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    这是一份2023高考英语二轮专题复习与测试专题一第二讲推理判断题__依文推理定选项课件,共54页。PPT课件主要包含了专题一 阅读理解,续上表,答案 A,答案 D,答案 B,课堂新体验,答案A,答案D,答案C,答案B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第二讲 推理判断题——依文推理定选项推理判断题属于高层次阅读理解题。解答该类题目时一定要从整体上把握语篇内容,在语篇的表面意义与隐含意义、已知信息与未知信息之间架起桥梁,透过字里行间,去体会作者的“弦外之音”和“言外之意”。在进行推断时,要据文推理、合情推理,不可脱离原文主观臆断。高考对推理判断题的考查形式包括细节推理题、写作意图题、观点态度题和文章出处题或读者对象题。
    二、推理判断题的5大命题陷阱推理判断题是为了考查学生能否读懂文章中字里行间隐含的含义,能否以文章中所叙述的事实为依据,经过自己的思考和判断进行客观的推理,从而得出结论。因此,命题者常常设置一些干扰项,没读懂文章的学生很容易受其“迷惑”而“误入歧途”,掉入命题者精心设置的“陷阱”。陷阱(一) 主观臆断 选项没有基于原文进行推断,而是主观猜测想象或根据常识进行猜测
    [典例] (2022·全国甲卷)Everywhere in Sydney these days,change and prgress are the watchwrds(口号),and traditins are increasingly rare.Shirley Fitzgerald,the city's fficial histrian,tld me that in its rush t mdernity in the 1970s,Sydney swept aside much f its past,including many f its finest buildings.“Sydney is cnfused abut itself,”she said.“We can't seem t make up ur minds whether we want a mdern city r a traditinal ne.It's a cnflict that we aren't getting any better at reslving(解决).”34.What des Shirley Fitzgerald think f Sydney?A.It is lsing its traditins.B.It shuld speed up its prgress.C.It shuld expand its ppulatin.D.It is becming mre internatinal.
    [解析] 根据本段第一句“Everywhere in Sydney these days,change and prgress are the watchwrds(口号),and traditins are increasingly rare.”以及“ me that in its rush t mdernity in the 1970s,Sydney swept aside much f its past,including many f its finest buildings.”可知,Shirley Fitzgerald认为悉尼匆忙奔向现代化,使得它正在失去原本的传统。C、D两项内容原文中根本未出现,属于主观臆断。
    陷阱(二) 逻辑颠倒 某些选项颠倒原文逻辑,例如错误归因、倒置目的与手段等
    [典例] (2021·新高考卷Ⅰ)Abut 98 cents f every duck stamp dllar ges directly int the Migratry Bird Cnservatin Fund t purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat fr inclusin int the Natinal Wildlife Refuge System—a fact that ensures this land will be prtected and available fr all generatins t cme.Since 1934,better than half a billin dllars has gne int that Fund t purchase mre than 5 millin acres f habitat. Little wnder the Federal Duck Stamp Prgram has been called ne f the mst successful cnservatin prgrams ever initiated.
    30.What is a direct result f the Act passed in 1934?A.The stamp price has gne dwn.B.The migratry birds have flwn away.C.The hunters have stpped hunting.D.The gvernment has cllected mney.
    [解析] 根据本段第一句可知,联邦政府将出售鸭票的部分收入投入候鸟保护基金,用来保护水禽、湿地和野生动物栖息地。该项法案的直接结果是政府筹集到了资金,D项所述符合句意。干扰项B说候鸟飞离,是1934年颁布法案的原因,而非颁布法案的结果,属于逻辑颠倒。
    陷阱(三)过度推断或以偏概全 有时作者仅简单、客观叙述事实,并未作出评论,而部分选项却扩大作者的叙述范围、进行过度推断;或者针对原文中某一句话进行推断,忽略了其他信息,造成以偏概全错误
    [典例] (2021·天津卷)Things are cnnected.Let yur expertise in ne field fuel yur passins in all related areas.Sme f yur interests may nt appear t be cnnected but,nce yu explre their depths,yu discver that they are.My editr Tni,wh is als a writer,has edited several histry bks.She has decided t study Chinese histry.Fascinated by the structural beauty f the Frbidden City as a painter,she is equally interested t learn mre abut Chinese philsphy.“I dn't knw where it will lead,but I'm excited I'm n this pursuit.”
    54.What des the authr intend t shw with the example f Tni?A.Passin alne des nt ensure a persn's success.B.In­depth explratin makes discveries pssible.C.Everyne has a chance t succeed in their pursuit.D.Seemingly unrelated interests are in a way cnnected.
    [解析] 根据本段第三句可知,作者引用Tni的例子意在说明看似没有关系的兴趣实际在联系着。干扰项C说Everyne has a chance t succeed in their pursuit,而原文中只提到Tni 正在追求自己的兴趣,并未评价是否成功,也更不能推断出所有人都有希望成功,属于过度推断。
    陷阱(四) 偷换概念 某些选项的内容与原文句子结构、词汇使用高度相似,仅在不起眼处略微改动用词,或截取部分原文中出现过的关键词,但整体意思不符合原文主旨,此类选项干扰性较强
    [典例] (2021·全国乙卷)Just 9% f glbal plastic waste is recycled.Plastic straws are by n means the biggest surce(来源) f plastic pllutin,but they've recently cme under fire because mst peple dn't need them t drink with and,because f their small size and weight,they cannt be recycled.Every straw that's part f Vn Wng's artwrk likely came frm a drink that smene used fr nly a few minutes.Once the drink is gne,the straw will take centuries t disappear.
    29.Why des the authr discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3?A.T shw the difficulty f their recycling.B.T explain why they are useful.C.T vice his views n mdern art.D.T find a substitute fr them.
    [解析] 学生可能因为看到B项中的useful,认为应对应原文中Every straw that's part f Vn Wng's artwrk likely came frm a drink that smene used fr nly a few minutes.中的used fr,从而误选B项。然而原文只是说被收集的吸管很可能仅使用过几分钟,并不是说明吸管的有用性,该选项属于偷换概念。根据本段第二句可知,作者讨论塑料吸管的目的在于说明塑料吸管非常难以回收。
    陷阱(五)  背离主题  选项背离了文章的主题思想
    [典例] (2020·新高考卷Ⅱ)Readers will encunter nt nly stries they have heard befre,but sme new stries and a mving discussin f the respnsibility f the engineer t the public and the ways yung engineers can be helped t grasp them.“Success is success but that is all that it is,”Dr.Petrski writes,It is failure that brings imprvement.30.What des the last paragraph suggest?A.Failure can lead t prgress.B.Success results in vercnfidence.C.Failure shuld be avided.D.Success cmes frm jint effrts.
    [解析] 根据尾段中的“It is failure that brings imprvement”可知,失败带来了进步,A项符合题意。干扰项C说人们应避免失败,与尾段主旨相矛盾,属于背离主题。
    三、推理判断题的7大解题技法推理判断题中的正确选项是依据文章的事实或论据推断出的符合逻辑的结论或观点,它一般具有以下特征:(1)“立足原文,只推一步,”即根据原文内容,一步即可推得。(2)选项中一般不可以出现绝对概念,如 nly,never,all,abslutely等,正确答案的表述一般有一点模糊,会用一些相对能够留有余地的词汇,如 ften,usually,smetimes,sme,may,might,can,culd,pssibly,prbably等。对于推理判断题,学生在平时的备考中要多注意从整体上把握语篇内容,判断文章体裁,通过分析文章结构找到主题段,定位主题句,再分析其他各段与主题之间的关系,理清文章脉络和结构;此外,还应学会理解字里行间的隐含意义,在已知信息与未知信息之间架起桥梁,领会字里行间的“弦外之音”。具体方法如下:
    技法(一) 根据作者的思想倾向和感情色彩推断观点态度此方法适用于推断作者及文中人物的观点、态度、情感等。观点和态度一般分为三类:支持或反对、乐观或悲观、主观或客观。作者的这种思想倾向和感情色彩往往隐含在文中的字里行间。解答此类题目应多注意行文中的措辞,特别是具有感情色彩的形容词或副词
    [典例] (2021·新高考卷Ⅰ)Althugh ppular beliefs regarding emtinal intelligence run far ahead f what research can reasnably supprt,the verall effects f the publicity have been mre beneficial than harmful.The mst psitive aspect f this ppularizatin is a new and much needed emphasis(重视)n emtin by emplyers,educatrs and
    thers interested in prmting scial well­being.The ppularizatin f emtinal intelligence has helped bth the public and researchers re­evaluate the functinality f emtins and hw they serve peple adaptively in everyday life.34.What is the authr's attitude t the ppularizatin f emtinal intelligence?A.Favrable.  B.Intlerant.  C.Dubtful.  D.Unclear.
    [解析] 根据本段第一句中的“the verall effects f the publicity have been mre beneficial than harmful”可知,作者认为情商的普及整体上利大于弊,由此可知,作者对于情商的普及持支持态度。
    技法(二) 根据特定信息和逆向思维进行推断有些推理判断题,可根据题干提供的信息,到原文中去抓关键信息,然后进行分析、推理、判断,利用逆向思维,从而得出正确答案
    [典例] (2022·全国乙卷)Tday's figures,accrding t ne gvernment fficial,shw the psitive influence the sugar tax is having by raising millins f punds fr sprts facilities(设施) and healthier eating in schls.Helping the next generatin t have a healthy and active childhd is f great imprtance,and the industry is playing its part.35.What can be inferred abut the adptin f the sugar tax plicy?A.It is a shrt­sighted decisin.B.It is a success stry.C.It benefits manufacturers.D.It upsets custmers.
    [解析]本题询问的是“关于采用糖税政策可以推断出什么”,根据文段中的“Tday's figures, the psitive influence the sugar tax is having by raising millins f punds fr sprts facilities(设施)and healthier eating in schls.Helping the next generatin t have a healthy and active childhd is f great imprtance,and the industry is playing its part.”可知,今天的数字显示了糖税对体育设施和学校的健康饮食的积极影响。帮助下一代拥有一个健康且积极的童年是非常重要的,而这个行业正在发挥其作用。由此可推断,采取糖税政策是一个成功的例子。故选B项。
    技法(三) 利用语境的褒贬性进行信息推断文章是作者抒发感情、表达观点的一种方式。因此,很多文章,尤其是记叙文和议论文,其语境都有一定的褒贬性,这种褒贬性反映了主人公的特定心理和情绪状态以及作者的写作意图。利用好文章的语境褒贬性就能在把握主旨的基础上对文章准确地进行逻辑判断。找出反映语境褒贬性及变化的标志性词汇或句子,对掌握文章主旨大意、了解主人公的心理特点及发展变化,从而正确地进行逻辑推断很有用处
    [典例] (2021·全国甲卷)In the sciences and arts,thse praised as geniuses were mst ften white men,f Eurpean rigin.Perhaps this is nt a surprise.It's said that histry is written by the victrs,and thse victrs set the standards fr admissin t the genius club. When cntributins were made by geniuses utside the club—wmen,r peple f a different clr r belief—they were unacknwledged and rejected by thers.32.What des the authr think f victrs' standards fr jining the genius club?A.They're unfair.B.They're cnservative.C.They're bjective.D.They're strict.
    [解析] 根据本段最后一句可知,当女性、有色人种、有不同信仰的人对社会做出贡献后,他们并不能得到认可。该句对当时的评价标准作出了否定,作者认为这种现象是不公平的。因此解答本题应当从上文语境中对不公平的批评出发。
    技法(四) 根据上下文的逻辑进行结论推断结论推断是指严格根据文章中所陈述的事实、论点、例证等一系列论据材料进行推理,从而得出合乎逻辑的结论。解答这类题的前提是获得文章的主题思想或列举的具体事实,然后按题目的要求进行推断
    [典例] (2021·全国甲卷)Prt Lympne Reserve,which runs a breeding(繁育)prgramme,has welcmed the arrival f a rare black rhin calf(犀牛幼崽).When the tiny creature arrived n January 31,she became the 40th black rhin t be brn at the reserve. And fficials at Prt Lympne were delighted with the new arrival,especially as black rhins are knwn fr being difficult t breed in captivity(圈养).
    24.Which f the fllwing best describes the breeding prgramme?A.Cstly.  B.Cntrversial.C.Ambitius.D.Successful.
    [解析] 根据本段第二句中的“she became the 40th black rhin t be brn at the reserve”可知,该动物保护区已经成功繁育出40头稀有黑犀牛;再根据最后一句中的“especially as black rhins are knwn fr being difficult t breed in captivity”,可知,黑犀牛的繁育难度很高。综合前面两句提供的信息可以推断出,黑犀牛的繁育效果很好,再结合上下文语境可以推知该项目非常成功。
    技法(五) 整合全文(段)信息进行推断有些推理判断题,很难从某一句话或某几句话推断出其含义,这时就需要在理解全文(段)意思的基础上,整合与题目相关的有用信息,综合起来去推理判断,从而确定最佳答案
    [典例] (2021·全国甲卷)Suthbank,at an eastern bend in the Thames,is the center f British skatebarding,where the cntinuus crashing f skatebards left yur head ringing.I lved it.I sn made friends with the lcal skaters.We spke ur wn language.And my favrite: Safe.Safe meant cl.It meant hell.It meant dn't wrry abut it.Once,when trying a certain trick n the beam(横杆),I fell nt the stnes,damaging a nerve in my hand,and Tby came ver,helping me up: Safe,
    man.Safe.A few minutes later,when I landed the trick,my friends beat their bards lud,shuting:“Safe!Safe!Safe!”And that's what mattered—landing tricks,being a gd skater.When I was 15,my family mved t Washingtn.I tried skatebarding there,but the lcals were far less welcming.Within a cuple f years,I'd given it up.When I returned t Lndn in 2004,I fund myself wandering dwn t Suthbank,spending hurs there.I've traveled back several times since,mst recently this past spring.The day was cld but clear; turists and Lndners stpped t watch the skaters.Weaving(穿梭)amng the kids wh rushed by n their bards,I fund my way t the beam.Then a rail­thin teenager,in a baggy white T­shirt,
    skidded(滑)up t the beam.He sat next t me.He seemed nt t ntice the man next t him.But sn I caught a few f his glances.“I was a lcal here 20 years ag,”I tld him.Then,slwly,he began t nd his head.“Safe,man.Safe.”
    30.Why did the authr like t spend time in Suthbank when he returned t Lndn?A.T jin the skatebarding.  B.T make new friends.C.T learn mre tricks. D.T relive his childhd days.
    [解析] 本题需要结合第一段、第二段和第三段的内容进行综合分析。根据第一段可知,作者通过玩滑板融入了当地的环境、结交了新的朋友,并度过了一段快乐的时光;第二段叙述了作者一家搬去华盛顿后,由于周围的人并不像Suthbank附近的人那么热情,作者不再像以前一样快乐地玩滑板了。因此,他返回伦敦时,去Suthbank的目的在于重温当年的快乐时光。结合全文信息可推断出答案。
    技法(六) 根据文章体裁和内容推断文章出处判断文章出处的题目应从文章的体裁和内容着手。一般来说,报纸上的新闻前面会出现日期、地点或通讯社名称等;广告类文章因其格式特殊,容易辨认;产品说明类文章如器皿、设备的使用说明会有产品名称或操作方式,而药品的服用说明会告知服用的时间、次数、药量等;来自网络的文章一般比较新颖,时效性强
    [典例] (2022·全国乙卷)In 1916,tw girls f wealthy families,best friends frm Auburn,N.Y.—Drthy Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd—traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne­rm schlhuse.The girls had gne t Smith Cllege.They wre expensive clthes.S fr them t mve t Elkhead,Cl.t instruct the children whse shes were held tgether with string was a surprise.Their stay in Elkhead is the subject f Nthing Daunted:The Unexpected Educatin f Tw Sciety Girls in the West by Drthy Wickenden,wh is a magazine editr and Drthy Wdruff's granddaughter.Why did they g then?Well,they wanted t d smething useful.Sn,hwever,they realized what they had undertaken.
    They mved in with a lcal family,the Harrisns,and,like them,had little privacy,rare baths,and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning.Sme mrnings,Rsamnd and Drthy wuld arrive at the schlhuse t find the children weeping frm the cld.In spring,the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.In Wickenden's bk,she expanded n the histry f the West and als n feminism,which f curse influenced the girls' decisin t g t Elkhead.A hair­raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads,which entailed(牵涉) drilling thrugh the Rckies,ften in blinding snwstrms.The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy's return t Auburn.
    Wickenden is a very gd stryteller.The sweep f the land and the sticism(坚忍)f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing.Here is a picture f Drthy Wdruff,n her hrse,lking dwn frm a hill tp:“When the sun slipped behind the muntains,it shed a rsy glw all arund them.Then a full mn rse. The snw was marked nly by small animals: fxes,cytes,mice,and varying hares,which turned white in the winter.”27.What is the text?A.A news reprt.       B.A bk review.C.A children's stry. D.A diary entry.
    [解析] 根据第一段中的“Their stay in Elkhead is the subject f Nthing Daunted:The Unexpected Educatin f Tw Sciety Girls in the West by Drthy Wickenden,wh is a magazine editr and Drthy Wdruff's granddaughter.”,第四段中的“In Wickenden's bk,she expanded n the histry f the West and als n feminism,which f curse influenced the girls' decisin t g t Elkhead.”和最后一段中的“Wickenden is a very gd stryteller.”可推知,本篇文章是一则书评。
    技法(七) 理解通篇大意、把握写作意图做推理判断题时,应对整篇文章有完整、准确的理解,从总体上把握文章的主题,善于抓住文中的关键词或关键句,对文章的引申含义进行分析。整合与题目相关的信息,综合起来去把握写作意图,确定最佳结论
    [典例] (2020·新高考卷Ⅰ)In the mid­1990s,Tm Bissell taught English as a vlunteer in Uzbekistan.He left after seven mnths,physically brken and having lst his mind.A few years later,still attracted t the cuntry,he returned t Uzbekistan t write an article abut the disappearance f the Aral Sea.
    His visit,hwever,ended up invlving a lt mre than that.Hence this bk,Chasing the Sea:Lst Amng the Ghsts f Empire in Central Asia,which talks abut a rad trip frm Tashkent t Karakalpakstan,where millins f lives have been destryed by the slw drying up f the sea.It is the stry f an American travelling t a strange land,and f the peple he meets n his way: Rustam,his translatr,a lvely 24­year­ld wh picked up his clrful English in Califrnia,Oleg and Natasha,his hsts in Tashkent,and a string f freign aid wrkers.This is a quick lk at life in Uzbekistan,made f friendliness and warmth,but als its darker side f sciety.In Samarkand,Mr Bissell admires the architectural wnders,while n his way t Bukhara he gets a taste f plice
    methds when suspected f drug dealing.In Ferghana,he attends a muntain funeral(葬礼)fllwed by a strange drinking party.And in Karakalpakstan,he is saddened by the dust strms,diseases and fishing bats stuck miles frm the sea.Mr Bissell skillfully rganizes histrical insights and cultural references,making his tale a well­runded picture f Uzbekistan,seen frm Western eyes.His judgment and references are decidedly American,as well as his delicate stmach. As the authr explains,this is neither a travel nr a histry bk,r even a piece f reprtage.Whatever it is,the result is a fine and vivid descriptin f the purest f Central Asian traditins.11.What is the purpse f this text?A.T intrduce a bk.   B.T explain a cultural phenmenn.C.T remember a writer. D.T recmmend a travel destinatin.
    [解析] 文章第一段提到,Tm Bissell在几年之后回到乌兹别克斯坦,想写一篇关于咸海消失的文章,结果写成了一本书;接下来第二、三段详细介绍了书中的内容;最后一段是对这本书的总体评价。因此通过对本文大意的理解可判断出,本文的写作目的是介绍一本书。
    A(2022·南京盐城高三一模试题)I'm rather gd at using maps.But I frgt the maps and here we were,late afternn,last day f vacatin,my daughter,my cusin and I,driving alng a tw­lane highway in Oregn.N ther car in sight,and the sun had just gne dwn.Where was that sweet little village?It was suppsed t be right alng this river.We drve n,farther int the unknwn river always at left as ur guide.We kept passing farms and fields and nw a few lights were cming ut.In my head,I was ding a lt f self­criticisms: Why didn't we start earlier,bring the map and s n?My cusin and I were bth impatient and stressed.My daughter,at least,was happy in the back seat,texting a friend.I pulled up n the shulder f the rad t think.
    Just then—Ww!Amazing!A new scene appeared.Where did it cme frm?Right there,ut f nwhere:a magical misty landscape.Fields stretched in silent purple,with rws f tall trees,darkening in the dusk(黄昏).I turned the car engine ff.All was silent in the ht summer air.Beside us,a plum­clured river hardly mved between a brder f trees,its dark lazy water reflecting the last light f day.Hw breathtaking!Where had it been?If I had seen even a bit f this beauty while driving alng,I culd have stpped and taken a lk.I had missed it all.We miss a lt,almst everything,in fact,in ur wrld.Our task­fcused filters (过滤器)take care f that,selecting nly what we need.We need t get t wrk. Have
    sme lunch.We see what we need t see,ften fr purpses f survival.Gregry Batesn,speaking f beauty,said the judgment is selectin f a fact.In ur daily lives,wh r what is ding the selecting?Can we make a change?Can we see further?
    【语篇解读】 在度假的最后一个下午,作者由于忘记带地图,在沿河岸驾车回家时突然发现找不到回家的路了,于是作者把车停在路基上思考回家的路。就在那时,作者突然发现眼前的夏日黄昏的美景,最后作者感叹:我们的人生太过匆忙,做任何事情都是为了生存,所以我们错过了很多生活中的美。
    1.Which f the fllwing might be the destinatin f the authr's driving?A.Her wn hme.    B.A vacatin spt.C.A turist centre. D.Her cusin's farm.
    2.What made the authr keep blaming herself in the beginning?A.That the vacatin was belw her expectatins.B.That she wasn't as gd at using maps as befre.C.That her cusin and daughter culdn't get alng.D.That lack f full preparatins gt her t lse her way.
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Why didn't s n?”可知,作者自责没有早点出发和带上地图等,可推知,作者因自己没有充分准备导致迷了路而不断自责。
    3.The authr felt really amazed because______________.A.her carelessness brught an unexpected pleasure.B.she discvered a turist spt unknwn t the public.C.she unintentinally reached what she had planned.D.the right rute t her destinatin came ut f nwhere
    4.What des the stry intend t tell us?A.Stay cl when yu are trapped in truble.B.Make a change fr the purpse f survival.C.Slw dwn yur pace t enjy the beauty in life.D.Be psitive because there's always an alternative.
    BMy husband jkes with me that my midlife crisis was having my nw 11­year­ld daughter in my 40s.I started my career as Assciate Editr at Wman's Wrld magazine in the late 1990s.Then I was a magazine editr­in­chief f five natinal cnsumer publicatins and als cntributed t magazines like Lngevity and New Wman.Fur years after getting married in 2005,I eventually gave birth t my daughter,Crystal.As I wrte n Parenting.cm:“As the dctr checked her vital rgans and my husband cunted her 10 perfect fingers and tes,I realized that my bdy had prduced a wnder.”
    While my peers were dealing with the stresses f kids in schl,I fcused my creative energy n carving ut my new identity.I was excited when I was ffered a“Mum's Talk”clumn where I wrte abut tys,breastfeeding,and my nging pursuit f“baby­free”time.When Crystal was 3 years ld,I wrte an essay abut watching her dance at a tddler(学步的儿童)reading grup in the library,instead f sitting dwn with the ther children.I expected her perfrmance t anny peple,but her jyful dancing attracted them and made me cnsider my wn pssibilities.
    “Had I ever been that way,I wndered.If s,culd I be like that again?Culd I becme as free as a child with her whle life ahead f her,ready and willing t be the star f her wn prductin?”
    As my daughter transfrmed frm a tddler int a yung girl,she cntinued t be my inspiratin.I wrte abut the new rules fr babysitting and shared research shwing that fathers wh participated in husewrk had a psitive impact n their daughter's future success n The Washingtn Pst.I fcused n prviding Crystal with resilience­building when she neared her teens.I wrte abut pwerful phrases n The Week,like“n ne is the judge f yur self­wrth”.As my daughter cntinues t grw during this messy time,there is ne certainty:I will cntinue t tell my stries,thrugh my midlife wisdm.I can't wait t see her next chapter—and fr yu t read mine.
    【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了作者作为一名作家、主编及后来的新身份——宝妈,在事业与抚育孩子过程中的一些成长及感悟。5.Hw did the authr feel when giving birth t her daughter?A.Frightened.     B.Pleased.C.Puzzled. D.Disappinted.
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“As the dctr checked her vital rgans and my husband cunted her 10 perfect fingers and tes,I realized that my bdy had prduced a wnder”,可知,当医生给孩子检查重要器官,丈夫把孩子十个手指和十个脚趾数个遍时,作者认为自己的身体孕育了一个奇迹。据此可以推断,作者应该会感到高兴,故 B项正确。
    6.In terms f being a parent,the authr differed frm her peers in that_______.A.she had t deal with mre stresses frm being a mumB.she left all the babysitting wrk t her husbandC.she cmbined the new identity with her careerD.she adpted a creative methd f raising her baby
    7.What did Crystal's perfrmance in the library make the authr think abut?A.Living the same free life as her daughter's.B.Giving perfrmance in frnt f a crwd.C.Her previus life befre having the baby.D.Pure pleasure during“baby­free”time.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第六段的内容,尤其是该段最后一句“Culd I becme as free as a child with her whle life ahead f her,ready and willing t be the star f her wn prductin”,可知,作者看到女儿在图书馆跳舞的时候,她想像女儿一样自由自在地生活,故A项正确。

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