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    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版)
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    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版)01
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版)02
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版)03
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版)01
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版)02
    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版)03
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    【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份【高考二轮题型复习】2023年高考英语题型精讲精练学案(新高考)——专题15 说明文类七选五(原卷版+解析版),文件包含专题15说明文类七选五解析版docx、专题15说明文类七选五原卷版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共99页, 欢迎下载使用。

    专题15 说明文类七选五(解析版)


    1. 考情分析

    2. 考试方向
    分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉是阅读填空题解题的关键,英语的语篇(discourse)通常是由句子和语段(sentence group)构成的,语段是句子和语篇之间的中间层次,句子虽然能够单独地表达相对完整的思想,但是它不能表达多方面的、比较复杂的思想,只有把几个句子结合为较大的言语片段,才能表达一个相对独立的层意,所谓的"积句而成章,积章而成篇。"就是这个道理。

    3. 答题策略
    1. 先看选项
    2. 再看空前空后
    3. 注意代词或定冠词
    4. 注意一些特殊疑问词
    5. 注意一些连词
    如一些表示转折的连词,but,However,yet,though,nevertheless等,另外还有一些表示并列关系的连词如and,also,as well as,neither nor,either or,not only...but also,on the one hand....on the other hand等。因为这些连词可以表现句子与句子之间的关系,通过不同的连词我们可以推知句子与句子之间不同的关系。


    前后的某句是为了证明另一句而举的例子。例证的形式具有多样性,思维过程基本是归纳(从例子到观点)和推理(从观点到例子)。常见的表示例证关系的标志词语有:for example, for instance, in fact/as a matter of fact, actually, in other words/that is to say等。
    若空格前后两句之间是逻辑上的逆转, 则空格处很有可能表示转折。表示转折关系的标志词语有: but, however, yet, while/though/although, or/otherwise, on the contrary, instead, nevertheless(然而), still, in contrast/comparison, by comparison等。
    表示因果关系的标志词语有:so, therefore, thus, consequently(结果), as a result (of), so/such ...that ..., so that ...等。
    若空格前后两句之间是逻辑上的层进关系,则空格处很有可能是个表示递进的句子。表示递进关系的标志词语有:too, also, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, likewise, similarly, what's more, what's worse, in addition, as well, to make matters worse, not ... but ..., not only ... but also等。
    表示并列关系的标志词语有:and, first(ly), second(ly); first, then/next; to begin with, some ... others ...; for one thing, for another thing; then/next, finally/last等。

    ●__40__ If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be more likely to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day. Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food? You will want to continue to focus on positive choices.

    A.You will stick to your diet.
    B.Your quality of sleep improves.
    C.You prefer healthy food to fast food.
    D.There is no reason you should exercise in the morning.
    E.You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.
    F.After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.
    G.If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you're doing it now, then listen up!
    [分析] 设空处位于段首,应是该段落的小标题。该段的主要内容是“如果晨练,你就更有可能会坚持一整天吃健康的食物”,故该段的主旨是“坚持健康饮食”;再结合本段中的“healthy food”“junk food”与A项中的diet相关,故选A。


    ●Your metabolism (新陈代谢) gets a head start. __38__ If you work out in the mornings, then you will be getting the calorie (卡路里) burning benefits for the whole day, not in your sleep.

    A.You will stick to your diet.
    B.Your quality of sleep improves.
    C.You prefer healthy food to fast food.
    D.There is no reason you should exercise in the morning.
    E.You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.
    F.After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.
    G.If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you're doing it now, then listen up!
    [分析] 设空处位于段中,属于段中题。这一段说的是晨练有助于人体的新陈代谢,能让你一整天都感受到晨练消耗卡路里带来的好处。F项“晨练之后你还会在一天时间里继续消耗卡路里”中的关键词“throughout the day”与文中的“the whole day”呼应。故选F。

    The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors. Whether you're looking at wallpaper or paint, the time, effort and relative expense put into it are significant. __40__.
    A.While all of them are useful
    B.Whatever you're looking for
    C.If you're experimenting with a color
    D.Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with
    E.It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces
    F.So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time
    G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways
    [分析] 该空位于段尾,应属于总结句。根据空前的“the time, effort and relative expense put into it are significant”可知,大型物品的颜色选择所需要的时间、精力、费用很大,这恰与F项构成因果关系。

    ●__39__ Studies found that people who woke up early for exercise slept better than those who exercised in the evening. Exercise energizes you, so it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleep when you are very excited.
    A.You will stick to your diet.
    B.Your quality of sleep improves.
    C.You prefer healthy food to fast food.
    D.There is no reason you should exercise in the morning.
    E.You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.
    F.After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.
    G.If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you're doing it now, then listen up!
    [分析] 设空位于段首,应为本段主题句。主题句一般是对上文或下文内容的总结,快速浏览本段,本段提到slept better, difficult to relax, a peaceful sleep,依据这些关键词汇可概括本段说的是晨练比晚上锻炼更能改善睡眠,因此选B。

    Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas, dinner tables or bookshelves. __39__. They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones, and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space.
    A.While all of them are useful
    B.Whatever you're looking for
    C.If you're experimenting with a color
    D.Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with
    E.It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces
    F.So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time
    G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways
    [分析] 设空处在段中,所填句子应是过渡句。该空前一句主要内容是“medium color choices”,是G项中“small ones”的升级。该空后一句介绍了两种方式的颜色选择,与G项中的“two major ways”相呼应,故选G。

    __38__. They're the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms. Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable.
    A.While all of them are useful
    B.Whatever you're looking for
    C.If you're experimenting with a color
    D.Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with
    E.It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces
    F.So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time
    G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways
    [分析] 解此题可运用词汇复现法,该空所在段最后一句中的“small color choices”是D项“Small color choices”的原词复现。故选D。

    I was, nevertheless, talked into going on another fun­filled holiday in the wilderness.__38__ Instead, we had a pop­up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner.My nature­loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life.
    A.This time there was no tent.
    B.Things are going to be improved.
    C.The trip they took me on was a rough one.
    D.I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.
    E.I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping.
    F.After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.
    G.There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall.
    [分析] 解此题可运用词汇同现法。该空前面的部分说明了作者被说服参加另一次野营活动,而空后则说这次野营活动有舒服的床和空调,因此空处的论述应该是在“住宿”这一范畴内,几个选项中只有A项合适。

    Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point. __37__, they can get a little complex. But good news is that there're really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones.
    A.While all of them are useful
    B.Whatever you're looking for
    C.If you're experimenting with a color
    D.Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with
    E.It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces
    F.So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time
    G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways
    [分析] 解此题可运用代词线索法。空格后的they指代上文中的techniques,且与A项中的all of them相呼应,代入A项“尽管它们都很有用”,符合语境,故选A。

    If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily.Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, ill­cooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags.They had nothing in common with me.__36__
    The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer ...
    I was, nevertheless, talked into going on another fun­filled holiday in the wilderness ...
    ...We have done a lot of it since ...
    __40(E)__ It must be true that sooner or later, everyone finds his or her way back to nature.I recommend that you find your way in style.
    A.This time there was no tent.
    B.Things are going to be improved.
    C.The trip they took me on was a rough one.
    D.I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.
    E.I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping.
    F.After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.
    G.There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall.
    [分析] 解此题可运用逻辑关系线索法。首句“如果三年前有人告诉我我会花大部分的周末时间去野营,我将会开怀大笑”使用了虚拟语气,预示了后面的转折关系。接着讲述了作者过去对野营的看法。由下文可知作者起初和后来对野营的态度不一样。D项表示“但是,从那时起我就学习了很多关于野营的知识”,however与上文构成转折关系,因此是最佳选项。此题的关键是however这个逻辑关系词,承上启下,为下文内容作铺垫。

    ●Recall (回忆) your childhood memories
    Our model of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood. Grandma's rose garden and Dad's vegetable garden might be good or bad, but that's not what's important. __39__ — how being in those gardens made us feel. If you'd like to build a powerful bond with your garden, start by taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth. 40(G). Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown­up garden. Have fun.
    A.Know why you garden
    B.Find a good place for your own garden
    C.It's our experience of the garden that matters
    D.It's delightful to see so many beautiful flowers
    E.Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plants
    F.You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, too
    G.For each of those gardens, write down the strongest memory you have
    [分析] 解此题可运用逻辑关系线索法。空格前说“但那不是重要的事情”,由此可推测空格处会指出什么才是重要的,前后为顺承逻辑关系,C项“我们做园艺工作的体验才是重要的”符合题意。故选C项。

    Unfortunately, we've all been victims of betrayal. Whether we've been stolen from, lied to, misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply can't trust anymore. __37__ It's understandable, but if you're willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there.
    A.Learn to really trust yourself.
    B.It is putting confidence in someone.
    C.Stop regarding yourself as the victim.
    D.Remember that you can expect the best in return.
    E.They've been too badly hurt and they can't bear to let it happen again.
    F.This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.
    G.Seeing the positive side of things doesn't mean you're ignoring what happened.
    [分析] 此题从行文逻辑上判断属因果关系。上句意为“有时候,人们简直无法再信任(别人)了”,而本句应是解释人们无法信任别人的原因。故E项符合题意。


    1. 【2022年新高考1卷】
    Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner.” One reason was: “You’ll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym, ” while another read: “___36___” With a workout partner, you will increase your training effort as there is a subtle (微妙) competition.
    So, how do you find a workout partner?
    First of all, decide what you want from that person. ___37___ Or do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and flexibility? Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.
    You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media, but it probably won’t result in a useful response. ___38___ If you plan on working out in a gym, that person must belong to the same gym.
    My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park. Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session, and her age. It also listed her favorite sports and activities, and provided her phone number. ___39___
    You and your partner will probably have different skills. ___40___ Over time, both of you will benefit — your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit. The core (核心) of your relationship is that you will always be there to help each other.
    A. Your first meeting may be a little awkward.
    B. A workout partner usually needs to live close by.
    C. You’ll work harder if you train with someone else.
    D. Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?
    E. How can you write a good “seeking training partner” notice?
    F. Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.
    G. Any notice for a training partner should include such information.
    【答案】36. C 37. D 38. B 39. G 40. F
    根据前文“Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partne.” One reason was: “You’ll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym,”(《健身杂志》最近刊登了一篇题为《感谢健身伙伴的五个理由》的文章。一个理由是:“如果你知道有人在健身房等你,你就会去锻炼。”)”可知,这里陈述另一个和别人一起锻炼的理由。所以选择项C“You'll work harder if you train with someone else.(如果你和别人一起训练,你会更努力。)”符合上下文语境。故选C。
    根据前文“First of all, decide what you want from that person. (首先,决定你想从那个人身上得到什么。)”和后文“Or do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and flexibility?(或者你只是想要身体健康,能够移动的力量和灵活性?)”可知,这里是一个问句,反问自己结伴锻炼的目的。所以选择项D“Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport? (你想在你最喜欢的运动项目上成为更好的运动员吗?)”符合上下文语境。故选D。
    根据前文“You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media, but probably won't result in a useful response. (你可能会考虑在社交媒体上发布你想要的东西,但可能不会得到有用的回应。)”和后文“If you plan on working out in a gym, that person must belong to the same gym.(如果你打算在健身房锻炼,那个人一定是同一个健身房的。)”可知,寻找的锻炼伙伴要具有便利性的特点。所以选择项B“A workout partner usually needs to live close by. (锻炼伙伴通常需要住在附近。)”符合上下文语境。故选B。
    根据前文“My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park. Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session, and her age. It also listed her favorite sports and activities, and provided her phone number. (我的搭档把她的要求贴在了当地公园的布告栏上。她的注意事项包括她想要做什么样的锻炼,每周多少天,每次培训要花多少小时,以及她的年龄。它还列出了她最喜欢的运动和活动,并提供了她的电话号码。)”可知,本段作者以自己的锻炼伙伴为例,说明寻找锻炼伙伴布告所要包括的信息。所以选择项G“Any notice for a training partner should include such information. (任何锻炼伙伴的布告都应包括这些信息。)”符合上下文语境。故选G。
    根据前文“You and your partner will probably have different skills. (你和你的伴侣可能有不同的技能。)”和后文“Over time, both of you will benefit -- your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit.(久而久之,你们双方都会受益——你的伴侣会举起更多的重量,你也会变得更健康。)”可知,要学会求同存异,一起合作,共同提高。所以选择项F“Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other. (接受你们的不同,学会彼此合作。)”符合上下文语境。故选F。

    2. 【2022年新高考2卷】
    Writing an essay is a difficult process for most people. However, the process can be made easier if you learn to practice three simple techniques.
    ___16___ When you are first trying to think of ideas for an essay, put your pen to your paper and write nonstop for ten or fifteen minutes without letting your pen leave the paper. Stay loose and free. ___17___ Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Even though this technique won’t work for everyone, it helps many people get a good store of ideas to draw on.
    The next technique is to write your draft rapidly without worrying about being perfect. ___18___ Yet, by learning to live with imperfection, you will save yourself headaches and a wastepaper basket full of crumpled (弄皱) paper. Think of your first draft as a path cut out of the jungle—as part of an exploration, not as a complete highway.
    The third technique is to try printing out a triple—spaced (三倍行距) copy to allow space for revision. ___19___ As a result, these writers never get in the habit of crossing out chunks (大块) of their draft and writing revisions in the blank space. After you have revised your draft until it is too messy to work from anymore, you can enter your changes into your word processor. ___20___ The resulting blank space invites you to revise.
    A. Make sure your handwriting is neat.
    B. Let your pen follow the waves of thought.
    C. The second draft of the essay should be better.
    D. First of all, learn the technique of nonstop writing.
    E. Too many writers try to get their drafts right the first time.
    F. Many beginning writers don’t leave enough space to revise.
    G. Then you can print out a fresh draft, again setting your text on triple-space.
    【答案】16 D 17. B 18. E 19. F 20. G
    空格处是本段的主题句,由空后的“When you are first trying to think of ideas for an essay, put your pen to your paper and write nonstop for ten or fifteen minutes without letting your pen leave the paper. (当你第一次想写一篇文章的时候,把笔放在纸上,不间断地写10到15分钟,不要让笔离开纸。)”可知,本段主要讲的是要学会不间断地写,D选项“First of all, learn the technique of nonstop writing. (首先,学习不间断写作的技巧。)”概括了本段的主要内容,可作为主题句,故选D。
    空前说“Stay loose and free. (保持宽松和自由。)”,空后说“Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. (不要担心语法和拼写。)”,因此空格处应说按心里想的写,自由发挥,B选项“Let your pen follow the waves of thought. (让你的笔跟随思想的波浪。)”说明了按自己的思路和想法来写,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选B。
    空前说“The next technique is to write your draft rapidly without worrying about being perfect. (下一个技巧是快速写草稿,不要担心是否完美。)”,空后说“Yet, by learning to live with imperfection, you will save yourself headaches and a wastepaper basket full of crumpled (弄皱) paper. (然而,通过学习与不完美共存,你将避免自己的头痛和一个装满皱巴巴的废纸篓。)”,E选项“Too many writers try to get their drafts right the first time. (太多的作家试图在第一次就把草稿写好。)”中的“get their drafts”和上文的“write your draft”相呼应,说明了有很多人想一次就写好,这是不合理的,要学会允许不完美的存在,因此E选项承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
    空前说“The third technique is to try printing out a triple—spaced (三倍行距) copy to allow space for revision. (第三种方法是打印出三倍行距的副本,以便有修改的空间。)”,F选项“Many beginning writers don’t leave enough space to revise. (许多初来乍到的作者没有留出足够的修改空间。)”中的“revise”和前面的“revision”一致,指出了新手作者的常见做法,且其中的“Many beginning writers”和后文的“these writers”相互呼应,因此F选项承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
    空前说“After you have revised your draft until it is too messy to work from anymore, you can enter your changes into your word processor. (当你修改你的草稿,直到它太乱以至于无法继续工作,你可以把你的修改输入到你的文字处理器中。)”,空后说“The resulting blank space invites you to revise. (由此产生的空白允许您修改。)”,因此空格处应说输入到文字处理器后应该做什么,G选项“Then you can print out a fresh draft, again setting your text on triple-space. (然后你可以打印一份新的草稿,同样将文本设置为三倍行距。)”说的是输入到你的文字处理器后的做法,其中的“triple-space”和后文的“The resulting blank space”相呼应,因此G选项承上启下,符合语境,故选G。

    3. 【2022年全国甲卷】
    Important Things to Know When Dining Out
    Cultural dining etiquette (礼节) might surprise you with some of its important rules. ___36___. Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family — no matter where you are in the world.
    Chopstick Rules
    The way you handle chopsticks is important to avoid annoying your companions. When you put them down between bites, always put them down together so they are parallel with the edge of the table in front of you. ___37___.
    Hands or Utensils (餐具)
    In India and the Middle East, it’s considered very rude to eat with your left hand. People in France expect you to eat with a utensil in each hand. ___38___, instead preferring to use their hands. In Chile, you may never touch any food with your fingers. People in Thailand generally use their forks only to push food onto their spoons.
    Making Requests
    ___39___. In Portugal, this would be a serious mistake, because it shows the chef that you don’t like their seasoning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask for extra cheese to add to your food.
    Some of these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem random and strange, but they are important in various countries. ___40___, the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel with its foreign cultural practices.
    A. The more friends you make in your lifetime
    B. The more time you spend in any given country
    C. Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils
    D. Don’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant
    E. It’s a good sign for the chef if you make a mess around your plate
    F. Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use them
    G. It may seem like a simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal
    【答案】36. D 37. F 38. C 39. G 40. B
    根据文章标题“Important Things to Know When Dining Out (外出就餐时要知道的重要事情)”可知,本文主要介绍的是外出就餐时应该知道的重要事情。由此可知,D项“Don’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant (不要在餐馆犯尴尬的错误)”符合语境,其中“at a restaurant”对应标题中的“When Dining Out”,同时引起下文“Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family — no matter where you are in the world. (知道一些技巧将有助于确保你和朋友或家人一起享受一顿愉快的晚餐——无论你在世界的哪个地方)”。故选D。
    根据本段小标题“Chopstick Rules”可知,本段主要讲述的是使用筷子的规则。根据上文“When you put them down between bites, always put them down together so they are parallel with the edge of the table in front of you. (当你在吃的间隙把它们放下来的时候,一定要把它们放在一起,这样它们就和你面前的桌子边缘平行了)”可知,此处讲述了正确使用筷子的方式。由此可知,F项“Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use them (不要把它们笔直地插在你的食物中,也不要在使用它们时交叉放置)”讲述的也是使用筷子时的注意事项,符合此处语境,其中“them”指的是上文的“chopsticks”。故选F。
    根据本段小标题“Hands or Utensils (餐具)”可知,本段主要讲述的是手和餐具的问题。根据上文“In India and the Middle East, it’s considered very rude to eat with your left hand. People in France expect you to eat with a utensil in each hand. (在印度和中东,用左手吃饭被认为是非常不礼貌的。法国人希望你每只手拿一个餐具吃饭)”及下文“instead preferring to use their hands (相反更愿意使用他们的双手)”可知,此处在讲述不同国家就餐时习惯使用哪只手的问题。由此可知,C项“Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils (墨西哥人认为用餐具吃饭是不合适的)”符合语境,与下文形成转折关系。故选C。
    根据本段小标题“Making Requests”可知,本段主要讲述的是用餐时提请求的问题。根据下文“In Portugal, this would be a serious mistake, because it shows the chef that you don’t like their seasoning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask for extra cheese to add to your food. (在葡萄牙,这将是一个严重的错误,因为这向厨师表明你不喜欢他们的调味技巧。同样,在意大利,永远不要要求在食物中添加额外的奶酪)”可推知,在一些国家,用餐时提出要求是很无礼的。由此可知,G项“It may seem like simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal (吃饭时要盐和胡椒看似很简单)”符合此处语境,其中“request”是关键词,说明,在用餐时提出一些我们看来很平常的要求在某些国家是无礼的。故选G。
    根据下文“the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel with its foreign cultural practices. (你就会对它的外国文化习俗感到越舒服)”可推知,此处指在一个国家待得越久,就会越习惯当地习俗,且此处是“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,B项“The more time you spend in any given country (你在某个国家待的时间越长)”符合文意,引出下文。故选B。

    4. 【2022年1月浙江卷】
    I have the same 24 hours in a day as you do,but I have made specific choices  that allow me to make the most of every day,and still feel happy and relaxed 31    
      Pick the most important
    32      Focus on spending time that for you is fun and productive . I chose the life of an adviser because I like to work with companies ,but don’t want the life of a big company CEO. My choices are based on the lifestyle I want.
    Combine your activities
    Many people go crazy trying to figure out how to spend time with friends,family,work,play ,etc 33     Find ways to enjoy them in a combined  manner .Build your social life around people in your work environment .Find people in your company who share common  interests and develop your career (职业)around the people and activities you love.
    You would think learning takes more time from you,but actually there are always new ways of  doing things that can save you time on daily  tasks,freeing you up for the most important .Always be looking for a new way to gain back an hour here or there.
    Lighten up
    The world won’t come to an end in most cases just because you left a few things undone .Celebrate  progress and keep refining(改进)toward a happy productive existence  35    .Every completion is a small victory that adds up in a big way.
    A.Speed up
    B.Be an active learner
    C.Stop trying to balance time between them all
    D.Make choices about what is meaningful in your life
    E.The things you do well usually give you greater joy
    F.Perhaps these tips will help you make the most of your time
    G.This is why making lists is important in any productivity handbook
    【答案】31.F 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. G
    【31 题详解】 考查行文逻辑。根据前文: but 1 have made specific choice that allow me to make the most of every day…以及下文的各个小标题可知,第一段尾句为承上启下。 F意为:或许这些建议能帮助你充分利用时间。符合逻辑,故答案选F。
     【32 题详解】 考查行文逻辑。小标题为:选择最重要的东西。空格后说:把时间集中花在对你来说是有趣和有意的事情上。前后是顺承关系,选项D 中选择有意义的事情。符合前后文逻辑, 故答案选D。
    【33 题详解】 考查行文逻辑。前文figure out how to spend time with friends, family, work, play, etc._。后文Find ways to enjoy them in a combined manner.。C 选项中的代词them是承接指代上下文内容,句意也是别再试图平衡这么多东西。符合行文逻辑,故答案选C。
     【34 题详解】 考查主旨大意。后文说:你可能会认为学习需要花费你更多的时间,但实际上总有新的方式可以节省你在日常任务上的时间,让你腾出时间去做最重要的是事情。要一直寻找新的方式。反复提到的学习新的方式。B 选项意为:做一个积极的学习者。符合题意,故答案选B。
     第35题 考查行文逻辑:前文说:庆祝进步,不断改进。后文说:每一次完成都是一次小小的胜利。G 选项中的make lists指代的就是清单中每一项完成就是小小的胜利。符合逻辑,故答案选G。

    5. 【2021年新高考1卷】
    My husband and I just spent a week in Paris.      1      So the first thing we did was rent a fantastically expensive sixth-floor apartment the size of a cupboard. It was so tiny that we had to leave our suitcases in the hallway.
    The place wasn't entirely authentic, though. Unlike a normal Parisian apartment, the plumbing (水管)worked.      2      Our building even had a tiny lift with a female voice that said, "Ouverture des portes, " in perfect French. That is the only French phrase I mastered, and it's a shame l don't have much use for it.
    Parisians are different from you and me. They never look lazy or untidy. As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight.      3      French strawberries do not taste like cardboard. Instead, they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.
          4      On our first morning in Paris, I went around the corner to the food market to pick up some groceries. I bought a handful of perfectly ripe small strawberries and a little sweet melon. My husband and I agreed they were the best fruit we had ever eaten. But they cost $18!
    In France, quality of life is much more important than efficiency (效率). You can tell this by café life. French cafés are always crowded.      5      When do these people work? The French take their 35-hour workweek seriously—so seriously that some labor unions recently struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can be on call.
    A.Not all the customers are tourists.
    B.The quality of life in France is equally excellent.
    C.There was a nice kitchen and a comfortable bed.
    D.The amazing food is mainly consumed by local farmers.
    E.That's not the only reason the French eat less than we do.
    F.Our aim was to see if we could live, in some way, like real Parisians.
    G.The food is so delicious that you don't need much of it to make you happy.
    【1 题详解】F。考查段中空。解题语句:前后句。分析题目可知,空后的So表明该空与空后句为因果逻辑关系,又根据空前句作者夫妇在法国度过了一周,可知,他们的目的是想体验法国当地人的生活,所以他们租了一间公寓。故选F。
    【2 题详解】C。考查段中空。解题语句:前后句。分析题目可知,空前的plumbing,空后的building, lift是在介绍作者夫妇租住的公寓,与C选项中的kitchen和bed为同话题词复现。故选C。
    【3 题详解】G。考查段中空。解题语句:空前句。分析题目可知,空前一句eat great food and never gain weight与G选项中so delicious that you don't need much of it构成同义替换。故选G。
    【4 题详解】E。考查段首空。解题语句:空后句。分析题目可知,前文提到法国人与你我不同之处在于他们吃的食物很精致,摄入量很少,所以他们的体重不会增加,空后提到作者夫妇的一次经历,通过But they cost $18可知法国的食物很贵,这也是法国人食物摄入量少的另外一个原因。故选E。
    【5 题详解】A。考查段中空。解题语句:前后句。分析题目可知,空前always crowded提到咖啡馆里人很多,且French cafés与A选项中的customers为同话题词复现,又根据空后When do these people work?以及The French可知咖啡馆的顾客中不光有游客,也有法国当地人。故选A。

    6. 【2021年全国甲卷】
    You keep hearing about recycling, right? But it doesn't end with bottles, cans, and paper. Clothing takes a huge amount of natural resources (资源) to make, and buying loads of new clothing (or throwing out old clothing) is not healthy for the environment. So what to do with all those perfectly-good-but-you're-maybe-a-little-sick-of-them clothes piled on your bedroom floor?      1      . It's the best way to get rid of your used clothes, score clothes from your friends, and have a party all at the same time.
    A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes, the organization of the event, and, obviously, how much fun is had. It's really easy to do! Here are a few pointers.
    • Invite 5-10 people so you have a nice selection.      2      , and there may not be enough things to choose from; more than that, and it becomes uncontrollable.
    •      3      . They should also prepare plenty of reusable bags to carry their "new" clothes home.
    • Put different types of clothing on different surfaces in the room.      4      . Place a few mirrors around your room so people can see how things look when they try them on. One of the ground rules of the swap should be that everyone must try on the clothes before they take them —things always look different when you put them on.
    • Set a starting time. Maybe you say "go, " or turn on a certain song, or whatever.      5      . And don't forget to put out some cookies and fruits. Remember, it's a party!
    A.Less people than that
    B.Hold a clothing swap
    C.If two people are competing
    D.Just keep music playing throughout
    E.Donate whatever clothes are left over
    F.Have everyone put their clothes in the right spots
    G.Tell everyone to bring clean clothes in good condition
    【1 题详解】B。考查过渡句。空后句意为这是最好的方法摆脱你的旧衣服,得分从你的朋友,并有一个聚会,所有在同一时间。此空前一句作者提出问题:那么如何处理那些状况良好但你又不喜欢的堆在卧室地板上的衣服呢?再结合下一段开头 "A successful swap一个成功的交换" ,故这里答案选B(举办服装交换派对)。
    【2 题详解】A。考查过渡句。根据分号后面的句式 "more than that, and…" , 说明空格应该选和其一致的句式, "Less people than that" 正好对应了此句式。带入验证,翻译:人比这少,可能没有足够的东西可供选择;不仅如此,它变得无法控制。可知正符合。故选A。
    【3 题详解】G。考查开头句。根据空后 "They should also prepare plenty of reusable bags to carry their "new" clothes home. " 他们还应该准备大量可重复使用的袋子,把 "新" 衣服带回家。从also可以得知,大家应该把衣服带来,故选G。
    【4 题详解】F。考查过渡句。空前句意为把不同类型的衣服放在房间的不同地方。空后句意为在你的房间周围放几面镜子,这样人们在试穿时就能看到东西的样子。由此推之,这里应该是让大家把各自的衣服放在房间合适的地方,故选F。
    【5 题详解】D。考查过渡句。此空前一句意为 "或许你可以说开始或者打开某首歌曲或者别的什么"。由此可以推之,这里应该是把音乐循环播放。故选D。

    7. 【2021年全国乙卷】
    According to Jessica Hagy, author of How to Be Interesting, it's not difficult to make yourself interesting at a dinner party.
          1      , if you're out of your comfort zone or if you're wandering into somebody's house for the first time. So the main thing is just to show up and be adventurous, trying different foods and talking to strangers.
    People love to talk about themselves. If you can start the conversation with a question other than "What do you do for a living? ", you'll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you're talking to.      2      , it can bring in "I have this old, broken-down vehicle" or "I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back." It just opens up conversation.
          3      ? If you can't take their wine away, you should certainly try to take away their soapbox(讲台). If you're the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation.      4      .
    And what about that other dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If you're faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment (赞扬).      5      . Just quickly turn around and say, "This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it."
    So being interesting at a dinner party isn't that hard.
    A.How do you know the host
    B.The first step is to go exploring
    C.If you ask the question "How did you get here?"
    D.Be prepared to have awkward conversations with strangers
    E.Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to say
    F.What about that person who has had too much to drink or won't stop talking
    G.He or she is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness the most
    【1 题详解】B。考查段首空。解题语句:空后段落内容。分析题目可知,空后的内容out of your comfort zone, show up and be adventurous与B选项中go exploring构成同义替换。故选B。
    【2 题详解】C。考查段中空。解题语句:空后一句。分析题目可知,空后vehicle和bus均为交通方式,又结合前文start the conversation with a question可知,该空应为提问客人是如何到达的。故选C。
    【3 题详解】F。考查段首空。解题语句:空后一句。分析题目可知,空后一句can't take their wine away与F选项中too much to drink构成同义替换以及take away their soapbox与F选项中won't stop talking构成同义替换。故选F。
    【4 题详解】E。考查段尾空。解题语句:空前一句。分析题目可知,前文if you're the host, you can…是在对应付饮酒过量或话很多的一类人提出的一种处理方式,E选项… where they have little to say是在提出另外一种解决方式。故选E。
    【5 题详解】G。考查段中空。解题语句:空前一句。分析题目可知,前文提到碰到大家都沉默的情况下,缓解尴尬的方式是对主人提出赞扬,空后给出具体方式。空前awkward silence与G选项awkwardness构成同义替换,G选项中He or she指代前文host。故选G。

    8. 【2021年6月浙江卷】
    You've got mail…and it's a postcard
    Paulo Magalhaes, a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer, loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome's Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China's Great Wall.      1      
    "I often send postcards to family and friends, " he says to China Daily, "but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it,      2      " Seeking other like-minded souls, however, Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place: online, Many would say the Internet is a place for people who have given up on the traditional postal service, but Paulo's hunch(直觉)paid off.
    Today his hobby has developed into the website postcrossing. com, a social network that has grown to 575, 217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago.      3      Running the website has almost turned into a full-time job.
    Language is certainly a barrier for many people. For postcrossing to work worldwide, a common communication language is needed so that everyone can understand each other. As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it.      4      So a common language is required and in postcrossing that's English since it's widely spoken.
    "Many people in China have limited exposure to Engish.      5      That said, we know of many postcrossing members, including Chinese, who have actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing. " Paulo says.
    A.And that's totally fine.
    B.That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it.
    C.He likes to think of sending postcards as a family-friendly hobby.
    D.Many love to make a connection with someone from across the world.
    E.On August 5, the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 31 million.
    F.Similarly, if you speak only Chinese, receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away.
    G.In short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a hand-written note from someone far away.
    【1 题详解】G。考查与上文的联系。前文以具体形象的例子表现主人公对明信片的喜爱:loves open…and find a brightly colored picture of…,or…or…,这些brightly colored pictures正是明信片。因此,下一句进行总结。In short简言之,就是上文的概括,概括为loves postcards and the excitement…喜欢明信片,喜欢收到远方朋友手写卡片的兴奋感。故选G项。
    【2 题详解】A。考查前后文联系。上文说 "你意识到并不是每个人都喜欢明信片",下文说 "寻找其他志同道合的人……" 表示主人公接受上文所讲事实,然后才能和有共同兴趣的人继续自己的爱好。A项 "这完全没问题" 正是表示主人公接受这一点。故选A项。
    【3 题详解】E。考查段落主旨和前后文联系。全段都在写主人公将自己的爱好发展成了一个成功的社交网站。前文的各项数据也和E项的数据衔接自然,都是在介绍这个网站的成功;同时,这些数据的量都很大,使得空白后 "运营这个网站几乎成了全职工作" 成为必然的结果。故选E项。
    【4 题详解】F。考查段落主旨和前后文联系。全段都在写对于写明信片来说,语言可能是一个障碍。4空前是具体的论据 "尽管收到一封用中文写的明信片很酷,但如果收信人不理解中文的话,这个明信片就没什么意义" 。紧接着加F项 "类似地,如果你只讲中文,收到一封瑞典语的明信片也会让乐趣大打折扣" 同样都是对段落主旨的论证,而在衔接上用了similarly也很自然,故选F项。
    【5 题详解】B。考查与上文的联系。前文说 "很多中国人对英语的接触有限",这导致用英语写明信片比较难,正是B项所说 "那使得学习和练习写英语明信片尤其得难"。选项中That指代上文的句子;而句尾的it指代上一段段尾句English is required in postcrossing。B项与上文衔接紧密,故选B项。

    9. 【2020·全国卷I】
    A Few Tips for Self-Acceptance
    We all want it… to accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach. 36. Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.
    ●37. Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do you follow them? Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own;you are the only you in this world.
    ●Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made. We are often ashamed of our shortcomings, our mistakes and our failures. 38. You will make mistakes, time and time again. Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate (有同情心) response? "That didn’t go as planned. But, I tried my best."
    ●Recognize all of your strengths. Write them down in a journal. Begin to train your brain to look at strength before weakness. List all of your accomplishments and achievements. You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today. 39.
    ●Now that you’ve listed your strengths, list your imperfections. Turn the page in your journal. Put into words why you feel unworthy, why you don’t feel good enough. Now, read these words back to yourself. 40. Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements. See how awesome you are?
    A. Feeling upset again?
    B. Where do you start?
    C. Nothing is too small to celebrate.
    D. Remember, you are only human.
    E. Set an intention for self-acceptance.
    F. Stop comparing yourself with others.
    G. When does the comparison game start?
    【36 题详解】B 根据题目A Few Tips for Self-acceptance(自我接纳的几点建议)及下文的Here's a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.(这有很多可以帮你找到正确方向的方法。)可知,选项B. Where do you start? (从哪里开始那?)最合下文语境,故选B项。
    【37 题详解】F 根据下文Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own; you are the only one in this world.(你是否希望最终你会因为自己的生活比他们的好而感到有力量?要知道,你的生活是你自己的;你在这个世界上是独一无二的。)可知,本段主要讲述不要把自己和别人作比较,因为生活是我们自己的,我们也是世界上独一无二的。故F. Stop comparing yourself with others.(停止把自己和别人进行比较。)可以作为本段中心句,故选F项。
    【38 题详解】D根据本文的中心句Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made. (原谅自己所犯的错误。)及下文的You will make mistakes, time and time again. (你会一次又一次地犯错误。)可知,本句是在说明要讲自己看作一个普通人,普通人是会犯错的。选项D. Remember, you are only human.(记住,你只是个人。)与上下文衔接最好,故选D项。
    【39 题详解】C根据上文List all of your accomplishments and achievements. You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today.(列出你所有的成就。你有了一份工作,拿到了学位,今天你拜托了困境。)可知,这些小事都是你取得的成就,都值得庆祝,即没有什么事是太小而不值得庆祝的。故选C项。
    【40 题详解】A 结合上文Put into words why you feel unworthy, why you don't feel good enough. Now, read these words back to yourself.(用语言来解释为什么你觉得自己不值得,为什么你觉得自己不够好。现在,自己读一下这些话。)和下文的Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements. See how awesome you are? (翻到你日记本上记下你的优点和成就的那页。看到你有多棒了吗?)可推知本句是在说明“再次感到心烦意乱”的情况。选项A. Feeling upset again?(再次感觉心烦意乱了吗?)最合上下文语境,故选A项。

    10. 【2020·全国卷II】
    Emoji(表情符号) and Workplace Communication
    In Asia, messaging platforms are growing rapidly, with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play. 36. . It’s been reported that 76 percent of employees in some western countries are using emojis at work.
    Written communications can often read as cold and dull. Using emojis can add humor and feeling, keeping intention clear. 37. , encouraging better and more frequent communication.
    In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge. 38. . While the younger generations prefer to communicate visually, for those used to working with traditional tools like email, it may feel like a learning curve(曲线). The good news is that it’s simple to learn and can be worth the effort.
    There is also the matter of tone(语气). Who hasn’t received an email so annoying that it ruined an entire day? 39. . Emoji can help communication feel friendlier, and even a serious note can be softened with an encouraging smile.
    40. , and emoji can contribute directly to that positive outcome. And when your employees begin adding smiling emojis to their business communication, you’ll know you have succeeded in improving your work culture.
    A. Message with emojis feel more conversational
    B. Even a formal email can seem cold and unfriendly
    C. Sending smiling faces to colleagues may seem strange
    D. The popularity of these platforms is spreading globally
    E.Giving employees the tools enables them to communicate honestly
    F.Studies show that friendlier communication leads to a happier workplace
    G.An easy way to bring all work generations together is with a chat platform
    【36 题详解】D 根据前句“In Asia, messaging platforms are growing rapidly, with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play.(在亚洲,即时通讯平台正在迅速发展,无论是工作还是娱乐,都有数亿用户)”和后句“It's been reported that 76 percent of employees in some western countries are using emojis at work.(据报道,在一些西方国家,76%的员工在工作中使用表情符号)”可知,前后句都说明了即时通讯平台受欢迎程度。所以选择项D. The popularity of these platforms is spreading globally. (这些平台的受欢迎程度正在全球蔓延)符合题意。故选D。
    【37 题详解】A根据前句“Using emojis can add humor and feeling, keeping intention clear.(使用表情符号可以增加幽默和感情,保持明确的意图)”和后半句“encouraging better and more frequent communication.(鼓励更好更频繁的交流)”可知,这里陈述使用表情符号的优点。所以选择项A. Messages with Emojis feel more conversational. (使用表情符号的信息让人感觉更健谈)符合题意。故选A。
    【38 题详解】G 根据前句“In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication can be a challenge. (在任何一间办公室,员工的年龄从22岁到70岁甚至更大,在交流中找到共同点可能是一项挑战)” 中关键词句“employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond,”与选择项中“all work generations”是一致的。故选G。
    【39 题详解】B 根据前句“ Who hasn’t received an email so annoying that it ruined an entire day? (谁没有收到过毁掉了一整天的邮件呢?)”和后文介绍表情的优点,可知,这里陈述电子邮件的缺点。所以选择项B. Even a formal email can seem cold and unfriendly. (即使是一封正式的电子邮件也会显得冷淡和不友好)故选B。
    【40题详解】F根据后句“and Emoji can contribute directly to that positive outcome. (并且表情符号可以直接促成这种积极的结果)”可知,这里陈述表情符号能给工作场所带来的好处。所以选择项F. Studies show that friendlier communication leads to a happier workplace. (研究表明,更友好的沟通会带来更快乐的工作场所)故选F。

    11. 【2020·全国卷III】
    A housewarming party is a special party to be held when someone buys or moves into a new apartment or house. The person who bought the house or moved is the one who throws the party. The party is a chance for friends and family to congratulate the person on the new home. 36. And it is good time to fill the new space with love and hopeful presents.
    37. Some people register a list of things they want or need for their new home at a local stores. Some common things people will put on a gift registry include kitchen tools like knives and things like curtains. Even if there isn’t a registry, a good housewarming gift is something to decorate the new house with, like a piece of art or a plant.
    38. This is often appreciated since at a housewarming there isn’t a lot of food served. There are usually no planned activities like games at a housewarming party. The host or hostess of the party will, however, probably give all the guests a tour of their new home. Sometimes, because a housewarming party happens shortly after a person moves into their new home, people may be asked to help unpack boxes. 39.
    Housewarming parties get their name from the fact that a long time ago people would actually bring firewood to a new home as a gift. 40. Now most homes have central heating and don’t use fires to keep warm.
    A. This isn’t usual though.
    B. It is traditional to bring a gift to a housewarming party.
    C. You can also bring food or drinks to share with the other guests.
    D. If you’re lucky enough to receive gifts, keep them in a safe place.
    E.It also gives people a chance to see what the new home looks like.
    F.The best housewarming parties encourage old friends to get together.
    G.This was so that the person could keep their home warm for the winter.
    【36 题详解】E 上句 The party is a chance for friends and family to congratulate the person on the new home.(这个聚会是朋友和家人祝贺新家的机会)。介绍庆祝乔迁之喜的聚会是亲戚朋友祝贺搬新家的人的一次机会,下句 And it is a good time to fill the new space with love and hopefully presents.(现在是时候用爱和希望的礼物来填补新家了)。介绍这也是给新家装满爱和希望礼物的好时机。E项:它也给了人们一次看看新家什么样的机会。与上下句并列,都是庆祝乔迁之喜聚会的目的,故选E。
    【37 题详解】B下文Some common things people will put on a gift registry include kitchen tools like knives and things like curtains.和like a piece of art or a plant. 列举了参加聚会所带礼物的清单,可以是厨房工具、窗帘、艺术品或绿植。这些都和参加聚会带礼物有关,B项:带礼物去参加乔迁派对是一种传统,概括了本段内容,引出下文,故选B。
    【38 题详解】C 本段介绍了聚会的活动安排,根据后文This is often appreciated since at a housewarming there isn' t a lot of food served.(这一点通常是值得赞赏的,因为在乔迁派对上不会提供很多食物)。指出因为新搬家,所以主人不会准备太丰盛的食物或太多的活动。那么本句是在建议你可以带上自己的食物或饮料与其他客人分享搬家,所以主人不会准备太丰盛的食物或太多的活动。C项:你也可以带上食物或饮料与其他客人分享。故选C。
    【39 题详解】A本段提到在乔迁聚会上人们会聚餐,主人带领客人参观新家。上句提到,由于乔迁聚会是在搬进新家后不久举行的,人们可能会被要求帮助打开箱子。根据常识可知在乔迁聚会上让客人们帮忙干活是不常见的,A项:但这并不常见。表达了此意,与上文衔接,故选A。
    【40 题详解】G 上句介绍了乔迁聚会名称的由来,根据bring firewood to a new home as a gift.可知人们会带柴火作为礼物,那么本空承接上文说明了带柴火的目的和作用。G项:这样人们就可以在冬天的时候保持家里温暖。符合语境。故选G。

    12. 【2020·山东卷】
    Some individuals are born with a gift for public speaking.16. Do you want to be a good public speaker? Here are some principles you must master.
    People want to listen to someone who is interesting, relaxed and comfortable. Too often when you stand up to give a speech, you focus on the “public”at the expense of the”speaking. “ 17. Focus on the speaking. Talk directly to your audience, be yourself and make a connection.
    Even the most successful public speaker will make mistakes. Yet, the only one who cares about any mistake is the one who is speaking. People’s attention wanders constantly. In fact,most people only absorb about 20 percent of a speaker’s message. So, don’t stop speaking when you make a mistake unless it’s a truly serious one.18.
    Your goal is not to be a perfect public speaker.19. And like everything else in life, that takes practice. Remember, even world champion athletes practice their skills on a consistent basis.
    20. It’s rare to hear someone say, “I wish that speaker had spoken longer. “On the other hand, you probably can’t count the times that you’ve thought, “I’m glad that talk is over. It seemed to go on forever! “So surprise your audience. Always make your presentation just a bit shorter than anticipated. It’s better to leave your listeners wishing for more than shifting restlessly in their seats waiting for your speech finally to end.
    A. Do the opposite.
    B. You want to be an effective public speaker.
    C. You don’ t need to apologize for a minor slip.
    D. When it comes to public speaking, less is usually more.
    E.The objective of most speeches is to benefit the audience
    F.Take the fear out of public speaking by focusing on your listeners
    G.However, the majority of people are effective speakers because they train to be.
    【16 题详解】G 本文主题是介绍成为好的演讲者要掌握的一些原则。上句提到有些人生来就有演讲的天赋。G项:然而,大多数人之所以能成为有影响的演讲者,是因为他们受过训练。与上句转折,引出本文主题--演讲者要训练。故选G。
    【17 题详解】A 下句Focus on the speaking.是本段主题,建议演讲者把注意力集中在演讲上。上句提到一种常见现象,当站起来发表演讲时,演讲者往往会把注意力放在”公众”上,而不是”演讲”上。这是错误的做法,A项Do the opposite.承上启下,说明了上句做法的错误,引出了下句正确的做法。故选A。
    【18 题详解】C 本段提到即使成功的演讲者也会犯错误,观众不会太在意你的错误。上句建议当出错时不要停止演讲,除非是非常严重的错误。C项:你不需要为一个小失误道歉。与上句承接,是对待演讲出错的方法。故选C。
    【19 题详解】 B本段是说明练习的重要性。上句提到你的目标不是成为一个完美的演说家,下句应该说明目标是什么。B. You want to be an effective public speaker.与上句衔接,是我们演讲的真正目的。故选B。
    【20 题详解】D 下文提到观众并不是认为演讲越长越好,根据 Always make your presentation just a bit shorter than anticipated.可知,作者建议让演讲比预期的短一点,给观众更多的期待胜过让他们坐立不安地等待演讲结束。D项:公开演讲时,通常少就是多。说明了演讲时,多和少的辩证关系。故选D。

    13. 【2020·浙江卷】
    I experienced years of loneliness as a child. 31. His friends teased him about babysitting his sister and his interests were far different from mine. With no other kids of my age in the neighborhood, I had to spend hours by myself.
    A bright spot for me turned out to be reading. My love of the written word began early as my mother read to me every evening. 32. I started reading books on my own before age 5 and my mother took me to the public library once a week to borrow several books. I quickly graduated from typical children’s books to ones with fewer pictures and longer chapters. Reading opened new worlds to me. 33.
    My mother also encouraged me to make what I wanted. I tried making toy cars with cardboard boxes and constructing buildings from leftover cardboard and bits of wood my father gave me. When my mother saw my creations, she told me how creative my designs were. 34. I learned a lot about how to extend the life of objects and transform them into something new and useful. It was a trait(特点) others found helpful, and I soon had friends who wanted to make things with me.
    35. My parents made it a point for their two kids to spend time outside, no matter the weather or season. My brother, of course, raced off to be with his friends, while I had plenty to do myself. There was making leaf houses in autumn, ice skating in winter, and so much more. They’re all memories I treasure today.
    A. I wasn't alone any longer.
    B. I enjoyed reading stories aloud.
    C. I was invited to play with another kid.
    D. I loved the colorful photographs in the books.
    E. Another habit I formed early was being outdoors.
    F.Thus, I began my lifelong interest in making things.
    G.My older brother couldn’t be bothered to play with me.
    【31 题详解】G 设空在段中,应是承前启后句。根据后文“His friends teased him about babysitting his sister and his interests were far different from mine”可知,设空句应提及“his”的身份,即G项中的“My elder brother”,且G项“我哥哥懒得和我一起玩”在此起到了承上启下的作用。故选G项。故选G项。
    【32 题详解】D根据前句提到“我对文字的爱始于母亲每天晚上给我读故事的时候”可知,D项“我喜欢书中的彩色照片”和上句构成进一步说明。同时D项中的“书”指代上句提到的母亲每天给我读故事的书。D项切题。故选D项。
    【33 题详解】A 根据前句提到“阅读为我打开了新世界”可知,A项“我不在孤独”和上句构成了因果关系。A项切题。故选A项。
    【34 题详解】F 根据前句“当我的母亲看到我的创作时,她说我的设计很有创意”可知,F项“于是,我开始对制造东西产生了长久的兴趣”和上句构成因果关系,我正是在听了母亲那句话后才开始了对制造东西产生兴趣。F项切题。故选F项。
    【35 题详解】E 根据后句“无论天气或季节,我的父母都要让他们的两个孩子花时间在户外”可知,E项“我很早养成的另一个习惯是去户外”和前句表示因果逻辑。作者有去户外的习惯是因为后句提到的父母的影响。E项切题。故选E项。

    1. 【2022·河北·模拟预测】
    It happens to all of us and can be beyond annoyance, so why do we itch? You know the feeling: There’s that spot on your arm, leg or back that just itches and begs for a deep, satisfying scratch. ____1____ No matter how much you scratch, it just can’t be satisfied.
    As we all know, itchy skin is a sensation that makes us want to scratch—but as soon as you satisfy that need, you set off something called the itch-scratch cycle.____2____
    The main reason that you feel itchy is that the skin cells or nerve endings near your skin have become annoyed. ____3____ When you itch, you give yourself a scratch, the area of the body that you have scratched releases chemicals including histamine, and it makes you itch more. That’s why we use antihistamines for allergic reactions but they can also help for insect bites and things like that.
    ____4____ The drier your skin becomes, the more likely the skin gets itchy. However, it is sometimes caused not from the skin, but from what you see or hear. When you hear someone else scratching their skin, or when you see images that suggest itch, like a picture of being bitten by a mosquito, you get the urge to scratch. People with the allergic condition seem to be more easily affected than those without the condition.____5____
    A.Causes of itchy skin.
    B.It is usually caused by dry skin.
    C.It means you are going to end up feeling itchier.
    D.Fortunately, there are ways you can get rid of it.
    E.Being aware of this phenomenon can help interrupt its effect.
    F.But you know giving in to that desire will only result in more problems.
    G.Once you start scratching, your body creates a chemical reaction that makes you itchier.


    【1 题详解】根据上文“It happens to all of us and can be beyond annoyance, so why do we itch? You know the feeling: There’s that spot on your arm, leg or back that just itches and begs for a deep, satisfying scratch.(我们每个人都有过这种经历,而且可能忍无可忍,那么为什么我们会痒呢?你知道这种感觉:你手臂上、腿上或后背上的某个地方发痒,想要深深的、令人满意的抓挠)”以及后文“No matter how much you scratch, it just can’t be satisfied.(不管你怎么挠,它就是不能满足)”可知,上文提到了发痒的问题,后文则说怎么挠都不会满足,可见抓挠并不能解决问题。故F选项“但是你知道向欲望屈服只会导致更多的问题”符合语境,故选F。
    【2 题详解】根据上文“As we all know, itchy skin is a sensation that makes us want to scratch—but as soon as you satisfy that need, you set off something called the itch-scratch cycle.(我们都知道,皮肤发痒是一种让我们想要抓挠的感觉——但一旦你满足了这种需求,你就会启动一种叫做抓挠循环的东西)”可知,上文提出了“抓挠循环”的概念,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文解释这一说法:这意味着你最终会感到更痒。故C选项“这意味着你最终会感到更痒”符合语境,故选C。
    【3 题详解】根据上文“The main reason that you feel itchy is that the skin cells or nerve endings near your skin have become annoyed.(你感到发痒的主要原因是你皮肤附近的皮肤细胞或神经末梢被惹恼了)”以及后文“When you itch, you give yourself a scratch, the area of the body that you have scratched releases chemicals including histamine, and it makes you itch more. That’s why we use antihistamines for allergic reactions but they can also help for insect bites and things like that.(当你发痒时,你会挠自己,被挠的部位会释放包括组胺在内的化学物质,这会让你更痒。这就是为什么我们使用抗组胺药来治疗过敏反应,但它们也可以帮助治疗昆虫叮咬之类的事情)”可知,后文提到了被挠的部位会释放包括组胺在内的化学物质,说明抓挠会让身体产生化学反应,G选项中chemical对应后文中chemicals。故G选项“一旦你开始抓挠,你的身体就会产生一种化学反应,让你更痒”符合语境,故选G。
    【4 题详解】根据后文“The drier your skin becomes, the more likely the skin gets itchy.(你的皮肤越干燥,就越容易发痒)”可知,后文提到了皮肤干燥会引起发痒,B选项中dry对应后文中drier。故B选项“它通常是由皮肤干燥引起的”符合语境,故选B。
    【5 题详解】根据上文“When you hear someone else scratching their skin, or when you see images that suggest itch, like a picture of being bitten by a mosquito, you get the urge to scratch. People with the allergic condition seem to be more easily affected than those without the condition.(当你听到别人在挠他们的皮肤,或者当你看到有痒的图片,比如被蚊子咬的图片,你就会有抓痒的冲动。有过敏症状的人似乎比没有过敏症状的人更容易受到影响)”可知,上文列举了一些会导致抓痒的情况,且提到有过敏症状的人似乎比没有过敏症状的人更容易受到影响,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明认识到这些现象的作用:帮助打断它的影响。故E选项“意识到这个现象可以有助于阻断它的影响”符合语境,故选E。

    2. 【2022·辽宁·一模】
    There are many costs of having a negative attitude in the workplace. Employees who don't feel appreciated work less productively. They can have conflicts with other members. Negative bosses spread their bad feelings to employees. Here are some ways to develop a positive spirit in your workplace.
    Be a model of kindness and respect. Employees look up to their bosses for an example of how to behave in the workplace. ____6____ It is far better to be patient, kind, and respectful. This is a great way to bring positivity to the workplace.
    ____7____ When employees are thanked for their good work, it gives them a warm feeling. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and employees often toil(辛苦工作) for years without being thanked for their hard work. Even “thank you” and a hand-shake go a long way toward making an employee feel appreciated.
    Make goals clear for everyone. Having a concrete goal to work toward gives employees direction and positivity in the workplace. Employees like to know that their hard work is directed toward a particular end. ____8____ This can be as simple as expressing your pride during a staff meeting.
    Put on a smile. Even if you’re having a difficult day, you can spread positivity by smiling. When a boss is smiling, their employees find reasons to smile, too.____9____
    Have an office wellness program. Have your human resources staff arrange a fitness program for your employees. ____10____ Don't be punitive(惩罚性的) and tiring. Letting your employees have a break to relax will make them happier and more productive.
    A.Make it fun.
    B.Encourage communication.
    C.Have an attitude of gratitude.
    D.When the goals are reached, have a little celebration.
    E.When employees are not listened to, they feel unappreciated.
    F.If the boss is disrespectful, that will become part of the company culture.
    G.Dealing with a boss who is always serious makes the employees difficult to work with.


    【6 题详解】根据上文“Be a model of kindness and respect. Employees look up to their bosses for an example of how to behave in the workplace.(做一个善良和尊重的榜样。员工敬仰老板,将其作为职场行为的榜样)”以及后文“It is far better to be patient, kind, and respectful. This is a great way to bring positivity to the workplace.(耐心、善良和尊重是更好的选择。这是一个为工作场所带来积极情绪的好方法)”可知,上文说明了老板是榜样,可推测本句是在对此无礼的情况进行假设,故F选项“如果老板无礼,这将成为公司文化的一部分”符合语境,故选F。
    【7 题详解】根据后文“When employees are thanked for their good work, it gives them a warm feeling. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and employees often toil for years without being thanked for their hard work. Even “thank you” and a hand-shake go a long way toward making an employee feel appreciated.(当员工因为他们的出色工作而被感谢时,这给了他们一种温暖的感觉。每个人都喜欢被欣赏,而员工们辛苦工作多年却常常得不到感谢。即使是一句“谢谢你”和一个握手也能让员工感到自己受到了赏识)”可知,本段主要说明了要学会感恩,以及感恩的重要性。故C选项“要有感恩的态度”符合语境,故选C。
    【8 题详解】根据上文“Employees like to know that their hard work is directed toward a particular end.(员工喜欢知道他们的努力工作是为了一个特定的目标)”以及后文“This can be as simple as expressing your pride during a staff meeting.(这可以简单到在员工会议上表达你的骄傲)”可知,上文提到了为了目标努力工作,可知本句是在说明目标达成的情况。故D选项“当目标达成时,庆祝一下”符合语境,故选D。
    【9 题详解】根据上文“Put on a smile. Even if you’re having a difficult day, you can spread positivity by smiling. When a boss is smiling, their employees find reasons to smile, too.(面带微笑。即使你度过了艰难的一天,你也可以通过微笑传播正能量。当老板微笑时,他们的员工也会找到微笑的理由)”可知,本段说明了老板微笑的重要性,本句为本段最后一句,故承接上文说明老板严肃的不良影响。故G选项“和一个总是很严肃的老板打交道会让员工很难相处”符合语境,故选G。
    【10 题详解】根据上文“Have an office wellness program. Have your human resources staff arrange a fitness program for your employees.(制定一个办公室健康计划。让你的人力资源人员为你的员工安排一个健身计划)”以及后文“Don't be punitive and tiring. Letting your employees have a break to relax will make them happier and more productive.(不要惩罚别人,也不要让人觉得累。让你的员工休息放松会让他们更快乐,更有效率)”可知,后文提到了健身计划不要惩罚别人,也不要让人觉得累,可见要轻松有趣。故A选项“让它变得有趣”符合语境,故选A。

    3. 【2022·安徽·模拟预测】
    Perhaps all of us want to leave good impressions on others at work. These impressions are like labels pinned on us, but one of the best may be “knowledgeable”. If you sound knowledgeable, you’ll be taken seriously at meetings and elsewhere. ____11____ The following ways may be helpful.
    If you want to sound knowledgeable, form a single idea from the material you’ve gathered, and deliver it clearly. No mater how much you know on a topic, the secret to audience engagement is to put it down to a single, convincing idea.
    Say, “Here’s what I believe ...” Or “My point is this ...” Be sure to state this idea in one short, sharply focused sentence. ____13____
    Provide a clear structure.
    Once you state your idea, make the depth of your knowledge clear by offering proof points that support your one idea. ____14____ They include Reasons, Ways, Steps in a Process, or a Challenge/Response. Give your listeners clear signposts as you proceed through your structure. Use tags like “the first reason,” “the second reason,” or “The challenge we faced ...” and “Our response was ...
    Simplify your language.
    The simpler your words and sentences, the more profound you’ll sound. Suppose a colleague reporting on a project says: “The satisfaction of all parameters implicates the completion of the project mandate by Q4.” Hearing that, you have every right to be puzzled. A truly knowledgeable colleague would simply say: “We expect to complete this project by year end.”
    ____15____ Therefore, you’d better choose simple words and short sentences. As Winston Churchill said, “Short words are best, and the old words when short are best of all”.
    A.Choose proper materials.
    B.True wisdom lies in simplicity.
    C.Boil it down to one message.
    D.But what is a knowledgeable person like?
    E.These points can be organized in a variety of ways.
    F.But what exactly does it take to sound knowledgeable?
    G.it will center your audience on a single meaningful thought.


    【11 题详解】由上文“If you sound knowledgeable, you’ll be taken seriously at meetings and elsewhere. (如果你听起来知识渊博,你会在会议和其他场合受到重视)”和下文“The following ways may be helpful. (以下方法可能会有所帮助)”可知,上文围绕“sounding knowledgeable (听起来知识渊博)”的好处展开,而下文则是提供方法,空处的内容应起到承上启下的作用,提出要想“sounding knowledgeable (听起来知识渊博)”需要怎么做这一问题,承接上下文,F选项“但要让自己听起来知识渊博,到底需要什么?”切题。故选F项。
    【12 题详解】考查段落主旨。由下文“If you want to sound knowledgeable, form a single idea from the material you’ve gathered, and deliver it clearly. No mater how much you know on a topic, the secret to audience engagement is to put it down to a single, convincing idea. (如果你想让自己听起来知识渊博,从你收集的材料中形成一个想法,并清晰地表达出来。无论你对一个话题了解多少,让听众参与的秘诀就是把它归结为一个单一的、令人信服的想法)”和“Be sure to state this idea in one short, sharply focused sentence. (一定要用一句简短、重点突出的句子来陈述这个想法)”可知,该段落主旨是“用一句简要有重点的话表达观点”,承接下文,C选项“把要表达的观点浓缩成一句话。”切题。故选C项。
    【13 题详解】考查总结句。由上文“Say, “Here’s what I believe ...” Or “My point is this ...” Be sure to state this idea in one short, sharply focused sentence. (说,“这就是我所相信的……”或者“我的观点是……”一定要用一句简短、重点突出的句子来陈述这个想法)”可知,本段讨论怎么样把自己的意思用精炼的话语传达给听众,该空应该提到这样做的好处和意义,对本段做出总结承接上文,G选项“它会让你的听众集中在一个有意义的想法上。”切题。故选G项。
    【14 题详解】由上文“Once you state your idea, make the depth of your knowledge clear by offering proof points that support your one idea. (一旦你陈述了你的想法,通过提供支持你的一个想法的证据来明确你的知识深度)”和下文“They include Reasons, Ways, Steps in a Process, or a Challenge/Response. (包括原因、方式、流程步骤或挑战/响应)”可知,本段的主题是“要让自己所说的话有清晰的组织结构”,上文中的“offering proof points that support your one idea”,与选项中的“These points”呼应,而下文中的“include Reasons, Ways, Steps in a Process, or a Challenge/Response”是在列举使所说的话有组织的方法,承接上下文,E选项“这些要点可以用多种方式组织。”切题。故选E项。
    【15 题详解】由倒数第二段“The simpler your words and sentences, the more profound you’ll sound. (你的单词和句子越简单,听起来就越深奥)”和下文“Therefore, you’d better choose simple words and short sentences. As Winston Churchill said, “Short words are best, and the old words when short are best of all”. (因此,你最好选择简单的单词和短句。正如温斯顿·丘吉尔所说,“简短的词是最好的,又短又古老的词最最好。”)”可知,这一部分是在讨论“简化语言能更好更清晰地传达意思”,承接下文,B选项“真正的智慧在于清晰明了。”切题。故选B项。

    4. 【2022·河南洛阳·二模】
    Why You Shouldn’t Exercise to Lose Weight
    Many of us are starting (or restarting) exercise in hopes of losing unwanted pounds. Aiming to be more active is good. But if the main reason is to lose weight, your New Year’s resolution could be very well backfire.
    ____16____, we often sour on it and stop working out. In a study of 30 overweight people who participated in a 12-week exercise program and were interviewed afterward, this response was typical: “It was quite disappointing that I didn’t lose a single pound.____17____.”
    Perhaps the biggest problem with exercising to drop pounds is that it turns physical activity into punishment—a price we have to pay for a slimmer body. How many times have you heard someone say (or said yourself) “I’ll do extra exercise” after eating too much during the holidays or at a celebratory dinner?____18____. As a consequence, we’re unlikely to enjoy it or to keep doing it.
    The takeaway is that we see exercise positively and actually do it when we focus on our well-being rather than our weight. For some, the motivation may be an improved mood or less stress. Others may find exercise makes them feel physically and mentally stronger.____19____. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, colds, etc. It can also improve sleep, make you energetic, and prevent aging. What’s more, exercise can prevent weight gain and improve your appearance.
    ____20____. It’s perhaps the most important thing you can do for your health. But to improve the chances of success, focus on how movement helps you feel better physically and emotionally—and forget about how it moves the needle on the scale.
    A.It kind of made me give up
    B.So by all means, try to exercise regularly in 2022
    C.While it’s not very helpful for melting away pounds
    D.When exercise fails to meet our weight-loss expectations
    E.The benefits of physical activity are well beyond these aspects
    F.We treat exercise as a form of self-punishment for being “bad” in the past
    G.For starters, exercise, at least the kind most of us do, is typically ineffective for weight loss


    【16 题详解】根据后文“we often sour on it and stop working out.(我们经常对它感到厌烦,停止锻炼。)”可知,停止锻炼前提是我们运动没有效果,没达到目标。D选项“When exercise fails to meet our weight-loss expectations(当运动未能达到我们的减肥期望时)”符合题意,故选D。
    【17 题详解】根据前文“It was quite disappointing that I didn’t lose a single pound.(我一磅也没减,真令人失望。)”可知,本句是超重人士未达减肥计划后的感想,可知,他们很想放弃。A选项“It kind of made me give up(这让我有点放弃了)”符合题意,故选A。
    【18 题详解】根据前文“Perhaps the biggest problem with exercising to drop pounds is that it turns physical activity into punishment—a price we have to pay for a slimmer body.(也许通过锻炼来减肥的最大问题是它把体育活动变成了一种惩罚——我们为了苗条的身体不得不付出的代价)”可知,本段介绍的是减肥失败的原因之一是我们把运动当作惩罚。F选项“We treat exercise as a form of self-punishment for being “bad” in the past(在过去,我们把锻炼当作一种自我惩罚的方式)”符合题意,故选F。
    【19 题详解】根据前文“For some, the motivation may be an improved mood or less stress. Others may find exercise makes them feel physically and mentally stronger.(对一些人来说,动机可能会改善情绪或减轻压力。其他人可能会发现锻炼使他们感到身体和精神上更强壮。)”可知,本段介绍的是运动的好处。E选项“The benefits of physical activity are well beyond these aspects(体育活动的好处远远超过这些方面)”符合题意,故选E。
    【20 题详解】根据后文“It’s perhaps the most important thing you can do for your health.(这也许是你能为你的健康所做的最重要的事情。)”可知,最后一段是重申本文的观点,要有规律地锻炼。B选项“So by all means, try to exercise regularly in 2022(所以,无论如何,在2022年要有规律地锻炼)”符合题意,故选B。

    5. 【2022·广东广州·一模】
    How does it feel when you solve your problem by yourself? Things may not always go as planned, but being resourceful can help you stay calm and work your way out of tricky situations.
    Being resourceful means finding smart and creative ways to solve a problem, using whatever resources you have at the time. ____21____ They can also be anything else that’s useful, such as information, advice or your own experience. It also means trusting your instincts, the ability you’re born with, rather than through training and being confident about your ability to face challenges. A resourceful person is not the one getting cross or panicking when something goes wrong. They’re thinking about how to solve the problem.
    _____22_____ when we learn to problem solve for ourselves rather than immediately going to others for help, it can help to build our confidence, help us feel more independent, and feel better about making decisions. Being resourceful may not help you avoid problems, but thinking creatively about how you can deal with them will make you feel less stressed and more prepared next time. _____23_____ This can boost self-esteem, that is, how you feel about yourself.
    When you’re facing a challenge, try to focus on the actual problem rather than how you feel about it. Think about where and when it happened and what the causes are. Next, think up as many solutions to the problem as you can. ____24____ Finally, review what has and hasn’t worked, so you’re equipped to deal with a situation next time.
    And remember, if you have a tricky problem that you’re unable to solve, then ask a trusted adult for help.   ____25____
    A.You also learn what you’re good at.
    B.Here is how you can be more resourceful.
    C.These may be practical things like pens and paper.
    D.No one is expected to solve all problems by themselves.
    E.Resourcefulness is a skill that’s good for you in lots of ways.
    F.They can be famous mottoes that always inspire us to move on.
    G.Weigh up what’s good and bad about each one and choose the best.


    【21 题详解】根据上一句“Being resourceful means finding smart and creative ways to solve a problem, using whatever resources you have at the time.(足智多谋的意思是找到聪明和创造性的方法来解决问题,利用你目前所拥有的任何资源)”和下文“They can also be anything else that’s useful, such as information, advice or your own experience. (它们也可以是任何其他有用的东西,例如信息、建议或您自己的经验。)”上文提到可以使用拥有的任何资源,下文提到“也可以是其他有用的东西”可知,设空处需要第一次例举这些有用的东西。C选项:这些是像纸和笔一样的实用的东西。与下文的“also”相互呼应。故选C。
    【22 题详解】挖空处在段首,有可能是段落的主旨句。而后面“…it can help to build our confidence, help us feel more independent, and feel better about making decisions.(它可以帮助我们建立信心,帮助我们感到更独立,在做决定时感觉更好)”及“Being resourceful may not help you avoid problems, but thinking creatively about how you can deal with them will make you feel less stressed and more prepared next time.(足智多谋或许不能帮助你避免问题,但创造性地思考如何处理问题会让你感觉压力更小,下次准备更充分)”主要说的是“being resourceful”带来的好处, E选项意思就是resourcefulness 能带来很多好处。故选E项。
    【23 题详解】该段首句说的是“being resourceful”会对你有好处,前面两句“…it can help to build our confidence, help us feel more independent, and feel better about making decisions.(...它可以帮助我们建立信心,帮助我们感到更独立,在做决定时感觉更好)”及“Being resourceful may not help you avoid problems, but thinking creatively about how you can deal with them will make you feel less stressed and more prepared next time.(足智多谋或许不能帮助你避免问题,但创造性地思考如何处理问题会让你感觉压力更小,下次准备更充分)”具体列举了“being resourceful”带来的好处,A选项:你还能知道你所擅长的是什么,对自己更加了解,也契合下一句“This can boost self-esteem, that is, how you feel about yourself.这能提高自尊心。这是又一个好处,A项最符合语境。故选A项。
    【24 题详解】该段在讨论遇到困难时,要专注于问题本身,并列出了具体的步骤。上一句“Next, think up as many solutions to the problem as you can.(接下来,想出尽可能多的方法来解决问题)”讲的是“尽可能多地想出一些解决措施”,G选项:然后衡量它们的好坏,选出最佳的一个,其中them指代上一句solutions,G项填到此处最合适。故选G项。
    【25 题详解】上一句“And remember, if you have a tricky problem that you’re unable to solve, then ask a trusted adult for help.(记住,如果你有一个棘手的问题,你无法解决,然后向一个值得信任的成年人寻求帮助)”表示自己实在解决不了,你还可以求助其他人,D选项意为“没有人是被期望要独自解决所有问题的”,与上文意义一致。故填D项。

    6. 【2022·全国·二模】
    Confidence is at the heart of every successful person and it holds the key to success. Regardless of how knowledgeable you are in your professional field, if you lack confidence your success will be limited. ____26____ The following are 3 key tricks you may learn to increase your confidence.
    Know yourself. Take a long hard look in the mirror and make an honest and accurate assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. ____27____ as this will increase your confidence. Meanwhile, take an effective approach toward improving your weaknesses. We all have areas in our professional and personal lives that need to be improved. Ignoring them does not make them go away. ____28____
    Dress for success. Whether you like it or not, people make judgments about you based upon how you dress. You only have one chance to make a good first impression. From a confidence perspective, how you dress directly reflects how you feel about yourself. ____29____ if you are wearing a business suit or sweat pants and a T-shirt. Therefore, be highly aware of your appearance. Dress in a manner that reflects who you are and how you want to be perceived.
    ____30____. You can increase your confidence by seeking out one new challenge at a time. Research shows confident people consistently seek out new challenges. Move on to the next one when one challenge is successfully achieved. Success builds upon itself, therefore, success brings success—all fueled by increased confidence!
    A.Steady as you go
    B.Put pressure on yourself
    C.Continue to build upon your strengths
    D.Research shows that you will feel differently about yourself
    E.What you wear will unintentionally show your weaknesses to those around you
    F.On the contrary, it only holds back your success and keeps your confidence low
    G.Actually, confidence isn't what you're born with, but something learned over time


    【26 题详解】根据后文“The following are 3 key tricks you may learn to increase your confidence.(你可以学习以下3个关键技巧来增强自信)”可知,后文提到了建立自信的技巧,可见自信是可以培养的。故G选项“事实上,自信并不是与生俱来的,而是随着时间的推移学会的”符合语境,故选G。
    【27 题详解】根据上文“Know yourself. Take a long hard look in the mirror and make an honest and accurate assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.(了解自己。认真地长时间地照照镜子,诚实而准确地评估一下自己的优缺点)”以及后文“as this will increase your confidence.(因为这会增加你的自信)”可知,本句是在说明建立优势来增加自信。故C选项“继续建立你的优势”符合语境,故选C。
    【28 题详解】根据上文“We all have areas in our professional and personal lives that need to be improved. Ignoring them does not make them go away.(我们在工作和个人生活中都有需要改进的地方。忽视它们并不能让它们消失)”可知,上文提到了忽视需要改进的地方不会让它消失,本句为本段最后一句,故承接上文继续说明其影响:恰恰相反,它只会阻碍你的成功,让你保持低信心。故F选项“恰恰相反,它只会阻碍你的成功,让你保持低信心”符合语境,故选F。
    【29 题详解】根据上文“. Whether you like it or not, people make judgments about you based upon how you dress. You only have one chance to make a good first impression. From a confidence perspective, how you dress directly reflects how you feel about yourself.(不管你喜不喜欢,人们会根据你的穿着来判断你。你只有一次机会留下好的第一印象。从自信的角度来看,你的穿着直接反映了你对自己的感觉)”以及后文“if you are wearing a business suit or sweat pants and a T-shirt(如果你穿的是西装或运动裤和T恤)”可知,后文列举了穿西装或运动裤和T恤两种不同类型的衣服,可知本句旨在说明衣服让自己对自己的不同感觉。故D选项“研究表明,你会对自己有不同的感觉”符合语境,故选D。
    【30 题详解】根据后文“You can increase your confidence by seeking out one new challenge at a time. Research shows confident people consistently seek out new challenges. Move on to the next one when one challenge is successfully achieved. Success builds upon itself, therefore, success brings success—all fueled by increased confidence!(你可以通过每次接受一个新的挑战来增强自信。研究表明,自信的人总是寻求新的挑战。当你成功地完成一个挑战时,就可以继续下一个挑战。成功是建立在自己的基础上的,因此,成功带来成功——这一切都是由更大的信心所推动的!)”可知,本段主旨是通过一次次挑战来建立自信,即通过过程来慢慢建立自信。故A选项“慢慢建立自信”符合语境,故选A。

    7. 【2022·江苏南通·二模】
    I am not sure how many books I have reread,but perhaps it is fewer than the average person. ____31____ The source material, though, is of course not.
    I used to take the same approach to books as I did to travel: don't go to the same place twice.Life is too short.____32____Then I realized that the fact that life is short might work the other way around, too: if you know you enjoy something,or somewhere, then why not return?
    Recently I reread Joseph Heller's Catch-22.I was inspired to do so when reminded of how he'd respond when people rudely asked him why he'd never written anything as good:"Who has?"Catch-22 pretty much saved my life when I first read it.____33____I had dropped out of school twice,didn't leave the house at all and didn't have a life.It felt as though I hadn't laughed in such a long time.
    ____34____It managed to take me out of the dark world, and though its themes are,of course,serious,its cleverness cheered me greatly.I related to its characters who are themselves trapped.I am now planning to reread the sort of books that inspired me in my own writing.
    I won't take a break altogether from reading the most recent releases.I love the smell of new books fresh from the printers.____35____
    A.Catch-22 had me laughing.
    B.My favourites are secondhand editions.
    C.There is discomfort in reading recently-released books.
    D.At that time I was an extremely depressed 17-year-old.
    E.For me, the pleasure of rereading is a newly discovered one.
    F.There is so much to read and so much to see and experience.
    G.However,I have determined to dip more frequently into the old ones


    【31 题详解】根据上文“I am not sure how many books I have reread, but perhaps it is fewer than the average person.”(我不知道我重读了多少本书,但可能比一般人少。)提到作者不知道自己重读了多少书籍可知,后面紧接着要说重读对于作者的意义。E项“For me, the pleasure of rereading is a newly discovered one.(对我来说,重读的乐趣是新发现的。)”符合语境。故选E。
    【32 题详解】上文“I used to take the same approach to books as I did to travel: don't go to the same place twice. Life is too short.”(我过去对待书籍和旅行的态度是一样的:不要去同一个地方两次。生命太短暂了。)说明之前作者对待书籍和对待旅行的态度是一样的,作者不会去同一个地方,不读同一本书,是因为生命太短暂,需要经历的东西太多。F项“There is so much to read and so much to see and experience.(有太多的东西要读,太多的东西要看和经历。)”承接上文,符合语境。故选F。
    【33 题详解】根据下文“I had dropped out of school twice, didn't leave the house at all and didn't have a life.”(我曾两次辍学,根本没有离开家,没有生活。)可知,这里作者讲述了自己的故事,D项“At that time I was an extremely depressed 17-year-old.(当时我17岁,极度抑郁。)”符合语境。故选D。
    【34 题详解】根据下文“It managed to take me out of the dark world, and though its themes are, of course, serious, its cleverness cheered me greatly.”(它成功地把我带出了黑暗的世界,当然,尽管它的主题是严肃的,但它的智慧让我大受鼓舞。)可知,本段要介绍一本能够激励作者的书。A项“Catch-22 had me laughing.(《第二十二条军规》让我笑了。)”符合语境。故选A。
    【35 题详解】上文“I won't take a break altogether from reading the most recent releases. I love the smell of new books fresh from the printers.”(我不会完全从阅读最新版本中休息。我喜欢刚从印刷厂出来的新书的味道。)说道作者喜欢新书的味道,结合倒数第二段最后一句“I am now planning to reread the sort of books that inspired me in my own writing.”(我现在正计划重读那些启发我写作的书。)可推测此处应该表转折,表达“自己还是喜欢重读旧书”。G项“However, I have determined to dip more frequently into the old ones.(然而,我决定更频繁地使用旧的。)”符合语境。故选G。

    8. 【2022·内蒙古·包头市第四中学一模】
    In the United States and Britain, 70th wedding anniversaries are known as “platinum anniversaries (铂金婚)”. ____36____ For example, celebrating the first year of marriage is known as a “paper anniversary”. Fifty years of marriage marks a “gold anniversary”. And the term “diamond anniversary” is used to describe a marriage that has lasted for 60 years.
    ____37____ In the US, people give gifts to couples when they reach certain years of their marriage. The first year anniversary is marked by giving the couple a clock. ____38____ And they can get musical instruments when they reach their 24th anniversary.
    ____39____ In Canada, couples can receive a message from the country’s governor-general (总督) on their 50th anniversary, and on every fifth anniversary after that. In the US, the president himself will send a greeting to couples that reach their 50th anniversary,and for every anniversary after that.
    ____40____ Or perhaps the truly cool thing is celebrating such a long life full of love and happiness with your special someone.
    A.If two people reach their 10th anniversary, they can expect to receive diamond jewelry.
    B.People in different countries have their own ways of celebrating wedding anniversaries.
    C.The 25th wedding anniversary is popularly referred to as the “silver anniversary”
    D.In Canada and the US, couples can even receive special congratulations from world leaders on certain anniversaries.
    E.People often celebrate their wedding anniversary by having dinner at an expensive restaurant.
    F.In fact, there are many different terms that are used to describe different marriage lengths.
    G.How cool would it be to get a letter from the president?


    【36 题详解】根据上文“In the United States and Britain, 70th wedding anniversaries are known as “platinum anniversaries (铂金婚)”.(在美国和英国,70周年结婚纪念日被称为“铂金婚”)”及下文“For example, celebrating the first year of marriage is known as a “paper anniversary”. Fifty years of marriage marks a “gold anniversary”. And the term “diamond anniversary” is used to describe a marriage that has lasted for 60 years.(例如,庆祝结婚的第一年被称为“纸婚纪念日”。 结婚五十年标志着一个“黄金周年”。 而“钻石纪念日”一词则用来形容一段持续了60年的婚姻)”可知,除了“铂金婚”还有其他结婚纪念日的术语。由此可知,F. In fact, there are many different terms that are used to describe different marriage lengths.(事实上,有很多不同的术语用来描述不同的婚姻长度)能够承上启下,符合此处语境。故选F。
    【37 题详解】根据下文“In the US, people give gifts to couples when they reach certain years of their marriage.(在美国,人们会在夫妻步入婚姻的某一阶段时给他们送礼物)”及“In Canada, couples can receive a message from the country’s governor-general (总督) on their 50th anniversary, and on every fifth anniversary after that. In the US, the president himself will send a greeting to couples that reach their 50th anniversary, and for every anniversary after that.(在加拿大,夫妻可以在结婚 50 周年时收到该国总督的信息,之后的每五周年都如此。 在美国,总统本人会向结婚 50 周年的夫妇致以问候,并且包括之后的每个周年纪念日)”可知,此处介绍的是不同国家的人如何庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。由此可知,B. People in different countries have their own ways of celebrating wedding anniversaries.(不同国家的人有不同的庆祝结婚纪念日的方式)能够顺承下文,符合此处语境,且B选项中的“different countries”与下文的the US和Canada相对应。故选B。
    【38 题详解】根据上文“The first year anniversary is marked by giving the couple a clock.(一周年纪念日的标志是送给这对夫妇一个时钟)”及下文“And they can get musical instruments when they reach their 24th anniversary.(当他们达到24周年时,他们可以得到乐器)”可知,在不同的结婚纪念日人们会送不同的礼物。由此可知,A. If two people reach their 10th anniversary, they can expect to receive diamond jewelry.(如果两个人结婚满10周年,他们可以收到钻石首饰)符合此处语境,介绍的是结婚10周年时人们送什么礼物。故选A。
    【39 题详解】根据下文“In Canada, couples can receive a message from the country’s governor-general (总督) on their 50th anniversary, and on every fifth anniversary after that. In the US, the president himself will send a greeting to couples that reach their 50th anniversary, and for every anniversary after that.(在加拿大,夫妻可以在结婚 50 周年时收到该国总督的信息,之后的每五周年都如此。在美国,总统本人会向结婚 50 周年的夫妇致以问候,并且包括之后的每个周年纪念日)”可知,在加拿大和美国在结婚纪念日时,人们会收到领导人的祝贺。由此可知,D. In Canada and the US, couples can even receive special congratulations from world leaders on certain anniversaries.(在加拿大和美国,情侣们甚至可以在某些纪念日收到来自领导人的特别祝贺)符合此处语境。故选D。
    【40 题详解】根据上文“In Canada, couples can receive a message from the country’s governor-general (总督) on their 50th anniversary, and on every fifth anniversary after that. In the US, the president himself will send a greeting to couples that reach their 50th anniversary, and for every anniversary after that.(在加拿大,夫妻可以在结婚 50 周年时收到该国总督的信息,之后的每五周年都如此。在美国,总统本人会向结婚 50 周年的夫妇致以问候,并且包括之后的每个周年纪念日)”可知,在加拿大和美国在结婚纪念日时,人们会收到领导人的祝贺。再根据下文“Or perhaps the truly cool thing is celebrating such a long life full of love and happiness with your special someone.(或者,也许真正酷的事情是与你的另一半庆祝充满爱和幸福的一生)”可知,相比收到国家领导人的祝贺,也许真正酷的事情是与你的另一半庆祝充满爱和幸福的一生。由此可知,G. How cool would it be to get a letter from the president?(收到总统的信会有多酷?)能够承上启下,符合此处语境。故选G。

    Capture spirit of youth
    “Youth is like the early spring,like the morning sun,like the budding flowers,like the sharp blade fresh off the grinding stone. Youth is the most valuable time of life. "Chen Duxiu,one of the founders of the Communist Party of China,once wrote the Spirit of Youth.
    16. During this time,habits and interests that will continue for the rest of your life are formed and developed--so it's important to get off to a good start.
    But what is the spirit of youth?It's a time to begin the process of self-reliance and self-motivation. Sure,you might have parents and friends to help you. 17. It builds your character and makes you independent,a necessity to get through the challenges of life. No one can force you to get good grades or get the perfect job-those responsibilities are yours and yours alone. Only you can be the author of your own life.
    When times get tough,please be persevering. Train yourself to be strong. Tell yourself that you can summon(召唤)the will to overcome whatever obstacles come your way. Anything worth doing isn't easy. 18. In the end,conquering a difficult task is always worth it,and you can thank perseverance for guiding you there.
    Work hard. There's nothing better than relaxing at the end of a long day,knowing that you did all you could do for yourself,your family and friends,and your community. Be a person that others admire. Do the work that others won't and never complain. The process of working hard will teach you valuable lessons along the way;most importantly,it will teach you that failure is inevitable(不可避免的)but isn't something you should ever allow to hold you back. 19.Following these principles will surely bring success in school,work and life in general. Listen to the spirit of youth inside you and follow your instincts. 20.A.Youth is a state of mind.
    B.Change your strategy and try again.
    C.It's best to learn that lesson early.
    D.Be self-reliant,persevere through hard times and always work hard to achieve your dreams.
    E.Dealing with obstacles is not that easy.
    F.Youth is a relatively brief period in a man's life.
    G.But ultimately,you must rely on yourself.


    【16 题详解】空格后说“During this time,habits and interests that will continue for the rest of your life are formed and developed--so it's important to get off to a good start”(在这段时间里,习惯和兴趣会持续你的余生——所以有一个好的开始是很重要的),F项中的“a relatively brief period”和后文“During this time”前后呼应,因此F项符合语境,故选F。
    【17 题详解】空格前说“It's a time to begin the process of self-reliance and self-motivation”(这是开始自力更生和自我激励的时候),空格后说“It builds your character and makes you independent”(它塑造了你的性格,让你变得独立),G选项But ultimately, you must rely on yourself(但最终,你必须依靠自己)中的“rely on yourself”与前面的“self-reliance”和后面的“independent”相一致,因此G选项切合题意,故选G。
    【18 题详解】空格前说“When times get tough,please be persevering. Train yourself to be strong. Tell yourself that you can summon(召唤)the will to overcome whatever obstacles come your way. Anything worth doing isn't easy”(当形势艰难时,请坚持下去。训练自己变得强壮。告诉自己,无论遇到什么困难,你都能鼓起勇气克服。任何值得做的事都不容易)可知,C项It's best to learn that lesson early(最好早点吸取教训)中的that lesson就指代前面描述的教训,因此C选项切合题意,故选C。
    【19 题详解】根据前文“most importantly,it will teach you that failure is inevitable(不可避免的)but isn't something you should ever allow to hold you back. ”(最重要的是,它会教会你失败是不可避免的,但你不应该让失败阻碍你)可知,失败在所难免,但是不要让失败阻碍你。所以你需要改变你的策略,再试一次,因此B选项Change your strategy and try again(改变策略,再试一次)符合语境,故选B。
    【20 题详解】空格前说“Following these principles will surely bring success in school,work and life in general. Listen to the spirit of youth inside you and follow your instincts”(遵循这些原则肯定会在学校、工作和生活中取得成功。倾听你内心的青春,跟随你的直觉),因此本段是对整篇文章所提到的建议的总结,D选项Be self-reliant,persevere through hard times and always work hard to achieve your dreams(自力更生,在困难时期坚持不懈,总是努力实现你的梦想)中的self-reliant照应第三段的“self-reliance”,persevere through hard times照应第四段的“persever through hard times”,work hard照应第五段的“work hard”,因此D选项符合语境,故选D。

    What makes you cry? Being moved by a sad movie, waving a loved one off, or getting emotional after splitting up with your partner can all cause tears to roll down our faces. 16.When you think about it, shedding tears from your eyes can cause embarrassment or confusion. But it seems to be an automatic reaction when we get sad or upset. 17. However, the feeling is the same – your cheeks puff up, your eyes tighten and before you know it, tears are streaming down your face. Some of us may weep a little while others might cry like a baby.
    A study in the UK in 2017 found that women admitted they cry 72 times a year. This was, on average, more than men. Adam Rutherford, lead researcher, says that the result has been pretty much consistent with previous research. 18.Are they just more embarrassed about showing their true feelings? The debate continues.
    One place where we experience emotional and tearful outbursts is in the workplace.19. Someone might be stressed with a heavy workload. And, as therapist Joanna Cross put it, “crying is often a build-up of frustration and undealt-with situations and it’s a bit of a final straw moment.” She describes how someone might start weeping when they’re just asked to make a cup of tea. Actually, their stress has accumulated to the breaking point.
    But crying in the office or elsewhere can be an effective stress reliever. It can actually make you feel better.20.Crying your eyes out shows others how you feel, so perhaps it’s a crying shame that more of us, particularly men, don’t cry more often.
    A.Then how do we cope with it?
    B.This can be where emotions run high.
    C.People reach their breaking point in different ways.
    D.We all have the power to cry, but is that a good thing?
    E.Maybe it dissolves or clears the negative feelings you’ve had.
    F.What brings about this reaction differs from person to person.
    G.But does this mean men don’t get as upset or emotional as women?


    【16 题详解】上文提到“Being moved by a sad movie, waving a loved one off, or getting emotional after splitting up with your partner can all cause tears to roll down our face”(被电影感动,和爱人分离,与搭档分道扬镳都会导致眼泪流下脸庞),本空承上启下,引出文章主题,所以根据下文内容,“crying in the office or elsewhere can be an effective stress reliever. ”(在办公室或其他地方哭可能是一种有效的减压方式),可知本文主要讲哭是所有人的反应,并且哭对人们有好处,所以本空目的在于引出此话题。故选D。
    【17 题详解】根据上句“ it seems to be an automatic reaction when we get sad or upset”(哭是我们伤心难过时的自动反应),所以本空承接上句,F项句意“造成人们伤心难过的原因是各不相同的”,符合语境。故选F。
    【18 题详解】根据上句“women admitted they cry 72 times a year. This was, on average, more than men. Adam Rutherford, lead researcher, says that the result has been pretty much consistent with previous research.”(女性承认,她们一年哭72次,这平均来说比男人要多。调查者说这个结果和以前的研究结果是一致的),本空承上启下,下句“Are they just more embarrassed about showing their true feelings?”(他们对于表达自己真实的情感会更尴尬吗),所以本空应该是讲男人哭的次数少的原因。故选G。
    【19 题详解】上句提到“One place where we experience emotional and tearful outbursts is in the workplace”(我们经历情绪爆发的地点之一是在工作地),本空承接上文,应该接着讲工作地对人们情绪的影响,所以B项句意“工作地是情绪上涨之地”符合句意。故B项符合语境。故选B。
    【20 题详解】根据上句“ It can actually make you feel better.”(哭会让你感觉更好),本空承上启下,应该接着讲哭对于人们的好处,所以E项句意“哭能融化或清除你的消极情感”符合句意。故选E。

    Scientists have implanted memories into the brins of birds, helping young zebra finches to learn a song normally taught to them by their fathers. 16.Like humans, zebra finches learn how to vocalize by imitating their parents. By listening to them sing, young birds memorize the notes.
    “17..” Todd Roberts, from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, told Newsweek. “In fact, there are amazing similarities between songbirds learning their song and the early stages of speech learning."
    Roberts, together with colleagues, used “optogenetic manipulation"— where light is used to monitor and control brain activity—to guide the learning of songs. 18. In this way, memories of syllables of a song were created—the length of a note agrees with the length of light exposure.
    As a result, they guided the learning of the zebra finch with these implanted memories. Their findings are published in the journal Science.
    “We learn many behaviors during development by copying the behavior of our parents, older siblings or teachers. 19. But our research in young songbirds shows that select synapses connecting sensory and motor circuits play a powerful role in laying down these types of memories and that activation of these connections in the brain can help form memories that can guide learning. We were very surprised by the outcome of our experiments," Roberts said.
    Roberts said it is unlikely that a similar approach could be used in humans to implant memories.
    20. However, he did say that understanding these pathways could help us understand conditions where developmental disorders cause speech problems.
    A.They are active throughout the day.
    B.Songbirds provide an excellent model.
    C.Such experiments would give rise to debate.
    D.The brain activities involved in this are still poorly understood.
    E.They controlled the interactions between two regions of the brain
    F.It may not be too many years before the measurements of brain activity.
    G.The breakthrough has given an insight into the development of vocal learning.


    【16 题详解】根据上文“Scientists have implanted memories into the brins of birds, helping young zebra finches to learn a song normally taught to them by their fathers.(科学家将记忆植入鸟类的大脑中,帮助年轻的斑胸草雀学会通常由它们的父亲教会它们的歌曲)”可知,上文提到科学家将记忆植入鸟类的大脑中,帮助年轻的斑胸草雀学会通常由它们的父亲教会它们的歌曲,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明这一突破的影响:使我们对声乐学习的发展有了深入的了解。故G选项“这一突破使我们对声乐学习的发展有了深入的了解”符合语境,故选G。
    【17 题详解】根据后文“Todd Roberts, from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, told Newsweek. “In fact, there are amazing similarities between songbirds learning their song and the early stages of speech learning."(德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的Todd Roberts告诉《新闻周刊》。“事实上,鸣禽学习鸣叫和早期语言学习有惊人的相似之处。”)”可知,本句为引用Todd Roberts对于鸣禽学习鸣叫和早期语言学习的言论,B选项中songbirds对应后文中songbirds。故B选项“鸣禽提供了一个很好的模型”符合语境,故选B。
    【18 题详解】根据上文“Roberts, together with colleagues, used “optogenetic manipulation"— where light is used to monitor and control brain activity—to guide the learning of songs.( Roberts和他的同事们使用了“光基因操控”技术——利用光来监测和控制大脑活动——来指导对歌曲的学习)”以及后文“In this way, memories of syllables of a song were created—the length of a note agrees with the length of light exposure.(通过这种方式,对一首歌音节的记忆被创造出来——音符的长度与光线照射的长度一致)”可知,本句承接上文说明罗伯茨和他的同事们是如何通过控制大脑活动来指导歌曲学习的。E选项中They指代上文Roberts, together with colleagues。故E选项“他们控制了大脑两个区域之间的相互作用”符合语境,故选E。
    【19 题详解】根据上文“We learn many behaviors during development by copying the behavior of our parents, older siblings or teachers.(在发育过程中,我们通过模仿父母、哥哥姐姐或老师的行为来学习许多行为)”以及后文“But our research in young songbirds shows that select synapses connecting sensory and motor circuits play a powerful role in laying down these types of memories and that activation of these connections in the brain can help form memories that can guide learning.(但我们对小鸣禽的研究表明,连接感觉和运动回路的特定突触在形成这些类型的记忆中发挥了强大的作用,大脑中这些连接的激活可以帮助形成指导学习的记忆)”可知,上文提到了人类通过模仿来学习的行为,后文则提到对小鸣禽的研究发现了帮助形成学习记忆的大脑活动过程,可知本句与后文形成转折,指出对人们通过模仿学习的大脑活动知之甚少的情况。故D选项“参与其中的大脑活动仍然知之甚少”符合语境,故选D。
    【20 题详解】根据上文“Roberts said it is unlikely that a similar approach could be used in humans to implant memories.( Roberts说,类似的方法不太可能用于人类植入记忆)”可知,上文提到类似的方法不太可能用于人类植入记忆,故本句说明原因:这样的实验会引起争论。故C选项“这样的实验会引起争论”符合语境,故选C。

    When it comes to hobbies and career, all of us have our own stories. As a little girl, my favorite thing to do was read — same as today. So I figured I’d be a librarian when I grew up. 16. The library had a two-book limit, but she knew I’d blow through those in just a few days, so she always let me check out a big stack.
    Time passed quickly and I was in fourth grade. Our school librarian, Mrs. Ketelsen, sent some poems I’d written about dinosaurs to Highlights magazine. 17.At the University, though majoring in journalism, I quickly learned that I did not want to be a newspaper reporter. 18. It amuses almost everyone who knows me and thinks I’m outgoing. (I am, but only with people I know!) So I was thrilled when I was selected for a summer internship at Reader’s Digest.
    Ten years after that, I came back to RD to work as an editor. 19. I’ve worked at other magazines too, but I’ve spent most of my career here, reading magazines, newspapers, websites, and books for stories we could condense (简缩); writing articles; even choosing jokes.
    20. “The Tractor War” takes me home to the Midwest. “Something to Sneeze At” reminds me of all the sneezing I did when I moved to New York City and was suddenly allergic to grasses and trees... I relate to lots of our stories this month, and I hope you do too. Enjoy!
    A.It was a long road home.
    B.I lost my interest in it soon.
    C.My first published writing!
    D.I’m shy about interviewing people.
    E.My dream of becoming a librarian encouraged me.
    F.The stories in this issue seem to introduce myself to you.
    G.Our town librarian, Mrs. Tonne, was really important to me becoming me.


    【16 题详解】根据上文“When it comes to hobbies and career, all of us have our own stories. As a little girl, my favorite thing to do was read — same as today. So I figured I’d be a librarian when I grew up.(说到爱好和职业,我们每个人都有自己的故事。当我还是个小女孩的时候,我最喜欢做的事情就是读书——今天也是。所以我想我长大后会成为一名图书管理员)”以及后文“The library had a two-book limit, but she knew I’d blow through those in just a few days, so she always let me check out a big stack.(图书馆有两本书的限制,但她知道我几天就能看完,所以她总是让我借一大堆书)”可知,后文提到了某人知道作者的阅读习惯,G选项中Mrs. Tonne对应后文she。故G选项“我们镇上的图书管理员,Tonne夫人,对我成为现在的我真的很重要”符合语境,故选G。
    【17 题详解】根据上文“Time passed quickly and I was in fourth grade. Our school librarian, Mrs. Ketelsen, sent some poems I’d written about dinosaurs to Highlights magazine.(时间过得很快,我上了四年级。我们学校的图书管理员Ketelsen夫人把我写的一些关于恐龙的诗寄给了《亮点》杂志)”可知,上文提到图书管理员把作者的诗寄给了杂志,可知本句是在说明结果:第一次出版了作品。故C选项“我第一次出版的作品!”符合语境,故选C。
    【18 题详解】根据上文“At the University, though majoring in journalism, I quickly learned that I did not want to be a newspaper reporter.(在大学里,虽然我的专业是新闻,但我很快意识到我并不想成为一名新闻记者)”以及后文“It amuses almost everyone who knows me and thinks I’m outgoing. (I am, but only with people I know!) So I was thrilled when I was selected for a summer internship at Reader’s Digest.(几乎所有认识我并且认为我很外向的人都觉得很有趣。(是的,但只和我认识的人在一起的时候!)所以当我被选为《读者文摘》的暑期实习生时,我非常激动)”可知,后文提到作者只有和认识的人在一起才很外向,可见作者对采访他人很害羞。故D选项“我对采访很害羞”符合语境,故选D。
    【19 题详解】根据上文“Ten years after that, I came back to RD to work as an editor.(10年后,我回到了《读者文摘》,做编辑)”以及后文“I’ve worked at other magazines too, but I’ve spent most of my career here, reading magazines, newspapers, websites, and books for stories we could condense; writing articles; even choosing jokes.(我也在其他杂志工作过,但我职业生涯的大部分时间都花在这里,阅读杂志、报纸、网站和书籍,寻找我们可以简缩的故事、写文章,即使选择的笑话)”可知,作者十年后再次回到了曾经实习过的《读者文摘》做编辑,可推测回去的路很漫长。故A选项“回家的路很长”符合语境,故选A。
    【20 题详解】根据后文““The Tractor War” takes me home to the Midwest. “Something to Sneeze At” reminds me of all the sneezing I did when I moved to New York City and was suddenly allergic to grasses and trees... I relate to lots of our stories this month, and I hope you do too. Enjoy!(《拖拉机战争》把我带回了中西部的家。《打喷嚏的东西》让我想起我搬到纽约时的所有打喷嚏,突然对草和树过敏…… 这个月我讲了很多我们的故事,我希望你也一样。享受吧!)”可知,后文列举的故事让作者想起了自己的经历,故F选项“这一期的故事似乎介绍了我自己”符合语境,故选F。

    Calligraphy(书法)is the art of writing letters beautifully. These days, a lot of writing is done on computers and phones.16.The best thing about calligraphy is having fun doing art with pen and ink, and not worrying too much about what you create. It's about making marks on paper, and then practicing the letter forms over and over.17.Eleanor Winters, author of Calligraphy for Kids, says the best way to learn the art is to join a local calligraphy club. If your school doesn't run one, ask if they could start one up. "It's easy and inexpensive to start learning.18.I would recommend beginning with markers(马克笔)and paper," says Winters.
    Normal marker pens with a pointed tip are perfect to start, so that you can learn the shapes of the letters "19.They can make the thick- and-thin lines that are characteristic of traditional calligraphy," says Winters. In terms of paper, lined is much easier to write on because it's easier to control the height of the letters. "Practice and patience are both important," says Winters. "You'll learn much better if you take time to practice each step before you move on to the next one."
    20.It provides a beautiful way to express yourself, whether you are making a birthday card, creating a letter or poem, or writing in your diary. It's also a very relaxing and quiet activity, making for a nice break from the stresses of the school day.
    A.All you need is a pen, ink and paper
    B.Practicing calligraphy has many advantages.
    C.After that, you could use calligraphy markers.
    D.Like anything, the more you practice, the better you will do.
    E.The next important thing is to know how to hold the marker.
    F.So calligraphy is a way to celebrate writing artistically on paper.
    G.Modern calligraphy is quite different from traditional calligraphy.


    【16 题详解】根据前文“Calligraphy(书法)is the art of writing letters beautifully. These days, a lot of writing is done on computers and phones. (书法是一种美观地书写字母的艺术形式。如今,很多日常书写都是通过手机或者在电脑上进行的)”可知,F项“So calligraphy is a way to celebrate writing artistically on paper. (所以书法是一种在纸面上传承艺术化处理书写的方法)”与空格前一句构成对比逻辑关系,表明书法与普通日常的书写的区别。故选F项。
    【17 题详解】根据前文“It's about making marks on paper, and then practicing the letter forms over and over. (它需要你在纸面上作记号,然后反复地练习字母书写)” D项“Like anything, the more you practice, the better you will do. (和其他兴趣爱好一样,你越练习,进步就会越快)”。承接上文,表明书法只要勤加练习,反复熟悉书写,就能有明显的进步。故选D项。
    【18 题详解】根据前文“It's easy and inexpensive to start learning. (书法简单易学,而且花费不高)”和空格后句“I would recommend beginning with markers(马克笔)and paper, (我建议刚开始学习的时候用马克笔和纸进行练习)”可知,Eleanor Winters表明学习书法很容易,并给初学者提出具体建议。A项“All you need is a pen, ink and paper (你只需要一支笔、墨水和纸就可以)”。承接上文,表明书法简单易学,准备的工具也只需要笔、墨水和纸几项,花费特别少,空格后一句进而具体给出工具方面的建议。故选A项。
    【19 题详解】根据前文“Normal marker pens with a pointed tip are perfect to start, so that you can learn the shapes of the letters (普通的尖头的马克笔很适合初学者练习,以便你能学会字母的形状)”和后文“They can make the thick- and-thin lines that are characteristic of traditional calligraphy, (它们可以写出粗细不同的传统书法风格的线条)”可知,该段主要介绍书法工具之一的用笔挑选建议。空格前一句是给初学者的用笔推荐,而到学习中期挑选其他种类的马克笔的优点。C项前文“After that, you could use calligraphy markers. (过了那个阶段之后,你可以使用书法专用马克笔)”承上启下,给出度过初学阶段后的用笔建议。故选C项。
    【20 题详解】根据后文“It provides a beautiful way to express yourself, (练习书法是表达自我的一种美好的方式)”和 “It's also a very relaxing and quiet activity, (它也让你放松,内心平和)”可知,该段主要介绍练习书法给我们带来的益处。B项“Practicing calligraphy has many advantages. (练习书法有很多益处)”符合文意表达,故选B项。

    The carbon footprint shows how much carbon dioxide a person emits(排放)in everyday life. It measures the amount offossil(化石)fuels and electricity someone uses up as well as the carbon footprint of the products they buy. When we use our cars or heat our homes with carbon dioxide,various other gases are set free. 16.You can measure your carbon footprint by using a calculator that you can find on various websites. 17. In America for example,every citizen produces about 28 tons of carbon dioxide and other dangerous gases a year;in Great Britain the amount is about 10 tons.
    18. The way we travel,for example,has a major effect on our environment. Use your bike or walk for short distances. Public transport is a way of getting to places without putting a burden on the environment. 19. Many environmental experts,however,argue that it often saves energy to buy food that is produced naturally in faraway places than consuming food grown locally in greenhouses. In your home you can contribute to saving energy by turning off lights if you don’t need them or by avoiding the use of air conditioners. Recycling plastic glass and paper can also reduce your carbon footprint dramatically.
    20. Only if we concentrate on reducing carbon emissions together can we hope to make our environment better.
    A.Many people travel between cities and suburbs every day.
    B.The carbon footprint is usually measured in tons of CO2 per year.
    C.These emissions lead to a thicker atmosphere and global warming.
    D.It is also vital to persuade others to take the same steps that you do.
    E.There are many actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.
    F.The websites also provide carbon storage tools and methods for individuals.
    G.Buying local food is another way of restricting emission into the atmosphere.


    【16 题详解】前文“When we use our cars or heat our homes with carbon dioxide,various other gases are set free. ”(当我们使用汽车或用二氧化碳来取暖时,各种其他气体就释放出来了)中的carbon dioxide和various other gases对应选项C中的These emissions。所以选项C(这些排放会导致大气层变厚和全球变暖)切合文意,是“各种其他气体释放出来”产生的结果。故选C。
    【17 题详解】根据后文“In America for example,every citizen produces about 28 tons of carbon dioxide and other dangerous gases a year;in Great Britain the amount is about 10 tons.”(例如,在美国,每个公民每年产生约28吨二氧化碳和其他危险气体;在英国,这个数字约为10吨。)可知,碳足迹通常以每年的二氧化碳吨数来衡量,所以选项B(碳足迹通常以每年的二氧化碳吨数来衡量)切合文意。故选B。
    【18 题详解】根据后文“Use your bike or walk for short distances. Public transport is a way of getting to places without putting a burden on the environment. ”(短距离使用自行车或步行。公共交通是一种不给环境带来负担的出行方式。)可知,此处是指减少碳排放量的措施,所以选项E(你可以采取很多行动来减少你的碳排放量。)切合文意。故选E。
    【19 题详解】根据后文“Many environmental experts,however,argue that it often saves energy to buy food that is produced naturally in faraway places than consuming food grown locally in greenhouses.”(然而,许多环境专家认为,购买远方自然生产的食物往往比消费温室里本地种植的食物更节省能源。)可知,此处是指购买当地食物也可以减少你的碳排放量。所以选项G(购买本地食品是另一种限制排放到大气中的方法。)切合文意。故选G。
    【20 题详解】根据后文“Only if we concentrate on reducing carbon emissions together can we hope to make our environment better.”(只有我们集中精力一起减少碳排放,我们才有希望使我们的环境变得更好。)可知,此处是号召人们一起行动起来。所以选项D(说服别人采取和你一样的措施也是至关重要的。)切合文意。故选D。

    Do you have an important or favorite memory from the past? Perhaps it was clapping for goals. 16. By sharing our memories, we can feel closer to other people and more positive about what we've been through.
    How does memory work?
    Scientists believe there are two levels of memory. One is short-term or working memory, which stays in your brain for only 15-30 seconds. The other level is long-term or permanent memory, which can be stored for days, months or even years.
    17. Motor-skill memories help you remember how to ride a bike; factual memories help you to recognize faces. These types of memories can be short or long term. Emotional memories recall how you felt about something and can be strong and powerful. Remembering the sadness of missing your friends during lockdown, and being happy and excited to see them again afterwards, are emotional memories. 18.Why are memories important?
    Memories tell you the story of yourself. Information such as which school you go to and who your friends are is stored inside your brain, ready for when you need it. 19. “If I miss seeing my grandparents, I remember staying with them in Devon. It makes me feel happy, like when I was there.” Heidi, 12, told The Week.
    20. When people think of shared experience, what usually comes to mind is being with close others, such as friends or family, and talking with them. By telling a funny or embarrassing story-perhaps the time the dog stole the Christmas ham -we share feelings of joy or recognition of difficulties overcome, large or small. By sharing similar or not-so-similar experiences, we empathize with and understand one another better.
    A.There are many uses for memory.
    B.Memories can help you own wellbeing.
    C.Shared memories can connect you to others.
    D.Time cannot erase his memories of the past.
    E.Memories can also help you manage feelings.
    F.Or it was seeing rainbow pictures in the windows.
    G.They are long term and can sometimes last a lifetime.


    【16 题详解】根据下文提示“By sharing our memories, we can feel closer to other people and more positive about what we've been through.(通过分享我们的记忆,我们可以和其他人更亲近,对我们所经历的更积极)”由此可知,C项Shared memories can connect you to others.(分享的记忆可以把你和别人联系起来)切题。该项中的connect you to others与下文的feel closer to other people相吻合。故选C。
    【17 题详解】根据下文提示“These types of memories can be short or long term. Emotional memories recall how you felt about something and can be strong and powerful.(这类记忆可以是短期的,也可以是长期的。情感记忆会让你回忆起你对某件事的感觉,这种记忆很强大)”由此可知,该段主要讲的是“记忆也可以帮助你管理情感。Emotional 与选项中的feelings一致,所以,E项Memories can also help you manage feelings.(记忆也可以帮助你管理情绪)切题。故选E。
    【18 题详解】根据上文提示“Remembering the sadness of missing your friends during lockdown, and being happy and excited to see them again afterwards, are emotional memories.(想起禁闭期间想念朋友的悲伤,以及禁闭后再次见到他们的快乐和兴奋,都是情感记忆。)”由此可知,G项They are long term and can sometimes last a lifetime.(它们是长期的,有时可以持续一生)切题。该项中的they指代的就是上文中的emotional memories。故选G。
    【19 题详解】根据上文提示“Memories tell you the story of yourself. Information such as which school you go to and who your friends are is stored inside your brain, ready for when you need it.(回忆告诉你自己的故事。诸如你上的是哪所学校,你的朋友是谁之类的信息都储存在你的大脑里,在你需要的时候随时准备着)”。which school you go to and who your friends are就是对D项中past的举例说明,由此可知,D项Time cannot erase his memories of the past.(时间无法抹去他对过去的记忆)切题。故选D。
    【20 题详解】根据下文提示“By telling a funny or embarrassing story-perhaps the time the dog stole the Christmas ham -we share feelings of joy or recognition of difficulties overcome, large or small. By sharing similar or not-so-similar experiences, we empathize with and (通过讲一个有趣或尴尬的故事——也许是狗偷圣诞火腿的时候——我们分享喜悦的感觉,或者承认克服了大大小小的困难。通过分享相似或不太相似的经历,我们可以更好地相互同情和理解。)”由此可知,分享记忆有助于提升幸福感,B项Memories can help you own wellbeing.(记忆可以帮助你获得幸福)切题。

    When you’ve lost something, you’ll feel upset and fear that you will never find the lost object. Actually, if you think about it for a moment, you’ll find it soon.
    16.This won’t help you find the lost object but it helps you calm down. Only when you regain your calm can you focus on finding the object again. Often when we’ve lost something, especially if it’s an important object like a set of keys or a passport, we get worried. 17.Have you lent the object out?
    Of course, this is unlikely to be the case with keys or other ID stuff. But it can easily be the case with books, magazines, DVDS, etc. If there is a chance that you have lent an object to someone else, then send a quick email or text message out to the likely people. 18. Make the message more along the lines that you’re worried because of this particular object.
    Slow down.
    The more important the object is, the more we are likely to run around like a headless chicken with the mistaken idea that our rush will speed up finding the object. 19. Slowing down will give you a chance to think back to the last time and place you saw the missing object. This may give you a clue or two as to where the object is.
    Get help from others.
    Getting the help of someone else anyone who knows what the object looks like will do fine. 20. Also, this gives an extra thought pattern to the search. In fact, It may be the best way to find lost objects fast.
    A.Take a long deep breath.
    B.Try your best to calm down.
    C.You can even turn to those you don’t know at all.
    D.In fact, it’s almost always a case of more hurry, less speed.
    E.These long deep breaths will help you to regain your calm.
    F.This doubles the number of people looking for the lost object.
    G.However, make sure that the message doesn’t accuse others of taking the object in question.


    【16 题详解】根据下一句“This won’t help you find the lost object but it helps you calm down.”(这不会帮助你找到丢失的东西,但可以帮助你冷静下来)可知,A选项“Take a long deep breath.(深呼吸)”为冷静的方式,即,This指代的方法,为本段的小标题,符合此处语境。故选A项。
    【17 题详解】根据上文“Often when we’ve lost something, especially if it’s an important object like a set of keys or a passport, we get worried. ”(通常当我们丢了东西,尤其是像一串钥匙或护照这样的重要物品时,我们会很担心。)可知,此处为具体的例子,表示当钥匙丢失时,我们的反应。后面总结这种方法帮助我们冷静。E选项“These long deep breaths will help you to regain your calm.(这些长时间的深呼吸会帮助你恢复平静)”符合本段主旨。故选E项。
    【18 题详解】根据上文“If there is a chance that you have lent an object to someone else, then send a quick email or text message out to the likely people. ”(如果你有机会把东西借给别人,那就给可能借给你东西的人发一封电子邮件或短信)及下文“Make the message more along the lines that you’re worried because of this particular object.(让你的信息更贴近你因为这个特定对象而担心的内容)”可知,此处应该为对于发电子邮件或者短信的建议。G选项“However, make sure that the message doesn’t accuse others of taking the object in question.(然而,要确保这条信息不会指责其他人拿走了有问题的物体)”为建议对方不要做的事情,与下一句紧密连接。故选G项。
    【19 题详解】根据上文“The more important the object is, the more we are likely to run around like a headless chicken with the mistaken idea that our rush will speed up finding the object.”(物体越重要,我们就越有可能像无头苍蝇一样东奔西跑,错误地认为匆忙会加快找到物体的速度)并结合下文关于“Slow down”的建议可知,此处应该描述匆忙的坏处。D选项“In fact, it’s almost always a case of more hurry, less speed.(事实上,几乎总是越急越慢)”符合语境。故选D项。
    【20 题详解】上一句描述寻求更多人的帮助来寻找失物,结合空后一句“Also, this gives an extra thought pattern to the search. ”(同时,这也为搜索提供了一个额外的思考模式)可知,此空应描述让更多人参与的好处。F选项“This doubles the number of people looking for the lost object.(这将使寻找失物的人数翻倍)”符合语境。故选F项。

    Magnet schools are public schools that have specialized curricula in areas such as the sciences, arts, leadership, or languages. Students often choose magnet schools to challenge themselves in fields that appeal to their interests.16.
    Magnet schools were born in the late 1960s, when students attended schools closest to their homes. 17. Students from diverse neighborhoods would choose to attend a school that might be further from home because the school catered to their particular strengths and interests.
    Many magnet schools have remained true to their original goals of promoting diversity through educational choice. Connecticut, for example, has 95 magnet schools across the state, and all have admissions policies designed to promote both socioeconomic and racial diversity. 18.
    Admissions to some schools will be all but guaranteed while other schools reject more applicants than they admit.19. Some operate on a simple lottery that assures equal opportunity for attendance across all applicants. Other schools have deliberate procedures for assuring a balanced mix of students from different neighborhoods. More selective schools may have tests and interviews as part of the application process.
    20. Funded by taxpayers, they have no other cost for attendance. Students get a high quality education for free. Magnet schools typically have very high graduation and college placement rates. Yet students may live far away and transportation may not be provided by schools. These are things you need to take into consideration when thinking of applying for a magnet school.
    A.It clearly places an added burden on parents.
    B.You can access the requirements from their websites.
    C.These schools consistently rank among the top in the state.
    D.The term “magnet”,in fact, refers to this idea of attraction.
    E.The processes vary greatly from school to school and city to city.
    F.Magnet schools come with a mix of advantages and disadvantages.
    G.Magnet schools were designed to draw students from different zones.


    这是一篇说明文。文章主要对magnet school的情况进行了详细介绍。
    【16 题详解】根据上文“Magnet schools are public schools that have specialized curricula in areas such as the sciences, arts, leadership, or languages. Students often choose magnet schools to challenge themselves in fields that appeal to their interests.(“磁石学校”指的是在科学、艺术、领导力或语言等领域开设专门课程的公立学校。学生们通常选择名牌学校,在自己感兴趣的领域挑战自己。)”可知,首段全段都在定义和介绍magnet school,而D选项中的“this attraction”即对应前文中的“appeal to their interests”。D项:The term “magnet”,in fact, refers to this idea of attraction.(事实上,“磁铁”一词指的是吸引力这个概念。)符合语境。故选D。
    【17 题详解】根据上文“Magnet schools were born in the late 1960s, when students attended schools closest to their homes.(磁石学校诞生于20世纪60年代末,当时学生上的是离家最近的学校。)”可知,本段介绍了magnet school产生的背景。当时人们都是就近入学,结合下文“Students from diverse neighborhoods would choose to attend a school that might be further from home because the school catered to their particular strengths and interests.(来自不同社区的学生可能会选择离家较远的学校,因为学校会满足他们的特殊优势和兴趣。)”可知,后文则说明了magnet school学生选择入学的情况。G项:Magnet schools were designed to draw students from different zones.(磁铁学校旨在吸引来自不同地区的学生。)符合语境。故选G。
    【18 题详解】根据上文“Many magnet schools have remained true to their original goals of promoting diversity through educational choice.(许多“磁石学校”坚持其通过教育选择促进多元化的最初目标。)” 可知,本段介绍了magnet school学生学习的情况。前文中提到它们可以促进多样性(即优点)。因此选C,说明magnet school的另一优点。C项:These schools consistently rank among the top in the state.(这些学校在州内一直名列前茅。)符合语境。故选C。
    【19 题详解】根据上文“Admissions to some schools will be all but guaranteed while other schools reject more applicants than they admit.(一些学校几乎可以保证录取,而另一些学校拒绝的申请人比录取的要多。)”可知,此处在介绍不同学校的录取规则。E项:The processes vary greatly from school to school and city to city.(这一过程因学校和城市的不同而有很大差异。)符合语境。故选E。
    【20 题详解】此处为段落主题句。根据后文内容“Funded by taxpayers, they have no other cost for attendance. Students get a high quality education for free. Magnet schools typically have very high graduation and college placement rates. Yet students may live far away and transportation may not be provided by schools.(由纳税人出资,他们没有其他费用。学生可以免费接受高质量的教育。名校通常有很高的毕业率和大学升学率。然而,学生可能住得很远,学校可能不提供交通工具。)”可知,本段介绍了magnet school的优点和缺点。F项:Magnet schools come with a mix of advantages and disadvantages.(磁石学校既有优点也有缺点。)符合语境。故选F。

    It can be very easy to stick with what you know, instead of trying to meet people who are different from you. 16.Here's what you can do:
    Become self-aware. 17.This includes biases(偏见)about your own cultural background. It can be confronting, but by doing this you'll be able to think about how these traits might impact on your approach to and understanding of differences. You could try: Think about what assumptions you make about your friends, peers, and people you work with.
    Talk to someone from a different cultural background. Try and get to know someone from a different cultural background better. 18.You'll automatically find out more about their life and experiences. Just being curious and open-minded can be helpful.
    Be more accepting. Sometimes, for one reason or another, it's not all that easy to understand some cultural differences. 19. In other words, you don't have to understand, or even agree with, someone in order to accept them.
    20. One of the biggest difficulties to overcome in understanding cultural differences is making judgments based on one opinion. You should do some research to actually learn about people, instead of making broad-brush assessments. Stereotyping(模式化)people from different cultural backgrounds can impact their quality of life and opportunities.
    A.Do your own research.
    B.Think beyond stereotypes.
    C.Practice being sympathetic towards people.
    D.Work out your own beliefs, values and personal biases.
    E.Instead of asking them questions directly, treat them as friends.
    F.And the best approach is to acknowledge people are different and to accept that's okay.
    G.However, trying to understand people from other countries can help you experience more.


    【16 题详解】前文“It can be very easy to stick with what you know, instead of trying to meet people who are different from you.”(坚持你所知道的,而不是去结识与你不同的人,这很容易。)和选项G中的“trying to understand people from other countries can help you experience more”(试着去了解来自其他国家的人可以帮助你体验更多)构成转折关系,对应选项G中的however,所以选项G(然而,试着去理解来自其他国家的人可以帮助你体验更多。)切合文意。故选G。
    【17 题详解】根据后文“This includes biases(偏见)about your own cultural background.”(这包括对自己文化背景的偏见。)和前文“Become self-aware.”(有自我认知)可知,此处是指对自己的文化背景、偏见等有清醒的认知,并解决它们,所以选项D(解决自己的信念、价值观和个人偏见。)切合文意。故选D。
    【18 题详解】根据前文“Talk to someone from a different cultural background.”(和来自不同文化背景的人交谈。)可知,此处是讲和来自不同文化背景的人交谈,所以选项E(不要直接问他们问题,把他们当成朋友。)切合文意。故选E。
    【19 题详解】根据前文“Be more accepting.”(更加有包容性)可知,此处是讲对于不同要有包容性,所以选项F(最好的方法是承认人们是不同的,并接受这一点。)切合文意。故选F。
    【20 题详解】根据后文“Stereotyping(模式化)people from different cultural backgrounds can impact their quality of life and opportunities.”(对来自不同文化背景的人形成成见会影响他们的生活质量和机会。)可知,此处是指要跳出模式化来思

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