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    人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 4 Wildlife Protection图文ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 4 Wildlife Protection图文ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了protect ,lose ,hunter ,response ,relieve ,important ,如释重负松了口气 ,突然笑起来,答案B,答案D等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Animals in Danger f Extinctin【语篇导读】灭绝是指一种动物不再生活在地球上。灭绝并不是什么新鲜事,但新鲜的是地球现在失去更多动物的一些原因,及其速度比地球历史上任何时候都要快。
    Animals in Danger f Extinctin①—The CausesThe famus bilgist②, says the causes f animals in danger f extinctin can be explained using the acrnym H-I-P-P-O,Hipp.Here is what Hipp stands fr:H=Habitat③:There are many reasns animals becme extinct.One f the mst cmmn reasn is lss f habitat.I=Invasive Species:An invasive④ species is a type f plant,animal,insect r disease that mves int a new area,where it has nt lived befre,and ver takes ther living things.P=Pllutin:Expsure t txic(有毒的) pllutin is anther cause f extinctin.Human activity is releasing harmful chemicals int the air,water and sil all ver the planet.Many animals cannt adapt t the changes these chemicals are making in the envirnment and they die. 
    P=Ppulatin(human):The human ppulatin explsin⑤ is having devastating(毁灭;毁坏) effects n the whle planet.Habitat is being reduced as humans cnsume mre natural lands and mre resurces,like water.O=Overharvesting:Overharvesting(过度捕猎) is still anther reasn animal species are becming extinct.As the human ppulatin cntinues t grw mre animals are hunted fr fd. Effrts t save these AnimalsThere are many things being dne t save the endangered animals frm becming extinct.Scientists study the animals and try t determine where they culd be mved r prtected.Many breeding prgrams have been established t grw the ppulatin f a species. 
    Tugher anti-paching laws and patrls are helping t prtect sme animals.Unfrtunately,with everything that humans try t d that is gd,there are unintended cnsequences that are nt always helpful.Als,varius gvernments are nt very cperative with utsiders making recmmendatins abut managing their land and their animals.词海拾贝①extinctin /Ik̍stIŋkʃn/ n.灭绝,绝种②bilgist /baI̍ɒlədʒIst/ n.生物学家③habitat /̍hæbItæt/ n.栖息地,产地④invasive /In̍veIsIv/ adj.侵略性的;攻击性的⑤explsin /Ik̍spləʊʒ(ə)n/ n.爆炸;爆发;激增
    典句欣赏Many animals cannt adapt t the changes these chemicals are making in the envirnment and they die.许多动物无法适应这些化学物质在环境中所造成的变化,因而死亡。Many breeding prgrams have been established t grw the ppulatin f a species.已经建立了许多繁殖计划来增加一个物种的数量。
    理解诱思1.What is the mst cmmn reasn fr the animal’s extinctin?A.The lss f human ppulatin invasive t txic pllutin.答案:A 2.What measures shuld we take t prtect the endangered animals?答案:The answers are varius.
    Sectin Ⅰ Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Cmprehending
    一、词汇新知1.通过查阅词典,完成下列单词(1)prtectin n.保护→         vt.保护 (2)lss n.损失;遗失;丧失→      vt.失去,丢失 (3)hunt vt.& vi. 打猎;猎取;搜寻→       n.猎人 (4)respnd vi.回答;响应;做出反应→         n.反应;回答,答复 (5)relief n.(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物→       vt.缓解;解除;换班 (6)imprtance n.重要(性)→        adj.重要的 (7)appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到→          n.感激 
    2.短语互译(1)in relief             (2)burst int laughter          (3)          (4)pay attentin t      (5)转身,环顾          (6)给某人拍照             
    take ne’s pht
    二、阅读导学阅读“HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE”,选出最佳选项(1)Hw many places did the flying carpet take Daisy t?A.2.  B.3. C.4.D.5.(2)What did Daisy learn frm her dream experiences?A.Sme animals were becming endangered as a result f humans’ shuld be helped and prtected by and wildlife can benefit each ther in many f the abve.
    (3)The sentence “N rainfrest,n animals,n drugs” means “   ”. A.There was n drug in the rainfrestB.Animals in the rainfrest didn’t need drugsC.Rainfrest,drugs and animals resulted in and frm each therD.Drugs were imprtant fr animals and the rainfrest(4)The best way t help wildlife accrdingly is t    . A.give mney t the peple wh hunt animals,farmers includedB.put the endangered animals in prtected areasC.cut the using amunt f the materials,wl,fr example,frm animalsD.educate peple t learn the relatinships between humans and animals—n animals,n humans
    (5)What can be inferred frm the elephant’s wrds,“Have yu cme t take my pht?”A.It thinks it is are friendly t human frm turists went t the large tur mre turists cme t take its phts rather than hunt it.答案:D
    三、课文语篇填空Daisy had always lnged t help endangered species f wildlife.One day she wke up and fund a carpet 1.      (fly) by her bed.The carpet tk her t three 2.     (place) and Daisy saw smething 3.      (usual). 
    In Tibet,antelpes 4.        (kill) fr the wl beneath their stmachs.Their fur is being used t make sweaters fr peple.As 5.   result,antelpes are nw an endangered species.In Zimbabwe,Daisy gt t knw the elephant used t be an endangered species.Farmers hunted elephants 6.      mercy.They said elephants destryed their farms.But nw the gvernment allws turists t hunt nly a certain number f animals if they pay the farmers.The farmers are happy and the number f elephants 7.____     (be) increasing.S gd things are being dne here 8.____________       (save) lcal wildlife.In a thick rainfrest,a mnkey is rubbing himself t prtect 9.      (he) frm msquites.When a mnkey finds a millipede insect,he rubs it ver his bdy.The insect cntains a pwerful drug,10.      affects msquites. 
    are being killed
    1.If their habitat is threatened r they cannt find enugh fd,their numbers may decrease.(P25)如果它们的栖息地受到威胁或它们找不到足够的食物,它们的数量可能就会减少。句型剖析 本句是一个复合句,if引导的是一个条件状语从句,该从句的前半部分是一个一般现在时的被动结构。①If smething is dne by us,we may save the dying animal.如果我们采取一些措施,可能就会救起这只垂死的动物。
    词汇精析★decrease vt.& vi. 减少;(使)变小或变少②(2018·全国Ⅱ)This switch has decreased pllutin in the cuntry’s majr lakes and reservirs and made drinking water safer fr peple.这种转变减少了农村主要河流和水库的污染,使得人们的饮用水更加的安全了。③S even if emissins(排放) were t begin t decrease tday,we wuld still face the challenge f adapting t climate change.因此,即使如今(二氧化碳的)排放量开始下降,我们仍然面临着适应气候变化的挑战。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察④The birthrate f ur cuntry is n the decrease.⑤(2018·全国Ⅱ)Crn prductin has jumped nearly 125 percent ver the past 25 years,while rice has increased nly 7 percent.⑥Cinemas have gradually given way t the rise f the Internet and cellphnes,and the ticket price is n the increase.(2)背一背·勤总结
    (3)想一想·善辨析辨析decrease与reduce的不同用法⑦(2018·全国Ⅰ)Yu may drink,smke,be verweight and still reduce yur risk f dying early by running.你可能喝酒、吸烟、体重超重,但仍然通过跑步来减少早亡的风险。⑧Our sales are decreasing.我们的销售量在不断减少。
    2.As a result these endangered animals may even die ut.(P25)结果,这些濒危的动物甚至可能会消亡。句型剖析 过去分词endangered在句中作定语修饰animals。①The endangered animals and plants shuld be prtected.那些濒危动植物应该受到保护。②(2018·北京)By mile 17,I became ut f breath and the nce injured ankle hurt badly.到17英里时,我变得喘不过气来,曾经受伤的脚踝很疼。归纳 单个过去分词作定语时,多位于所修饰的名词之前。
    词汇精析★die ut灭亡;逐渐消失③Sme animals have died ut;thers are in danger.一些动物已经灭绝;其余的动物处境危险。④With mre and mre frests being cut dwn,sme animals are facing the danger f dying ut.由于越来越多的森林被砍伐,一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。⑤With sciety develping,many custms are dying ut.随着社会的发展,许多风俗在逐渐消失。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察⑥Many brave sldiers died fr their cuntries.⑦The sldier died frm a wund.⑧Peple are living lnger because mre peple survive childhd.Befre mdern medicine changed the laws f nature,many children died f cmmn childhd diseases.⑨The sund f their laughter died away.⑩Althugh the wind has died dwn,the rain remains steady,s yu still need a raincat.11 As she gt lder,her relatives died ff.12 I’m s thirsty.I am almst dying fr a cup f tea.13 Lndn was a new wrld t me and I was dying t find ut mre abut it.
    3.t much hunting in the 1950s(P25)在20世纪50年代过度捕猎词汇精析★hunt vt.& vi. 打猎;猎取;搜寻①Turists were allwed t hunt nly a certain number f animals if they paid the farmers.如果游客付给农民钱,就可以捕猎一定数量的动物。②Yu can walk,ride a hrse and hunt in wilderness.你可以在荒原上步行、骑马和打猎。③I’ve hunted everywhere fr my bk but I can’t find it.我到处寻找我的书,但找不到它。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察④We’ve been hunting fr the car keys fr the last half hur.⑤He hunted thrugh several drawers,but didn’t find the ld diary.⑥I hunted ut my ld ntes.⑦They ften g hunting n Sundays.⑧The hunter is fllwing up a wlf.
    4.abut 30-40 remain after being left in peace with n hunting(P25)在禁止捕猎(华南虎)之后大约还有30~40只存活下来了词汇精析★in peace和平地;和睦地;安详地①The cuntry is prsperus and the peple live in peace.国泰民安。②China cntains 56 peples,and all the Chinese peple live in peace and get alng well with each ther.中国有五十六个民族,各族人民安居乐业,和睦相处。③My grandpa died in peace n the New Year’s Eve.我祖父在除夕夜安详地去世了。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察④The cuntry is sending trps verseas in rder t keep the peace.⑤If yu break the peace in this way again,yu’ll g t prisn.⑥The tw bys made peace with each ther after a quarrel.⑦Yu’d better hld yur peace,r yu will ask fr truble.⑧We are willing t be at peace with neighburing cuntries rather than at war(with them).⑨He prefers t live a peaceful life in the cuntryside.⑩He lives peacefully with his neighburs. He favured the effrts t imprve relatins with all peace-lving cuntries.
    5.Why are they in danger f disappearing?(P25)为什么它们面临灭绝的危险?词汇精析★in danger(f)在危险中;垂危①When sme refuse vaccinatin and seek a free ride,immunity breaks dwn and everyne is in even bigger danger.在一些人拒绝接种疫苗并想坐享其成时,免疫系统就会崩溃,每个人都会面临更大的危险。②Anther famus animal in danger is the giant panda.另一种有名的濒危动物是大熊猫。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察③She was badly wunded and in danger f lsing her life at any time.④The patient is nw ut f danger.⑤The rad ahead f yu is full f danger.⑥There is a danger f breaking the traffic rules.⑦(2018·天津)The frest in the dark is dangerus fr them.⑧Thanks t digital technlgy and the widely available Internet,Turin ntes,the endangered languages can be saved and recnnected with speech cmmunities.
    6.Daisy respnded immediately.(P26)戴茜立刻回答道。词汇精析★respnd vi. 回答;响应;做出反应①(2018·江苏)The reprt said they als faced pressure t respnd t messages at all hurs f the day...报告称他们也面临一天中任何时间都要回复消息的压力……②(2019·天津)This ne stranger respnded beautifully t my small crisis,but she actually wasn’t the nly ne.这个陌生人对我的小危机反应很好,但实际上她不是唯一一个。归纳 respnd常与介词t连用。
    ③She respnded t my suggestin with a smile.她对我的建议报之一笑。④Always read an exam paper all the way thrugh at least nce befre yu start t answer any questins.在开始回答任何问题之前至少把试卷从头到尾读一遍。⑤He never replied t the letters.他从来都不回信。
    (2)读一读·细观察⑥These cmments came in respnse t specific questins asked by lcal newsmen.⑦The manager made a quick respnse t ur suggestin.⑧He made/gave n respnse t my questin.(3)背一背·勤总结
    7.Flying carpet,please shw me a place where there’s sme wildlife prtectin.(P26)飞毯啊,请把我带到一个有野生动植物保护的地方去,好吗?句型剖析 (1)flying 是动词-ing形式作定语,修饰名词carpet,表示carpet的用途。①Turning ne’s life int a waiting game requires faith and hpe,and is strictly fr the ptimists amng us.把生活变成等待的游戏需要信念和希望,而且严格来说是我们中的乐观人士才能做到的。②It was a wman,pushing an ld shpping trlley which was piled with bags.那是一个女人推着一辆旧购物车,车里放满了袋子。
    (2)本句是一个复合句,其中where there’s sme wildlife prtectin是一个定语从句,修饰先行词a place。其中where可以改为in which。③They wuld define the driver’s rle in such cars and gvern hw such cars perfrm in crashes where lives might be lst.他们会明确司机在这类车中的角色并控制车辆在可能致死的车祸中的运行情况。
    8.In relief Daisy burst int laughter.(P26)戴茜如释重负,突然笑了起来。词汇精析★in relief 如释重负;松了口气①The final exam was ver,and the students went hme in relief.期末考试结束,学生如释重负地回家了。②When they fund the lst by,they were in relief.他们找到失踪的男孩后就松了口气。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察③The medicine will give yu sme relief.④A bright red clud envelped the animal,and t Mac’s relief,it fell back,shaking its head.⑤It was a great relief that my father has recvered.⑥We were relieved t hear that yu were admitted t a key university.⑦The anxiety and negative thughts cannt relieve us f ur srrws.
    ★burst int 突然(进入某种状态或发生某种情况,后接名词形式);闯入(住宅)⑧A rbber burst int the rm with a knife in hand.一个强盗冲进房间,手里拿着刀。⑨She was s surprised and glad that she burst int tears happily.她太吃惊、太高兴了,最后喜极而泣。(3)记一记·长知识
    9.“I’m prtecting myself frm msquites,” it replied.(P26)它回答说:“我这样做可以防止蚊虫叮咬。”词汇精析★保护……不受……(危害)①Cheese-lving inventr Wallace and his brainy dg Grmit have started a cmpany t prtect the twn’s vegetables frm hungry rabbits.喜欢奶酪的发明家华莱士和他聪明的狗格勒米特创办了一家公司,来保护这个城镇的蔬菜不被饥饿的兔子偷吃。②(2018·全国Ⅱ)These clurful and sweet jewels frm British Clumbia’s fields are little pwerhuses f nutritinal prtectin.这些来自不列颠哥伦比亚省田野的彩色和甜美的宝石是营养保护的小能量屋。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察阅读下列句子,注意prtect,defend和guard的不同用法③The sldiers’ duty is t defend their cuntry against the enemy’s invasin.④The bss emplyed tw men t stand guard at the gate.⑤She prtected her eyes frm the sun with her hand.(2)想一想·善辨析辨析prtect,defend和guard的不同用法
    10.It cntains a pwerful drug which affects msquites.(P26)它含有一种强效药物,可以防止蚊虫叮咬。词汇精析★cntain vt. 包含;容纳;容忍①When the cntainer is full,yu can suck the refreshment ut thrugh the tube,and wn’t have t break dwn the still every time yu need a drink.当容器盛满了,你可以用管子吸出新鲜的水,而且你每次喝水的时候都不需要打碎蒸馏器。②(2019·北京)He recmmended that she d sme research and talk t dentists abut what a healthier candy wuld cntain.他建议她做些研究,和牙医谈谈健康的糖果会包含什么。
    ③The hall can cntain 2,000 peple.这个大厅能容纳2000人。④When he was criticized by the bss,he was s angry that he culdn’t cntain himself.他被老板批评的时候很生气,以至于无法控制自己。
    【合作探究1】(1)读一读·细观察阅读下列句子,指出cntain和include的不同用法⑤This drink desn’t cntain any alchl.⑥The bx cntains a number f letters,including thse frm his admirers and f curse her letters included as well.(2)想一想·善辨析辨析cntain与include的不同用法
    ★affect vt. 影响;感动;侵袭⑦(2019·天津)These actins have greatly affected the eclgical balance.这些行为极大地影响了生态平衡。⑧What he said deeply affected the peple present.他说的话深深地感动了在场的人。⑨The disease has affected millins f peple in the wrld every year.这种疾病每年使全世界数百万人受到感染。
    【合作探究2】记一记·长知识⑩What yu have dne has a great effect n the envirnment. Maybe the first plant just made a cry f pain r was sending a message t its wn branches,and s,in effect,was talking t itself.
    11.Yu shuld pay mre attentin t the rainfrest where I live and appreciate hw the animals live tgether.(P26)你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。词汇精析★pay attentin t 注意①Suppse yu’re in a rush,feeling tired,nt paying attentin t yur screen,and yu send an email that culd get yu in truble.假如你在赶时间,(又)很疲劳,没有注意到你的屏幕,并发出了一封可能会惹麻烦的电子邮件。②Prper diets and exercise shuld als be paid attentin t s that students wn’t easily put n weight.适度的控制饮食与适量的运动也应受到重视,这样学生才不容易长胖。
    ★appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到③Like me,this wman was here t stp,sigh and appreciate the view.像我一样,这位女士在这里停下来,叹息,欣赏美景。④Yung as he is,he has a better ability f appreciating music.虽然他很年轻,但他有较好的音乐鉴赏能力。【合作探究2】(1)读一读·细观察A.阅读下列句子,指出appreciate的用法⑤We appreciated being invited t yur birthday party.用法 appreciate后接动词-ing形式作宾语。⑥I wuld appreciate it very much if yu culd help me with my English.用法 I wuld appreciate it if...意为“如果/假如……我将不胜感激”。
    B.阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词性及含义⑦I wuld like t express my appreciatin and thanks t yu all.词性 名词 含义 感激⑧The curse aims t develp the children’s appreciatin f music in perfrmance.词性 名词 含义 欣赏(2)想一想·善辨析辨析appreciate,enjy与thank的不同用法
    ⑨Althugh a freigner can’t appreciate Beijing Opera,he can enjy it.⑩I appreciate yur kindness and at the same time thank yur parents fr sending us regards.
    12.What must be dne if wildlife prtectin is t succeed?(P26)如果要成功保护野生动植物,(我们)必须要采取什么措施?词汇精析★succeed vi.成功 vt.接替;继任①It never ccurred t me that yu culd succeed in persuading him t change his mind.我从未想过你会成功劝说他改变主意。②He had t succeed t the business when his father passed away.他父亲去世后他不得不接管他父亲的生意。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察③At last,he succeeded his grandpa as general manager f the cmpany.④Hwever,the railway quickly prved t be a great success and within six mnths,mre than 25,000 peple were using it every day.⑤The Central Lndn Railway was ne f the mst successful f these new lines,and was pened in 1900.⑥Mrever,the USA has a track recrd f successfully accepting immigrants.⑦He was remarkably successful in business.
    13.Can they be emplyed t wrk in the park and nt hurt the animals?(P26)他们可以被雇用到公园工作,而不伤害动物吗?词汇精析★emply vt. 雇用;利用(时间、精力等)①His mther is emplyed as a shp assistant.他母亲被雇用做店员。②Hw d yu emply yur spare time?你怎样利用你的业余时间?
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察③He has been emplyed in writing a new bk these days.④She was emplyed t lk after the patient.⑤It is frbidden fr emplyers t emply peple under the age f sixteen.⑥The number f Chinese students cming hme fr emplyment has hit a recrd high in recent years.⑦Minutes after the last mvie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater,emplyees were busy sweeping up ppcrns and gathering cke cups.⑧The level f unemplyment is rising.
    (3)想一想·善辨析辨析emply,hire和rent的不同用法⑨It’s a standard practice fr a cmpany like this ne t emply a security fficer.对于一个像这样的公司来说,雇用一个保安是常规做法。⑩S she hired a truck t bring all the bks t the huses f friends in the suburbs(郊区).于是她雇了一辆卡车把所有的书都带到了郊区的朋友家。 Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available t rent at the Infrmatin Desk and Denny Way entrance.推车和轮椅可在服务台和丹尼路入口租用。
    14.What shuld be dne t punish peple wh d harm t the animals?(P27)应该做些什么来惩罚那些伤害动物的人呢?词汇精析★harm n. 损害;危害 vt. 损害;危害①On the cntrary,smart phnes nt nly take up ur valuable time,but als d great harm t ur health.相反,智能手机不仅占用我们宝贵的时间,而且特别损害我们的身体健康。②(2018·全国Ⅲ)True t a grilla’s unaggressive nature,the huge animal meant me n real harm.和大猩猩没有攻击性的本性相吻合,这种巨大的动物对我没有真正的伤害。
    ③Because saps and ther wastes can harm waterways,be careful yur washing water desn’t pllute the sea,lakes and rivers.因为肥皂和其他的废弃物会损害排水道,因此要小心你(用过)的洗涤水,别污染大海、湖泊和河流。④The event will harm the relatinship between the tw cuntries.这起事件将会危及两国关系。
    【合作探究】(1)读一读·细观察⑤There is n harm in writing dwn yur name n the frm.⑥Smking is harmful t yur health.⑦This experiment was harmless t the animals.(2)背一背·勤总结
    一、用适当的介词填空1.The price f the car has decreased      15%. 答案:by2.The President agreed,adding that he hped      a peaceful slutin. 答案:fr3.Eating t much is harmful      yur health. 答案:t 4.What can wmen d t prtect themselves      heart disease? 答案:frm5.I’m nt sure hw he will respnd      yur answer. 答案:t
    6.All the children burst      laughter when he finished the jke. 答案:int7.Mst peple pay n attentin      saving water. 答案:t8.He was deeply affected      his father’s wrds. 答案:by9.If yu want t succeed      yur wrk,yu have t keep n trying yur idea and never give up. 答案:in10.They are emplyed      making a list f what yu have t buy. 答案:in
    二、完成句子1.I hld the belief that I will              (成功完成这项工作). 答案:succeed in finishing this wrk2.Please                   (注意) what yu are ding. 答案:pay attentin t3.Hearing my wrds,the yung man                   (放声大笑). 答案:burst int laughter/burst ut laughing4.                 (令我欣慰的是),my brther has fund a gd jb. 答案:T my relief

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    高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 4 Wildlife Protection多媒体教学课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 4 Wildlife Protection多媒体教学课件ppt,共16页。

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