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    这是一份湖南省常德市桃源一中2023-2024年下学期高二下学期3月月考英语试卷(Word版附答案),文件包含湖南省常德市桃源一中2023-2024年下学期高二英语3月份月考试卷docx、湖南省常德市桃源一中2023-2024年下学期高二英语3月份月考试答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. W: Culd yu clse the dr? It’s freezing. I culdn’t type my reprt regularly.
    M: OK. I was fcusing n my wrk and didn’t pay attentin t it.
    2. M: What’s fr dinner, Mum?Are we having ndles?
    W: We had that yesterday. S I thught I’d make chicken and rice tnight — r fish if yu prefer.
    M: That sunds gd. But I had chicken at schl tday, s I dn’t really want it again.
    3. W: Dn’t get me wet. I dn’t want t swim.
    M: Cme n. I’ll race yu acrss the pl.
    W: Nt me. The water’s t cld.
    4. W: Dctr, I have a runny nse.
    M: Let me see. Nthing serius. Take ne f these pills every six hurs and yu will get better after a week.
    5. W: Can yu drive a little faster, sir?
    M: It’s hard in the rush hur. But I’ll try.
    W: Thanks a lt. I have an imprtant interview and I dn’t want t be late.
    6. W: Hi, Charlie. Hw was yur hliday?
    M: Well, befre we left, I’d imagined that staying by a lake wuld be like being at the beach. But as it turned ut, a lt f water sprts that my
    family had planned fr us were ut f the questin due t the weather. S instead, my cusin tk us fr a walk alng the shre and shwed us where t find beautiful stnes — we came back with several.
    W: That sunds great. Better than ur hliday in the muntains.
    7. M: I think the lcatin is gd. And the neighbrs seem nice. Hwever, cnsidering the walls have t be repaired, and the shelves must be repainted, yur asking price is a little t high.
    W: I’m srry. But several peple are interested in this flat, s I think we can get the price we were asking fr. I’ll shw yu anther flat n Fifth Avenue this afternn. It’s cheaper than this ne, but it’s a bit smaller.
    M: I’m afraid I have an appintment with a dentist. Let’s make it sme ther time.
    W: If this afternn is incnvenient fr yu, I’ll arrange anther date. Let me knw when is gd fr yu.
    8. W: Hell, Sunshine Flwer Shp. This is Susan speaking.
    M: This is Tm Hanks. I’d like t rder sme flwers fr my mther and have them sent t her apartment.
    W: Fine, Mr. Hanks. What kind f flwer d yu want?
    M: I’d like t send a dzen red carnatins and sme yellw ltus as well.
    W: Our lng-stem red carnatins are selling fr 10 punds a dzen and 12 fr ltus. They are really quite nice.
    M: All right then. I’ll take them.
    W: I need yur cmplete address, Mr. Hanks.
    M: The address is N.78, MW street. Fr the card, just write smething simple. Hw abut “Dear Mm, all my lve”?
    W: OK. When shuld they arrive?
    M: They shuld be there befre 5:00 in the afternn Octber, 19th. My mm’s telephne number is 84563633−085. Please call her first befre yu deliver them.
    W: That shuld be n prblem. Just ne mre questin, Mr. Hanks. Hw d yu intend t pay fr it?
    M: Yu can put it n my visa card. The number is KH3272677. W: Gt it. Bye. M: Bye. Thanks.
    9. W: Here is the prgram fr the three-day festival I was telling yu abut the ther day.
    M: Let me have a lk. Ww, there are s many interesting events taking place that I wish we culd attend them all!
    W: I knw, but since exams are cming sn and we have t study, I think we shuld chse the nes we’re really interested in.
    M: Well, t begin with, I think we shuldn’t miss the Film Festival fr the wrld! Black and white films are s cl!
    W: Yes, they are. I wuld als like t attend the Stand-up Cmedy Night. I heard that it’s really funny.
    M: With all this pressure at schl, I think I culd d with a gd laugh.
    W: Nw, shall we g t the Cntemprary Crafts Exhibitin? It’s really amazing. And we’ll have a chance t test ur DIY skills and prve ur creativity.
    M: Well, t tell yu the truth, I wuld much prefer t g t the cncert. Gd music and dancing will help recharge ur batteries. Dn’t yu think s?
    W: Yes, yu’re right. I can’t wait!
    When I went t Spain, I thught it was imprtant that I lived with Spanish peple, s I didn’t speak English all the time. I did knw sme friends wh were in Madrid as well but I didn’t stay with them. I lived with tw Spanish girls and we gt n really well. In the beginning, they used t speak really slwly and lud t make sure I wuld understand. But I ften felt like a bit f a fl. Sn they realized that I culd understand even thugh smetimes I might nt knw what t say in respnse. It was nt difficult t find a huse. But the mst difficult thing when I first arrived in Spain was t figure ut the rental agreement, I didn’t understand it at all, because it was full f legal terms. The huse wner was abut 85 years ld and she didn’t speak any English. She didn’t really understand why I culdn’t understand what I was reading. Thse are the challenges yu have t face when yu mve t a new cuntry and there are things yu have never cnsidered befre. But yu have t get thrugh them when yu are ver there.
    Obviusly, the aim f yur year abrad is t live in the cuntry where they speak the language yu’re learning. Just talk t the lcals and learn as many everyday phrases as pssible. Learn what peple really say, instead f just things that yu learn frm textbks and frm yur classes at university.
    21. C 22. D 23. B
    【21题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“It’s very easy t care fr, thrives in spaces with lw sunlight, has visual appeal, and cleans the air, and they are drught resistant if yu frget t water them.”(这种植物很容易照顾,在阳光不那么充足的地方也会茂盛,有着迷人的外表,净化空气,如果你忘记给它们浇水,它们也抗旱)可知,Snake plants在阳光不是很充足的地方也能长得好,故选C。
    【22题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“Gardening and care fr plants can help t turn peple away frm negative thughts r emtins. S with all that, what d these experts recmmend as the best plant?”(园艺和照顾植物可以帮助人们远离负面想法和负面情绪。那么,在所有的植物中专家们最推荐的是哪些呢?)可知,本文主要推荐了一些对人们健康有好处的植物,故选D。
    【23题详解】细节理解题。根据第六段首句“Lavender is well-knwn fr its relaxing scent, and it has a calming effect, aids in reducing stress, prmtes sleep.”(薰衣草因其令人放松的气味而闻名,它有镇静的效果,帮助减少压力,促进睡眠。)和第七段最后一句“It has prperties which help t relieve stress and anxiety.”(它有缓解压力和焦虑的特性)以及最后一段最后一句“It has been used t imprve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, imprve appetite, and help with indigestin.”(它被用来改善睡眠、减少压力和焦虑、提升胃口和帮助消化)可知,文章一共提到了三种可以帮助缓解压力的植物,故选B。
    B篇:DABD 记叙文。讲述了妮可·索内斯如何在充满不确定和坎坷的人生中坚持践行人生理想,服务于社会的故事。
    24. D 主旨大意题。根据第一段“Hwever, passinate individuals are nt scared f such uncertainties. They set gals, welcme challenges, vercme bstacles, and eventually achieve what satisfies them.”(然而, 有激情的人并不害怕这种不确定性。他们设定目标, 迎接挑战, 克服障碍, 最终实现令他们满意的目标。)可知, 本段的主题是成就感来自充分利用不确定性。故选D项。
    25. A 细节理解题。据第三段“Nicle jined the plice academy intending t be helpful t sciety. She believed that a plice fficer has the pprtunity t eliminate crime, bring justice, and create a better sciety fr everyne.”(妮可加入了警察学院,打算对社会有所帮助。她相信,一名警察有机会消除犯罪,伸张正义,为每个人创造更美好的社会。)知,妮可最初的职业承诺是履行职责,使社会变得更美好。故选A项。
    26. B 细节理解题。根据第四段“Nicle suffered frm an injury in a missin that ended her career in the plice frce.”(妮可在一次任务中受伤,结束了她在警察部队的职业生涯。)可知,妮可因为受伤不得不离开警察职位。故选B项。
    27. D 细节理解题。据第四段“She chse this field after her grandfather’s death, when she culdn’t bear the pain f lsing him.”(她在祖父去世后选择了这个领域,当时她无法忍受失去祖父的痛苦。)知, 她因为体验到失去家人的痛苦, 所以选择了这个新的职业。故选D项。
    28. A 推理判断题。根据第一段“Artificial intelligence (AI ) has been increasingly gd at fling peple. A series f phts shwing frmer US president Dnald Trump being aggressively arrested by plice have caught peple’s attentin. They were fake but very cnvincing. (人工智能(AI)越来越擅长愚弄人们。近日,美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普被警方强行逮捕的一系列照片引起了人们的关注。它们是假的,但很有说服力。)”可知,第一段提到特朗普的照片,是为了证明人工智能很容易欺骗人们。故选A项。
    29. B 细节理解题。根据第三段中“This is because AI isn’t sure what a “hand” exactly is, accrding t Ppular Science. The data AI uses t learn ften shw hands and fingers in varius gestures, which can be very cnfusing fr AI.(据《大众科学》报道,这是因为人工智能不确定“手”到底是什么。人工智能用来学习的数据经常会以各种手势显示手和手指,这可能会让人工智能感到非常困惑。)”可知,人工智能不能完全理解人类的手。故选B项。
    30. A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“‘I think misinfrmatin is ging t hit an all-time high, ’ Jamie Chen, a digital culture and AI expert in the US, tld New Yrk Pst. Generating an AI artwrk is t ‘create reality’, Chen argued, adding that, being able t tell whether the wrk is real r nt requires high media literacy(素养) skills. (美国数字文化和人工智能专家Jamie Chen在接受《纽约邮报》采访时表示:‘我认为错误信息将达到历史新高,’Chen认为,生成人工智能艺术品就是‘创造现实’,并补充说,能够判断作品是否真实需要很高的媒体素养技能。)”可知,Chen认为发现真正的艺术需要很强的媒体素养。故选A项。
    31. D 推理判断题。据第二段中“The Washingtn Pst’s technlgy writer Shira Ovide shared her tips.(《华盛顿邮报》的科技作家希拉·奥维德分享了她的建议。)”及第三段中“This is because AI isn’t sure what a‘hand’exactly is, accrding t Ppular Science.(据《大众科学》报道,这是因为人工智能不确定‘手’到底是什么。)”还有最后一段中“I think misinfrmatin is ging t hit an all-time high, Jamie Chen, a digital culture and AI expert in the US, tld New Yrk Pst. (美国数字文化和人工智能专家Jamie Chen在接受《纽约邮报》采访时表示:‘我认为错误信息将达到历史新高。’)”知,文章引用大量采访,结合例子阐释了AI的负面影响,符合新闻报道特点。故选D项。
    D篇: CBDB 说明文。文章主要说明了对道路进行硬化可以减少二氧化碳的排放,更节省能源。介绍了这种措施的优势和操作方式。
    【32】推理判断题。根据第三段“And they fund that hardening 10 percent f the natin's rads every year culd prevent emissins equal t 440 megatns f carbn dixide ver the next 5 decades—that amunt is equal t hw much CO, yu'd spare the planet by keeping a billin barrels f il in the grund r by grwing 7 billin trees fr a decade. It reduces 0.5% f prjected transprtatin emissins ver that time perid.(他们发现,每年对全国10%的道路进行硬化,可以在未来50年内防止相当于440兆吨二氧化碳的排放——这个数量相当于你将10亿桶石油留在地下或在十年内种植70亿棵树,就可以使地球免受多少二氧化碳。它减少了该时间段内预计交通排放的0.5%)”可推知,作者通过列数字展开第三段。故选C。
    【33】细节理解题。根据第四段中“Or yu culd pave with specially-made cncrete, which is harder than rdinary cnstructin materials.(或者你可以用比普通建筑材料更硬的特制混凝土铺路)”可知,Gregry建议硬化道路更换常规铺装材料。故选B。
    34】细节理解题。根据最后一段中“This system culd als be a way t shave carbn emissins withut sme f the usual barriers. “Usually, when it cmes t reducing emissins in the transprtatin department, yu're talking abut changing plicies related t vehicles and als driver behavir, which invlves millins and millins f peple—as ppsed t changing the way we design and preserve ur pavements. That's just n the rder f thusands f peple wh are wrking in transprtatin agencies.”(这一系统也可能是种减少碳排放的方法,而不存在一些常见的障碍。“通常,当涉及到交通部门的减排时,你谈论的是改变与车辆和司机行为相关的政策,这涉及到数百万人, 而不是改变我们的设计和保护人行道的方式。这只是成千上万在运输机构工作的人的要求。”)”知,道路硬化系统的优点是可以避免涉及太多的人。故选D。
    【35】主旨大意题。根据第二段中“He mdeled with his teammates hw much energy culd be saved-and greenhuse gases avided—by simply hardening the natin's rads and highways.(他和他的队友们一起模仿,仅仅通过加固国家的公路和高速公路,就可以节省多少能源,并避免温室气体的排放)”结合文章主要说明了对道路进行硬化可以减少二氧化碳的排放,更节省能源。介绍了这种措施的优势和操作方式。可知,B选项“硬化道路有助于节约能源”最符合文章标题。故选B。
    36-40: FCGBD
    G前文提到要记住那些对别人重要的日子, 此处应具体举例说明在那些日子里做什么并不重要, 重要的是你的行为使别人觉得你认为他们重要。由此可判断选G项。
    B据本段中的“yet if the ther persn is really crazy abut it, take sme time t try it”可推断,此处是建议做他们喜欢做的事,故选B项。
    D本段小标题是“Make time.”,介绍要花时间在别人身上,经常与人出去消遣便是其中一种方式,由此可判断选D项。
    41.B[解析]此处是一个问句,且表转折,结合前面的“人们认为,总的来说养宠物对孩子是好事”,分析选项可知此处句意为“但这种观点是否有科学依据呢(scientific evidence)?”其余选项与文意不符,故选 B。cmmn sense 常识scientific evidence 科学证据; universal assumptins 普遍假设; natural tendencies自然倾向。
    42.C [解析]根据“she reprted that interacting with animals led yung children t better understand bilgy than pet-less children.”可知养过宠物的小朋友会对生物学更了解,分析选项可知此处想要表示的是“在回答“金鱼有心吗?”这样的问题时养过金鱼的幼儿园小朋友的回答更准确(accurate )”,故选 C。enthusiastic ad热情的;热心的;curius adj.好奇的;求知欲强的;accurate adj.精确的:正确无误的;serius adj.不好的;严重的;有危险的。
    43.A[解析]此处讲儿童如何运用自己所了解到的生物学知识,结合语境分析选项知此处意为“他们也更容易将生物信息从一个物种转移(transferred )到另一个物种,由此推断青蛙宝宝会像金鱼一样变大”,故选A。transferred v.(使)转移,搬迁; cllected v.收集;采集;收; judged v.判断;断定,认为; spread v.传播:展开;打开。
    44.D[解析]该段是养宠物的儿童相较不养宠物的儿童会获益更多。分析可知此处意为“她还报告说,那些向宠物寻求情感支持的孩子比那些没有向宠物寻求情感支持的孩子更不焦虑 (anxius )”,故选 D。cautius adj.心的;谨慎的; decent adj.正派的;得体的; ambitius adj.雄心勃勃的;有野心的; anxius adj. 焦虑的;忧虑的。
    45.A [解析] 此处表转折,结合前面的“过去十年取得了一些进展”,分析选项知此处句意为“过去十年取得了一些进展,但关于这一主题的文献仍相当有限(limited )”,故选 A。limited adj,有限的,受(...的)限制: reliable adj. 可信赖的,可依靠的; varied adj.多种多样的;不同的;fascinating adj.极有吸引力的:迷人的。
    46.B[解析]下段分析Meg Brwn收集的数据,可知她为这一讨论添加了些重要信息。此处为“湖滨大学(Lakeside University)研究员梅格·布朗(Meg Brwn)最近的论文为这一讨论添加了 (adds )一些重要信息”。故选B。wes v.欠(情);归功于;adds v.添加;加;增加; restricts v.(以法规)限制;限定; adapts v.适应(新情况); 改编。
    47.B[解析]结合选项以及“frm thirteen t nineteen years”可知这里说的是岁数句意为“她求助于一个数据集,其中包括7000个孩子的信息,年龄(age )从13岁到19岁不等”。故选 B。status n.地位;状态;身份;age n.年龄;年龄段; height n.(人或物的)身高; perfrmance n.表演,演出。
    48.D[解析]结合后面例子“like hrseback riding(如骑马)”可推知这里说的是与动物相关的活动。此处意为“在这项研究中,养宠物和其他与动物相关的(animal-related )活动,如骑马,都被视为人与动物的互动体验”,其余选项与文意不符,故选 D。animal-watching 观察动物; animal-led 动物主导型; animal-friendly动物友好的; animal-related与动物有关的。
    49.C[解析]据后面“such as ding cmmunity service (比如做社区服务)”分析选项知此处意为“她发现,有动物经历的青少年更有可能将自己视为社区重要贡献者(cntributrs ),比如做社区服务”,故选C。dnrs n.捐献者(机构); representatives n.代表(人);典型人物;cntributrs n.贡献者;投稿人;捐赠者;witnesses n.目击者;见证人。
    50.C[解析]据“the higher they scred n measurements f emtinal cnnectedness in general. (他们在总体情感联系测量中得分越高)”,可反推此处为“她还发现,青少年与动物间的依恋(attachment )程度越高”,其余不合,故选C。difference n.差异;不同; inslatin n.隔/分离;attachment n.依恋;爱慕;信念; disapprval n.不赞成;反对
    51.A[解析]此处的 While引导让步状语从句,根据前面的“While causality cannt be determined,(虽无法确定因果关系)“以及“at least (至少)”可以得知此处句意为“但布朗说,儿童和青少年至少有可能(pssible )从与动物互动的经历中了解到健康的社会关系”, 故选A。 pssible adj.可能的;可能;能做到questinable adj.可疑的;有问题的; misleading adj.误导的;引入歧途的; uncertain adj.无把握;犹豫;拿不准;多变的。
    52.D[解析]该段讲的是儿童与动物的关系的益处,结合选项及语境可推知此处句意为“如果这些关系所需的技能之间存在联系,那么利用动物关系作为促进(prmte )社交技能发展的一种方式可能是有用的”,故选 D。blck v.阻碍堵塞;阻塞;stress v.强调;着重;重读:invlve v.涉及;包含;牵涉;prmte v.促进;推动;促销。
    53.A[解析]前面已知Meg Brwn分析对象为儿童和青少年,结合选项知此处为“它无法得出任何关于动物在孩子生活中的因果作用的结论,且它仅限于全国的青少年 (teenagers )”,其余选项不合文意,故选A。teenagers n.青少年(男女); researchers n.研究员;科研工作者; pet-less children n.无宠物儿童;pet wners n.宠物主。
    54.B[解析]据后面“例如,其他一些研究表明,养宠物的人比不养宠物的人有更高的(55),比如抑郁症”,结合选项分析知此处意为“此外这项研究并非为了阐明(thrw light n)人与动物互动体验的任何潜在负面影响”,故选B。d away with 废除,去掉;弄死; thrw light n 使(...)显得非常清楚; take advantage f利用;占...的便宜; make up fr 弥补,补偿。
    55.D[解析]“depressin (抑郁症)”属于疾病,分析选项可知此处句意为“例如其他一些研究表明,养宠物的人比不养宠物的人患抑郁症等疾病 (disrders )的程度更高”,故选 D。needs n.需要;必须; tests n.测验;考查;explanatins n.解释;说明;阐述;disrders n.疾病;杂乱;混乱;凌乱。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    56. practising 57. n/thrugh 58. elements 59. increasingly 60. varius
    61. the 62. inspired 63. which 64. t prmte 65. reflects
    Dear friends,
    I'm LiHua, Chairman f the Students’ Unin, appealing t/calling n us students t save electricity.
    There is n denying that electricity plays a great rle in ur sciety. Hwever, with the rapid develpment f ur cuntry, it is being cnsumed t much, which threatens the sustainable ecnmic grwth.It is high time that we saved electricity. T begin with, switch ff the husehld appliances in time. What’s mre, use the stairs as ften as pssible. In additin, set the air cnditiner at a reasnable temperature. All in all, frm a gd habit f saving electricity. Let’s make jint effrts t save energy and live a green lw-carbn life.
    Thank yu!
    Hwever, he cnsiderately helped me t g t the tilet. He then advised me t wash up in the tilet while waiting fr my parents’ arrival. Meanwhile, he even tried t cmfrt me and prmised he wuld clean the classrm s that there was n need fr me t feel embarrassed. Tears were welling up in my eyes, dripping dwn int my muth and tasting like a mixture f embarrassment and gratitude. Shrtly after that, my parents arrived. Having knwn everything frm the class mnitr, they tk me t the hspital immediately. It turned ut that I had fd pisning.
    After fully recvering frm the fd pisning, I returned t schl. Instead f trying t cver everything up, I shared what had happened t me publicly in frnt f my classmates and teachers, extending my parents’ and my wn heartfelt gratitude nt nly fr the class mnitr’s generus assistance but als fr his kind cnsideratin. Withut his timely help, I wuldn’t have recvered in such a shrt time. I nw clearly knw that he is the ne that I shuld make friends with. After all, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

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    湖南省常德市汉寿县第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份湖南省常德市汉寿县第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题(Word版附答案),共27页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,5 分,满分37,67%,词汇激活等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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