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    人教版 (新课标)选修9&10选修9Unit 3 Australia课文配套ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (新课标)选修9&10选修9Unit 3 Australia课文配套ppt课件,共34页。PPT课件主要包含了Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Why d cuntries have flags?What can flags tell yu abut a cuntry? Think f sme examples.What des China’s natinal flag tell us?What ther rganizatins d yu knw that have flags? What d they use them fr?
    1 Discuss these questins with yur grup.
    A flag usually stands as a symbl fr that cuntry. It can remind peple f sme imprtant values the natin hlds r smething f its histry r culture. It is used n fficial ccasins t identify the natin t the rest f the wrld.
    Why d cuntries have flags?
    They can tell peple abut the natins, histry, values r culture. Fr example, the stars n the US flag represent the states in the unin. The crss n the Greek flag symblizes Christianity. The maple leaf n the Canadian flag is the natinal emblem f Canada.
    2. What can flags tell yu abut a cuntry? Think f sme examples.
    The red clr in the Chinese Natinal flag stands fr the revlutin, while the gld clr f the stars signifies the dawn f a new era ver the land. The five stars gruped tgether symblize the unity f the Chinese peple under the leadership f the Chinese cmmunist party.
    3. What des China’s natinal flag tell us?
    3. What ther rganizatins d yu knw that have flags? What d they use them fr?
    Red Crss Sciety, the Olympic Games, cmpanies, etc.
    2 Julia is giving a talk abut Australia flags and what they tell peple abut the histry and culture f Australia. Listen and write dwn the numbers f the flags in the rder yu hear June abut them.
    What elements d several f the flags have in cmmn?In what ways culd these cmmn elements be cnnected t Australia?Which flag is the fficial flag f Australia?What d yu think the ther flags are?
    1 ________2 ________3 ________4 ________
    Australian flag:______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
    3 Listen t June talking abut fur flags again. Make ntes abut what each flag tells yu abut Australia. Cmpare yur answers with thers in the class.
    Australia nce gverned by Britain. Australia is in the suthern hemisphere. Australia made up f six states and sme territries.
    Abriginal flag:______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
    Abriginal peple are dark skinned; they have cnnectin with the land, the sun dminates the landscape and gives life.
    Eureka flag:_________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________
    There is gld in Australia; in the past there have been rebellins against the gvernment. Australians seem t respect rebellin. Gld miners wre blue shirts.
    Kangar flag:______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ _______
    The kangar is an emblem f Australia; gld and green are Australia’s sprting clurs, Australians fight fr hnur in sprts ( the bxing glves.
    Listening text
    June is giving a talk abut Australianflags and what they tell peple abut the histry and culture f Australia.
    Gd afternn, everyne. My hbby is cllecting flags frm all ver the wrld. I lve flags fr tw reasns. The first is thatthey are beautiful and the secnd is that yu can learn a lt abut the culture and histry f a cuntry by studying its flags.
    Tday I’d like t shw yu sme Australian flags and discuss their significance. Nw, this is ne is the fficial Australian flag. It was chsen in 1901 fllwing a cmpetitin t design a flag especially fr Australia. Befre that date Australia had the same flag as Great Britain. The British flag is nw in the tp left quarter f the Australian flag t remind peple f Australia's histrical ties with Great Britain.
    The five stars represent the Suthern Crss which is an imprtant grup f five stars in the Suthern hemisphere. Navigatrs use the Suthern Crss t shw them the directin f the Suth Ple. The ther big star under the British flag represents the six states and the cmbined territries f Australia. This flag has been the fficialAbriginal flag since 1995.
    The black in the tp half f the flag symblizes the Abriginal peple themselves, while the red at the bttm symblizes the earth and the Abriginal peple's spiritual cnnectin t the earth. The yellw circle in the middle represents the sun, the giver f life. This next flag was first flwn in 1854 at a place called Eureka where a grup f gld miners rebelled against the gvernment.
    The incident is seen by many as the beginning f the mvement twards demcracy in Australia. The five stars represents the Suthern Crss and the light blue backgrund is believed t represent the blue shirts that many f the gld miners wre. Althugh nt an fficial flag, it is recgnized and lved by mst Australians.
    This is anther flag that yu ften see in Australia, especially at sprting events. The kangar is recgnized as the unfficial animal emblem f Australia and green and gld are the clrs wrn by many Australian sprting teams when they travel verseas. The flag first became ppular in 1983 when it was flwn n Australia’s entry t the America’s cup
    --- a famus yacht race which Australia wn that year. Sme peple feel it s time t change Australia's fficial flag because it is n lnger apprpriate t have the British flag in the mst imprtant part f the flag. The ther flags yu see here were designed fr a cmpetitin fr a new flag but s far nne have been accepted.
    4 In grups, discuss the fur designs fr a new flag. What des each f the new flags tell yu abut Australia? Which ne d yu think is the best? Why?
    Flag 2 is similar t the present flag expectit desn’t have the British flag in the crner. S it shws that Australia is independentFlag 3 includes the clur red as in the fficial flag but shws neither the British flag f the star symblizing the six states. It desn’t shw very much expect that Australia is in the suthern hemisphere.
    Flag 5 includes the red f the land as in the Abriginal flag and the star that presents the states f Australia. It alscntains a kangar. This flag cncentrates n symbls that are specifically and recgnizably Australia.Flag 8 cmbines the Abriginal flag and suthern crss frm the fficial flag. It is shwing that Abriginals are an imprtant part f Australia.
    5 In grups, discuss what symbls yu wuld put n a flag fr yur schl, Then design a suitable flag. Shw yur design t the rest f the class and explain it.
    1 The cmputers at Susan’s schl are all cnnected t each ther and the schl has an nline ntice bard where students can ask questins and give their pinins. Susan psted a questin abut the discvery f Australia n the nline bard. Read the questins and what her fellw students replied.
    Reading task
    Discvery f Australia
    40,000 + years ag Peple frm Asia settled in the place we nw call Australia.
    1421 Sme peple think a Chinese fleet led by Zheng He may have visited Australia
    1644 Abel Tasman made a map n which he cmbined all knw land and guessed the rest.
    1770 Captain Ck sailed up the east cast f the cntinent
    1802 Mathew Flinders sailed arund the cntinent, mapped in and called it Australia.
    1606 A Dutch sea captain first mapped the nrth cast.
    3 In yur grup, discuss the fllwing questins and try t explain why different peple believe things.
    Captain Ck claimed the land fr Britain and as Australia was riginally settled by peple frm Britain, this is the part f the histry that they were taught.
    Why d yu think schl children in Australia in the 1950s were tld that Captain Ck discvered Australia?
    2. Why des Mary White think Eurpean explrers didn’t discver the Australian cntinent until the 17th century?
    Befre 1644, explrers didn’t knw they had fund a cntinent. They just visitedsmall parts f it.
    3. Why des Nick chance think Chinese explrers reached the cntinent s much earlier?
    He read abut Chinese explrers n theInternet.
    4. Patrick Hall says that the ancestrs f the Abrigines discvered Australia at least 40, 000 years ag. Why d yu think the ther children didn’t give this answer?
    They may have thught that Abriginesalways lived n the cntinent s they didn’t think they discvered it.
    5. Which f the student's answers d yu agree with and why? Remember , that yu first need t decide what “ discvered” means and what “ Australia” mean.
    Many pssible answers will depend n hw students interpret discvered and Australia.
    Since yu’ve learned s much abut Australia in this Unit, chse several aspects that yu think are interesting t write a reprt (e.g. its animals, plant, scenery, cities, beaches, peple, leisureactives, histry r smething else).

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