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    期末复习——完型填空2021-2022学年译林牛津英语八年级下册(附答案) 试卷
    期末复习——完型填空2021-2022学年译林牛津英语八年级下册(附答案) 试卷01
    期末复习——完型填空2021-2022学年译林牛津英语八年级下册(附答案) 试卷02
    期末复习——完型填空2021-2022学年译林牛津英语八年级下册(附答案) 试卷03
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    这是一份期末复习——完型填空2021-2022学年译林牛津英语八年级下册(附答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    I can't remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of (1)_____ litter nearby and realized that (2)_____ was going to pick it up.
    I live near a (3)_____ in Enshi, Hubei Province. I can walk there in three (4)_____! I (5)_____ love going there to play with my dog. But one day there was so much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided I had to clean up the forest. I wanted to (6)_____ happy going there again.
    I made my (7)_____ trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes (8)_____ starting to pick up litter, my bag was full! It had cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it. From then on, I went to the forest four times a year to pick up the litter. I often (9)_____ there for three hours. It makes me feel (10)_____ to do something for the environment.
         After each trip, I (11)_____ all the litter that I've found. If (12)_____ of it is recyclable (可回收的), I keep it. I can't (13)_____ why people drop litter. But I will keep picking it (14)_____ they stop dropping it. I know I am only doing a small bit to help (15)_____, but I still think it is important.
    (     )1. A. see      
    (     )2. A. no one else
    (     )3. A. school     
    (     )4. A. months    
    (     )5. A. would     
    (     )6. A. look     
    (     )7. A. first     
    (     )8. A. after    
    (     )9. A. play     
    (     )10. A. worried    
    (     )11. A. bury     
    (     )12. A. many     
    (     )13. A. wonder    
    (     )14. A. until     
    (     )15. A. myself    
    B. seeing     
    B. I      
    B. forest    
    B. hours      
    B. do      
    B. feel    
    B. third      
    B. later  
    B. go       
    B. sad        
    B. burn     
    B. little    
    B. ask     
    B. as      
    B. the earth     
    C. look       
    C. everyone   
    C. river      
    C. days        
    C. am used to  
    C. make     
    C. fourth      
    C. before    
    C. work      
    C. disappointed   
    C. sell      
    C. any       
    C. hope      
    C. after     
    C. other     
    D. looking      
    D. anyone   
    D. park       
    D. minutes      
    D. used to    
    D. see      
    D. fifth        
    D. of       
    D. sit        
    D. great      
    D. look at    
    D. much       
    D. understand             
    D. when       
    D. the litter 
    1-5 BABDD 6-10 BAACD 11-15 DCDAB

    There are many kinds of pollution around us,  1  air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. They are bad  2  our health in many ways.
    Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and  3  problems.
    With the increase of pollution and the development of industry, litter is everywhere. It makes our environment dirty. People put lots of rubbish in the land. Farmers use too many  4  in the fields. They destroy the soil. So soil pollution has become serious.
    Noise pollution can make people  5 . For example, people may lose their hearing if they work in a  6  place for a long time. Too much noise can cause high blood pressure  7 . Working for a long time in strong, changeable light  8  cause some kinds of illnesses. It makes people feel  9  and is especially bad for the eyes.
    With  10  pollution, our planet will become greener and our health will be better. Let's be greener people.
    (     )1. A. such as  
    (     )2. A. to      
    (     )3. A. breath  
    (     )4. A. chemical 
    (     )5. A. blind   
    (     )6. A. noise     
    (     )7. A. as well   
    (     )8. A. must     
    (     )9. A. comfortable
    (     )10. A. little   
    B. for example
    B. in      
    B. breathe   
    B. chemicals 
    B. lame    
    B. noisy     
    B. too      
    B. need     
    B. possibly  
    B. less    
    C. as well as
    C. for      
    C. breathed 
    C. chemist  
    C. deaf     
    C. quiet    
    C. also     
    C. should   
    C. terrible 
    C. few      
    D. because of
    D. of       
    D. breathing
    D. chemistry
    D. healthy                  
    D. quietly  
    D. either   
    D. may      
    D. terribly 
    D. fewer   
    1-5  ACDBC     6-10  BADCB
    A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to 1  in Hong Kong,these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is no forest left though (虽然) there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods.
    Elephants,tigers and many 2  animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the 3  began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and 4  pigs and chickens in the valleys (山谷) . They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed 5  to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away, the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared (f肖失) because there was not enough food for them. So did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon 6  in the same way.
    You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong except in the zoos. But there are still about 36 different animals 7  there. One of the most interesting Hong Kong's animals is the barking deer. They are beautiful little animals 8  a rich brown coat and a white patch (斑纹) under the tail. They look like deer but they are much smaller. They are less than two feet high. They make a noise rather like a dog 9 . In Hong Kong the barking deer has only one real enemy (敌人) . That is 10  . People hunt these animals though it is illegal (违法的) . There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important for people to protect wild animals.
    1. A. work    B. study    C. live    D. enjoy
    2. A. other    B. others C. the other    D. another
    3. A. people    B. animals    C. plants    D. things
    4. A. grew    B. made    C. got    D. kept
    5. A. fire    B. water    C. stone    D. animals
    6. A. lived    B. died    C. came    D. left
    7. A. live    B. to live    C. lived    D. living
    8. A. have    B. without    C. with     D. get
    9. A. shouting    B. crying    C. barking    D. talking
    10. A. tiger    B. man    C. wolf    D. elephant
    1—5  CABDA    6-10  BDCCB
    For the past five years, 44-year-old Rami Adham has spent much of his time helping children in Syria(叙利亚). He keeps sending __1__ to them.
    Rami Adhman was __2__ in Syria, but moved to Finland with his family in 1989. When the Syrian civil war(内战) took place in 2012, he __3__ to help the children in his hometown. In the beginning, he __4__ planned on sending toys. He thought food, medicine, and drinking water were more __5__. Once his daughter asked him to send her toys to the children in Syria. When Adham gave the toys to those poor children, he saw the __6__on their faces. From then on, he made toys on the top of his gift list.
    Adham soon became known __7__ the Father Christmas of Syria. He has travelled from Finland to Syria 28 times, and won’t stop __8__ the war ends. Every time he goes to Syria, he carries a heavy bag of toys on his back all the way. It’s a trip full of __9__. He might get hurt or be killed at any time, __10__ he never gives up. “Now children in Syria are facing death and many __11__ possible threats(威胁). I think the toys are really __12__ for the children,” he said. “No matter what they __13__, they are always happy to share it with others.”
    Adham is having a campaign(活动) __14__. He wants to raise 100,000 dollars. If it is __15__, he plans to use the money to build schools in Syria. The work of Adham is a light among the darkness for many children in Syria.
    1.A. books  B. food  C. money  D. toys
    2.A. born  B. grown  C. learned  D. left
    3.A. forgot  B. regretted  C. decided  D. refused
    4.A. usually  B. never  C. sometimes  D. often
    5.A. romantic  B. amazing  C. important  D. complete
    6.A. joy  B. sadness  C. anger  D. fear
    7.A. as  B. for  C. with  D. after
    8.A. because  B. though  C. after  D. until
    9.A. danger  B. happiness  C. safety  D. patience
    10.A. and  B. if  C. so  D. but
    11.A. another  B. other  C. others  D. the other
    12.A. unknown  B. valuable  C. expensive  D. useless
    13.A. remember  B. record  C. receive  D. remind
    14.A. just now  B. for a moment  C. at that time  D. at present
    15.A. interesting  B. necessary  C. powerful  D. difficult
    Yesterday I read a report on a charity show in a local newspaper. The aim of the show was to    1  money for the poor children. In the poor areas, some children were out of school because their parents couldn't    2   their education.
    Many pop stars    3   the charity show, such as Andy Liu, Jay, Faye Wang and Kitty Chen. The stars didn't ask for any pay. They did it for long! There were a lot of performances    4   singing and dancing.
    The audience (观众) were so    5   that they clapped their hands from time to time. Of course, the show was    6  .
    All the people followed the stars' example. They showed their generosity in    7   their money to the show. Both the ticket money and the donated money were soon sent to the poor areas and some of the poor children could get back to school.
    Now many charity shows    8    on our country, not only to support the education in poor areas, but also to help people in trouble. As the Chinese saying goes, "All the others will come to one's rescue (援助)    9    one is in trouble." I   10   the whole world will become better and better.
    (     )1. A. raise      
    (     )2. A. pay for    
    (     )3. A. took part in
    (     )4. A. for        
    (     )5. A. exciting   
    (     )6. A. boring          
    (     )7. A. bring      
    (     )8. A. hold       
    (     )9. A. when        
    (     )10. A. want        
    B. pay         
    B. pay         
    B. joined     
    B. of           
    B. excited     
    B. bad          
    B. collecting      
    B. are holding  
    B. than         
    B. hope       
    C. spend    
    C. cost     
    C. got to  
    C. as         
    C. sad     
    C. successful   
    C. taking    
    C. are held
    C. before   
    C. love     
    D. cost            
    D. get             
    D. had           
    D. like              
    D. surprised                     
    D. easy              
    D. donating        
    D. will be held  
    D. because         
    D. wish            
    1-5 A A A D B 6-10 C D C A B
    Do you know what Oxfam is? Where was it started? How many branches (分支机构) does it have now? Oxfam is an 1 organization to help the poor all over the world. The name Oxfam comes from the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (英国牛津饥馑救济委员会), started in Britain in 1942. The group worked to send food to war victims during World War II. When the war was over, Oxfam 2 its charity work,sending materials and money to the poor throughout Europe. As the 3 in Europe improved, Oxfam turned its attention to the needs of people in poor countries. Today there are 17 member organizations of Oxfam around 4 , such as Oxfam America,Oxfam Canada and Oxfam Hong Kong.
    In 1970,Oxfam America 5  in Washington D. C. Three years later,it moved to Boston. In England,Oxfam 6  many charity activities every year to raise money. It also has many charity shops. The shops receive things donated by people and 7  them to those who need them. The money from the sales 8  help the homeless and the poor in different parts of the world.
    Oxfam Hong Kong is 9  Oxfam. Every year Oxfam Hong Kong organizes a charity walk 10  Trailwalker to help the poor in Hong Kong and some other areas in the world.
    1. A. European    B. America    C. national    D. international
    2. A. stopped    B. changed    C. continued    D. started
    3. A. people    B. food    C. money    D. situation
    4. A. the world    B. Europe    C. Oxford    D. America
    5. A. started    B. was started    C. starts    D. is started
    6. A. organizes    B. organized    C. is organized    D. was organized
    7. A. collect    B. sell    C. send    D. give
    8. A. used to    B. uses to    C. is used to    D. is used
    9. A. part of    B. a part of    C. parts of    D. member of
    10. A. calls    B. called    C. is called    D. was called
    1-5 DCDAB 6-10 ABCAB
    In recent years, people are more and more interested in computer games in many towns and cities. A lot of small shops and restaurants along busy  1  have changed into  2  game houses in order to get more money. These places are always filled with  3  especially young boys.
    In the computer game houses, people  4  a lot of money playing with a computer. It's  5  for one to win against a computer, but one can make progress after  6  again and again. The  7  they lost, the more they want to win when they play computer games. And at last they even can not live  8  it.
    The result is that some people don't want to  9 . Instead, they play in the computer houses for hours and hours. For school boys, things are  10 . They have no mind for their lessons. When class is over, they rush to the nearby computer house.
    (     )1. A. rivers    
    (     )2. A. small     
    (     )3. A. people    
    (     )4. A. take      
    (     )5. A. easy      
    (     )6. A. trying    
    (     )7. A. more      
    (     )8. A. with      
    (     )9. A. speak     
    (     )10. A. different
    B. cities 
    B. big    
    B. boys   
    B. win    
    B. hard   
    B. winning
    B. less   
    B. for    
    B. play   
    B. better 
    C. markets  
    C. computer 
    C. women    
    C. cost     
    C. important
    C. going    
    C. harder   
    C. without  
    C. work     
    C. even worse
    D. streets 
    D. sports  
    D. girls   
    D. spent   
    D. wonderful
    D. coming  
    D. busier  
    D. by      
    D. live                              
    D. changed 
    1-5 DCADB
    6-10 AACCC
    Long long ago there lived a king. He was not an artist and didn't draw  1  , but he liked to draw. He drew from morning to evening every day. In his place people could see  2  paper.  3  every piece of paper was a picture, a very bad picture. Yet the king thought   4   his pictures were good and he often showed them to  5 . The people there were afraid of the king and  6  said his pictures were very beautiful. The king was very happy.
    One day, the king showed some pictures to an artist, the artist looked at the pictures for some time and said they were very  7 . The king became very angry,  8  he put the artist in prison (监狱).
    Two weeks later,  9  his birthday the king called the artist to his place again. The king showed the artist some of his pictures and asked him which one he liked best. The artist looked at them for some time, then he turned to the soldier (士兵) and said, "  10   me back to the prison right now ! Don't keep me waiting. "
    (     )1. A. good      
    (     )2. A. many      
    (     )3. A. In        
    (     )4. A. some      
    (     )5. A. the other
    (     )6. A. usually  
    (     )7. A. bad      
    (     )8. A. so        
    (     )9. A. In        
    (     )10. A. Take    
    B. well    
    B. lots of  
    B. To      
    B. many    
    B. another  
    B. always  
    B. good    
    B. but      
    B. To      
    B. Bring    
    C. fine      
    C. a little  
    C. On        
    C. one of    
    C. other    
    C. often    
    C. beautiful
    C. because  
    C. For      
    C. Make      
    D. beautiful  
    D. a few      
    D. At        
    D. all        
    D. others    
    D. sometimes                  
    D. nice      
    D. although  
    D. On        
    D. Carry      
    1-5 BBCDD 6-10 BAADA
    It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still __1__ on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time.
    Suddenly the ice __2__ . One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, "Help! Help!" They didn't know __3__ to do. The two Canadian friends heard __4__ and skated over to get the boy out of the water.
    The ice was __5__ .The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to __6__ the little boy. They knew they must be __7__ . If they didn't push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.
    Many people ran over to__8__ . Some of them had ropes and poles. A young man jumped into the water to save the __8__ people.
    The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didn't feel well. She was sent to the __10__  at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe.
    (     ) 1. A. boating
    (     ) 2. A. broke
    (     ) 3. A. who    
    (     ) 4. A. one   
    (     ) 5. A. big    
    (     ) 6. A. save  
    (     ) 7. A. slow   
    (     ) 8. A. play   
    (     ) 9. A. two    
    (     ) 10. A.hospital
    B. skating
    B. shone   
    B. when   
    B. him     
    B. small   
    B. wake   
    B. quick   
    B. shout   
    B. three   
    B. school  
    C. planting
    C. closed   
    C. what     
    C. them     
    C. thick     
    C. see       
    C. sorry     
    C. push     
    C. four     
    C. library   
    D. swimming    
    D. flew        
    D. where      
    D. her        
    D. thin        
    D. tell        
    D. wrong      
    D. help        
    D. five        
    D. garden     
    1—5: B A C C D 6—10: A B D B A
    An old farmer lived with his grandson. Each morning, the  1  got up early and read his Bhagavad Gita (薄迦梵歌).
    One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the book like you  2  I can't understand it, and I forget it easily. What's the  3  of reading it?"
    The grandfather said, "Take this coal (煤炭) basket down to the  4  and bring me back a basket of water."
    The boy did as his grandfather  5  , but all the water ran  6  he got home. The grandfather laughed, "You'll have to move faster next time."
    This time the boy  7   faster, but again the basket was empty. He told his grandfather that is was  8  to carry water in a basket. He wanted to use a bottle instead, but the old man said, "I just want a basket of water. You're not  9   hard enough."
    The boy wanted to show his grandfather that the water would surely run. He again put the  10  into the river and ran hard. But there wasn't anything in it again. He said  11 ,"Look, grandpa, it's useless!"
    "Watch the basket." said the grandfather.
    For the first time the boy  12   the basket was different. It had changed from a dirty old coal basket into a  13   one, inside and out.
    "Boy, you might not understand or remember  14   when you read the book, but when you read it, you will be  15  , inside and out. That's what you got from it."
    (     )1. A. son        
    (     )2. A. so         
    (     )3. A. time       
    (     )4. A. house      
    (     )5. A. said       
    (     )6. A. as         
    (     )7. A. ran        
    (     )8. A. difficult  
    (     )9. A. hitting    
    (     )10. A. hand      
    (     )11. A. sadly     
    (     )12. A. forgot    
    (     )13. A. white     
    (     )14. A. nothing   
    (     )15. A. different 
    B. father    
    B. but       
    B. place     
    B. beach     
    B. saw       
    B. after     
    B. rode      
    B. interesting
    B. trying    
    B.  bottle   
    B. hopefully 
    B. realized  
    B. clean     
    B. something 
    B. relaxed   
    C. grandfather 
    C. or          
    C. use         
    C. lake        
    C. liked       
    C. until       
    C. drove       
    C. impossible  
    C. holding     
    C. basket      
    C. excitedly   
    C. believed    
    C. new         
    C. anything    
    C. curious     
    D. grandmother
    D. and       
    D. habit     
    D. river                                                      
    D. did       
    D. before    
    D. flew      
    D. unimportant         
    D. studying  
    D. coal      
    D. happily   
    D. remembered
    D. black     
    D. everything
    D. worried   
    1-5 CBCDA 6-10 BAABC 11-15 ABBDA


    期末复习——首字母填空2021-2022学年译林牛津英语八年级下册(附答案): 这是一份期末复习——首字母填空2021-2022学年译林牛津英语八年级下册(附答案),共6页。试卷主要包含了 flew 2,b t,a tmrrw, prgrammes   6等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    译林牛津英语八年级下册期末复习——适当形式填空(附答案): 这是一份译林牛津英语八年级下册期末复习——适当形式填空(附答案),共7页。

    译林牛津英语八年级下册期末复习——句子翻译(附答案): 这是一份译林牛津英语八年级下册期末复习——句子翻译(附答案),共5页。试卷主要包含了他经常通过缩短淋浴时间来节约水,它成本低且几乎不产生污染,当地政府不允许人们砍伐树木,作为青少年,我们应该学会独立,老师没有惩罚那些调皮的男孩子,转学对我的一生有着重大影响等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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