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    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习 七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习
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      2021年春人教版英语中考第一轮教材梳理 七年级下册 Units 4~6课件.ppt
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      2021年春人教版英语中考第一轮教材梳理专题复习 七年级下册 Units 4~6.doc
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习01
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习02
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习03
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习04
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习05
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习06
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习07
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习08
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习01
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习02
    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习  七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习03
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    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习 七年级下册 Units 4~6教材梳理

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    知其形教材与课标共有单词Unit 4 Rules(规章制度)1. ________ n.规则;规章★traffic rules交通规则★make rules制定规则2. ________ v.到达★arrive at到达(+小地点)★arrive in到达(+大地点)3. ________ n.大厅;礼堂
    4. _______________ 餐厅5. ________ v.听;倾听6. ________ adj.抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的★be srry fr...因……感到抱歉★say srry t sb.向某人道歉7. ________ adv.在外面adj.外面的★反义词:inside在里面;里面的★g utside出去;外出
    dining hall
    8. ________ v.& n.练习★practice ding sth.练习做某事★Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。9. ________ prep.& cnj在……以前 adv. 以前 . 10. ________ adj.脏的★反义词:clean干净的11. ________ n.厨房12. ________ adj.& prn.更多的
    13. __________ v.记住;记起★remember t d sth. 记得要做某事(未做)★remember ding sth.记得做过某事(已做)14. ________ n.头发;毛发
    Unit 5 Animals in a z(动物园里的动物)15. ________ n.熊猫 16. ________ n.动物园17. ________ n.老虎 18. ________ n.大象 19. ________ n.狮子 20. ________ n.长颈鹿 21. ________ n.动物 22. ________ adj.可爱的;机灵的 23. ________ adj. 懒散的;懒惰的
    24. ________ adj.聪明的25. ________ n.种类26. ________ n.宠物27. ________ n.腿 28. ________ n.猫 29. ________ adj.友好的★be friendly t对……友好30. ________ adj.羞怯的;腼腆的31. ________ v.救;救助
    32. ________ n.旗;旗帜 33. ________ n.地点;位置34. ________ n.水35. ________ adv.(坐、躺、倒)下 prep.向下;沿着36. ________ n.树37. ________ v.杀死;弄死38. ________ prep.超过,多于;在……上方
    Unit 6 Everyday activities(日常活动)39. _____________ n.报纸 40. ________ n.汤 41. ________ n.电影 ★mvie theater电影院42. ________ adv.只是;恰好43. ________ n.房子44. ________ n.茶;茶叶
    45. ________ adv. 在明天n.明天;未来46. ________ n.游泳池;水池 47. _______________ n.超市 48. ________ n.竞赛 49. ________ n.州50. ________ adj. 任何的;任一的prn.任何;任一
    51. ________ adj. 另外的;其他的prn.另外的人(或物)52. ________ adj.幼小的;年轻的★反义词:ld年老的53. ________ v.怀念;思念;错过★miss the bus错过公交车54. ________ v.希望 ★wish t d sth. 希望做某事55. ________ adj.可口的;美味的 56. ________ adv.还;仍然
    变其形(针对词语运用)教材与课标共有单词名词1. nise (n.)声音;噪音→________(adj.)吵闹的★make a nise/make nises 制造噪音
    2. luck (n.)幸运;运气→________(adj.)幸运的→________(adv.)幸运地;好运地 →________(反义词)不幸的;不吉利的★gd/bad luck 好/坏运气
    3. z(n.) →________ (pl.) 动物园★g t the z 去动物园 4. Australia (n.)澳大利亚→_______________(adj.& n.) 澳大利亚(人)的;澳大利亚人5. Africa (n.)非洲→________(adj.& n.)非洲(人)的;非洲人6. America (n.)美国; 美利坚合众国→____________(adj.& n.)美国的;美洲的;美国人;美洲人
    7. danger (n.)危险→_____________(adj.)有危险的;不安全的★ut f danger 脱离危险8. man (n.)→________(pl.)男人;人9. child (n.)→________(pl.)儿童
    动词10. wear (v.)→________(过去式)→________(过去分词)穿;戴★wear glasses 戴眼镜(2016.33)11. bring (v.)→________(过去式/过去分词)带来;取来★ 把……带到……★bring up 抚养★bring ut使显现;使表现出
    12. relax(v.) 放松;休息→________(adj.)放松的;不受拘束的→________(adj.)轻松的;令人放松的★smething relaxing令人放松的事情★a relaxing place一个令人放松的地方13. read (v.)→________(过去式/过去分词) 读;阅读→________(n.)读者★read a bk/bks 看书
    14. feel(v.)→________(过去式/过去分词) 感受;觉得→________(n.)感觉;感触★feel like ding sth. 想要做某事★a strng feeling f...一种强烈的……感15. fllw(v.)遵循;跟随 →________(adj.)接着的
    16. keep (v.)→________(过去式/过去分词) 保持;保留→________(n.)饲养员;保管人★keep ding sth. 一直做某事★keep sb. frm ding sth. 阻止某人做某事★ mind 把……记在心里★keep in tuch with与……保持联系★keep ff让开;不接近★keep neself保守秘密
    17. learn(v.)→________________(过去式/过去分词) 学习;学会→________(n.)学习者★learn t d sth. 学着做某事★learn frm 从/向……学习★learn abut 了解,学习
    18. frget(v.)→________(过去式)→________(过去分词)→____________(现在分词)忘记;遗忘★frget t d sth. 忘记去做某事(未做)★frget ding sth. 忘记做过某事(已做)
    19. cut (v.)→________(过去式/过去分词)砍;切★cut ff 切断;中断20. use(v.)→________(过去式/过去分词) 使用;运用→________(adj.)有用的;有益的 →________(adj.)无用的;无效的
    形容词21. imprtant(adj.)重要的→_______________(n.)重要性;重要★It's imprtant t d sth. 做某事是重要的。★an imprtant chice一个重要的选择22. quiet(adj.) 安静的→________ (adv.)轻声地;轻柔地;安静地★keep quiet保持安静★quiet music安静的音乐
    23. terrible(adj.)非常讨厌的; 可怕的→________(adv.)非常;可怕地;极度地24. strict(adj.) 严格的;严厉的→________(adv.)严格地;严厉地★be strict with sb.对某人要求严格★be strict in/abut sth.对某事要求严格25. beautiful(adj.) 美丽的;美好的→______________ (adv.)美丽地;美好地 →________ (n.)美;美丽→________ (反义词)丑陋的;难看的
    26. yung(adj.) 幼小的;年轻的→________(比较级)较年轻的 →________(最高级)最年轻的 →________(n.)青年;青少年时期→________(反义词) 年老的 兼类词27. suth(n.)南;南方→________(adj.)南方的(adj.)南方的
    28. fight(v.& n.)→________(过去式/过去分词)打架;战斗★fight with sb./have a fight with sb. 与某人打架★fight against... 与……作斗争★fight fr... 为……奋斗★fight n继续战斗 29. sleep(v. & n.)睡觉→________(过去式/过去分词)睡觉→________(adj.)困倦的;瞌睡的★feel sleepy 感觉瞌睡的
    30. drink(v.)→________(过去式)→________(过去分词)喝→________(n.)酗酒者(n.)饮料 31. shp (v.)→________(过去式/过去分词)→____________(现在分词/动名词)购物(n.)商店 ★g shpping 去购物
    32. study(v.)→ ________(过去式/过去分词)学习;研究 (n.)学习;研究★study abrad 出国留学★study hard 努力学习
    动词短语1. 听…… ____________2. 必须;不得不 ____________3. 外出(娱乐) ____________4. 砍倒 ____________5. 出去吃饭____________6. (表示喜欢,愿意)很想 ____________7. 清洗餐具 ____________8. 铺床 ______________
    listen t...
    wuld like t
    d the dishes 
    make ne's bed
    9. 遵守规则 ____________10. 看报纸 _____________________11. 做汤 ____________12. 去电影院 ________________13. 喝茶 ____________14. 迷路 ____________15. 由……制成的 ____________介词短语16. 准时 ____________
    fllw the rules 
    read a newspaper
    g t the mvies
    (be) made f
    (be)n time 
    17. 处于(极大)危险中(2018.59) _____________________名词短语18. 端午节 ______________________19. 卧室 ____________20. 寄宿家庭 ____________21. ……的标志____________其他短语22. 稍微;有点儿 ____________
    be in(great)danger
    Dragn Bat Festival 
    hst family 
    规章制度1. It's my first day at schl. This is a great schl, but_____________________. 这是我第一天上学。这所学校很棒,但是有许多规则。2. We can't ________________ in the classrm r hallways.我们不能在教室或走廊里听音乐。3. After dinner, ________________. I must read a bk befre I can watch TV. 晚饭后我也不能休息。我必须在看电视之前读一本书。
    there are a lt f rules
    listen t music
    I can't relax either
    4. Parents and schls are strict smetimes, but remember, they make rules________________.有时父母和学校是严格的,但是记住,他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。动物5. The elephant is ______________ Thailand's symbls.大象是泰国的象征之一。6. We must ________________ and ________________ things made f ivry. 我们必须拯救树木,并且不要购买象牙制品。
    save the trees
    Passage 1 [选自七(下)Unit 5 Sectin B 2b] Hell. We are students frm Thailand, and we want t save 1. ________ elephants. The elephant is ne f Thailand's symbls. Our 2. ________ (ne) flag had a white elephant n it. This is a symbl f gd luck. Elephants are smart animals. 3. ________ example, they can play sccer r music. They can als draw very well. Peple say that “an elephant never 4. ________(frget)”. Elephants can walk fr a lng time and never get lst.
    They can als remember 5. ________(place) with fd and water. This helps 6. ________ (they) t live.But nw elephants are facing a 7. ______________ (danger) situatin. Peple cut 8. ________ many trees s elephants are lsing their hmes. Elephants are als 9. ________(kill) by peple fr their ivry. Tday there are nly abut 3,000 elephants(ver 100,000 befre). We must save the trees and nt buy things 10. ________ (make) f ivry. Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.
    Passage 2[选自七(下)Unit 6 Sectin B 2b] Zhu Hui is a student frm Shenzhen. He's nw 1. _______ (study) in the United States. He's living with 2. ________(he) hst family in New Yrk. Tday is the Dragn Bat Festival. It's 9:00 a.m and Zhu Hui's family are at hme. His mm 3. _____________ aunt are making zngzi. His dad and uncle are watching bat 4. ________(race) n TV. Zhu Hui als wants t spend the hliday with them but he can't. It's 9:00 p.m. in New Yrk, and it's the night befre the festival.
    But there isn't 5. ________ Dragn Bat Festival in the US, s it's like any ther night fr Zhu Hui and his hst family. The hst family are busy 6. ________ their business. As fr Zhu Hui, he's talking n the phne t his cusin in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui 7. ________(miss) his family s much. His 8. ________(big) wish nw is t have the delicius zngzi made by his mm. Zhu Hui likes New Yrk and his hst family a lt, but there's still “n place like hme”.
    1. 情态动词can表能力Ⅱ(P180)2. 情态动词have t与must(P181)3. why, what及where引导的特殊疑问句(P196)4. 现在进行时Ⅰ(P186)
    辨析arrive, reach与get (t)(2018.82涉及,2016.30涉及) 
    教材例句:Dn't arrive late fr class. 上课不要迟到了。(Unit 4 P19)
    Jane decided t get hme withut telling her mther t give her a surprise. She arrived at the airprt early in the mrning. But when she reached hme, she fund her mther had arrived in Shanghai fr a meeting. 为了给妈妈一个惊喜,简决定不告诉妈妈就回家。她一大早就到了机场。但是当她回到家时,她发现她的妈妈去上海开会了。
    1. When we arrived ________ the statin, the train had already left.A. fr B. at C. in D. n2. The Chinese climbers tried their best and ________ the tp f Munt Qmlangma n May 27, 2020.A. reached B. arrived C. gt D. reached at3. By the time yu arrive ________ Lndn, we will shw yu arund.(盲填)
    4. With the help f the plice, the little by arrived hme safely. (英译汉)________________________________________________________5. finally, after, gt t, Mary, a tw­hur flight, Paris(连词成句)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
    After a tw­hur flight, Mary finally gt t Paris/After a tw­hur flight, Mary gt t Paris finally
    辨析wear, (be) in, dress与put n
    教材例句:And we always have t wear the schl unifrm. 并且我们总是不得不穿校服。(Unit 4 P20)
    6. Thugh Jimmy is nly seven years ld, he can help his mther ________ his little sister.A. put n B. put ff C. wear D. dress7. Bb is much taller nw. The jeans he ________ last year are t shrt.A. put n B. wre C. dressed D. put ff
    8. When hearing the news, he put ________ his cat and went ut withut saying a wrd.(盲填)9. The little girl is _____________ pink tday and she lks very lvely.(盲填)
    辨析t many, t much与much t(2018阅读D涉及)
    教材例句:There are t many rules! 有太多的规则!(Unit 4 P23)
    Dn't carry t many things. There is t much water in the bttle. The bag is much t heavy. 不要带太多东西。瓶子里的水太多了。包太重了。
    10. Sme kinds f animals are dying ut because ________ trees are cut dwn in the wrld.11. It's gd t drink water, but drinking ________ water befre yu g t bed may have a bad effect n yur sleep.12. Yu spke ________ fast and I culdn't fllw yu. Culd yu say it again?
    t many t much much t
    教材例句:At schl, I have t wear a schl unifrm, and I must keep my hair shrt. 在学校,我不得不穿校服,而且我必须留短发。(Unit 4 P24)
    keep →kept →kept
    13. WeChat makes peple's life cnvenient, but it als keeps peple ________ talking face t face.A. t   B. in  C. frm D. with14. Dn't keep yur eyes ________ (wrk) fr a lng time. It's harmful fr yur eyesight.15. Lisa thinks that living a regular life can help her keep ________(health). S she never stays up late.16. Keep ________ climbing and dn't stp. The higher yu climb, the farther yu will see.(盲填)
    17. The dctr kept the man ________ smking because f his serius illness.(盲填)18. Our English teacher keeps us making up cnversatins with the new wrds and sentences.(英译汉)________________________________________________________
    be made短语小结
    教材例句:We must save the trees and nt buy things made f ivry. 我们必须拯救树木并且不要买象牙制品。 (Unit 5 P29)
    This dress made f silk feels s sft. It was made in Hangzhu by experienced wrkers.这条由真丝制成的连衣裙摸起来很柔软,它是由杭州经验丰富的裁缝制成的。
    19. There are s many mdel planes in the schl hall. The white ne was made ________ Tm.A. f  B. frm C. in D. by20. This kind f wine is made ________ grapes. It is nt nly delicius but als gd fr ur health.(盲填)21. The scarf which is made __________ cttn feels sft and cmfrtable. It can prtect me frm the cld wind.(盲填)
    22. We all knw that the bamb can be made int many useful things, such as tables and chairs.(英译汉)________________________________________________________
    写出熟义并根据句意选出黑体词汇的最佳释义。1. fllw►熟义:①____________ (v.) ►生义拓展:A. v. 明白   B. v. 仿效   C. v. 跟得上D. v. 听从(忠告、指示等) E. v. 追随②Yiruma encuraged Darrius t fllw his dream f playing his wn music.[2020安徽阅读]________
    ►生义拓展:A. v. 明白   B. v. 仿效   C. v. 跟得上D. v. 听从(忠告、指示等) E. v. 追随③Children like t fllw the examples f their parents in many ways.[2020成都完成对话;译林牛津] ________④Nw when I listen t music n my headphnes, I can fllw withut stuttering(结巴)![2020烟台完形] ________⑤One imprtant thing that they need t learn is hw t fllw cmmands(命令). [2020聊城阅读] ________⑥Lk up the wrds that yu think are imprtant t understand the text r fllw the sentence. [冀教] ________
    2. smart(2012单选41题涉及)►熟义:①________ (adj.)►生义拓展:A. adj. 智能的 B. adj. 衣着讲究的;光鲜的;时髦的 C. adj. 精干的②Yur sweater lks smart. Where did yu buy it? [2012河北单选41] ________③5G als makes the Internet f things pssible. Smart hmes are part f it. [2020乐山阅读C] ________④Max lks smart in his small, rund glasses. [译林牛津八(上)Unit 1 P9] ________
    3. save(2020任务型涉及)►熟义:①____________ (v.)►生义拓展:A. v. 节省    B. v. 避免C. v. 攒钱;储蓄   D. v. 保存;储存②They shuld save their writing in time n the cmputer because it may stp wrking suddenly. [2020河北任务型;外研] ________③S, eating less meat will prvide mre land fr farming, and it will save water. [2015江西完形A;冀教] ________
    ►生义拓展:A. v. 节省    B. v. 避免C. v. 攒钱;储蓄   D. v. 保存;储存④We can save ur pcket mney and dnate it t thse in need. [译林牛津八(下)Unit 6 P88] ________⑤Chsing the right circle f friends will save us a lt f trubles, heartaches and pssibly a life f deep regret. ________
    4. place►熟义:①______________ (n.)►生义拓展:A. n. (速度比赛或竞赛获胜者的)名次B. v. 放置 C. v. 安顿②Yellw warning signs had t be placed beside the rads t remind drivers t take care and allw peple t crss safely. [2020杭州阅读B]________
    ►生义拓展:A. n. (速度比赛或竞赛获胜者的)名次B. v. 放置 C. v. 安顿③T everyne's surprise, the prly dressed Zhang tk the first place in the exam. [2018抚顺完形] ________④Thanks t my parents, I was first placed in a special schl. [2017衢州词汇运用] ________
    5. cut(2020任务型涉及)►熟义:①__________________ (v.)  ►生义拓展:A. n. 伤口;开口B. n. 理发C. v. (电脑)剪切 D. v. 中断E. v. 删剪 F. n. 裁剪样式②Nw? If a student makes a mistake, he can just remve r cut it.[2020河北任务型] ________③D nt clean the phne with hard materials. They culd make small cuts n it.[2020烟台阅读B] ________
    ►生义拓展:A. n. 伤口;开口B. n. 理发C. v. (电脑)剪切 D. v. 中断E. v. 删剪 F. n. 裁剪样式④The thing that I like the mst abut my jb is that peple feel cmfrtable and stylish(时尚的) with my cuts. [2019泰安阅读A] ________⑤Paper cut can be seen in many parts f China during the Spring Festival.[2016重庆A卷阅读A] ________
    ►生义拓展:A. n. 伤口;开口B. n. 理发C. v. (电脑)剪切 D. v. 中断E. v. 删剪 F. n. 裁剪样式⑥This scene was cut frm the final versin f the mvie. ________⑦Nwadays peple are used t reading nline, but it is ften cut by QQ r WeChat messages. ________
    6. get lst►熟义:①________►生义拓展:A. 弄不懂;困惑 B. 沉迷②Neil's cach gave him several suggestins t avid getting lst.[2018宿迁词语运用A]________③I lve getting lst in a gd bk. It is like I am in a new wrld. ________
    词语运用 河北6年真题(2015-2020)1. (2015河北80题)Mum and Dad send their best ________ (wish).2. (2020河北71题)We had t stay at hme, and I ________ (feel) quite bred.
    Ⅰ.小题夯基3. As a member f family, I always help my mther d the ________(dish) after meals.4. Peple shuld fllw the traffic ________(rule) fr their wn safety.5. The by was s thirsty that he ________(drink) the whle bttle f water.6. Fresh fruits are gd fr yur health. But they must be ________(wash) befre yu eat them.
    7. I remember ________(bring) my ID card. But the fact is that it is left at hme.8. I have kept ________(read) bks fr five hurs. I felt a little bit tired.9. The snwstrm hit this small village ________(terrible). Many peple lst their hmes.10. Lily and Lucy are twins. But Lucy is ________(shy) than Lily.11. He is strict ________ himself. He never eats junk fd.12. Parents shuldn't keep children ________ develping their hbbies. Hbbies are gd fr their develpment.
    Ⅱ.(2020新变化)语篇提能 Last weekend, my classmates, teachers, and I had a z trip. At eight thirty, we gt 1. ________ the bus and went away frm schl. It tk us abut half 2. ________ hur t get t the z. After we 3. ________(arrive) there, ur teachers bught tickets fr the whle class. At first, we went t the mnkey part f the z. We saw sme mnkeys climbing trees, sme playing with each ther 4. ________ thers just sitting there. A 5. ________(wrk) in the z was giving bananas t them. Next, we went t see parrts.
    When Tm said “Hell”,the parrts said “Hell”, t. We kept playing with the parrts fr nearly an hur. I thught they were very lvely. Then, we went t the 6. ________(fish) place. The fish swam in the clear water. At last, we saw 7. ___________(tiger). They were s strng. Suddenly, it began t rain. But it just rained fr a while. Hw 8. ________(luck) we were! We finished 9. ________(we) trip at 3 pm. We felt hungry but happy. It was the 10. ________(happy) day I had ever had. I wanted t g t the z again.
    连词成句1. well, he, very, draw, can_____________________________________________.2. n time, yu, there, get, must_____________________________________________.3. I, have, stay, t, hme, at, the, rain, because f_____________________________________________.4. answering, my, phne, mther, the, is_____________________________________________.
    He can draw very well 
    Yu must get there n time
    I have t stay at hme because f the rain
    My mther is answering the phne

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