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    2020年春人教版英语必修四单元测试 Unit 2 Working the land(word含答案)
    2020年春人教版英语必修四单元测试 Unit 2 Working the land(word含答案)01
    2020年春人教版英语必修四单元测试 Unit 2 Working the land(word含答案)02
    2020年春人教版英语必修四单元测试 Unit 2 Working the land(word含答案)03
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    高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修3&4Unit 2 Working the land优秀单元测试同步训练题

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修3&4Unit 2 Working the land优秀单元测试同步训练题,共8页。

    Unit 2 Working the land 单元测试

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    1.Don't close that window. Let a little air c________.   

    2.Believe it or not, I met a s________ football star this morning on the street.   

    3.He was making rude ________(评论) about the other people in the room.   

    4.The o________ of grain has doubled in China in the last ten years.   

    5.What is the daily o________ of automobiles in this factory?   

    6.They were driven by poverty and ________(饥饿) to steal.

    7.As is known to all, when heated, things will ________(膨胀)   

    8.The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of ________(化学品) in agriculture.   

    9.Its products are not only popular in China but also e________ to other countries.   

    10.I could really use a small calculator like that one for my ________(统计数字) homework.

    11.Not only will they be paid for their ________(粮食) in cash but in online payment.   

    12.Children require proper ________(营养) to be strong.   

    13.According to official ________(统计数字) the disease killed a large amount of people.   

    14.There is h________ in many parts of the world, including rich countries.   

    15.He apologizes for his c________ and says he didn't mean to offend these people.   


        The eyes are one of the most expressive instruments of body language.

        Keithseventeenfrom Montclair New Jerseylearned the hard way about one        1       the eyes can make .“I had a        2       who graded heavily on classroom discussion,”

        Keith says. “He seemed to have a strong ability to know just when I didn't have the         3       .I couldn't figure out how he could be so         4       .Then it dawned on(为……所明白)me.        5        I didn't know the answerI would avoid looking at him

        When I        6       know what so sayI always        7       straight back at him.

        From that moment onI         8       myself to look him in the eye,        9        I knew the work or not.

        That trick has saved me a lot of trouble.”

        Many peopleincluding some policemenbelieve eye contact is a good        10       of honesty.

        If someone can't look at you directly in the eyethen he or she is not playing         11       ,they insist.

        After many experiments,        12       ,a number of experts have found out that good liars can make false eye contact.

        Eye contactthough not an        13        sign of honestyis a clear way to show interest in another person.

        When a person looks at you and         14       to do soyou know his        15       is placed on you.

        When he turns his head awayhis mind is probably        16       .        17        there are exceptions.

        A         18       person may have trouble making and keeping eye contactno matter how interested he is in the other person. And certain         19       ,such as the British and Germansare much        20       oriented(适应)to eyeball to eyeball contact thansaythe French and Arabs.           

    1. A. letter

    B. notice

    C. message

    D. news

    2. A. student

    B. headmaster

    C. friend

    D. teacher

    3. A. question

    B. problem

    C. excuse

    D. answer

    4. A. slow

    B. sharp

    C. dull

    D. clever

    5. A. Whatever

    B. Whenever

    C. However

    D. Wherever

    6. A. didn't

    B. did

    C. don't

    D. do

    7. A. watched

    B. glanced

    C. saw

    D. stared

    8. A. helped

    B. hoped

    C. taught

    D. persuaded

    9. A. when

    B. whether

    C. if

    D. as

    10. A. lesson

    B. way

    C. chance

    D. test

    11. A. honestly

    B. quickly

    C. correctly

    D. really

    12. A. therefore

    B. however

    C. actually

    D. especially

    13. A. real

    B. exact

    C. wonderful

    D. sure

    14. A. stops

    B. continues

    C. changes

    D. hopes

    15. A. attention

    B. spirit

    C. strength

    D. energy

    16. A. anywhere

    B. nowhere

    C. elsewhere

    D. everywhere

    17. A. And

    B. Or

    C. But

    D. So

    18. A. brave

    B. shy

    C. stupid

    D. proud

    19. A. nationalities

    B. cities

    C. countries

    D. languages

    20. A. more

    B. less

    C. too

    D. enough



    How Women Were Freed From Their Homes

        As late as 1800, a woman's only place was in her home. Women in business were unheard of. No respectable woman would dream of entering what was strictly a “man's world”. Even if she would, what could she do? Men were sure that no woman could do a job well outside her home.  This was a widely-accepted idea. When the famous Bronte sisters began writing books in 1846, they had to resort to using men's names as aliases.

        Teaching was the first profession opened to women, soon after 1800. But even that was not easy for women to take because most high schools and colleges were open only to men. Oberlin College in Ohio was the first college in America to take in women.

        Nursing was regarded as a respectable profession for women only after Florence Nightingale won high credit for her nursing career and became famous. Miss Nightingale opened the first training school for nursing in 1860 in England.

        The invention of typewriters in 1867 helped to bring women out of their homes to join the business world. Because women are careful and have nimble fingers, businessmen found that they were well suited to this kind of work.

        By 1890, tens of thousands of women were working in schools, hospitals, shops, offices, and factories both in England and the States. Some even managed to become doctors or lawyers. The idea of women working in business and other circles was accepted. 

    1Oberlin College was the first college in America ________.           

    A.where teaching was a profession only open to women

    B.where girls could get advanced education

    C.to train women to be teachers and nurses

    D.to accept women only as professors and students

    2It can be inferred from the text that besides nursing, Florence Nightingale was also ________.           

    A.a doctor    B.a lawyer     C.a teacher     D.a businessman

    3Quite a lot of women entered the business world ________.           

    A.soon after 1800                    B.when Nightingale became famous

    C.at the beginning of this century        D.after the typewriter came into being


        A few weeks ago, I sat with a California farmer named Dave Ribeiro. I asked him what he wished to know about farmers. He smiled and said, "That we walk among you. We look like you and talk like you. We have advanced degrees and hobbies, just like you."

        Take Dave for example: He's a young man with a music degree. And if you walked past him on the street, you'd never think, "There goes a farmer."

        Is someone like Dave who you picture when you think of a farmer? Probably not. I think that most people would picture a man in his overalls(工作服). I can tell you, that does not represent Dave or any of the many other farmers I have gotten to know.

        Not only do we have to throw out our previous impression of farmers, but farming as a whole doesn't look much like it used to either. We recently sent a team out to see what modern farming looks like, and they found farmers to be completely different from our usual ideas about them and also came across them in some unexpected places.

        In a parking lot in a neighborhood of Brooklyn, they met a new crop of young farmers who were trying to bring fresh greens closer to eaters in the city by growing them in high-tech indoor vertical(垂直的) farms. In a Florida field under the fight path of an airport, they discovered farmers with university degrees growing plants that might someday fuel our cars. And in a modern farm in California, they observed how farmers were using technology to take the best possible care of their animals.

        These farmers all spend their days in very different ways—none of them looks like the previous farmer we have in our mind—but they're all working on new ways to feed our planet. Not only do we need to change our idea of what farming looks like, but we also need to change our view of where solutions can come from. Feeding all of us is going to take all of us working together.

    1How does Dave describe today's farmers?                

    A.They often walk on the street.         B.They are leading a very busy life.

    C.They are similar to ordinary people.    D.They have little time to make friends.

    2How does the author think most people see farmers?                

    A.They usually wear overalls.        B.They have interesting hobbies.

    C.They are skilled at growing crops.   D.They know modern farming practices.

    3What was the purpose of the team?                 

    A.To deepen connections among farmers.

    B.To study different technologies in farming.

    C.To find the new developments of modern farming.

    D.To encourage farmers to use new farming method.

    4What do the farmers mentioned in Paragraph 5 have in common?                

    A.They all work in the city.        B.They all use high technology.

    C.They all do hard physical work.   D.They all work with universities.


        As spring comes to half the world, many people can enjoy the new growth that comes with warmer weather. This is a great time to get outside and get dirty! ________ This outdoor activity gives us beautiful plants, pleasant smelling flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables. Moreover, it also gives us many health benefits.

        Gardening reduces loneliness. It connects people. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. ________ Gardeners usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens.

        Gardening is a great activity to do with children. It gets them outdoors and off computers, televisions and other electronics. ________ Gardening can teach a child about where food comes from and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the limits of natural resources.

        ________ This means you are getting vitamin D which helps your bodies take in calcium(). That is necessary to keep bones strong. When you garden you must move around. All the different movements needed for gardening—bending, stretching and lifting—work small muscles in the body.

        Gardening may help your brain stay young. In one study, researchers found that gardening could lower the risk of future dementia(痴呆) by 36 percent. ________ A flower and herb garden can help feed bees and butterflies. Growing herbs and flowers connects you to nature are pleases all of your senses.

    A. Vitamin D also helps us fight diseases.

    B. Children can learn about nature and wildlife.

    C. Gardening is popular in many parts of the world.

    D. So it is a perfect time to communicate with your neighbors.

    E. Some people may not have the resources to have their own garden.

    F. When you are in your garden, you might feel the sunshine on your skin.

    G. Gardening can also give you the feeling that you have done something good.


    1.To ________ satisfaction, both of us finally finished homework before the deadline.   

    2.She ________ (comment) that it was a better play than usual, and I agreed with her opinion.   

    3.It was obvious that Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen became the focus ________media attention.   

    4.You can't satisfy everybody. If the majority ________satisfy your decision ,that's OK.   

    5.—Do you regret ________(bring) up your opinion that every child should take part in service learning?

    —No. On the contrary, I think it is very necessary.   

    6.My brother ________prefer singing ________ dancing while I would rather dance than sing.   







    Barking dogs don't bite









    一、1. circulate  2.super  3.comments  4.output  5. output   6.hunger  7.expand  8. chemicals   9.exported  10.statistic  11. grain   12. nutrition   13. statistics   14. hunger  






    (二) 1C2A3C4B  


    五、1. our   2.commented  3. of  4.are satisfied with  5.bringing  6. prefersto


    One possible version:Barking dogs don't bite

        One day, a Frenchman went to visit his English friend. When he came up to his friend's housea big dog ran out and began to bark at him. He was so frightened that he stopped. At that moment, his English friend came out and saw his friend. He said“Don't be afraidDon't you know the English proverb 'Barking dogs don't bite'?” “Ohyes,” was the quick answer. “I know the proverband you know the proverbthe dog...Does the dog know the proverb?” 


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