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    unit5 why do you like pandas——【期末复习】七年级英语下册章节知识点梳理(人教版)
    unit5 why do you like pandas——【期末复习】七年级英语下册章节知识点梳理(人教版)01
    unit5 why do you like pandas——【期末复习】七年级英语下册章节知识点梳理(人教版)02
    unit5 why do you like pandas——【期末复习】七年级英语下册章节知识点梳理(人教版)03
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    unit5 why do you like pandas——【期末复习】七年级英语下册章节知识点梳理(人教版)

    这是一份unit5 why do you like pandas——【期末复习】七年级英语下册章节知识点梳理(人教版),共15页。试卷主要包含了词汇知识清单,语法知识清单,语篇知识清单等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    panda ['pændə] n.熊猫
    z [zuː] n.动物园
    tiger ['taɪgə] n.老虎
    elephant ['elɪf(ə)n.t] n.大象
    kala [kəʊ'ɑːlə] n.树袋熊;考拉
    lin ['laɪən] n.狮子
    giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f] n.长颈鹿
    animal ['ænɪm(ə)l] n.动物
    cute [kjuːt] adj.可爱的;机灵的
    lazy ['leɪzɪ] adj.懒散的;懒惰的
    smart [smɑːt] adj.聪明的
    beautiful ['bjuːtɪfʊl] adj.美丽的;美好的
    scary ['skeərɪ] adj.吓人的;恐怖的
    kind [kaɪn.d] n.种类
    kind f稍微;有点儿
    Australia [ɒ'streɪlɪə] n.澳大利亚
    suth [saʊθ] adj.南方的n.南;南方
    Africa ['æfrɪkə] n.非洲
    Suth Africa南非
    pet [pet] n.宠物
    leg [leg] n.腿
    cat [kæt] n.猫
    sleep [sliːp] v.&n.睡觉
    friendly ['fren(d)lɪ] adj.友好的
    shy [ʃaɪ] adj.羞怯的;腼腆的
    save [seɪv] v.救;救助
    symbl ['sɪmb(ə)l] n.象征
    flag [flæg] n.旗;旗帜
    frget [fə'get] v.忘记;遗忘
    get lst迷路
    place [pleɪs] n.地点;位置
    water ['wɔːtə] n.水
    danger ['deɪn(d)ʒə] n.危险
    be in (great) danger处于(极大)危险中
    cut [kʌt] v.砍;切
    dwn [daʊn] adv.(坐,躺,倒)下;prep.向下;沿着
    cut dwn 砍到
    tree [triː] n.树
    kill [kɪl] v.杀死;弄死
    ivry ['aɪv(ə)rɪ] n.象牙
    ver ['əʊvə] prep.超过;多于;在…上方
    (be) made f由……制成的
    z [zuː] n.动物园---pl.zs
    cute [kjuːt] adj.可爱的;机灵的---adv.cutely精明地,伶俐地---n.cuteness娇小可爱
    lazy ['leɪzɪ] adj.懒散的;懒惰的---adv.lazily懒洋洋地---v.laze闲散;游手好闲;消磨(时光)---n.laziness怠惰;无精打采
    beautiful ['bjuːtɪfʊl] adj.美丽的;美好的---adv.beautifully美丽地;美好地---n.beauty美丽;美人;美好的事物
    scary ['skeərɪ] adj.吓人的;恐怖的---v.scare是惊恐;害怕---n.scare惊恐,惊吓---adj.scared惊恐的;担心的,焦虑的
    Australia [ɒ'streɪlɪə] n.澳大利亚---n.&adj.Australian澳大利亚人;澳大利亚的
    suth [saʊθ] adj.南方的n.南;南方---adj.suthern在南方的;向南的
    Africa ['æfrɪkə] n.非洲---n.&adj.African非洲人;非洲人的
    sleep [sliːp] v.&n.睡觉---adj.sleepy困倦的---adj.asleep睡着的
    shy [ʃaɪ] adj.羞怯的;腼腆的---n.shyness羞怯
    save [seɪv] v.救;救助---ing形式saving---n.saver救助者;节约的人
    frget [fə'get] v.忘记;遗忘---ing形式frgetting---adj.frgetful健忘的
    danger ['deɪn(d)ʒə] n.危险---adj.dangerus危险的
    cut [kʌt] v.砍;切---ing形式cutting
    kill [kɪl] v.杀死;弄死---ing形式killing---n.killer杀手;止疼药
    be n time 准时
    dining hall 餐厅
    listen t 听
    dn't arrive late fr… 不要到……迟到
    in class 上课
    in the dining hall 在餐厅
    a lt f 许多,大量
    be quiet 安静
    wear a hat /the schl unifrm 穿着帽子/穿着校服
    bring …t… 带……到(给)……
    be n time fr…… 准时(按时)做……
    dn't have t d … 不必做……
    g ut 外出(娱乐)
    d the dishes 清洗餐具
    practice the guitar 练习弹吉它
    help sb. d … 帮助某人做……
    n schl nights 在夜自习,在晚上上课
    befre dinner 晚饭前
    every Saturday /mrning 每周六/每天上午
    make (ne's) bed 铺床
    be strict with sb 对某人要求严格
    fllw the rules 遵守规则
    t many+可数名词复数 大多的……
    leave …in the kitchen 把……忘在厨房
    be nisy 吵闹,发出噪音
    What can I d? 我该怎么办呢?
    think abut 考虑,思考
    read a bk 看书
    make rules t d… 制定规章来做……
    gd luck! 祝你好运!
    at hme 在家
    keep …adj. 让……怎样
    learn t d... 学习做……
    have fun 过得高兴,玩得愉快
    get sth.fr sb. 替某人拿某物
    want sb. t d… 想某人做……
    It's best t d… 做……是最好的
    Sectin A
    1. Why d yu like pandas. 你为什么喜欢熊猫。(P. 25)
    本句是why引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问原因;它的句式是“Why + be动词/ 情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语 + 动词?”。意为“为什么做……”。这个句式常用because引导的句子来回答。because是连词,表示直接的理由。
    例如:-Why is he here?
    -Because he has things t d.
    -Why d yu want t visit Shanghai?
    -Because it’s a mdern city.
    —Why shuld we study English?
    —Because it’s imprtant.
    2. They’re my favrite animals. 他们是我最喜欢的动物。(P. 25)
    favrite作形容词,意为“最喜欢”,常构成结构“形容词物主代词+ favrite+名词”。
    例如:My favrite animals are cats.
    What’s yur favrite fd?
    Our favrite city is Chngqing.
    3. Suth Africa 南非(P. 26)
    ◆Suth China 华南 Suth Africa 南非 Suth America 南美洲
    例如:Guangzhu is in the suth f China.
    They live n the suth cast.
    4. Where are they frm? 他们来自哪儿?(P. 26)
    (1)where引导的特殊疑问句,即“Where + be + 主语+ frm”句型,回答时,介词frm后跟表示国家、城市等的地点名词。对Where 引导的特殊疑问句我们应该根据实际情况作出回答。主语是人,表示“某人来自哪里”。主语是物,表示“某物产自哪里”。
    例如:-Where is yur teacher frm?
    -He is frm Henan prvince.
    -Where are these watches frm?
    -They are frm Japan.
    (2)介词frm意为“来自”,be frm = cme frm 意为“从……来,来自”。“be frm”构成的句式,否定句疑问句等句式的变换或者时态的变化由be来实现。“cme frm”构成的句式,各种句式或者时态的变化要用cme或者助动词等来实现。
    例如:I am frm Shanghai. = I cme frm Shanghai.
    Are yu frm Shanghai? = D yu cme frm Shanghai?
    She isn’t frm Shanghai. =She desn’t cme frm Shanghai.
    5. He can walk n tw legs. 他会用两条腿走路。(P. 26)
    walk 意为“用某种方式行走,”其中n有“支撑身体”的含义。
    例如:Jack can walk n tw hands.
    The ld man walks n the wheelchair.
    6. Why dn’t yu like the cat? 你为什么不喜欢猫?(P. 26)
    why可以表示建议,常用于句型“Why nt + d sth.?或 Why dn’t yu + d sth.?”意为“为什么不……?”。
    例如:Why nt g ut fr a walk? = Why dn’t yu g ut fr a walk?
    Why dn’t yu have a rest? = Why nt have a rest?
    Why dn’t yu g shpping by subway? = Why nt g shpping by subway?
    7. Well, because she’s kind f bring. 嗯,因为她有点无聊。(P. 26)
    kind作可数名词,意为“种类,类别,类型”,常与f连用构成短语,常见的有:a kind f (一种);different kinds f (不同种类的);all kinds f (各种各样的);这些短语后可以接不可数名词或可数名词的单数或复数。
    kind作形容词,意为“友好的,善良的”,be kind t sb. 表示“对某人(友)好。
    kind f是非常口语化的表达方式,意为“有点儿,稍微”,用来修饰形容词。相当于a little/bit, 也可以单独使用。反义词为“a lt许多,非常”。
    例如:The supermarket sells all kinds f gds.
    This kind f phne is knwn by yung peple.
    We can see different kinds f animals in the z.
    The ld wman has a kind heart.
    It’s kind f yu t help me.
    Our teacher is kind t us.
    That made me feel kind f nervus.
    She is kind f shy.
    8. She sleeps all day, and her name is lazy. 她整天睡觉,她的名字叫懒惰。(P. 26)
    sleep作动词,意为“睡,睡觉”,指睡,睡着的全过程,强调睡眠的持续状态,后面可以跟副词或者介词;作名词,意为“睡觉,睡眠”,常为不可数名词。但sleep前面有形容词时,可在前面加上 a (an), 表示“一段……睡眠”。词组g t sleep意为“入睡,睡着”。
    例如:Dn’t cry, the baby is sleeping.
    I can’t sleep because f the nise.
    Did yu sleep well last night?
    I need t have sme sleep.
    Did yu sleep well last night?
    It’s time t g t sleep.
    9. But I like tigers a lt. 但是我非常喜欢老虎。(P. 27)
    a lt作程度副词,意为“很多,非常”,可用来修饰动词、形容词和副词;也可作代词。a lt f意为“许多的,大量的”,后可能可数名词的复数或者不可数名词,构成短语“a lt + n.”.
    例如:The yung man missed his parents a lt.
    He speaks a lt luder than befre.
    I feel a lt better tday.
    I learn a lt frm my father.
    The by experienced a lt during his childhd.
    There are a lt f bks in the library.
    These vlunteers prvide a lt f fd fr the villagers.
    They learn a lt f knwledge frm bks.
    Sectin B
    1. I like dgs because they’re friendly and smart。我喜欢狗,因为他们又友好又聪明。(P. 28)
    (1)friendly是由名词friend + -ly构成的形容词,意为“友好的”。其反义词为unfriendly,意为“不友好的”。常用短语“be friendly t sb.对某人友好”。
    例如:Chinese peple are very friendly.
    These lcal peple are friendly t the turists.
    It’s unfriendly t say angry wrds.
    【拓展】类似的构词还有:lve + -ly——lvely可爱的;mther + -ly —— mtherly母亲般的;week + -ly —— weekly每周的
    例如:The mnkey is very smart.
    We all like mnkeys because they are smart.
    Finally, the smart by give the answer f the prblem.
    2. We are students frm Thailand, and we want t save the elephants. 我们是来自泰国的学生,我们想要拯救大象。(P. 29)
    save动词,在本单元意为“拯救,救助”,后接名词或者代词作宾语。save ne’s life意为“挽救某人的生命”。save还可意为“储蓄,储存;节约,节省”。
    例如:He saved the by’s life.
    The dg always stays with the by after the by saved its life.
    He saved a lt f mney t buy a huse.
    We shuld save enugh water in the desert.
    Please save water.
    Why nt take taxi t save time.
    3. The elephant is ne f the Thailand’s symbls. 大象是泰国的象征之一。(P. 29)
    ne f+复数名词,意为“中之一”;做主语时谓语动词用单数形式。
    例如:One f these apples is bad.
    The Yangtze River is ne f the lngest rivers China.
    4、Peple say that “an elephant never frgets”.人们说“大象从来不会遗忘”。
    frget动词,意为“忘记,遗忘”,作及物动词时意为“忘记”,其后可以直接跟名词作宾语,也可以跟动词不定式或者动名词,构成结构“frget sth.忘记某事;frget t d sth.忘记要做某事;frget ding sth.忘记做过某事”;作不及物动词时意为“遗忘东西”。它的反义词是remember。
    例如:Let’s frget the bad past!
    I’ve frgtten abut it.
    Dn’t frget t bring me an umbrella.
    This student frgets the new wrds. 这个学生忘记了新单词。
    This student frgets t recite the new wrds. 这个学生忘记了去记新单词。
    This student frgets reciting the new wrds. 这个学生忘记了记过新单词。
    5. Elephants can walk fr a lng time and never get lst. 大象可以长时间行走,而且不会迷路。(P. 29)
    get lst意为“迷路”,在此动词短语中的get作使役动词,后可跟不定式、动名词、形容词作宾语补足语,构成结构“get (sb./sth.) + t d/ding/adj. 使(某人/某物)……”。亦可作实义动词,意为“获得,得到”,常用结构“get sb. sth. = get sth. fr sb.为某人弄到某物”。
    例如:I'll get yu a drink. = I’ll get a drink fr yu.
    Culd yu get me a schl timetable? = Culd yu get a schl timetable fr me?
    Yu must get them t cme here.
    What he said gt us thinking.
    Can yu get the machine running?
    What he said gt us angry.
    We've gt everything ready.
    6. But elephants are in great danger. 但是大象正处于极大的危险中。(P. 29)
    danger作名词,意为“危险”,短语有:be in (great) danger 意为“处于(极大地)危险中”;ut f danger 意为“脱离危险”。
    例如:We must save the animals in great danger.
    The dctr says that he is n lnger in danger.
    The man is ut f danger nw.
    【拓展】danger 的形容词是dangerus, 意为“危险的”,反义词是safe,意为“安全的”。
    例如:He is dangerus.
    The river is dangerus fr swimmers.
    As we all knw, rabbits are sate, but tigers are dangerus.
    7. Peple cut dwn many trees s elephants are lsing their hmes. 由于人类砍伐了大量树,所以大象正在失去他们的家园。(P. 29)
    (1)cut动词,意为“砍,切”,只用带刃儿的工具将物体分开,可以接简单的宾语也可以接双宾语,其间接宾语也可以转化成介词fr的宾语,即“cut sb. sth. = cut sth. fr sb.为某人切某物”。
    例如:I cut myself n a knife.
    Please cut Lily the cake. = Please cut the cake fr Lily.
    (2)cut dwn是固定词组,意为“砍倒”,指自根基部分砍倒某物。cut dwn 还可以表示“削减;缩小(尺寸或数量等)”,后接介词t或者n构成的短语。
    例如:Peple shuld stp cutting dwn s many trees.
    The farmers cut dwn sme trees t build huses.
    We need t cut the article dwn t 1,000 wrds.
    The dctr tld him t cut dwn n his drinking.
    8. Tday there are nly abut 3000 elephants (ver 100,000 befre). 如今只有大约3,000头大象(以前有超过10万头)。(P. 29)
    ver作介词,有“超过,多于”的含义,相当于mre than;作介词还可以表示“在……上方”;作副词,表示“完了,结束”,常作表语。
    例如:There are ver 50 students in ur class.
    Over 5,00 peple cme here t visit the paintings every day.
    There is a bridge ver the river.
    Class is ver.
    【拓展】ver相关短语:g ver 检查 all ver 遍及,整个 ver and ver 反复 ver there 在那边
    例如:The ld wman read the letters ver and ver.
    I want t travel all ver the wrld.
    9. We must save the trees and nt buy things made f ivry. 我们必须保护树木,不买象牙制品。(P. 29)
    句中的made是make 的过去分词,made f ivry意为“由象牙做成的”,在句子中做后置定语修饰things。类似这样的用法例如:
    the by called Tm叫汤姆的那个男孩(called是call的过去分词,作后置定语修饰the by)
    the bk written by M Yan莫言写的书(written是write的过去分词,作后置定语修饰the bk)
    the city knwn fr strange muntains因为奇山而出名的城市(knwn是knw的过去分词,作后置定语修饰the city)
    【拓展】be made f 意为“由……制成”,从制成品能看出原材料。
    be made frm 意为“由……制成”,从制成品看不出原材料。
    例如:The kite is made f paper.
    The desk is made f wd.
    The paper is made frm wd and bamb.
    This juice can be made frm any fruit.
    10. Isn’t she beautiful? 难道她不美吗?(P. 30)
    例如:Aren’t yu an American? 难道你不是个美国人吗?
    Can’t yu play ftball? 你难道不会踢足球吗?
    Dn’t yu knw the answer? 你难道不知道答案吗?
    例如:-Desn’t she want t g? 她难道不想去吗?
    -Yes, she des. 不,她想去。/-N, she desn’t. 是的,她不想去。
    —Can’t everyne jin the party? 难道不是每个人都能参加派对吗?
    —Yes, they can. 不,他们能。/—N, they can’t. 是的,他们不能。
    疑问副词why意为“为什么”, 它引导的特殊疑问句用来询问原因、理由,其结构为:
    “Why + 一般疑问句(肯定 / 否定一般疑问句)?”,其答语一般用because引导。
    例如:1. —Why are yu late fr class?
    —Because the bus is late.
    2. —Why des Linda like this bk?
    —Because it’s interesting.
    3. —Why can’t yu swim?
    —Because it’s difficult.
    疑问副词where 意为“在哪里;在什么地方”,用于询问地点。
    例如:1. —Where are yu frm?(= Where d yu cme frm?)
    —I am frm England./England.
    2. —where d yu have the meeting?
    —In the meeting rm.
    3. —Where can we have lunch?
    —Yu can have lunch in the canteen./In the canteen.
    程度副词是副词的一种,表示“到某种程度”。本单元出现的程度副词有very (很;非常), really (真正地), kind f (稍微;有点儿)。下面我们一起来看看程度副词的用法。
    例如:Sam really wants t play sccer.
    Bb kind f likes t play cmputer.
    The student very wants t g leave schl.
    例如:The Lishui River is very lng.
    This stry is kind f interesting.
    We all knw that English is really imprtant.
    例如:He speaks English really quickly.
    Betty swims very well.
    They run a kind faster than befre.
    ◆ 步骤一:在第一部分引出谈论校规的话题。
    ◆ 步骤二:在第二部分可使用祈使句,情态动词can,must及have t来介绍具体的几条校规。
    ◆ 步骤三:结尾写出自己对于校规的看法。
    I like…, because…
    She is…, but…
    They lk kind f…and…
    It’s frm…= It cmes frm…
    They can… and …
    They are the symbl f…
    We must try ur best t…
    2.语言:本文详细介绍了熊猫的各个方面,同时呼吁对国宝的保护,语言丰富,表达清晰。文章中的佳句有but引导的让步状语从句“There are many kinds f animals in the wrld, but I like pandas best.”,原因状语从句“I like pandas because they are cute and friendly.”以及辞藻丰富的句子“Giant pandas are China's natinal treasure.”和“They are the symbl f friendship.”。
    例文:Happy Z来了两位新成员狮子Larry和大象Mlly,下面是它们的相关信息。请你根据此内容写一份海报,对它们进行描述。60个词左右。
    There are tw new animals in ur z, Larry and Mlly. Althugh they are really different, I like bth f them. Larry is an 8-year-ld lin. He is frm Africa. Larry is nt scary. He is nt nly friendly t peple but als very smart. He likes t play with balls. Mlly is an elephant frm India. Nw she is twelve years ld. She is kind f shy, but she can draw pictures very well. And she is cute.
    Cme and see Larry and Mlly! Yu'll like them. And yu will find happiness is always arund us.
    Althugh they are really different, I like bth f them. 尽管他们真的不一样,但是我都很喜欢他们。句型:althugh引导的让步状语从句。
    He is nt nly friendly t peple but als very smart. 他不仅对人友好而且非常聪明。句型:nt nly…but als…连接并列的表语。
    She is kind f shy, but she can draw pictures very well. 她有点害羞,但是她画画非常好。句型:but引导的让步状语从句。
    And yu will find happiness is always arund us. 并且你会发现快乐无处不在。句型:从句“happiness is always arund us”作find的宾语。
    bth f(两者)都;an 8-year-ld lin一头八岁的狮子;nt nly…but als…不但……而且……;play with和……玩耍;kind f shy一点儿害羞。开篇点题
    There are many kinds f animals in the wrld, but I like pandas best.
    There are tw new animals in ur z.
    Hell, everyne, I’d like t talk abut my favrite animals—pandas.
    1. 外貌特征:cute/beautiful/black and white/scary
    2. 性格特征:interesting/smart/lazy/bring/friendly/shy
    3. 生活习性:walk n tw legs/eat bamb/dance/climb trees/swim in the water /like t sleep /run fast
    4. 其他:they are frm China. /She is 10 years ld.
    We must try ur best t prtect them.
    Because they are ur natinal treasure, we shuld prtect them.
    Welcme t visit these animals.
    Aren’t they beautiful and interesting?
    Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。
    Happiness is always arund us.幸福都在我们周围。

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