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    还剩37页未读, 继续阅读



    一.听力测试 ( 30 分)
    1.(1.5分)A.You can wear a hat.
    B.He is flying a kite.
    C.She has long hair.
    2.(1.5分)A.Jill likes to play games.
    B.Jim can't find his shoes.
    C.John was late for class.
    3.(1.5分)A.It's difficult for the boy.
    B.Let's have lunch together.
    C.That's why I left so early.
    4.(1.5分)A.Can you show me the way?
    B.Is he coming next Sunday?
    C.Are they going to the zoo?
    5.(1.5分)A.What's your vacation plan?
    B.How did you get to London?
    C.Where is the train station?
    二. 在录音中, 你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。( 7.5分)
    6.(1.5分)What color does the woman prefer?
    7.(1.5分)How long has Jack lived here?
    A.For one week.
    B.For one year.
    C.For two years.
    8.(1.5分)How did Harry tell the woman about his job interview?
    A.By making a call.
    B.By sending an e﹣mal
    C.By writing a letter.
    9.(1.5分)When will the woman probably give the speech again?
    A.On Monday.
    B.On Wednesday.
    C.On Friday.
    10.(1.5分)Why does Allen want to learn Chinese?
    A.To visit China.
    B.To try something new.
    C.To make friends.
    三. 在录音中, 你将听到一段对话, 对话后有五个小题, 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。 (听对话前, 你将有40秒钟的读题时间;听完后,你 将有40秒的答题时间)(7.5分)
    11.(7.5分)(1)Where did Susan go yesterday afternoon?
    A.The zoo.
    B.The park.
    C.The cinema.
    (2)Who did Susan go with yesterday afternoon?
    (3)What did Susan draw?
    C.Trees and flowers.
    (4)Why will Peter go to Susan's home?
    A.To take photos.
    B.To have a party.
    C.To enjoy her pictures.
    (5)When will Peter go to Susan's home?
    A.This afternoon.
    B.Tomorrow morning.
    C.The day after tomorrow.
    四. 在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文, 短文后有五个小题, 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。短文听两遍。 (听短文前, 你将有40秒的读题时间; 听完后, 你将有40秒的答题时间)(7.5分)
    12.(7.5分)(1)When is the World Milk Day?
    A.On June 1st.
    B.On June 21st.
    C.On July 1st.
    (2)Who first started the World Milk Day?
    (3)What is milk called in the passage?
    A.The best gift.
    B.The best drink.
    C.The best medicine .
    (4)How much milk should people drink every day according to scientists?
    A.One cup.
    B.Two cups.
    C.Three cups.
    (5)What can't people eat with milk?
    A.Hamburgers or tomatoes.
    B.Apples or carrots.
    C.Chocolate or oranges.
    五.完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。( 15 分)
    Whenever we hear about "the homeless",most of us think of the developing world.But (1)   ,homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect(期望) to see people (2)    on the streets of a rich,developed country like Germany?
    Kurt Muller and his (3)   Rita have spent eleven years making meals for the homeless of Berlin,Germany's capital.They first began to do that in a hot summer (4)   most Germans were away and enjoyed themselves on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches and some delicious food by themselves,set up a table in the street and (5)   the food to the homeless.
    The Mullers soon realized(意识到) that food wasn't enough.Most of the homeless people are (6)   .They have no friends or relatives. "What these people (7)   need is warmth and caring." says Rita.The Mullers gave their phone number to the street people without thinking and told them to phone anytime.Rita made sure there was (8)   at home to answer the phone and their home was always open to anyone who couldn't face (9)   night on the street.
    The couple(夫妇) were soon spending all their money,so Kurt visited food and clothing companies(公司) to (10)    for donations(捐赠物).Today,over thirty companies donate food and other (11)   and volunteers help to give them away to the homeless.The public also give clothes and money(12)   a bag producer donates new bags.
    Kurt and Rita put their love to good use (13)   helping homeless people in Berlin.They didn't receive any payment for their hard work. "We feel like parents," says Rita, "and parents shouldn't expect money for helping their children.The love that we (14)    on the streets is our salary(薪水)." Rita says she often gets tired,but she feels good about helping other people.They will go on with their work because they like the feeling of having made a (15)   in the world.

    (1)A.after all
    B.what's more
    C.on purpose
    D.in fact
    D.the other

    六.补全对话 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 ( 5分)
    14.(5分)A:Hello,Li Ming.What's your plan for this summer holiday?
    B:I have no idea.(1)   
    A:I will take part in a social activity with my sister.
    B:It sounds exciting.(2)   
    A:No.I have been a volunteer in a poor village.The children there don't have money to buy books.
    A:Yes.I bought them 30 books with my pocket money.
    B:What else did you do there?
    A:(4)    And now we are good friends.
    B:Wow!(5)    I'd like to join you.
    A:Great!I'm sure we'll have a meaningful holiday.

    (1)A.What did you do?
    B.What's your problem?
    C.What should I do?
    D.What about you?
    (2)A.Is it your first time to join in such activities?
    B.Do you like this activity?
    C.What do you think of these activities?
    D.Have you ever joined it?
    (3)A.Who else have ever been there with you?
    B.Have you sent books to them?
    C.What did you do for them?
    D.Could I help them?
    (4)A.I cared for animals.
    B.I helped old people there.
    C.I was a guide at a museum.
    D.I helped them with their lessons.
    (5)A.How happy you are!
    B.Why don't you tell me?
    C.It was a wonderful experience!
    D.It's fantastic!
    七.阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 (每小题 2 分, 共 40 分)
    15.(10分)It was a sunny day.Helen was sitting in the garden reading her favorite book.Some time later,her old mother sat beside her.Suddenly,her old mother pointed at something and asked Helen what it was.Helen looked at it and told her it was a sparrow(麻雀).Helen was surprised why her mother asked her such a simple question.
    Helen went on reading.Several minutes later,her old mother asked her the same question and Helen found it was the same bird.After a little while,the old woman again asked the question about the sparrow.This time Helen got angry.She shouted at her mother for asking the same question again and again."Don't you know how boring you are?" Helen said impatiently.The old woman silently stood up and entered the house.Helen continued reading her book.
    A few minutes passed and her old mother sat beside her again.She opened an old diary and put it in front of Helen.Helen picked up the diary and began to read it.It said, "Today,while I was working in the garden,my little Helen came to me.Looking at a sparrow on a tree,my child asked me what it was.I smiled at her,said it was a sparrow and kissed her.After a while,little Helen asked the question again.This went on until she went back into the house with me after I finished my work.Little Helen asked me at least ten times and I kept on answering her and kissing her.I should be as patient as I can,no matter how busy I was.Love you,my Little Helen."
    Tears came into Helen's eyes.She closed the diary and felt very ashamed for what she did.She realized that she should treat her mother the way her mother treated her.

    (1)What was Helen doing when her mother asked her questions?    
    A.She was reading a book.
    B.She was working in the garden.
    C.She was writing a diary.
    D.She was playing with a sparrow.
    (2)How many times did Helen's mother ask her questions?    
    B.Three times.
    D.Ten times.
    C.Four times.
    (3)Why did Helen's mother put the old diary in front of Helen?    
    A.Because Helen asked her to pick up it.
    B.Because Helen didn't know the bird.
    C.Because tears came into Helen's eyes.
    D.Because it may change Helen's attitude.
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    
    A.There were so many sparrows on the tree.
    B.Helen got angry because the weather was terrible.
    C.Helen felt very sorry for shouting at her mother.
    D.Helen's mother was impatient when Helen was young.
    (5)What's the best title of this passage?    
    A.The Secret of Book
    B.A Special Diary of Love
    C.A Story of Garden
    D.The Introduction of Sparrow
    What is bullying(欺凌)?
    What is cyber bullying?
    Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad,and hurts you again and again,you may easily lose confidence,lose trust of everyone around you or even get sick.Bullying can happen at school,out of school or online.Bullying includes:*Calling people mean(刻薄的) names
    *Laughing at people
    *Telling lies about people
    *Taking someone's things without permission
    *Not letting someone play in a group
    *Hitting people
    Cyber bullying happens online and includes:*Sending mean messages
    *Sharing photos without permission
    *Not letting someone be part of an online group
    What can you do?
    ★If someone is mean to you,tell an adult that you know well and trust.For example,talk to a parent or a teacher.★You can block(拉黑) a person who sends mean messages online.Ask an adult to help you.Don't reply.
    ★Talk to your parents or teachers or an adult that you know well if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend.
    ★Say sorry if you are mean to someone.You can write a message or talk to the person.We can all help to say no to bullying.
    (1)How many behaviors(行为) of bullying are mentioned in the passage?    
    (2)Which of the following is about cyber bullying?    
    A.Tom always takes away other people's books without permission.
    B.Jane posted Mary's photo on the Internet without her permission.
    C.Kevin doesn't allow Ben to join in their football game.
    D.Jerry often makes jokes about people around him.
    (3)Who is not the right person to ask for help when you get bullied?    
    A.A parent.
    B.A teacher.
    C.A friend.
    D.A stranger.
    (4)What is the purpose of the passage?    
    A.To tell students the differences between bullying and cyber bullying.
    B.To encourage students to fight against cyber bullying outside school.
    C.To let parents know how to protect their children from getting bullied.
    D.To tell students what bullying is and how to deal with it.
    (5)Who is the passage written for?    
    17.(10分)Improvements in technology often happen overnight.Some gadgets get smaller and faster.Others are replaced (代替) by newer things like smartphones.They can do hundreds of things.Here are some old gadgets that people used to use.

    Do you have a landline at home?These are phones that people plug (插入) into their living room walls.Mobile phones didn't use to be so common at that time,so most families had a landline.But landlines only worked at home.What did people do when they were outside and needed to call someone?They looked for a pay phone!Then,most people had their own mobile phones and many homes no longer had landlines.

    People today store plenty of information online,or on SD cards.But in the 1980s and 1990s,people used to use floppy disks.
    The first floppy disks were large,expensive,and not very useful ﹣﹣ each disk could store just 175 KB of information!Later,floppy disks got smaller and better.But even the best ones could only hold 1.44 MB.You would need three or four disks just for one song,and about 22,000 disks to match the storage (储存空间) available on a 32 GB phone!

    It's easy to take photos today.People often have thousands just on their phones!But photos used to be expensive,and people took fewer of them.To take a photo,you had to buy a roll of film.This allowed you to take about 30 photos.After finishing the roll,you left it at a shop.The shop developed the photos to make them be seen,which you could collect after a few days.
    Technology changes all the time,and the gadgets we use today will one day be old.What do you think will be next to disappear?

    (1)What does the underlined word "gadgets" mean in Paragraph 1?    
    (2)Match the title with each paragraph.    
    a.Goodbye Disks b.Music to My Ears c.Picture This
    d.Call Me e.Film Development
    C.①﹣c, ②﹣a,③﹣b
    D.①﹣c, ②﹣b,③﹣e
    (3)What were the first floppy disks like?    
    A.They could store much.
    B.They were very useful.
    C.They cost a lot of money.
    D.They were easy to carry.
    (4)What can we get from the passage?    
    A.It was convenient to take photos with film.
    B.People outside used landlines to call someone.
    C.Improvements in technology change people's life.
    D.For a time,many people had pay phones at home.
    (5)What would be the best title for the passage?    
    A.The Changing Phones.
    B.The Products of Tomorrow.
    C.Old Things We Use Today.
    D.The Things We Used to Use.

    18.(10分)What will astronauts(宇航员)eat when a space trip takes years?
    "Lots of fresh vegetables," says Dr.Janet Williams,whose team have spent the last 10 years learning how to grow plants in a space station.And it's a good thing that she has already started her work,because space gardening can be really hard.
    As usual,astronaut George White looked into the closed plant room.He had planted Dr.Williams's quick﹣growing seedlings in it,but none of the stems were showing.He opened the room to check and found the problem.The stems weren't growing upward and the roots weren't growing downward.On Earth,gravity(重力)helps a plant's stems and roots to find "up"and "down".However,in the space station,there was almost no gravity.
    Dr.Williams suggested a solution:give the plants more light,as plants also use sunlight to find their way.And it worked.When the plants had more light,the stems turned up and the roots went down.
    Now Dr.Williams was free to worry about the next problem:Would her baby plants live to flower?Can we grow food on a space journey?
    Many plants died in the space station.Dr.Williams thought she knew why:the space plants were hungry for air.Plants live by taking up CO2 from the air.Since a plant uses it up in the air around,the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 close to its surface!On Earth,the air is always moving.Gravity pulls down cold air,and warm air rises.And with these air movements,plants get enough CO2.
    Many earlier experiments with plants in space had used closed rooms.Dr.Williams tried a new greenhouse that had a fan to keep the air move.The plants loved it. They flowered and even produced more seeds.Using Dr.Williams's method,astronaut George completed the first seed﹣to﹣seed experiment in space,and moved one plant closer to a garden in space.
    "And this," says Dr.Williams, "is good news for long﹣term space travel."

    (1)Why have Dr.Williams's team tried to grow plants in space?    
    A.To produce fresh air for astronauts.
    B.To help astronauts relax themselves.
    C.To provide food for long space journeys.
    D.To make the space garden more beautiful.
    (2)How did light help solve the problem mentioned in Paragraph 3?    
    A.It caused the gravity to change.
    B.It encouraged the plants to grow faster.
    C.It helped the plants to grow in the right direction.
    D.It showed the astronauts where to plant vegetables.
    (3)Why did many plants die in the space station?    
    A.The light was too strong.
    B.There was too much CO2.
    C.There was not enough room to grow.
    D.The air condition was not good enough.
    (4)The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 7 refers to    .
    A.the moving air
    B.the closed room
    C.the space journey
    D.the space garden
    (5)What can we learn about Dr.Williams's team from the passage?    

    A.They mainly live on fresh vegetables.
    B.They have successfully built a space garden.
    C.They invented a special fan for their greenhouse.
    D.They have worked on space gardening for many years.
    八. 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(1 5分)
    In a small village,a boy named Mark lived with his father,a wise old man.One day,Mark told his father(1)   (sad) that he made little progress in learning the guitar.No matter how hard he tried,he couldn't improve.Mark asked his father(2)   some help.
    "Follow me,and I(3)    (lead) you to the high hills around the village tomorrow." said his father.The next day,they set out.The road was long and difficult,(4)   Mark still followed his father.As they got higher,the father said that he wanted to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to.Mark was surprised but decided (5)   (help) his father.
    With great difficulty,Mark helped his father climb the hill.Sometimes he even carried his father on his back.At the top,he put his father on the ground and laughed with joy.
    "When you were(6)   little boy,sometimes you returned home with tears in your eyes," said his father. "The elder children laughed at you.Do you remember why?"
    Mark nodded.He remembered that as a child,he and all his(7)    (friend) called this hill Mount Impossible,because small children couldn't reach its top.
    "And today," said his father,"you not only climbed here,but also helped(8)    (I) to get here."
    "I became bigger and(9)    (strong) than before. "said Mark.
    "Instead of (10)    (climb ) Mount Impossible every day,you played on the smaller hills and became better at climbing," said his father. "It became possible for you to climb Mount Impossible while you weren't even thinking about it."
    九. 阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(1 0 分)
    20.(10分)How to prepare for exams?
    Here are some tips you can read with your child.
    The first step in preparing for examinations is to set a fixed time each day to study and a schedule to say when to start the revision and for which subject.The plan should include how many chapters to review and how many worksheets (活页练习题) to work on.(1)    Parents who do not know the examination schedule can search"exam timetable"to see the official examination schedule.(2)   
    The second thing is to decide on the place to study.Some need total silence in a library before they can concentrate while others like to have some background music like in the cafeteria.(3)    So there is no need to tell your child to change the study place if he is producing the desired results.
    (4)    For lessons,pupils must participate in lessons and discussions actively.For exercise,work on the simple ones in the textbook.For theory,pupils can use the mind map method to summarize the facts.At last,be smart.Focus on chapters that are the core (核心) of the subject or difficult chapters.(5)   

    A.Next the most effective way to review is to use an active approach (方法).
    B.Making good preparations counts.
    C.The mind map can help you a lot in your revision work.
    D.Your child has to be self﹣disciplined (自律的) to follow the plan.
    E.It is not necessary to read from the first to the last page.
    F.The best time to start revision is one or two months before the examination.
    G.Both are all right as long as your child is comfortable with it.
    十.书面表达 根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子提问或应答。
    21.(2分)A:    ?
    B:No,it isn't.Mine is in the school bag.

    22.(2分)A:   ?
    B:She had some fish,vegetables and rice for it.

    23.(2分)A:   ?
    B:Every day.It's good for my health.

    24.(2分)A:Jimmy,I called you at nine yesterday but you didn't answer.
    B:Oh,   .

    25.(2分)A:What's the use of the robot?
    B:   .

    十一. 写作 ( 25 分)
    26.(25分)在我们的生活中,有些事情看起来很难完成,但是通过我们个人的努力或别人的帮助等,我们做到了。请以I made it为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文。

    I made it

    一.听力测试 ( 30 分)

    五.完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。( 15 分)
    Whenever we hear about "the homeless",most of us think of the developing world.But (1) D ,homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect(期望) to see people (2) C  on the streets of a rich,developed country like Germany?
    Kurt Muller and his (3) B Rita have spent eleven years making meals for the homeless of Berlin,Germany's capital.They first began to do that in a hot summer (4) A most Germans were away and enjoyed themselves on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches and some delicious food by themselves,set up a table in the street and (5) C the food to the homeless.
    The Mullers soon realized(意识到) that food wasn't enough.Most of the homeless people are (6) D .They have no friends or relatives. "What these people (7) B need is warmth and caring." says Rita.The Mullers gave their phone number to the street people without thinking and told them to phone anytime.Rita made sure there was (8) A at home to answer the phone and their home was always open to anyone who couldn't face (9) C night on the street.
    The couple(夫妇) were soon spending all their money,so Kurt visited food and clothing companies(公司) to (10) B  for donations(捐赠物).Today,over thirty companies donate food and other (11) A and volunteers help to give them away to the homeless.The public also give clothes and money(12) D a bag producer donates new bags.
    Kurt and Rita put their love to good use (13) A helping homeless people in Berlin.They didn't receive any payment for their hard work. "We feel like parents," says Rita, "and parents shouldn't expect money for helping their children.The love that we (14) C  on the streets is our salary(薪水)." Rita says she often gets tired,but she feels good about helping other people.They will go on with their work because they like the feeling of having made a (15) D in the world.

    (1)A.after all
    B.what's more
    C.on purpose
    D.in fact
    D.the other

    【解答】(1)D。短语辨析。A.after all毕竟;B.what's more而且;C.on purpose故意;D.in fact事实上。根据But ...,homelessness is everywhere,可知到处都有无家可归的人,连词But表示转折关系,后文提到的是事实中的情况,和前文中想象中的情况构成转折。故选:D。
    (2)C。动名词辨析。A.cooking做饭;B.working工作;C.living居住;D.calling打电话。根据For Example,how many of us would expect to see people ...on the streets of a rich,developed country like Germany,可知作者把德国作为例子,无家可归在德国这样发达而富有的国家也是存在的,因此无家可归者是住在大街上的。故选:C。
    (3)B。名词辨析。A.friend朋友;B.wife妻子;C.sister姐妹;D.mother母亲。根据下文Kurt and his wife stayed at home,可知Kurt和Rita是夫妻的关系,Rita是Kurt的妻子。故选:B。
    (4)A.连词辨析。A.when当......的时候;B.because因为;C.if如果;D.once一旦。根据They first began to do that in a hot summer ...most Germans were away and enjoyed themselves on holiday,可知Muller夫妇第一次这样做的时候是在一个炎热的夏天,当时大多数德国人都离开度假去了,在分句前可使用when引导时间状语从句。故选:A。
    (5)C。动词辨析。A.sell卖;B.lend借给;C.offer提供;D.return返还。根据前文Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making meals for the homeless of Berlin,可知Muller夫妇11年来一直为柏林的无家可归的人做吃的,因此这里是为无家可归的人提供食物,应使用动词offer,其结构为offer sth.to sb.。故选:C。
    (6)D。形容词辨析。A.lazy懒惰的;B.dirty脏的;C.weak虚弱的;D.lonely孤独的。根据They have no friends or relatives,可知无家可归的人没有亲戚朋友,因此他们应是孤独的。故选:D。
    (7)B。副词辨析。A.hardly几乎不;B.also也;C.ever曾经;D.perhaps可能。根据What these people...need is warmth and caring,再结合上下文可知无家可归的人除了需要食物,也需要温暖和关心,因此才有了下文Muller夫妇把电话号码给他们的事情。故选:B。
    (8)A。代词辨析。A.somebody某人;B.anybody任何人;C.everybody每个人;D.nobody没人。通过上文The Mullers gave their phone number...and told them to phone anytime,可知Muller夫妇把电话号码给了他们,并告诉他们随时都可以打电话来,因此这里Rita应是确定家里有人随时可以接电话。故选:A。
    (9)C。代词辨析。A.this这个;B.that那个;C.another另一个(非特指);D.the other另一个(特指)。根据and their home was always open to anyone who couldn't face...night on the street,可知Muller夫妇还为那些无法在街上过夜的人提供住宿,这里应用another,非特指,表示很多夜晚中的一个。故选:C。
    (10)B。动词辨析。A.pay支付;B.ask要求;C.wait等待;D.search搜寻。根据The couple were soon spending all their money这对夫妇很快花光了所有的钱,可知Kurt去食品和服装公司是请求捐助的,词组ask for表示"要求,请求"。故选:B。
    (11)A。名词辨析。A.goods商品;B.clothes衣服;C.cellphones电话;D.bags包。根据Today,over thirty companies donate food and other...and volunteers help to give them away to the homeless,可知现在有超过30家公司为他们捐赠食物和其他的商品,志愿者帮忙把这些送给无家可归的人。空处之前有other,表示其"别的",后跟名词复数,这里需要能代指各种物品的总称。故选:A。
    (12)D。连词辨析。A.so因此;B.or或者;C.but但是;D.and而且。根据The public also give clothes and money...a bag producer donates new bags,可知句子包含两个小分句,大众给衣物给钱和制包商捐赠新包之间是并列的关系,因此应使用连词and。故选:D。
    (13)A。介词辨析。A.by通过;B.from来自;C.except除了;D.against反对。根据Kurt and Rita put their love to good use...helping homeless people in Berlin,可知Kurt和Rita把他们的爱充分用在帮助柏林无家可归的人这件事上。词组put love to good use by doing表示"充分用爱做某事"。故选:A。
    (14)C。动词辨析。A.give给;B.show展示;C.get得到;D.accept接受。根据The love that we...on the streets is our salary,可知句子包含定语从句,主句为The love is salary,从句that we...on the street修饰先行词love,可知空处应是get"得到"。故选:C。
    (15)D。名词辨析。A.living居住;B.wish愿望;C.decision决定;D.difference不同。根据They will go on with their work because they like the feeling of having made a...in the world,可知他们会继续这份工作,因为他们喜欢让世界有所改变的这种感觉。词组make a difference表示"改变,使......有所不同"。故选:D。
    六.补全对话 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 ( 5分)
    14.(5分)A:Hello,Li Ming.What's your plan for this summer holiday?
    B:I have no idea.(1) D 
    A:I will take part in a social activity with my sister.
    B:It sounds exciting.(2) A 
    A:No.I have been a volunteer in a poor village.The children there don't have money to buy books.
    B:(3) B 
    A:Yes.I bought them 30 books with my pocket money.
    B:What else did you do there?
    A:(4) D  And now we are good friends.
    B:Wow!(5) C  I'd like to join you.
    A:Great!I'm sure we'll have a meaningful holiday.

    (1)A.What did you do?
    B.What's your problem?
    C.What should I do?
    D.What about you?
    (2)A.Is it your first time to join in such activities?
    B.Do you like this activity?
    C.What do you think of these activities?
    D.Have you ever joined it?
    (3)A.Who else have ever been there with you?
    B.Have you sent books to them?
    C.What did you do for them?
    D.Could I help them?
    (4)A.I cared for animals.
    B.I helped old people there.
    C.I was a guide at a museum.
    D.I helped them with their lessons.
    (5)A.How happy you are!
    B.Why don't you tell me?
    C.It was a wonderful experience!
    D.It's fantastic!
    【解答】(1)根据"I will take part in a social activity with my sister"(我将和姐姐一起参加社会活动。)可知,询问对方的计划,D选项"你呢"符合,故选D。
    (2)根据"No.I have been a volunteer in a poor village"(不。我曾在一个贫穷的村庄做过志愿者。)可知,此处是一个一般疑问句,询问之前是否做过类似活动,A选项"这是你第一次参加这样的活动吗"符合,故选A。
    (3)根据"Yes.I bought them 30 books with my pocket money"(是的。我用零用钱给他们买了30本书。)可知,此处是一个一般疑问句,询问是否有捐书,B选项"你给他们送书了吗"符合,故选B。
    (4)根据"What else did you do there"(你在那里还做了什么?)及前文"The children there don't have money to buy books"(那里的孩子没有钱买书。)可知,做的事情与孩子们有关,D选项"我帮助他们做功课"符合,故选D。
    (5)根据"I'd like to join you"(我想和你一起去。)可知,认为对方的经历很不错,所以也想加入,C选项"那是一次愉快的经历"符合,故选C。
    七.阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 (每小题 2 分, 共 40 分)
    15.(10分)It was a sunny day.Helen was sitting in the garden reading her favorite book.Some time later,her old mother sat beside her.Suddenly,her old mother pointed at something and asked Helen what it was.Helen looked at it and told her it was a sparrow(麻雀).Helen was surprised why her mother asked her such a simple question.
    Helen went on reading.Several minutes later,her old mother asked her the same question and Helen found it was the same bird.After a little while,the old woman again asked the question about the sparrow.This time Helen got angry.She shouted at her mother for asking the same question again and again."Don't you know how boring you are?" Helen said impatiently.The old woman silently stood up and entered the house.Helen continued reading her book.
    A few minutes passed and her old mother sat beside her again.She opened an old diary and put it in front of Helen.Helen picked up the diary and began to read it.It said, "Today,while I was working in the garden,my little Helen came to me.Looking at a sparrow on a tree,my child asked me what it was.I smiled at her,said it was a sparrow and kissed her.After a while,little Helen asked the question again.This went on until she went back into the house with me after I finished my work.Little Helen asked me at least ten times and I kept on answering her and kissing her.I should be as patient as I can,no matter how busy I was.Love you,my Little Helen."
    Tears came into Helen's eyes.She closed the diary and felt very ashamed for what she did.She realized that she should treat her mother the way her mother treated her.

    (1)What was Helen doing when her mother asked her questions?  A 
    A.She was reading a book.
    B.She was working in the garden.
    C.She was writing a diary.
    D.She was playing with a sparrow.
    (2)How many times did Helen's mother ask her questions?  B 
    B.Three times.
    D.Ten times.
    C.Four times.
    (3)Why did Helen's mother put the old diary in front of Helen?  D 
    A.Because Helen asked her to pick up it.
    B.Because Helen didn't know the bird.
    C.Because tears came into Helen's eyes.
    D.Because it may change Helen's attitude.
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  C 
    A.There were so many sparrows on the tree.
    B.Helen got angry because the weather was terrible.
    C.Helen felt very sorry for shouting at her mother.
    D.Helen's mother was impatient when Helen was young.
    (5)What's the best title of this passage?  B 
    A.The Secret of Book
    B.A Special Diary of Love
    C.A Story of Garden
    D.The Introduction of Sparrow
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Helen was sitting in the garden reading her favorite book.(海伦坐在花园里读她最喜欢的书。)可知她在看书。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第一段Suddenly,her old mother pointed at something and asked Helen what it was.(突然,她的老妈妈指着什么东西问海伦这是什么。)第二段Several minutes later,her old mother asked her the same question and Helen found it was the same bird.After a little while,the old woman again asked the question about the sparrow.(几分钟后,她的老母亲问了她同样的问题,海伦发现是同一只鸟。过了一会儿,老妇人又问起了关于麻雀的问题。)可知海伦的妈妈问了她三次问题。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第二段This time Helen got angry.She shouted at her mother for asking the same question again and again."Don't you know how boring you are?" Helen said impatiently.(这次海伦生气了。她一次又一次地对母亲问同样的问题。"你不知道你有多无聊吗?"海伦不耐烦地说。) 最后一段 Tears came into Helen's eyes.She closed the diary and felt very ashamed for what she did.(海伦热泪盈眶。她合上日记,为自己的所作所为感到羞愧。)可知因为这可能会改变海伦的态度。故选D。
    (4)细节理解题。根据最后一段 Tears came into Helen's eyes.She closed the diary and felt very ashamed for what she did.(海伦热泪盈眶。她合上日记,为自己的所作所为感到羞愧。)可知海伦对向母亲大喊大叫感到非常抱歉。故选C。
    What is bullying(欺凌)?
    What is cyber bullying?
    Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad,and hurts you again and again,you may easily lose confidence,lose trust of everyone around you or even get sick.Bullying can happen at school,out of school or online.Bullying includes:*Calling people mean(刻薄的) names
    *Laughing at people
    *Telling lies about people
    *Taking someone's things without permission
    *Not letting someone play in a group
    *Hitting people
    Cyber bullying happens online and includes:*Sending mean messages
    *Sharing photos without permission
    *Not letting someone be part of an online group
    What can you do?
    ★If someone is mean to you,tell an adult that you know well and trust.For example,talk to a parent or a teacher.★You can block(拉黑) a person who sends mean messages online.Ask an adult to help you.Don't reply.
    ★Talk to your parents or teachers or an adult that you know well if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend.
    ★Say sorry if you are mean to someone.You can write a message or talk to the person.We can all help to say no to bullying.
    (1)How many behaviors(行为) of bullying are mentioned in the passage?  D 
    (2)Which of the following is about cyber bullying?  B 
    A.Tom always takes away other people's books without permission.
    B.Jane posted Mary's photo on the Internet without her permission.
    C.Kevin doesn't allow Ben to join in their football game.
    D.Jerry often makes jokes about people around him.
    (3)Who is not the right person to ask for help when you get bullied?  D 
    A.A parent.
    B.A teacher.
    C.A friend.
    D.A stranger.
    (4)What is the purpose of the passage?  D 
    A.To tell students the differences between bullying and cyber bullying.
    B.To encourage students to fight against cyber bullying outside school.
    C.To let parents know how to protect their children from getting bullied.
    D.To tell students what bullying is and how to deal with it.
    (5)Who is the passage written for?  A 
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据文章"*Calling people mean(刻薄的) names *Laughing at people *Telling lies about people *Taking someone's things without permission *Not letting someone play in a group *Hitting people?*Sending mean messages *Sharing photos without permission *Not letting someone be part of an online group"(用刻薄的名字称呼别人*嘲笑别人*说别人的坏话*未经允许拿别人的东西*不让别人在小组里玩*打人?*发送恶意信息*未经允许分享照片*不让某人成为网络群的一部分)两部分打星号的部分可知,欺凌包括现实欺凌和网络欺凌两个部分,共有九处内容。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据"Cyber bullying happens online and includes"(网络欺凌发生在网上包括)和"*Sharing photos without permission"(未经允许分享照片)可知未经别人允许将别人照片在网上发出是一种欺凌,故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据"If someone is mean to you,tell an adult that you know well and trust.For example,talk to a parent or a teacher."(如果有人对你不好,告诉一个你很了解和信任的成年人。例如,与父母或老师交谈。)可知在遭受欺凌时,应向你了解并且相信的成年人求助,所以不能向陌生人寻求帮助。故选D。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据通读文章可知主要介绍了"What is bullying(欺凌)?"(即什么是欺凌)和"What can you do?"(你能做什么?)可知告诉学生欺凌是什么以及如何应对。故选D。
    (5)推理判断题。通读全文,以及"Bullying can happen at school,out of school or online."(欺凌可能发生在学校、校外或网上。)和"talk to your parents or teachers or an adult that you know well if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend."(如果你看到恃强凌弱,或者你担心一个朋友,和你的父母、老师或你熟悉的成年人谈谈。)可知本文主要介绍了欺凌、网络欺凌的形式以及如何应对,写作对象主要是学生。故选A。
    17.(10分)Improvements in technology often happen overnight.Some gadgets get smaller and faster.Others are replaced (代替) by newer things like smartphones.They can do hundreds of things.Here are some old gadgets that people used to use.

    Do you have a landline at home?These are phones that people plug (插入) into their living room walls.Mobile phones didn't use to be so common at that time,so most families had a landline.But landlines only worked at home.What did people do when they were outside and needed to call someone?They looked for a pay phone!Then,most people had their own mobile phones and many homes no longer had landlines.

    People today store plenty of information online,or on SD cards.But in the 1980s and 1990s,people used to use floppy disks.
    The first floppy disks were large,expensive,and not very useful ﹣﹣ each disk could store just 175 KB of information!Later,floppy disks got smaller and better.But even the best ones could only hold 1.44 MB.You would need three or four disks just for one song,and about 22,000 disks to match the storage (储存空间) available on a 32 GB phone!

    It's easy to take photos today.People often have thousands just on their phones!But photos used to be expensive,and people took fewer of them.To take a photo,you had to buy a roll of film.This allowed you to take about 30 photos.After finishing the roll,you left it at a shop.The shop developed the photos to make them be seen,which you could collect after a few days.
    Technology changes all the time,and the gadgets we use today will one day be old.What do you think will be next to disappear?

    (1)What does the underlined word "gadgets" mean in Paragraph 1?  B 
    (2)Match the title with each paragraph.  B 
    a.Goodbye Disks b.Music to My Ears c.Picture This
    d.Call Me e.Film Development
    C.①﹣c, ②﹣a,③﹣b
    D.①﹣c, ②﹣b,③﹣e
    (3)What were the first floppy disks like?  C 
    A.They could store much.
    B.They were very useful.
    C.They cost a lot of money.
    D.They were easy to carry.
    (4)What can we get from the passage?  C 
    A.It was convenient to take photos with film.
    B.People outside used landlines to call someone.
    C.Improvements in technology change people's life.
    D.For a time,many people had pay phones at home.
    (5)What would be the best title for the passage?  D 
    A.The Changing Phones.
    B.The Products of Tomorrow.
    C.Old Things We Use Today.
    D.The Things We Used to Use.

    【解答】(1)词义猜测题。根据Others are replaced (代替) by newer things like smartphones.They can do hundreds of things.Here are some old gadgets that people used to use.(其他的被智能手机等更新的东西所取代。它们可以做数百件事情。这里有一些人们过去使用的旧小工具。)可知gadgets指的是工具。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据What did people do when they were outside and needed to call someone?They looked for a pay phone!Then,most people had their own mobile phones and many homes no longer had landlines.(当人们在外面需要打电话时,他们会怎么做?他们寻找公用电话!然后,大多数人都有自己的手机,许多家庭不再有固定电话。)可知①讲的是Call Me;根据But in the 1980s and 1990s,people used to use floppy disks.(但在 1980 年代和 1990 年代,人们习惯使用软盘。)可知②讲的是Goodbye Disks;根据It's easy to take photos today.People often have thousands just on their phones!But photos used to be expensive,and people took fewer of them.(今天拍照很容易。人们通常只在手机上就有数千张!但过去的照片很贵,人们拍的照片越来越少。)可知③讲的是Picture This。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据The first floppy disks were large,expensive,and not very useful (最初的软盘又大又贵,而且不是很有用)可知最初的软盘要花很多钱。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。通读全文结合Technology changes all the time,and the gadgets we use today will one day be old.(技术一直在变化,我们今天使用的小工具有一天会过时。)可知科技进步改变了人们的生活。故选C。
    (5)标题归纳题。根据Here are some old gadgets that people used to use.(这是人们过去使用的一些旧小工具。)可知本文主要介绍一些我们过去使用的东西,D项"我们曾经使用的东西"可以作为标题。故选D。
    18.(10分)What will astronauts(宇航员)eat when a space trip takes years?
    "Lots of fresh vegetables," says Dr.Janet Williams,whose team have spent the last 10 years learning how to grow plants in a space station.And it's a good thing that she has already started her work,because space gardening can be really hard.
    As usual,astronaut George White looked into the closed plant room.He had planted Dr.Williams's quick﹣growing seedlings in it,but none of the stems were showing.He opened the room to check and found the problem.The stems weren't growing upward and the roots weren't growing downward.On Earth,gravity(重力)helps a plant's stems and roots to find "up"and "down".However,in the space station,there was almost no gravity.
    Dr.Williams suggested a solution:give the plants more light,as plants also use sunlight to find their way.And it worked.When the plants had more light,the stems turned up and the roots went down.
    Now Dr.Williams was free to worry about the next problem:Would her baby plants live to flower?Can we grow food on a space journey?
    Many plants died in the space station.Dr.Williams thought she knew why:the space plants were hungry for air.Plants live by taking up CO2 from the air.Since a plant uses it up in the air around,the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 close to its surface!On Earth,the air is always moving.Gravity pulls down cold air,and warm air rises.And with these air movements,plants get enough CO2.
    Many earlier experiments with plants in space had used closed rooms.Dr.Williams tried a new greenhouse that had a fan to keep the air move.The plants loved it. They flowered and even produced more seeds.Using Dr.Williams's method,astronaut George completed the first seed﹣to﹣seed experiment in space,and moved one plant closer to a garden in space.
    "And this," says Dr.Williams, "is good news for long﹣term space travel."

    (1)Why have Dr.Williams's team tried to grow plants in space?  C 
    A.To produce fresh air for astronauts.
    B.To help astronauts relax themselves.
    C.To provide food for long space journeys.
    D.To make the space garden more beautiful.
    (2)How did light help solve the problem mentioned in Paragraph 3?  C 
    A.It caused the gravity to change.
    B.It encouraged the plants to grow faster.
    C.It helped the plants to grow in the right direction.
    D.It showed the astronauts where to plant vegetables.
    (3)Why did many plants die in the space station?  D 
    A.The light was too strong.
    B.There was too much CO2.
    C.There was not enough room to grow.
    D.The air condition was not good enough.
    (4)The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 7 refers to  A .
    A.the moving air
    B.the closed room
    C.the space journey
    D.the space garden
    (5)What can we learn about Dr.Williams's team from the passage?  D 

    A.They mainly live on fresh vegetables.
    B.They have successfully built a space garden.
    C.They invented a special fan for their greenhouse.
    D.They have worked on space gardening for many years.
    【解答】(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段和第二段"What will astronauts eat when a space trip takes years? 'Lots of fresh vegetables, ' says Dr.Janet Williams,whose team have spent the last 10 years learning how to grow plants in a space station"当太空旅行需要几年的时间时,宇航员会吃什么?珍妮特•威廉姆斯博士说:"很多新鲜蔬菜。"他的团队在过去10年里一直在学习如何在空间站种植植物。可知是在太空种植植物是为了给太空旅行提供食物。故选C。
    (2)C.推理判断题。根据"give the plants more light,as plants also use sunlight to find their way.And it worked.When the plants had more light,the stems turned up and the roots went down"给植物更多的光,因为植物也利用阳光找到自己的方向。这是有效的。当植物有更多的光时,茎向上,根向下;可知光线帮助植物按正确的方向生长。故选C。
    (3)D.细节理解题。根据"the space plants were hungry for air"可知因为空气不是足够好,所以很多植物在太空死去。故选D。
    (4)A.词义猜测题。根据"keep the air move"保持空气流通可知此处it指的是流通的空气the moving air。故选A。
    (5)D.推理判断题。根据"Many earlier experiments with plants in space had used closed rooms.Dr.Williams tried a new greenhouse that had a fan to keep the air move."可知太空种植的钻研有很多年,故选D。
    八. 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(1 5分)
    In a small village,a boy named Mark lived with his father,a wise old man.One day,Mark told his father(1) sadly (sad) that he made little progress in learning the guitar.No matter how hard he tried,he couldn't improve.Mark asked his father(2) for some help.
    "Follow me,and I(3) will lead  (lead) you to the high hills around the village tomorrow." said his father.The next day,they set out.The road was long and difficult,(4) but Mark still followed his father.As they got higher,the father said that he wanted to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to.Mark was surprised but decided (5) to help (help) his father.
    With great difficulty,Mark helped his father climb the hill.Sometimes he even carried his father on his back.At the top,he put his father on the ground and laughed with joy.
    "When you were(6) a little boy,sometimes you returned home with tears in your eyes," said his father. "The elder children laughed at you.Do you remember why?"
    Mark nodded.He remembered that as a child,he and all his(7) friends  (friend) called this hill Mount Impossible,because small children couldn't reach its top.
    "And today," said his father,"you not only climbed here,but also helped(8) me  (I) to get here."
    "I became bigger and(9) stronger  (strong) than before. "said Mark.
    "Instead of (10) climbing  (climb ) Mount Impossible every day,you played on the smaller hills and became better at climbing," said his father. "It became possible for you to climb Mount Impossible while you weren't even thinking about it."
    (2)考查介词。句意:马克向他父亲寻求帮助。根据ask sb for help向某人寻求帮助,固定短语,故填:for。
    (3)考查动词时态。句意:跟我来,明天我带你去村子周围的高山。根据tomorrow(明天)可知时态是一般将来时,构成是will do,故填:will lead。
    (5)考查动词。句意:马克很惊讶,但决定帮助他的父亲。根据decide to do sth决定做某事,固定短语,故填:to help。
    九. 阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(1 0 分)
    20.(10分)How to prepare for exams?
    Here are some tips you can read with your child.
    The first step in preparing for examinations is to set a fixed time each day to study and a schedule to say when to start the revision and for which subject.The plan should include how many chapters to review and how many worksheets (活页练习题) to work on.(1) D  Parents who do not know the examination schedule can search"exam timetable"to see the official examination schedule.(2) F 
    The second thing is to decide on the place to study.Some need total silence in a library before they can concentrate while others like to have some background music like in the cafeteria.(3) G  So there is no need to tell your child to change the study place if he is producing the desired results.
    (4) A  For lessons,pupils must participate in lessons and discussions actively.For exercise,work on the simple ones in the textbook.For theory,pupils can use the mind map method to summarize the facts.At last,be smart.Focus on chapters that are the core (核心) of the subject or difficult chapters.(5) E 

    A.Next the most effective way to review is to use an active approach (方法).
    B.Making good preparations counts.
    C.The mind map can help you a lot in your revision work.
    D.Your child has to be self﹣disciplined (自律的) to follow the plan.
    E.It is not necessary to read from the first to the last page.
    F.The best time to start revision is one or two months before the examination.
    G.Both are all right as long as your child is comfortable with it.
    (1)根据上文"The plan should include how many chapters to review and how many worksheets (活页练习题) to work on."(这个计划应该包括要复习多少章节和要做多少工作表。)可知,计划包含多少章节复习,多少题目要做。下文应是针对这计划应怎样做。选项D"你的孩子不得不要自律地跟随这个计划。"符合语境。故选D。
    (2)根据横线前的"Parents who do not know the examination schedule can search"exam timetable"to see the official examination schedule."(不知道考试时间表的家长可以搜索"考试时间表"查看正式的考试时间表。)可知,要求父母查正式的考试时间表,横线上应是了解时间后要做的事,选项F"考试前的一两个月是最好的复习时间。"符合语境。故选F。
    (3)根据"Some need total silence in a library before they can concentrate while others like to have some background music like in the cafeteria."(有些人在图书馆里需要完全的安静才能集中注意力,而另一些人则喜欢在餐厅里听一些背景音乐。)可知,一些人需要安静,另外一些人需要有背景音乐的,所以每个人的需求不同,对他来说舒服就行。选项G"两者都好只要你的孩子对这个舒服。"符合语境。故选G。
    (4)根据后文的"For lessons,pupils must participate in lessons and discussions actively.For exercise,work on the simple ones in the textbook.For theory,pupils can use the mind map method to summarize the facts."(对于课程,学生必须积极参与课程和讨论。作为练习,做课本上简单的题。在理论上,学生可以使用思维导图法来总结事实。)可知,这些都是有效的学习方法。选项A"接下来最有效的复习方法是使用积极的方式。"符合语境。故选A。
    (5)根据"Focus on chapters that are the core (核心) of the subject or difficult chapters."(专注于主题的核心章节或较难的章节。)可知,要集中于那些核心章节,选项E"没有必要从第一页读到最后一页。"符合语境。故选E。
    十.书面表达 根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子提问或应答。
    21.(2分)A:  Is this your dictionary/Is this dictionary yours ?
    B:No,it isn't.Mine is in the school bag.

    【解答】根据答语"Mine is in the school bag."及图片可知,这里询问"这本字典是你的吗"。分析用到的相关词汇,dictionary"字典",yours"你的",名词性物主代词;your"你的",形容词性物主代词;this"这个"。
    故填:Is this your dictionary/Is this dictionary yours。
    22.(2分)A: What did she have for dinner/supper ?
    B:She had some fish,vegetables and rice for it.

    【解答】根据答句"She had some fish,vegetables and rice for it."及图片提示可知,询问"她晚饭吃了什么"。分析用到的相关词汇,What"什么";she"她";have"吃";for dinner、supper"晚饭"。
    故填:What did she have for dinner/supper。
    23.(2分)A: How often do you drink milk ?
    B:Every day.It's good for my health.

    【解答】根据答语"Every day."及图片提示可知,问句询问的是"你多久喝一次牛奶"。分析用到的相关词汇,How often"多久一次";you"你";drink milk"喝牛奶"把这些词汇连接成符合题意的句子。
    故填;How often do you drink milk。
    24.(2分)A:Jimmy,I called you at nine yesterday but you didn't answer.
    B:Oh, I was repairing/fixing up/mending my bike at that time .

    【解答】根据图片提示及问句可知,此处应回答"我那个时候在修我的自行车"。分析用到的相关词汇,I"我";repair/fix up/mend意为"修理";my"我的";bike"自行车";at that time"在那时"。根据时间状语at that time可知此处用过去进行时。
    故填:I was repairing/fixing up/mending my bike at that time。
    25.(2分)A:What's the use of the robot?
    B: It is used for sweeping the floor/It is used to clean the room .

    【解答】根据问句及图片提示可知,此处应回答"机器人的用途是扫地/打扫房间"或"它是用来扫地的/打扫房间的"。分析用到的相关词汇,use"使用";sweep the floor"扫地";clean the room"打扫房间"。根据相关词汇的不同用法可知be used for doing sth/be used to do sth"被用来做某事"。
    故填:It is used for sweeping the floor/It is used to clean the room。
    十一. 写作 ( 25 分)
    26.(25分)在我们的生活中,有些事情看起来很难完成,但是通过我们个人的努力或别人的帮助等,我们做到了。请以I made it为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文。

    I made it
    I made it
    Since I went to the middle school,my Chinese grades went down rapidly.I felt very disappointed .And I didn't know the way to improve Chinese grades better.【高分句型一】(做了什么事)
    "Never give up",my father said to me,"look for the methods which belong to you".After hearing these,I decided to make a studying plan about improving Chinese.
    The plan included doing some reading,reading newspapers,watching TV and so on.Since I made up the plan,I followed the details of the plan to do.
    The following exam was coming.This time I became self﹣confident.I got nearly full marks.This made me very happy,because I defeated myself.My parents congratulated me on this.And they said that they were proud of me.(如何做到的)
    From then on,I become more and more confident,and I determine to continue to try my best to study Chinese as well as other subjects.【高分句型二】(感受)


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