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    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –a modern hero reading 课时作业 练习
    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –a modern hero reading 课时作业 练习01
    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –a modern hero reading 课时作业 练习02
    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –a modern hero reading 课时作业 练习03
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    2021学年Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero达标测试

    这是一份2021学年Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero达标测试,共16页。

    Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero reading 课时作业

    第一节  阅读理解



    Arbeia Roman Fort (城堡) and Museum

    Location and History

    Arbeia Roman Fort is situated on Hadrian’s Wall. It was the most important structure built by the Romans in Britain, and now it has been a World Heritage (遗产) Site. Built around AD 160, Arbeia Roman Fort was the military supply base for the soldiers who were stationed along Hadrian’s Wall. The fort has been gradually uncovered and some original parts have been revealed. There are reconstructions that show how Arbeia Roman Fort would have looked.

    The Reconstructions

    The reconstructions of the Commanding Officer’s house and soldiers’ quarters are strikingly different. The accommodation for soldiers is dark and uncomfortable, while the Commanding Officer’s house is spacious and luxurious, with courtyards with fountains for him and his family to enjoy.

    The Museum

    Visit the museum and see many objects that were found at Arbeia. They are historically important and show what daily life was really like at that time. You will see weapons, tools, jewellery, and so on. You can also discover how the Romans buried their dead and see tombstones (墓碑) which survive to this day. There is a “hands-on” area allowing visitors to dig on a certain site and study their findings with the help of museum staff. You can piece together pottery (陶器), or try writing just as the Romans would have done. For children, they can build this ancient Roman fort with building blocks by themselves.

    Opening Times and Getting There

    April 1-October 31:

    Monday to Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 2:00pm-5:00pm.

    November 1-March 31:

    Monday to Saturday 11:00am-4:00pm, closed Sunday. (Closed December 25-26 and January 1)

    Entry is free.

    Arbeia is only a ten-minute walk from the bus station at South Shields. Free car park nearby.



    1. According to the passage, Arbeia Roman Fort ______.

    A. was related to the military               B. got reconstructions around AD 160

    C. was built in a small area in Rome         D. provided a comfortable life for soldiers

    2. What can visitors do in the museum?

    A. See historical objects. B. Build tombstones for the dead.

    C. Write to ancient Romans. D. Try using old tools and weapons.

    3. What time does Arbeia Roman Fort close?

    A. On April 1. B. On October 31. C. On November 1. D. On December 26.

    【答案】1. A    2. A    3. D



    这是一篇说明文。介绍了旅游景点Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum的位置、历史、重建及开放时间等信息。


    细节理解题。由第一段第三句“…Arbeia Roman Fort was the military supply base for the soldiers…”可知,Arbeia Roman Fort城堡以前是一个为士兵们提供物资的军事供应基地,说明它以前与军事有关联。故选A项。


    细节理解题。由第三段前两句“Visit the museum and see many objects that were found at Arbeia. They are historically important and show what daily life was really like at that time(参观博物馆,看看许多在阿贝亚发现的物体。它们在历史上是重要的,并展示了当时的日常生活是什么样子)”可知,博物馆里展出的物件都是些历史文物。故选A项。


    细节理解题。关于参观时间介绍的最后一句“Closed December 25-26 and January 1”可得出12月26日是关门的。故选D项。


    Learning to say “yes, and”

    When I first heard about the improvisation (即兴交流) class I was hesitating. As a quiet and shy girl, I feared improvising in front of strangers. However, I knew I wanted to work as a science communicator after finishing my Ph.D., so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to learn how to speak and communicate with others effectively. I signed up, knowing the experience would give me help.

    During our first class, we learned an important concept of improvisation: “yes, and.” It means that, as improvisers, we’d better accept what fellow performers say. If someone says that rhinos (犀牛) are librarians, for example, then rhinos are librarians. We do not question the logic; we say “yes” and then continue with the scene as if nothing is wrong.

    The first few scenes were hard, but as weeks turned into months, I became more comfortable and even started to enjoy our classes. I became better at listening, relating to my conversation partners, and communicating clearly in the moment. Once when I was giving a presentation about my science, an audience member surprised me with a question that didn’t grow out of the information I’d presented. Instead of getting confused and nervous, I took the “yes, and” approach—accepting the question and letting my mind focus on why it was asked. That helped me find an appropriate answer. I got pretty excited about it.

    The benefits of improvisation go beyond communication. Before attending the class, I would get stuck when my experiments produced unexpected data, thinking that I had made a mistake. But now, instead of getting discouraged, I will stay open to the possibility that the results are real, keep exploring the data and end up identifying a new type of cell—one that isn’t behaving as expected.

    I think all scientists can benefit from this lesson. If the data say rhinos are librarians, then it’s worth finding out whether rhinos are, in fact, librarians. As scientists, our job isn’t to challenge data that support a preconceived (先入为主的) story, but to say “yes, and.”

    4. Why did the author attend the improvisation class?

    A. To get a different experience.

    B. To finish her Ph.D. at university.

    C. To give up her job as a science communicator.

    D. To improve her speaking and communicating ability.

    5. What was the author’s change after attending the improvisation class?

    A. She formed her own idea quickly.

    B. She came up with lots of creative responses.

    C. She paid more attention to the logic of answers.

    D. She became a good listener before giving an opinion

    6. The author mentions applying the “yes, and” approach to her scientific experiments to ______.

    A. explain the process of using the method

    B. prove the benefits of the improvisation class

    C. share her own research experiences with readers

    D. attract fellow scientists to attend the improvisation class

    7. What can be inferred about scientists from the last paragraph?

    A. They should attend the improvisation class.

    B. They should question all preconceived ideas.

    C. They should carry on research by admitting earlier data.

    D. They should try to improve their professional knowledge.

    【答案】4. D    5. D    6. B    7. C




    细节理解题。根据第一段中“As a quiet and shy girl, I feared improvising in front of strangers. However, I knew I wanted to work as a science communicator after finishing my Ph.D., so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to learn how to speak and communicate with others effectively. I signed up, knowing the experience would give me help.”可知作为一个安静害羞的女孩,我害怕在陌生人面前即兴交流。然而,我知道我想在完成博士学位后从事科学传播者的工作,所以这似乎是一个学习如何有效地说话和与他人沟通的完美机会。我报名参加了,因为我知道这次经历会对我有所帮助。由此可知,作者参加即兴交流课,是为了提高她的开口说话的沟通能力。故选D


    细节理解题。根据第三段中“I became better at listening, relating to my conversation partners, and communicating clearly in the moment.”可知我变得更善于倾听,与我的谈话伙伴建立联系,并在那一刻清晰地交流。由此可知,作者参加了即兴交流课之后,所发生的变化是她在发表意见之前,先成为了一个好的倾听者。故选D


    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The benefits of improvisation go beyond communication. Before attending the class, I would get stuck when my experiments produced unexpected data, thinking that I had made a mistake. But now, instead of getting discouraged, I will stay open to the possibility that the results are real, keep exploring the data and end up identifying a new type of cell—one that isn’t behaving as expected.(即兴交流的好处不仅仅体现在交流方面。在参加这门课之前,当我的实验产生了意想不到的数据时,我会卡住,认为自己犯了错误。但现在,我不会气馁,而是会保持开放的态度,相信结果是真实的,继续探索数据,最终确定一种新的细胞类型——一种没有按照预期表现的细胞)”由此可推知,作者提到在她的科学实验中运用“yes, and”的方法,是为了证明即兴交流课的好处。故选B


    推理判断题。根据最后一段“I think all scientists can benefit from this lesson. If the data say rhinos are librarians, then it’s worth finding out whether rhinos are, in fact, librarians. As scientists, our job isn’t to challenge data that support a preconceived (先入为主的) story, but to say ‘yes, and.’”可知我想所有的科学家都能从这一门课程中受益。如果数据显示犀牛是图书管理员,那么就值得去了解犀牛是否真的是图书管理员。作为科学家,我们的工作不是挑战支持先入为主故事的数据,而是说“是的,而且”。由此可推知,科学家应该通过承认早期数据来进行研究。故选C


    Success and Risk in Extreme Sports

    What is it that drives some to take extreme risks, while the rest of us hurry for the safety of the sidelines?

    Lester Keller, sports-psychology expert, says that not everyone has the mental makeup to do well in extreme sports. He notes that most of us hit a natural ceiling that limits our appetite for extreme risk in tricky conditions. But others have a much higher tolerance for risk. Keller points to a top ski racer. He told Keller that “the high element of risk makes you feel alive, tests what you are made of and how far you can take yourself”. He said he would get nervous on some of the courses, but that this would just make him fight more.

    Psychologists note that some people seem to have a strong desire for adrenaline (肾上腺素) rushes as a behavior seeking excited feelings. Like many extreme athletes, Emily Cook’s appetite for risk appeared at a young age. “I was a gymnast,” she said. “I was one of those kids who enjoyed and did well at anything where you were upside down.” As she started doing harder tricks, she was drawn to the challenge. “There are moments when you’re up there doing a new trick and it seems like an impossible thing. But overcoming that is just the coolest feeling in the world.”

    Shane Murphy, sports professor, has worked with groups climbing Everest. “To me, that just seems like the height of risk,” he said. “But to them it was the next step in an activity that they’ve prepared for years.” Murphy said the view of extreme athletes is different from our own. “We look at a risky situation and know that if we were in that situation we would be out of control. But from the athletes’ view, they have a lot of control, and there are many things that they do to minimize risk.”

    Another aspect of risk perception (认知) may be something referred to as “the flow”, a state in which many athletes become absorbed in the acts that focus the mind completely on the present. “Something that makes you try doing a tougher climb than usual, perhaps, is that your adrenaline flows and you become very concentrated on what you’re doing,” Murphy says. “After it’s over, there’s great excitement.”

    People of different skill levels experience the flow at different times. Some may always be driven to adventures that others consider extreme. “I can enjoy hitting a tennis ball around, because that’s my skill level,” Murphy says. “But others might need the challenge of Olympic competition.”

    8. By using the term “natural ceiling” in Paragraph 2, Lester Keller points out that ______.

    A. extreme athletes must learn special skills

    B. extreme athletes have chances to take risks

    C. many people don’t want to do extreme sports

    D. many people can’t limit desire for extreme sports

    9. What does Shane Murphy think about the mountain climbers he mentions?

    A. They put in lots of preparation for challenges.

    B. They are more fortunate than other sportspeople.

    C. They carry little risk when facing big challenges.

    D. They have special reasons that others can’t easily understand.

    10. What main point is made in Paragraph 5?

    A. Extreme athletes use techniques other people don’t use.

    B. Non-athletes are probably wise not to try extreme sports.

    C. Most people lack the focus required to take bigger risks.

    D. A certain state of mind makes attempting an activity more likely.

    11. We can learn from the passage that ______.

    A. risk-taking is something you either naturally do or avoid

    B. those who take risks are more likely to be successful in life

    C. extreme athletes are driven by a need to be better than others

    D. taking part in extreme sports is not as difficult as people think

    【答案】8. C    9. A    10. D    11. A





    推理判断题。分析文章第二段第二句“He notes that most of us hit a natural ceiling that limits our appetite for extreme risk in tricky conditions.”(他指出,我们中的大多数人达到了一个自然的上限,这个(自然上限)限制了我们在复杂条件下对极端风险的欲望。)可知,这里含有一个定语从句,先行词为a natural ceiling,定语从句对a natural ceiling进行修饰,“限制了我们在复杂条件下对极端风险的欲望”说明许多人不想做极限运动。故选C项。


    细节理解题。根据第四段开头提到的“groups climbing Everest”(攀登珠穆朗玛峰的团体)和第二句“To me, that just seems like the height of risk,” he said. “But to them it was the next step in an activity that they’ve prepared for years.”(“在我看来,这似乎是最大的风险,”他说。“但对他们来说,这是他们准备多年的一项活动的下一步。”)可知,登山者为挑战做了大量的准备。故选A项。


    主旨大意题。根据第五段第一句“Another aspect of risk perception (认知) may be something referred to as “the flow”, a state in which many athletes become absorbed in the acts that focus the mind completely on the present.” 风险认知的另一个方面可能是被称之为的东西 ,在这种状态下,许多运动员全神贯注于将精力完全集中在当下的行为。)以及后面的进一步解释可知,本段要点就是“the flow”这种特定的精神状态会使你更有可能去尝试一项活动。故选D项。


    推理判断题。根据最后一段“People of different skill levels experience the flow at different times. Some may always be driven to adventures that others consider extreme.”(不同技能水平的人在不同的时间体验这种流动。一些人可能总是被驱使去冒险,而另一些人则认为是极端的。)以及后文所举的事例可知,不同的技能水平的人有自己不同的选择,所以冒险是你可以选择做或选择避免的事情。故选A项。



    Round and Round They Go

    Space is becoming more crowded. Quite a few low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites have been launched into the sky, which are designed to move around the Earth only a few hundred kilometres above its surface. SpaceX and OneWeb plan to launch LEO satellites in their thousands, not hundreds, to double the total number of satellites in orbit (轨道) by 2027.

    That promises to change things on Earth. LEO satellites can bring Internet connectivity to places where it is still unavailable. This will also be a source of new demand for the space economy. Morgan Stanley, a bank, projects that the space industry will grow from $350 billion in 2016 to more than $1.1 trillion by 2020. New Internet satellites will account for half this increase.

    For that to happen, however, three worries must be overcome. Debris (碎片) is the most familiar concern. When enough satellites were packed into low-Earth orbits, any collision (碰撞) could cause a chain reaction which would eventually destroy all spaceships. One solution is to grab the satellites with problems and pull them down into the Earth’s atmosphere. Another is to monitor space more closely for debris. But technology is only part of the answer. Rules are needed to deal with old satellites safely from low-Earth orbits.

    Cyber (网络的)-security is a second, long-standing worry. Hackers (黑客) could take control of a satellite and steal intellectual property, redirect data flows or cause a collision. The satellite industry has been slow to respond to such concerns. But as more of the world’s population comes to rely on the space for access to the Internet, the need for action will intensify. Measures will surely be taken to protect network security.

    The third issue follows from the first two. If there is a simple mistake or a cyber-attack, it may cause a chain reaction which wipes out hundreds of billions of dollars of investment. Who is responsible for that? Now the plans of firms wishing to operate large numbers of satellites are being studied. But there is a long way to go before the risks are well understood, let alone priced.

    As space becomes more commercialized mind-bending prospects open up: packages moved across the planet in minutes by rocket rather than by plane, equipment sent to other small planets, passengers launched into orbit and beyond. All that and more may come, one day. But such activities would raise the same questions as LEO satellites do. They must be answered before the space economy can truly develop.

    12. What can we learn about LEO satellites from the passage?

    A. They are supposed to limit the space economy.

    B. They are expected to increase in large numbers.

    C. They are designed to move beyond the Earth as far as possible.

    D. They are mainly intended to bring Internet connectivity to remote areas.

    13. To deal with debris in space, the author suggests _______.

    A. depending entirely on the modern technology

    B. monitoring the movement of spaceships carefully

    C. strengthening rules to remove old satellites safely

    D. destroying all the satellites with problems instantly

    14. What does the underlined word “intensify” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

    A. Measure. B. Increase. C. Spread. D. Repeat.

    15. What is the author’s attitude toward the launch of LEO satellites?

    A. It should be further confirmed for its ownership.

    B. It should be continued because of its advantages.

    C. It should be done carefully to avoid potential risks.

    D. It should be stopped in face of the space economy.

    【答案】12. B    13. C    14. B    15. C



    这是一篇说明文。太空越来越拥挤,文章主要内容为一家名为SpaceX and OneWeb的公司计划在2027前发射数千上万颗近地轨道卫星之事,及对太空卫星数量剧增而带来的三个安全方面的担忧。


    细节理解题。由第一段最后一句“SpaceX and OneWeb plan to launch LEO satellites in their thousands, not hundreds, to double the total number of satellites in orbit (轨道) by 2027(SpaceX and OneWeb计划发射数千上万颗近地轨道卫星将使轨道上卫星总数量增加一倍。)”可知, LEO卫星预计将大量增加。故选B项。


    细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“Rules are needed to deal with old satellites safely from low-Earth orbits”可知,为了安全处理老旧的近地轨道卫星,需要制定一些规则。故选C项。


    词义猜测题。由第四段中句子“But as more of the world’s population comes to rely on the space for access to the Internet, the need for action will intensify”可知,因为世界上越来越多的人依赖太空卫星提供上因特网的通路,人们对于网络安全的需求将intensify。,可推断,依赖太空卫星的人数增多,因此对网络安全的需求就增强了。故划线词与increase意思相近。故选B项。


    推理判断题。由第三段最后一句“Rules are needed to deal with old satellites safely from low-Earth orbits.(需要有规则来安全地处理来自低地球轨道的旧卫星 )”、第四段最后一句“Measures will surely be taken to protect network security(一定要采取措施保护网络安全)”及文末最后一句“They must be answered before the space economy can truly develop(在空间经济真正发展之前,必须回答这些问题)”可知,关于发射大量的近地轨道卫星,作者认为应该小心慎行,避免潜在的危险发生。故选C项。

    【点睛】词义猜测题解题时往往借助上下文语境,有时也会运用构词法,大大提高词义猜测的准确性。本文中的intensify所在句前半句说因为世界上越来越多的人依赖太空卫星提供的上因特网的通路,可知人们对于网络安全的需求将增强。Intense, adj.非常强烈的;紧张的;intensive, a.加强的;增强的;后缀-fy是形容词转化为动词的一个后缀。结合前半句语意及构词法知识,可推出intensify意为使增强

    第二节  七选五


    Our Amazing Hands

    The hand is where the mind meets the world. We use our hands to build fires, to fly airplanes, and to write. The human brain, with its open-ended creativity, may be the thing that makes the human race unique. But without hands, all the ideas we think up would come to nothing.

    ____16____ Study it carefully, you will find something interesting. The thumb (拇指) alone is controlled by nine separate muscles. The wrist is a group of bones and muscles connected with nerves (神经). The nerves send branches into each fingertip, which makes the fingers extremely flexible. ____17____

    Early hands seemed more unusual and interesting than any hand today. Some animals had seven fingers. Others had eight. But by the time vertebrates (脊椎动物) appeared 120 million years ago, the hand had developed to only five fingers. ____18____

    Nevertheless, there are still many different types of hands in living animals. After years of research, scientists are beginning to understand the molecular (分子的) changes in hands. ____19____ This makes the hands of different animals very similar. There is a network of many genes (基因) that builds a hand, and all hands are built on that network.

    The discovery has given scientists a deeper understanding of the development of hands. A bird’s wing and a lion’s paw () may appear to have nothing in common. ____20____ It may just be a little more of one protein (蛋白) here, a little less of another there. In the past, scientists could recognize only the outward signs that hands had developed from a common ancestor. Today scientists are uncovering the inward signs as well.

    A. Hands can often be used for a number of different purposes.

    B. They also see that all hands start out in much the same way.

    C. It has kept that number for reasons scientists don’t yet know.

    D. No one would doubt that the five fingers are different with each other.

    E But the difference between them may come down to a tiny change in form.

    F. The reason we can use our hands for so many things is their special structure.

    G. So you can see a skilled watchmaker use his hands to set springs in place under a microscope.

    【答案】16. F    17. G    18. C    19. B    20. E




    上文“We use our hands to build fires, to fly airplanes, and to write.”说明我们用手生火,开飞机,和写字,空格处承上启下,下文“The thumb (拇指) alone is controlled by nine separate muscles. The wrist is a group of bones and muscles connected with nerves (神经). The nerves send branches into each fingertip, which makes the fingers extremely flexible.(单是拇指就由九个独立的肌肉控制。手腕是一组用神经相连的骨骼和肌肉。这些神经向每个指尖发送分支,这使得手指非常灵活)”说明手的结构,F项前半句的“we can use our hands for so many things”与上文一致,their special structure与下文一致,故选F


    上文“The thumb (拇指) alone is controlled by nine separate muscles. The wrist is a group of bones and muscles connected with nerves (神经). The nerves send branches into each fingertip, which makes the fingers extremely flexible.(单是拇指就由九个独立的肌肉控制。手腕是一组用神经相连的骨骼和肌肉。这些神经向每个指尖发送分支,这使得手指非常灵活)”说明手的灵活,与空格处是因果关系,因此你可以看到一个熟练的钟表匠用他的手在显微镜下放置弹簧。故选G


    上文“Some animals had seven fingers. Others had eight. But by the time vertebrates (脊椎动物) appeared 120 million years ago, the hand had developed to only five fingers.(有些动物有七个手指。其他的有八个。但到脊椎动物1.4亿年前出现时,手只发展到五个手指)”说明手指的个数,C项中的“that number”与上文一致,说明手指保持这个数的理由科学家不知道。故选C


    上文“After years of research, scientists are beginning to understand the molecular (分子的) changes in hands.(经过多年的研究,科学家们开始了解手的分子变化)”说明了科学家的研究, B项中的also是关键词,与上文是递进关系,they指代scientists,说明“科学家也看到所有的手都以完全一样的方式开始”,符合题意,引出下文“这使得不同动物的手非常相似”,“much the same”与“similar”意思一致。故选B


    上文“A bird’s wing and a lion’s paw () may appear to have nothing in common.”说明鸟的翅膀和狮子的爪子似乎没有共同之处,E项中“But”说明与下文的转折关系,have nothing in commonthe difference是转折关系,E项“但它们之间的差异可能归结为形式上的微小变化”符合题意。故选E



    高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2必修1Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero精练: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2必修1Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero精练,共12页。

    英语必修1&2必修1Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero同步练习题: 这是一份英语必修1&2必修1Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero同步练习题,共7页。试卷主要包含了A.brught B,A.Grateful B,A.life B,A.runner B,A.kncked B,A.managed B,A.cured B,A.regret B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero达标测试: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero达标测试,共7页。

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