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    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版)
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      专题43 概要写作高分技巧与演练(原卷版).docx
    • 解析
      专题43 概要写作高分技巧与演练(解析版).docx
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版)01
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版)02
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版)03
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版)01
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版)02
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版)03
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    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题42 读后续写13 高分结尾技巧:主旨升华(原卷版+解析版),文件包含专题43概要写作高分技巧与演练解析版docx、专题43概要写作高分技巧与演练原卷版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    TOC \ "1-3" \h \u \l "_Tc14766" 专题43 概要写作高分技巧与演练(解析版) PAGEREF _Tc14766 \h 1
    \l "_Tc21786" Part 1命题解读 PAGEREF _Tc21786 \h 1
    \l "_Tc1130" Part 2思维导图 PAGEREF _Tc1130 \h 2
    \l "_Tc12145" Part 3 概要写作评分标准及解读 PAGEREF _Tc12145 \h 2
    \l "_Tc2669" (1)总结 PAGEREF _Tc2669 \h 3
    \l "_Tc4212" (2)评分原则 PAGEREF _Tc4212 \h 3
    \l "_Tc30680" (3)高考真题与样卷特点 PAGEREF _Tc30680 \h 4
    \l "_Tc23025" Part 4四步突破法 PAGEREF _Tc23025 \h 4
    \l "_Tc7369" 第1步:读懂原文,明确篇章结构 PAGEREF _Tc7369 \h 4
    \l "_Tc17155" 第2步:去次留精,提炼关键信息 PAGEREF _Tc17155 \h 4
    \l "_Tc17794" 第3步:归纳要点,合理转换表达 PAGEREF _Tc17794 \h 5
    \l "_Tc23089" 第4步:句式多样,注意过渡衔接 PAGEREF _Tc23089 \h 5
    \l "_Tc5257" Part 5高考真题 PAGEREF _Tc5257 \h 7
    \l "_Tc21892" 1. 2019年6月浙江卷 PAGEREF _Tc21892 \h 7
    \l "_Tc30462" 2. 2018年11月浙江卷 PAGEREF _Tc30462 \h 8
    \l "_Tc2053" 3. 考试说明样卷 PAGEREF _Tc2053 \h 9
    \l "_Tc19584" Part 7模拟演练 PAGEREF _Tc19584 \h 10
    \l "_Tc20622" 1. 1 PAGEREF _Tc20622 \h 10
    \l "_Tc26452" 2. 2 PAGEREF _Tc26452 \h 12
    \l "_Tc13274" 3. 3 PAGEREF _Tc13274 \h 15
    \l "_Tc28336" 4. 4 PAGEREF _Tc28336 \h 17
    \l "_Tc9254" 5. 5 PAGEREF _Tc9254 \h 18
    Part 1命题解读
    Part 2思维导图
    Part 3 概要写作评分标准及解读
    3.理解性:即表现作者对原文本的精准理解。需要注意的是,考生不能对原文进行解释和评论,也不能掺杂任何个人想法,或做出任何评判,因此不能出现“I believe”, “I think”等字句;
    1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据所写概要的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 词数少于40的和多于80的,从总分中减去2分。
    4. 评分时,应主要从以下四个方面考虑:
    (1) 对原文要点的理解和呈现情况;
    (2) 应用语法结构和词汇的准确性;
    (3) 上下文的连贯性;
    (4) 对各要点表达的独立性情况。
    5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。
    6. 如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一个档次。
    Part 4四步突破法
    写概要之前,一定要先通读原文, 确定文章的体裁和主题。在正确把握文章主旨和段落大意后,明确原文的篇章结构。 根据意义划分文中的自然段,意义段的数量对应的就是要点的数量。
    [提醒] 一个自然段不一定是一个要点,有时几个自然段说明一个要点,有时一个自然段包含数个要点。
    ·明确全文的篇章结构后, 就要处理原文的内容,目的是保留主要内容,删除次要内容。
    明确每个意义段的关键信息后,接下来应用自己的语言准确地表达各意义段的要点。 为避免和原文的句子重复, 可利用同义转述和句式转换这两种形式归纳要点。各要点的词数应根据文中对应内容的篇幅来定,分清主次。
    (2018年11月,浙江卷)It's a really eq \a\vs4\al(gd idea) t eq \a\vs4\al(visit clleges) befre yu apply because their websites can all start t lk and sund the same. Nthing will give yu the sense f what it will actually be like t live n a cllege campus (校园) like visiting_and_seeing_fr_yurself_the_drms,_classrms_and_athletic_equipment_and,_f_curse,_the_students. It seems a little crazy nce senir year hits t find the time t visit cllege campuses, and it can als be pricey if eq \a\vs4\al(the schls yu are applying t) eq \a\vs4\al(happen t be mre than a car ride away). But keep in mind that yu are making a decisin abut the next fur years f yur life, and d all the research yu can t make sure yu are making the right ne.
    There's eq \a\vs4\al(n excuse) nt t eq \a\vs4\al(visit) the eq \a\vs4\al(schls) in yur lcal area. In fact, a lt f cllege applicatins even ask if yu have visited campus, and bviusly, if yu live acrss the cuntry that wn't be as much f a pssibility, but if yu live nearby, eq \a\vs4\al(g t check it ut)!
    If campus visits aren't ging t happen befre yu apply, at the very least yu shuld eq \a\vs4\al(find sme time) between applying and getting yur acceptance letters t eq \a\vs4\al(visit) the eq \a\vs4\al(schls) yu'd like t attend. It_can_save_yu_a_lt_f_heartache if yu rule ut nw the things that yu dn't like abut certain campuses, things that yu wuldn't knw unless yu actually visit.
    Nw, if time and mney are making it impssible, then eq \a\vs4\al(check ut) the eq \a\vs4\al(nline cllege fairs) at CllegeWeekLive. It's a chance t chat nline with admissins fficers, students, and cllege cunselrs (顾问), and it wn't cst yu a penny! Yu can register fr its nline cllege fair at cllegeweeklive.cm. While visiting an nline cllege fair can't take the place f an actual campus visit, it can be a very useful tl that alng with all yur ther research will help yu make an infrmed decisin abut which clleges r universities yu'd like t attend.
    第1步 读懂原文,明确篇章结构
    第2步 去次留精,提炼关键信息
    本文关键信息已在文中用画线和阴影形式体现, 其中画线词为与主题句相关的关键信息,其他则为次要信息。
    第3步 归纳要点,合理转换表达
    ①第一段主题句和第二段主题句可概括为要点1:该要点中的“gd idea”可用wise chice转述;“in yur lcal area”可转换为 where yu live。
    ②第三段主题句可概括为要点2: 该要点中的“visiting and seeing fr yurself”可转换为pay a persnal visit。
    ③第四段主题句可概括为要点3:该要点中的“time and mney are making it impssible”可转换为all the abve is nt affrdable。
    第4步 句式多样,注意过渡衔接
    As a senir year student, it's a wise chice t visit wuld­be clleges near where yu live befre attending them fr seeing is believing. (要点1) Yu shuld find a chance t pay a persnal visit even at yur waiting in case yu feel disappinted afterwards. (要点2)If all the abve is nt affrdable, yu are advised t search the nline cllege fair at CllegeWeekLive where yu can get the necessary infrmatin. (要点3)
    Part 5高考真题
    Parents everywhere praise their kids. Jenn Berman, authr f The A t Z Guide t Raising Happy and Cnfident Kids, says, "We've gne t the ppsite extreme f a few decades ag when parents tended t be mre strict." By giving kids a lt f praise, parents think they're building their children's cnfidence, when, in fact, it may be just the ppsite. T much praise can backfire and, when given in a way that's insincere, make kids afraid t try new things r take a risk fr fear f nt being able t stay n tp where their parents' praise has put them.
    Still, dn't g t far in the ther directin. Nt giving enugh praise can be just as damaging as giving t much. Kids will feel like they're nt gd enugh r that yu dn't care and, as a result, may see n pint in trying hard fr their accmplishments.
    S what is the right amunt f praise? Experts say that the quality f praise is mre imprtant than the quantity. If praise is sincere and fcused n the effrt nt the utcme, yu can give it as ften as yur child des smething that deserves a verbal reward. "We shuld especially recgnize ur children's effrts t push themselves and wrk hard t achieve a gal, " says Dnahue, authr f Parenting Withut Fear: Letting G f Wrry and Fcusing n What Really Matters. "One thing t remember is that it's the prcess nt the end prduct that matters."
    Yur sn may nt be the best basketball player n his team. But if he's ut there every day and playing hard, yu shuld praise his effrt regardless f whether his team wins r lses. Praising the effrt and nt the utcme can als mean recgnizing yur child when she has wrked hard t clean the yard, ck dinner, r finish a bk reprt. But whatever it is, praise shuld be given n a case-by-case basis and be prprtinate (相称的)t the amunt f effrt yur child has put int it.
    Nwadays, parents tend t ffer cnsiderate praise t their children, hping t bst their cnfidence, but it may prduce the ppsite effect. Hwever, n praise frm parents als des harm t their self-cnfidence. Therefre, experts claim that sincere praise shuld be given fr the prcess nt fr the result. Meanwhile, kids d deserve praise if they strive t d their duty. Anyway, the amunt f praise yu have depends n hw hard they wrk.
    It's a really gd idea t visit clleges befre yu apply because their websites can all start t lk and sund the same. Nthing will give yu the sense f what it will actually be like t live n a cllege campus (校园) like visiting and seeing fr yurself the drms, classrms and athletic equipment and, f curse, the students. It seems a little crazy nce senir year hits t find the time t visit cllege campuses, and it can als be pricey if the schls yu are applying t happen t be mre than a car ride away. But keep in mind that yu are making a decisin abut the next fur years f yur life, and d all the research yu can t make sure yu are making the right ne.
    There's n excuse nt t visit the schls in yur lcal area. In fact, a lt f cllege applicatins even ask if yu have visited campus, and bviusly, if yu live acrss the cuntry that wn't be as much f a pssibility, but if yu live nearby, g check it ut!
    If campus visits aren't ging t happen befre yu apply, at the very least yu shuld find sme time between applying and getting yur acceptance letters t visit the schls yu'd like t attend. It can save yu a lt f headache if yu rule ut nw the things that yu dn't like abut certain campuses, things that yu wuldn't knw unless yu actually visit.
    Nw, if time and mney are making it impssible, then check ut the nline cllege fairs at Cllege WeekLive. It's a chance t chat nline with admissins fficers, students, and cllege cunselrs (顾问), and it wn't cst yu a penny! Yu can register fr its nline cllege fair at cllegeweeklive. cm. While visiting an nline cllege fair can't take the place f an actual campus visit, it can be a very useful tl that alng with all yur ther research will help yu make an infrmed decisin abut which clleges r universities yu'd like t attend.
    It's really wrthwhile t pay a visit t their desired clleges persnally befre applying. Undubtedly, students shuld visit their lcal clleges, which may be included in applicatins. At least, they shuld visit the schl and figure ut its real cnditins in advance. Fr students wh are shrt f mney and time, registering nline is a gd alternative t help them better understand schls.
    Getting rid f dirt, in the pinin f mst peple, is a gd thing. Hwever, there is nthing fixed abut attitudes t dirt.
    In the early 16th century, peple thught that dirt n the skin was a means t blck ut disease, as medical pinin had it that washing ff dirt with ht water culd pen up the skin and let ills in. A particular danger was thugh t lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had clsed the bath huses in his kingdm. S did the king f England in 1546. Thus began a lng time when the rich and the pr in Eurpe lived with dirt in a friendly way. Henry IV, King f France, was famusly dirty. Upn learning that a nbleman had taken a bath, the king rdered that, t avid the attack f disease, the nbleman shuld nt g ut.
    Thugh the belief in the merit (好处) f dirt was lng-lived, dirt has n lnger been regarded as a nice neighbr ever since the 18 century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is gd t health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means f preventing disease. Yet, it seems that standards f cleanliness have mved beynd science since Wrld War II. Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea: clthes need t be whiter than white, clths ever sfter, surfaces t shine. Has the hate fr dirt, hwever, gne t far?
    Attitudes t dirt still differ hugely nwadays. Many first-time parents nervusly try t warn their children ff tuching dirt, which might be respnsible fr the spread f disease. On the cntrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunlgist (免疫学家), encurages children t play in the dirt t build up a strng immune system. And the latter (后者) psitin is gaining sme grund.
    Attitudes twards dirt have been changing ver time. In the 16th century, peple believed that dirt n the skin helped prtect against disease. Since the 18th century, hwever, peple have develped the belief that cleaning away dirt can prevent disease. Tday, althughattitudes t dirt still differ sharply, mre and mre peple chse t believe that playing in the dirt can help build up a strng immune.(60 wrds)

    Part 7模拟演练
    It is imprtant that yu teach yur baby t read at an early age. Why? Obviusly, being able t read is the basis fr any successful educatin, s the earlier they start, the better. All t ften, parents leave educating their children up t schls, which prbably explains why the United States is currently ranked 18th in its rate f reading and writing.
    Teaching yur baby t read prvides brain exercise and it has als been shwn t increase the baby’s IQ because there is simply n better time in a persn’s life fr learning than when they are babies. During this time, their brains are develping rapidly. The sner they begin t read, the sner they can begin t learn ther subjects. This way, by the time yur children begin schl, they will already knw what’s being taught, and will be put n the fast track. Maybe they will even skip a grade dwn the rad. One f the cases was 17-mnth-ld Elizabeth Barrett wh drew public’s attentin. She was given a series f wrds and even sentences that she culd read quite well. Her parents had been reading t her since she was brn and had prvided her with a very early educatin.
    Reading is the mst imprtant thing t teach babies at a yung age. It desn’t have t be stressful r difficult fr yur child. Learning can be fun at such an early age, and it can be accmplished s easily that they wn’t have t struggle in rder t learn.
    If yu’re interested in teaching yur baby t read,the best way t start is by spending just a few minutes every day. Flash cards are a helpful tl. Simply shw yur baby matching picture n the ppsite side. There are als vides that help t teach babies t read. There is n better time t teach yur baby t read than the present.
    Teaching yur baby t read as yung as pssible is crucial wing t the necessity f btaining gd educatin. (要点一) It needs starting as sn as pssible because babies’ intelligence will be imprved when their brains develp fast. (要点二)Imprtant as it is, relaxatin and easiness culd be brught int the learning prcess. (要点三)Therefre, fr peple keen n teaching babies t read, it is high time t begin with sparing sme time regularly with effective teaching materials. (要点四)
    ①It is imprtant that yu teach yur baby t read at an early age. Why? Obviusly, being able t read is the basis fr any successful educatin, s the earlier they start, the better.
    ②Teaching yur baby t read prvides brain exercise and it has als been shwn t increase the baby’s IQ because there is simply n better time in a persn’s life fr learning than when they are babies.
    ③Learning can be fun at such an early age, and it can be accmplished s easily that they wn’t have t struggle in rder t learn.
    ④If yu’re interested in teaching yur baby t read,the best way t start is by spending just a few minutes every day.
    ⑤There is n better time t teach yur baby t read than the present.
    ①Teaching yur baby t read as yung as pssible is crucial wing t the necessity f btaining gd educatin.
    ②It needs starting as sn as pssible because babies’ intelligence will be imprved when their brains develp fast.
    ③Imprtant as it is, relaxatin and easiness culd be brught int the learning prcess.
    ④Therefre, fr peple keen n teaching babies t read, it is high time t begin with sparing sme time regularly with effective teaching materials.
    [高分句型1]Teaching yur baby t read as yung as pssible is crucial wing t the necessity f btaining gd educatin. (teaching为动名词作主语,用一个简单句总结了原文第一段的内容)
    [高分句型2]Imprtant as it is, relaxatin and easiness culd be brught int the learning prcess.(用as引导让步状语从句,总结文章第三段的内容)
    The manta ray is ne f the largest fishes in the wrld, reaching up t 29 feet in width. And manta rays are sme f the friendliest creatures. They allw divers t swim right up t them. Unfrtunately, these gentle animals are in big truble. Since 2011, manta rays have been listed as a threatened species wrldwide.
    Overfishing is cnsidered the biggest threat t giant manta numbers, bth intentinal and accidental. Peple catch manta rays fr their gill plates — the parts thrugh which they filter their fd frm seawater — are sld in China fr medical purpses. Driven by the huge demand, fishermen have hunted them mercilessly. Frm 2010 t 2013, the number f rays killed annually t supply the gill plate market tripled t 150,000. Clearly, verfishing is bad fr any sea creature, but it’s even wrse fr giant manta rays. Female mantas usually have nly ne baby, every tw t five years. S every manta ray that was caught hurts the ppulatin in a big way.
    T prtect giant manta ppulatin, Peru, a cuntry in Suth America, recently tk a big step t prtect giant manta rays. It banned fishing fr them. Peple wh break the law can be fined r have their fishing licenses taken away. Even manta rays caught accidentally in fishing nets must be released. Althugh ther cuntries have passed laws t prtect manta rays, Peru’s may be the mst imprtant ne yet, because there are mre giant manta rays in the Pacific Ocean near Peru than in any ther place in the wrld.
    Scientists wrking in the Manta Trust, an rganizatin that researches manta rays, are als trying t prtect manta rays by learning mre abut them. Earlier this year, the rganizatin attached vide cameras, called Crittercams, t manta rays ff the west cast f Mexic. The phts the cameras cllect culd help researchers predict where and when manta rays swim. The scientist culd use the infrmatin t warn fishing bats t avid these areas, helping reduce the number f accidentally caught manta rays.
    Thugh being large and friendly, the giant manta ray are in danger.(要点1) Due t its medical value and huge prfit, manta rays are ver-hunted, which can be mre detrimental fr the species given its lw prductivity.(要点2) T save the endangered species, the Peru gvernment has taken the initiative, carrying ut strict laws.(要点3) Besides, scientists are making attempts t prtect manta rays thrugh gaining mre knwledge f them.(要点4)
    1 要点摘录
    ①The manta ray is ne f the largest fishes in the wrld, reaching up t 29 feet in width. And manta rays are sme f the friendliest creatures. Unfrtunately, these gentle animals are in big truble.
    ②Overfishing is cnsidered the biggest threat t giant manta numbers, bth intentinal and accidental. Peple catch manta rays fr their gill plates — the parts thrugh which they filter their fd frm seawater — are sld in China fr medical purpses.
    ③T prtect giant manta ppulatin, Peru, a cuntry in Suth America, recently tk a big step t prtect giant manta rays. It banned fishing fr them. Peple wh break the law can be fined r have their fishing licenses taken away.
    ④Scientists wrking in the Manta Trust, an rganizatin that researches manta rays, are als trying t prtect manta rays by learning mre abut them.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
    Thugh being large and friendly, the giant manta ray are in danger.
    Due t its medical value and huge prfit, manta rays are ver-hunted, which can be mre detrimental fr the species given its lw prductivity.
    T save the endangered species, the Peru gvernment has taken the initiative, carrying ut strict laws.
    Besides, scientists are making attempts t prtect manta rays thrugh gaining mre knwledge f them.
    [高分句型1] Due t its medical value and huge prfit, manta rays are ver-hunted, which can be mre detrimental fr the species given its lw prductivity.运用一个复杂的主从复合句对原文第二段进行了概括,其中which引导非限制性定语从句。
    [高分句型2] T save the endangered species, the Peru gvernment has taken the initiative, carrying ut strict laws.用不定式作目的状语对第三段进行了概括。
    Parents always want the best fr their children and giving them; the best educatin is always n tp f the list. But if yu think educatin is all they need, maybe yu shuld think twice. Sure, yu learn a lt f things in schl, but there are imprtant lessns and skills yu will need in life that ne can nly learn at hme. Therefre, teaching the children t d husehld chres is very helpful in their grwth. Mst families nwadays hire husemaids t d the chres, s children dn’t get t experience ding it anymre. But studies argue that it’s still necessary t let children d them.
    Helping at hme can be a training place fr yur children t whatever respnsibilities they may have in the future. By ding s, they can learn what might be f their advantage when they grw up. “Perfrming chres ffers kids a feeling f self-sufficiency, helps them develp a wrk ethic, is tied t academic success in schl, makes them feel useful and teaches them the imprtance f helping thers and cntributing t the greater gd.”
    Althugh, mst parents can als argue that it is nt easy t frce their children t d chres. It is a nature fr the children t refuse t d chres when they are tld t. But there are ways that can turn husehld chres int a mre likely activity fr the children. First, start them yung. This desn’t mean that yu let yur children d huge tasks at an early age. Yu can gradually increase the level f tasks as they grw ld but never ever push them t hard. Secnd, appreciate every little achievement. Praise them r give them smething. Children lve rewards and it drives them t d better.
    Mst imprtantly, let them knw that asking them t help-ut is nt a punishment. Chres shuld never be used as a punishment. They might get dne in the shrt term, but the effects wn’t last. This apprach des nt give the child the feeling f ding smething because it is the right thing t d. It nly makes them hate chres and hping ut even mre. Chres shuld be used as a sense f purpse. Explain t them that it is fr their benefit and everything they learn frm it is fr their advantage.
    Teaching children t d husehld chres is very helpful in their grwth, which can make hme a training place fr yur children t whatever respnsibilities they may have in the future. Althugh it’s hard t frce children t d chres, there are ways that can turn husehld chres int a mre likely activity fr the children. But mst imprtantly, chres shuld be used as a sense f purpse instead f a punishment.
    ①Therefre, teaching the children t d husehld chres is very helpful in their grwth.
    ②Helping at hme can be a training place fr yur children t whatever respnsibilities they may have in the future.
    ③Althugh, mst parents can als argue that it is nt easy t frce their children t d chres.
    ④But there are ways that can turn husehld chres int a mre likely activity fr the children.
    ⑤Mst imprtantly, let them knw that asking them t help-ut is nt a punishment.
    ⑥Chres shuld be used as a sense f purpse.
    Teaching children t d husehld chres is very helpful in their grwth, which can make hme a training place fr yur children t whatever respnsibilities they may have in the future.
    Althugh it’s hard t frce children t d chres, there are ways that can turn husehld chres int a mre likely activity fr the children.
    But mst imprtantly, chres shuld be used as a sense f purpse instead f a punishment.
    [高分句型1] Teaching children t d husehld chres is very helpful in their grwth, which can make hme a training place fr yur children t whatever respnsibilities they may have in the future.运用一个复杂的主从复合句对原文第一段和第二段进行了概括。其中which引导的非限制性定语从句等表达高级。
    [高分句型2]:Althugh it’s hard t frce children t d chres, there are ways that can turn husehld chres int a mre likely activity fr the children. 用althugh引导让步状语从句对第三段进行了概括,且句中“that”引导定语从句修饰先行词“ways”,表达非常高级。
    Bees are very strange creatures. They have their wn way f telling each ther that they have fund a new flwer. They bring sme f its nectar (花蜜) back hme and then d a little dance that shws where the flwer is and hw far away it is.
    In autumn the wrker bees g ut and cllect as much nectar and pllen (花粉) as they can carry. Then they return t make hney and stre it fr the lng cld winter.
    Bees build their wn huses but they d nt always have rund tps like peple draw them in strybks. They are usually five streys high. The queen bee always has the bttm strey. In between the bttm strey and all the rest there are bars nly just wide enugh fr the wrkers t pass thrugh. The queen bee can never g up t the ther flrs because she is bigger than all the ther bees. The streys the queen can’t enter are where the stre rms are. There are rms fr pllen, nectar and ryal jellies (蜂王浆). If there is a fire the wrkers have t cver the walls and entrance f the rms. They have t mve the hney and the nectar and pllen away frm the ht walls f the rm.
    The queen is the nly that can lay eggs. She mates with a male bee called a drne. Once the queen has laid the eggs she thrws the drne ut because a drne just sits arund eating hney and nectar. He cannt g ut and cllect pllen because drnes d nt have pllen-carrying things n their legs like the wrkers have.
    Yung bees are called nurses because they have t nurse the newbrn bees whether they like it r nt. What a bee ends up being when it grws up depends n what it eats. If it is t be a queen it must feed n ryal jellies and it must never, ever set eyes n anther queen. If it des they must fight till nly ne f them is still alive.
    Bees are weird animals and have a unique way t cmmunicate with ne anther. (要点1) Wrker bees wrk tirelessly t stre fd. (要点2) Unlike wrker bees, the relaxing queen bee takes up the bttm strey f the five-strey huse. (要点3) She even deserts the drne after she finishes using him. (要点4) Same as wrker bees, yung bees need t wrk t care fr newbrn bees, but they can nly leave their futures t what they eat. (要点5)
    1 要点摘录
    1)Bees are very strange creatures. They have their wn way f telling each ther that they have fund a new flwer.
    2)In autumn the wrker bees g ut and cllect as much nectar and pllen (花粉) as they can carry. Then they return t make hney and stre it fr the lng cld winter.
    3)They are usually five streys high. The queen bee always has the bttm strey.
    4)The queen is the nly that can lay eggs. She mates with a male bee called a drne.
    5)Yung bees are called nurses because they have t nurse the newbrn bees whether they like it r nt.
    3.遣词造句Bees are weird animals and have a strange way t cmmunicate with each anther.
    Wrker bees wrk very hard t stre fd.
    Unlike wrker bees, the relaxing queen bee always takes up the bttm strey f the five-strey huse.
    She even thrws the drne ut after she finishes using him.
    Yung bees need t wrk t care fr newbrn bees, but they can nly leave their futures t what they eat.
    [高分句型1] Unlike wrker bees, the relaxing queen bee takes up the bttm strey f the five-strey huse.运用介词短语作状语,对第三段内容进行概括,简练明白。
    [高分句型2]She even deserts the drne after she finishes using him.运用含有时间状语从句的复合句对第四段内容进行高度概括。
    [高分句型3]Same as wrker bees, yung bees need t wrk t care fr newbrn bees, but they can nly leave their futures t what they eat. 运用文章纽带衔接词but,以及名词性从句what they eat将第五段进行高度概括。
    Cllege students need textbks t help them learn and earn an academic degree. Hwever, n tp f tuitin, rm and bard and meals, why are textbks s expensive? Textbks cver many areas f knwledge. They are prepared specifically with a lt f infrmatin that include many riginal pictures, special charts, and specific data. Textbks are extremely useful t students fr learning and prfitable fr the cmpanies that publish them. While textbks can be a financial burden n the student, they can be prfitable fr a bk scuter (侦察员).
    A bk scuter is an pprtunist wh buys cheap used bks at thrift stres (二手店) r bk sales, and sells them fr mre mney. Brand new textbks are the mst desired f bks fr scuters since they typically cst ver $100. Of curse, used textbks dn’t cst as much. But when the scuter ges t a thrift stre and bk sales at libraries, textbks can cst as little as several dllars. S, buying used textbks that are new is ne f the mst prfitable bks that sellers can buy.
    Unfrtunately, many cllege textbk editins change every year, which eliminates (消除) the student’s chance t use last year’s editin. S, they will have t pay mre mney fr brand new textbks. The sad reality is that very few changes are generally made between editins.
    Bk scuters search fr textbks as well as ther categries f bks available at lcal thrift stres r bk sales. Textbks that are new r relatively new are marked dwn t just a few dllars. Then they can be sld n Amazn fr ptentially high prfits. Amazn buys new textbks fr a lt mre mney than mst ther types f bks. If yu want t try scuting textbks t make a prfit, buy their newest editins r the nes ahead f them. Buy it in the best cnditin pssible. If yu live in a twn r city where there is a university, yu have a better chance f finding gd textbks.
    Althugh textbks can be expensive fr the average student, he r she culd ptentially sell them n Amazn fr the same price that they were purchased. Just remember, knwledge is pwer and can be prfitable t.
    Textbk burdens students financially but is prfitable fr bk scuters. (要点1) They buy used but new bks and sell them ut fr extra mney. (要点2) Hwever, because f the subtle editins change, students have t buy new bks. (要点3) Therefre, it’s wise t buy the newest versin fr mre prfits. (要点4) And students can sell their bks ut again fr the same price they bught when they dn’t use them any mre. (要点5)
    1 要点摘录
    ①While textbks can be a financial burden n the student, they can be prfitable fr a bk scuter.
    ②S, buying used textbks that are new is ne f the mst prfitable bks that sellers can buy.
    ③Unfrtunately, many cllege textbk editins change every year, which makes students pay mre mney fr brand new textbks.
    ④If yu want t try scuting textbks t make a prfit, buy their newest editins r the nes ahead f them.
    ⑤Althugh textbks can be expensive fr the average student, he r she culd ptentially sell them n Amazn fr the same price that they were purchased.
    Textbks can be a financial burden n the student but be prfitable fr a bk scuter.
    Bk scuters buy used bks which are new and sell them ut fr prfits.
    Hwever, textbk editins have subtle change every year, which makes students have t buy brand new textbks.
    Therefre, if yu want t make mre prfit, buy the newest versin.
    Students can als sell their bks ut fr the same price that they were purchased when they dn’t use them any mre.
    [高分句型1] Hwever, because f the subtle editins change, students have t buy new bks. 运用介词短语because f…作状语对第三段大部分内容进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] And students can sell their bks ut again fr the same price they bught when they dn’t use them any mre. 用省略关系代词的定语从句和when引导的时间状语从句对最后一段进行了概括。
    --- End ---档次
    2019. 6
    2018. 11
    例如:eq \a\vs4\al(Dn't frget the clck)—r the radi. Peple wh eq \a\vs4\al(eat slwly) tend t eq \a\vs4\al(cnsume) abut 70 eq \a\vs4\al(fewer calries) (卡路里) per meal than thse wh rush thrugh their meals. eq \a\vs4\al(Begin keeping track f the time), and try t eq \a\vs4\al(make dinner last at least 30 minutes). And while yu're at it, actually sit dwn t eat. If yu need sme help slwing dwn, turn relaxing music. It makes yu less likely t rush thrugh a meal.(画线部分为主题句)
    本段落主要内容为吃饭慢减少对热量的摄入,因此要将用餐时间延长至至少三十分钟。用自己的语言将画线部分重组后,关键信息如下:Recrd the time and set dinner time fr half an hur as eating slwly helps take in less calries.
    例如:Yur huse may have an eq \a\vs4\al(effect) n yur eq \a\vs4\al(figure). Experts say the way yu eq \a\vs4\al(design) yur eq \a\vs4\al(hme) culd eq \a\vs4\al(play a rle in) whether yu pack n the punds r keep them ff. Yu can make yur envirnment wrk fr yu instead f against yu. Here are sme eq \a\vs4\al(ways) t turn yur eq \a\vs4\al(hme) int part f yur eq \a\vs4\al(diet) plan.(画线句为主题句)
    主题句关键词如画线所示:The_way yu design yur hme may have an effect n yur figure. Here are sme ways t turn yur hme int part f yur diet plan.
    转换表达时可利用同义替换将ways改为tips; The way yu design yur hme改为Hw t have yur hme designed。主题句转换为Hw t have yur hme designed affects yur figure. Belw are tips t design yur hme t help diet.

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