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    (满分:150分, 时间120分钟)
    1. What's wrong with the man's old phone?
    A. It is broken. B.It is bad-looking. C. It is slow.
    2. When will the meeting probably start?B. It is bad-looking.
    A. At 5:30 p.m. B. At 5:40 p.m. C. At 5: 50 p.m.
    3. Why was the man carrying the bottles originally?
    A. He had just bought them.
    B. He wanted to recycle them.
    C. He was going to throw them away.
    4. What are the speakers talking about?
    A A rocket. B. The space C. A scientist.
    5 What problem have the hurricanes caused?
    A. Some buildings have been ruined.
    B. A few farms have been destroyed.
    C. Many people have died.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. How did the last picture make the man feel?
    A.Sad. B.Glad. C.Angry.
    7. What is the picture the speakers are looking at about?
    A.A woman. B.A boat. C.Some children.
    8. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A.Salesperson and customer.
    B.Husband and wife.
    9. Why does the man refuse to buy the painting robot?
    A.It won’t deal with his house.
    B.Hiring human painters will be cheaper.
    C.He likes to do the house painting on his own.
    10. How did the woman get new information?
    A.By taking him to some restaurants.
    B.By sending an email to his parents.
    C.By recommending some good restaurants to him.
    11. What does the man’s sister do in London?
    A.She studies there.
    B.She has a job there.
    C.She is on vacation there.
    12. What is the man’s major?
    A.Business. B.Computer science. C.Medicine.
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a recycling center. B. At a repair shop. C. At the woman's home.
    14.What does the woman do to protect the environment?
    A. She saves electricity. B. She recycles old clothes. C. She reuses paper products.
    15. What is the weather like today?
    A. Windy. B. Sunny. C.Rainy.
    16. What will the man do next?
    A. Reset the heating. B. Buy a tool box. C.Make dinner.
    听第10 段材料,回答第17至20题。
    17. Who is the speaker talking to?
    A. Parents. B. High school graduates. C. College professors.
    18. What is real success according to the speaker?
    A. Not being the same as everyone else.
    B. Leading a safe and comfortable life.
    C. Having courage to deal with fears.
    19. What did the speaker's mother suggest she do?
    A. Find a safe job. B. Follow her dream. C. Run her own factory.
    20. What is the speaker's job?
    A. A scientist. B. An actress. C. An artist.
    第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 
    Take a look at the best musicals and shows in London’s West End right now. Find your favorite West End musical from heartwarming adaptations and award-winning scores to funny musical theatres. Don't wait. Book discounted theatre tickets online with us now to enjoy unforgettable, world-class theatre performances!
    The Book of Mormon at the Prince of Wales Theatre
    This comedy musical follows the troubling situation of a pair of teenage Mormon missionaries (传教士), who were sent to change a village in a dangerous part of Uganda. The Book of Mormon has won nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Booking until July 2020. Prices from £ 20.00.
    Wicked at the Apollo Victoria
    Based on the praised novel by Gregory Maguire, Wicked tells the untold story of the Witches of Oz (奥兹国女巫). Experience this unforgettable, award-winning musical and discover the hidden story of Oz. Booking until Oct. 2020. Prices from £19.50.
    Kinky Boots at the Adelphi Theatre
    The multi-award-winning hit musical arrives in London’s Adelphi Theatre. Featuring a book by Tony Award winner Harvey Fierstein, and music and lyrics by pop icon Cyndi Lauper, this heartwarming tale based on a real event is sure to amaze the audience. Booking until Sept. 2020. Prices from £19.50.
    School of Rock at New London Theatre
    Rock out with the whole family at this award-winning new musical. Based on the popular movie in 2003, School of Rock follows the funny story of Dewey Finn and his exploration to change a class of A-grade students into the best rock group. Booking until Nov. 2020. Prices from £15.00.
    1. Which musical is adapted from a true story?
    A. Wicked B. Kinky Boots
    C. School of Rock D. The Book of Mormon

    2. Where can we probably see a musical about school life?
    A. At the Adelphi Theatre B. At the Apollo Victoria
    C. At New London Theatre D. At the Prince of Wales Theatre
    3. What is the lowest price to see all the musicals?
    A. £39 B. £59
    C. £89 D. £74
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D
    细节理解。根据文章第四段Featuring a book by Tony Award winner Harvey Fierstein, and music and lyrics by pop icon Cyndi Lauper, this heartwarming tale based on a real event is sure to amaze the audience(托尼奖得主哈维·菲尔斯坦的书,流行偶像辛蒂·劳帕的歌曲和歌词,这部根据真实事件改编的感人故事一定会让观众们感到惊讶)可知,Kinky Boots是根据真实事件改编的感人故事。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Based on the popular movie in 2003, School of Rock follows the funny story of Dewey Finn and his exploration to change a class of A-grade students into the best rock group(《摇滚学校》以2003年的流行电影为蓝本,讲述了杜威·芬恩(Dewey Finn)的有趣故事,以及他将一班A年级学生转变为最佳摇滚乐队的探索)可知,School of Rock 是讲述学校生活的。而这部音乐剧将会在New London Theatre表演。故选C项。
    细节理解题。综合全文可知,The Book of Mormon的价格是£ 20.00;Wicked的价格是£19.50;Kinky Boots的价格是£19.5;School of Rock的价格是£15。四者相加的价格是£74。故选D项。
    Harper Lee (1926-2016) was an American novelist widely known for To Kill a Mockingbird (published in 1960), which won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize and has become a classic of modern American literature. The 1962 film adaptation starring Gregory Peck won three Academy Awards.
    For decades, the book was Lee’s only major work of published fiction, but it was hugely influential for generations of US readers. It has sold more than 10 million copies, and is one of the most widely taught novels in the US schools. In 2007 she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her contributions to literature.
    Lee wanted to live a simple life and was never comfortable with the attention the novel won her, and she practically disappeared from public life after it appeared. The world, however, continued waiting for a new novel from her, and on occasion she suggested that she was working on another story.
    In 2015, a book did come out. Go Set a Watchman was more of a first draft, featuring Scout, the young girl who was the main character of To Kill a Mockingbird. Go Set a Watchman tells a story of Scout as adult. Criticism arose that the 89-year-old Lee was not able to agree to the manuscript’s release, and that other people had signed on her behalf.
    Though Lee moved to New York in 1949, she spent many years guarding her privacy (隐私) in Monroeville, which served as the clear inspiration for the setting in To Kill a Mockingbird.
    In 2007, Lee suffered a stroke (中风), but recovered and later settled in Monroeville permanently to care for her sister, Alice, who died in 2014. She was said to eat breakfast every morning at the same fast-food spot, and was friendly with her neighbors. The countless Americans knew her only through her works, and they will undoubtedly miss her.
    4. What can be learned about Harper Lee from the first two paragraphs?
    A. She was regarded the greatest writer in America.
    B. She made great contributions to American literature.
    C. She once starred in a film adapted from her own novel.
    D She is the most popular writer in American schools in history.
    5. Why did Harper Lee disappear from public life after her first novel came out?
    A. She tried to get out of criticism.
    B. She wanted to write another novel.
    C. She suffered a stroke and was in recovery.
    D. She wasn’t comfortable with her novel’s influence.
    6. What can we learn about Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman?
    A. It is based on her own life story. B. It is adapted into a famous film.
    C. It won her lots of honors and awards. D. It continues the story of her earlier novel.
    7. What can be used to describe Harper Lee?
    A. Influential but simple. B. Ill-tempered but productive.
    C. Caring but stubborn. D. Inspiring but struggling.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。《杀死一只知更鸟》该书获得了1961年的普利策奖,并成为美国现代文学的经典之作。主要介绍了美国小说家Harper Lee创作该书一些背后的故事以及她的个人生活。
    细节理解题。文章第一段第一句提到“Harper Lee (1926-2016) was an American novelist widely known for To Kill a Mockingbird (published in 1960), which won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize and has become a classic of modern American literature. ”(Harper Lee是美国小说家,因1960年出版的《杀死一只知更鸟》而广为人知,该书获得了1961年的普利策奖,成为美国现代文学的经典之作)和第二段最后一句“In 2007 she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her contributions to literature.”(2007年,她被授予总统自由勋章,以表彰她对文学的贡献)可知,前两段主要想表达Harper Lee对美国文学作出了巨大的贡献。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句“Lee wanted to live a simple life and was never comfortable with the attention the novel won her, and she practically disappeared from public life after it appeared.”(Lee想过一种简单的生活,对小说为她赢得的关注感到不自在,小说出版后,她几乎从公众生活中消失了)可知,小说让Lee受到了关注,使得她感到不自在,所以选择淡出公众生活。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二、三句“Go Set a Watchman was more of a first draft, featuring Scout, the young girl who was the main character of To Kill a Mockingbird. Go Set a Watchman tells a story of Scout as an adult.”(《设立守望者》更像是一个初稿,主角是《杀死一只知更鸟》里的主角一年轻女孩Scout。《设立守望者》 讲述了Scout成年后的故事)可知,《设立守望者》 讲述的是《杀死一只知更鸟》的主角成年后的故事,即《设立守望者》是《杀死一只知更鸟》的续作。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句“In 2007 she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her contributions to literature.”(2007年,她被授予总统自由勋章,以表彰她对文学的贡献)可知,Harper Lee因为其对文学的贡献是有影响力的;再结合第三段“Lee wanted to live a simple life.”(Lee想过一种简单的生活)可知她想过简单的生活,以及最后一段“She was said to eat breakfast every morning at the same fast- food spot, and was friendly with her neighbors.”(据说她每天早上在同一快餐店吃早餐,并且对邻居很友好)可知,她对邻居们很友好。人比较简单的。所以A项说法正确。B项Ill-tempered but productive.“脾气暴躁但富有成效的”文中未提到她脾气坏的一面,排除B项。C项Caring but stubborn.“关心人的但固执的”,最后一段提到was friendly with her neighbors.(对她的邻居很友好),但并未提到她固执的一面,排除C项。D项Inspiring but struggling.“鼓舞人心的且艰难的”根据前文可知Lee的作品对文学的贡献,最后一句提到The countless Americans knew her only through her works, and they will undoubtedly miss her.(无数的美国人只是通过她的作品认识她,他们无疑会想念她)这一点是非常鼓舞人心的,但文中并未提到其很艰难的一面,排除D项。故选A。
    Well, to pick up where we left off last time. I’m certain that you know all too well the dangers hiding on the World Wide Web. And whether it’s for schoolwork, entertainment, or just socializing with friends, the Internet will surely be a major part of your child’s life. So, it’s important to secure their online stays.
    It’s not the easiest thing, but keeping open lines of communication is primary. Let them know they can share their online activities with you. Talk to them about their online presence as early as possible, ideally before they begin to use email, social media, or a smartphone. Discuss what they find interesting online and learning from them about popular websites and apps; this will create understanding and allow you to identify potential risks.
    Next, monitor without spying. Most kids learn to understand boundaries, like respecting others’ personal space, or not opening the cookie jar without asking. Internet use is no different. It’s helpful for kids to have ground rules as to which websites they can visit,which apps they can use, and what they can share online. Remind them that if they feel uneasy with anything that occurs online, they need to alert an adult immediately.
    How you handle your kids’ internet usage will depend in large part on their age. There are sites and browsing tools meant for younger kids, such as YouTube Kids,which aims to provide a safe online experience for children.Older kids may be allowed more freedom since they want to network and need to use the internet for information-gathering. But you can set boundaries that feel right for you. Just limit access appropriately.
    Allowing your children to make good decisions online teaches them responsibility, shows that you trust them, and reminds them that rules may be tightened if they disobey them. Stay tuned.
    8. What might be talked about last time?
    A. The history of the World Wide Web. B. How the Internet influences people.
    C. The potential dangers of the Internet. D. What information the Internet offers.
    9. What does Paragraph 2 suggest people do?
    A. Never be narrow-minded. B. Communicate effectively.
    C. Share personal information. D. Identify with your children.
    10. What does “alert” underlined in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Inform. B. Reveal. C. Look after. D. Tell off.
    11. What is the best title for the text?
    A. What Is Hidden on the Net? B. How to Make Online Stays?
    C. Be a Smarter Internet User D. Keep Your Kids Safe Online
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. A 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Well, to pick up where we left off last time. I’m certain that you know all too well the dangers hiding on the World Wide Web.(好吧,继续上节课的内容。我敢肯定,你太了解万维网上隐藏的危险了)”可推断,上节课可能讨论了网络的潜在危险。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“It’s not the easiest thing, but keeping open lines of communication is primary. (这不是最简单的事情,但保持沟通渠道畅通是最重要的)”及本段内容可知,本段主要建议人们和孩子进行有效的沟通。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词前半句“Remind them that if they feel uneasy with anything that occurs online,( 提醒他们,如果他们对网上发生的任何事情感到不安)”可知,提醒孩子,网上任何异样的事情,都要立即告知大人。由此推知,划线词alert为“告知、通知”之意。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“ So, it’s important to secure their online stays.( 因此,确保他们在网上的安全是很重要的)”及全文,文章主要提供了“如何保障孩子网上活动安全”的几条建议。由此可知,“Keep Your Kids Safe Online(保证你的孩子安全上网)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选D。
    A meteorite (陨石) flew fast across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Friday, raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave that smashed windows, damaged buildings and injured l,200 people.
    People heading to work in Chelyabinsk heard what sounded like an explosion, saw a bright light and then felt the shock wave.
    According to Russian space agency Roscosmos, the fireball, travelling at a speed of 30km per second, had burnt very brightly across the horizon, leaving a long white trail that could be seen as far as 200km away. Car alarms went off, thousands of windows shattered and mobile phone networks were disrupted.
    “I was driving to work, it was quite dark, but it suddenly became as bright as if it were day,” said Viktor Prokofiev, 36, a resident of Yekaterinburg in the Urals Mountains. “I felt like I was blinded by headlights.”
    The meteorite, which weighed about 20 tons and may have been made of iron, entered Earth’s atmosphere and broke apart 30-50km above ground, according to Russia’s Academy of Sciences.
    The energy released when it entered the Earth’s atmosphere was about several thousand tons, the academy said, the power of a small atomic weapon exploding.
    No deaths were reported, but the Emergencies Ministry said 20,000 rescue and clean-up workers were sent to the region after President Vladimir Putin told Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov to ease the disruption and help the victims.
    The Interior Ministry said about l,200 people had been injured, at least 200 of them children, and most from broken pieces of glass.“While events this big are rare, an impact that could cause damage and death could happen every century or so. Unfortunately there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop impacts.”
    12. When did the meteorite incident happen?
    A. At midnight. B. In the early morning. C. In the late morning. D. In the evening.
    13. According to the text, the meteorite explosion caused _________.
    A. some deaths B. road accidents C. communication problems D. building collapse
    14. The Russian government’s response to the incident was ________.
    A. a little slow but effective B. quick and serious
    C. cold and slow D. quick but ineffective
    15. It can be inferred that the loss caused by meteorites _________.
    A. is nearly unavoidable B. happens every few years
    C. can be avoided D. is hard to estimate
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第三段“I was driving to work, it was quite dark, but it suddenly became as bright as if it were day(我开车去上班,天很黑,但突然明亮起来,就像白天一样)”可知,是在人们上班的时候,天还很黑,所以是一大早,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Car alarms went off, thousands of windows shattered and mobile phone networks were disrupted.(汽车警报响起,数千扇窗户被震碎,手机网络中断)”可知,陨石爆炸导致手机网络中断,也就是信息交流出现问题。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“No deaths were reported, but the Emergencies Ministry said 20,000 rescue and clean-up workers were sent to the region after President Vladimir Putin told Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov to ease the disruption and help the victims.(没有死亡报告,但紧急情况部说,2万名救援和清理工作人员已被派往灾区。此前,俄罗斯总统普京要求紧急情况部部长普契科夫缓解混乱,帮助受害者)”可知,俄罗斯政府对这个事故的反应是很快的而且是严肃的,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Unfortunately there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop impacts.(不幸的是,我们完全无法阻止撞击)”可知,陨石造成的损失几乎是无法避免的。故选A。
    School success means different things to different people. No matter what success means to you, strong study skills, confidence and goals are key components. ____16____. Therefore, why not try the following tips to achieve it?
    Organize yourself
    When a student lacks organization, he struggles to complete schoolwork on time, or find time to study. ____17____. When you sit down to study, you need to organize your time well by allowing enough time for each task. You also need an organized backpack that allows you to transport materials to and from classes.
    Spending time with friends, working a part-time job and pursuing other interests has a place. However, you also need to leave time to achieve academic goals, or else your studies will be affected negatively. For example, working too many hours at a job reduces study and sleep time, possibly meaning missed school and difficulty concentrating due to being tired.
    Look for support
    Whether or not you struggle in school, a support network helps you succeed. So communicate with your teacher outside of class time to ask for help when you struggle. ___19___. If your friends think school is a waste of time, you may be influenced to think so.
    Go beyond the classroom
    Learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors. ____20____. When a topic in the classroom interests you, you should do a little research on your own. For example, set up your own experiment based on something you learned in science class.
    A. Balance activities and your studies
    B. It isn’t limited to the information on the next exam
    C. Never miss school
    D. Surround yourself with classmates who also want to succeed in school
    E. For students who struggle in school, additional support is necessary for success
    F. You need an organized study place at home for completing homework and studying
    G. School success opens up doors for future achievements for students at all grade levels
    【答案】16. G 17. F 18. A 19. D 20. B
    根据后句“Therefore, why not try the following tips to achieve it?”因此,为什么不尝试以下方法来实现呢?可知,G项“School success opens up doors for future achievements for students at all grade levels”学校的成功为各个年级的学生打开了通往未来成就的大门。中achievements“成就”与下句中achieve“达成”相呼应。故选G项。
    根据前句“When a student lacks organization, he struggles to complete schoolwork on time, or find time to study.”当学生缺乏规划时,他很难按时完成功课,或找不到时间学习。可知,F项“You need an organized study place at home for completing homework and studying”你需要在家中有序的学习场所来完成作业和学习。中organized与前文organization“规划”、和后句中organize“规划”相呼应。故选F项。
    根据本段中“Spending time with friends, working a part-time job and pursuing other interests has a place.”与朋友共度时光,打零工和追求其他兴趣很重要。以及“However, you also need to leave time to achieve academic goals, or else your studies will be affected negatively.” 但是你还需要留出时间实现学习目标,否则学习会受到负面影响。可知,A项“Balance activities and your studies” 平衡课外活动和学习。与后句两个分述点形成平行结构,适合作为小标题位于段首,故选A项。
    根据后句“If your friends think school is a waste of time, you may be influenced to think so.”如果你朋友认为学校浪费时间,那么你可能会受到影响。可知D项“Surround yourself with classmates who also want to succeed in school”与也想在学校取得成功的同学们在一起。与后句中“If your friends think school is a waste of time,”如果你的朋友觉得学校学习是浪费时间。形成对比关系。故选D项。
    根据前句“Learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors.”学习不仅局限于教室之内。以及后句中“When a topic in the classroom interests you, you should do a little research on your own.” 当某个主题引起您的兴趣时,你应该自己做一些研究。可知,B项“It isn’t limited to the information on the next exam”不仅局限于下一次考试方面的信息。意在表明学习不要只局限于当下所学的,要多去学习一些感兴趣的。与本段小标题“Go beyond the classroom”和后句中interests“感兴趣”形成呼应关系,逻辑紧密。故选B项。
    第三节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 
    It was dark and I was standing in front of a ____21____ house in an unfamiliar street in Sydney’s northwest, rescue box in hand, leather gloves under my arm, my head full of instructions to ____22____. The little bird waiting inside the house would be my first ____23____ as a volunteer wildlife rescuer since I’d completed a two-day training course the previous month. A call had come through that afternoon asking for help ____24____ a bird of an unknown species was being attacked by two youngsters in his garden. He ____25____ the children and grabbed their victim.
    I went inside to see my very first patient. I was ____26____, yet with the man watching on, I would have to look confident. With great care, I lifted the edge of the shoe box very ____27____ to see a tiny-looking bird standing to attention on very thin legs.
    The bird was shivering, so I decided not to grab it by hand but just transfer the whole shoebox into my rescue box. I didn’t want to appear incompetent.
    Back home, I couldn’t see any obvious ____28____ of injury. I hadn’t seen this species of bird before, so I googled for a ____29____ on the Internet. After a while, I came across something that looked like a match: a fantail, so called because of its _____30_____ feathers that, when fully open, spread out into a neat little “fan”.
    I phoned the bird specialist of my local rescue group. She told me this species hunts _____31_____ on the wing, and I needed to release it the next day on the same street it came from.
    I waited until evening the next day, which would provide the cover of _____32_____, to release it. I was back on the street where I’d rescued it, gently holding the bird, and wondered what would be _____33_____ for this delicate creature this time around. Nothing. It would have to take care of itself just as before, and be strong enough to catch some insects and recover its energy levels without delay.
    I held the bird as _____34_____ as I could to give it a good lift-off: the little bird _____35_____ swiftly into the darkness without a pause. My first rescue had ended in a successful release.
    21. A. friend’s B. doctor’s C. stranger’s D. patient’s
    22. A. read B. follow C. notice D. announce
    23. A. test B. vacation C. entertainment D. competition
    24. A. so B. as C. unless D. until
    25. A. scared off B. caught up C. fought for D. talked back
    26. A. courageous B. careful C. anxious D. curious
    27. A. impatiently B. slightly C. hurriedly D. noisily
    28. A. symbol B. proof C. sign D. cause
    29. A. kind B. variety C. species D. likeness
    30. A. head B. neck C. body D. tail
    31. A. insects B. pests C. beetles D. worms
    32. A. light B. power C. blanket D. darkness
    33. A. similar B. different C. risky D. harmful
    34. A. high B. far C. low D. close
    35. A. fell away B. got down C. ran across D. flew off
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D
    考查名词所有格辨析。句意:天黑了,我站在悉尼西北部一条陌生街道上一个陌生人的家门前,手里拿着救援箱,腋下夹着皮手套,脑子里充满了要遵循的操作说明。A. friend’s朋友的;B. doctor’s医生的;C. stranger’s陌生人的;D. patient’s病人的。根据句中的“in an unfamiliar street”可知,这是陌生人的家门前。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. read阅读;B. follow遵循;C. notice注意到;D. announce宣布。根据下文中的“I’d completed a two-day training course the previous month”可知,作者上一个月刚完成一个为期两天的培训,应该是不太熟悉救助流程,所以才在脑子里回想要遵循的操作说明。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为上个月我完成了为期两天的培训课程,所以这只在房子里等待的小鸟将是我作为野生动物救援志愿者的第一次测试。A. test测试;B. vacation假期;C. entertainment娱乐;D. competition比赛。根据下文中的“my very first patient”可知,这是作者第一次救援动物,所以是他的第一次测试。故选A。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:那天下午,由于一只未知物种的鸟在他的花园里遭到两个年轻人的袭击,有人打来电话寻求帮助。A. so因此;B. as因为;C. unless除非;D. until直到……才。上文“A call had come through”说有人打来电话,下文“a bird of an unknown species was being attacked”说有一只鸟受到袭击,前后是因果关系,且前为果,后为因,应用as引导原因状语从句。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他吓跑了孩子们,抓住了这个受害者。A. scared off吓走;B. caught up赶上;C. fought for为……斗争;D. talked back顶嘴。根据句中的“grabbed their victim”可知,他先是吓跑了这两个孩子,然后才抓住这只小鸟。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很焦虑,但有人在看着,我必须看起来很自信。A. courageous勇敢的;B. careful小心的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. curious好奇的。yet前后表示转折,根据后面的“have to look confident”可知,这里应与看起来自信相反,表达的是内心其实很焦虑。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我小心翼翼地轻轻提起鞋盒的边缘,看到一只看起来很小的鸟纤细的腿立正站着。A. impatiently不耐烦地;B. slightly稍微;C. hurriedly匆匆地;D. noisily吵闹地。根据句中的“With great care”可知,作者稍微提起鞋盒,以免惊吓到小鸟。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:回到家里,我看不到任何明显的受伤迹象。A. symbol象征;B. proof证据;C. sign迹象;D. cause原因。根据空后的“of injury”可知,这里是说受伤的迹象。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我以前从未见过这种鸟,所以我在网上搜索画像。A. kind种类;B. variety种类;C. species物种;D. likeness画像,肖像。根据句中“googled”、下文中的“something that looked like a match”并结合常识,我们在网上搜索事物的时候往往是寻找这个事物匹配的照片。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:过了一会儿,我发现了一个看起来匹配的东西:一只扇尾鹟,之所以这么叫是因为它的尾羽在完全张开时会展开成一个整齐的小“扇”。A. head头;B. neck脖子;C. body身体;D. tail尾巴。根据构词法,“fantail”中含有“fan”和“tail”,下文已有“a neat little ‘fan’”,所以这里对应的是“tail”,表示尾羽。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她告诉我,这个物种用翅膀捕食昆虫,我需要第二天把它放在它来的同一条街上。A. insects昆虫;B. pests害虫;C. beetles甲虫;D. worms蠕虫。根据下文中的“catch some insects”可知,这里是insects的原词复现。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了把它放出来,我一直等到第二天晚上,这将提供黑暗的掩护。A. light光线;B. power力量;C. blanket毯子;D. darkness黑暗。根据句中的“I waited until evening”可知,等到晚上放生是因为夜色可以给小鸟提供黑暗的保护色。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我回到了救它的街道上,轻轻地抱着这只鸟,想知道这一次对这个纤弱的生物来说周围会有什么不同。A. similar相似的;B. different不同的;C. risky危险的;D. harmful有害的。根据下文中的“It would have to take care of itself just as before”可知,周围和以前一样,它还是需要自己照顾好自己。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我尽量把那只鸟举高,一边让它方便起飞:那只小鸟迅速飞到黑暗中,没有停留。A. high在高处,高;B. far远;C. low低;D. close接近地。根据句中的“to give it a good lift-off”可知,为了让小鸟更好地起飞,作者把它举得高高的。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意参考上题。A. fell away消散;B. got down记下;C. ran across偶然遇见(或看到);D. flew off飞走。根据下文中的“a successful release”可知,作者成功放生了小鸟,这说明小鸟飞走了。故选D。
    第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分) 
    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar ____36____ (divide) the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain, as the last term in spring, starts on April 20 and ends on May 4. Grain Rain originates from the old saying, “Rain brings up the ____37____ (grow) of hundreds of grains,” which shows this period of rainfall is ____38____ (extreme) important for crops. It signals the end of cold weather and a rapid rise in temperature. It also brings much rainfall and grains grow faster and ____39____ (strong).
    There is an old custom in southern China ____40____ people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during this time is rich in vitamins and amino acids, ____41____ (help) to remove heat from the body. People in ____42____ (north) China have the tradition to eat toona sinensis, ____43____ vegetable, which can strengthen the immune system. It is good for the stomach and skin too. In fishing ____44____ (village) in the north, Grain Rain means the start of the fishermen’s first voyage of the year. The custom dates back more than 2,000 years ago, _____45_____ people believed they owed a good harvest to the gods, who protected them from the stormy seas.
    【答案】36. divides
    37. growth 38. extremely
    39. stronger
    40. that 41. helping
    42. northern
    43. a 44. villages
    45. when
    考查动词的时态。句意:中国传统的农历将一年分为24个节气。分析句子可知,空格处应填入谓语动词。此处陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时;主语是The traditional Chinese lunar calendar,表示单数,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填divides。
    考查形容词的比较级。句意:它还带来了大量降雨,谷物生长得更快更强。根据空格前的“faster and”可知,and应连接两个平行结构,所以空格处也应填入形容词比较级。故填stronger。
    考查同位语从句。句意:中国南方有一个古老的风俗,人们在谷雨喝茶。分析句子可知,people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain.是对名词custom的补充说明,故空处引导同位语从句,从句不缺任何成分,且句意完整,故用that引导。故填that。
    考查现在分词。句意:这段时间的春茶富含维生素和氨基酸,有助于消除身体热量。分析句子可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词is且无连词,故空处应用非谓语动词,help与逻辑主语Spring tea之间为主动关系,应用现在分词。故填helping。
    考查定语从句。句意:这一习俗可以追溯到2000多年前,当时人们相信他们的丰收归功于神,神保护他们免受暴风雨的袭击。分析句子可知,空格处应填入定语从句的关系词。先行词为more than 2,000 years ago,定语从句中不缺主语和宾语,关系词在句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when。故填when。
    第二节 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分 )    
    46. As autumn a______(临近), the plants and colors in the garden changed. (根据中英文提示填空)
    47. Is there anywhere in p______(特别) you want to go? (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查固定短语。句意:你有什么特别想去的地方吗?根据汉语提示“特别”和首字母以及空前的in可知,此处应填particular,构成介词短语in particular。故填particular。
    48. How do you think we can achieve h______(和谐)with nature? (根据中英文提示填空)
    49. N______(如今), we can use Alipay or WeChat Pay instead of cash in most places buying things. (根据中英文提示填空)
    50. U______(更新) his blog has become something he has to do every day. (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:更新他的博客已经成为他每天都要做的事情。根据中英文提示和空后的his blog可知,空处应用及物动词update“更新”。主句的谓语为has become,所以空处应用动名词,作主语,表示习惯性、经常性的动作。故填Updating。
    51. Neuschwanstein Castle was served as i_______(启发,灵感) for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:新天鹅堡是迪士尼乐园睡美人城堡的灵感来源。be served as sth.意为“充当……”,为固定搭配,所以空处应用名词。结合中英文提示可知,这里应用名词inspiration“启发,灵感”,为不可数名词。故填inspiration。
    52 You could make a real difference to someone’s life by leaving them a g______(慷慨)legacy. (根据中英文提示填空)
    53. The green train brings great ________ (convenient) to the residents alongside. (所给词的适当形式填空)

    54. I hate the life I’m living now, s______(包围) with all kinds of pollution and technology. (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查动词的过去分词形式。句意:我讨厌我现在过的生活,周围充斥着各种污染和科技。分析句子结构,逗号前是一个完整的句子,逗号前后没有连接词连接,所以空处应用非谓语动词。结合中英文提示,这里应用及物动词surround“包围,围绕”。根据句意,逻辑主语the life和surround之间是动宾关系,所以应用动词的过去分词形式,作定语。故填surrounded。
    55. The room still has many of its o____________(原来的) features. (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:这个房间仍保留着许多原有的特色。修饰名词 features,用形容词形式。根据中英文提示及句意,故填original。
    56. He apologized, “Sorry. I was so deeply a______(全神贯注)in my work that I didn’t hear you.” (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:他道歉道:“对不起。我太专注于工作了,没听见你说话。”根据汉语意思提示可知,此处为动词短语be absorbed in“专心于”,满足句意要求,所以此处为形容词absorbed作表语。故填absorbed。
    57. The school has a policy to e______(确保)the safety of students during field trips. (根据中英文提示填空)
    58. He entered the room without p____________(许可). (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:他未经允许就进了房间。without permission未经允许。根据首字母提示及句意,故填permission。
    59. The heavy rain had caused serious d________ to the roof (破坏). (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:大雨对屋顶造成了严重的破坏。cause damage to带给……损害。根据中英文提示及句意,故填damage。
    60. Parents are all c________ about their children. (关心) (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:父母都很关心他们的孩子。be concerned about对……关心。根据中英文提示及句意,故填concerned。
    第三节 书面表达(满分25分) 
    61. 假定你是李华,外教Ryan准备将学生随机分为两人一组,让大家课后练习口语,你认为这样分组存在问题。请你给外教写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1.说明问题; 2. 提出建议。
    Dear Ryan,
    I’m Li Hua from class3.

    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Ryan,
    I am your student Li Hua. After learning about the way of grouping for the oral English class, I would like to offer some of my suggestions.
    I admit that randomly grouping may lead to more communication as well as interaction, but there can also be some potential problems. First of all, random grouping can result in students with imbalanced speaking competence being paired together. Both the stronger students and the weaker ones will definitely feel upset and worried with some feeling confident while others feeling severely discouraged. Additionally, some students may feel embarrassed chatting with people they are unfamiliar with.
    Therefore, will it be possible that you consider some other ways? Such as grouping students according to their English levels? Or can you carry out a questionnaire to ask the students? I can help if needed. Looking forward to your reply.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    和、也:as well as→ and/together with
    首先:first of all → initially
    担忧的:worried → concerned/anxious
    此外:additionally→ what’s more/besides
    原句:I am your student Li Hua.
    拓展句:I am Li Hua, who is your student.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I admit that randomly grouping may lead to more communication as well as interaction, but there can also be some potential problems.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)

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