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    这是一份精品解析:四川省成都简阳市九校联考2022-2023学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试题,文件包含四川省成都简阳市九校联考2022-2023学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试题解析版docx、四川省成都简阳市九校联考2022-2023学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试题原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    一、选择填空 从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(共10小题, 每小题1分;计10分)
    1. Lin Lan is ________ student but she knows a lot.
    A. 11 years old B. a 11-year-old C. an 11-year-old
    2. —I don’t like reading ________ watching TV. How about you?
    —I don’t like reading all day ________ I like watching TV news.
    A. and; or B. or; and C. or; but
    考查连词辨析。and和,表并列关系;or(用于否定句)也不;but但是。第一个空是否定句,表示“也不”用or;根据“I don’t like reading all day...I like watching TV news”可知第二个空表示转折,用but。故选C。
    3. —What time does your sister usually go to bed?
    —Always before 10 o’clock. Because she ________ wants ________ late.
    A. never; to be B. never; be C. sometimes; be
    考查时间副词和非谓语。never从不;sometimes有时候。第一空根据“Always before 10 o’clock. Because she...wants...late.”可知10点之前睡觉是为了不想迟到,never符合;第二空根据固定短语want to do sth“想要做某事”可知动词用不定式形式,故选A。
    4. We all like our science teacher Mr. He. He ________ a friend to us after class.
    A. likes B. is like C. looks like
    考查词汇辨析。likes喜欢;is like就像;looks like看起来像。根据“He ... a friend to us after class.”可推出何老师就像我们的朋友,用is like。故选B。
    5. Mr. Chen always ________ us interesting stories and he is good ________ all students.
    A tells;at B. talks;with C. tells;with
    考查动词以及介词辨析。tell讲述;talk谈论。根据“us interesting stories ”可知,第一空指给我们讲述有趣的故事,故第一空填tells。be good at擅长;be good with与……和睦相处。根据“all students”可知,第二空指与学生和睦相处,故选C。
    6. Here ________ many restaurants(餐馆)in my neighborhood, and there ________ much delicious food in them.
    A. are; is B. is; is C. is; are
    考查be动词的用法。根据“many restaurants”和“here be”的就近原则可知,第一空be动词用are;再者根据“much delicious food”和“there be”的就近原则可知,food是不可数名词,第二空用is。故选A。
    7. Life is like a horse(马), and ________ you ride it ________ it rides you.
    A. both; and B. between; and C. either; or
    考查连词辨析。both…and两者都;between…and在……与……之间;either…or要么……要么……。根据“Life is like a horse(马),”及句子结构可知,此处是:要么你骑它,要么它骑你。故选C。
    8. —To be a basketball player is his dream.
    — Hope his dream can ________.
    A. come true B. come out C. come on
    考查短语辨析。come true实现;come out出来;come on快点。根据“To a basketball is dream.”可知,希望实现他的梦想,故选A。
    9. It’s not easy ________ many students in the poor villages ________ the river to school.
    A. to; to cross B. for; to cross C. for; cross
    考查介词辨析和非谓语动词。to到;for对于。分析句子可知,此处是结构“It is +adj for sb to do sth”,意为“对于某人来说去做某事是怎么样的”,it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。故选B。
    10. — ________ is it from your home to school?
    — Not far. It’s about 10 minutes’ bus ride.
    A. How B. How far C. How long
    考查特殊疑问句。How怎样;How far多远;How long多久;根据“Not far. It’s about 10 minutes’ bus ride.”可知,问的是距离。故选B。
    二. 补全对话:
    根据对话内容, 从选项中选出适当的选项补全对话。并将选项中的编号字母依次填在答题卡的相应位置。(共1小题, 每小题10分;计10分)
    A: Hello, Cindy. ____11____ What’s wrong?
    B: I get a “C” in my math test.
    A: ____12____
    B: I think math is too difficult for me. I don’t know why we must learn it.
    A: But I think math is useful in our daily life. ____13____
    B: Maybe you are right, but learning math well is so hard.
    A: Don’t worry(担心). ____14____ You can come to my home to finish the math exercises together.
    B: Is your home far from school?
    A: No, ____15____ I will meet you at the bus stop at 1: 00 p.m. this Sunday.
    B: Good idea. Thank you very much.
    A: You’re welcome.
    A. You look unhappy.
    B. 10 minutes by bus.
    C. I’m sorry to hear that.
    D. Let me help you with it.
    E. And it’s fun to learn.
    【答案】11. A 12. C 13. E 14. D 15. B
    根据“What’s wrong”以及“I get a “C” in my math test”可知数学考试不理想,前文应描述B不开心,选项A“你看起来不开心”符合语境。故选A。
    根据“I get a “C” in my math test”可知此处应对别人的悲惨遭遇表示同情,选项C“听到这很抱歉”符合语境。故选C。
    根据“But I think math is useful in our daily life.”可知后文应描述数学的好处,选项E“而且学起来很有趣”符合语境。故选E。
    根据“Don’t worry”可知此处应安慰对方自己可以帮忙,选项D“让我来帮助你”符合语境。故选D。
    根据“Is your home far from school”以及“No”可知此处应描述家到学校的距离,选项B“坐公交车10分钟”符合语境。故选B。
    三、完形填空 通读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
    I am a student in No. 6 Middle School. We have many clubs in our school, an English club, a music club, a tennis club and many other clubs. We students love the ___16___ club best. And I am also in this club. Because it is my favorite.
    Two teams(球队) are in the club — The Fox team and The Wolf team. ___17___ members are in our club. Thirty of us are boys, ten are girls. The two teams have one game every Saturday. We must get up early to get ready(做准备). But we’re all happy to ___18___ our abilities and hard work.
    My cousin Tom and my good friend Fred are also in the soccer club. My P. E. teacher Mr. Robinson ___19___ how to play soccer every Friday. I feel very ___20___ because I can learn and play with them at the same time.
    16. A. English B. tennis C. soccer
    17. A. Twenty B. Thirty C. Forty
    18. A. show B. tell C. see
    19. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach
    20. A. happy B. easy C. bored
    【答案】16. C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A
    English英语;tennis网球;soccer足球。根据“My cousin Tom and my good friend Fred are also in the soccer club.”可知,最喜欢足球俱乐部,故选C。
    Twenty20;Thirty30;Forty40。根据“Thirty of us are boys, ten are girls.”可知,一共有40人,故选C。
    show展示;tell告诉;see看见。根据“our abilities and hard work”可知,是展示能力,故选A。
    teach教授,动词原形;teaches教授,动词三单;to teach教授,动词不定式。根据“My P. E. teacher Mr. Robinson”可知,是第三人称单数,时态是一般现在时,动词用三单形式,故选B。
    happy开心的;easy简单的;bored无聊的。根据“because I can learn and play with them at the same time”可知,能和他们一起学习和玩耍,我很开心,故选A。
    Food is very important. Everyone needs to ___21___ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is ___22___. We begin to get knowledge even ___23___ we are very young. Small children are ___24___ in everything around them. They learn ___25___ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to ___26___ story books, science books…, anything they like. When they find something new, they have to ask questions and ___27___ to find out answers. What is the best ___28___ to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get ____29____ knowledge. If we are ____30____ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. Only when we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.
    21. A. sleep B. read C. eat
    22. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge
    23. A. until B. when C. after
    24. A. interested B. happy C. weak
    25. A. everything B. something C. anything
    26. A. lend B. read C. learn
    27. A. try B. have C. refuse
    28. A. place B. advice C. way
    29. A. little B. few C. many
    30. A. often B. always C. usually
    【答案】21. C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. B
    sleep睡觉;read阅读;eat吃。根据“if he or she wants to have a strong body.”可知,要想有个强壮的身体,应该吃得好。故选C。
    sport运动;exercise练习;knowledge知识。根据“We begin to get knowledge”可知,知识就是大脑的食物。故选C。
    interested感兴趣的;happy快乐的;weak虚弱的。根据“Small children are…in everything around them.”可知,此处是短语be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”。故选A。
    everything每件事;something某物;anything任何东西。根据“while they are watching and listening.”可知,在学习过程中,会学到一些东西。故选B。
    lend借给;read阅读;learn学。根据“story books, science books…, anything they like.”可知,此处应该是阅读书籍。故选B。
    try尝试;have有;refuse拒绝。根据“find out answers.”可知,此处是尽力找到答案。故选A。
    place位置;advice劝告;way方法。根据“If we learn by ourselves,”可知,此处是问获取知识的最佳途径。故选C。
    often经常;always总是;usually通常。根据“getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well.”可知,此处是be always doing sth.意为“总是做某事”。故选B。
    四、第三部分 阅读理解
    Three teens and their everyday lives


    I live on a farm in New Zealand. I get up at six and have a big breakfast: bacon(培根), eggs, orange juice and bread. My mother feeds the animals on the farm. My father is a teacher and we ride our bikes to school together. School starts at eight and finishes at three. Dad and I help mum on the farm before we have an early dinner. In the evenings, I play video games and then I go to bed.


    I live in a village on the Japanese island of Honshu. I get up at seven and walk to school with my friends. Lessons begin at half past eight and finish at three. After that, I go to an after-school club. I play badminton and table tennis, but you can also do things like folk dancing and baseball.
    When my parents come home from work, Dad makes dinner and we eat together. Then I study for a few hours before I go to bed.


    I Live in Mexico City. I get up at six and take a bus to school half an hour later. Lessons start at half past seven.
    We have a break at ten and then we carry on until half past twelve. I get home at quarter to two. After that, I go to the sports center with my friends to play football. In the evenings I cook dinner for my family. Then I listen to music before bed at nine thirty.

    31. Jose has the shortest school day.
    32. Adam’s father takes the bus to work.
    33. Kaito plays three kinds of ball games in an after-school club.
    34. All the three boys play ball games after school.
    35. Jose’s father makes dinner for his family.
    【答案】31. A 32. B
    33. B 34. B
    35. B
    推理判断题。根据“Lessons start at half past seven.We have a break at ten and then we carry on until half past twelve.I get home at quarter to two.”;“School starts at eight and finishes at three. ”和“Lessons begin at half past eight and finish at three.”可知,Jose七点半开始上课,下午1: 45到家,可见时间是最短的,故答案为A。
    细节理解题。根据“My father is a teacher and we ride our bikes to school together.”可知,Adam的父亲骑自行车去工作,故答案为B。
    细节理解题。根据“I play badminton and table tennis, but you can also do things like folk dancing and baseball.”可知,Kaito在一个课外俱乐部里玩两种球类运动,而不是3种,故答案为B。
    细节理解题。根据“Dad and I help mum on the farm before we have an early dinner.”可知,Adam在吃晚饭之前,要干农活,故答案为B。
    细节理解题。根据“In the evenings I cook dinner for my family.”可知,Jose为家人做饭,故答案为B。
    五、阅读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共2小题;每小题10分, 计20分)
    Summer job: Ideas and help
    The school summer holidays are the perfect time of year to get a part-time job(兼职). You will have the chance to make money and get some useful experience(经验). Many businesses like to give jobs to young people because they learn new skills(技能).
    ●Do you like helping people?
    What about working with the old people? It’s a really good way of giving something back to your community(社区). You can help old people do simple jobs. For example, they might need someone to help them at the supermarket(超市), do the washing or do the gardening. You can also just sit with them, playing board games.
    ●Can you play tennis, soccer or another sport?
    Do you like teaching people new skills? Then a job as an assistant sports coach(助教)would be a great summer job. You could spend all summer in your football shoes or hitting a ball on a tennis court(网球场). Coaching will also give you experience of working with young children.
    ●Are you interested in technology(科技)?
    There are many technology companies(公司)that have training programs(培训项目) for young people where you can learn lots of useful IT skills. You could even see how game makers make new video games. This is great if you want to study IT or other classes about computers in the future at university.
    36. When is it a good idea to get a part-time job?
    A. After school. B. All year. C. During the summer.
    37. You can help old people ________.
    A. go shopping B. play ball games C. give something back
    38. To be an assistant sports coach, ________.
    A. you have to be good at sports
    B. you must learn some new skills
    C. you must be able to play a sport
    39. What can you learn from the technology company?
    A. How to make video games.
    B. Learn lots of useful IT skills.
    C. How to go to the university.
    40. Where can we read this passage?
    A. In the newspaper.
    B. In the story book.
    C. In the travelling magazine.
    【答案】36. C 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. A
    细节理解题。根据“The school summer holidays are the perfect time of year to get a part-time job”可知,在夏天找一份兼职工作是个不错的主意。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“For example, they might need someone to help them at the supermarket”可知,可以帮助老人去超市购物。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“Can you play tennis, soccer or another sport”可知,如果想成为一个体育助教,一定要会一种体育项目。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“where you can learn lots of useful IT skills”可知,可以在科技公司学到很多有用的IT技能。故选B。
    Every year, thousands of people get hurt(受伤)or die when they are crossing the road. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people often get hurt or die because they can’t see or hear very well. Children usually meet with accidents because of their carelessness(粗心). They forgot to look and listen before they cross the road.
    How can we lessen(减少)traffic accidents? All of us must follow the traffic rules. For the drivers, it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very short time. For the people who walk on the road, it’s very important to be careful when we walk across the road(人行道). We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road. Look left first, next look right, then look left again. Only when we are sure that the road is clear, we can cross it. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. It’s not safe(安全)to run. If people run across the road, they may fall down. Teens(青少年)should try to help children, old people or blind people to cross the road, and never play in the street.
    41. Which of the following is NOT the right way to cross the road?
    A. Stop and look both ways. B. Run quickly. C. Walk quickly.
    42. Why do many old people often get hurt or die when they are crossing the road?
    A. Because they often run across the road.
    B. Because they forget to look and listen.
    C. Because they can’t see or hear very well.
    43. The best title for this article may be ________.
    A. How to reduce traffic accidents B. How to cross the road C. Please follow the traffic rules
    44. As a student, you can ________ to try to reduce the traffic accidents.
    A. help children to cross the road B. let drivers drive slowly C. run across the road quickly
    45. After reading this passage, what rules do we need to follow?
    A. School rules. B. Traffic rules. C. Family rules.
    【答案】41. B 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. B
    细节理解题。根据“It’s not safe(安全)to run.”可知,不能跑,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Old people often get hurt or die because they can’t see or hear very well.”可知,老年人经常受伤或死亡是因为他们不能很好地看到或听到。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Teens(青少年)should try to help children, old people or blind people to cross the road, and never play in the street.”可知,青少年应该试着帮助儿童过马路,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“All of us must follow the traffic rules.”可知,我们大家都必须遵守交通规则,故选B。
    一、根据首字母填空, 并在答题卡上写出完整的单词(共5小题, 每小题1分;计5分)
    46. Mother asks her four sons to share a cake in average (平均地)and everyone can get a q________ of the cake.
    【详解】句意:妈妈让她的四个儿子平均分一块蛋糕,每个人都可以得到四分之一。根据“share a cake in average”可知,每个人得到四分之一的蛋糕,结合首字母提示和a可知,quarter“四分之一”符合句意。故填(q)uarter。
    47. Tom loves e________ in the morning like running. He thinks it’s good for health.
    【详解】句意:汤姆喜欢早上锻炼,比如跑步。他认为这对健康有好处。根据首字母提示以及“in the morning like running.”可知,此处表示“喜欢锻炼”;这里是固定词组,love doing sth“喜欢做某事”,表示一直爱好,经常性的喜欢。因此填exercise的动名词exercising。故填(e)xercising。
    48. You can take a train and get off at Guanghan s________and then take the No. 6 bus to Sanxingdui Museum.
    【详解】句意:你可以乘火车在广汉站下车,然后乘6路公共汽车到三星堆博物馆。根据“You can take a train and get off at Guanghan s...”可知,是在车站下车,station“车站”符合语境,故填(s)tation。
    49. The girl is not good at speaking English, so she is afraid of showing it in front of p________.
    【详解】句意:这个女孩不擅长说英语,所以她害怕在公众面前展示它。根据“The girl is not good at speaking English, so she is afraid of showing it in front of”以及首字母可知她害怕在公众面前展示,public“公众”,不可数名词。故填(p)ublic。
    50. Tsinling Mountains(秦岭)s________ most sandstorms(沙尘暴)from going into Sichuan every year.
    【详解】句意:秦岭每年都阻止了大部分沙尘暴进入四川。根据“every year”可知,此句时态是一般现在时,主语“Tsinling Mountains”是复数,因此此空用动词原形;再者根据“most sandstorms(沙尘暴)from going into Sichuan”和首字母提示可知,是阻止沙尘暴进入四川,因此stop符合句意。故填(s)top。
    Bob: Hi, Mary, are you free on Saturday? Tom and I are going to a rock concert. Would you like to come?
    Mary: Thanks, Bob. But I’m not ___51___ in rock music.
    Bob: This band is different. They mix rock and pop, and they even play classical guitars and violins. Come on! It must be ____52____.
    Mary: OK! I’ll come! Shall we ____53____ at the concert hall? I can take the train or the bus.
    Bob: No, don’t do that. Mum says we can go there in her car. She’ll ___54___ us.
    Mary: What about Tom?
    Bob: His plane will arrive at three forty-five. He takes the bus from the ___55___ near the airport to the concert hall.
    Mary: I hope he isn’t ___56___.
    Bob: Yes, we have to get there early. They ___57___ sell the tickets(票)at the entrance(入口), because hundreds of people want to ____58____ the band.
    Mary: Sounds good.
    Bob: And ___59___ the concert, we can go to that new pizza restaurant in the shopping center. Tom says it ____60____ good.
    Mary: Great! I love pizza.
    【答案】51. interested
    52. interesting
    53. meet 54. drive
    55. station
    56. late 57. will
    58. see 59. after
    60. is
    根据“But”可知,对摇滚乐不感兴趣,be interested in“对……感兴趣”,故填interested。
    根据“They mix rock and pop, and they even play classical guitars and violins.”可知,这个音乐会肯定很有趣,be后缺少形容词作表语,故填interesting。
    根据“at the concert hall”可知,在音乐厅见面,shall后接动词原形,故填meet。
    根据“Mum says we can go there in her car.”可知,妈妈开车送他们,drive sb“开车送某人”,will后接动词原形,故填drive。
    根据“takes the bus”可知,在车站乘公交车,故填station。
    根据“Yes, we have to get there early.”可知,希望他不要迟到,故填late。
    根据“because hundreds of people want...”可知,将要售卖门票,因此此句是一般将来时,用will+动词原形,故填will。
    根据“sell the tickets(票)at the entrance”可知,想看乐队,want to do sth“想要做某事”,故填see。
    根据“we can go to that new pizza restaurant in the shopping center”可知,听完音乐会之后,去吃披萨,故填after。
    根据“Great! I love pizza.”可知,披萨不错,此空缺少谓语动词,good是形容词,缺少系动词,主语it是第三人称单数,故填is。
    三、短文填空。 (10分)
    club day driver early help home join never she teach weekday weekend
    Miss Zarfishan and Miss Gundega are ___61___ at a small school in England. Let’s have a look and see their ___62___ life. We will see what they do from Monday to Friday.
    Miss Zarfishan and Miss Gundega always have a shower in the morning. Miss Zarfishan has her shower before breakfast and Miss Gundega has ___63___ after breakfast. Miss Zarfishan___64___ to school and Miss Gundega takes a bus. They both get to school ___65___. They go to the hall and have a cup of tea with their students for about 10 minutes and then they go to lesson one. Lesson one starts at 8: 20 a.m. Miss Zarfishan helps in maths and history and Miss Gundega helps in English and science. They ___66___ help with art because they think they are not good at it. At break, Miss Zarfishan goes to the library and Miss Gundega stays(待)in class. At lunchtime, they go to the staffroom. Miss Zarfishan brings sandwiches to school and Miss Gundega buys a school lunch. They usually sit together and talk happily and sometimes other teachers ___67___ them. After school, they have a homework ___68___ for their students. They stay at school most days until about 4 pm. At ___69___, Miss Zarfishan prepares(准备)lessons for the next day and Miss Gundega goes to night class to learn Spanish.
    I want to know what they do on the ____70____. Many students ask them this question, but Miss Zarfishan and Miss Gundega always give the same answer, “That is top secret!(秘密).”
    【答案】61. teaching
    62. weekday’s
    63. hers 64. drives
    65. early 66. never
    67. join 68. club
    69. home 70. weekend
    句意:Zarfishan小姐和Gundega小姐在英国的一所小学校教书。根据“ are...at a small school in England”以及所给词可知,她们在一所学校教书,teach“教”,此处用现在分词和are构成现在进行时。故填teaching。
    句意:让我们看看她们的工作日生活。根据“We will see what they do from Monday to Friday”以及所给词可知此处指“工作日的生活”,weekday“工作日”,此处修饰名词“life”应用名词所有格weekday’s。故填weekday’s。
    句意:Gundega小姐在早餐后洗澡。根据“Miss Zarfishan has her shower before breakfast and Miss Gundega has”以及所给词可知此处指“Gundega小姐洗澡”,take one’s shower“洗澡”,空后没有名词,此处应用名词性物主代词hers“她的”。故填hers。
    句意:Zarfishan小姐开车去学校。根据“Miss Zarfishan...to school and Miss Gundega takes a bus”以及所给词可知此处应指“开车去学校”,应用driver“司机”的动词形式drive“开车”,句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数drives。故填drives。
    句意:她们都早早到了学校。根据“They both get to school”以及所给词可知,此处指“早早到学校”,修饰动词“get”应用副词early“早地”。故填early。
    句意:她们从不辅导艺术。根据“They...help with art because they think they are not good at it”以及所给词可知,她们不擅长艺术,所以她们从不辅导艺术,never“从不”,频度副词。故填never。
    句意:她们通常坐在一起愉快地交谈,有时其他老师也加入她们。根据“They usually sit together and talk happily and sometimes other teachers...them”以及所给词可知其他老师加入她们的交谈,join“加入”,句子是一般现在时,主语是“other teachers”,动词用原形。故填join。
    句意:放学后,她们为学生开设了一个家庭作业俱乐部。根据“After school, they have a homework...for their students.”以及所给词可知,此处指“开设一个俱乐部”,club“俱乐部”,不定冠词a后加名词单数。故填club。
    句意:在家的时候,Zarfishan小姐准备第二天的课程,Gundega小姐去夜校学习西班牙语。根据“They stay at school most days until about 4 pm”以及所给词可知这是她们在家做的事情,at home“在家”。故填home。
    句意:我想知道她们在周末做什么。根据“I want to know what they do on the”以及上文内容可知,了解了她们工作日的生活,此处指“周末的生活”,on the weekend“在周末”。故填weekend。
    A)补全短文。根据短文内容, 从短文后A-F选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。(共2小题, 每小题5分;计5分)
    Do you want to join a book club, but you don’t have the time to meet the people in your club. If so, online book clubs are good for you to share your ideas. ___71___
    Find the right online book club. You can use your favorite search engine like Baidu to look for online book clubs. Before joining a book club, you can read the books what they have read in the past quickly. ___72___Knowing the kind of books you like is important.
    ____73____You need to have an account(账户)first with your own password, and then talk with the club’s host(主办人).
    Join in the book club. ____74____Then, you begin to read the book. Some book clubs ask you to read one chapter(一章)at a time, ____75____Don’t be afraid to ask questions or share your ideas. Book clubs are great for getting new ideas, and learning more about a book through other people’s ideas.
    A. and you can also read at your own pace(速度)in other online book clubs.
    B. So you can know if you like reading these books.
    C. Joining an online book club is as easy as ABC.
    D. Be a part of an online book club.
    E. Library Thing has about 100, 000 users as the world’s largest book club.
    F. First, you need to buy the book that the club is reading now from your bookstore or online.
    【答案】71. C 72. B 73. D 74. F 75. A
    根据后文“Find the right online book club.”可知,是网上读书俱乐部的事情,C选项“加入一个网上读书俱乐部就像学ABC一样的简单,” 符合语境。故选C。
    根据空格前句“Before joining a book club, you can read the books what they have read in the past quickly. ”可知,你可以快速阅读他们过去读过的书。可推知,B选项“所以你可以知道你是否喜欢读这些书, ”符合语境。故选B。
    根据空格后句“You need have account(账户)first with your own password”可知,你需要先有一个帐户和自己的密码,此段在说如何成为俱乐部一员的过程。D选项“成为网上读书俱乐部的一员”符合语境。故选D。
    根据空格后句“Then, you begin to read the book.”可知,此处要表达首先该怎么做,F选项“你需要从你的书店或网上购买俱乐部正在阅读的书, ”符合语境。故选F。
    根据空格前句“Some book clubs ask you to read one chapter(一章)at a time”可知,一些读书俱乐部要求你一次只读一章, 此句首字母要小写。A选项“你也可以在其他在线读书俱乐部按照自己的节奏阅读, ”符合语境。故选A。
    阅读下面短文, 根据其内容, 完成表格中所缺的信息。
    How do you get to school? By bike, by bus or by subway? For many of today’s students, it’s a small thing. But for 14-year-old Radhika and 16-year-old Yashoda in India, it’s still difficult.
    Radhika and Yashoda live in a small village with their parents. The village is far from their school. Usually, it takes them up to six hours a day to go to school and back.
    At 5: 00 in the morning, Radhika and Yashoda get up. After getting dressed and having a quick breakfast, they leave for school. It’s a long way. They have to climb the mountains(爬山)and cross a river. There is no bridge over the river. So they have to go across the river by metal trolley(金属缆车). After that, they wait for a car and take it to school on the last leg of the trip.
    On the way to school, Radhika and Yashoda take lunch boxes and school books with them. They sometimes stop to drink clean water down from the mountains. They can sometimes be in danger(危险). Some animals like lions are behind tall trees. But they don’t think much of that.
    “We’re not afraid,” Yashoda says.
    Radhika and Yashoda have their great dreams. For Radhika, she wants to be a teacher. She knows she must fight for it and make it come true.
    The way to school is ___76___ for students in India, but they still try to make their dreams come true.
    The time they take
    The village is far from their school. It takes them up to ____77____hours a day to go to school and back.
    The timetable of going to school
    At 5: 00 am, Radhika and Yashoda get up.
    After getting dressed, they have breakfast ____78____.
    Then, they leave for school. On the way to school, they have to climb the mountains with lunch boxes and books. They are not ____79____ animals behind tall trees.
    After that, they need to cross a river by metal trolley.
    At last they ____80____ to school.

    【答案】76. difficult
    77. six##6 78. quickly
    79. afraid of
    80. get
    根据“But for 14-year-old Radhika and 16-year-old Yashoda in India, it’s still difficult.”可知对于印度孩子来说去上学的路仍然很艰难,作be动词的表语用形容词difficult“困难的”。故填difficult。
    根据“it takes them up to six hours a day to go to school and back”可知他们要花费6个小时上下学。故填six/6。
    根据“After getting dressed and having a quick breakfast”可知他们早饭吃得很快,修饰动词“have”应用副词形式quickly“快地”。故填quickly。
    根据“Some animals like lions are behind tall trees. But they don’t think much of that. “We’re not afraid,””可知他们不害怕树后的动物,be afraid of“害怕”。故填afraid of。
    根据文章可知,在经历了长时间的跋涉后,他们终于到达了学校,get to sp.“到达某地”,句子是一般情况,用一般现在时,主语是“they”,动词用原形。故填get。
    81. Sam想在周六加入游泳俱乐部,锻炼身体、丰富自己的周末生活。假如你是Sam,按照以下两幅图片内容、结合自己的兴趣和优势、空闲时间以及其它可能的原因, 征求他们的同意。
    Sam’s timetable on Saturday
    8: 00
    8: 30﹣10: 30 do homework
    11: 00﹣12: 00
    13: 30﹣14: 30 have after-school lessons
    15: 00﹣17: 30 be free

    Dear parents,
    I hope you can allow me to join it.
    Dear parents,
    To keep fit, I want to join a swimming club on Saturday. The opening time is from 10:00 to 18:00. It is 5 kilometers from our home. It takes about 15 minutes to get there.
    Here is my plan. I do my homework from half past eight to half past ten. From 13:30 to 14:30,I have after-school lessons. I’m free from 15:00 to 17:30, so I’m going to the swimming club. I hope to become healthier by joining as swimming club.
    I hope you can allow me to join it.
    2. 写作指导:本文使用一般现在时态,人称用第一人称。写作时,注意一些时间的表达,内容上应注意描述的全面性;语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯。


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