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    欢迎参加考试!请你认真审题, 积极思考, 细心答题, 发挥最佳水平。答题时, 请注意以下几点:
    1. 全卷共8页, 有五大题, 56小题。全卷满分120分(试题总分11分, 书写、答题规范4分)。考试时间90分钟。
    2. 请用2B铅笔将选择题的答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上。请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。
    3. 答题前, 认真阅读答题纸上的《注意事项》, 按规定答题。

    1.I have________ dog. His name is Floppy.
    A. a B. an C. the D. /
    2.Lucy’s father works in No. 1 Hospital. He is a________.
    A. teacher B. doctor C. postman D. policeman
    考查名词辨析。teacher老师;doctor医生;postman邮递员;policeman警察。根据句中“No. 1 Hospital”可知,露西的父亲在第一医院工作,所以他是一名医生。故选B。
    3.Jim is going to join the Art Club because he likes________.
    A. cooking B. drawing C. running D. reading
    考查动词辨析。cooking烹饪;drawing画画;running跑步;reading阅读。根据句中“join the Art Club”可知,他打算加入艺术俱乐部,因为他喜欢画画。故选B。
    4.—It's ________today. Let's go to the beach.
    —Sounds great! Don't forget your sunglasses.
    A. rainy B. windy C. sunny D. cloudy
    考查形容词辨析。rainy有雨的;windy有风的;sunny晴朗的;cloudy多云的,根据答语“Don't forget your sunglasses.”可知,要带太阳镜,所以天气是晴朗的。故选C。
    5.—How often do you go to the cinema?
    —________. I only watch movies at home.
    A. Always B. Usually C. Sometimes D. Never
    考查频率副词辨析。Always总是;Usually通常;Sometimes有时;Never从不。根据“I only watch movies at home.”可知,我只在家看电影,所以从不去电影院。故选D。
    6.Little Mary says good night to her parents________ she goes to bed every day.
    A. if B. until C. before D. unless
    考查连词辨析。if如果;until直到……;before在……之前;unless除非。根据句中“says good night to her parents”和“she goes to bed”可知,此处是“睡觉之前向父母说晚安”。故选C。
    7.—Can you play volleyball or basketball?
    —________ of them. I'm good at ball games.
    A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None
    8.—Have scientists found life on Mars?
    —Not yet, but I think they ________it some day.
    A. find B. found C. have found D. will find
    考查一般将来时。find找到,found是find的过去式;have found现在完成时,找到了;will find一般将来时,将会找到。根据答句中“some day”可知,句中时态为一般将来时,所以此处使用will find。故选D。
    9.—Do you know ________?
    —In Stratford, England.
    A. where Shakespeare was born B. when Shakespeare finished school
    C. how many plays Shakespeare wrote D. why Shakespeare's works are popular
    考查宾语从句。A:莎士比亚出生在哪里;B:莎士比亚什么时候毕业的;C:莎士比亚写了多少部话剧;D:为什么莎士比亚的作品受欢迎。分析句子可知,此处是宾语从句,根据答语“In Stratford, England.”可知,回答的是地点。故选A。
    10.—The Great Wall runs about 21, 200 kilometres.
    —Wow! ________.
    A. It's OK B. Good idea C. That's amazing D. You are welcome
    考查情景交际。It's OK很好;Good idea好主意;That's amazing太神奇了;You are welcome不客气。根据上文The Great Wall runs about 21, 200 kilometres. 以及前面的Wow!可知此处应该是感到惊叹,所以C选项符合语境,故答案选C。

    阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    My cousin Roger was big and strong. He was three years older than me and he always wanted to bully___11___.
    Near our farm, there was a beautiful___12___, where kids nearby often swam in summer. Over it was a bridge. When we were in the river, Roger always tried to___13___me and hold me under. I would dive down before he could reach me. When I came up to the surface miles away, he was till there, ___14___me.
    Other kids would shout, "Hey, he's a fish!"
    Roger said, "No, he's a shrimp!"
    I replied, "Better than a___15___whale!"
    One day, we were about to leave after swimming when a truck unexpectedly rushed out of the bridge and fell onto the water.
    Eyes wide open, all of us were too___16___to say a word. Then someone cried, "Oh, no! The driver..."
    Roger shouted to the other kids, "Go and get___17___." Then he turned to me, "Jack, you're the underwater swimmer! Let's try to pull the___18___out." With these words, he jumped into the water. I couldn't___19___ that it was Roger, a bully in my eyes. I took a breath and followed him.
    The truck lay on one side. We tried to open the door, but____20____. Roger lifted a rock and broke the windscreen. ____21____the broken windscreen, I got into the truck and opened the door.
    Roger caught hold of the driver. With all his strength, Roger____22____ pulled him out and swam towards the surface.
    I tried to follow, ____23____the water was turning black in front of me. I was falling. I thought I was going to____24____, just at that moment, a strong arm reached down and held me. I tried hard to kick.
    Back to the bank, Roger looked at me, "You OK?" I managed to nod. "Not bad for a shrimp." he joked.
    I was to answer back, but from my mouth came "Not bad for a____25____whale."
    It was then that I realized Roger was not "a fat whale" at all.
    11. A. me B. us C. him D. them
    12. A. farm B. river C. bridge D. beach
    13. A. call B. save C. teach D. catch
    14. A. caring about B. laughing at C. looking for D. worrying about
    15. A. fat B. small C. quiet D. serious
    16. A. sad B. angry C. excited D. surprised
    17. A. help B. advice C. attention D. information
    18. A. door B. truck C. driver D. swimmer
    19. A. forget B. believe C. explain D. understand
    20. A. left B. failed C. passed D. missed
    21. A. Inside B. Across C. Behind D. Through
    22. A. proudly B. secretly C. confidently D. successfully
    23. A. or B. so C. but D. because
    24. A. win B. lose C. die D. survive
    25. A. brave B. polite C. creative D. humorous
    【答案】11. A 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. B 21. D 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. A
    me我;us我们;him他;them他们。根据后文“Roger always tried to___3___me and hold me under.”可知,罗杰想要欺负我。故选A。
    farm农场;river河流;bridge桥;beach沙滩。根据后半句“where kids nearby often swam in summer.”可知,孩子们经常游泳,所以此处应表示“有一条河”。故选B。
    call打电话;save救,节约,储存;teach教;catch抓住。根据后文“I would dive down before he could reach me.”可知,罗杰是想要抓我。故选D。
    caring about关心;laughing at嘲笑;looking for寻找;worrying about担心。分析上下文可知,我在他抓到我之前潜水游走了,但是罗杰还在原地找我。其他三项不符合语境,故选C。
    fat胖的;small小的;quiet安静的;serious严肃的,严重的。根据后文“It was then that I realized Roger was not "a fat whale" at all.”可知,此处我称罗杰为“肥鲸”。故选A。
    sad悲伤的;angry生气的;excited激动的;surprised惊讶的。根据后文“One day, we were about to leave after swimming when a truck unexpectedly rushed out of the bridge and fell onto the water.”可知,一辆卡车意外地冲出桥,掉在水里,所以我们都惊讶地说不出话来。故选D。
    help帮助;advice建议;attention关注;information信息。根据上下文可知,孩子们救了落水的司机,此处构成get help短语,表示“找人帮忙”。故选A。
    door门;truck卡车;driver司机;swimmer游泳者。根据后文内容“Roger caught hold of the driver. With all his strength, Roger___12___pulled him out and swam towards the surface.”可知,他们是要试着把落水的司机拉出来。故选C。
    left离开;failed失败;passed传递;missed错过。根据下句“Roger lifted a rock and broke the windscreen.”可知,因为我们尝试打开门失败了,所以罗杰才拿石头砸破了风挡玻璃。故选B。
    or或者,否则;so所以;but但是;because因为。根据后句“I was falling.”可知,我没能跟上他们,此处表示转折含义,故选C。
    win赢;lose丢失;die死;survive幸存。根据前句“I tried to follow, ___13___the water was turning black in front of me. I was falling.”可知,我眼前的水发黑,我在下沉,那一刻我觉得自己要死了。其他三项不符合句意。故选C。

    阅读下面短文, 第1-14小题从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 第15小题在答题纸规定区域作答。
    Do you want to have fun in Oxford? Take a bus tour!

    Christ Church College The college hall is used in the Harry Potter films.
    Magdalen College Its bell tower and gardens are famous sights in Oxford.
    Corpus Christi College It is one of the smallest colleges in Oxford but with the best library.
    Exeter College You can find most of the book shops in Oxford around the college.

    26. The first bus tour begins at 9:35 from __________.
    A. Trinity College B. Oxford Railway Station
    C. Queen's College D. Gloucester Green Bus Station
    27. How much is a 24-hour family ticket?
    A. £16. 50. B. £19. 00. C. £40. 00. D. £45. 00.
    28. In Magdalen College, tourists can __________.
    A. visit the bell tower B. read in the best library in Oxford
    C. find many book shops D. see the hall in the Harry Porter films
    【答案】26. D 27. C 28. A
    细节理解题。根据Timetable下的内容可知,从9:35开始的第一班巴士始发于Gloucester Green Bus Station。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据Tour Prices下的内容可知,24小时家庭票是£40. 00。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据See下的内容“Magdalen College—Its bell tower and gardens are famous sights in Oxford.”可知,莫德林学院的钟楼和花园是牛津的著名景点。故选A。


    The balalaika, also called the "Russian guitar", is a traditional Russian musical instrument. It has a long neck, a wooden triangle-shaped body and strings. It is usually used to play Russian music by plucking the strings with fingers or a pick.
    Russians like the balalaika. The music played with it can be cheerful, as if the farmers were dancing happily to celebrate their harvest. It can also be energetic, as if the workers were working hard to make their country richer and stronger. If a Russian moves to live or work abroad, he will probably take a balalaika with him. When he feels lonely and sad, he will play it to cheer himself up.
    The balalaika was originally played by the poor in Russia. At that time, balalaikas were made by the players themselves. They were rough, simple and cheap with different numbers of strings, from two to even six. Later a Russian musician Vasily Vasil'yevich Andreev (1861-1918) improved the balalaka. He created a whole family of balalaikas of different sizes, all with three strings. The smallest balalaika is called Prima. It is 60-70cm long. The biggest, Contrabass, is almost 2metres high with a leg to sit on the floor. Andreev founded the first balalaika orchestra in the world, mainly using balalaikas to perform. He gave concerts at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1889, which was a great success.
    Today, there are blalaika groups performing around the world. More and more people get to know the balalaika and are attracted by its Russian style music.
    29. The balalaika is a musical instrument __________.
    A. without strings B. with a long neck
    C. of a round shape D. with a metal body
    30. The music played with a balalaika is usually__________.
    A. slow and sad B. strong and serious
    C. soft and modern D. cheerful and energetic
    31. Andreev is mentioned in Paragraph Three to introduce __________.
    A. the success of balalaika concerts B. the history of balalaika orchestras
    C. his talent for playing the balalaika D. his contributions to the balalaika
    32. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
    A. Balalaika: The "Russian Guitar" for the Poor
    B. Russia: The Home of Famous Balalaika Musicians
    C. Balalaika: A Traditional Russian Musical Instrument
    D. Russia: The International Hand-made Balalaika Factory
    【答案】29. B 30. D 31. D 32. C
    细节理解题。根据It has a long neck, a wooden triangle-shaped body and strings.它有一个长长的脖子,一个木制的三角形的身体和弦。结合选项,可知B选项符合题意,故答案选B。
    细节理解题。根据The music played with it can be cheerful, ……it can also be energetic,可知,巴拉莱卡琴演奏的音乐通常是欢快而充满活力的,故答案选D。


    Tide is the regular rise and fall of the ocean level caused by the movement of the sun, the earth and the moon. It is considered a promising source of green energy to produce electricity in coastal areas.
    To make use of tidal energy, we need to build tidal power stations. The bays and the river mouths where the tide is high (the tidal range is more than 10 metres) are usually perfect sites to build tidal power stations. There are many such places in the world. According to the IRENA (the International Renewable Energy Agency), by just using 2% of our coastlines, we can produce 4, 383TWh of ocean power each year, enough to meet 16. 4% of the world's electricity needs.
    To build a tidal power station, we need to build a dam. In the dam are many turbines and on each turbine there is an electric generator. When the tide rises, water comes through the dam, the turbines turn and the electric generators work, producing electricity. When the tide fall, water goes out through the dam, the turbines turn again. The electric generators continue to work.
    Tidal energy has it advantages. Using tidal energy to produce electricity is much cheaper than using the traditional energy, like coal or gas. For example, the Rance Tidal Power Station in France has been there for over 50 years, producing around 540, 000TWh of electricity each year. The cost is only 1.3 cents/TWh. Tidal energy can be used nearly 24 hours a day. As long as the sun, the earth and the moon exist, we can use it to produce electricity. But without sunshine, here is no solar energy. When there is no wind, electric generators will not work. In addition, with the development of modern technology, tidal energy can be stored and used to produce electricity continuously. However, we still have some problems to solve. It is difficult to build a dam in the sea, and the cost is very high. Moreover, it's expensive to keep a tidal power station in is best condition.
    Scientists are working on them.
    33. A tidal power station is best built __________.
    A. at a river mouth with wind B. along the coast with waves
    C. in a bay with tide high enough D. in coastal areas with sunshine
    34. The underlined word "turbine" in Paragraph There is a machine to__________.
    A. make the tide rise and fall B. make an electric generator work
    C. let water go through the dam D. keep the dam in good condition
    35. What advantage does tidal energy have?
    A. We can use it to get useful tide. B. It can improve the ocean environment.
    C. We can use it nearly all the time. D. It meets 16. 4% of the electricity needs.
    36. How can we make better use of tidal energy?
    A. By digging more bays and river mouths.
    B By building cheaper tidal power stations.
    C. By closing traditional electric power.
    D. By using tidal energy to replace other energy.
    【答案】33. C 34. B 35. C 36. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The bays and the river mouths where the tide is high (the tidal range is more than 10 metres) are usually perfect sites to build tidal power stations.”可知,涨潮时(潮差超过10米)的海湾和河口通常是建造潮汐发电站的理想地点。故选C。
    推理判断题。分析第三段中“In the dam are many turbines and on each turbine there is an electric generator. When the tide rises, water comes through the dam, the turbines turn and the electric generators work, producing electricity. When the tide fall, water goes out through the dam, the turbines turn again.”可知,水坝里有许多涡轮机,每个涡轮机上都有一个发电机。涨潮时,水通过大坝,涡轮转动,发电机工作,产生电力。退潮时,水流通过大坝流出,涡轮再次转动。所以turbine是让发电机工作的机器。故选B。
    推理判断题。A:我们可以用它来获取有用的潮汐。B:它可以改善海洋环境。C:我们几乎可以随时使用它。D:满足16.4%的电力需求。根据第四段中“Using tidal energy to produce electricity is much cheaper than using the traditional energy, like coal or gas.”和“In addition, with the development of modern technology, tidal energy can be stored and used to produce electricity continuously.”可知,潮汐发电的优势一是利用潮汐能发电比使用煤炭或天然气等传统能源要便宜得多;二是随着现代技术的发展,潮汐能可以被储存起来,并用于持续发电。结合选项,故选C。
    细节理解题。A:挖掘更多的海湾和河口。B:通过建造更便宜的潮汐发电站。C:通过关闭传统电力。D:利用潮汐能来替代其他能源。根据第二段中“To make use of tidal energy, we need to build tidal power stations.”可知,为了利用潮汐能,我们需要修建潮汐能电站。结合选项,故选B。

    A few months ago I was nominated for Governor of the great state of New York, to run against Stewart L. Woodford and John T. Hoffman. I really felt dirty to run against them for all their shameful crimes that were reported on newspapers. However, as a candidate, I had no choice.
    The next morning, as I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph:
    PERJURY- Mr. Mark Twain, a candidate for Governor, was convicted of perjury by thirty-four people, in Wakawak, in 1863. He intended to rob a poor woman of her land, her only stay and support after her husband died. For Mr. Twain himself, as well as the public, he needs to clear this matter up. Will he do it?
    What a lie! I never had heard of Wakawak!
    During the rest of the time, I got a title "the Infamous Perjurer Twain" on this paper.
    Next came "Gazette", with this:
    WANTED TO KNOW -When Mr. Twain was in Montana, his workmates lost small valuables from time to time, until at last, these things having all been found on Mr. Twain's person or in his suitcase. Will he explain this to his fellow-citizens?
    I got a new title, "Twain, the Montana Thief". But I never was in Montana in my life.
    Then another newspaper article:
    DELIRIUM TREMENSTWAIN-Mark Twain, who was to make a speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time! He argued that he had been knocked down by a runaway team and his leg broken in two places. But a certain man who was very drunk was seen to reel into Mr. Twain's hotel last night. It is his duty to prove that this person was not Mark Twain himself WHO WAS THAT MAN?
    I did not drink!
    In the following weeks, I got more titles like "Delirium Tremens", "Body-Snatcher", "Filthy Corruptionist ", etc. Then one morning:
    Mr. Mark Twain still maintains SILENCE. He dare not speak. Dare he open his mouth to explain?
    Before I could reply, more dirty charges poured up on me. One day they even taught nine little children of all shades of colour to rush on to the platform at a public meeting and call me Pa (father)!
    I gave up. I sent them a letter to state that I gave up, and in bitterness of spirit I signed it, "Truly yours, Once a decent man but now MARKTWAIN, IP. , M. T., D. T. , B. S. and FC. "
    37. In the story, __________ people were running for Governor.
    A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six
    38. Which of the following is TRUE about Mr. Twain according to his story?
    A. He got punished for stealing in Montana.
    B. He kept silent to the charges against him.
    C. He was often too drunk to attend meetings.
    D. He accepted the titles from the newspapers.
    39. Who could be the person making Mr. Twain dirty?
    A. The persons who wanted to beat him.
    B. The poor who wanted their land back.
    C. The women who had children with him.
    D. The reporters who helped him make news.
    40. Why did Mr. Twain finally decide to give up running for Governor? (请用约40词回答)
    【答案】37. A 38. B 39. A
    40. While he was running for Governor, many articles on newspapers poured untrue charges on him and some shameful things happened to him. He felt surprised, angry, dirty and disappointed, and finally decided to give up running for Governor. (38词)
    文中Mr. Twain 在竞选美国纽约州州长过程中,不断地受到不实指控、抹黑。他感到震惊、愤怒和不齿。他对此感到极度失望, 最后他放弃了竞选。
    细节理解题。根据“A few months ago I was nominated for Governor of the great state of New York, to run against Stewart L. Woodford and John T. Hoffman.”可知,马克吐温和Stewart L. Woodford以及John T. Hoffman二人竞争,所以一共有三人。故选A。
    推理判断题。A:他在蒙大拿州因偷窃而受到惩罚。根据“But I never was in Montana in my life.”可知,他从来没去过蒙大拿州,该项表述错误;B:他对对他的指控保持沉默。根据“Mr. Mark Twain still maintains SILENCE.”可知,马克吐温对他人的指控保持沉默,该项表述正确;C:他经常喝得酩酊大醉,不能参加会议。根据“I did not drink!”可知,他不喝酒,该项表述错误;D:他接受了报纸给他的称呼。根据“I gave up. I sent them a letter to state that I gave up, and in bitterness of spirit I signed it”可知,马克吐温最终放弃了,没有接受报纸给他的称呼,该项表述错误。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“I really felt dirty to run against them for all their shameful crimes that were reported on newspapers.”和“Before I could reply, more dirty charges poured up on me.”可知,马克吐温的竞争者做出过不齿的行为,他不屑与其竞争,但是后来越来越多莫须有的指控接踵而来,所以推测应该是其他两位竞争者为了打败他而造的谣。故选A。
    分析文章内容可知,马克吐温在竞选州长的时候,报纸上的许多文章对他进行了不实的指控,编造了一些可耻的事放在他身上。他感到惊讶、愤怒、肮脏和失望,最后决定放弃竞选州长。故填While he was running for Governor, many articles on newspapers poured untrue charges on him and some shameful things happened to him. He felt surprised, angry, dirty and disappointed, and finally decided to give up running for Governor. (38词)

    A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。
    foot Monday tall smell recently

    41. The milk______ sour. Don't drink it.
    42. This is a machine to warm our ______ in winter.
    43. It is difficult for me to get up early on ______ mornings.
    44. I haven't seen Cindy ______. She must be busy with her work.
    45. The buildings in Wenzhou are ______ than most buildings in my hometown.
    【答案】41. smells
    42. feet 43. Monday
    44. recently
    45. taller
    根据句意可知,此处表示“闻”,结合所给词,选择smell;分析句子可知,本句时态是一般现在时,主语The milk是不可数名词,所以用其动词三单形式。故填smells。
    根据句意可知,此处表示“星期一”,结合所给词,选择Monday;分析句子可知,此处构成“Monday morning”短语,翻译为“星期一早上”,用于句中作定语修饰其后的名词morning。故填Monday。

    B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。
    The first week of my summer vacation was exciting. I was___46___(自由的,空闲的)! I spent much time on my phone without doing my___47___(家庭作业). Mom was angry and told me I could only use it___48___(在……之间) 7:00 pm. and 9:00 pm.
    I felt lost and kept asking___49___(我自己) what fun I could have during the day. Mom offered me a challenge. If I could follow the same ant for___50___(十) minutes, I'd get a prize.
    I thought for a while and agreed. I___51___(选择) the biggest ant in the yard and followed it. I saw it create a bridge to cross a___52___(深的) hole. I dropped some bread and soon it began___53___(吃). It even brought friends to carry some home. I never thought watching ants could be so much fun.
    After that, I found other interesting things to do. I built a house for birds, planted___54___ (树) in the yard and borrowed books from the library. ____55____(虽然) I didn't use my phone often, I had a fantastic summer.
    【答案】46. free
    47. homework
    48. between
    49. myself 50. ten
    51. chose 52. deep
    53. to eat/eating
    54. trees 55. Though/Although
    “我自己”可用myself表示,反身代词;分析句子可知,此处用于句中作宾语,构成“ask oneself”短语,翻译为“问某人自己”。故填myself。
    “十”可用ten表示,基数词;分析句子可知,此处构成ten minutes短语,翻译为“十分钟”。故填ten。
    “吃”可用eat表示,动词;分析句子可知,此处用于begin to do/doing sth结构中,所以使用动词不定式/动词ing形式均可。故填to eat/eating。

    56.年夜饭是中国文化中最重要的团圆饭。年夜饭菜肴丰富、美味,像年糕(New Year cake)、鱼等都还带有美好的祝愿。
    请以 The Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve为题,写一篇约100词的短文,向外国朋友介绍自己家乡的年夜饭,让他们更好地了解中国丰富多样的文化习俗。
    The Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve
    The Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve
    The family dinner on Spring Festival Eve is the most important dinner in traditional Chinese culture. On Spring Festival Eve, family members get together to enjoy the dinner.
    There are all kinds of delicious food and drinks. Many of them usually have great meanings. For example, in Wenzhou, New Year cake is often the first dish, which means "having more luck and becoming better in Chinese pronunciation. Another dish is fish, which means "having more than we need". Children all like this family dinner. At dinner they receive not only best wishes but also lucky money from their parents.
    It is a Chinese tradition that we have kept for thousands of years.
    【详解】题干解读:这是一篇话题作文。要求根据题目“The Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve”和提示的内容完成作文。写作时要注意语句通顺,语意连贯,紧扣要点,注意句子之间的连接与过渡,要注意涵盖所给提示。
    短语:get together;all kinds of;For example;thousands of等。
    句型:For example, in Wenzhou, New Year cake is often the first dish, which means "having more luck and becoming better in Chinese pronunciation.
    At dinner they receive not only best wishes but also lucky money from their parents.




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