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    这是一份【期中真题】安徽省普通高中联考2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试题.zip,文件包含期中真题安徽省普通高中联考2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试题原卷版docx、期中真题安徽省普通高中联考2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第I卷(选择题 四大题 共85分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    We all like fantasy stories, and grow up reading and listening to fantasies. These tales fuel our imaginations, and satisfy our longings for adventures. The most interesting thing about fantasies is that their plots involve magical beasts and heroes,animal creatures talking like humans,and other things we can’t see in real life. Also, fantasies have a distinguished writing style, with freedom of expression.
    Toy Fantasy
    In toy fantasy stories, narrators(叙述者)bring their beloved toys to life that can live, talk, think,breathe and behave like human beings. You would see modern toy fantasies in a picture book format. Representative works are A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh and Carlo Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio.
    Animal Fantasy
    The animal fantasy tells tales about animals behaving like human beings, experiencing emotions, and having the ability to talk. However, animals in fantasies hold their various animal characteristics, too. Examples include The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, Charlotte's Web by E. B. White, and The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter which influences children around the world.
    Magical Fantasy
    In a magical fantasy, you see a character having magical powers, or a strange magical object becomes the subject of the story. Stories of this type began widely spreading long ago, including Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and William Steig’s Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.
    Modern Folktales
    Modern folktales are types of fantasy that narrators tell in a traditional tale accompanying some typical parts, such as strong conflict, little description of characters, and sometimes magical elements. These tales come before all others and are popular, as authors throughout history, have written them. Hans Christian Andersen has written several tales of this category including The Nightingale, The Emperor’s New Clothes and Thumbelina.
    1. What is the common feature of the fantasies?
    A. Their characters are highly popular.
    B. Their events occur in the unreal world.
    C. Their writing styles show desires for freedom.
    D. Their plots encourage people to have adventures.
    2. Who made a great contribution to the animal fantasy?
    A. Carlo Collodi. B. Beatrix Potter.
    C William Steig. D. Hans Christian Andersen.
    3. Which type of fantasy has the longest history?
    A. The toy fantasy. B. The animal fantasy.
    C. The magical fantasy. D. The modern folktales.
    【答案】1. B 2. B 3. D
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段The most interesting thing about fantasies is that their plots involve magical beasts and heroes,animal creatures talking like humans,and other things we can’t see in real life(关于幻想最有趣的事情是,它们的情节包括神奇的野兽和英雄,像人类一样说话的动物,以及其他我们在现实生活中看不到的东西)可知,幻想是我们现实生活中看不到的东西,不存在于真实的生活中。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,第三段整段主要在讲“动物幻想”。第三段提到了三位人物和他们的作品。分别是The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame;Charlotte's Web by E. B. White和The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter。综合分析,故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段These tales come before all others and are popular, as authors throughout history, have written them(这些故事比其他所有的故事都来得早,而且很受欢迎,因为历史上的作家都写过这些故事)可知,句中的“这些故事”指的就是前文提及的“现代民间故事”。根据作者的看法,民间故事比其他故事来的都早,因此可以判断民间故事的历史最长。故选D项。
    I was driving 80 miles per hour along the road Wednesday. I knew I was going too fast, but it was the only hope I had. My dog, Jett, was dying in the backseat.
    About half an hour earlier I received a call from my daughter. A ball got stuck in Jett's throat. He was struggling to breathe. I raced home to see if I could help, but the dog's mouth water had made the ball too slippery to pull out by hand. So my daughter and I began our race to the vet's(兽医诊所).
    About halfway there, we got caught in traffic jams due to construction. I began wildly sounding my horn(喇叭), hoping to attract help, and ended up catching the eye of several construction workers. In an anxious voice, I told them what had happened to my dog. By then Jett was lying in the backseat, not moving. Cavaja Holt was one of the workers standing there. He stuck his hand down the dog's throat and pulled out the ball, but Jett still wasn't breathing.
    And the guy behind Holt shouted out, “Breathe into his mouth! Breathe into his mouth!” And Holt did. It worked! Jett soon began breathing again. After may dog was saved, I continued my trip to the vet's to make sure Jett was OK, and by the time I arrived the dog seemed to be doing much better. The staff there checked the dog over and said Jett was in good health.
    Later on, I realized I was so anxious that I forgot to ask the man's name and thank him on the spot. My daughter posted the story on the Internet, asking to locate him. Meanwhile, Holt posted the story too, hoping to find out how the dog was doing. Within minutes, someone connected the two. On Thursday morning, I drove back to the construction site and thanked Holt in person. He is truly a hero.
    4. How did the author feel after she received the call?
    A. Ashamed. B. Confused. C. Annoyed. D. Panicked.
    5. What led Holt to give Jett mouth-to-mouth breathing?
    A. The vet's advice. B. The author's request.
    C. His fellow worker's advice. D. The author's wrong rescue.
    6. Why did the author's daughter share the story online?
    A. To get the address of Holt. B. To make contact with Holt.
    C. To spread the moving story. D. To praise Holt for his deeds.
    7. What can be the best title for the text?
    A. Race against death B. Find hero through the Internet
    C. Stranger saves dog's life D. Heart-stopping rush to the vet's
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“I knew I was going too fast, but it was the only hope I had. My dog, Jett, was dying in the backseat.(我知道我开得太快了,但这是我唯一的希望。我的狗,杰特,在后座上奄奄一息。)”和文章第二段“I raced home to see if I could help(我跑回家,想看看能不能帮上忙)”可知,接到电话后,作者应该是感到惊慌失措的。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段“And the guy behind Holt shouted out, “Breathe into his mouth! Breathe into his mouth!” And Holt did. It worked!(Holt身后的人喊道:“对着他嘴里吹气!往他嘴里吹气!” Holt这样做了。这很有效!)”可知,在Holt同事的呼吁下,给狗狗做了人工呼吸。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Later on, I realized I was so anxious that I forgot to ask the man's name and thank him on the spot. My daughter posted the story on the Internet, asking to locate him.(后来,我意识到我太着急了,以至于我忘记了问他的名字,并当场感谢他。我女儿在网上发布了这个故事,要求找到他。)”可知,作者的女儿在网上分享了这个故事是为了联系上Holt。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“I knew I was going too fast, but it was the only hope I had. My dog, Jett, was dying in the backseat.(我知道我开得太快了,但这是我唯一的希望。我的狗,杰特,在后座上奄奄一息。)、第四段“And the guy behind Holt shouted out, “Breathe into his mouth! Breathe into his mouth!” And Holt did. It worked!(Holt身后的人喊道:“对着他嘴里吹气!往他嘴里吹气!” Holt这样做了。这很有效!)”以及文章最后一段“On Thursday morning, I drove back to the construction site and thanked Holt in person. He is truly a hero.(周四早上,我开车回到工地,亲自感谢霍尔特。他是真正的英雄。)”可知,文章主要讲述了作者的狗狗被球卡住喉咙,奄奄一息,在救治狗狗去诊所的路上遇到了堵车,一位建筑工人救了她的狗,作者的女儿在网上发帖子找到了他,并表示感谢。故选C。
    Scientists say they have created a new device that can turn brain signals into electronic speech.The invention could one day give people who have lost the ability to speak a better way of communicating than current ones.
    The device was developed by researchers from the University of California, San Francisco.Their results were recently published in a study in the journal Nature.Scientists created a"brain machine connection"that was set in the brain.The device was built to read and record brain signals that helped control the muscles to produce speech.These include the lips, tongue and jaw .
    The study involved five volunteer patients who were being treated for epilepsy(癫痫).The individuals had the ability to speak and already had electrodes(电极)set in their brains.The volunteers were asked to read several hundred sentences aloud while the researchers recorded their brain activity.
    The researchers used audio recordings to reproduce the vocal(发声的) muscle movement which is the key to producing human speech.Future studies will test the technology on people who are unable to speak.
    The study reports the reproduced sentences were understandable to hundreds of human listeners asked to write out what they heard.The listeners were able to write out 43 percent of sentences with perfect accuracy.
    Edward Chang is a professor of the university's Weill Institute.He was a lead researcher on the project.Chang admitted that much more research of the system would be needed to reach the goal of perfectly reproducing spoken language.
    8. Who will probably benefit most from this device?
    A. Those unable to hear. B. Those unable to see.
    C. Those unable to speak. D. Those unable to write.
    9. What do we know about the"brain machine connection"?
    A. It could control the muscles. B. It could produce human speech.
    C. It could transform brain signals. D. It could read and record brain signals.
    10. Which of the following is important for production of human speech?
    A Brain activity. B. Muscle control.
    C. Audio recording. D. Vocal muscle movement.
    11. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Science. B. Fashion.
    C. Education. D. Entertainment.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. D 11. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的The invention could one day give people who have lost the ability to speak a better way of communicating than current ones.(这项发明有一天可能会给那些失去说话能力的人提供比现在更好的交流方式)可推知,这种新设备会让那些不能说话的人最受益。故C选项正确。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的The device was built to read and record brain signals that helped control the muscles to produce speech.(该设备用于读取和记录大脑信号,帮助控制肌肉产生语言)可知,brain machine connection可以读取和记录大脑信号。故D选项正确。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的The researchers used audio recordings to reproduce the vocal(发声的) muscle movement which is the key to producing human speech.(研究人员使用录音来重现发声肌肉运动,这是产生人类语言的关键)可知,发声肌肉运动对人类语言的产生是至关重要的。故D选项正确。
    【点睛】阅读是理解的前提和手段;理解是分析、加工和处理信息,是阅读的目的和结果。因此,做阅读理解题时,考生可以先看题目,然后再看文段,这样带着问题去阅读就更有目的性。从近几年高考英语题型来看,阅读理解主要有以下几种题型:主旨大意题,细节理解题,词义猜测题,推理判断题,观点态度题等。考生在阅读的过程中必须具备下列技能,才能获取和处理信息:略读,查读,预测下文,理解大意,分清文章中的事实和观点,猜测词义,推理判断,了解重点细节,理解文章结构,理解图表信息,理解指代关系,理解逻辑关系,理解作者意图,评价阅读内容。如第2小题,根据第二段中的The device was built to read and record brain signals that helped control the muscles to produce speech.(该设备用于读取和记录大脑信号,帮助控制肌肉产生语言)可知,brain machine connection是放置到大脑中的设备,它可以读取和记录大脑信号。故D选项正确。
    Scientists know quite a lot about stars. After centuries of pointing telescopes at the night sky, astronomers and amateurs alike can figure out key traits of any star, such as its mass or its composition.
    To calculate a star’s mass, just look at the time it takes to orbit a companion star. Then do a bit of calculation. To determine what it’s made of, look to the spectrum of light the star sends out. But one question scientists haven’t quite cracked yet is how to calculate the exact time of a star.
    “The sun is the only star we know the age of,” says astronomer David Soderblom. He works at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md. We use what we know about it and how it compares to others, he says, to figure out the age of other stars.
    Even well-studied stars surprise scientists every now and then. In 2019, the red supergiant Betelgeuse became gradually dark. At the time, astronomers weren’t sure if this star was just going through a phase. The alternative was more exciting: It might be ready to explode as a supernova. (Turns out it was just a phase.) The sun also shook things up when scientists noticed that it wasn’t behaving like other middle-aged stars. It’s not as magnetically active as other stars of its age and mass. That suggests astronomers still might not fully understand the timeline of middle age.
    Using physics and indirect measurements, scientists can make a rough estimate of a star’s age. Some methods, it turns out, work better for different types of stars.
    Why do we even care? Galaxies are huge collections of stars of different ages. Star ages might help us figure out how such galaxies grow and evolve or how planets within them form. Knowing star ages might even assist in the search for life in other solar systems.
    12. What may scientists want to research about stars most now?
    A. Their companions. B. Their types.
    C. Their ages. D. Their characteristics.
    13. What does the underlined word “cracked” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
    A. Discussed. B. Described. C. Touched. D. Solved.
    14. Why is the example in 2019 mentioned?
    A. To show scientists still have puzzles about stars.
    B. To prove scientists have studied stars to the full.
    C. To provide facts for scientists’ researches on stars.
    D. To warn scientists to notice some surprising stars.
    15. What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?
    A. The reasons for caring about the space. B. The significance of researching star ages.
    C. The ways of measuring a star’s age. D. The benefits of figuring out solar systems.
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第三段““The sun is the only star we know the age of,” says astronomer David Soderblom. He works at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md. We use what we know about it and how it compares to others, he says, to figure out the age of other stars.(“太阳是我们唯一知道年龄的恒星,”天文学家大卫·索德布卢姆说。他在马里兰州巴尔的摩市的太空望远镜科学研究所工作。他说,我们利用我们对它的了解,以及它与其他恒星的比较,来计算出其他恒星的年龄)”可知,关于恒星,科学家们现在最想研究的是它们的年龄。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据画线词后文“how to calculate the exact time of a star”以及第三段中““The sun is the only star we know the age of,” says astronomer David Soderblom. He works at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md. We use what we know about it and how it compares to others, he says, to figure out the age of other stars.(“太阳是我们唯一知道年龄的恒星,”天文学家大卫·索德布卢姆说)”可知,下文提到太阳是我们唯一知道年龄的恒星,可见科学家们还没有完全解决的一个问题是如何计算恒星的确切时间,故画线词意思是“解决”。A. Discussed.讨论;B. Described.描述;C. Touched.触碰;D. Solved.解决。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“In 2019, the red supergiant Betelgeuse became gradually dark. At the time, astronomers weren’t sure if this star was just going through a phase. The alternative was more exciting: It might be ready to explode as a supernova. (Turns out it was just a phase.) The sun also shook things up when scientists noticed that it wasn’t behaving like other middle-aged stars. It’s not as magnetically active as other stars of its age and mass. That suggests astronomers still might not fully understand the timeline of middle age.( 2019年,红色超巨星贝特宙斯变得逐渐黑暗。当时,天文学家不确定这颗星是否只是在经历一个阶段。另一种情况更令人兴奋。它可能已经准备好作为一颗超新星爆炸了。(结果发现这只是一个阶段。)当科学家们注意到太阳的行为与其他中年恒星不一样时,也让事情发生了变化。它不像其他同龄和同质量的恒星那样磁力活跃。这表明天文学家可能仍然没有完全理解中年的时间线。)”可推知,提到2019年的例子是为了证明科学家们对恒星仍有困惑。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Why do we even care? Galaxies are huge collections of stars of different ages. Star ages might help us figure out how such galaxies grow and evolve or how planets within them form. Knowing star ages might even assist in the search for life in other solar systems.(我们为什么要关心这些呢?星系是不同年龄的恒星的巨大集合。恒星的年龄可能会帮助我们弄清楚这些星系是如何成长和进化的,或者其中的行星是如何形成的。了解恒星的年龄甚至可能有助于寻找其他太阳系中的生命)”可推知,作者在最后一段想告诉我们研究恒星年龄的意义。故选B。
    How to Help a Friend with Depression
    If you have a friend who is suffering from depression, you may be unsure about what you should do to help. There are several ways that you can help a friend with depression.
    As soon as you suspect that your friend is suffering from depression, you should encourage him or her to see a doctor. Your friend may be denying that there is a problem or maybe even embarrassed to admit that there is a problem. The extra encouragement of a friend may be all that your friend needs to seek help.
    Supporting your friend
    Depression can make people feel isolated and like no one cares. Even if you have shown your concern by doing things to help your friend, he or she may need to hear you say that you are there for them in order to believe it. Let your friend know that you are available. ___17___
    Depression can also make a person feel worthless, but you can use encouraging words to support your friend until your friend remembers his or her worth again. ___18___Avoid saying unnecessary things like, “It’s all in your head.” or “Snap out of it!”
    Moving beyond depression with your friend
    As your friend begins to feel better, keep your friend moving beyond depression by planning some fun outings. ___19___ And make plans to do those things so that your friend will always have something to look forward to. ___20___Recent studies have shown it helps to ease the symptoms of depression and make people who are depressed feel more connected to others. You probably know what makes your friend laugh better than anyone else does, so make sure that you use that knowledge to laugh with them on a regular basis.
    A. Those who laugh last laugh best.
    B. Choose activities that you both enjoy.
    C. Encouraging your friend to talk to you.
    D. Helping your friend get treatment for depression.
    E. Laughter is known as the best medicine for a reason.
    F. Therefore, they can contact you right away if they need you.
    G. You could say, “You are such a gifted artist. I really admire your talent.”
    【答案】16. D 17. F 18. G 19. B 20. E
    下文提到“制定计划去做那些事情,这样你的朋友就会一直有所期待。”承接下文,B选项“选择你们都喜欢的活动。”切题,且选项中的activities与下文的those things呼应。故选B。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节,满分65分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)
    That year I was eleven and in sixth grade. In Wethersfield, all sixth-graders are ____21____ to take part in the R.O.P.E. Program. Its main ____22____ is to believe your peers(同龄人), work together, and ____23____ new adventures. These programs including falling backward and ____24____ peers to catch you, working together to fit into a small circle and something of that kind.
    I was ready to take part in these ____25____. Falling backward and fitting into a small circle were nothing to me. Crossing over a stream(小溪)with nothing holding me up but a rope was brave, but I could ____26____ it.
    Finally the day came when my sixth grade class would travel to climb and rappel(绕绳下滑)a mountain in Southington. Those people who were too ____27____ were allowed to practice climbing and rappelling a smaller area of rocks, but that wasn’t for me. I could climb the big mountain.
    Twenty minutes later, my ____28____ arrived. As I was well____29____, I set off at once. I got a quarter of the way up but couldn’t seem to get any _____30_____. I tried and tried. I began to put myself down and cry. There was nothing more _____31_____ than my classmates were looking at me. All I kept _____32_____ was “Lisa, you can do it.
    “Try to fit your foot in there. _____33_____, Lisa. You’re almost there.” It was then that I thought to myself, “Why am I crying? I can do this.” Almost _____34_____ I went on going up the mountain. Within five minutes I successfully _____35_____ it to the top.
    21. A. forced B. reported C. required D. reminded
    22. A. idea B. result C. question D. road
    23. A. run B. introduce C. experience D. describe
    24. A. begging B. thinking C. promising D. trusting
    25. A. lectures B. discussions C. stories D. activities
    26. A. manage B. discover C. change D. need
    27. A. naughty B. noisy C. frightened D. annoyed
    28. A. friend B. turn C. teacher D. day
    29. A. relaxed B. balanced C. organized D. prepared
    30. A. quicker B. warmer C. farther D. longer
    31. A. awkward B. amazing C. annoying D. exciting
    32. A. shouting B. remembering C. learning D. hearing
    33. A. Watch out B. Come on C. Hurry up D. Walk along
    34. A. completely B. carefully C. dangerously D. immediately
    35. A. reached B. made C. got D. took
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在Wethersfield,所有六年级学生都被要求参加R.O.P.E.项目。A. forced强迫;B. reported报道;C. required要求;D. reminded提醒。be required to do sth.被要求做某事。根据“In Wethersfield, all sixth-graders”可知,Wethersfield的传统是,所有六年级学生都被要求参加R.O.P.E.项目。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它的主要想法是相信你的同龄人,一起努力,体验新的冒险。A. idea想法、思想;B. result结果;C. question问题;D. road路。根据“to believe your peers , work together, and____3____new adventures.”可知,相信你的同龄人,一起努力,体验新的冒险,是R.O.P.E.项目的想法。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它的主要思想是相信你的同龄人,一起努力,体验新的冒险。A. run跑;B. introduce介绍;C. experience体验;D. describe描述。根据“new adventures”可知,和下文作者的攀登体验可知,此处指R.O.P.E.项目让六年级学生体验新的冒险。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些计划包括向后倒下并相信同龄人会抓住你,共同努力融入一个小圈子等等。A. begging祈求;B. thinking思考;C. promising承诺;D. trusting信任。根据“Its main ____2____ is to believe your peers(同龄人),”可知,R.O.P.E.项目的目的是相信你的同龄人,所以向后倒下时,你应该相信你的同龄人会抓住你。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我准备参加这些活动。A. lectures演讲;B. discussions讨论;C. stories故事;D. activities活动。根据“Falling backward and fitting into a small circle were nothing to me. Crossing over a stream(小溪)with nothing holding me up but a rope was brave, but I could ____6____ it.”可知,作者六年级了,要准备参加R.O.P.E.项目的各种活动了,如向后倒下、共同努力融入一个小圈子和用一根绳子过小溪等。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:越过小溪时,除了一根绳子,没什么能支撑我,这需要勇敢,但我能做到。A. manage做成;设法对付;B. discover发现;C. change改变;D. need需要。根据“Crossing over a stream(小溪)with nothing holding me up but a rope was brave, but”可知,but表转折,尽管只有一根绳子过小溪,但作者觉得自己能设法对付这种情况。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那些太害怕的人被允许在一小块岩石上练习攀爬和绕绳下滑,但这对我来说不合适。A. naughty淘气的;B. noisy吵闹的;C. frightened害怕的;D. annoyed恼怒的。根据“were allowed to practice climbing and rappelling a smaller area of rocks, but that wasn’t for me. I could climb the big mountain.”可知,相较于胆大的作者敢爬大山而言,只能在一小块岩石上练习攀爬和绕绳下滑的学生很胆小、害怕。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:二十分钟后,轮到我了。A. friend朋友;B. turn(依次轮到的)机会;C. teacher教师;D. day日子。根据“As I was well____9____, I set off at once.”可知,作者开始爬了,说明轮到作者攀登了。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于我准备充分,我立刻出发了。A. relaxed放松的;B. balanced均衡的;C. organized有条理的;D. prepared准备好的。根据“I could climb the big mountain.”可知,作者认为自己可以爬大山,信心满满,应该是准备好出发了。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我走了四分之一路,但似乎无法走得更远了。A. quicker更快的;B. warmer更温暖的;C. farther更远的;D. longer更长的。根据“I began to put myself down and cry.”可知,与上文作者信心满满认为自己能爬大山相对,作者攀爬受挫,山不是那么好攀爬的,因为似乎无法攀爬得更远,所以沮丧地哭了起来。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有什么比我的同学看着我更尴尬的了。A. awkward令人尴尬的;B. amazing令人大为惊奇的;C. annoying恼人的;D. exciting令人激动的。根据“I began to put myself down and cry.”和“my classmates were looking at me.”可知,作者攀爬受挫,开始哭泣,被同学看到,自觉非常尴尬。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一直听到的是“丽莎,你能行。试着把你的脚放进去。快点,丽莎,你就快到了。”A. shouting大叫;B. remembering记得;C. learning学习;D. hearing听见。根据“Lisa, you can do it. Try to fit your foot in there.”可知,“丽莎,你能行。试着把你的脚放进去。”是作者听到的内容。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我一直听到的是“丽莎,你能行。试着把你的脚放进去。快点,丽莎,你就快到了。”A. Watch out小心;B. Come on加油;C. Hurry up赶快;D. Walk along沿着……走。根据“You’re almost there.”可知,所以这是对方鼓励作者的话语,Come on符合语境。选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我几乎立刻继续攀爬上山。A. completely完全地;B. carefully认真地;C. dangerously危险地;D. immediately立刻。根据“Lisa. You’re almost there.”可知,听到对方鼓励自己快要到山顶的话,作者立马重拾信心,攀爬上山。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:不到五分钟,我就成功地登上了顶峰。A. reached到达(及物动词);B. make使得、成功到达;C. got到达(不及物动词);D. took拿走。make it成功。 根据“successfully”可知,作者成功登顶。make it to somewhere成功到达某地。故选B。
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    More than 11,000 scientists are warning that the Earth, in their words, "clearly faces a climate emergency."The scientists represent several fields of study and come from 150 ___36___ (country) around the world. They approved a report that appeared in the publication Bioscience _____37_____ (early) this month. It warns ____38____ the world would face "untold human suffering" if it does not make deep and lasting shifts in human activities that influence climate change.
    The new report _____39_____ (call) the "World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency." This is the first time _____40_____ large group of scientists have jointly(共同地) used the word "emergency" when ____41____ (talk) about climate change."Despite 40 years of global climate negotiations...we have generally conducted business as usual and have ____42____ (large) failed to address this predicament(艰难处境)," the study said. "Climate change has arrived and is accelerating faster than many scientists expected."The report identified six areas that the world needs to deal____43____ immediately. The scientists appealed to nations _____44_____ (use) energy more efficiently and cut their use of fossil fuels. They suggested that lawmakers approve taxes on the burning of carbon-based fuels, such as coal, oil and _____45_____ (nature) gas.
    【答案】36. countries
    37. earlier
    38. that 39. is called
    40. a 41. talking
    42. largely
    43. with 44. to use
    45. natural
    考查常见用法。句意:他们认可了本月初发表在《生物科学》杂志上的一份报告。表示本月初,用earlier this month表达,所以填earlier。
    考查宾语从句。句意:它警告说,如果不对影响气候变化的人类活动做出深刻和持久的转变,世界将面临“难以言表的人类痛苦”。____3____ the world would face "untold human suffering" if it does not make deep and lasting shifts in human activities that influence climate change.是一个宾语从句,引导词在从句中不作任何成分,也没有实际意义,用that引导该从句,所以填that。
    考查时态和语态。句意:这份新的报告被称为“世界科学家对气候紧急情况的警告”。描述一个客观的事实,用一般现在时;“新的报告”和“称为”之间是被动关系,用被动语态;主语The new report是单数,谓语动词用单数,所以填is called。
    考查固定短语。句意:这是第一次一大群科学家在谈论气候变化时联合使用“紧急情况”一词。a group of一群,该短语是固定短语,所以填a。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这是第一次一大群科学家在谈论气候变化时联合使用“紧急情况”一词。分析句子结构,when ____6____ (talk) about climate change.是分词作时间状语,talk与其逻辑主语a large group of scientists之间是主动关系,用现在分词,所以填talking。
    考查固定短语。句意:该报告确定了世界需要立即处理的六个领域。deal with处理,该短语是固定短语,所以填with。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:科学家们呼吁各国提高能源使用效率,减少化石燃料的使用。表示“为了提高能源使用效率”,用不定式作目的状语,所以填to use。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是高二学生李华。你的英国朋友Peter正在做一项关于中国高中生做家务的调查, 想了解你的情况, 请给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 你平时做家务的情况;
    2. 你对高中生做家务看法。
    1. 词数100词左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节, 使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Peter,
    Knowing that you are conducting a survey of the housework that high school students do at home, I’m writing to inform you about what I do.
    Although my school schedule is rather tight, I still manage to help with the housework from time to time. Not only do I wash dishes after dinner, but I also deal with other things like sweeping the floor and taking out the trash.
    I hold the opinion that high school students should do some housework. For one thing, it is by doing housework that we learn to shoulder responsibility. For another, I find the time spent doing housework with my parents really fun and rewarding.
    I hope that what I mentioned above will be of great use to your survey.
    Li Hua
    实施:conduct→carry out
    有时:from time to time=at intervals
    原句:For another, I find the time spent doing housework with my parents really fun and rewarding.
    拓展句:For another, I find the time which is spent doing housework with my parents really fun and rewarding.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Knowing that you are conducting a survey of the housework that high school students do at home, I’m writing to inform you about what I do. (运用了现在分词作状语和that引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Not only do I wash dishes after dinner, but I also deal with other things like sweeping the floor and taking out the trash. (运用了部分倒装)
    [高分句型3] For one thing, it is by doing housework that we learn to shoulder responsibility. (运用了it强调句句式)
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    There was a thick forest on the sides of a mountain. Many kinds of animals lived in the forest. A deer was eating grass and leaves with her two young ones. The young ones wandered happily here and there. The deer followed her fawns(幼鹿) into a cave. The deer was frightened because it was a tiger’s cave. There were bones of dead animals all over the cave. Fortunately, the tiger was not inside the cave at the time.
    The deer was trying to lead her young ones out of the cave when she heard a loud roar. She saw the tiger at a distance coming towards the cave. It was dangerous to go out of the cave now. She thought of a plan. The deer raised her voice and shouted, “My deer young children do not weep. I shall capture(捕捉) a tiger for you to eat. You can have a good dinner.”
    The tiger heard these words and became frightened. He thought, “Whose is that strange voice from the cave? A dangerous animal is staying inside to capture me. I shall run away to escape death.” The tiger began to run away from there as fast as possible.
    A jackal(胡狼) saw the running tiger. “Why are you running in great fear?” the jackal asked. The tiger said, “My friend, a powerful and fierce animal is in my cave. The young ones are crying for a tiger to eat. The mother is promising to capture a tiger for them. So, I am running away.”
    The cunning jackal was now sure the tiger was a coward(懦夫). It said, “Don’t be afraid. No animal is fiercer or stronger than a tiger Let us go together to find out.”
    But the tiger said, “I do not want to take a chance. You may run away. I will be left alone to die. So, I will not come with you.”
    The jackal said, “Trust me. Let us knot(打结) our tails together. Then I will not be able to leave you.” The tiger agreed unwillingly to this proposal. So the jackal tied their tails in a knot. Now they walked towards the cave together.
    注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150字左右;
    2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分为两段,开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    The deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming together.
    The tiger was shocked to hear this and he was sure now the jackal cheated him.
    The deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming together. She again raised her voice. She shouted towards her children standing inside the cave, “My dear children, I requested my friend, the clever jackal, to capture a tiger for us. Now look the jackal has captured a tiger for us. He has tied the tiger’s tail to his tail. This is to prevent the tiger from escaping. You will soon have the tiger for dinner.”
    The tiger was shocked to hear this and he was sure now the jackal cheated him. So, the tiger decided to escape from the terrible animal standing inside his cave. He started running. He forgot about the jackal. He dragged the jackal over rocks and thorns. In the mad escape the jackal was caught between two rocks. The tiger pulled with all his might. His tail got cut. The jackal was killed in this incident. The tail-less tiger ran away to another part of the forest. The deer and her young ones left the tiger’s cave. They joined their herd safely. Presence of mind and intelligence can save one from dangerous situations.
    【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:shout towards, have sth. for dinner, save from等高级词汇;非谓语动词的运用She shouted towards her children standing inside the cave;运用一般过去时的被动语态In the mad escape the jackal was caught between two rocks.等高级句式。

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