you have a membership card I can give you a 20% discount.
    M: Great. This is my membership card.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What does the man tell Jane to do?
    A. Put off his appointment. B. Meet Mr. Douglas. C. Return at 3 o`clock
    【原文】M: Jane. I’m going out for a while.
    W: But you have an appointment with Mr.Douglas at 3 o’clock.
    M: Well, please make it another day.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why would David quit his job?
    A. To go back to school. B. To start his own firm. C. To work for his friend.

    6. What does the man want the woman to do?
    A. Check the cupboard.
    B. Clean the balcony.
    C. Buy an umbrella.
    7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.
    B. Employer and employee.
    C. Shop assistant and customer.
    【答案】6. C 7. A

    8. Where did the woman go at the weekend?
    A. The city centre.
    B. The forest park.
    C. The man’s home.
    9. How did the man spend his weekend?
    A. Packing for a move.
    B. Going out with Jenny.
    C. Looking for a new house.
    10. What will the woman do for the man?
    A. Take Henry to hospital. B. Stay with his kid. C. Look after his pet.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. C

    11. What is Mr. Stone doing now?
    A Eating lunch. B. Having a meeting. C. Writing a diary.
    12. Why does the man want to see Mr. Stone?
    A. To discuss a program. B. To make a travel plan. C. To ask for sick leave.
    13. When will the man meet Mr. Stone this afternoon?
    A. At 3:00. B. At 3:30. C. At 3:45.
    【答案】11. B 12. A 13. C

    14. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. A company. B. An interview. C. A job offer.
    15. Who is Monica Stansfield?
    A. A junior specialist. B. A department manager. C. A sales assistant.
    16. When will the man hear from the woman?
    A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.
    【答案】14. C 15. B 16. A

    17. What did John enjoy doing in his childhood?
    A. Touring France. B. Playing outdoors. C. Painting pictures.
    18. What did John do after he moved to the US?
    A. He did business. B. He studied biology. C. He worked on a farm.
    19. Why did John go hunting?
    A For food. B. For pleasure. C. For money.
    20. What is the subject of John’s works?
    A. American birds. B. Natural scenery. C. Family life.
    【答案】17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,共37.5分)
    Community partners need you!
    Swissvale Farmers Market
    We’re looking for students to help us set up and take down our tent and spend the morning under the tent with us. Activities include some heavy lifting (optional), engaging with community members, picking up litter, handling small sales and lots of breaks!
    Time: September 10, 2022 8:30 am – 1:15 pm
    Food Pantry Distribution
    The CHS Food Pantry needs volunteers to assist during preparation and distribution (分发) each week. This involves sorting food, stocking shelves, preparing the outdoor market, and assisting families. Customer service skills are important as volunteers may be assisting families directly. Understanding different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds is helpful.
    If interested in volunteering, please contact Colin McWhertor (cmcwhertor@chscorp.org or 412-246-1639).
    Time: September 1, 2022 – December 22, 2022 Wednesday: 1:30 pm – 6:00 pm Thursday: 1:30 pm – 6:00 pm
    Garbage Olympics 2022
    Join us for Garbage Olympics! A Pittsburgh wide competition between neighborhoods to see who can get the most litter and garbage off our beloved city streets! This year, we are competing against each other as well as the entire city! Teams A, B, and C will race to see who can get the most garbage collected!
    We’ll have all the supplies ready, and will explain the rules to everyone before the event starts.
    Time: September 17, 2022 8:00 am – 11:00 am
    21. What do Swissvale Farmers Market project and Garbage Olympics 2022 have in common?
    A. Both start from 8:00 am in the neighborhoods.
    B. Both include setting up tents.
    C. Both require volunteers to gather rubbish.
    D. Both involve team competitions.
    22. What is required of an applicant for the CHS Food Pantry?
    A. Customer service skills.
    B. A degree in social economics.
    C. Work experiences at a food company.
    D. A different cultural background.
    23. Where are you most likely to read this article?
    A. In a research report. B. In a social magazine.
    C. In a travel brochure. D. At a volunteer matching website.
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D
    推理判断题。根据Swissvale Farmers Market部分中“Activities include some heavy lifting (optional), engaging with community members, picking up litter. (活动包括一些拎重物(可选),与社区成员接触,捡垃圾。)”以及Garbage Olympics 2022部分中“A Pittsburgh wide competition between neighborhoods to see who can get the most litter and garbage off our beloved city streets! (一场匹兹堡社区间的比赛,看谁能从我们心爱的城市街道上清除最多的垃圾和垃圾!)”可知,两个活动的共通之处在于清除垃圾。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Food Pantry Distribution部分中“ Customer service skills are important as volunteers may be assisting families directly.(客户服务技能很重要,因为志愿者可能直接帮助家庭。)”可知,在申请该活动中,掌握客户服务技能很重要。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章标题“Community partners need you!(社区伙伴需要你!)”可知,文章介绍了三个社区活动的招募广告,三个活动招募的都是志愿者。故推断文章出自于寻找志愿者网站。故选D。
    Three very strong women — my mother, my grandmother and Melinda — deserve big credit for helping me become the man I am today. But Blanche Caffiere, a very kind teacher and librarian I’ve never written about before, also had a huge influence on me.
    Mrs. Caffiere died in 2006, shortly after reaching her 100th birthday. Before she passed away, I had an opportunity to visit her and thank her for the important role she played in my life.
    When I first met Mrs. Caffiere, she was the elegant and engaging school librarian at Seattle’s View Ridge Elementary, and I was a fourth grader. I was desperately trying to go unnoticed, because I had some big weaknesses, like dysgraphia (书写障碍), and had a totally messy desk with books around. And I was trying to hide the fact that I liked to read — something that was cool for girls but not for boys.
    Mrs. Caffiere took me under her wings and helped make it okay for me to be a messy, nerdy boy who was reading lots of books. She pulled me out of my shell. She started by asking questions like, “What do you like to read?” and “What are you interested in?” Then she found me a lot of books. For example, she gave me great biographies she had read. Once I’d read them, she would make the time to discuss them with me. “Did you like the book? Why? What did you learn?” She listened to what I had to say patiently. Through those book conversations in the library and in the classroom we became good friends.
    Teachers generally don’t want to burden their students with extra reading beyond the homework they’ve given. But I learned from Mrs. Caffiere that my teachers had so much knowledge to share. Looking back on it, there’s no question that my time with Mrs. Caffiere helped spark my interest in libraries and my focus on helping every child in America get the benefit of great teachers. I should give great thanks to the devoted teacher and librarian who helped me find my strengths when I was nine years old. It’s remarkable how much power one good person can have in shaping the life of a child.
    24. Which of the following best describes the writer when he was in his fourth grade?
    A. Elegant and engaging B. Shy and untidy
    C. Weak and desperate D. Curious and friendly
    25. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 probably mean?
    A. She forced the writer to read more books.
    B. She helped the writer to overcome his weaknesses.
    C. She turned the writer into a book lover.
    D. She encouraged the writer not to hide his love of reading.
    26. What do we know about Mrs. Caffiere?
    A. She had the greatest influence on the writer.
    B. She influenced the writer’s decision on helping American children.
    C. She used to give the writer too much homework to help him learn.
    D. She hadn’t seen the writer since he left the school.
    27. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
    A. A Teacher Who Changed My Life.
    B. The Story of a Kind Teacher.
    C. My School Life with Great Teachers.
    D. Every Student Deserves to Be Encouraged.
    【答案】24. B 25. D 26. B 27. A
    【导语】本文为一篇记叙文。害羞、不整洁的作者羞于让人知道自己喜欢阅读,此时遇到学校的老师兼图书管理员Blanche Caffiere太太,她鼓励作者阅读,表达,大方展示出对阅读的喜欢,老师的做法对作者产生了极大的影响,也导致了作者在未来的关于帮助美国儿童的决定,可见一个好的老师对孩子的影响力是非凡的。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“I was desperately trying to go unnoticed, because I had some big weaknesses, like dysgraphia (书写障碍), and had a totally messy desk with books around. (我拼命地想不被人注意,因为我有一些很大的弱点,比如书写障碍,而且桌子上堆满了书)”可知,作者当时因为自身有书写障碍等弱点,很不自信,不希望大家关注他,回避众人的关注,而且课桌上书本凌乱堆放。故选B项。
    词句猜测题。根据“And I was trying to hide the fact that I liked to read — something that was cool for girls but not for boys. (我试图掩盖我喜欢阅读的事实——一些对女孩来说很酷,但对男孩来说不太合适的东西。)”可知,作者喜欢看书,但是不想被人知道;第四段“Mrs. Caffiere took me under her wings and helped make it okay for me to be a messy, nerdy boy who was reading lots of books. (卡菲埃太太对我呵护有加,帮助我(知道)成为一个邋遢、书呆子、读了很多书的男孩没什么大不了)”可知,卡菲埃太太改变了作者的观点,喜欢阅读不是坏事,以及下文“She started by asking questions like, ‘What do you like to read?’ and ‘What are you interested in?’ Then she found me a lot of books. For example, she gave me great biographies she had read. Once I’d read them, she would make the time to discuss them with me. ‘Did you like the book? Why? What did you learn?’ She listened to what I had to say patiently. (她首先问了这样的问题:‘你喜欢读什么书?’以及‘你对什么感兴趣?’然后她给我找了很多书。例如,她给了我她读过的伟大传记。一旦我读了,她就会抽出时间和我讨论。‘你喜欢这本书吗?为什么?你学到了什么?’她耐心地听我说。)”可知,卡菲埃太太鼓励作者读书,还耐心跟作者交流。由此推知,She pulled me out of my shell,是指卡菲埃太太通过鼓励作者读书、交流,使作者从“试图掩盖喜欢阅读的事实”转为“能与老师进行阅读交流”的男孩,老师鼓励作者大方展示出对阅读的喜爱。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Looking back on it, there’s no question that my time with Mrs. Caffiere helped spark my interest in libraries and my focus on helping every child in America get the benefit of great teachers. I should give great thanks to the devoted teacher and librarian who helped me find my strengths when I was nine years old. It’s remarkable how much power one good person can have in shaping the life of a child. (现在回想起来,毫无疑问,我和卡菲埃太太在一起的时光激发了我对图书馆的兴趣,并让我专注于帮助美国的每一个孩子都能从优秀教师那里受益。我要非常感谢那位尽心尽力的老师兼图书管理员,在我9岁时,她帮助我发现了自己的长处。一个好人能对一个孩子的一生产生多大的影响,这是不可思议的)”可知,卡菲埃太太对作者影响很大,她的引导最终影响了作者关于帮助美国儿童的决定。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段最后一句“But Blanche Caffiere, a very kind teacher and librarian I’ve never written about before, also had a huge influence on me. (但布兰奇·卡菲埃,一位非常善良的老师和图书管理员,我以前从未写过,对我也有巨大的影响)”可知,本文介绍了一位影响作者人生方向的老师兼图书管理员,卡菲埃太太。故选A项。
    Some people say global English is no longer just controlled by British or American English,but is running free and developing uniquely local forms.Can you figure out the following terms?
    “I like your smile,but unlike you put your shoes on my face.”This is a way of saying“Keep off the grass.”Or“people mountain,people sea”,which means“very crowded”.
    These examples are what we call Chinglish.When it comes to Chinglish,if all you know is“good good study,day day up”,you will be considered“out man”.
    Nowadays,more Chinglish words have been created,for example,a Chinese idiom is translated as“smilence”,a combination by the English word smile and silence.
    Chinglish usually offers a humorous look at misuses of the English language in Chinese street signs,products,and advertising.They are favoured by some English speaking tourists and visitors.Dominic Swire has been living in Beijing for a couple of years.“I think many Chinese people complain about the Chinglish and badly translated English.But you know,sometimes for us foreigners,it’s actually quite charming to see them.I think if the translations of English in China were all perfect,then something would be lost from Chinese culture.”
    However,Chinglish will probably become a“cultural relic”in the near future.Beijing has made a comprehensive plan to improve foreign language services and correct Chinglish within five years.“It is very ridiculous to see Chinglish on the signs in some scenic spots.And they are a kind of barrier for communication between Chinese and people from other countries,”a Beijinger said.
    Some Chinese university experts side with Chinglish.They argue that English has absorbed elements from other languages such as French and Spanish in its growth,and now it’s Chinese’s turn.
    28. What can we call Chinglish?
    A. English words which get new Chinese meanings.
    B. The Chinese words which are difficult to translate.
    C. The words combining English vocabulary and Chinese grammar.
    D. The local words preventing foreigners from learning Chinese well.
    29. What does“smilence”most probably mean?
    A. Saying nothing but to smile. B. Smiling without being noticed.
    C. Laughing at somebody. D. Knowing little about speech.
    30. What is Swire’s attitude to Chinglish?
    A. It can show the humour of Chinese. B. It will attract more foreign tourists.
    C. It helps him to learn Chinese well. D. It seems part of Chinese culture.
    31. Why Chinglish is likely to become a“cultural relic”in Beijing?
    A. Because it has become a unique bridge between Chinese and English.
    B. Because Chinglish is a chance to enrich Chinese and English.
    C. Because it improves the understanding between Chinese and foreigners.
    D. Because Beijing is determined to get rid of Chinglish signs.
    【答案】28. C 29. A 30. D 31. D
    【分析】本文是说明文。如今, 世界英语不单单受美式英语和英式英语的影响, 英语词汇和汉语语法的结合还导致了越来越多的“中国式英语”的出现。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“more Chinglish words have been created, for example, a Chinese idiom is translated as“smilence”,a combination by the English word smile and silence.” 更多的中式英语词汇被创造出来,例如,一个汉语成语被翻译成“smilence”,由英语单词微笑和沉默组合而成。这里“笑而不语”把英语词汇按照汉语语法表达出来,故选C项。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段结尾“a combination by the English word smile and silence”可知,根据中文意思把“微笑”和“沉默”结合,即表示“笑而不语”。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第五段中Swire说话的内容“I think if the translations of English in China were all perfect, then something would be lost from Chinese culture.” 我认为如果中国的英语翻译都很完美,那么中国文化就会丢失一些东西,可知, 他认为中国式英语是中国文化的一部分。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的 “Beijing has made a comprehensive plan to improve foreign language services and correct Chinglish within five years. ” 北京已经制定了一项全面计划,在五年内提高外语服务和纠正中式英语。所以中式英语可能将不存在了,故选D项。
    Social media is taking over our lives: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now, TikTok. These social media platforms have changed from a way to stay connected to an industry where even kids can make money off their posts. While this may seem like another opportunistic innovation, it’s really full of hidden false realities.
    The median income (中位收入) recorded in the United States of America was about $63,000 in 2018. TikTokers can make anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000 for a TikTok brand partnership, and TikTokers with over a million followers can make up to $30,000 a month—$360,000 a year. They are making more than the average person trying to feed their family and keep a roof over their heads simply by posting a 15-second video.
    This is mad in more ways than one. Not only is it an overpaid “job”, it promotes undeserved admiration from viewers and a false sense of reality. Many of these famous TikTokers are still teens and the effects of fame at such an early stage in life might cause issues later in life, such as mental illness. Teens between the ages of 13 and 17 make up 27% of TikTok viewers, who can be easily influenced by what they are watching. They can put a false sense of self-value into who they look up to and what they represent: money, fame, being considered conventionally attractive.
    While TikTok has become a great tool for marketing, it’s important to understand how this content affects young viewers. If we’re constantly consuming content that shows us all we need to do to be successful is be conventionally attractive and post a 15-second video featuring a new dance, it will challenge our knowledge of what really makes someone successful and will in turn affect our individual work ethnics (伦理). What about the people who miss birthdays and family holidays due to their jobs and aren’t getting paid nearly as much as these TikTokers?
    Richard Colyer, president and creator of Metaphor, Inc, had his own view on this issue. “It sounds great that kids can make money for doing the latest dance moves in a 15-second video, but we should feed the minds of kids and not just their bank accounts. TikTok can be great if used properly. Money alone is not good; technology alone is not good and connectedness can be bad if it is only online.”
    Again, as a fellow consumer of TikTok, I do enjoy the app when I have some time to kill and need a good laugh. I’m not against someone making a living on entertainment, but what does getting famous by posting a 15-second video teach young people?
    32. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
    A. Social networking.
    B. A job offered by TikTok.
    C. Making money on social media.
    D. Staying connected to the Internet.
    33. What does the author try to indicate in Paragraph 2?
    A. TikTokers can hardly make ends meet.
    B. Social media platforms like TikTok can make people overpaid.
    C. Teens are wise to make a huge amount of money from TikTok.
    D. TikTokers earn such a high income that they can support their family.
    34. Which is the possible influence of TikTok on its young users?
    A. They are likely to develop false values.
    B. They tend to live an adult life too soon.
    C. They are forced to pay for certain services.
    D. They may stop believing other social media.
    35. What did Richard Colyer stress according to his view?
    A. Contents of videos need checking before their release online.
    B. We have a responsibility to supply teens with food for thought.
    C. Young TikTokers should be banned from opening bank accounts.
    D. Money and technology can be good if used properly by TikTokers.
    【答案】32. C 33. B 34. A 35. B
    词义猜测题。根据划线词前面的句子“These social media platforms have changed from a way to stay connected to an industry where even kids can make money off their posts. (这些社交媒体平台已经从一种保持联系的方式变成了一个连孩子都能从他们的帖子中赚钱的行业。)”以及,划线词所在的句子表示,虽然这个 看起来好像是投机取巧的创新,但是它实际充满了隐藏的虚假现实。由此推断划线词this指代的是“社交媒体上赚钱”这件事。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“TikTokers can make anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000 for a TikTok brand partnership, and TikTokers with over a million followers can make up to $30,000 a month—$360,000 a year. (抖音品牌合作伙伴的收入从5万美元到15万美元不等,粉丝超过100万的抖音每月可以赚3万美元,一年可以赚36万美元。)”可知,像抖音这样的社交媒体平台可以让人们获得过高的报酬。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“If we’re constantly consuming content that shows us all we need to do to be successful is be conventionally attractive and post a 15-second video featuring a new dance, it will challenge our knowledge of what really makes someone successful and will in turn affect our individual work ethnics (伦理). (如果我们不断地消费这样的内容,告诉我们要想成功,我们所需要做的就是保持传统的吸引力,发布一段15秒的新舞蹈视频,这将挑战我们对真正让一个人成功的知识,反过来也会影响我们个人的职业道德。)”以及倒数第二段中“It sounds great that kids can make money for doing the latest dance moves in a 15-second video, but we should feed the minds of kids and not just their bank accounts. (孩子们在15秒的视频里跳最新的舞步就能赚钱,这听起来很棒,但我们应该培养孩子们的思想,而不仅仅是他们的银行账户。)”可知,如果抖音不断地宣传发布15秒钟舞蹈视频就能赚钱的思想,那么将会颠覆年轻人对成功的认知,产生不良影响。故推断,抖音会让年轻人形成错误的价值观。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“It sounds great that kids can make money for doing the latest dance moves in a 15-second video, but we should feed the minds of kids and not just their bank accounts. (孩子们在15秒的视频里跳最新的舞步就能赚钱,这听起来很棒,但我们应该培养孩子们的思想,而不仅仅是他们的银行账户。)”可知,Richard Colyer 强调我们有责任为青少年提供精神食粮。故选B。
    第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    The first moment came when I was in the local dollar store. There was an older woman in front of me just wrapping up her goods.____36____
    Before I could even offer to help, the young cashier gave her a big smile. She said, “Oh, don’t worry about it,” and sent the woman on her way.
    As I came up she said, “It’s only a few cents. I can’t make a big deal out of it.” I responded, “Here’s the seventeen cents.____37____ In this way your cash won’t be short.”
    ___38___We passed a young man whose arms and face were covered in tattoos. He wore torn clothes and sat on the sidewalk with a sign that said “Homeless—Hungry—Sick.”
    Now as we passed I was thinking “Junkie”. ____39____But, as we went a little further, I said to myself, “Who am I to judge? I should just put something in his paper cup.”
    At the same moment my son said, “That man is homeless, hungry and sick. I want to help him.”
    I gave him some money and told him he could put it in the cup. As I watched the young man gave my son a big smile and said, “Thank you!” My son told him, “No problem.” When my son came back to me he said, “That was good. Now he can get better.”
    ___40___And, once again, I learned that children are often our best role models for the acceptance of others.
    A. You did a really nice thing.
    B. It was an automatic reaction.
    C. His sign says he needs more clothes.
    D. The rate of people giving her money is low.
    E. Just two little moments, but they taught me lots.
    F. The second moment came when I was walking along with my son.
    G. When she came to pay for them she discovered that she was seventeen cents short.
    【答案】36. G 37. A 38. F 39. B 40. E
    根据上文“The first moment came when I was in the local dollar store. There was an older woman in front of me just wrapping up her goods.(第一次是在当地的一元店。我前面有个老妇人正在包装她的东西)”以及后文“Before I could even offer to help, the young cashier gave her a big smile. She said, “Oh, don’t worry about it,” and sent the woman on her way.(我还没来得及帮忙,年轻的收银员就冲她笑了。她说,“哦,别担心,”然后让那个女人走了)”可知,上文提到了老妇人在包东西,后文则说没来得及帮忙,可见本句是在说明老妇人需要帮助的具体情况。G选项“当她来付钱时,她发现自己少了17美分”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“As I came up she said, “It’s only a few cents. I can’t make a big deal out of it.” I responded, “Here’s the seventeen cents.(我走过去时,她说:“只要几美分。我不能把它当成什么大事。”我回答说:“这是17美分)”以及后文“In this way your cash won’t be short.(这样你的现金就不会短缺了)”可知,作者为老妇人补上了17美分,可见作者认可收银员的做法,也愿意帮助收银员。A选项“你做得很好”符合语境,故选A。
    根据后文“We passed a young man whose arms and face were covered in tattoos. He wore torn clothes and sat on the sidewalk with a sign that said “Homeless—Hungry—Sick.”(我们经过一个脸上和手臂上都是纹身的年轻人。 他穿着破旧的衣服,坐在人行道上,举着一个写着“无家可归——饥饿——生病”的牌子)”可知,后文提到了的是另一个场景“经过一个脸上和手臂上都是纹身的年轻人”,且后文中we指代F选项中I was walking along with my son。F选项“当我和儿子一起走着的时候,第二个时刻到来了”符合语境,故选F。
    根据上文“Now as we passed I was thinking “Junkie”.(当我们经过的时候,我在想“瘾君子”)”以及后文“But, as we went a little further, I said to myself, “Who am I to judge? I should just put something in his paper cup.”(但是,当我们走得更远时,我对自己说:“我有什么资格去评判?我应该在他的纸杯里放点东西。”)”可知,上文提到作者看到这个人就立刻认为他是“瘾君子”,可见是一种无意识的反应。B选项“这是一种无意识的反应”符合语境,故选B。
    根据后文“And, once again, I learned that children are often our best role models for the acceptance of others.( 而且,我再一次了解到,在接纳他人方面,孩子往往是我们最好的榜样)”可知,后文提到作者认为孩子是最好的榜样,可知作者从上述的两个时刻中学到了很多。E选项“只是短短的两个时刻,但它们教会了我很多”符合语境,故选E。
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    Science made me anxious when I was young. Maybe that's because in tenth grade, I misunderstood my science teacher's directions, causing me to set fire to the classroom.
    So, when schools closed last year, my husband and I decided to homeschool our daughter Ula. We made a deal: he would teach ___41___ , while I would handle everything else. But things didn't ___42___ as planned, since my husband was busy.
    One day, I ___43___ that the sky was a beautiful blue, and the air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers. That's why I had the ___44___ that the lessons would be taught outside. Ula and I ___45___ to the forest, settling ourselves by a pond. She began ___46___ pond weeds(杂草)and catching frogs for a while.
    Then, I ___47___ her a drawing board and the colored pencils. "We wait," I told her, "and see if something comes along. Meanwhile, just ___48___ what's around you." A bird flew across the water, and then ___49___ on a fallen tree. I ___50___ told Ula, worried that she'd not seen the ___51___ . But she had, and she began drawing it.
    An hour later, to my ___52___ , she drew the bird accurately(准确地)! When I appreciated the painting, it ___53___ me that the basis of science isn't just about the knowledge from a ___54___ , but also about stepping outside our busy lives and ___55___ the world around us.
    41. A. art B. history C. science D. math
    42. A. go B. expect C. change D. help
    43. A. reported B. guessed C. predicted D. noticed
    44. A. dream B. idea C. habit D. chance
    45. A. headed B. returned C. lead D. turned
    46. A. putting up B. cutting up C. holding up D. pulling up
    47. A. lent B. handed C. awarded D. gifted
    48. A. find B. count C. draw D. remember
    49. A. ate B. rested C. slept D. climbed
    50. A. hardly B. honestly C. quickly D. secretly
    51. A. tree B. painting C. rock D. bird
    52. A. fear B. regret C. sadness D. surprise
    53. A. reminded B. hit C. confused D. warned
    54. A. textbook B. magazine C. newspaper D. novel
    55. A. escaping B. imaging C. exploring D. believing
    【答案】41. C 42. A 43. D 44. B 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. C 49. B 50. C 51. D 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们达成了协议:他将教授科学,而我将处理其他一切。A. art 艺术;B. history 历史;C. science 科学;D. math数学。根据上文“Science made me anxious when I was young”可知,作者不擅长科学,所以应该是让丈夫教授孩子“科学”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但事情没有按计划进行,因为我丈夫很忙。A. go 进行、去;B. expect 期待;C. change 改变;D. help 帮助。根据下文“ since my husband was busy”可知,丈夫很忙所以事情并没有按计划进行,用go表示事情的“进行、进展”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天,我发现天空是一片美丽的蓝色,空气中弥漫着花香。A. reported 报道;B. guessed 猜测;C. predicted 预测;D. noticed 注意到。根据下文“ the sky was a beautiful blue, and the air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers”可知,蓝天和花香应该是作者“注意到”的自然现象。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么我有这样的想法:课程将在外面教授。A. dream 梦想;B. idea 主意;C. habit 习惯;D. chance 机会。根据下文“he lessons would be taught outside.”可知,作者决定把女儿带到森林去上课可知,所以应该是作者有了一个“想法”。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:乌拉和我来到森林,在池塘边安顿下来。A. headed 朝……前进;B. returned 返回、归还;C. lead 带路、引领;D. turned 扭转、转身。根据下文“to the forest, settling ourselves by a pond. ”可知,乌拉和我来到森林,在池塘边安顿下来,所以空格处表示“前往”森林。故选A项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:她开始拔池塘里的草和抓捕青蛙。A. putting up 搭建、张贴;B. cutting up 切碎;C. holding up 举起、阻挡;D. pulling up 拔出、停下。根据空格后的“pond weeds”可知,应该是用“拔草”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,我递给她一块画板和彩色铅笔。A. lent 借出;B. handed 传递;C. awarded 颁发;D. gifted 赠送。根据下文“her a drawing board and the colored pencils”可知,为了画画,应该是作者“递给”了女儿画板和彩铅。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同时,画出你周围的东西。A. find 发现;B. count 数数;C. draw 画画;D. remember 记得。根据下文“But she had, and she began drawing it”可知,女儿开始画了,所以此处应该是指作者让女儿把看见的东西“画”下来。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一只鸟飞过水面,然后停留在一棵倒下的树上。A. ate 吃;B. rested 休息、停留;C. slept 睡觉;D. climbed 攀爬。根据上文“A bird flew across the water, and then ”可知,小鸟飞过水面后,应该是“停留在”树上符合语境。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我很快告诉乌拉,担心她没有看到那只鸟。A. hardly 几乎不;B. C. honestly 诚实地;C. quickly 快速地;D. secretly 秘密地。根据下文“worried that she'd not seen”可知,作者担心女儿没有看见小鸟,所以是“赶紧、快速”告诉她。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很快告诉乌拉,担心她没有看到那只鸟。A, tree 树;B. painting 绘画;C. rock 岩石;D. bird 鸟。根据上文“A bird flew across the water, and the”可知,空格处为“小鸟”这一词汇的复现。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一小时后,令我惊讶的是,她准确地画出了那只鸟!A. fear 恐惧;B. regret 后悔;C. sadness 悲伤;D. surprise 惊讶。根据下文“she drew the bird accurately(准确地)! ”可知,可知作者对女儿准确地画出鸟是“非常惊讶的”。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我欣赏这幅画时,我突然意识到,科学的基础不仅仅是课本上的知识,还包括走出我们繁忙的生活,探索我们周围的世界。A. reminded 提醒;B. hit 使(某人)突然想到;C. confused 使迷惑;D. warned 警告。分析上下文语境可知,作者原计划让丈夫在家教女儿科学的,但是后来带女儿到户外以后,作者看到女儿准确地画出了她所观察到的事物,应该是“突然意识到”科学的基础不仅仅是课本上的知识,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我欣赏这幅画时,我突然意识到,科学的基础不仅仅是课本上的知识,还包括走出我们繁忙的生活,探索我们周围的世界。A. textbook 教科书;B. magazine 杂志;C. newspaper 报纸;D. novel 小说。根据上文“she drew the bird accurately(准确地)!”可知,女儿准确画出了她观察到的鸟儿,所以空格处是指科学的基础不只是“书本”的知识。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我欣赏这幅画时,我突然意识到,科学的基础不仅仅是课本上的知识,还包括走出我们繁忙的生活,探索我们周围的世界。A. escaping 逃跑;B. imaging 想象;C. exploring 探索;D. believing 相信。根据上文“stepping outside our busy lives ”可知,科学的基础还应该是走出忙碌的生活,“探索”大自然。故选C项。
    第二节 短文语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)
    On our way to the house, it was raining ____56____hard that we couldn’t help wondering how long it would take ____57____(get) there. It was in the middle of Pearl City.
    We were first greeted with the barking by a pack ____58____dogs, seven to be exact. They were well trained by their masters ____59____had great experience with caring for these animals. Our hosts shared many of their experiences and ____60____(recommend) wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit. For breakfast, we were able to eat papaya (木瓜) and other fruits from ____61____ (they) trees in the backyard.
    When they were free from work, they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting ____62____(compete) to watch, together with the story behind it. They also shared with us many ____63____(tradition) stories about Hawaii that were ____64____( incredible) popular with tourists. On the last day of our week-long stay, we were invited to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, ____65____(listen) to musicians and meeting interesting locals.
    【答案】56. so 57. to get
    58. of 59. who##that
    60. recommended
    61. their 62. competition
    63. traditional
    64. incredibly
    65. listening
    考查固定搭配。句意:在我们回家的路上,雨下得很大,我们不禁想知道要多久才能到那里。本句运用了take sth. to do sth.,意为“花费……做某事”,故填to get。
    考查介词。句意:首先迎接我们是一群狗的叫声,确切地说是七只。“a pack of”意为“一群……”。故填of。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在我们为期一周的停留的最后一天,我们被邀请去北岸一个美丽的农场参加一场私人音乐会,在星空下聆听音乐家的演奏,并结识有趣的当地人。句中谓语是were invited,空格处用非谓语动词,we和listen之间是主谓关系,因此空格处用现在分词表主动,故填listening。
    第四部分 写作(满分40分)
    66. 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入新的班集体中,感到很苦恼。请根据下列要点用英语给他写封信:
    1. 欢迎他的到来;
    2. 帮他分析原因(至少两点);
    3. 给他提出建议(至少一条);
    4. 表达你愿意帮助他的想法。
    Dear Li Ming,
    Li Hua
    Dear Li Ming,
    My name is Li Hua, one of your classmates. Welcome to this new class. I’m writing this letter to tell you something about it.
    It is normal that you feel uncomfortable now because you’ve just entered a new environment where teachers and classmates are new to you. Another reason why you feel uneasy could be that you still need some time to adapt to the new class and maybe you’re a little shy to communicate with others. In my opinion, you can talk with people around you, and be brave to ask them questions that you don’t know.
    Of course, you can always turn to me for help whenever you need it. I’m sure that you will get used to this new place soon.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    正常的:normal→common, typical
    因为:because→since, as, for, owing to the fact that
    适应:adapt to→accommodate to, adjust to, get used to
    与……交流:communicate with→contact, keep in touch with
    在我看来:in my opinion→from my perspective, in my view, as far as I’m concerned
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Welcome to this new class. I’m writing this letter to tell you something about it.
    拓展句:Welcome to this new class, about which I’m writing this letter to tell you something.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】It is normal that you feel uncomfortable now because you’ve just entered a new environment where teachers and classmates are new to you.(运用了that引导的主语从句、because引导的原因状语从句、where引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Another reason why you feel uneasy could be that you still need some time to adapt to the new class and maybe you’re a little shy to communicate with others.(运用了why引导的定语从句、that引导的表语从句)
    【高分句型3】Of course, you can always turn to me for help whenever you need it.(运用了whenever引导的让步状语从句)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
    Peter woke up early in the morning. He went downstairs in a hurry and started to have his breakfast as quickly as possible.
    “Why are you in such a hurry, early bird?” Mum asked him. “We will have an English spelling test today, Mum,” Peter said. “Mr. White promised to offer prizes to those who get 100 scores. I’ve been studying the word list since last week. Although the words are difficult, I am well prepared for them.”
    Peter reviewed the spelling of each word once more carefully when Dad drove him to school. At last, it was time for the students to have a test. “Responsibility,” Mr. White started. Peter wrote it on his test paper quickly and confidently.
    “The second word: contribution,” Mr. White said.
    “So easy,” Peter thought. He quickly wrote the word down.
    Thirty words later, the test papers were collected by Mr. White. “I am to mark your papers now,” he told the class. After marking the test papers, Mr. White said, “Three of you won a prize today for excellent test scores. Peter, David and Mary got full marks on the spelling test!”
    Mr. White praised them. Meanwhile, he gave the three students each a dictionary. Peter’s was an English-Chinese dictionary—the one he liked best. Peter was so excited that he held it high when his classmates cheered. “This is my happiest moment,” Peter thought.
    After Mr. White gave the test paper back, Peter had a look at the words, feeling proud of his spelling. All of a sudden, the word “contribusion” confused him. It didn’t seem right. Peter began to compare them after taking out the word list. “C-O-N-T-R-I-B-U-S-I-O-N,” he whispered. He spelled it wrong.
    “What am I to do?” Peter said to himself. “I expect my classmates to think I’m a master at spelling. If I tell Mr. White one of my spelling words is wrong, I’ll have to give my prize back, or I will become an example for telling a lie.”
    Staring at the full marks written on his test paper, Peter was lost in thought. After a while, he remembered a lesson Mum used to teach him, “We ought to be an honest person.”
    Slowly,Peter raised his hand.
    Peter looked around.
    【答案】Paragraph 1:  
    Slowly, Peter raised his hand. “Mr. White, I didn’t get full marks on the test. I made a mistake.” He stood up and handed his teacher the dictionary he liked best and his test paper, “I spelled contribution with ’s-i’ instead of ‘t-i’. ”Peter could feel his classmates looking at him with surprise as he walked back to his desk. Mr. White held up Peter’s testpaper. “Class,” he said, “Peter did something even more important than spelling every word correctly on a test.” Mr. White smiled at Peter, “He taught us all a lesson on being honest.”
    Paragraph 2:  
    Peter looked around. He found many of his classmates were smiling at him. “Peter, I want you to have this dictionary because you set a good example for all of us,” Mr. White said. Peter took the dictionary from his teacher and expressed his thanks to Mr. White. Meanwhile, he couldn’t wait to show it to Mum and tell her one of his best days ever.
    递给:hand/pass on
    拥有:have /possess
    惊讶:with surprise /surprisedly
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Peter could feel his classmates looking at him with surprise as he walked back to his desk. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Peter, I want you to have this dictionary because you set a good example for all of us .(运用了because引导原因状语从句)

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