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    这是一份吉林省长春市博硕学校(原北京师范大学长春附属学校)2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题,文件包含2022-2023高一英语上学期期末考试试卷docx、2022-2023高一英语上学期期末考试答案pdf、2022-2023高一英语上学期期末考试听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。


    高一年级期末考试 英语学科试卷

    考试时间: 90 分钟 满分: 120

    命题人:李兵 审题人:杨小雪 曾月

    第一部分 听力理解(共两节,满分 30 分)

    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在 试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话 仅读一遍。

    1. What is the man going to clean?

    A. The bedroom.

    B. The toilet.

    C. The living room

    2. What is the color of the sofa?

    A. Green.

    B. Brown.

    C. Blue.

    3. What does the woman think of golfing?

    A. It is simple.

    B. It is a waste of time.

    C. It is expensive.

    4. What time is it in New York?

    A. 7:00 p.m.

    B. 5:00 p.m.

    C. 10:00 p.m.


    1.    What does the man give to the woman?
    1.    A vase.
    2.    A bunch of flowers.
    3.    A bottle of wine.

    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完 后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

    1.    What did the woman do in summer?

    A. She swam every day. B. She watched operas. C. She visited Italy.

    1.    What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Classmates. B. Families. C. Guide and tourist.

    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

    1.    Why does the man apologize?

    A. He couldn’t shop with the woman.

    1.    His joke scared the woman.
    2.    He ran into the woman.
    1.    What will the man do next?

    A. Catch the bus. B. Pack the bags.

    听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

    1.    What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. A famous theater. B. A popular film.

    1.   What can the boy do in the theater group?
    1.    Watch films.
    2.    Perform plays and musicals.
    3.    Meet famous artists.
    1. Where does the conversation take place probably?

    A. At school. B. In a cinema.

    听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

    1. When will the man have the football game?

    A. On Thursday. B. On Saturday.

    1. What does the man ask the woman to do?
    1. Take care of his cousin.
    2. Help with his paper.
    3. Watch his football game.
    1. What can we know about the man’s cousin?
    1. She is a high school student.
    2. She often visits the man.
    3. She likes concerts.

    C. In an office.

    C. On Friday.

    1. What will the weather be like this weekend probably?

    A. Snowy. B. Rainy.

    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

    1. When is the high tourist season in Britain?

    A. During June and July.

    C. Sunny.

    1.    During August and September.
    2.    During July and August.
    1.    How long do students in state schools have for holiday?
    1.    About a month.
    2.    About two months.
    3.    About a month and a half.
    1.    Where do British people prefer to stay for holidays?
    1.    In the mountains.
    2.    By the seaside.
    3.    In the big cities.
    1.    What may British people refuse to do?
    1.      Talk about their holidays.
    1.     Change the time of their holidays.
    2.     Try new places to take holidays.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



    The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame (the Hall of Fame for short) is a fantastic destination for basketball lovers. Each year, several thousand visitors crowd into this birthplace of basketball.

    Ticket Information

    Admission to the Hall of Fame (as of 2019) is $24 for people aged over 16, $16 for youths aged from 5 to 16 and free for children under age 5. Make a reservation in advance. For more information, please call 1-877-466-6831.

    Travelling from All Directions

    The Hall of Fame is conveniently located within driving distance from Boston, Albany, Vermont and New York. For more information about the transportation, call 1-877-446-6755.

    Dates and Hours of Operation

    The Hall of Fame is open Wednesday through Sunday from late November through March 31 and daily the rest of the year. Hours are from 10 am to 4 pm (Friday through Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm). It is wise to confirm hours of operation ahead of your visit. Just call 1-877-466-6752.

    A Friendly Reminder

    1. No food and beverage 饮料inside of the hall.
    2. Backpacks and any large bags are not permitted inside of the hall unless needed for medical reasons.
    3. If you wish to participate in shooting baskets on Center Court, please wear proper footwear. Also, contests of any kind and half court shots are not allowed for everyone’s safety.
    1.    Which number should you call if you want to fly to the Hall of Fame?

    A. 1-877-466-6752. B. 1-877-466-6831. C. 1-877-446-6755. D. 1-877-446-6768.

    1.    When can visitors visit the Hall of Fame?

    A. At 5:30 pm, Monday, May. 12th. B. At 4:30 pm, Saturday, Nov. 29th.

    C. At 8:00 am, Tuesday, Apr. 1st. D. At 9:30 am, Sunday, Dec. 20th.

    1.    Which of the following is allowed in the Hall of Fame?
    1.    Bring a big bag to care for a patient.
    2.    Take hamburgers into the Hall.
    3.    Take photos inside the Hall.
    4.    Participate in shooting contests on Center Court.


    Every New Year, many people make promises to themselves, only to see them fall by the wayside within a few months, weeks, or even days. However, 26-year-old Luke Cameron is not among those people. After losing a close friend known for her generosity 慷慨died of cancer in 2013, the young man decided to do at least one good deed every day for 365 days and he has not missed one yet.

    Cameron performed his first good deed on January 1st, 2014, with the simple act of greeting a waitress at a cafe he visited. The next day he bought food and drinks for some homeless people. Cameron’s good small deeds have been recorded in an online diary, like taking out the garbage for an elderly neighbor or spending a few hours helping a disabled lady pick out a dress for a party. What’s more, the young man has also spent close to £4000 of
    his own money, buying gifts for children in need.

    Cameron has created a series of cards, which he has called “Cards for Kindness”. Each card suggests a simple act of kindness things like giving a stranger a hug or making peace with an enemy, which is to encourage others to perform good deeds.

    Cameron’s generosity has not gone unnoticed. To reward the young man as he nears the end of his journey, pizza chain Domino’s recently awarded him a year’s supply of free pizza. Not surprisingly, the big-hearted young man has decided to use the gift to hold special pizza days for charity. His kind deeds have also won him a competition for the job of “National Philanthropy (慈善事业)Manager”.

    1. What made Cameron determined to do good deeds every day?

    A teenager needs to have a sense of independence in their life. To some teenagers, independence means a lot to them, and I think that some parents don't allow their teenagers enough independence.

    Independence has something to do with freedom. Some kids are not allowed to go anywhere alone, and the only thing their schedule includes is going to school, coming home, going to sleep, and repeating the process the next day. Parents are likely to be afraid that their kids can get hurt if they go outside into the world. But if parents control their kids too much, they may never learn to live on their own. The best way for a teenager to grow up is through experience.

    Teenagers' lack of freedom can also stop them from having good friendship at school. Some might say that this is a good thing, because it helps them focus more on their schoolwork. But I argue that this can only discourage them not to do their schoolwork. And some parents are afraid that their children are into trouble. Isn't this a good reason for parents to get their children a mobile phone? Mobile phones allow teenagers to keep in touch with their parents, and communicate better with their friends.

    Privacy隐私is another issue between parents and their teenagers. Teenagers prefer to enjoy relaxation by themselves in their own room. This also gives them a sense of independence. It often annoys teenagers when their parents enter their room when they are not at home. I know that my mom always goes in my room when I'm not at home, and I have asked many times to get a lock on my door.

    1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
    1.    Teenagers need to grow up through experience.
    2.    Some parents allow their kids no freedom.
    3.    Kids know how to live independently.
    4.    Kids have a boring life every day.
    1.    How do teenagers usually feel when their parents enter their rooms when they are not at home?

    A. Disappointed. B. Lucky. C. Annoyed. D. Calm.

    1.    Why does the writer hope to have her door locked?

    A. Because her father always reads her diary.

    1.    Because she needs to protect her things.
    2.    Because she needs to protect herself.
    3.   Because her mother always enters her room. 31. What can we know from the text?
    1.    It is unnecessary for a kid to have a mobile phone.
    2.    Parents should allow their teenagers enough privacy.
    3.    Parents should not allow their teenagers enough independence.
    4.    Good friendships between kids are harmful to their schoolwork.


    Since the outbreak爆发of COVID-19 in early 2020, public health and government officials have put social distancing rules in place and advised people to stay at home as much as possible. Many schools around the world started online learning.

    Do teenagers have it easy being home all the time? Not necessarily. They can't connect with teachers and friends in person and do outdoor activities. They are even concerned about the deadly disease. These have caused a rise in anxiety among young people.

    In a study of about 1,500 teens last spring, 70% kids said that they were struggling with anxiety and 45% had felt more stressed than usual. Poncin, a professor of clinical child psychiatry 精神病学), said that it's difficult to show exactly what is causing the increased stress. Some factors focus on our communities and families, while others are individual 个别的). “There are many stress factors that teens are worried about, like their parents losing jobs, family members getting sick, parents not being home, not talking with friends, and more” Poncin said. “Teens need to learn how to be together and how to talk and be with people.”

    Thinking about something over and over also builds stress. To help ease 缓解their worries, teens can bike, walk the dog or even pick up a new hobby.

    In my home state of North Carolina, Roy Goode, head of the local educational agency, is especially concerned about students who don't have the resources they need to learn at home. “Today's students are tomorrow's leaders” he said. “We need to make sure they all have a chance to succeed so we can overcome any challenge that comes our way.”

    32 . Why does the author list the numbers in Paragraph 3?

    A. To tell the reasons leading to anxiety.

    1.    To show teens' increased mental problems.
    2.    To stress the importance of being together.
    3.    To stress the need for dealing with sadness.
    1.    Which of the following best shows Poncin's opinion?
    1.    He thinks there are different reasons for teens' stress.
    2.    He thinks teens should learn at home.
    3.    He believes chatting online helps.
    4.    He believes government is responsible for COVID-19.
    1.    According to the passage, what can teens do to free them from worries?

    A. Stay at home alone. B. Have a walk with friends.

    C. Play computer games. D. Develop new hobbies.

    1.    Where is the text most likely from?

    A. A diary. B. A novel. C. A guidebook. D. A magazine.

    第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节,满分45分)

    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


    Once upon a time, there was a man who worked very hard just to keep food on the table for his family. A few days before Christmas, he               36               his five-year-old daughter after               37               that she had used up the

    family’s only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper.

    As money was tight, he became even angrier when on Christmas Eve he saw that she had used all of the gold paper to               38               one shoebox. He was also concerned about where she had gotten               39               to buy what

    was in the shoebox.

    The next morning the little girl, ____40____ excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, “This is

    for you, Daddy!” Holding the box, the father was embarrassed by his earlier behavior, ________41___ what he had

    done to her.

    But when he _____42___ the shoebox, he found there was nothing. “Don’t you know, young lady,” he said

    __43____, “when you give someone a ____44___, there’s supposed to be something inside the package!”

    The little girl ____45___ him with sad tears rolling from her eyes and whispered, “Daddy, it’s not empty.

    I blew kisses into it until it was _____46____.” He fell on his knees and put his arms around the girl and begged

    her to ____47____ him for his unnecessary anger.

    An accident took the girl’s life only a short time later. It is said that the father ________48_____ this little gold

    box by his bed for all his life. Whenever he was _____49____ or faced difficult problems, he would open the box,

    take out an imaginary kiss, and _____50____his daughter’s love.

    36. A. punished

    B. encouraged

    C. thanked

    D. praised

    37. A. learning

    B. promising

    C. admitting

    D. agreeing

    38. A. buy

    B. draw

    C. decorate

    D. measure

    39. A. time

    B. money

    C. space

    D. advice

    40. A. related to

    B. ready for

    C. different from

    D. filled with

    41. A. thinking

    B. regretting

    C. ensuring

    D. forgetting

    42. A. opened

    B. closed

    C. accepted

    D. found

    43. A. happily

    B. anxiously

    C. shyly

    D. angrily

    44. A. present

    B. lecture

    C. solution

    D. hand

    45. A. caught up with

    B. looked up at

    C. lived up to

    D. made up for

    46. A. empty

    B. full

    C. broken

    D. colorful



    A. forgive B. hate C. love




    A. observed B. used C. kept




    A. discouraged B. interested C. surprised




    A. share B. remember C. refuse



    第二节 单词填空(共10小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)






    1.    Australians are justly proud of their ______本土的wildlife.
    2.    He now teaches a number of ______策略to students on how to be successful.
    3.    They were  ______毕业生)of the School of Medicine in Jilin .
    4.    Everyone's fingerprints are  ______独一无二的).
    5.    I began collecting newspaper articles about new  ______物种),new monkey, new spider and so on.
    6.    We should have a  ______(balance) diet play sports regularly.
    7.    ______(affect) by the strong wind, few people went out in the evening.
    8.    What he  ______(refer) to in his article was unknown to the general reader.
    9.    My friend is  ______(addict) to computer games and I don’t know how to help him.
    10.    Many people in the world are  ______(suffer) from Covid-19.

    第三节短语填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据汉语意思填写短语,每空一词。

    1.    I love this part because it ______使我想起why I fell in love with the movie.

    62. I her ______把自己和她比较),and found we were different.

    63      . My classmate __________________报名a skiing training course last week.

    64       . We students are ____________________盼望期待the coming winter holiday.

    65      .you are ______无论你在哪里),I will always be with you.

    66       .Everyone was ______处于震惊),thinking the world must be coming to an end.

    67       .These Inca roads were ______.… 组成many small roads.

    68      .Once I started thinking about fitness ______而不是weight, things began to change.

    69       . The air is so fresh that it attracts many tourists__________________________世界各地).

    70       . Many athletes are dreaming of ______参加the Olympic Games and winning gold medals.

    第四节 课文默写 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

    71      .藏羚羊的数量恢复了,在2015年六月,藏羚羊从濒危物种名单中移除。

    The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope was ______________the endangered

    species list.

    72       .汉字也成为了连接中国现在和过去的一个重要方法。

    Written Chinese has also become __________________ by which China’s present is connected with its past.

    73      .当这个项目在1980年结束时,它被视作一次伟大成功。

    When the project ended in 1980, ___________________a great success.

    74       .成千上万的人得到了帮助。

    ________________________ people were helped.

    75      .库斯科的一段短途航班把你从安第斯山脉带到亚马逊雨林。

    A short flight from Cusco __________________the Andes into the Amazon rainforest.

    第四部分 写作(共一节,满分15分)

    76       .假如你叫李华,你所在学校的英语俱乐部(English Club)将举行一个英语晚会,你准备邀请你的外国朋 友Peter 一同参加。请根据以下内容要点给Peter写一封邀请信。

    1      .晚会时间:下午5: 30 地点:学校大厅(the school hall)




    Dear Peter,

    How is everything going? _____________________________________________________________


    Li Hua



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