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    牛津上海版 (五四制)八年级下册(新版)Unit 6 Travel导学案

    这是一份牛津上海版 (五四制)八年级下册(新版)Unit 6 Travel导学案,共13页。学案主要包含了词汇Wrds等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. defeat 击败;战胜
    The French defeated the English trps. 法国人打败了英国军队。
    【区分:defeat, beat 与 win】
    e.g. beat the cmpetitr/the cuntry/the team打败对手/国家/那个队
    win赢,获胜 后接事、物(作“赢得”解时,宾语不能接人)。
    e.g. Li Hng wn the first prize in the drawing cntest. 在画画比赛中,李红赢得第一名。
    2. nw that 既然;由于=since
    e.g. Yu ught t have a gd rest nw that yu've finished the wrk.
    3. abrad adv.在国外;到国外近义:verseas adv. 海外
    e.g. My sn is still living abrad. 我的儿子仍住在国外。
    He usually ges verseas t wrk fr a lng time every year.
    n. (用在frm后)异国,海外[U]
    e.g. They just returned frm abrad. 他们刚从国外回来。
    4. destinatin n. 目的地;终点;目标,目的
    reached ur destinatin, tired and hungry. 到达目的地时,我们又累又饿。
    The destinatin f her study is medicine. 她打算学医。
    5. attractin n.有吸引力的事或物;吸引力
    elephants were the chief attractin at the circus.过去侦探小说对我特别有吸引力。Detective nvels used t hld a special attractin fr me.
    The attractin f the mn fr the earth causes the tides. 月亮对地球的引力引起潮汐。
    attract vt. ①吸;吸引②引起...的注意(或兴趣等);引诱
    e.g.A magnet attracts bth irn and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。
    The garden city attracts many turists.那个花园城市吸引许多游客。
    Jim was attracted t the Italian girl. 吉姆对那位意大利女孩产生了好感。
    attractive adj. 有吸引力的
    6. enable 使能够;使有机会
    e.g.The prgram will enable a large increase in student numbers.
    Training will enable yu t find wrk.培训将使你找到工作。

    7. excellent 极好的,优秀的
    e.g.an excellent teacher/ friend 一位优秀的老师/朋友
    Of curse she is an excellent dctr. 当然她是位杰出的医生。
    He is excellent in mathematics. 他的数学非常好。
    excel vt. 胜过,优于[(+in/at)]vi. 突出;胜过他人[(+in/at)]
    e.g.She excels the rest f the class in English. 她的英文在班上胜过任何同学。
    He excels at vlleyball.他擅长打排球。

    8. scenic 风景优美的
    e.g.Let's take the scenic rute, alng the cast. 让我们沿着海岸,走一条风景秀丽的路。
    scenery n. 风景, 背景, 布景②(事件发生的)地点,现场;(戏剧等的)背景
    e.g.The scenery was beautiful beynd descriptin. 那风景美丽得难以形容。
    scene n. ①景色,景象;(舞台)布景
    e.g.What a fantastic muntain scene! 多么迷人的山景!
    The scene f this play is set in Ireland. 这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。
    The criminal fled the scene.罪犯逃离了现场。
    9. influence 影响
    【常用搭配】have a gd/bad influence n/upn
    e.g.The influence f climate n crps is self-evident. 气候对农作物的影响是不证自明的。
    n. 影响力;势力,权势[U][(+ver/with)]
    e.g.Mr. Smith is a man f influence in this twn. 史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。
    vt. 影响,感化;左右
    e.g.I dn't want t influence yu. Yu must decide fr yurself.
    10. further v.继续;使…进一步
    e.g.He did his best t further the interests f his state. 他尽力(或倾全力)去增进他的州的利益。
    adj. 另外的;进一步的;深一层的
    e.g.D yu need further help? 你还需要帮忙吗?
    We need have a further discussin abut/n/ver this matter.关于这件事我们还需进一步讨论。
    adv. ①进一步地;深一层地②而且;另外;再者
    e.g.We will help yu further. 我们会进一步帮助你的。
    The huse is nt big enugh fr us; and further, it is t far frm the twn.

    11. used t d sth. 过去常常做…
    指点迷津:used t d sth. , be used t d sth. 与be used t ding sth
    (1) used t d sth. 表示过去常常做某事,而现在这件事情可能已经不再继续了。
    e.g. My father used t smke a lt until the dctr tld him there was a lung prblem with him.
    (2) be used t d sth. 是被动语态,表示“被用来做什么”的意思。
    e.g. Plastic can be used t make all kinds f things. 塑料可以被用来制成各种各样的东西。
    (3) be used t ding sth. 表示“习惯于,适应于”的意思。
    Smiths are used t living in Shanghai nw. 史密斯一家已经习惯住在上海了。
    12. g n t d sth. 继续去做(另一件事)
    e.g. After he finished his hmewrk, he went n t read China Daily.
    g n ding sth继续做某事(与原来相同的事)
    e.g. He relaxed fr a while and went n writing the reprt.
    二、重要句型Imprtant Sentences structures
    1. Nw that winter is behind us, many peple are starting t think abut ging abrad fr the summer hlidays.
    Nw that yu have already knwn it, I will say n mre. 既然你已经知道了,那我就不多说了。
    g abrad出国 g abard上车,上船,上飞机
    2. This year, why nt spread yur wings and visit France? 今年,为何不远行去法国看看呢?
    why nt通常用于提出建议,后直接跟动词原形。
    Why nt attend Tm’s party?为什么不去参加Tm的派对呢?

    3. With its wrld-famus landmarks such as the Eiffel Twer and the Arc de Trimphe, and its wide, tree-lined street, Paris is ne f the mst beautiful cities in the wrld.
    with (表带有或拥有)有…的,持有,随身带着。
    e.g. I have n mney with me. 我没有带钱。
    He is a man with a ht temper. 他是一个脾气暴躁的人。
    We bught a huse with a garden.我们买了一座带花园的房子。
    China is a very large cuntry with a lng histry.中国是一个具有历史悠久的大国。
    In ur city, we can see the influence f France in sme ways.
    influence 影响,in sme ways 在某些方面。
    e.g. His parents n lnger have any real influence ver him.
    In sme ways yu are right. 在某些方面你是对的。
    补充:in sme (many) ways在一些(许多)方面 by the way顺便问一下
    n the way在……路上 in the way 挡道,妨碍人的
    e.g. Peter is like his father in sme ways. 彼得在某些方面像他的父亲。
    On the way t hspital, I saw yur father waiting at the bus stp.
    By the way, culd yu please tell me if yu are free tnight?
    Seeing a dg in the way, the little girl was frightened.
    5. A lt f yung students frm different cuntries g t France t further their studies.
    分析:further ne’s study深造,further educatin进修, 深造。
    毕业后我打算去美国深造。I plan t further my study after graduatin.
    I.Fill in the blanks with the given wrds in their prper frms.
    1.(France) and German are widely used in Eurpe.
    My parents and I plan t g abrad fr the winter (hliday).
    These ways will(able) yu t study Chinese well in the future.
    Children like t g the Disney Park in Hng Kng because it ffers many f the same (attract) as the ne in Japan.
    Thusands f(tur) cme t Shanghai t visit the Exp this mnth.
    In the past, Jiangsu was an imprtant (agriculture) regin in China.
    II.Chse the right wrd t cmplete the sentence.
    1. Sue was brn(in /at) Lndn, but she didn't grw up there.
    2. D yu knw which cuntry is the leader(t /in) industry(工业)?
    3.(On /In) sme ways, this bk was useful when I studied at university.
    4. Paris is a wnderful place t g(fr / n) a hliday.
    = 3 \* ROMAN III. Read and chse the best answer.
    ()1. After he traveled New Zealand, he went n Australia.
    A. t visitB. visitingC. visitedD. visit
    ()2. Shanghai used t be a small village, ?
    A. desn't itB. didn't itC. did itD. didn't they
    ()3. Nw, many wmen really like brands LV, Cach and s n.
    A. such asB. fr exampleC. is likeD. the same as
    ()4.everyne's here, let's begin ur discussin.
    A. ThughB. AfterC. BefreD. Nw that
    = 4 \* ROMAN IV. Rewrite the sentences as required.
    He spreads his wings and visits Japan. (改为一般疑问句)
    hehis wings and visit Japan?
    Eur Disney is an hur away frm the centre f Paris. (就划线部分提问)
    ___________ ___________ is Eur Disney frm the centre f Paris?
    Shall we g t visit the Exp this weekend? (保持原句意思)
    ___________ ___________ ging t visit the Exp this weekend?
    I. Chse the best answer
    1. The car ges _______ a speed f 100 kilmeters an hur.
    A. withB. fr C. at D. in
    2. The ppulatin in the wrld has _______ these years.
    A. increases B. raises C. increased D. raised
    3. Mr. Wang must be at hme. Lk, the light is_______.
    A. ff B. n C. in D. ut
    4. My grandpa ges fishing mnthly because it is his favrite way f .
    A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. t relax
    5. Peple waste _______electricity every day.
    A. a large number f B. a huge amunt f
    C many D. quite a lt
    6. My father _______ cmputer games when I gt hme.
    A. plays B. played C- was playing D. is playing
    7. Let the children g away. They are making t much _______ here.
    A. nisy B. vice C. nise D. sunds
    8. Remember _______ the windw pen when yu g ut. It's ging t rain.
    A. dn't leave B. nt t leave C. leaving D. t leave
    9. _______that pair f new _______ expensive?
    A. Is ... she B. Are ... she C. Is ... shes D. Are ... shes
    10. Abut _______ f the earth is cvered with water.
    A. ne half B. ne-third C. ne-furth D. tw-thirds
    11. There was a silence after she had finished_______.
    A. t speak B. speak C. speaking D. speaks
    12. Everyne lked excitedly at the sky the clrful ballns vanished.
    A. after B. until C. while D. when
    13. If yu've gt sme mre milk, culd yu give me_______?
    A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
    14. "There has been an accident at the wrks." The wrd "wrks" here means
    A. factry B. machine C. street D. shp
    15. It's very imprtant _______ us t read different kinds f bks.
    A. with B. t C. f D. fr
    16. Jenny's parents _______ with her teacher frm 8 t 9 yesterday mrning.
    A. talked B. talk C. were talking D. are talking
    17. When yu freeze water, it becmes a .
    A. liquid B. slid C. gas D. stne
    18. There isn't _______ fd fr ten peple.
    A. a lt B. a great deal C. sme D. enugh
    19. The cffee tastes t sweet because she put _______ sugar in it.
    A. t much B. t few C. t many D. t little
    20. _______gd piece f advice the teacher has given us!
    A. What B. What a C. What an D. Hw
    = 2 \* ROMAN II. Cmplete the sentences with the given wrds in their prper frms.
    1. _________(France) and German are widely used in Eurpe.
    2. These ways will(able)_______ yu t study Chinese well in the future.
    3. Thusands f_________(tur) cme t Shanghai t visit the Exp this mnth.
    4. Australia is ne f the mst ppular___________(cuntry) in the wrld.
    5. The film is s________(attract) that many peple want t see it as sn as pssible.
    6. I dn't have a dictinary. May I use ________fr a while? (yu)
    7. The medicine cmpany is n the ________flr f the building. (twelve)
    8. __________(with) yur help, I can't finish this wrk s quickly.
    9. Sam will__________(prbable) clean his bedrm after ding his hmewrk.
    10.He always asks________(he) which ne he shuld chse.
    = 3 \* ROMAN III. Rewrite the sentences as required
    1. He spreads his wings and visits Japan. (改为一般疑问句)
    ___________ he__________his wings and visit Japan?
    2. Shall we g t visit the Exp this weekend? (保持原句意思)
    ___________ ___________ ging t visit the Exp this weekend?
    3. Sandy used t practice playing the pian after schl. (改为否定句)
    Sandy___________ ___________ t practice playing the pian after schl.
    4. The teacher asked me. Is France famus fr red wines? (改为宾语从句)
    The teacher asked me_______ France ________famus fr red wines.
    5. It's nly ten minutes' walk frm my hme t the Peple's Square. (就划线部分提问)
    is it frm yur hme t the Peple's Square?
    C. Chse the wrds r expressins and cmplete the passage
    Whenever smene thinks abut Paris, the first thing they_____1____ is the Eiffel Twer.
    An engineer whse name was Eiffel designed a twer made f irn bars. It is 300 meters tall. There is an elevatr f lift that carries passengers up int the twer, s they can view Paris. It was built fr the Internatinal Expsitin f 1889.
    The mst famus persn wh lived in Paris was Naplen. He was a military general wh defeated armies f many natins. He crwned (为------加冕) _____2_____ emperr because he became the strngest leader in Eurpe. He was very successful in many battles frm 1976 t 1812. He decided_____3______ Russia in 1812 but the cld Russian winter made the fighting very______4_____. He had t leave Russia withut a victry.
    The largest art museum in the wrld is the Luvre in Paris. Here yu will find the famus Italian painting____5_____ the Mna Lisa by Lenard da Vinci. This is ne f the best places t learn abut the French culture.
    l. A. think f B. think abut C. think ver D. think
    2. A. him B. himself C. his D. he
    3. A. attack B. attacking C. t attack D. attacked
    4. A. difficult B. difficulty C. difficultly D. mre difficult
    5. A. call B. called C. calling D. t call
    D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with prper wrds
    Peple in different cuntries have different w_________ f ding things. Smething that is p________ in ne cuntry may be implite in anther. In Britain, yu mustn't lift yur bwl t yur muth when yu are h________ sme liquid fd, but it's different in China, and in Japan yu even needn't wrry abut making nise when yu have it. It shws that yu are enjying it. But it is regarded as bad manners in Britain. If yu are a visitr in Mnglia, what manners d they wish yu t have? They wish yu t give a lud "burp" (打嗝) after yu finish eating. Burping shws that yu l________ the fd.
    In Britain, yu shuld try nt t put yur hands n the table when yu are having a meal.
    In Mexic, hwever, guests are expected t keep their hands n the table during a meal. But in Arabian(阿拉伯)cuntries yu must be very c________ with yur hands. Yu mustn't eat with yur left hand. Sp, what shuld yu d if yu are n a visit in anther cuntry? Well, just d in Rme as the Rmans d.
    I. Chse the best answer.
    ( ) 1. The scientists frm _______ United States live at _______ Ninth Street.
    A) the…theB) /…theC) /…/D) the…/
    ( ) 2. James with the Greens Gele Muntain if it tmrrw.
    A. are ging t; isn’t rainy B. are ging t; desn’t rain
    C. is ging t; wn’t rain D. is ging t; desn’t rain
    ( ) 3. --Wh’s the little baby in the pht, Susan?
    It’s me. This pht ten years ag.
    A. was taken B. is taken C. takes D. tk
    ( )4. --He frgt, my birthday, didn’t he?
    -- . He wanted t give yu a big surprise.
    A. Yes, he didn’t B. N, he did C. Yes, he did D. N, he didn’t
    ( ) 5. It’s very ht utside, s yu’d better yur cat.
    A. get ff B. put ffC. take ff D. put n
    ( ) 6. --Which T-shirt will yu take?
    -- , ne fr my brther, the ther fr myself.
    A. Bth B. Neither C. Either D. All
    ( ) 7. D yu knw hw lng he ________ the bk?
    A. brrw B. keep C. has kept D. has brrwed
    ( )8. Many freigners ________ the life in Shanghai.
    A. used t B. are used t C. weren’t use t D. didn’t used
    ( )9. The water is _______ cld. Please give me _______ warm water.
    A) a little, a bitB) a little, a little fC) a bit, a little fD) a bit, a bit f
    ( ) 10. When Tm gt t my hme, my family dinner.
    A) was havingB) were havingC) is having D) are having
    ( )11. They shuld d everything they can ______ their classmate, Peter.
    A) t help B) help C) helping D) helps
    ( ) 12. This maths prblem is t difficult fr ________ in ur grup t wrk ut. Wuld yu please d us a favur?
    A) everyneB) smene C) allD) anyne
    ( ) 13. ________ yu are ill, yu shuld g t the clinic right nw.
    A) Fr B) Thugh C) Until D) Since
    ( ) 14. Peter frgt _______ his umbrella, s he was wet thrugh.
    A) t take B)taking C) t bring D) bringing
    ( ) 15. The twins are s much like that it is very difficult t tell ne frm __________.
    A. the ther B. anther C. ther D. the thers
    ( )16. The price f the clr TV was then _____ 800 dllars, and my parents culdn’t ____ it.
    A. as many as, pay B. as high as, affrd
    C. as much as, pay fr D. as little as, buy
    ( )17. The weather in Jiangsu is generally warm, but it ______be very cld smetimes in winter.
    A. must B. can C. shuld D. need
    ( )18. Can yu believe that in _______ a rich cuntry there shuld be ____ many pr peple?
    A. such ; s B. such ; such C. s ; s D. s ; such
    ( )19. --- What d yu think f the bk ?
    --- Oh , excellent . It’s wrth __________ a secnd time .
    A. t read B. t be readed C. being read D. reading
    ( ) 20. --- Wuld yu please carry the suitcase fr me? It’s very heavy.
    --- __________.
    A)Yu are welcme. B) Dn’t wrry.
    C) It’s my pleasure. D) With great pleasure.
    II. Cmplete the sentences with the given wrds in their prper frms.
    Children like t g the Disney Park in Hng Kng because it ffers many f the same ____________ (attract) as the ne in Japan.
    In the past, Jiangsu was an imprtant _________(agriculture) regin in China.
    Mst artists agree that France is the _________(lead) in art and culture.
    In 1980s, lts f yung peple went t Japan t________ their study. (far)
    The__________( Britain) were defeated in the war.
    There are many__________( exhibit) in Shanghai every year.
    Which _________(scenery) areas in Beijing d yu like best?
    Mre and mre peple g (ski) in Sweden every winter.
    I prefer making cheese cakes by myself t buying them in a_________(bake).
    Jinjiang___________(amuse) Park is the mst interesting park in Shanghai.
    III. Rewrite the sentences as required
    1. James will g t England t further his studies this summer. (就划线部分提问)
    ____________ ____________ James g t England this summer?
    2. I will g t bed as sn as my mther cmes back every evening. (保持原句意思)
    I_________ g t bed__________ my mther cmes back every evening.
    3. Jhn is the same height as his cusin. (保持原句意思)
    Jhn is_________ _________ as his cusin.
    4. They grw different kinds f fruits t make fruit juice. (就划线部分提问)
    d they grw different kinds f fruits t ?
    5. Our freign teacher will g back hme tmrrw. We'll say gdbye t him at the airprt. (保持句意不变)
    Our freign teacher will g back hme tmrrw. We'll____________ him ____________at the airprt.
    B. Chse the wrds r expressins and cmplete the passage
    Octber 13
    Dear Editr
    I am writing t ask what has happened t ur yuth. They are nt as plite, hard-wrking, r clever as my generatin (一代人). I will give yu tw 1 .
    Last Friday, I gt n the undergrund at 9:15 a.m.. It was very busy s there were n
    2 seats. There were sme teenagers sitting n the seats near me. I dn’t knw why they were nt at schl. They were talking ludly and laughing. It was difficult t read my newspaper with all the nise. A heavily pregnant (怀孕的) wman and her daughter gt n at the next stp, with lts f shpping bags. I 3 the teenagers t let them sit dwn. They saw the wman but did nthing. I had t ask them t give her a seat. They reluctantly (勉强地)did s but gave me a rude lk. I gt 4 at the next stp and was glad that the teenagers didn’t fllw me.
    Last Saturday, I had dinner with my friend’s family. I was lking frward t meeting his children, wh I hadn’t seen fr ten years. During dinner, we started talking abut wrld plitics. It sn became 5 that they didn’t knw much. They culdn’t tell me the name f the King f Spain r the President f Italy. All they knew abut was the Internet and which singers were the mst beautiful. In 6 day, students knew the kings, queens, and presidents f every cuntry in Eurpe.
    I wrry abut the future f Germany. Hw culd these yung peple becme respnsible wrkers and parents? They sit arund McDnald’s after schl instead f ging t the library
    7 I did at their age. Maybe they have t much mney. Perhaps anther reader can give me an idea abut what t d with this “lst generatin”.
    Franz Vgts
    1.A) examplesB) examsC) experimentsD) exercises
    2.A) newB) ldC) largeD) free
    3.A) taughtB) expectedC) allwedD) helped
    4.A) n B) ffC) upD) back
    5.A) easyB) safeC) clearD) fine
    6.A) myB) hisC) itsD) their
    7.A) tB) frC) frmD) like
    C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with prper wrds
    A nurse tk a tired sldier t the bed. “Yur sn is here,” she said t the ld man. She had t say the wrds several times b the ld man’s eyes pened.
    The ld man dimly (模糊地) saw a yung man in a Marine Crps unifrm standing beside the bed. He reached ut his hand. The sldier tk it. The nurse brught a chair s that the sldier culd sit by the bed.
    Nights are lng in hspitals, b all thrugh the night, the yung man sat there in the ward (病房), hlding the ld man’s hand and ffering him wrds f lve and encuragement.
    Smetimes, the nurse suggested that the yung man mve away and rest a while, but he
    r . Whenever the nurse came int the ward, the sldier was blivius (遗忘的) f her and f the night nises f the hspital.
    Nw and then, she heard him say a few gentle wrds. The dying man said n , nly hlding tightly t his sn’s hand all thrugh the night.
    Early in the mrning, the ld man died. The sldier went t tell the nurse. While she did what she had t d, he waited.
    Finally, she returned. She started t ffer wrds f sympathy (同情), but the sldier stpped her. “That’s nt n …. Wh was that man?” he asked.
    The nurse was s . “He was yur father,” she answered.
    “N, he wasn’t,” the sldier replied. “I never saw him befre in my life.”
    “Then why didn’t yu say smething when I tk yu t him?”
    “I knew right away that there had been a m , but I als knew he needed his sn, and his sn just wasn’t here. When I realized that he was t sick t tell whether r nt I was his sn, and that hw much he needed me, I stayed.”
    选择题:1-5 C C B C B6-10 C C B C D11-15 C B C A D16-20 CBDAB
    1.French 2.enable 3.turists 4.cuntries 5.attractive
    6.yurs 7.twelfth 8.Withut 9.prbably 10.himself
    1.Des spread 2.What abut 3.didn’t use 4.if/whether was 5.Hw far
    完型填空:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
    首字母:1. ways 2.plite 3. having 4.like / lve 5. careful
    单选:1-5 DDADC6-10 ACBDB11-15 ADDAA16-20 BBADD
    1.attractins 2.agricultural 3.leader 4.further 5.British
    6.exhibitins 7.scenic 8.skiing 9.bakery 10.Amusement
    1.Why will 2.wn’t until 3.as tall as 4.What d 5.see ff
    完型填空: 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D
    1.befre2. but3.refused 4. nthing 5. necessary 6. surprised 7. mistake

    初中英语语法专题《冠词》知识点讲解与同步练习 学案: 这是一份初中英语语法专题《冠词》知识点讲解与同步练习 学案,共7页。学案主要包含了 不定冠词的用法,定冠词的用法,不用冠词的情况等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语牛津上海版 (五四制)七年级下册(新版)Unit 2 Going to see a film导学案: 这是一份初中英语牛津上海版 (五四制)七年级下册(新版)Unit 2 Going to see a film导学案,共6页。学案主要包含了词汇Wrds等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语牛津上海版 (五四制)八年级下册(新版)Unit 5 Magazine articles学案: 这是一份初中英语牛津上海版 (五四制)八年级下册(新版)Unit 5 Magazine articles学案,共15页。学案主要包含了词汇Wrds等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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