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    这是一份安徽省滁州市定远县民族中学2022-2023学年高二英语上学期10月月考试题(Word版附答案),共14页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,5分,满分37, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。




    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30)

    第一节 (5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5)

    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    1.    Where does Susan live now?

    A. In America. B. In the UK. C. In Italy.

    1.    How long did Susan work for Ferragamo?

    A. About six months. B. About five years. C. About six years.

    1.    What can we learn about the woman?

    A. She enjoys being a designer.
    B. She has worked in several countries.
    C. She is going to build her own company.

    1.    What will the weather be like?

    A. Windy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.

    1.    What are the speakers doing?

    A. Reporting a match. B. Doing an interview.
    C. Discussing a world record. 



    1.    What do we know about Paul Timmons?

    A. He breaks a world record.
    B. He sets a European record.
    C. He was leading during the race.

    1.    What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A. Salesclerk and customer. B. Mother and son.
    C. Schoolmates. 


    1.    Why did the man decide to buy the green shoes?

    A. They were his first choice.
    B. They were comfortable to wear.
    C. They were popular among students.

    1.    Where does the conversation take place?

    A. In the street. B. In a bank. C. In a store.


    1. Why does the man want some change?

    A. To make a phone call. B. To buy notebooks.
    C. To take a bus. 

    1. When will the competition be held?

    A. On December 12th. B. On December 16th. C. On December 17th.

    1. Where is the competition to be held this year?

    A. At a music school. B. At the town hall.
    C. At the radio station. 


    1. What is the prize for the first-prize winner?

    A. A ride on a plane. B. A talk with musicians.
    C. A new instrument. 

    1. How can people get more information?

    A. By speaking to Maggie in person.
    B. By going to the radio station.
    C. By making a phone call.

    1. Why will the woman buy the white car?

    A. It's cheaper.
    B. It's more comfortable.
    C. It's environmentally friendly.

    1. How much does the government provide for the festival?

    A. $5,000. B. $10,000. C. $15,000.


    1. When will there be an opening night at the art exhibition?

    A. On December 18. B. On December 19. C. On December 20.

    1. Who create all the paintings at the art exhibition?

    A. Public figures. B. Famous painters. C. Local students.

    1. What are people advised to wear to watch the performance?

    A. Formal clothes. B. Fancy dress. C. Gray suits.

    1. What present will the woman get for Sammy?

    A. A toy. B. A gift card. C. A set of books.


    第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)


    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B,CD)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


        The Last Greatest Magician in the World
        In this book, we can learn about the wonder-worker Howard Thurston. During his life, Thurston successfully made changes in entertainment (娱乐). His magic show is regarded as the one that inspires our memories.
        Author: Jim Steinmeyer Length: 377 pages Publication Date: Feb. 3, 2011
        A World Without Heroes
        Jason Walker lives a peaceful life until one day he falls through a hole and ends up in a new foreign world. In Lyrian, the people dress and behave differently, living in fear of their Emperor Surroth. But in Jason's search for a way home, he learns of a magical word that could kill Surroth and becomes the hero he has never imagined.
        Author: Brandon Mull Length: 464 pages Publication Date: Mar. 15, 2011
        With his honesty, Keith Richards brings us the story of a life we have all longed to know more of. It's hard to imagine a famous person's biography is as easy to drink in as Keith Richards' life. The book's content agrees with the rhythm of his voice so much that reading his tale is like sharing a cup of beer with an old friend.
        Author: Keith Richards Length: 576 pages Publication Date: Oct. 26, 2010
        The Monkey and the Monk
        The famous translation of The Journey to the West was popular with English-speaking audiences. The book shows the novel's most exciting and meaningful parts without taking anything away from their true spirit. Moreover, with a new form, this translation is sure to attract more fans.
        Author: Anthony C. Yu Length: 512 pages Publication Date: Nov. 15, 2006

    1. What kind of book is A World Without Heroes?

    A. A life guide. B. An adventure novel.
    C. A biography. D. An educational book.

    1. What can we know about Life?

    A. It is written in rhyme. B. It is full of imagination.
    C. It is easy to understand. D. It is mainly about folk tales.

    1. Whose book will you choose if you want to know about Howard Thurston?

    A. Jim Steinmeyer's. B. Brandon Mull's.
    C. Keith Richards'. D. Anthony C. Yu's.


    When students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their importance, the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is viewed as mere entertainment, but certainly not an education priority (优先). This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students.

    Music tells us who we are. Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. Rock music represents a lifestyle just as surely as a Schubert song. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a society.

    Music provides a kind of perception(感知) that cannot be acquired any other way. Science can explain how the sun rises and sets. The arts explore the emotional meaning of the same phenomenon. We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get it all. The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols. They are ways we human beings "talk" to each other. They are the language of civilization through which we express our fears, our curiosities, our hungers, our discoveries, and our hopes. The arts are ways we give form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others. When we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.

    Science and technology do not tell us what it means to be human. The arts do. Music is an important way we express human suffering, celebration, the meaning and value of peace and love.

    So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize.

    1. According to Paragraph 1, students ______.

    A. regard music as a way of entertainment
    B. disagree with their parents on education
    C. view music as an overlooked subject
    D. prefer the arts to science

    1. In Paragraph 2, the author uses jazz as an example to ______.

    A. compare it with rock music
    B. show music reflects a society
    C. introduce American musical traditions
    D. prove music influences people's lifestyles

    1. According to the passage, the arts and science ______.

    A. approach the world from different angles
    B. explore different phenomena of the world
    C. express people's feelings in different ways
    D. explain what it means to be human differently

    1. What is the main idea of the passage?

    A. Music education deserves more attention
    B. Music should be of top education priority
    C. Music is an effective communication tool
    D. Music education makes students more imaginative


        Some people like modern art, while others say that it is rubbish. But a cleaner who works in the Tate Britain Gallery in London isn't able to tell the difference. The woman, whose name isn't known, mistook a work of art by the German painter Gustav Metzger for a bag of rubbish, and threw it out with other bags. The plastic bag, which contained pieces of paper and cardboard, was later recovered outside the gallery, but the artist thought that it was too badly damaged to be put on show again, and so he found another bag. 78-year-old Mr. Metzger explained that the exhibit, which he said was a copy of a similar work he had created in 1960, was meant to show that all art is temporary(暂时的).
        Embarrassed officials at the museum said that they had had to call a meeting with cleaners to explain which things should not be touched. They would not say whether Mr. Metzger would be paid for the incident. However, to make absolutely sure the same thing would not happen again, they decided to cover Mr. Metzger's work every evening with a coloured cloth. In this way cleaners arriving after the gallery had closed to the general public would realize that they should not touch it.
        This is not the first time that museum cleaners have had trouble distinguishing exhibits from rubbish. In 2001, in another London gallery, a cleaner threw away a work by the well-known British artist Damien Hirst. It was an arrangement of empty beer bottles, coffee cups, and ashtrays(烟灰缸), which were meant to show the disorder in the life of an artist.
        However, cleaners don't always throw things awaysometimes they clean them! This was the case with a dirty bath, which was on show in a gallery in Germany. Without asking what the bath was doing in the gallery, the cleaner simply cleaned it.

    1. The woman cleaner threw away the plastic bag because ______.

    A. the plastic bag was badly damaged
    B. she didn't recognize it was a work of art
    C. she hated modern art and considered it rubbish
    D. the exhibit on show was taken the place of by another bag

    1. The underlined word "distinguishing" in Paragraph 3 probably means "______".

    A. collecting B. telling C. replacing D. exchanging

    1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Mr Metzger would be paid some money for the incident.
    B. Tate Britain Gallery will be closed to avoid the same mistake.
    C. Artists often use rubbish to show how content they feel with life.
    D. More than one cleaner threw away works of art in galleries.

    1. What might be the best title for the passage?

    A. Cleaner Mistakes Modern Art for Rubbish
    B. Good Cleaners Make Mistakes
    C. Damaged Modern Art Works
    D. Dangerous Galleries and Cleaners


        This year marks the 251th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven, a famous German pianist and composer. As one of the fathers of classical music, Beethoven was revolutionary, breaking the rules and stretching musical forms to unleash(释放) emotion.
        Although some may claim that classical is a dying art only for the elites(精英人士), it is actually alive and well in the modern era. It's not uncommon for today's musicians to have grown up playing classical instruments such as the violin or piano. Even those who don't play or listen to classical music are likely to have been introduced to it through movies and even video games.
        Many or the most recognizable names in the music industry have drawn inspiration from classical music. UK legendary rock band The Beatles is one of them. John Lemon, while lying on his couch listening to his wife play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata on the piano, asked her to play it backward and was immediately inspired to write the song Because. The song itself is similar to Moonlight Sonata with simple, straightforward lyrics.
        This is just one example. Countless musicians have been influenced by Beethoven, and classical music as a whole. Record producer George Marin once said: "They always had enormous confidence that the world was theirs for the taking." This quote seems to sum up not only the mentality of more modern era musicians, but that of those classical artists who formed the building blocks of music today.
        Whether you're a music scholar or a passive listener, you can't deny that classical musicians' influence remains strong centuries after the artists have passed. Musicians like Beethoven continue illustrate their impact on the unifying force that is music.

    1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

    A. Classical music is not a dying art.
    B. Classical music becomes less popular.
    C. Today's musicians still play classical music.
    D. The classical music audience grows sharply.

    1. The author mentions The Beatles in order to ______.

    A. introduce the song Because
    B. express his love for John Lennon
    C. show the charm of Moonlight Sonata
    D. prove the great influence of classical music

    1. What does "that" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

    A. The quote. B. The mentality. C. The confidence. D. The modern era.

    1. What can we infer about the writer?

    A. He is an elite.
    B. He is a musician.
    C. He prefers modern music.
    D. He thinks highly of classical music.



        Chinese is one of the two world languages with over a billion speakers. While the Internet has referred to English as the most used language, Chinese still holds the top position as the most used mother tongue.   36   Just think of how many more people you'd be able to talk to after learning some Chinese!
        There are five traditional forms of Chinese calligraphy. These are considered classical arts and representatives of Chinese art styles.  37   It first appeared during the Zhou Dynasty and is still popular among calligraphy artists today.  38   This makes it quite difficult for non-native speakers to tell words from sound combinations(组合). When you add in the tones, it adds up to make Chinese one of the most difficult languages to listen to and understand.
        Various factors contributed to making Chinese one of the hardest languages to learn for foreigners.   39   Usually, you must learn 3,000 characters in order to be considered fluent enough to read the morning newspaper. However, the language consists of tens of thousands of characters that make fluency a difficult task.
        When you're walking around China, you might be surprised at the amount of words you're able to pick up quickly. Thanks to an increase in exposure to Western culture, Chinese has many loanwords, or words borrowed from English, in use today.
        The origin of Chinese comes from the discovery of the famous Oracle Bones and what is believed to be the earliest symbols of Chinese. These bones were first used in the Shang Dynasty. With such a rich history, Chinese has obviously experienced many changes and influences due to wars and cultural shifts(变迁).   40  
    A. Ancient Chinese characters were used 3,000 years ago.
    B. However, the language still existed and continued to grow.
    C. In 2010, the number of Chinese native speakers totaled 955 million people.
    D. People who wish to study Chinese must put in years of work to reach fluency.
    E. Thanks to its unique sound system, Chinese is filled with similar sounding words.
    F. The world's most natively-spoken language, Chinese, still remains a puzzle to the West.
    G. The most popular calligraphy style is the Seal Character style developed by the Han people.

    部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)


     When I was a little girl, I had some extra classes in my spare time. I went to a(n)    41   school every Saturday morning. One day, Billie Holiday's records   42   me on my way to school. I was   43   by her voice and the mood. I thought it was the most   44  voice I had ever heard. I stood silently there, listening to her songs.
        I  45   her wonderful songs. My favorite song was her I Cover the Water fronta   46   song about watching and waiting for a love that's gone. That year my father became very ill. After he passed away, I often listened to the old records alone at night.
        My family members buried the sadness of   47  in music. My mother took me and my sister to Europe to study with famous   (48)  . After I had spent ten years living and studying there, I   49   back to the United States. I made my way through the   50   scene of the New York music world because it had changed a lot. I was starting over again, and it was   51 . There were moments of disappointment and defeat. As Billie sang in her song "Beautiful to take a   52   ", I found the new courage, then got some chances and had some surprising   53  winning a competition and a recording agreement.
    ​​​​​​​   Over the years, I have understood a lesson that I've learned from Billie's records. The magic in making music is to   54   about all the improper rules you ever learned, to think about your heartaches and joys, and to make something new that's   55   ​​​​​​​ your own.

    41    A. musical B. European C. legal D. African

    42    A. scared B. stopped C. guided D. bored

    43    A. amazed B. damaged C. separated D. cheated

    44    A. strange B. harmful C. crazy D. charming

    45. A. broke away from B. came up with
    C. fell in love with D. played a joke on

    46. A. touching B. funny C. religious D. happy

    47. A. failure B. loss C. origin D. doubt

    48. A. writers B. poets C. artists D. dancers

    49. A. walked B. reacted C. moved D. announced

    50. A. same B. unfamiliar C. terrible D. disappointing

    51. A. hard B. flexible C. relaxing D. simple

    52. A. train B. seat C. break D. chance

    53. A. luck B. interest C. theory D. income

    54. A. discuss B. bring C. complain D. forget

    55. A. foolishly B. completely C. hardly D. commercially



    It was the first time that I had visited London three years ago. It was an   56   (enjoy) trip and I

    had many impressions. The city   57   (consist) of four parts is divided by the administration.
        I had always been dreaming of having  58  opportunity to see the splendid Tower Bridge and the  original Big Ben clock. I visited these places,   59   (go) on a tourist boat in the port of the River Thames and saw two coasts.
        First, I went to the Tower of London,  60  is really a very interesting historical place. A long time ago, it was a prison.   61  (late) it became a castle for the royal family, but before long they left this place.
        I was also delighted  62   (visit) the House of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. They are very old and beautiful with a lot of statues in   63   (they).
    ​​​​​​​     Apart from that, you can also enjoy nature in London. There are many parks linking the roads and  contributing  64  the beauty of the city. These parks are still being constructed by creative people in London to become   65   (place) without pollution where you can relax and escape the noise of the city.

    第四节 写作(满分40)


    假定你是李华,你的英国外教Mr. Green非常喜欢中国民间音乐。请你给他写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加你校组织的师生民乐演奏会,内容包括:
    参考词汇:民乐演奏会 Folk Music Concert
    Dear Mr. Green,
    ____________________________________________________                   __________
    _____________________________________________________  ___               ________

    Li Hua



        A light knock on the door brought me from my kitchen. Because we had just moved into the neighbourhood, I couldn't imagine who it would be. Opening the door, an old man stood there, who was dressed in dirty clothing and wearing dirty rubber boots. His hand hung a plastic bag.
        "Can I help you?" I asked.
        "Would you like to buy some fresh garden vegetables?" His blue eyes were hopeful.
        "Are they from your garden?" I looked inside his plastic bag and saw some carrots with soil. "Yes," His voice was soft. "And I can get some apples from a tree in my yard. Would you like some of those, too?"
        My heart softened, and I wondered if he is badly in need of the bit of money. With a sigh, I said, "Please step inside and I'll get my money."
        The next day, he knocked at our door again. This time, my little four-year-old daughter got there first. "Oh, hello. Would you like to come in for tea?" Without a second thought, the old man stepped inside and held out a broken basket with several bruised(擦伤的) apples. "From my tree," he said, removing a worn cap. "You might like to make a pie."
        The three of us sat at the kitchen table and drank our tea. It was obvious that my daughter liked hosting a visitor in her never-ending questions. "What is your name? Where do you live? Why are your clothes so dirty?"
        The homeless-looking man laughed as he answered each question. His name was Mr. Locket and he lived around the corner. His wife had passed away several years before, and his children all lived far away. He was lonely. His need for company had sent him door to door selling fruit and vegetables. Ours was the only door opened to him that day.
    (1)所续写短文的词数应为150 左右;
        Paragraph 1:
        When he finished the tea, he said he had to go home and promised to return the next day.
    _______________________________________________________________________________________                                                                              ___
        Paragraph 2:
        Several years later, a small envelope was delivered to our homea letter from the old man's daughter.
    _______________________________________________________________________________________                                                                              ___



    1~5. CCABA  6-10.BCBCA     11~15. CBACC       16~20. CACBB

    21~25. BCAAB   26-30AABBD  31-35.AADBD      36~40. CGEDB

    41~55. ABADC   56-60.ABCCB   61-65.ADADB

    1.enjoyable     2.consisting     3.an     4.went      5.which    6.Later    7.to visit  
    8.them      9.to     10.places

    Dear Mr. Green,
        There will be a Chinese Folk Music Concert in our school with the aim of enriching our school life. Knowing that you are interested in Chinese folk music, I'd like to invite you to attend it.
        The concert is to be held at 7: 00 pm this Sunday in the lecture hall of our school, which features a lot of traditional Chinese folk music works. Some teachers and students will play many beautiful music pieces using traditional instruments such as Erhu, Pipa, Guzheng and so on. I'm sure they will give you a very impressive concert, through which you will learn more about Chinese folk music.
        Looking forward to your coming.

    Li Hua



      When he finished the tea, he said he had to go home and promised to return the next day. My daughter excitedly waited for his next visit and made full preparations. As the old man visited us the next day, he was amazed by all of the preparations for him, including apple pies. His eyes were filled with tears. We became friends, and my daughter and I enjoyed the company the old visitor offered us. But before long, he had to move to live with his daughter and we hadn't seen him ever since.
        Several years later, a small envelope was delivered to our homea letter from the old man's daughter. She informed us that our dear old friend had passed away and sent us another letter written by the old man, which said, "Thank you for all your kindnesses to an old man. When I was lonely, you took me in. When I was badly in need of a family, you accepted me. My last few years are filled with happiness because of you."



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