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    这是一份【期末专题复习】(牛津译林版)2022-2023学年七年级英语下学期:专题14-阅读填表(最新名校期末精选)练习(原卷+解析),文件包含期末专题复习牛津译林版2022-2023学年七年级英语下学期专题14-阅读填表最新名校期末精选解析版docx、期末专题复习牛津译林版2022-2023学年七年级英语下学期专题14-阅读填表最新名校期末精选原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共67页, 欢迎下载使用。

    专题14 阅读填表20篇(最新名校期末精选)(解析版)

    If you go to a fast food restaurant, you will probably see a lot of teenagers(青少年). Today, many teenagers are fat, and some of this is because of their bad eating habits. Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt and sugar. People often call this kind of food “junk food”. But bad eating habits are worse than fast food. We find many teenagers have bad eating habits. Some don’t have breakfast before they go to school. During the day, some don’t have a right meal for lunch. In a recent study at one school, scientists find that more than two-thirds of the students don’t have a healthy diet. They don’t like vegetables, and many of them don’t like to eat fruits. They like to eat food with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat(脂肪)better.
    Parents today also worry about their children’s diet. Some doctors give the following advice:
    ★ Teenagers shouldn’t eat too much junk food.
    ★ Teenagers shouldn’t eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure(高血压)in the future.
    ★ Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar.
    ★ Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. There are a lot of vitamins and little fat in fruits and vegetables.
    ★ Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.
    ★ Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their body and mind.
    ___1___ to have healthy eating habits
    What is junk food
    It ___2___ a lot of fat, oil, salt and sugar.
    ___3___ eating habits
    ★Some teenagers don’t have breakfast before ___4___ to school. ★Some don’t have a proper meal for lunch.
    ★ ___5___ two-thirds of the students don’t have a healthy diet.
    Some doctors’ ___6___
    ★Don’t eat too much junk food.★Don’t eat food with too much ___7___.
    ★Eat food with less fat, oil and sugar.
    ★Eat fruits and vegetables because they have ___8___ vitamins and little fat.
    ★___9___ more milk.
    ★____10____ breakfast every day is good for your body and mind.

    1.How/Ways 2.has 3.Bad 4.going 5.Over 6.advice/suggestions 7.salt 8.many 9.Drink 10.Eating/Having

    1.根据“Parents today also worry about their children’s diet. Some doctors give the following advice:”以及下文的介绍可知,文章是关于“如何养成健康的饮食习惯”的分析,并提出了一些建议,此处可以用how或ways表示,故填How/Ways。
    2.根据“Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt and sugar. People often call this kind of food ‘junk food’.”可知,含有大量脂肪、油、盐和糖的食物被称为“垃圾食品”,主语是it,动词用三单形式,故填has。
    3.根据“But bad eating habits are worse than fast food.”以及右侧栏的内容展示可知,这里说的是一些坏的饮食习惯,故填Bad。
    4.根据“Some don’t have breakfast before they go to school.”可知,一些学生上学前不吃早餐,before是介词,后接doing形式,故填going。
    5.根据“scientists find that more than two-thirds of the students don’t have a healthy diet.”可知,超过三分之二的学生饮食不健康,more than=over,故填Over。
    6.根据“Parents today also worry about their children’s diet. Some doctors give the following advice:”可知,下文是医生给出了一些建议,此处可以用advice/suggestions,故填advice/suggestions。
    7.根据“Teenagers shouldn’t eat food with too much salt.”可知,青少年不应该吃含盐太多的食物,故选salt。
    8.根据“Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. There are a lot of vitamins and little fat in fruits and vegetables.”可知,青少年需要每天吃一些水果和蔬菜。水果和蔬菜含有大量的维生素和少量的脂肪。a lot of=many,后接复数名词,故填many。
    9.根据“Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.”可知,青少年要多喝牛奶,故填Drink。
    10.根据“Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their body and mind.”可知,青少年需要每天吃早餐。这对他们的身心都有好处,空处作主语,应用动名词形式,故填Eating/Having。
    Every child has the right to go to school safely. Children also have the right to privacy(隐私), freedom of expression and information. When children are victims(受害者) of bullying(欺凌) and cyberbullying(网络欺凌), these rights are not respected. Here are some tips for students to stop bullying in their children’s school.
    Tell your children about bullying.
    You should tell your kids what bullying is. Your children can understand it, whether it is happening to them or someone else.
    Talk to your children often.
    The more you talk to your children about bullying, the more easily they will tell you about it if they see or experience it. Check with your children every day and ask about what they do online and how they feel at school.
    Help your child be a positive role model.
    There are three parties to bullying: the victim, the perpetrator(作恶者), and the bystander(旁观者). Although children are not victims of bullying, they can prevent bullying by being respectful and kind to other children. If they see bullying, they can support the victim and question bullying behaviour.
    Help build children’s self-confidence.
    Encourage your children to take pat in-activities they love in your community. Talking with a group of friends with the same interests will also help build confidence.
    Set a good example to children.
    Tell our children how to treat other children and adults kindly by doing the same to the people around you, such as speaking up when others are being bullied. Children look to their parents as examples of how to behave.
    Be part of our children’s online experiences.
    Know about the platforms(平台) your children use. Explain to your children how the online and the online world are connected, and tell them about the different dangers they may face online.
    Every child has the right to own a safe school environment. As parents, you should try your best to keep your children safe.
    ____11____ on Prevent Bullying in Children’s School
    Passage outline
    Supporting details
    Tell your children about bullying.
    ◇Tell your kids what bullying is. They will be ____12____to understand it, whether it is happening to them or someone else.
    Talk to your children often
    ◇Talk to your children more about bullying, and they will tell you about it more ____13____ if they see or experience it. ◇Check with your children every day and ask about their activities online and ____14____ at school
    Help your child be a positive role model.
    ◇Prevent bullying by ____15____ respect and kindness to other children. ◇If they see bullying, trey can support the victim and question bullying behaviour,
    Build children’s self-confidence.
    ◇Encourage your children to _____16_____ in activities they love in your community. ◇Talking with a group of friends with the same interests will also be ____17____ to build confidence.
    Set good ___18___ to children.
    ◇Tell your children how to treat other children and adults kindly by doing the same to the people around you, ____19____speaking up when others are being bullied. Children look to their parents as examples of how to behave.
    Be part of our children’s online experiences.
    ◇Know about the platforms(平台) your children use. ◇Tell your children it may be _____20_____ for them to surf online because the online and he offline world are connected.

    11.Tips/Suggestions/Advice 12.able 13.easily 14.feelings 15.showing 16.join 17.helpful 18.examples 19.like 20.dangerous

    11.根据第一段“Here are some tips for students to stop bullying in their children’s school.”可知此处是指这里有一些建议,可以帮助学生们在孩子的学校里停止欺凌行为。tips,suggestions和advice都可以表示“建议”。故填Tips/Suggestions/Advice。
    12.根据第二段“You should tell your kids what bullying is. Your children can understand it,”可知应该告诉你的孩子什么是欺凌。你的孩子可以理解它。固定短语be able to“能够”,故填able。
    13.根据第三段“The more you talk to your children about bullying, the more easily they will tell you about it if they see or experience.”可知你和孩子谈论欺凌的次数越多,如果他们看到或经历过欺凌,他们就越容易告诉你。easy“容易的”,是形容词,此处要用其副词形式修饰动词,故填easily。
    14.根据第三段“Check with your children every day and ask about what they do online and how they feel at school.”可知每天和你的孩子一起检查,询问他们在网上做什么,以及他们在学校的感觉如何。feel“感觉”,是动词,此处需使用其名词feeling,且是复数形式,故填feelings。
    15.根据第四段“Although children are not victims of bullying, they can prevent bullying by being respectful and kind to other children”可知虽然儿童不是欺凌的受害者,但他们可以通过展现尊重和善待其他儿童来防止欺凌。show“表明,表现”,是动词,空前有介词,动词用动名词形式,故填showing。
    16.根据第五段“Encourage your children to take pat in-activities they love in your community.”可知鼓励你的孩子参加他们喜欢的社区活动。join“参加”,是动词,空前有不定式符号to,动词用原形,故填join。
    17.根据第五段“Talking with a group of friends with the same interests will also help build confidence.”可知与一群兴趣相同的朋友交谈也有助于建立信心。helpful“有帮助的”,是形容词,符合语境,故填helpful。
    18.根据小标题“Set a good example to children.”可知给孩子们树立一个好榜样。example“榜样”,是可数名词,此处应该用复数形式,故填examples。
    19.根据第六段“Tell our children how to treat other children and adults kindly by doing the same to the people around you, such as speaking up when others are being bullied.”可知告诉我们的孩子如何善待其他的孩子和成年人,对你周围的人也要这样做,比如当别人被欺负时大声说出来。like“像”,是介词,符合语境,故填like。
    20.根据第七段“Know about the platforms(平台) your children use. Explain to your children how the online and the online world are connected, and tell them about the different dangers they may face online.”可知了解孩子们使用的平台。向你的孩子解释网络和网络世界是如何联系在一起的,并告诉他们在网络上可能面临的不同危险。dangerous“危险的”,是形容词,此处作表语,故填dangerous。
    (2022春·江苏淮安·七年级统考期末)Baby panda says hello to world

    Three years ago, Bing Dwen Dwen became the mascot (吉祥物) for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The design comes from 5,816 works from 38 countries and areas. Cao Xue, the chief designer of Bing Dwen Dwen, said the idea first came from the traditional Chinese snack bingtanghulu. But a simple snack couldn’t stand for (代表) a country by itself. Cao’s team tried many animals and plants and finally decided on a panda.
    However there were already too many cartoon images of pandas. Cao first decided that it should be a baby panda instead of an adult one, so its body is as long as its head.
    Cao’s team looked all over the world to collect all the panda designs they could find. They wanted to make sure their panda looked special. They visited the panda nature reserve in Wolong, Sichuan, to get ideas. They found that baby pandas are pigeon-toed (内八字) and often lean in while standing.
    The helmet (头盔) made of ice makes the mascot in fashion. It looks like a spaceman. Bing Dwen Dwen waves its left hand to say hello. There are two red hearts in the hand, showing it’s kindness and love. A group of lines with different colours around its head look like the tracks (赛道) on an ice rink. They also stand for fast 5G signals.
    Now the panda in a nice shell is made into all kinds of souvenirs (纪念品), like toys and models, as well as printed on notebooks, badges (徽章) and bags. People of all ages like them very much. “Design is like dancing with chains. I’m glad we performed (表演) a good dance.” Cao said.
    Bing Dwen Dwen - the mascot for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
    When it becomes the mascot?
    In 2019.
    Who the chief ___21___ is?
    Cao Xue.
    How the idea came out?
    ♦ It came from the traditional Chinese snack bingtanghulu, but a simple snack ___22___ stand for a country by itself. Finally, they used a panda. ♦ Its body is as long as its head ___23___ it should be a baby panda, not an adult one.
    ♦ They looked all over the world to collect all the designs ___24___ make sure their panda looked special.
    ♦ They even ___25___ the Wolong Nature Reserve to watch the baby pandas.
    ___26___ it looks like?
    ♦ The helmet made of ice makes the mascot look ___27___. It looks like a spaceman.♦ It waves its left hand ___28___ two red hearts to show its kindness and love.
    ♦ The colourful lines around its head stand for ___29___ the ice tracks and the fast 5G signals.
    How ___30___ it is now?
    It is made into all kinds of souvenirs. People of all ages like them very much.

    21.designer 22.couldn’t 23.because 24.to 25.visited 26.What 27.modern/fashionable 28.with 29.both 30.popular

    21.根据“Cao Xue, the chief designer of Bing Dwen Dwen, said the idea first came from the traditional Chinese snack bingtanghulu.”可知,总设计师是Cao Xue,因此“designer”符合句意;故填designer。
    22.根据“But a simple snack couldn’t stand for a country by itself.”可知,一种简单的小吃并不能代表一个国家,因此“couldn’t”符合句意;故填couldn’t。
    23.根据“Cao first decided that it should be a baby panda instead of an adult one, so its body is as long as its head.”可知,它的身体就和它的头一样长是因为是一只小熊猫,because符合句意;故填because。
    24.根据“They wanted to make sure their panda looked special. ”可知,他们想确保他们的熊猫看起来很特别,动词不定式表示目的;故填to。
    25.根据“They visited the panda nature reserve in Wolong, Sichuan, to get ideas. ”可知,他们参观了四川卧龙的熊猫自然保护区;visited符合句意;故填visited。
    26.根据“looks like”可知,询问外貌,what符合句意,位于句首,首字母大写;故填What。
    27.根据“The helmet (头盔) made of ice makes the mascot in fashion.”可知,用冰做的头盔使吉祥物很时尚,modern/fashionable符合句意;故填modern/fashionable。
    28.根据“There are two red hearts in the hand”可知,有2颗红心,with符合句意;故填with。
    29.根据“A group of lines with different colours around its head look like the tracks (赛道) on an ice rink. They also stand for fast 5G signals.”可知,它的头部周围有一组不同颜色的线条,看起来就像溜冰场上的轨迹。它们也代表快速的5G信号,both...and...“两者都”符合句意;故填both。
    30.根据“Now the panda in a nice shell is made into all kinds of souvenirs (纪念品), like toys and models, as well as printed on notebooks, badges (徽章) and bags.”可知,说明了冰墩墩很受欢迎,结合“it is”,需要形容词作表语;popular符合句意;故填popular。
    A healthy lifestyle is important. You need to take more exercise and eat more healthy food. Here is some advice on how to keep yourself healthy.
    Eating Better
    Start the day with a healthy breakfast. It helps you start the day well.
    Take time to eat and chew(咀嚼)slowly. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to tell the body that you are full.
    Eat more vegetables and fresh fruits because they are very healthy. Try to eat 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables each day.
    Eat more whole grains(谷物), like brown rice, and oats(燕麦). Try to eat more than 85 grams of whole grains each day. This can give you enough energy.
    Dink enough water, low-fat or non-fat milk, and low-calorie drinks.
    Being More Active(活跃的)
    Try to exercise for about thirty minutes each day. Playing sports can also help you keep fit.
    Be active in the home. For example, you can clean your house or walk the dog
    Do activities such as running or biking, when you go on holiday.
    You can slowly improve your lifestyle. If you take one new healthy step every two months, for example, in two to three years, you will be a healthier person.
    ____31____ to keep yourself healthy
    Eating Better
    ◇A healthy breakfast can ____32____ you start the day well.◇ You had better eat and chew(咀嚼)slowly.
    ◇Eating more vegetables and fresh fruits is ____33____ for your health, and having more whole grains each day can give you enough energy.
    ◇Drink enough water, low-fat or non-fat milk, and low-calorie drinks.
    Being More Active
    ◇Exercising for about half an ____34____ every day can also help you keep fit.◇You can clean your house or walk the dog at home.
    ◇When you go on holiday, you can do activities like ____35____ or biking.
    If you try to improve your lifestyle, you can be healthier some day.

    【答案】31.How 32.help 33.good 34.hour 35.running

    31.根据“Here is some advice on how to keep yourself healthy.”可知,文章介绍的是如何让自己保持健康的一些建议。故填How。
    32.根据“Start the day with a healthy breakfast. It helps you start the day well.”可知,用一顿健康的早餐开始新的一天,它帮助你更好地开始一天的工作。情态动词can后接动词原形help。故填help。
    33.根据“Eat more vegetables and fresh fruits because they are very healthy.”可知,多吃蔬菜和新鲜的水果因为它们是非常健康的,言下之意,它们对健康是“有好处的”,be good for表示“对……有好处”。故填good。
    34.根据“Try to exercise for about thirty minutes each day.”可知,尝试每天锻炼30分钟,也就是半个小时,half an hour。故填hour。
    35.根据“Do activities such as running or biking, when you go on holiday.”可知,当你度假时,你也可心进行诸如跑步、骑自行车这样的活动。故填running。
    There are all kinds of festivals all over the world. Some of them are about people, while others are about seasons. They always have different meanings and celebrations.
    Festivals about people
    Some festivals are to honour the ancestors(纪念先辈). For example, on Tomb-sweeping Day in China, people show their miss to their ancestors and national heroes in the past. In some Western countries, people think the soul of the ancestors may come back on Halloween. Now it becomes a children’s festival, and they can dress up in special clothes or play “trick or treat” with their neighbours for sweets.
    Other festivals are to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. In the USA, Columbus Day honours the coming of Christopher Columbus in the New World.
    Festivals about seasons
    In autumn, harvest festivals like Thanksgiving Day can be very happy days because people have enough food for the cold winter. China has Mid-autumn Festival. People get together with family members, watch the full moon and enjoy moon-cakes.
    In spring, some Western countries have exciting carnivals (狂欢节)in February. During these carnivals, people usually march, sing and dance. Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival (樱花节)comes a little later. The country, with lots of cherry tree flowers, looks like a place full of pink snow.
    In most of the festivals, people get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals give us time to enjoy life and relax ourselves. That may be the meaning of festivals.
    Festivals around the World
    Festivals about people
    To the ancestors
    • On Tomb-sweeping Day in China, people show their miss to the ancestors and even national ___37___ in the past. • At Halloween, children ___38___ special clothes and ask neighbours for sweets.
    To famous people
    • The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours Qu Yuan. • Columbus Day in ___39___ honours Christopher Columbus.
    Festivals about ___40___
    Festivals in autumn
    • On Thanksgiving Day, people are ___41___ because they have enough food to spend the winter. • At Mid-autumn Festival, family members get together, watch the full moon and enjoy moon-cakes.
    Festivals in ___42___
    • The carnivals in some Western countries usually have many activities, including marching, ___43___and dancing.   • At Cherry Blossom Festival in Japan, the country is the colour of ___44___ because of the flowers.
    The ___45___ of festivals is that they give us time to enjoy life and relax ourselves.

    36.celebrations/activities 37.heroes 38.wear 39.America 40.seasons 41.happy 42.spring 43.singing 44.pink 45.meaning

    37.根据“on Tomb-sweeping Day in China, people show their miss to their ancestors and national heroes in the past”可知,在中国的清明节,人们表达对祖先和过去的民族英雄的思念。故填heroes。
    38.根据“Now it becomes a children’s festival, and they can dress up in special clothes”可知,现在它变成了一个儿童的节日,他们可以穿着特殊的衣服。dress up in“穿着”,可替换为wear,故填wear。
    39.根据“In the USA, Columbus Day honours the coming of Christopher Columbus in the New World.”可知,哥伦布日是美国的节日,in the USA=in America“在美国”,故填America。
    40.根据“Festivals about seasons”可知,介绍关于季节的节日,故填seasons。
    41.根据“In autumn, harvest festivals like Thanksgiving Day can be very happy days because people have enough food for the cold winter.”可知,在秋天,像感恩节这样的丰收节可以是非常快乐的日子,因为人们有足够的食物来应对寒冷的冬天。故填happy。
    42.根据“In spring, some Western countries have exciting carnivals (狂欢节)in February.”和右栏介绍可知,是春天的节日,故填spring。
    43.根据“During these carnivals, people usually march, sing and dance.”可知,在这些狂欢节期间,人们通常游行、唱歌和跳舞。此处与marching和dancing保持一致,故填singing。
    44.根据“Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival (樱花节)comes a little later. The country, with lots of cherry tree flowers, looks like a place full of pink snow.”可知,日本的樱花节期间,这个国家看起来像一个地方充满粉红色的雪。故填pink。
    45.根据“Festivals give us time to enjoy life and relax ourselves. That may be the meaning of festivals.”可知,节日让我们有时间享受生活,放松自己,这可能就是节日的意义。故填meaning。
    (2022秋·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)阅读下面短文, 根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)
    Allan is a doctor. He is taking notes about the lifestyles of two children, Angela and Andy. Angela: The girl looks healthy. She knows how to keep fit. She gets up early even (即使) on Sundays. And enough exercise makes her fit. She doesn’t eat fast food very often.
    But sometimes she eats snacks between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and supper. Are most girls greedy (嘴馋的)? She should eat fewer snacks. They are not good for her. She can eat more fruit.
    Andy: Andy likes sports. He is good at swimming and football. He does sports for over (超过) two hours every day. That makes him fit and strong.
    But Andy is a picky eater (吃饭挑剔之人). He doesn’t eat enough meat for meals. So he is not tall. And he has another problem—sleeping in (睡过头, 迟起床). He gets up too late on Saturdays and Sundays.
    To get enough energy, Andy should get up early and eat more meat.
    Angela’s and Andy’s ____46____

    Good habits (习惯)
    Bad habits
    ____47____ ideas
    She ____48____ get up late.She has enough ____49____.
    She ____50____ eats fast food.
    Sometimes she eats snacks between ____51____.
    She should eat fewer snacks and more ____52____.
    He does sports for ____53____ than 2 hours every day.
    He is a picky eater and he gets up too late at ____54____.
    To get enough energy, he shouldn’t get up _____55_____. He should eat more meat.

    46.lifestyles 47.Allan’s/Doctor’s 48.doesn’t 49.exercise 50.seldom 51.meals 52.fruit 53.more 54.weekends 55.late

    46.根据“He is taking notes about the lifestyles of two children, Angela and Andy.”可知文章主要介绍了艾伦医生记录的两个孩子安吉拉和安迪的生活方式。结合空缺处,需要填入一个名词复数lifestyles。故填lifestyles。
    47.根据本列所对应的内容“She should eat fewer snacks…”以及“He should eat more meat.”可知这里都是艾伦医生给安吉拉和安迪的一些好的想法。结合空缺处,需要填入名词所有格Allan’s/Doctor’s“艾伦/医生的”,作定语修饰名词复数ideas。故填Allan’s/Doctor’s。
    48.根据“She gets up early even (即使) on Sundays.”即使在星期天她也起得很早。可知安吉拉起床不晚,本句为否定句,get是实义动词,主语是第三人称单数,句子时态用一般现在时,因此否定句需要借助于助动词doesn’t,后面的谓语动词用原形。故填doesn’t。
    49.根据“And enough exercise makes her fit.”足够的锻炼使她健康。可知安吉拉有足够的锻炼。故填exercise。
    50.根据“She doesn’t eat fast food very often.”可知她很少吃快餐。题目中使用同义句,“not very often”的同义词为“seldom”。故填seldom。
    51.根据“But sometimes she eats snacks between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and supper.”但有时她会在早餐和午餐之间或午餐和晚餐之间吃零食。可知她在三餐之间吃零食。故填meals。
    52.根据“She should eat fewer snacks. They are not good for her. She can eat more fruit.”她应该少吃零食。这对她不好。她可以吃更多的水果。可知医生认为她应该多吃水果。故填fruit。
    53.根据“He does sports for over (超过) two hours every day.”他每天运动超过两个小时。可知安迪每天运动两个多小时,题目中使用同义句,“over”的同义词为“more than”。故填more。
    54.根据“And he has another problem—sleeping in (睡过头, 迟起床). He gets up too late on Saturdays and Sundays.”他还有另一个问题——睡懒觉。他星期六和星期天起得很晚。可知他周末睡懒觉,题目中使用了同义词,“Saturdays and Sundays”的同义词为“weekends”。故填weekends。
    55.根据“Andy should get up early and eat more meat.”安迪应该早起多吃点肉。可知医生想让他早起并且多吃肉,题目中使用同义句,即不应该起床晚。故填late。
    Just sit in front of your computer, click your mouse(鼠标) and things will come to your house without you leaving it.
    November 11 is a big day for people who like shopping online. Many online stores offer a big discount(折扣). On special days like that, big online shopping sites(购物网站) in China can sell for as much as billions (十亿) of yuan.
    Things online are not as expensive as those in shops. “Shopping online saves me a lot of time and we have more to choose(挑选) from than in shopping malls,” Wang Xin, an online shopping lover in Beijing, said to China Daily.
    Also, online shopping helps people get things from different cities. “I like eating duck necks very much and Taobao makes it easy to buy them from Wuhan,” said Zhang Xi, a girl in Zhenjiang.
    However, many people have worries, especially(尤其)about middle school student buyers. Ads(广告) on the Internet always draw young students’ eyes easily, so students may spend money on things they don’t need.
    Online shop owners don’t know the age of their buyers. “It’s dangerous(危险的) when young students can buy things such as wine(酒) so easily,” said Jing Chunling, an education expert(教育专家).
    Online ___56___
    Basic (基本的) information
    ___57___ the Internet and a computer, you can buy things without leaving your own house.On some special days like November 11, you can shop online at very low ___58___ .
    Some online shopping sites can ___59___ a lot of money on those special days.
    ___60___ sides
    You can ___61___ much money and time by shopping online.You can choose from more than in shopping ___62___ .
    You can easily get things from ___63___ cities.
    Bad sides
    Young students may spend too ___64___ on things they don’t need.Young students may buy something dangerous for their ___65___ .

    56.Shopping 57.With 58.prices 59.make/earn 60.Good 61.save 62.malls 63.different/other 64.much 65.age

    56.本文介绍了当下热门的网购的利弊,online shopping“网上购物”,在标题位置需大写首字母,故填Shopping。
    57.根据“Just sit in front of your computer, click your mouse(鼠标) and things will come to your house without you leaving it.”可知,只要坐在你的电脑前,点击你的鼠标,不用离开房子东西就会送来。此处表示伴随,用介词with,句首需大写首字母,故填With。
    58.根据“November 11 is a big day for people who like shopping online. Many online stores offer a big discount(折扣).”可知,11月11日对于喜欢网上购物的人来说是个大日子,许多网上商店都提供很大的折扣,所以价格很低。故填prices。
    59.根据“On special days like that, big online shopping sites(购物网站) in China can sell for as much as billions (十亿) of yuan.”可知,在这样的特殊日子里,中国的大型购物网站可以卖到数十亿元,也就是可以赚很多钱。故填make/earn。
    60.根据“Also, online shopping helps people get things from different cities.”和“Bad sides”可知,此处介绍好的方面,故填Good。
    61.根据“Things online are not as expensive as those in shops.”可知,网上的东西不像商店里的那么贵,所以可以省钱。故填save。
    62.根据“Shopping online saves me a lot of time and we have more to choose(挑选) from than in shopping malls”可知,网上购物节省了我很多时间,我们有比在商场更多的选择,故填malls。
    63.根据“Also, online shopping helps people get things from different cities.”可知,网上购物帮助人们从不同的城市得到东西。故填different/other。
    64.根据“so students may spend money on things they don’t need”可知,学生可能会把钱花在他们不需要的东西上。too much“太多”,故填much。
    65.根据“Online shop owners don’t know the age of their buyers.”可知,网店老板不知道买家的年龄。故填age。
    The students are talking about what kind of animal they would like to be.
    Xiao Gang, 13
    I am a happy elephant in Thailand. The Thai people like me and they are friendly to me. Every day I work and play with them. But I dislike the bad people who kill (杀死) my friends to get our ivory (象牙). I hope they can stop doing that.
    Shu Jun, 14
    I am an eagle (鹰). I like the blue sky because I can fly freely in it. Each day I look for prey (猎物). If I find any prey, I will quickly catch it with my claws (爪子). But some people like to keep us as pets. I don’t like cages. I want to fly in the sky.
    Yi Zhan, 11
    I am a little dog. I like my owner very much. When she is doing homework, I’ll sit quietly beside her. It snowed last week. My owner and I went outside to play in the snow. We both played very happily.
    Zhang Lin, 12
    I am a white rabbit. I like carrots very much. If someone gives me a carrot, I will eat it up in a few minutes. Now the winter is here, and I like to sleep more because it makes me warm. I don’t like people waking me up when I sleep.
    What kind of animal the students would like to be
    Xiao Gang
    Shu Jun
    Yi Zhan
    Zhang Lin
    A(n) ____68____
    An eagle
    A(n) ____69____
    A(n) rabbit
    People are ____70____ to him.
    He can fly freely in the blue sky.
    She likes her ____71____
    She likes ____72____
    The bad people kill his friends.
    He may become some people’s ____74____

    People wake her up when she ____75____ in winter.

    66.Ages 67.14 68.elephant 69.dog 70.friendly 71.owner 72.carrots 73.Dislikes 74.pets 75.sleeps

    66.根据右侧的内容“13, 11, 12”可知,这里讲了年龄,用可数名词age“年龄”表示,且应用名词复数新那个是。故填Ages。
    67.根据“Shu Jun, 14”可知舒俊14岁。故填14。
    68.根据“I am a happy elephant in Thailand.”可知,小刚是一头大象。故填elephant。
    69.根据“I am a little dog.”可知,易展是一只小狗。故填dog。
    70.根据“The Thai people like me and they are friendly to me.”可知,泰国人喜欢我对我很友好。故填friendly。
    71.根据“I like my owner very much.”可知,易展非常喜欢主人。故填owner。
    72.根据“I like carrots very much.”可知,张琳非常喜欢胡萝卜。故填carrots。
    73.根据“But I dislike the bad people who kill (杀死) my friends to get our ivory (象牙).”可知,这里主要讲了他们不喜欢的事物,空处用可数名词复数dislikes“不喜欢的事物,讨厌的事物”,表示类别。故填Dislikes。
    74.根据Shu Jun所表达的内容“But some people like to keep us as pets.”可知,有些人喜欢把它们当宠物养。故填pets。
    75.根据Zhang Lin所表达的内容“I don’t like people waking me up when I sleep.”可知,张琳不喜欢在睡觉的时候被人叫醒,she后跟动词的第三人称单数形式。故填sleeps。
    (2022秋·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后第1~10小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。  注意:每个空格只填1个单词。

    There are different kinds of gift shops. And giving small gifts is a common way of showing how much we care for someone, even if there is nothing special. So, how do you choose a perfect gift for your friends? To find a right gift, you can do three things.
    Know the person’s interests
       You should find out what your friends like most and then buy those kinds of gifts. If they love books, you should learn about the writers they like. If they love travelling, you can get some postcards. By buying something that reflects(反映)the person’s interest, you can be sure they will like it, and this will help build the relationship.
    Find out if the person has a problem
    Gifts can be cheap things. They can be something that the person needs most. And as presents should be a surprise, don’t ask your friends what they need. Listen to them carefully as they may talk about their problems. Also, you can look around and find out what problems they may be facing.
    Give them an experience(经历)
    Gifts don’t have to be things you can touch. They can be experiences that the person would enjoy. For example, if a friend loves a music group, you can take him or her to one of their shows. It will be a surprise and they will never forget it.
    No matter what you gift, care is more important than anything else.
    ____76____ to choose a perfect present
    People give presents to ____77____ their love to someone. You can give presents on both ____78____ and ordinary(普通的)days.
    Know what the person is ____79____
    Find out the person’s ____80____ things.A right present is ____81____ to build a good relationship.
    Find out if the person has a problem
    Presents don’t have to be ____82____ things but they should be useful.Be a ____83____ listener and surprise your friend with a present what needs most.
    Give them an experience
    ____84____ an experience is easier than remembering things.Gifts can also be something you can’t touch.
    In a word, care is the most ____85____ present.

    76.How/Ways/Tips 77.show 78.special 79.interested 80.favourite/favorite 81.helpful 82.expensive 83.careful 84.Enjoying 85.important

    76.根据“So, how do you choose a perfect gift for your friends? To find a right gift, you can do three things.”可知,本文主要介绍了如何正确选择礼物的方法,故填How/Ways/Tips。
    77.根据“And giving small gifts is a common way of showing how much we care for someone, even if there is nothing special.”可知,赠送礼物可以表达爱,show“表达,显示”,动词不定式符号to后接动词原形,故填show。
    78.根据“And giving small gifts is a common way of showing how much we care for someone, even if there is nothing special.”可知,可以在特殊的日子或普通的日子赠送礼物,故填special。
    79.根据“Know the person’s interests”可知,知道某个人的兴趣,be interested in“对……感兴趣”,故填interested。
    80.根据“ You should find out what your friends like most and then buy those kinds of gifts.”可知,找出朋友最喜欢的东西,favourite/favorite“最喜爱的”,故填favourite/favorite。
    81.根据“you can be sure they will like it, and this will help build the relationship”可知,合适的礼物有助于建立关系,be helpful to“对……有帮助”,故填helpful。
    82.根据“Gifts can be cheap things. They can be something that the person needs most.”可知,礼物可以是便宜的、不昂贵的东西,它们可能是人们最需要的东西,故填expensive。
    83.根据“Listen to them carefully as they may talk about their problems.”可知,做一个细心的倾听者,形容词careful“认真的,细心的”修饰名词listener,故填careful。
    84.根据“They can be experiences that the person would enjoy...It will be a surprise and they will never forget it.”可知,它们可以是人们喜欢的经历,享受一种经历比记住事情更容易。故填Enjoying。
    85.根据“No matter what you gift, care is more important than anything else.”可知,关心比什么都重要,故填important。
    (2022春·江苏南京·七年级校联考期末)How to Bond with Your Pets?
    Having a pet is a great thing for many people. However, some new pet owners may find it difficult to build a strong relationship with their pets. It is important that you and your furry friends have a healthy and loving relationship with each other. Nicole Ellis, a famous dog trainer, can share with you certain ways to help you bond with your pets.
    First, spending more time with your pets can help you a lot in building a relationship. Cats, dogs, and other animals love to be included in the activities of their humans. Whether you are doing some work or just staying at home watching a movie, make sure your furry friends are with you and having fun too.
    Second, playtime between owners and their pets is the best way to share a wonderful time together. Cats love playing with small balls and fishing toys. Dogs, on the other hand, are more active and social, so it’s a good idea for you to play the Frisbee with them in parks. It is of great importance for you to know what kind of things your pets enjoy. Not only will these activities keep them in good health, but they will go a long way in making you and your pets closer.
    Third, training and teaching your pets tricks is a great idea. Whether you’re teaching them a simple command like “sit” or teaching them a more difficult dance, your pets will surely enjoy it and love you more.
    Lastly, your pets have their own favorite foods. Knowing their eating habits and treating them to something they enjoy will be a wonderful way to bond with your pets.
    All in all, just be patient! Keep your pets fit, healthy, and trained. With the help of these useful ways, you can build a strong relationship with your pets in time!
    How to Bond With Your Pets?
    Having a pet is great, but some new pet owners have ___86___ building a strong relationship with their pets.
    Spending more time with your pets is greatly ___87___
    ●You’d better try to ___88___ your pets in your activities. ●Let your furry friends stay with you and enjoy ___89___ when you are doing some work or relaxing at home.
    ___90___ with your pets is the best way to share a great time together.
    ● It is very ___91___ for you to know what activities your pets enjoy. ● Cats love playing with small balls and fishing toys.
    ● It’s a good idea for you to play the Frisbee with your dogs in parks ___92___ dogs are more active and social.
    ● These activities not only keep your pets ___93___, but also help to make you and your pets closer.
    Training and teaching your pets tricks is a great idea.
    ● You can teach your pets a simple command or a difficult dance, and your pets will be ___94___ to enjoy it and love you more.
    Treating your pets to the food they like.
    ● You need to know their eating habits well and try to bond with them by treating them to the food they like.
    Please be patient! Keep your pets fit, healthy, and trained, and soon you will be ____95____ to bond with your pets.

    86.difficulty/trouble/problems 87.helpful 88.include 89.themselves 90.Playing 91.important 92.because 93.healthy/fit 94.sure 95.able

    86.根据文章第一段中的“some new pet owners may find it difficult to build a strong relationship with their pets”可知,一些新的宠物主人可能会发现很难与他们的宠物建立牢固的关系,have difficulty/trouble/problems in doing sth“做某事有困难”,故填difficulty/trouble/problems。
    87.根据文章第二段中的“spending more time with your pets can help you a lot in building a relationship”可知,多花点时间和宠物在一起会很有帮助,形容词helpful“有帮助的”,故填helpful。
    88.根据文章第二段中的“Cats, dogs, and other animals love to be included in the activities of their humans”可知,你最好带宠物参与你的活动,由“try to”可知,空缺处用动词include“包括”,故填include。
    89.根据文章第二段中的“Whether you are doing some work or just staying at home watching a movie, make sure your furry friends are with you and having fun to”可知,当你在家工作或放松时,让你的毛茸茸的朋友和你待在一起,尽情享受,enjoy oneself“玩得开心”,由“your furry friends”可知,空缺处用themselves“它们自己”,故填themselves。
    90.根据文章第三段中的“Second, playtime between owners and their pets is the best way to share a wonderful time together.”可知,与你的宠物玩耍是共享美好时光的最佳方式,由“Spending more time with your pets”可知,空缺处用动词play“玩”的动名词playing,首字母大写,故填Playing。
    91.根据文章第三段中的“it is of great importance for you to know what kind of things your pets enjoy”可知,知道你的宠物喜欢什么活动是非常重要的,由“it is”可知,空缺处用形容词important“重要的”,故填important。
    92.根据文章第三段中的“Dogs, on the other hand, are more active and social, so it’s a good idea for you to play the Frisbee with them in parks”可知,对你来说,在公园里和你的狗玩飞盘是个好主意,因为狗更活跃,更善于交际,because“因为”,故填because。
    93.根据文章第三段中的“Not only will these activities keep them in good health, but they will go a long way in making you and your pets closer”可知,这些活动不仅能让你的宠物保持健康,还能让你和你的宠物更亲密,形容词healthy/fit“健康的”,故填healthy/fit。
    94.根据文章倒数第三段中的“Whether you’re teaching them a simple command like “sit” or teaching them a more difficult dance, your pets will surely enjoy it and love you more”可知,你可以教你的宠物一个简单的命令或一个困难的舞蹈,你的宠物一定会喜欢它,更爱你,由空前的“will be”可知,空缺处用形容词sure“确定的”,故填sure。
    95.根据文章最后一段中的“Keep your pets fit, healthy, and trained. With the help of these useful ways, you can build a strong relationship with your pets in time!”可知,请耐心点!让你的宠物保持健康,训练有素,很快你就可以和你的宠物建立联系了,be able to“能”,故填able。
    Visiting a new place can be a scary experience because most people are not comfortable with English. So how can you keep away from this kind of situation? Learn how to speak English fluently. Here are several English speaking tips you must know.
    Listen first
    One of the best English speaking tips is to listen carefully to understandable English every day. Most people turn to textbooks to study English grammar rules, but you cannot learn how to pronounce correctly by reading them. Instead, listen to the pronunciation of native English speakers and watch the movements of their mouths.
    Read aloud in English for 15-20 minutes a day in front of the mirror, which helps in accent reduction and improves your speaking skills.
    Also, talking with a good English speaker can help improvise (即兴发挥) your usage of words and formation of sentences.
    Think in English
    If your goal is to speak English fluently, it is necessary for you to think in English. Make up the sentences in English as you think about them before saying them. With practice, you can respond automatically (自动地) in English.
    Be more confident
    Try to relax if you’re speaking English. When you speak at a normal speed, you’ll find that you’ll be able to pronounce the words correctly. Most of the time, the person who you are talking to doesn’t notice your mistakes.
    In a word, leaning English does not happen overnight. Follow these tips and practise daily.
    ____96____ to speak English fluently
    Main Body
    Listen first
    ____97____ carefully is one of the best way to learn to speak English.When you are listening, you should watch their mouths ____98____ .
    You should spend 15-20 minutes ____99____ aloud to help in your accent reduction and improve your speaking skills.
    ____100____ in English
    If your goal is to speak English fluently, you ____101____ to think in English.You are ____102____ to respond automatically in English without practice.
    Be more confident
    Try to be ____103____ if you’re speaking English.Speak at a normal speed. Most of the time, the people you’re talking to take no ____104____ of your mistakes.
    Follow these tips and practise daily _____105_____ learning English does not happen overnight.

    96.How 97.Listening 98.moving 99.reading 100.Think 101.need 102.unable 103.relaxed 104.notice 105.because

    96.根据第一段“Learn how to speak English fluently.”可知,本文主要讲如何说好英语,用how表示“如何”,句首首字母大写。故填How。
    97.根据第二段“One of the best English speaking tips is to listen carefully to understandable English every day.”可知,说好英语的最好方式之一就是仔细听,因此用listen表达“听”,位于句首,首字母大写,且以动名词形式作主语。故填Listening。
    98.根据第二段“Instead, listen to the pronunciation of native English speakers and watch the movements of their mouths.”可知,在听的时候要注意发音以及观看口型的运动,用move表示“移动”,watch sb. doing sth.“观看某人做某事”,因此用动词的现在分词。故填moving。
    99.根据第三段“Read aloud in English for 15-20 minutes a day in front of the mirror”可知,此处说的是要大声朗读,read表示“读”,spend +时间+doing表示“花费时间做……”。故填reading。
    100.根据第五段“If your goal is to speak English fluently, it is necessary for you to think in English.”以及表格后面的内容可知,这里讲的是用英语思维思考“think in English”,首字母大写。故填Think。
    101.根据第五段“If your goal is to speak English fluently, it is necessary for you to think in English.”可知,要说好英语,需要用英语思维思考,need表“需要”。故填need。
    102.根据第五段“With practice, you can respond automatically (自动地) in English.”可知,说的是练习能够让你用英语思维自动回应,因此这里就说明没有练习就不能够自动作出回应,此处应用形容词unable表示“不能够”。故填unable。
    103.根据第六段“Try to relax if you’re speaking English.”可知,说的是在说英语的时候尽量放松,relax表示“放松”,结合空白前的be可知此处要填形容词形式。故填relaxed。
    104.根据第六段“Most of the time, the person who you are talking to doesn’t notice your mistakes.”可知说的是,大多数时候,和你谈话的人是不会注意你的错误。故填notice。
    105.根据最后一段“In a word, leaning English does not happen overnight. Follow these tips and practise daily.”可知说的是,遵循这些建议并坚持练习,因为学习英语不可能一夜之间就成功,因此空白处应填连词because,表达“因为”。故填because。
    (2022春·江苏南京·七年级统考期末)Long time ago, Chinese children didn’t have mobile phones, iPads or computers, but they had a great time playing some interesting games. Different children, different games. Let’s take a look.
    ● Stone(石头)balls
    In the Qing Dynasty, boys got together and played a stone ball with feet around their neighbourhood in the northern part of China, and they played it in winter to keep warm. Children usually cut the stone into a smaller one, the same size as an egg. When it began, all of them would rush to kick the ball, and did their best to keep the ball around themselves and not to lose it to others.
    Hide-and-seek was popular all over China in ancient times. Many people enjoyed playing it. There were two ways to play: keeping a child’s eyes closed when others ran around to make fun of him or, more often, some children hiding and one child trying to find them.
    ● Watching shadow plays(皮影戏)
    Shadow play is one of the oldest operas in China. It started over two thousand years ago and became more popular in the Tang and Song Dynasties. At that time, it brought fun to the people like the modern films and TV. It usually told the stories about the heroes and other famous people in history, even about the wars. The players usually used the puppets(木偶) behind a piece of cloth through the light, telling stories to the music. In the Qing Dynasty, shadow play art came to its top.
    ● Playing diabolo(空竹)
    Diabolo (also called “the Chinese yo-yo”) is always made of wood or bamboo and has nothing inside. Playing diabolo was a very interesting game among young children in North China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The players could do different tricks to play the diabolo, up and down, left to right with two sticks and a string(绳子)in their hands. It often made a loud sound after its high-speed rotating(高速运转). They used their whole body to exercise when playing, so everyone liked it very much at that time.
    Children’s games in ____106____ the old times
    Four ____107____ of games
    Stone balls
    Children ran ____108____ towards the stone ball and tried to keep it around themselves with their feet.
    There were two ways to play:★One of them ____109____ his/her eyes when others ran around;
    ★ Some children ____110____ and one child had to find them.
    Watching shadow plays
    ★It has a ____111____ of more than 2000 years. ★The players used puppets to tell ___112___ with the music around.
    Playing diabolo
    ★ People made diabolo ____113____ of wood or bamboo. ★ They took this exercise with their whole body and played different tricks with the sound, and that’s ____114____ children liked it very much at that time.
    Children had their ____115____ way to enjoy themselves in some interesting games years ago.

    106.China 107.kinds 108.quickly 109.closed 110.hid 111.history 112.stories 113.out 114.why 115.own

    106.根据“Long time ago, Chinese children didn’t have mobile phones, iPads or computers, but they had a great time playing some interesting games.”可知,本文主要介绍了中国古时候孩子们玩的游戏,故填China。
    107.根据“●Stone(石头)balls”和“Hide-and-seek”和“Watching shadow plays(皮影戏)”和“Playing diabolo(空竹)”可知,中国古时候孩子们玩的游戏:石球;捉迷藏;皮影戏和空竹,有四种游戏,故填kinds。
    108.根据“When it began, all of them would rush to kick the ball, and did their best to keep the ball around themselves and not to lose it to others.”可知,孩子们飞快地跑向石球,试图用脚把它围住。故填quickly。
    109.根据“keeping a child’s eyes closed when others ran around to make fun of him”可知,别人跑来跑去的时候,一个人闭上了眼睛,故填closed。
    110.根据“some children hiding and one child trying to find them.”可知,一些孩子藏起来,一个孩子试图找到他们。故填hid。
    111.根据“It started over two thousand years ago”可知,皮影戏有两千多年的历史,故填history。
    112.根据“The players usually used the puppets(木偶) behind a piece of cloth through the light, telling stories to the music.”可知,演员们用木偶在音乐的伴奏下讲述故事。故填stories。
    113.根据“Diabolo (also called ‘the Chinese yo-yo’) is always made of wood or bamboo and has nothing inside.”可知,人们用木头或竹子制作空竹。make…out of表示“用……制成……”,故填out。
    114.根据“The players could do different tricks to play the diabolo, up and down, left to right with two sticks and a string (绳子)in their hands. It often made a loud sound after its high-speed rotating (高速运转). They used their whole body to exercise when playing, so everyone liked it very much at that time.”可知,他们用整个身体来做这个练习,用声音来玩不同的把戏,这就是为什么当时的孩子们非常喜欢这个练习。故填why。
    115.根据“Long time ago, Chinese children didn’t have mobile phones, iPads or computers, but they had a great time playing some interesting games. Different children, different games. Let’s take a look.”可知,很多年前,孩子们有自己的方式享受一些有趣的游戏。故填own。
    Fat people are always thinking about being slim without giving up their favourite food or taking a lot of exercise. Here is some good news for them. This is not a diet. It’s an easy way to become slim. And you don’t even have to give up the food you love or do a lot of exercise. You just follow some habits(习惯) that thin people have. Keep them, and you’ll become slim.
        Wake-up When you wake up in the morning, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, bend(弯曲) forward until you feel sore(酸) in your back. It will burn about 10 calories(卡路里).
        Start with soup When you have a meal, order a clear soup, and have it before having the main food. In this way, you’ll feel fuller, so you’ll eat less when the main food comes.
        An apple (or more) a day Apples are filled with fiber(纤维) and water, so your stomach(胃) will want less. The study shows that people who eat at least three apples a day lose weight(减肥).
        Stand up and walk around Every time you use the mobile phone, stand up and walk around. Most of the heavy people sit two and a half hours more each day than thin people. This skill is very important as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories.
        Use these skills, and you will become slimmer and slimmer.
    Good News About ____116____ to Be Slim
    Sit up slowly; Straighten your legs and bend forward until you feel sore;
    Have soup ___117___
    Have soup before having the main food;Feel fuller when the main food comes;
    An apple (or more) a day
    Want less because apples are ____118____ of fiber and water; Help to lose weight;
    Stand up and walk around
    Don’t sit for a long time every day;The skill burns lots of calories, ____119____ it is important.
    Follow these skills, and you will become slim without giving up your favourite food or ___120___ a lot.

    【答案】116.Ways/How 117.first 118.full 119.so 120.exercising

    116.根据“Fat people are always thinking about being slim without giving up their favourite food or taking a lot of exercise. Here is some good news for them.”可知胖子们总是在考虑不用放弃他们最爱的食物或者不用做很多运动就能瘦下来的问题。这有个好消息给他们。说明短文主要介绍变瘦的方法ways,或者如何变瘦how to be slim。故填Ways/How。
    117.根据小标题“Start with soup”可知应先从喝汤开始,说明应“先”喝汤。“先”用first。故填first。
    118.根据“Apples are filled with fiber(纤维) and water, so your stomach(胃) will want less.”可知苹果富含纤维和水分,这样你的胃就会需要更少的东西。be filled with和be full of都表示“充满”。故填full。
    119.根据“This skill is very important as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories.”可知因为站立和散步会燃烧50甚至更多的卡路里,这个技能非常重要。此处两句存在逻辑上的因果关系,应用连词so来连接。故填so。
    120.根据“Fat people are always thinking about being slim without giving up their favourite food or taking a lot of exercise.”可知肥胖的人们总是在寻求不用放弃美食和做很多运动就能瘦下来的方法。通过短文介绍的方法,就可以不用放弃美食或做很多运动就瘦下来。连词or连接两个动名词短语,因此此处应填exercise的动名词exercising。故填exercising。
    (2022春·江苏泰州·七年级统考期末)We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s all right. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy? You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. If sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it small. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.
    Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow (流动). When your energy is flowing freely, you can flow too.
    Smile! It’s easy to do and have good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood (心情) but also bring others a good mood.
    Listen to music. It can be your favorite music. Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.
    Take some “me” time. You can find fun in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that.
    Exercise. Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood(血液) flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.
    These ways will make you happy when you are down, but don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression (沮丧), go to see a doctor.
    ____121____ to keep the sadness away
    Opinions (观点)
    That is ____122____ when we feel down, tired and unhappy.Sadness is a part of life, but we should make it ____123____.
    Simple ways
    It is ____124____ for your energy to flow if you stand up straight.Smile at others. It can bring good moods to ____125____ you and others.
    Listen to your favorite music, because it ____126____ the best for you.
    Enjoy something fun in your daily life, ____127____ reading a book, watching a sunrise or having hot bath.
    A simple walk can help you clear anything ____128____ in your mind .
    Further notice
    ____129____ these ways when you are sad. Try and practice them to make them a habit.Go to see a doctor _____130_____ you are in a deep depression.

    121.Ways/How 122.OK 123.small 124.helpful 125.both 126.works 127.like 128.bad/sad 129.Use/Try 130.if/when

    121.根据“Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.”可知这里有一些简单的方法可以帮助你在悲伤时感觉更好,可用ways“方法”或疑问词how“如何”,应大写首字母。故填Ways/How。
    122.根据“We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s all right”可知我们都有情绪低落、疲倦和不快乐的日子。 没关系,all right=OK。故填OK。
    123.根据“If sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it small.”可知如果悲伤是生活的一部分,让我们试着让它变小。故填small。
    124.根据“Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow”可知站直有助于你的能量流动,此处作be动词的表语用形容词helpful“有帮助的”。故填helpful。
    125.根据“This way can not only leave you in a good mood (心情) but also bring others a good mood.”可知微笑不仅可以让你心情愉快,也可以给别人带来好心情,both...and“两者都”。故填both。
    126.根据“so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you”可知试着找出哪种音乐最适合你,work“有效”,描述客观情况, 用一般现在时,主语是it,谓语用第三人称单数。故填works。
    127.根据“You can find fun in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that”可知你可以在读书、看日出或洗个热水澡或类似的事情中找到乐趣,like“比如”。故填like。
    128.根据“It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad”可知这是清除任何让你悲伤的事情的好方法,此处修饰不定代词anything用形容词bad“坏的”或者sad“悲伤的”。故填bad/sad。
    129.根据“These ways will make you happy when you are down, but don’t just use them when you are sad”可知这些方法会让你在情绪低落时感到快乐,但不要只在悲伤时使用它们,use“使用”/try“尝试”,句子是祈使句,以动词原形开头,首字母大写。故填Use/Try。
    130.根据“But if you are in a deep depression (沮丧), go to see a doctor.”可知当你沮丧时,去看医生,if“如果”或者when“当”都符合语境。故选if/when。
    Have you ever regretted(后悔)what you did in the past? As we get older, we look back and wish that we had made better choices. What can we do to avoid(避免)future regrets?
    Make better plans
    If you begin to do something, you need to make a plan before doing it. You’ll also know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. If changes happen, you can have more time to deal with them.
    Live a more active life
    More outdoor activities can help you keep fit. You also need to be kind. “Thank you” can bring a smile to someone’s face. Learn to say “sorry”. It’s good for you to use these polite words.
    Find the right friend
    A friend may make your life and he or she can break your life as well. So you need to think carefully when you choose a friend. Good friends will always make your ideas better.
    When you have problems, go to others for help. That little help may get you good results.
    Face failure(失败) bravely
    Everybody fails at times. We should not be afraid of failure because failure is not the end of the road. We must take failure as a chance(机会) to learn and improve ourselves.
    Title: ___131___ to avoid future regrets
    Make better plans
    ※Make a plan before ___132___ to do something.※Know what you ___133___ do or not.
    Live a more active life
    ※Doing outdoor activities more often is good for your ___134___ .※Be ___135___ to the people who are around you.
    ※ ___136___ the polite words is good for you.
    Find the right friend
    ※ You need to be ___137___ to think about it when choosing a friend.※ ___138___ others for help if you have problems.
    Face failure bravely
    ※Everybody can’t always ___139___.※ Failure is not the end, ___140___ don’t be afraid of it.

    131.How 132.beginning 133.should 134.health 135.kind 136.Using 137.careful 138.Ask 139.succeed 140.so

    131.根据“What can we do to avoid(避免)future regrets?”可知,本文主要讲如何避免将来的后悔,文中给出了具体的做法。How to do“如何做”,故填How。
    132.根据“If you begin to do something, you need to make a plan before doing it. ”可知,在开始做某事之前制定一个计划。before后跟动名词。故填beginning。
    133.根据“You’ll also know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do.”可知,知道该做什么和不该做什么。should“应该”,后跟动词原形。故填should。
    134.根据“More outdoor activities can help you keep fit.”可知,更多的户外活动可以帮助你保持健康,即对健康有好处,此处使用名词health“健康”,故填health。
    135.根据“You also need to be kind.”可知,你也需要友善。kind“友善的”,故填kind。
    136.根据“It’s good for you to use these polite words.”可知,使用这些礼貌用语对你有好处。此处动名词作主语,首字母大写。故填Using。
    137.根据“So you need to think carefully when you choose a friend.”可知,所以当你选择朋友时,你需要仔细考虑。此处be动词后使用形容词,careful“小心的,仔细的”,故填careful。
    138.根据“When you have problems, go to others for help.”可知,当你有问题时,去找别人帮忙。ask sb. for help“向某人寻求帮助”,此处空所在句if前为祈使句,首字母大写。故填Ask。
    139.根据“Everybody fails at times. ”可知,每个人都有失败的时候,即不可能一直成功,succeed“成功”,动词,情态动词后跟动词原形。故填succeed。
    140.根据“We should not be afraid of failure because failure is not the end of the road.”可知,我们不应该害怕失败,因为失败不是路的尽头。此处题干空后为结果,使用so“因此”。故填so。
    Homestays (家庭寄宿) are becoming more and more popular, and people around the world are offering (提供) their homes as hotels. Homestays give people cheap places to stay and good chances (机会) to see the area like local people. They are popular with people who want to study or spend holidays in another country. We asked three families who run homestays to tell us about where they live.
    The Smith family
    Our family home is in a small village in the west of the USA, at the foot of Rocky Mountain. The village is quite small and quiet. The mountains are very beautiful. You can go for walks and swim in the rivers but there are no shops, cinemas or cafes.
    Cathy and Julie Clinton
    Our two-bed house is near the sea in the south-west of the UK. It’s about five minutes’ drive to the nearest village. There are many beaches, rivers and forests and it’s very quiet. We spend a lot of time reading, watching films and going for walks. Our area is fit for sports. You can surf, go hiking and ride horses in the mountain. However, the houses here are expensive. There are no buses or trains here, so it can be difficult to get around if you don’t have a car.
    Alex and Chloe Martin
    Our home is near the centre of Nice, one of the largest cities in France. There are lots of cafes and restaurants here. They won’t close before 2 a.m. We love it here because it’s so friendly and you can find what you need. A number of people come to stay to learn French and Latin here. However, it can be noisy at night, and there is much traffic during the day.
    Homestay holidays — a home ____141____ from home
    Nowadays, homestays are becoming popular. They give people ____142____ cheap places to stay and good chances to see the local area.
    Advantages (优点)
    Disadvantages (缺点)
    The Smith family(____143____)
    *It’s in a small and quiet village.*People can ____144____ and swim
    *There are no shops, cinemas or cafes.
    Cathy and Julie Clinton(Britain)
    *It takes a short ____145____ to the beaches, rivers and forests by car.*It’s fit for sports, such as surfing, hiking and ____146____.
    *Houses here are not ____147____. *It is difficult to get around ____148____ a car.
    Alex and Chloe Martin(France)
    *Lots of cafes and restaurants are open ____149____ 2 p.m.*You can always find what you need.
    *There is a lot of ____150____ at night and much traffic during the day.

    141.different 142.both 143.America 144.walk 145.time/period 146.riding 147.cheap 148.without 149.till/until 150.noise

    141.根据“Homestays (家庭寄宿) are becoming more and more popular, and people around the world are offering (提供) their homes as hotels”可知家庭寄宿是一个不同于家的家,be different from“和……不同”,故填different。
    142.根据“Homestays give people cheap places to stay and good chances (机会) to see the area like local people.”可知如今,民宿越来越受欢迎。他们给人们提供廉价的住宿和参观当地地区的好机会。此处cheap places to stay和good chances to see the local area是并列关系,表示两者,应用both,故填both。
    143.根据“The Smith family...Our family home is in a small village in the west of the USA”可知史密斯一家人住在美国西部的一个小村庄,故填America。
    144.根据“You can go for walks and swim in the rivers but there are no shops, cinemas or cafes.”可知你可以散步和在河里游泳,walk“散步”,空前有情态动词,动词用原形,故填walk。
    145.根据“It’s about five minutes’ drive to the nearest village. ”可知到最近的村庄开车约5分钟。也就是开车去海滩、河流和森林只需很短的时间。time/period符合,故填time/period。
    146.根据“Our area is fit for sports. You can surf, go hiking and ride horses in the mountain.”可知它适合运动,如冲浪、徒步旅行和骑马,此处ride的形式需要和hiking保持一致,应用动名词,故填riding。
    147.根据“However, the houses here are expensive.”可知房子很贵,也就是不便宜,故填cheap。
    148.根据“ There are no buses or trains here, so it can be difficult to get around if you don’t have a car.”可知如果你没有汽车,很难四处走动。without“没有”,是介词,故填without。
    149.根据“They won’t close before 2 a.m.”可知很多咖啡馆和餐馆都开到下午两点。till/until“直到”,故填till/until。
    150.根据“However, it can be noisy at night, and there is much traffic during the day.”可知晚上有很多噪音,白天有很多车辆。noise“噪音”,不可数名词,故填noise。
    Americans are glad to talk about their houses. If they have a new house, they’ll show others around it. Americans usually have gardens and letter boxes of their own. Here are five different kinds of houses in the USA.Let’s visit them.
    Bungalow(平房). A bungalow is a small house with one or two bedrooms, and it usually has one bathroom. It has only one floor.
    Mansion(公馆). A mansion is a large house with many bedrooms and several bathrooms. It looks like a small palace.
    Ranch house(牧场住宅). A ranch house has only one floor, too. It usually has a roof(房顶), and the roof doesn’t slope(倾斜) much. There are three or four bedrooms in it. The bedroom for the mother and father has its own bathroom.
    Flat. There is a set of rooms like bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and studies in a flat. It is a living place in a building. Some flats can be in the same building. They share a garden and parking places.
    Town house(排房). A town house is a two-floor flat. The kitchen, the living room and the dining room are usually on the ground floor and the bedrooms are on the first floor.
    ____151____ in the USA
    People in ____152____ usually have their own gardens and letter boxes.
    A bungalow
    · It has one or two bedrooms and one ____153____.
    · It has only one floor.
    A mansion
    · It has many ____154____ and several bathrooms.
    A ranch house
    · It ____155____ three or four bedrooms.
    A ____156____
    · It is a living place in a building ____157____ many different rooms.· It ____158____ a garden and parking places with other flats.
    A town house
    · It has two ____159____. The kitchen, the ____160____ room and the dining room are on the ground floor.· The bedrooms are on the first floor.

    151.Houses 152.America/USA 153.bathroom 154.bedrooms 155.has 156.flat 157.with/including 158.shares 159.floors 160.living

    151.根据“Here are five different kinds of houses in the USA.”可知,本文介绍了美国的房子,故填Houses。
    152.根据“Americans usually have gardens and letter boxes of their own.”可知,在美国,人们经常有他们的花园和信箱,故填America/USA。
    153.根据“A bungalow is a small house with one or two bedrooms, and it usually has one bathroom.”可知,平房有一两间卧室,一间浴室,故填bathroom。
    154.根据“A mansion is a large house with many bedrooms and several bathrooms.”可知,公馆有很多间卧室和几间浴室,故填bedrooms。
    155.根据“A ranch house has only one floor, too. It usually has a roof(房顶), and the roof doesn’t slope(倾斜) much. There are three or four bedrooms in it.”可知,牧场住宅有三四间卧室,主语是It,动词用三单,故填has。
    156.根据“There is a set of rooms like bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and studies in a flat. It is a living place in a building.”可知,在一栋建筑物里有生活区域的建筑是公寓,故填flat。
    157.根据“There is a set of rooms like bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and studies in a flat.”可知,公寓里有一系列的房间,如卧室、厨房、浴室和书房。此处表示伴随,用介词with“有”或including“包括”,故填with/including。
    158.根据“They share a garden and parking places.”可知,他们共享一个花园和停车的地方,主语是It,动词用三单,故填shares。
    159.根据“A town house is a two-floor flat.”可知,排房有两层,故填floors。
    160.根据“The kitchen, the living room and the dining room are usually on the ground floor and the bedrooms are on the first floor.”可知,厨房,客厅和餐厅在一楼,故填living。
    Do you ever feel like you are just running from one activity to another? In school, do you hurry from one subject to another? When things happen so fast, it’s easy to get lost of what you’re doing or learning. It’s important to stop yourself now and then to think about what you are doing or learning.
    Self-reflection (反省) means slowing down and calming yourself down, including calming your mind. By being calm and not going quickly, you give your brain chance to think about what you have learned. Some people like to do self-reflections only in their mind. Others write down in diaries or notes. Both of the ways work, depending on your own personal learning. You can follow the steps to do self-reflection.
    First, choose the proper time to do it. School textbooks are usually divided into units of study. This makes it easier to begin self-reflection. Look for time when you finish a unit of study. Sometimes you know the unit is over because there is some kind of test. Use these natural breaks to stop and do self-reflection.
    Then, find a quiet place and take out your reflection diary. Write down some notes on the new things that you have learned in the unit. Let your mind think about the notes you’ve written before and make some connections (联系).
    Finally, think about things that you’re not sure of. Maybe you learned a new way to work out a math problem, but you’re not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to look for answers the next time you are working with the same topic.
    Self-reflection is important for a successful student. If you have never taken the time to do self-reflection, try it now.
    What does self-reflection ____161____?
    Self-reflection is to ____162____ down and make yourself calm when you do something so fast that you almost ____163____ get lost of what you are doing or learning.It ____164____ two ways: doing self-reflection either in your mind or by ____165____ diaries or taking notes
    ____166____ to do self-reflection
    It is proper time to do it when you ____167____ a unit of study. Tests are sometimes natural breaks for self-reflection. Find a ____168____ place, write down what you have learned and think about the notes and their connections.
    Think about things that you’re not sure of. It is ____169____ to write down your questions.
    It is very important for a successful student to ____170____ some time doing self-reflection.

    161.mean 162.slow 163.easily 164.includes 165.keeping/writing 166.Steps/How 167.complete/finish 168.quiet 169.helpful 170.spend

    161.根据“Self-reflection (反省) means slowing down and calming yourself down, including calming your mind.”可知自我反省意味着慢下来,让自己平静下来,包括让自己的思想平静下来。mean“意味着”,是动词,空前有助动词does,动词用原形,故填mean。
    162.根据“Self-reflection (反省) means slowing down and calming yourself down”可知自我反省意味着慢下来,让自己平静下来,slow down“放慢速度”,空前有不定式符号to,动词用原形。故填slow。
    163.根据“When things happen so fast, it’s easy to get lost of what you’re doing or learning.”可知当事情发生得如此之快,你很容易迷失,easily“容易地”。副词修饰动词,故填easily。
    164.根据“Some people like to do self-reflections only in their mind. Others write down in diaries or notes. Both of the ways work, depending on your own personal learning. ”可知有些人只喜欢在头脑中进行自我反省。其他人会写日记或笔记。这两种方式都有效,取决于你自己的个人学习。也就是自我反省包括两种方式,include“包括”,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式。故填includes。
    165.根据“Others write down in diaries or notes”可知其他人会写日记或笔记,keep/write diaries“写日记”,空前有介词,动词用动名词形式。故填keeping/writing。
    166.根据“You can follow the steps to do self-reflection.”以及“First...Then...Finally”可知介绍的是自我反省的步骤或者是如何自我反省。故填Steps/How。
    167.根据“Look for time when you finish a unit of study.”可知当你完成一个单元的学习时,就是自我反省的适当时间了,complete/finish“完成”,句子是一般现在时,主语是you,动词用原形。故填complete/finish。
    168.根据“Then, find a quiet place”可知找一个安静的地方,quiet“安静的”,形容词,故填quiet。
    169.根据“Writing down your questions will help you remember to look for answers the next time you are working with the same topic.”可知把你的问题写下来是有帮助的,helpful“有帮助的”,形容词作表语,故填helpful。
    170.根据“Self-reflection is important for a successful student. If you have never taken the time to do self-reflection, try it now.”可知对于一个成功的学生来说,花些时间进行自我反省是非常重要的。spend“花费”,动词,空前有动词不定式符号to,动词用原形。故填spend。

    Do you ever feel like you are just running from one activity to another? In school, are you in a hurry from one class to another? When things are done in such a hurry, it’s easy to get lost of what you’re doing or learning. To be a good learner, it’s important to stop from time to time to think about what you are doing or learning.
    Self-reflection (反思) means slowing down and cooling yourself down, including calming (平静) our mind down. By being calm and not going so quickly, you give your brain a chance (机会) to think about what is already received (收到的). Some people like to do self-reflections only in their mind. Others write down in diaries or notes. Both of the ways work, depending on your own personal choice. You can follow the steps to do self-reflection.
    First, choose the proper time to do it. School textbooks are divided (划分) into several units. This makes it easier to carry on self-reflection. Look for time to do it when you finish a unit. Sometimes you know the unit is over because there is some kind of test. Use these natural breaks to have a stop and do self-reflection.
    Then, find a quiet place and take out your diary for reflection. Write down some notes on the new things that you have just learned in the unit. Then let your mind think about the new things and the old that you had learnt before. Try to find out the connections (联系) between the new and the old.
    Finally, think about things that you’re not sure of. Maybe you learned a new way to work out a math problem, but you’re not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you solve the same problem easily next time.
    Self-reflection is important for a successful learner. If you have never tried, do it now.
    It’s important to learn to do self-reflection.
    Things happeningin daily life
    ●Running from one activity to another.●____171____ from one class to another.
    ●Getting lost of what you’re doing or learning ____172____.
    Things about self-reflection
    ●Slowing down and cooling yourself down.●Giving your ____173____ a chance to think twice.
    ●Choosing either of the two ways to do self-reflections: in minds ____174____ in diaries or notes.
    ____175____ to do self-reflection
    Choose the proper time
    After ____176____ a unit of study, stop to do self-reflection.
    Find a quiet place and take out reflection ____177____
    After writing down some new notes, think about the old notes and make some connections ____178____ them.
    Think about things that you’re not sure of
    When being not sure of a ____179____ way to solve a problem, writing down questions will be helpful as you meet the same topic.
    ____180____ to do self-reflection now if you want to be successful.

    171.Hurrying 172.easily 173.brain 174.or 175.How/Ways/Tips 176.finishing 177.diaries 178.between 179.new 180.Try

    171.根据“In school, are you in a hurry from one class to another?”可知,在学校,从一节课匆忙赶着上另一节课,结合“Running”及“Getting”可知,此处也用doing形式,故填Hurrying。
    172.根据“it’s easy to get lost of what you’re doing or learning.”可知,很容易忘记自己正在做的事情或正在学习的东西,此处用副词修饰动词,故填easily。
    173.根据“By being calm and not going so quickly, you give your brain a chance (机会) to think about what is already received (收到的).”可知,保持冷静,不要太快,这样你的大脑就有机会思考已经接收到的东西,故填brain。
    174.根据“Some people like to do self-reflections only in their mind. Others write down in diaries or notes.”可知,自我反思的方式可以在头脑中或者在日记或笔记中,故填or。
    175.根据“Both of the ways work, depending on your own personal choice. You can follow the steps to do self-reflection.”以及下文的介绍可知,此处介绍如何自我反思或者是给出一些自我反思的方法、建议等,故填How/Ways/Tips。
    176.根据“Look for time to do it when you finish a unit.”可知,学完一个单元之后,停下来做自我反思,故填finishing。
    177.根据“find a quiet place and take out your diary for reflection”可知,找一个安静的地方,拿出你的日记来反思,此处应用复数名词,表示泛指,故填diaries。
    178.根据“Try to find out the connections (联系) between the new and the old.”可知,写下一些新的笔记后,想想旧的笔记,建立两者之间的一些联系,故填between。
    179.根据“Maybe you learned a new way to work out a math problem, but you’re not sure when to use it.”可知,也许你学会了一种解决数学问题的新方法,但你不确定什么时候使用它,写下你的问题将有助于你下次轻松解决同样的问题,故填new。
    180.根据“Self-reflection is important for a successful learner. If you have never tried, do it now.”可知,如果你想成功,现在就开始尝试自我反思,故填Try。
    What’s China like in the eyes of foreigners (外国人)? Is there anything that surprises them? The short video series, My China Surprise《中国让我没想到》 brings us some answers. Some episodes (集) have come out on Bilibili, Douyin and WeChat. Each episode tells a foreigner’s surprising experiences (经历) in China. Let’s check out three of them!
    Beijing Opera fan

    Lulu is from Hungary. She first came to Beijing in 2017. Here, she found her greatest hobby—Beijing Opera.
    “The clothes were beautiful and the movements (动作) were so wonderful. The face-painting was something I never see before. It is quite different from Western opera, ”she said, “I love Beijing Opera. I hope I can share this passion (激情) of mine with people outside China.”
    Now Lulu is in the Beijing Opera Group at Tsinghua University. The group members practice singing and movements twice a week and have another rehearsal (排练) on Fridays.
    The biggest problem Lulu faced was learning the singing way. “In the beginning, my throat (嗓子) hurt, because I used my voice in the wrong way,” she said. But with the help of teachers, she has improved (改善) a lot.
    Livestream host (直播主持)

    Asilbek is a college student from Uzbekistan. Now he has stayed in China for four years. Becoming a livestreaming -commerce host (直播带货主播) is his most wonderful experience here. In his livestreams, he sells things from his home country, including caps and scarves.
    When Asilbek first came to China, he was amazed to see the digital (数字的) life here. “I never thought that everything in China would be online, ” he said. After just arriving here, he went to a shop, the seller asked him, “Do you have WeChat or Alipay?” He said, “I have cash (现金). ”
    After studying e-commerce, he quickly changes. Cashless payment, online shopping, fast logistics (物流), he thinks these are the top reasons why Chinese e-commerce livestreaming is better than the ones in the other countries.
    Lifelong student

    Merna, who is half Chinese, half Jordanian, is still surprised by colleges for the old people in China.
    That was in 2021. She read an article about the colleges on WeChat and also saw a sign reading, “Laonian Daxue”. After talking with her friends, she got to know it means a school for old people to take classes and learn things like calligraphy (书法) and modeling.
    Busy with schoolwork, she doesn’t have enough time to spend with her grandma in Beijing. So she is thinking about signing (报名) her grandma up for some classes. Once, she went to such a college. There, she met a 59-year-old lady in qipao to learn modeling. Seeing her positive (积极的) energy, she thinks such colleges can really make old people happy and give them a new start.
    Some ____181____ about My China Surprise
    *The short video series shows what China is like in some foreigners’ eyes.  * Some episodes telling foreigners’ surprising experiences in China have come out on Bilibili, Douyin and WeChat.
    Three examples
    Beijing Opera fan
    * She thinks Beijing Opera is not the ____182____ asWestern opera.
    *As a ____183____ of the Beijing Opera Group at Tsinghua University, she practices Beijing opera hard.
    *At first, she had ____184____using her voice. Now she improves a lot with teachers’ help.
    Livestream host
    *He sells things from ____185____ in his livestreams. *He knew ____186____ about digital life when he first came to China. But now he is used to (习惯) it.
    *He thinks Chinese e-commerce is the ____187____ one because of cashless payment, online shopping, fast logistics.
    Lifelong student
    * She began to know colleges for the old people in China in 2021. *____188____she doesn’t have enough time for her grandma, she thinks about signing her grandma up for some classes.
    * She thinks old people can be happy and have a new ____189____ at such colleges.
    Many foreigners really feel ____190____ at what they see in China.

    181.facts/ information 182.same 183.member 184.trouble/problems//difficulty 185.Uzbekistan 186.little/nothing 187.best 188.Because 189.start/beginning 190.surprised/amazed

    181.根据“The short video series shows...”和“Some episodes telling foreigners’ surprising...”可知,这是短视频《中国让我没想到》的一些信息/事实。information/fact符合语境;由“some”可知,可数名词要用复数,故填facts/information。
    182.根据“It is quite different from Western opera”可知,京剧与西方歌剧不一样;结合题干,“not the same as”与“different from”同义,故填same。
    183.根据“Now Lulu is in the Beijing Opera Group at Tsinghua University. The group members practice singing and movements twice a week...”可知,作为清华大学京剧剧团的一员,Lulu非常努力地练习京剧。member“成员”符合语境;空前有冠词“a”,此处用名词单数。故填member。
    184.根据“The biggest problem Lulu faced was learning the singing way. ‘In the beginning, my throat (嗓子) hurt, because I used my voice in the wrong way,’ she said.”可知,刚开始学习京剧的唱腔时,Lulu在发声方面遇到了困难。have trouble/problems/difficulty doing sth.“做某事有困难”。故填trouble/problems/difficulty。
    185.根据“Asilbek is a college student from Uzbekistan.”和“he sells things from his home country, including caps and scarves.”可知,Asilbek在直播中卖来自乌兹别克斯坦的东西。故填Uzbekistan。
    186.根据“I never thought that everything in China would be online”和“I have cash (现金).”可推知,Asilbek刚来中国时,对中国数字化生活了解甚少。little/nothing“符合语境”,故填little/nothing。
    187.根据“Cashless payment, online shopping, fast logistics (物流), he thinks these are the top reasons why Chinese e-commerce livestreaming is better than the ones in the other countries.”可知,Asilbek认为中国的电子商务是最好的,因为可以无现金支付、网上购物、快速的物流。best符合语境,与文中的“top”对应,故填best。
    188.根据“Busy with schoolwork, she doesn’t have enough time to spend with her grandma in Beijing. So she is thinking about signing (报名) her grandma up for some classes.”可知,因为没有太多的时间陪奶奶,所以Merna给奶奶报名老年大学。because符合语境,表示原因;此处为句首,单词首字母要大写,故填Because。
    189.根据“she thinks such colleges can really make old people happy and give them a new start.”可知,老年大学真的可以让老人快乐,给他们一个新的开始。start/beginning符合语境,空前有冠词a,此处用名词单数,故填start/beginning。
    190.根据全文以及“he was amazed to see the digital (数字的) life here.”和“is still surprised by colleges for the old people in China.”可知,许多外国人对他们在中国所看到的感到惊讶。surprised/amazed符合语境,故填surprised/amazed。

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