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    1. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. A suit. B. A shirt. C. A birthday.
    2. What is the weather like now?
    A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy.
    3. What will Peter do next?
    A. Play computer games.
    B. Clean up the garden.
    C. Pick up his parents.
    4. How will the speakers go to the restaurant?
    A. By taxi. B. By car. C. On foot.
    5. What flavor of ice-cream does the man like best?
    A. Carrot. B. Strawberry. C. Banana.
    6.What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Relatives. B. Colleagues. C. A couple.
    7. What does the man thank the woman for?
    A. Giving him a promotion.
    B. Participating in his project.
    C. Providing assistance for him.
    8. Why is the man’s second year much better?
    A. He joined clubs. B. He loved the workload. C. He went to Australia.
    9. What’s the man’s major?
    A. Computer Science. B. Business Management. C. French.
    10.In how many years does the man want to graduate?
    A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
    11. Where are the speakers?
    A. In the hospital. B. At home. C. In a gym.
    12. How does the man sound?
    A. Concerned. B. Surprised. C. Pleased.
    13. What leads to the man’s quick recovery?
    A. Friends’ support. B. Medicine Treatment. C. Family’s company.
    14 What worries the woman?
    A. The sense of loneliness.
    B The possibility of being lost.
    C. Failure of the GPS.
    15. Why does the man suggest taking a map?
    A. A map is easy to carry.
    B. Visiting sites offer no maps.
    C. The phone might be out of power.
    16. What is said about San Francisco?
    A. It is a large city.
    B. Traffic there is too heavy.
    C. There is a wide range of culture.
    17. What does the woman think of renting a bike?
    A. Troublesome. B. Expensive. C. Practical.
    18. Who is probably the speaker?
    A. The headmaster. B. A social worker. C. A student.
    19. What has been done in the summer?
    A. Serving the community.
    B. Designing new programs.
    C. Improving the campus.
    20. What have the local companies promised to do for students?
    A. Offer job opportunities.
    B. Prepare students for future career.
    C. Create fun activities.
    Air Travel Guidelines for Children
    We’re here to help you prepare to fly with your children. Here’s how it works.
    Booking a child’s ticket
    You’ll need to buy a separate ticket if:
    · You book an international flight.
    · Your child is 2 years old or older at takeoff.
    · Your child is a baby sitting in his or her own seat.
    In some cases, children can fly for free. If everything below is true, you won’t need to buy your child a separate ticket:
    · You book a domestic(国内) flight.
    · Your child is a baby(less than 2 years old), at takeoff.
    · Your baby sits on the legs of a traveler over the age of 12.
    · No more than 1 baby is seated on the legs of a traveler.
    Now for the rules, each traveler over the age of 12 may accompany(陪伴) up to 2 babies, each seated in their own seat.
    Documents a child will need
    The airlines determine what documents you’ll need to travel. In short, if you’re flying domestically, each child might need a photo ID. If you’re flying intemationally, each child will need a passport. Additionally, children under 18 traveling to Mexico need to provide proved documentation and letters of permission. For more information, please visit the US Embassy(大使馆) website.
    Unaccompanied children on flights
    · Some airlines may charge a fee for unaccompanied child service.
    · Children under 5 and over 17 might be unfit for unaccompanied child service.
    · Both the adult dropping the child off at the airport and the adult picking the child up are required to show identification.
    Contact your airline to ask about more information.
    1. Under which condition do you have to buy a ticket for your baby girl?
    A. She sits on your legs. B. She needs a domestic flight.
    C. She requires a separate seat. D. She is under the age of 2 at takeoff.
    2. What document might a child need to fly within the USA?
    A. A photo ID. B. A passport.
    C. Proved documentation. D. A letter of permission.
    3. Who can use unaccompanied child service?
    A. A 4-year-old boy. B. A 10-year-old boy.
    C An 18-year-old boy. D. A 19-year-old boy.
    【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B
    细节理解题。根据Booking a child’s ticket中的“· Your child is a baby sitting in his or her own seat. (·你的孩子是一个坐在自己座位上的婴儿。)”可知,如果需要一个单独的座位时需要买票。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Documents a child will need中的“In short, if you’re flying domestically, each child might need a photo ID. (简而言之,如果你乘坐的是国内航班,每个孩子可能都需要带照片的身份证。)”可知,孩子在美国境内飞行可能需要带照片的身份证。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Unaccompanied children on flights中的“· Children under 5 and over 17 might be unfit for unaccompanied child service. (·5岁以下和17岁以上的儿童可能不适合无人陪伴的儿童服务。)”可知,10岁的男孩可以使用无人陪伴儿童服务。故选B。
    Fifteen years ago, I loved going to the gym, but family life and work commitments meant I was finding it hard to get there. With the help of my dad and uncle, I built my own gym in the garden. It’s basically a beautified room with insulation (隔热层) and electries and a small heater for the winter. We built a corner desk too intending it to be for me to do the paperwork for my small business. However, the desk served its real purpose when I started my writing journey two years ago.
    I’ve always had stories going through my mind. I could be out jogging and I’d lose myself playing out thoughts in my head like movie scenes. Once seen, they stay in there. I have trouble keeping other information, but when it comes to story ideas, they lock in. I have many full novel ideas in my head waiting to be written. When I was younger, I wasn’t brave enough to write. I didn’t do well in school and I’ve spent most of my life in physical work, so the idea of becoming a writer felt laughable.
    I now know there isn’t a writer type; writers come in all forms. I still use the gym for its real purpose, but some of the equipment has been replaced by books and a small bed for the time when I want to relax and read. I like to have my desk looking colorful-some might say messy. My love for sport is clear to see, with photos around of my favorite boxers and the football team I follow. On the other hand, having my own writing room is important. Without it I wouldn’t be where I am now on my writing jourmey. It’s far from charming, but it is mine. It’s my happy place.
    4. Why did the author build his own gym?
    A. Because of his tight schedule.
    B. Because of his small business.
    C. Because of his poor financial condition.
    D. Because of the encouragement of his family.
    5. What can we learn about the author from paragraph 2?
    A. He was jogging for more ideas.
    B. He got on well with his study at school.
    C. He had the potential to become a writer.
    D. He was confident about becoming a writer.
    6. What is the author’s gym mainly used for now?
    A. Reading and business. B. Storing books and typing.
    C. Relaxing and entertaining. D. Writing and fitness.
    7. Which section of a magazine does the passage probably come from?
    A. Health. B. Life. C. Education. D. Opinion.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Fifteen years ago, I loved going to the gym, but family life and work commitments meant I was finding it hard to get there. With the help of my dad and uncle, I built my own gym in the garden.(15年前,我喜欢去健身房,但由于家庭生活和工作的原因,我发现很难去健身房。在爸爸和叔叔的帮助下,我在花园里建了自己的健身房)”可知,作者建这个健身房是因为作者喜欢健身,但是由于时间紧张很难去健身房。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“I’ve always had stories going through my mind. I could be out jogging and I’d lose myself playing out thoughts in my head like movie scenes. Once seen, they stay in there. I have trouble keeping other information, but when it comes to story ideas, they lock in. I have many full novel ideas in my head waiting to be written.(我脑子里总有故事。我可以在外面慢跑,我可能会出去慢跑,然后像电影场景一样在脑子里思考。一旦被发现,它们就会留在那里。我很难记住其他信息,但当涉及到故事想法时,他们就会锁定。我脑子里有很多完整的新想法等着写出来)”可知,作者的脑海中总有故事,而且有很多完整的新想法等着写出来,所以作者有当作家的潜质。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“I still use the gym for its real purpose, but some of the equipment has been replaced by books and a small bed for the time when I want to relax and read. I like to have my desk looking colorful-some might say messy. My love for sport is clear to see, with photos around of my favorite boxers and the football team I follow. On the other hand, having my own writing room is important.(我仍然使用健身房来达到它的真正目的,但一些设备已经被书籍和一张小床所取代,以便我放松和阅读。我喜欢让我的桌子看起来五彩缤纷——有些人可能会说凌乱。我对运动的热爱显而易见,我最喜欢的拳击手和我追随的足球队的照片随处可见。另一方面,拥有自己的写作室也很重要)”可知,目前这个健身房主要用来供作者写作和锻炼。故选D。
    I’ve spent much of my life dealing with written and spoken words. Now I’m a technologist making use of natural language processing for human good. Given that I work in artificial intelligence(AI), I’m realizing something dangerous happening. Machines are ruining the way we communicate.
    AI voices are normalized and yet cold, no matter which accent(口音)you set your Siri or Amazon Alexa into. It’s difficult to normalize language to be inoffensive because sometimes we do make people feel uncomfortable or even make them annoyed. Yet this is exactly what we’re asking artificial intelligence to do for us on a billion-person scale. Once these rules are carried out by machines, they’re unavoidable and create much bigger issues.
    We notice that there is an active desire to only include standardized language in AI-powered tools in an attempt to avoid including potentially hateful or offensive language. And these AI-powered tools are exactly what we use to complete our thoughts almost at any given time. They are everywhere—in our emails, word processors, and web pages. The machines are pushing us into a common tongue, and we accept it as a matter of convenience. But what’s the cost? We’re trading uniqueness and accuracy for convenience. We’re also handing the power of acceptable speech to machines not people.
    In the real world, people don’t communicate like a Wikipedia(维基百科) article. We use tone(语气), humor and facial expressions. We can tell where peoplewere bon based on their accents and wording. Humans are truly unique, and our communication is constantly changing. So we should demand AI systems that promote individuality and uniqueness. We should demand to know how AI is developed and the data used to build it. Because we all deserve this.
    8. What does the underlined word “inoffensive” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Hateful B. Valuable C. Harmless D. Beneficial
    9. How can we promote AI voice?
    A. AI voice should be legalized. B. AI voice should be modernized.
    C. AI voice should be standardized. D. AI voice should be personalized.
    10. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
    A. AI systems should be improved.
    B. AI systems deserve more support.
    C. AI systems are becoming more human like.
    D. AI systems are destroying our communication.
    11 What’s the author’s tone in the passage?
    A. Praising. B. Concerned. C. Humorous. D. Matter-of-fact.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B
    词义猜测题。根据划线单词下一句“because sometimes we do make people feel uncomfortable or even make them annoyed.(因为有时我们确实会让人感到不舒服,甚至让他们恼火。)”可知这种语言会让人们不舒服、甚至很恼火。由于划线单词前有“difficult”,由此判断,划线单词和“让人舒服、对人无害”相关。选项A“Hateful (可恨的)”;选项B“Valuable (昂贵的)”;选项C“Harmless (无害的)”;选项D“Beneficial (有益的)”。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The machines are pushing us into a common tongue, and we accept it as a matter of convenience. But what’s the cost? We’re trading uniqueness and accuracy for convenience. We’re also handing the power of acceptable speech to machines not people.(机器正在推动我们使用一种通用的语言,我们为了方便而接受它。但代价是什么呢?我们用独特性和准确性来换取便利性。)”可知,作者认为人工智能的声音应该更具有个性化、独特性。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“In the real world, people don’t communicate like a Wikipedia(维基百科) article. We use tone(语气), humor and facial expressions. We can tell where people were bon based on their accents and wording. Humans are truly unique, and our communication is constantly changing. So we should demand AI systems that promote individuality and uniqueness. We should demand to know how AI is developed and the data used to build it. Because we all deserve this.(在现实世界中,人们不会像维基百科上的文章那样交流。我们使用语调、幽默和面部表情。我们可以根据人们的口音和措辞来判断他们来自哪里。人类确实是独一无二的,我们的交流方式也在不断变化。因此,我们应该要求人工智能系统促进个性和独特性。我们应该要求知道人工智能是如何开发的,以及用于构建人工智能的数据。因为这是我们应得的。)”可知,最后一段讲述的是在现实生活中,人类的交流要丰富有个性得多,因此,人工智能系统应该有所改进。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Given that I work in artificial intelligence(AI), I’m realizing something dangerous happening. Machines are ruining the way we communicate.(鉴于我在人工智能(AI)领域工作,我意识到一些危险的事情正在发生。机器正在破坏我们的交流方式。)”、第三段“We’re trading uniqueness and accuracy for convenience.(我们用独特性和准确性来换取便利性。)”以及最后一段“So we should demand AI systems that promote individuality and uniqueness. We should demand to know how AI is developed and the data used to build it. Because we all deserve this.(因此,我们应该要求人工智能系统促进个性和独特性。我们应该要求知道人工智能是如何开发的,以及用于构建人工智能的数据。因为这是我们应得的。)”可知,作者在这篇文章中表露出对人工智能声音的担忧。故选B。
    “A beautiful field of flowers can be a rather noisy place. It’s just that we can’t hear the sounds.” Scientists at Tel Aviv University have conducted a six-year experiment, proving that plants make noise in certain stressful situations.
    Plants produce a high frequency (频率) clicking sound, and when short of water, or damaged, the clicks become far more regular. They also made different sounds, depending on whether they were thirsty or injured. “Each plant and each type of stress is related to a specific sound,” said Professor Lilach Hadany, who led the research study.
    Focusing particularly on tomatoes, wheat and corn, the plants were placed in a soundproof(隔音的)room and recorded by microphones. Some plants were starved of water, others cut, and a control group was left undamaged. The researchers used an algorithm (算法) to separate the noises, suecessfully telling the difference between the sounds depending on whether they were dry or cut. The algorithm did this in a greenhouse setting which included far more surrounding sounds, but it was still able to recognize the particular cries for help of the plants.
    On average, the human ear can hear sounds up to around 20kHz, while the sounds produced by plants are in the 40-80kHz region, far beyond our hearing. “The sounds made by plants can’t be heard by humans but can probably be heard by various animals, such as bats, mice and insects,” Hadany tells us. Though this has yet to be proven, it’s possible that these creatures use this information to choose which plants to eat.
    A study led by Reda Hassanien of China Agriculural University in Beijing years ago, also proved that plants reacted to sound waves, with some plants greatly increasing their yield. While evidence shows that plants can react to sounds, there’s no evidence today that they can actually hear them.
    12. What can we know from the six-year experiment?
    A. Plants of different types make the sound of the same frequeney.
    B. Plants produce more regular sound in certain stressful situations.
    C. Plants make sounds with a much lower frequency when stressed.
    D. Plants make the sound of the same frequeney whatever the situation.
    13. What is the algorithm used for in the research?
    A. To record the sounds. B. To control the sounds.
    C. To produce the sounds. D. To identify the sounds.
    14. What has been proven by scientists according to the passage?
    A. Plants can hear each other’s cry for help.
    B. Animals can hear the sounds made by plants.
    C. Plants can make sounds and respond to sound waves.
    D. Animals decide what to eat based on the sounds plants make.
    15. Which of the following is the best title of the text?
    A. Sounds That We Can’t Hear
    B. Beautiful Songs from Plants
    C. Plants React to Different Types of Stress
    D. Plants Talk, Especially When Stressed
    【答案】12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段““A beautiful field of flowers can be a rather noisy place. It’s just that we can’t hear the sounds.” Scientists at Tel Aviv University have conducted a six-year experiment, proving that plants make noise in certain stressful situations.(“一片美丽的花田可能是一个相当嘈杂的地方。只是我们听不到声音。”特拉维夫大学的科学家们进行了一项为期六年的实验,证明植物在某些紧张的情况下会发出声音。)”以及第二段“Plants produce a high frequency (频率) clicking sound, and when short of water, or damaged, the clicks become far more regular. They also made different sounds, depending on whether they were thirsty or injured. “Each plant and each type of stress is related to a specific sound,” said Professor Lilach Hadany, who led the research study.(植物会发出高频率的咔哒声,当缺水或受损时,咔哒声会变得更有规律。它们也会发出不同的声音,这取决于它们是口渴还是受伤。“每种植物和每种类型的压力都与一种特定的声音有关,”领导这项研究的利拉克·哈达尼教授说。)”可知,这项为期六年的实验表明植物在有压力的情况下会发出有规律的声音。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“The researchers used an algorithm (算法) to separate the noises, successfully telling the difference between the sounds depending on whether they were dry or cut. The algorithm did this in a greenhouse setting which included far more surrounding sounds, but it was still able to recognize the particular cries for help of the plants.(研究人员使用了一种算法来分离噪音,成功地根据它们缺水还是受到切割来区分声音。该算法在温室环境中进行了这项工作,温室环境中有更多的周围声音,但它仍然能够识别出植物的特殊呼救声。)”可知,该算法用来分离噪音,辨别声音。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“A study led by Reda Hassanien of China Agriculural University in Beijing years ago, also proved that plants reacted to sound waves, with some plants greatly increasing their yield. While evidence shows that plants can react to sounds, there’s no evidence today that they can actually hear them.(几年前,中国农业大学的Reda Hassanien领导的一项研究也证明了植物对声波的反应,一些植物的产量大大提高。虽然有证据表明植物可以对声音做出反应,但现在还没有证据表明它们真的能听到声音。)”可知,植物可以发出声音并对声波做出反应。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段““A beautiful field of flowers can be a rather noisy place. It’s just that we can’t hear the sounds.” Scientists at Tel Aviv University have conducted a six-year experiment, proving that plants make noise in certain stressful situations.(“一片美丽的花田可能是一个相当嘈杂的地方。只是我们听不到声音。”特拉维夫大学的科学家们进行了一项为期六年的实验,证明植物在某些紧张的情况下会发出声音。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了一项新的研究发现,该研究表明植物在某些紧张的情况下会发出声音。所以“Plants Talk, Especially When Stressed(植物会说话,尤其是在有压力的时候)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选D。
    How to Celebrate Earth Day
    Are you looking for ways to celebrate Earth Day on April 22? You’ve come to the right place. If you’re ready to learn more about joining the global celebration, making real change, and doing your part to save our planet, read on!
    Walk or ride your bike. ____16____ Even one day can make a difference, but if you can commit(承诺) to walking or biking more often in the future, that’s even better! If your daily commute(通勤)is too far for walking/biking, try public transportation like buses or trains.
    Plant a tree. This simple act will benefit the environment for decades. Planting a tree only takes a few minutes, but it can make a huge impact. ____17____ They help to save energy, clean pollution, and provide homes for many birds, insects, and other local wildlife.
    Attend a local Earth Day event. ____18____ If your community doesn’t have one planned, consider starting one yourself. It’s the perfect day to get together for a fun and educational celebration of the earth.
    Visit a local farmer’s market. Eating locally grown food is much better for the environment. For example, locally-grown food doesn’t have to be transported long distances to end up on grocery store shelves. ____19____
    Commit to one green act per day. You can keep reducing your carbon(碳) footprint once Earth Day is over. ____20____While small changes at the individual level may not seem like a big deal, they add up over time and can have a major impact. Moving forward, make it your goal to do one small thing every day to support the environment.
    A. Earth Day can be every day!
    B. Trees are extremely important.
    C. Treas need extra care to grow well.
    D. Get out there and appreciate our beautiful world.
    E. Going car-free for the day will reduce harmful gases.
    F. See if your community is holding an environmental fair.
    G. You’ll also be giving back to your community by supporting local farmers.
    【答案】16. E 17. B 18. F 19. G 20. A
    根据空后内容“Even one day can make a difference, but if you can commit(承诺) to walking or biking more often in the future, that’s even better! If your daily commute(通勤)is too far for walking/biking, try public transportation like buses or trains.(即使是一天也会有所不同,但如果你能在未来更经常地走路或骑自行车,那就更好了!如果你每天上下班的路程太远,不适合步行或骑自行车,那就试试公共交通,比如公共汽车或火车。)”可知,空后主要讲述的是尽量不要开车,多选择步行或骑自行车。选项E“Going car-free for the day will reduce harmful gases.(一天不开车会减少有害气体。)”与下文内容一致,解释了为什么多选择步行或骑自行车。故选E。
    根据空后“They help to save energy, clean pollution, and provide homes for many birds, insects, and other local wildlife.(它们有助于节约能源,清洁污染,并为许多鸟类,昆虫和其他当地野生动物提供家园。)”可知,“它们”的好处很多。选项B“Trees are extremely important.(树木非常重要。)”内容上与下文一致,是下文内容的概括;而下文的“they”指的正是“tress”。故选B。
    根据空后内容“If your community doesn’t have one planned, consider starting one yourself.(如果你的社区没有这样的计划,考虑自己创建一个。)”可知,空处和“社区是否有这样的计划”有关。选项F“See if your community is holding an environmental fair.(看看你的社区是否正在举办环境博览会。)”与下文内容一致。故选F。
    根据空前内容“Visit a local farmer’s market. Eating locally grown food is much better for the environment. For example, locally-grown food doesn’t have to be transported long distances to end up on grocery store shelves.(参观当地的农贸市场。吃当地种植的食物对环境更好。例如,当地种植的食物不需要经过长途运输才能最终出现在杂货店的货架上。)”可知,上文讲的是在当地农贸市场购买食物。选项G“You’ll also be giving back to your community by supporting local farmers.(你也可以通过支持当地农民来回馈社区。)”与上文内容一致,指的都是在当地农贸市场购买食物,这样可以回馈社区。故选G。
    根据空前内容“Commit to one green act per day. You can keep reducing your carbon(碳) footprint once Earth Day is over.(每天做一件环保的事。地球日结束后,你可以继续减少碳足迹。)”可知,作者认为减少碳足迹,我们可以每一天都做一件环保的事情。选项A“Earth Day can be every day!( 地球日可以是每一天!)”与上文内容一致,指的都是我们可以把每天都当做地球日来度过,每天都可以做一件环保的事情。故选A。
    I went on a bird-watching hike in the South American rainforest to see some rare birds. Our guide, Carlos, ____21____ us through the thick trees and plants until we reached a ____22____ where we could spot the birds we were looking for. We waited ____23____ , hoping to catch a glimpse of the rare creatures. ____24____ ,Carlos gave us a signal and pointed to a. ____25____ nearby. We could hardly see anything, but Carlos had ____26____ one of the rare birds we were searching for.
    Carlos set up his telescope and adjusted the lens(镜头)until we could see the bird ____27____ .We watched in awe(惊叹)as the bird flew from branch to branch, seemingly ____28____ by our presence. It was a beautiful sight to ____29____ .After a fewminutes, the bird _____30_____ , and we continued our hike, excited by the _____31_____ .
    Bird-watching in the rainforest was a _____32_____ and patience-testing activity, but it was worth it for the unique and unforgettable experience. It was unbelievable to see the _____33_____ of bird species in the jungle and appreciate their beauty up close. Carlos was an excellent guide who shared his knowledge and _____34_____ for the environment with us. I would recommend this activity to anyone who loves nature and wants to _____35_____ the wonders of the rainforest.
    21. A. led B. helped C. pulled D. drove
    22. A. trap B. clearing C. source D. farm
    23. A. in despair B. in silence C. with pride D. with relief
    24. A. Confusingly B. Curiously C. Undoubtedly D. Suddenly
    25. A. rock B. cave C. tree D. stream
    26. A. spotted B. attacked C. caught D. saved
    27. A. regularly B. personally C. clearly D. briefly
    28. A. amazed B. frightened C. unaffected D. unhurt
    29. A. take in B. hunt for C. stir up D. refer to
    30. A. tripped over B. showed up C. turned back D. flew away
    31. A. attempt B. performance C. impact D. experience
    32. A. striking B. challenging C. worthwhile D. beneficial
    33. A. diversity B. mystery C. mission D. origin
    34. A. patience B. energy C. passion D. intention
    35. A. show B. promote C. create D. witness
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们的导游Carlos带领我们穿过茂密的树木和植物,直到我们到达一块空地,在那里我们可以看到我们正在寻找的鸟。A. led带领;B. helped帮助;C. pulled拉;D. drove驱使。根据上文“Our guide, Carlos”可知,Carlos是作者的导游,由此推断,Carlos带领作者他们穿过茂密的树木和植物。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的导游Carlos带领我们穿过茂密的树木和植物,直到我们到达一块空地,在那里我们可以看到我们正在寻找的鸟。A. trap陷阱;B. clearing空地;C. source资源;D. farm农场。根据上文“I went on a bird-watching hike in the South American rainforest to see some rare birds.”可知,作者是去观鸟,所以导游是带领他们来到了可以观鸟的地方。故选B。
    考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:我们静静地等着,希望能瞥见这种稀有的生物。A. in despair绝望地;B. in silence寂静地;C. with pride自豪地;D. with relief放松地。根据上文“I went on a bird-watching hike in the South American rainforest to see some rare birds.”可知,作者是去观鸟的,所以应该是静静地等待。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,Carlos给了我们一个信号,指着附近的一棵树。A. Confusingly令人困惑地;B. Curiously好奇地;C. Undoubtedly毫无疑问地;D. Suddenly突然。根据上文可知,作者是在等待着观鸟。而下文“Carlos gave us a signal and pointed to a. ____5____ nearby.”则讲的是Carlos给了作者一个信号,所以是突然给了一个信号。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:突然,Carlos给了我们一个信号,指着附近的一棵树。A. rock岩石;B. cave山洞;C. tree树;D. stream溪流。根据下文“We watched in awe(惊叹)as the bird flew from branch to branch”可知,鸟是在树枝上飞来飞去,所以导游是指着附近的一棵树。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们几乎什么也看不见,但Carlos发现了我们正在寻找的一种稀有鸟类。A. spotted发现;B. attacked袭击;C. caught抓住;D. saved挽救。根据下文“Carlos set up his telescope and adjusted the lens(镜头)until we could see the bird”可知,导游Carlos已经发现了鸟。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:Carlos拿起望远镜,调整镜头,直到我们能清楚地看到那只鸟。A. regularly定期地;B. personally私人地;C. clearly清晰地;D. briefly简短地。根据上文“Carlos set up his telescope and adjusted the lens(镜头)”可知,Carlos架起望远镜,调整镜头,根据常理推测,Carlos这样做是为了让我们能够清楚看到那只鸟。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们敬畏地看着那只鸟从一根树枝飞到另一根树枝,似乎对我们的存在无动于衷。A. amazed惊叹的;B. frightened害怕的;C. unaffected不受影响的;D. unhurt没有受伤的。根据上文“We watched in awe(惊叹)as the bird flew from branch to branch”可知,鸟非常活跃,再根据上文可知,作者他们静静地在看鸟,所以鸟并没有受到影响。故选C。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。这是一幅美丽的景色。句意:A. take in吸收、看到;B. hunt for搜寻;C. stir up激起;D. refer to提及、参考。根据上文“We watched in awe(惊叹)as the bird flew from branch to branch”可知,这是作者他们看到的美丽景色。故选A。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:几分钟后,鸟儿飞走了,我们继续徒步旅行,为这次经历感到兴奋。A. tripped over绊倒;B. showed up出现;C. turned back转身、拒绝;D. flew away飞走。根据下文“we continued our hike”可知,作者他们继续徒步旅行,由此判断,鸟是飞走了。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:几分钟后,鸟儿飞走了,我们继续徒步旅行,为这次经历感到兴奋。A. attempt试图;B. performance表演;C. impact影响;D. experience经历、经验。根据下文“but it was worth it for the unique and unforgettable experience.”可知,作者他们虽然继续徒步,心中却还是对这次经历感到兴奋。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在雨林中观鸟是一项具有挑战性和耐心的活动,但这是一次独特而难忘的经历,值得一试。A. striking显著的;B. challenging具有挑战的;C. worthwhile值得的;D. beneficial有益的。根据空后的“patience-testing”可知,观鸟需要耐心,再根据上文可知,观鸟是有挑战性的。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在丛林中看到鸟类的多样性,近距离欣赏它们的美丽,真是令人难以置信。A. diversity多样性;B. mystery神秘;C. mission任务;D. origin起源。根据上文内容可知,作者特意来雨林观鸟,并看到了许多罕见的鸟类,所以空处指的是作者看到了鸟类的多样性。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Carlos是一位出色的导游,他与我们分享了他对环境的知识和热情。A. patience耐心;B. energy能量;C. passion热情;D. intention目的。根据上文可知,Carlos非常擅长寻找鸟,所以他对于环境是很有热情的。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我会把这个活动推荐给任何热爱大自然,想要见证热带雨林奇观的人。A. show展示;B. promote提拔、促销;C. create创造;D. witness见证。根据上文可知,作者是前往雨林亲自观鸟,所以对作者而言,是见证了热带雨林奇观。故选D。
    Taking a gap year between high school and college can be a great way to explore your interests, gain new experiences, ____36____ develop skills that will benefit you in the future. For me, my gap year was ____37____unforgettable adventure that allowed me ____38____ (step) outside my comfort zone and see the world in new ways.
    During my gap year, I traveled to several ____39____ (country)including Thailand, Japan, and Peru. I ____40____(volunteer)at a wildlife preserve in Thailand, where I worked with elephants, monkeys, and other animals. In Japan, I taught English to elementary school children, and in Peru, I worked on a farming project with a local community.
    These experiences were greatly rewarding and taught me valuable lessons about the world and myself. I learned how to communicate ____41____ (effective) with people from different cultures, how to adapt ____42____ new environments and situations, and how tobe more self-sufficient and resourceful.
    In addition to my travels, I also spent time ____43____ (explore)my passions and hobbies. I took art classes, learned how to cook new dishes, and read extensively about topics ____44____ interested me. These activities helped me to develop my creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking skills. So far these skills _____45_____ (be)invaluable in shaping my ideas and I’m looking forward to continuing to improve them throughout my life.
    【答案】36. and
    37. an 38. to step
    39. countries
    40. volunteered
    41. effectively
    42. to 43. exploring
    44. which##that
    45. have been
    考查连词。句意:在高中和大学之间的间隔年是一个探索你的兴趣、获得新经验和发展对你未来有益的技能的好方法。句中explore your interests、gain new experiences和develop skills为并列成分,所以用连词and连接。故填and。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:对我来说,间隔年是一次难忘的冒险,它让我走出了自己的舒适区,以新的方式看待世界。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事。故填to step。
    考查介词。句意:我学会了如何与来自不同文化背景的人有效沟通,如何适应新的环境和情况,以及如何更加自给自足和足智多谋。adapt to适应。故填to。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:除了我的旅行,我也花时间探索我的激情和爱好。spend time (in) doing sth.花费时间做某事。故填exploring。
    考查时态和语态。句意:到目前为止,这些技能在塑造我的想法方面一直是无价的,我期待着在我的一生中继续改进它们。根据时间状语so far可知,用现在完成时。主语these skills为复数形式,所以谓语动词用have。故填have been。
    46. You should always r______ others no matter what their backgrounds or beliefs are.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:你应该永远尊重别人,不管他们的背景或信仰是什么。由“no matter what their backgrounds or beliefs are”可知,句子表示“你应该永远尊重别人,不管他们的背景或信仰是什么”,空格处意为“尊敬”,由首字母提示r可知,是respect,should是情态动词,其后跟动词原形,故填respect。
    47. Currently,many students are a______ to video games, which is very harmful to their growth. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:目前,许多学生沉迷于电子游戏,这对他们的成长是非常有害的。be addicted to沉溺于。根据首字母提示及句意,故填addicted。
    48. The news website u______ the content of its webpages constantly to provide readers with the latest news. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:新闻网站不断更新网页内容,为读者提供最新的新闻。分析句子结构可知,句中缺少谓语动词。结合首字母提示及句意,用动词update,意为“更新”。陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。主语The news website是单数,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填updates。
    49. Every time I saw the old photo, it r______ me of my happy childhood memories. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查时态。句意:每次看到这张老照片,我就想起童年的快乐回忆。由“my happy childhood memories”可知,句子表示“每次看到这张老照片,我就想起童年的快乐回忆”,空格处意为“使想起”,由首字母提示r可知,是remind,由Every time I saw可知,句子时态是一般过去时,空格处用过去式,故填reminded。
    50. According to Dr. Smith, many d______ can be prevented through regular exercise and a healthy diet. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    51. When it comes to study, one’s attitude is of e______ importance to learning methods. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    52. Sichuan food, f______ the hot taste, is widely welcomed across the country. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:四川菜以辣为特色,在全国广受欢迎。根据句意“以……为特色”和首字母提示可知,此处为动词feature,此处需填非谓语动词作后置定语,Sichuan food和feature为逻辑主谓关系,需填现在分词形式。故填featuring。
    53. This sunny weather is not t______ of Britain, where it’s usually rainy or cloudy in spring. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:这种晴朗的天气并不是英国的典型天气,英国的春天通常是阴雨连绵。be typical of是……的特点。根据首字母提示及句意,故填typical。
    54. She has huge amounts of work to do every day, but she’s such a positive person that she never c______ about the workload. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    55. During the oubreak of Covid-19, many companies adopted f______ working hoursto ensure the safety. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:在新冠肺炎疫情期间,许多公司采取了灵活的工作时间来确保安全。名词working hours前用形容词修饰。结合首字母提示及句意,用形容词flexible,意为“灵活的”。故填flexible。
    56. 你校举办了“中国非物质文化遗产进校园”的活动,请你为校英语报写一篇英语报道,内容包括:
    1. 活动时间;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 活动反响。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Intangible Cultural Heritage into Campus
    【答案】Chinese Intangible Culture Heritage into Campus
    Our school, in collaboration with the local museum, held an event titled “Chinese Intangible Culture Heritage into Campus” in the school hall from June 20th to June 26th. The activities included exhibitions, lectures, performances and interactive workshops. Skilled craftsmen and artists were invited to demonstrate traditional Chinese art such as paper cutting, calligraphy, and Peking opera. Our students also participated in hands-on workshops, allowing them to learn and experience these art forms firsthand. The activities were well-received by students and teachers, which has raised our awareness of protecting China’s intangible cultural heritage.
    参加:participate in→take part in
    原句:Our students also participated in hands-on workshops, allowing them to learn and experience these art forms firsthand.
    拓展句:Our students also participated in hands-on workshops, which allowed them to learn and experience these art forms firsthand.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Our school, in collaboration with the local museum, held an event titled “Chinese Intangible Culture Heritage into Campus” in the school hall from June 20th to June 26th. (运用了过去分词作后置定语)
    [高分句型2] The activities were well-received by students and teachers, which has raised our awareness of protecting China’s intangible cultural heritage. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Summer was approaching, and Sarah and David had been eagerly looking forward to their visit to their grandpa’s countryside home. They had always enjoyed their time with their grandpa, who had a kind and generous heart. His wooden house was surrounded by beautiful greenery, and the fields of flowers that spread beyond the house were breathtaking. As they packed their bags for the trip, Sarah and David could hardly control their excitement. They talked about all the activities they could do with grandpa, like playing board games and taking long walks in the countryside.
    Finally, the day arrived, and the family set out on their journey to grandpa’s house. The journey was a long and tiring one, but Sarah and David were too excited to feel tired. As they drew closer to their destination, they chatted even more excitedly about all the fun things they wanted to do with grandpa.
    As they approached grandpa’s house, he came out to greet them with a huge smile on his face. Sarah and David were overjoyed to see him and hugged him tightly. It was great to be back in grandpa’s arms, and they felt the warmth and love from him.
    However, shortly after they entered the house, they noticed that grandpa was not his usual self, looking pale and tired. Sarah and David felt a pang of sadness and worry in their hearts. Grandpa was not well, and they didn’t know how to make him feel better.
    As they sat with grandpa, trying to make him feel comfortable, Sarah remembered that grandpa loved gardening. She suggested that they could create a garden for him, which would be a lovely surprise. David was excited with the idea and immediately set to work gathering the necessary tools. They wanted to do something special for their grandpa and hoped that this would cheer him up.
    Sarah and David got to work in the backyard.
    【答案】Sarah and David got to work in the backyard. They carefully selected a variety of flowers and plants and used shovels to prepare the perfect planting space. While Sarah watered the plants, David added colorful stones to the garden to enhance its beauty. After about two hours, the garden took shape. They couldn’t wait to share it with their grandfather, who was delighted by the surprise. Not only did the garden look stunning, but it also brought their grandfather a sense of peace and happiness. Sarah and David were pleased to see their grandfather’s reaction and felt that their efforts had paid off.
    开始工作:get to work/set to work
    挑选:select/pick out
    成形:take shape/shape up
    迫不及待做某事:couldn’t wait to do sth./be eager for doing sth.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]They couldn’t wait to share it with their grandfather, who was delighted by the surprise.(运用了who引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]Not only did the garden look stunning, but it also brought their grandfather a sense of peace and happiness.(运用了部分倒装)
    听力答案:1-5 AABBC 6-10 BCAAC 11-15 ACABC 16-20 ACACB

    浙江省衢州市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份浙江省衢州市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末试题(Word版附解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了 全卷分试卷和答题卷, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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