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    高2022届上学期期末考试语法填空专项训练(学生版+教师版) -01
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    Germany has some very nice markets all over the country. For example, Munich has a great market 61. ________ (call) Viktualien Markt. I 62. ________ (live) in the neighbourhood of it since I came here. But I have never gone shopping there even though I have walked through the market and had lunch at the beer garden right in the center of 63. _______. However, just a couple of weeks ago my mother, 64.________ had never been to Munich before, visited me. That was a very good opportunity for me 65. _______ (show) her around the market. When this market was first put up in the early 66. ________ (nineteen) century, it was small. Now it covers 67. ________ area of more than 20,000 square meters, and you can buy fresh vegetables, fruits, cheeses, meat and sausages there. The owners of the stalls (摊位) present their food 68. ______ a very special way, so that you cannot help 69. ________ (stop) right in front of each one just to look at the food. The market is great. The price of all the products is 70. ________ (attract). Besides, every owner, salesperson, shop assistant, and even the customers (顾客) are very friendly and helpful. It is open from 9:00 am till 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday, and from 8:00 am till 4:00 pm on Saturday.



    Creating your own website can be useful for a number of purposes. Whether it's to start an online business 61. ________ just keep an online journal of your activities, having a website will help you to make your content 62. ________ (access) from any connected computer. It can also allow you 63.________ (have) a larger audience for your ideas. However, you should make sure that all the contents on your website may not be reproduced or used without 64. ________ (permit).

    If you want to get your website running, you'll need to register (注册) a web name which you have come up 65. ________ on your own and get a hosting server to upload (加载) your pages.

    After your pages 66. ________ (create), they must be uploaded to your server. You will receive a user name and password. You can use these to connect your computer with the server, and then send your 67. ________ (complete) pages from your computer to the server. Once uploaded, your website will appear on 68. ________ World Wide Web for all to enjoy. Within a few days, pages with links will begin to appear in search results. The last thing 69. ________ you should remember is to change your password 70. ________ (frequent) to make sure that your website is safe.




    Doing exercise every day and having a balanced diet are two of the best things you can do to make sure that you are in good health. If you’re trying to lose weight or cut your risk of some diseases, these two habits together are far 61. ________ (useful) than any crash diet (速效减肥食物).

    Regular exercise cuts the risk of many diseases, 62. ________ (include) heart disease and some cancers. Some exercises, like running, 63. ________ build your body and make you feel more energetic.

    For 64. ________ healthy diet, the experts suggest that one should reduce fat and sugar intake (摄入) and balance different types of food. Further suggestions 65. ________ (connect) with the types of food to eat. For example, you can get large part of your daily energy from rice, noodles 66. ________ fruit.

    If you already live a healthy lifestyle, continue to follow 67. ________. If you’re looking for a(n) 68. ________ (improve), make small changes each time 69. ________ (patient). Try changing one part of your diet each week or 70. ________ (walk) for just 15 minutes a day to start. Over time, you will have a much healthier life.



    Kids and teens try drugs for many reasons. Sometimes they use drugs in order to fit in with a group of friends. Or they might be curious or just bored. But they use illegal drugs 61. ________ (main) because drugs help them escape 62. ________ reality for a while. A drug might temporarily (暂时地) make someone 63. ________ is sad or upset feel better. But this escape won't last long because the drug wears off soon.

    And using drugs often causes other problems. Somebody using drugs can become 64. ________ (addict) to them. This means that the person's body becomes so dependent on having this drug 65. ________ it can't function well without it.

    Once someone becomes dependent on drugs, it's very hard to stop 66. ________ (take) them. Stopping can cause many serious symptoms, such as sweating and shaking.

    If you find that someone 67. ________ (use) drugs, the best thing to do is to tell an adult that you trust. 68. ________ addict might need professional help and the adult can help him / her find 69. ________ (treat). Another way kids can help kids is by choosing not 70. ________ (try) or use drugs.





    Traditional Chinese painting is highly regarded all over the world for its theory (理论), 61. ________ (express) and skill. And it is also one of 62. _________ oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. It is known in Chinese 63. ________ guó huà, meaning “national or native painting”.

    Traditional Chinese painting is done with a brush 64. ________ is dipped () in black or coloured ink. The most popular paintings are made of paper and silk. The 65. ________ (finish) work can be put in albums or on walls.

    Traditional Chinese painting has its own special tools, consisting of brushes, ink, xuan paper and so on. Chinese painting can 66. ________ (divide) into figure paintings, landscapes and flower-and-bird paintings according to the subjects. Landscapes, mainly 67. ________ (describe) the natural scenery of mountains and riversrepresent a major type of traditional Chinese painting.

    In the 1980s Chinese oil painting developed 68. ________ (quick). Then folk painting became popular, such as, Chinese New Year pictures. It is put up on doors, room walls and windows 69. ________ (invite) blessings during the New Year. And woodcuts 70. ________ (become) increasingly various in style, theme and artistic form since the early 1980s.



    Paper-cutting is a(n) 61. ________ (tradition) Chinese folk art with a long history. Paper-cuts 62. ________ (use) during festivals to decorate gates and windows. The main cutting tools are simple: paper and scissors or a knife. Clever craftsmen are very good at 63. ________ (cut) in the theme of daily life. When you look at works created by paper cutting carefully, you will be amazed by the true-to-life 64. ________ (express) of the figure’s appearance and thoughts.

    Although other art forms, like 65. ________ (paint), can show similar scenes, paper-cutting still stands out for its beautiful lines and patterns 66. ________ are all hand-made. Learning about cutting a piece of paper is easy but mastering (精通) 67. ________ is very difficult. One must hold the knife upright (竖直地) and press on the paper without much strength. Any carelessness will lead 68. ________ damage to the whole image. Craftsmen attempt 69. ________ (create) a circle like the moon, a straight line like a stem () of wheat, and a square like a brick. They have to be careful and keep 70. ________ (practise) to make the scenes seem as alive as possible.





    Since early times, people have been crazy about the idea of life existing somewhere else besides earth. Until recently, scientists gave up believing 61. ________ it and they thought life on other planets was just 62. ________ hopeful dream. But now they 63. ________ (try) to look for places where life could form.

    In 1997, they saw evidence on planets near other stars like the sun. But scientists now think that life could be even 64. ________ (near) than they have thought. It may be in our own solar system (太阳系). One place 65. ________ scientists are studying very closely is Europa, a moon of Jupiter (木星).

    Space studies have provided evidence that Europa has a large ocean and a rocky centre 66. ________ (give) off volcanic (火山的) heat under its surface. Water and heat from volcanic activity are two basic conditions 67. ________ (need) for life to form.

    You may want 68. ________ (know) if light is needed for life to form as well. Until recently, scientists thought that light was essential.

    But recently, scientists have found places on earth that are 69. ________ (complete) dark and

    70. ________ (see) some forms of life there. So the lack of light in Europa's sub-surface ocean doesn't prevent life from forming.



    Nobody wants to be aged, but 61.__________ it come to visiting cities, most of us want to visit the

    the worlds oldest cities. Luoyang is one of the oldest and most 62.__________(attract) cities in the world that Id like to recommend to you.

    Luoyang stands out 63.__________ the oldest continually inhabited(持久居住的) city in Asia. The city is considered to be 64.__________ birthplace of Chinese culture and history as well as being one of

    the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. There 65.__________(be) no other city in China that has seen so many 66.__________dynastylike Luoyang.

    With such a long and exciting history, Luoyang has really a lot 67.__________(offer). They 68.__________(include) the longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟) on the world Heritage List since 2000,

    and many historic Buddhist temples 69.__________constantattract tourists from all over the world.

    Luoyang is also famous for the White Horse Temple, the earliest Buddhist temple 70.__________buildin China. Are you anxious to visit the city?



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    高考词汇构词拓展默写+单句语法填空【24】—2022届高考英语一轮复习词汇专项训练(学生+教师版): 这是一份高考词汇构词拓展默写+单句语法填空【24】—2022届高考英语一轮复习词汇专项训练(学生+教师版),文件包含高考词汇构词拓展默写+单句语法填空24-教师版doc、高考词汇构词拓展默写+单句语法填空24-学生版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。






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